World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [H] 743.08.03 | Night Stalkers Hatching
After midnight

of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
Mal... no. It's late. Cazan stubbornly kept her eyes shut as she tried to fall back asleep. It couldn't have been long since it felt like she had only just gotten to sleep. But it's important! The voice wasn't angry or panicked, just demanding in a way that she knew wouldn't tolerate being ignored. Cazan sighed and cracked open her eyes to squint in the darkness of the room, lifting her head to take a peek. No, they hadn't even been asleep for more than an hour since Lady was still delicately curled up around T'ryn's head. Since he'd recovered from the poisoning last year, the gold flitter always stayed for about an hour after he fell asleep before going to spend the rest of the night with the twins. So if she was still here, then it was only around midnight at the latest.

Malvayth was unbothered by the hour. She'd been telling her prizes so many good stories about so many exciting adventures with good friends and clearly that had made them eager to experience those first hand. She gently nuzzled Xyxyth again as she watched another egg shake and rock. With shocking patience she waited for Cazan to finish waking up. Am I going to have to sleep in the Sands with you for the rest of the night? Did you and Xyxyth have some sort of disagreement? Malvayth huffed at the question. No! Xyxyth is wonderful. He's cuddling me while I watch the eggs move. Oh that's nice.


Malvayth let out an amused chirp as she felt the jolt of surprise shock her rider to being well and fully awake. It's too early! The Touching was just today! Yesterday! Cazan's concern did make Mal pause for a moment to peer a bit more closely at the eggs though, carefully sniffing and inspecting. Overall they seemed fine, if a bit eager. Just in case she called out to Bedith to let her know what was happening as well, and began to hum for her prizes.

Cazan gently woke T'ryn and Yfris up, picking up Lady who let out a startled chirp of alarm at being so rudely awoken. "I think they're hatching early, Mal says they're moving. Get whoever you need to get for your siblings, I've just got a feeling that they're a bit eager, or maybe Mal has a feeling, I don't know." Would it be fine to attend a Hatching in her robe? Probably not. So she scribbled a quick note for Mulrissa and S'far and instructed Lady take it to first the Weyrwoman then the Weyrleader before hastily pulling on some clothes and heading out to go fret over how early the eggs were hatching and help make sure everything could be made as ready as possible and everyone informed.

At least Xyxyth’s presence continued to be soothing and Malvayth was calm as she watched over the eggs, with only a few warning glares at the candidates as they began to enter the sands. After that, with a bit more soothing, she settled into sitting quietly in a rather regally statuesque pose next to the bronze. Cazan was doing her best to remember that she'd been told other clutches had occasionally hatched early, including the one that Mal had come from. So she'd tried to slow down a bit, took enough time to find T'ryn for a quick hug before going back to join A'tay and the dragons as they had watched everyone come in and settle down.

Cazan was woken up around midnight, people were informed shortly after, and the eggs will begin hatching at 1:15am.

Everyone is welcome to come watch! If you’re only watching, please go directly to the stands, do not linger on the Sands or approach the Candidates. Candidates, you can go right onto the Sands and form up around the eggs and settle in for some waiting.

- Will have been told to wear shoes! Sturdy shoes to save their feet from the heat and standing for so long.
- Be in Candidate robes that more or less fit them.
- Will have hair pulled back in a pony-tail or a braid. In addition, there will be no jewelry, belt, sash, or anything ‘extra’. Don’t want anything to get tugged on and cause an injury.
- Malvayth loves firelizards in day to day life but she's become much more protective of her eggs. Firelizards will be allowed in but they must stay with the humans in the stands or up with the dragons on the ledges. If they go near the eggs or Candidates, they may not live to brag about it.

On honorifics – it is SP canon that the dragon picks the honorific. They might pick something their rider likes, something they do not, or whatever. They will usually pluck the name from their rider’s mind, so it is likely that said rider will like their name, or have ‘pre picked’ it on some level subconsciously prior to Impression.

Once Impressed, please move through the following:
- Move dragonet to the sidelines and feed it
- Slap oil on any particularly dry spots
- Head to the Barracks to get some rest. Emotions are exhausting.

PC Impressions will have their dragonet posted on their Candidate Application or sent via Discord! This will let you see your baby before anyone else!

Remember: NO SPOILERS. If you want to talk spoilers, keep it to the Hatching Spoilers channel in Discord.

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of Bronze Pardrith

Date of Birth
09.07.726, 19
Curly dark brown to black


Written By: vet
It had been a fitful night of dreams of stalking Felines and missed shots. Chir was already awake when the knock came at the door and was quick to answer while Sironar stirred groggily. The news was enough to get his roommate shooting out of bed, and the speed with which he dressed had Chironhes following suit with alarm. Something was wrong? Worry mixed now with the excitement; had something caused early hatching? Or was this simply a case of young doing as they pleased?

Hoping for the latter, Chironhes followed the line of candidates to the Sands, making sure to instruct Chirp to Stay in the stands where she would be out of the way. Her familiarity with T'yrn had the green flitter gliding over to him where she perched delicately on his head to have a good view of her boy.

Dark eyes automatically seeking out Malvayth, the freckled youth found himself relaxing in the cadence of her humming. She didn't seem stressed at all. In fact, she looked as proud as could be, which meant that all was really well and there hadn't been any issues to cause this.

Chir made sure to stick close to Sironar as they lined up; his roommate's presence was enough to soothe the worst of his nervous jitters. Any hint of his earlier nightmares was scrubbed free and replaced with anticipation. They'd get to meet all those new dragons! Unlike his closest friend, Chir didn't place any expectations on Impressing, instead focusing on how eager he was to make friends with the new arrivals. If he was trembling, it was only to resist the desire to go close and scratch every baby who hatched.

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of Bronze Syrendryth

Date of Birth
17.04.722, 23
Lean, fit
Blonde, shorter


Written By: SunsetWay
T’ryn was used to being nudged awake since the birth of the twins. If their crying didn’t wake him directly, then Cazan or Lady would poke him when it was his turn to check on them. Since he could feel the comforting weight of Lady against his head, he knew the kids didn’t need him so that meant it was Cazan directly or maybe even something with Malvayth. Once Lady was plucked away from him, T’ryn sat up with a yawn and tilted his head in question, as if he hadn’t quite heard correctly. Then again, it was Malvayth so nothing should surprise him anymore.

“Tazikel is going to love me for yet another night visit,” T’ryn mumbled with a glance at the lordling in their bed that also hated being woken before the proper amount of desired sleep. He leaned in and gave Cazan a kiss, taking just enough time to remind her not to panic and worry about times. “She won’t be the first to have an early Hatching, though she might hold the record now,” he teased his mate before getting up to dress so he could fetch his sister’s preferred lordling while trying to remember if any other siblings had made requests. After dressing, he shooed Cazan off to do her goldrider duties with a promise that he would get the kids to the crèche before he left.

Two sleepy toddlers were a handful but he somehow managed to convince Yfris to help carry them down to the crèche. T’ryn made a mental note to tell Cazan about the secret that a groggy Yfris was far more agreeable to assisting with babies than a fully awake one was. But with that task done, Yfris was also shooed off to the Hatching grounds and Syrendryth was mounted up and they were off to play ferry.

It took a little persuading to see Tazikel but T’ryn used the reminder that Mylorah had given him that it had been agreed upon that the second son would attend this Hatching to keep relations with key people strong. It then took some more time for the lordling to be convinced he was as handsome as always and that Mylorah would pout at him forever if he took too long. Finally they were ready to go, returning to Telgar Weyr before any eggs started cracking. T’ryn hadn’t been too worried but, again, with anything having to do with Malvayth, it was better to be err on the side of caution.

He guided Tazikel over to where Yfris sat and plunked the lordlings down together so they could catch up while he turned to Cazan when she came over for a quick hug. He wished they were standing out there together but Syrendryth was happy with Bedith and T’ryn would never try to force his dragon to change anything for him. However, he couldn’t help but want to trade spots with his brother. A’tay looked ready to die where he stood and T’ryn knew a lot of that would be from the attention placed on him even though in truth, most people would be watching the eggs and not the rider of the sire. But he easily remembered his first time out there and how terrified he had been. “Take care of A’tay for me. I think he might need you as much as Mal needs Xyxyth,” he whispered just before she left to return to her spot.

Soon after, a chirp and the feeling of a flitter on his head had T'ryn wondering what it was that drew firelizards to him but also who this one was. He caught a glimpse of a green tail and finally clued in with the colouring. "Chirp? You're going to have to move to my shoulder or lap. It'll be better for both of us." He gave his shoulder a pat and smiled when she hopped down, giving her a little nuzzle in thanks.

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Date of Birth
21.06.719, 26
Brown, wavy


Written By: SunsetWay
Yfris grumbled and batted away the hand that was ruining his sleep. But Cazan insisted, something about eggs. “Not hungry. Tired,” he countered and it was her fault. Not that anyone should ever be blamed for hot sex but she still wasn’t allowed to wear him out and then expect to go again or want to dine so soon after coming down from the high without a proper rest. But then he caught some of what T’ryn said and he groaned into his pillow. Of course the eggs were hatching now because why wouldn’t they? He was starting to think Malvayth forgot they were only playing a game when they pretended to dislike each other. Had he done something to anger her recently? Maybe this was revenge for not playing the pregnancy game properly with Cazan.

After his bedmates left, Yfris debated staying put since it was warm and comfortable but he’d be a terrible husband if he didn’t support his wife. Besides, Hatchings were entertaining—when he wasn’t waiting around in the heat bored because some of them simply could not bother to be on time. So he dragged his ass out of bed, dressed, and then found himself agreeing to help carry a child somewhere. The twins were adorable when they were sleeping and this one had fallen back asleep almost as soon as it was placed in his arms. He thought he may have had Carynza but he wasn’t awake enough to sort that out.

After dropping the kids off with people far more equipped to handle them for more than ten minutes, Yfris found his way to the dining cavern where all sorts of delightfully caffeinated beverages were being served. He gratefully downed one and decided he was functional enough to put in a proper appearance now. He smiled and waved at people he had gotten to know over his times at the Weyr and finally grabbed a seat, blowing a kiss to Cazan when she happened to glance his way. When T’ryn showed up with Tazikel, Yfris was feeling much more like himself and greeted his friend in his usual eccentric ways.

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A’tay swore everyone in the cavern could see him trembling from nerves. He thought he would have another week to prepare for this! He didn’t think it would help, but he wasn’t ready! Xyxyth had gently nudged him awake and A’tay had been close to thinking it was another game Malvayth was playing but no, his dragon insisted the eggs really were wobbling and he had to come right away. He’d woken Zelana, blushed right to the roots of his hair at her reasoning for him waking her, had almost been tempted to stay in bed with her after all, but finally got them both to remember how important this Hatching was thanks to more nudging from Xyxyth.

Before dressing, he had sent Shadow off with a letter for M’quel, knowing she wouldn’t want to miss the Hatching no matter the time. Then a quick splash of water on his face, attacking his hair with a brush, and tossing on some of his nicer yet comfortable clothes. That had been the easy part. Standing next to the proud dragons as more and more people filed in was the hard part. Why had he started to think the Weyrleader training program was a good idea when he could barely stand people glancing at him as a nobody bronzerider?

You are not a nobody! You are A’tay, my mate and extremely important. Xyxyth’s voice boomed in his head, his anger made very clear. I’m sor- A’tay tried to apologise but his dragon cut him off, No. You are important because you are the rider of the sire of a fine clutch and you are the bronzerider that has kept goldrider Cazan company while she was bound to the Sands with Malvayth. We have played very important roles which will soon come to an end and we must present ourselves accordingly. Chin up, stop slouching, and look proud. You are as much a part of this clutch as I am.

A’tay nodded and tried to stand straighter and not stare at the ground but it was so hard with so many people around. He’d try, though, for his dragon. Xyxyth had so much confidence in him that he couldn’t disappoint him. Maybe if he just didn’t look at the crowd it wouldn’t be so bad. There were still far too many Candidates filing in but they would be too focused on the eggs to truly notice him and A’tay could handle that. For the time being, he would focus on the humming dragons all around him, including the two proud parents he stood by. It was a soothing sound and eased some of the fear gripping him. This was a happy occasion and he was proud to be a part of it but he just wished he didn’t have to be in a rather noticeable spot.

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Date of Birth
03.08.723, 21
Blonde, ear length


Written By: SunsetWay
Orgailian groaned into his pillow when the assistants started making noise and rousing them. Of fucking course Malvayth had to not only choose as soon as they had all fallen asleep but to be so damn early. Had he even managed an hour of sleep? It was his own fault for sneaking around after curfew because he sometimes thought better late at night and he thought he may have been feeling romantic and wanted to put that into writing. But he liked blaming the gold dragon better.

Regardless of where the fault lie, the Hatching was starting and Orgailian was feeling that surge of hope he had wanted to avoid. Egg 17. He hadn’t forgotten, though he had tried. No, now he was lying to himself. He hadn’t tried to forget that egg and even his activities before bed an hour ago proved that. It had only been maybe twelve hours since meeting that egg so he certainly wasn’t going to forget anything it had made him feel. And now he was trying not to show how eager he was to get out there as he slipped the robe on and laced up his boots.

He casually strolled like it was any other day and he was heading to any normal location until he entered the Sands and scoped out where to stand. How pathetic did he want to be? Might as well go all the way. Orgailian circled around the clutch until he could clearly see egg 17 and staked a claim on his spot. No doubt family or a friend or two would join him soon enough and he had to admit he was kind of surprised to find he was earlier than them. Another glance around the Candidates showed how true that was. He knew Zoremet wouldn’t be allowed to miss the Hatching but now he felt like crap for not getting his brother out there with him. Zor had saved his life and this was how he thanked him? He was even more too far up his own ass as some people he knew would say that day.

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of Blue Zigsath

Date of Birth
Trim, fit


Written By: Jenn
He rolled over with slowness, groaning lightly as his head began to pound. He hadn't even drank anything the night before and had gone to bed earlier than he usually might so Landen had no idea why he would be waking up with a full ass headache. Sitting up he pressed his hands against his head while blinking rapidly to clear the sleep there. Why did hatchings always insist on starting so fucking early in the morning? He was grouchy and it was unusual but Landen was chalking it up to the lack of sleep and nothing else.

He swung his legs over the side of his cot and reached for a toothbrush and paste to clean his mouth. Couldn't possibly have nasty breath for brand new dragons to smell around. The idea of it cracked a grin on his face but it didn't last all that long. Finishing up with his mouth, Landen reached for his robes and boots before moving out of the barracks to make his way to the hatching sands.

He entered the sands with the rest, frowning against the heat before finding his way into the groups of candidates to wait for their future.

PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
12.10.720, 24
Pale green
Dirty blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ulliendis woke to an odd yet vaguely familiar sound. It was out of place for the time and where he currently slept which was why his eyes shot open to glance around the dark room as best as he could. Most in his area of the craft were light sleepers thanks to training and while he appreciated that it might one day save his ass, he also often wanted to sleep without interruption. But eventually he placed the sound as dragons humming for the eggs beginning to hatch. That made little sense to him but how often had he been told over the years that the dragons always knew things? He had to believe they did in this case as well and carefully rolled over to admire his sleeping companion.

Unfortunately that was all he was. Geric was probably his dearest friend and while he was fun to tease, Ulliendis never pushed it too far. For one thing, Geric was skittish and needed to figure things out before moving into friends with benefits. For the much larger thing, Gangleri could be scary as fuck and had warned him about pressuring his brother into things. But pressuring Geric into sharing his super comfortable bed in a platonic manner was totally acceptable. As was the way Geric clung to him because his Ger Bear was also a cuddly bear.

Speaking of that, he had to wake the other man and hoped not constantly being around Geric meant he hadn’t slacked off and forgot things. “Ger Bear,” he spoke the same time his foot nudged his friend’s, still hoping he wasn’t about to get smacked as a reaction. Instead he got a muffled order to go away and Ulliendis patted Geric’s head. “Only will if you come with me. Mostly because I’m currently trapped in your swoon-worthy arms. But as much as I would love to stay here, it’s frowned upon for a Candidate to miss the Hatching.”

It took a little convincing that he wasn’t lying and pointed out the humming and explained what it meant and that at the very least he had to go. Geric was welcome to stay in bed if he wanted to but Ulliendis made some dramatic points about how hurt he would be and how years of a friendship would come down to this very moment. Geric was soon getting dressed and Ulliendis for once didn’t mind tossing on the ugly and uncomfortable robe since he got his way and merrily dragged his friend through the halls. He only let go when they reached the entrance, stating with a grin, “I’m fully convinced now that you won’t run back to bed so you’re free to mingle without me. Try not to have too much fun because I will see it and be devastated. Utterly jealous as I’m trapped down here hoping I don’t get eaten by a dragon. Have fun!” He blew Geric a kiss and headed off to find a spot where he could in fact keep an eye on Geric and the eggs in case a hatchling decided today was a good day to charge at sexy young men.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 21
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
It felt like Zelana had only just gotten to sleep when A'tay gently woke her. She gave him a sleepy smile as she rolled to wrap her arms around him, nuzzling and kissing at his skin. "Mhm, sure we can have some fun, just give me a moment and I can make sure my Pickle gets a nice lick unless you want to take charge and wake me up a bit more first." That was clearly the only reason he'd be waking her up at that hour, probably too horny to fall asleep. She certainly knew what that felt like.

Except no, the eggs were hatching. Zelly was sorely tempted to sneak in a quicky anyway, but this was Xy's first clutch and she adored the bronze and wanted to support him, so she reluctantly let A'tay go with only a kiss before getting up to get dressed for the hatching herself. She saw Gail first and happily went to go stand near him, giving him a cheery smile before looking around. "No Zory yet, huh? I'm sure he'll show up. Maybe Fetch will drag him in if Mylo doesn't."

As she got settled in to wait for what she assumed would be quite a while she turned to Xyxyth and gave him and A'tay a grin and a subtle thumbs up. She bet he was so proud of all the eggs on the sands, and while she still wasn't in a rush, if she was going to Impress then maybe having one of his babies would be nice. She stretched and glanced over at the table of snacks and water at the edge of the sands and quietly asked Gail, "I'm not really hungry, but so you think I should grab a piece of fruit anyway?"

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of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
“Shh, do you hear that? No, really stop,” Mylorah laughed and playfully shoved at Gangleri as he continued nibbling on her neck. Given all the ups and downs of the day, this was a definite high point to end on but it seemed like it would be interrupted as she strained to hear the growing sound. “The dragons are humming! They shouldn’t be humming,” she stated as if that cleared everything up. It probably did since the Master Harper was clever and likely knew how Hatchings worked from the amount he had attended and the studying he had done over the years. Still, Mylorah added in they were several days early and she should really get going.

But Gangleri made a compelling argument with his hips and Mylorah couldn’t help herself as she teasingly pointed out, “this may be our last time together for a few months if I manage to Impress. Make it count, Master Harper.” And he did. Despite knowing he had to be feeling unwell due to the wine, Gangleri thoroughly ravished her like they were meeting in a closet after months apart. It was definitely a good send off to a Hatching though Mylorah worried about the time and quickly tossed on the robe and tied back her hair before lacing up her favourite pair of boots.

She dashed off before Gangleri had finished readying himself, mostly to keep up pretending people didn’t know they were sleeping together. Mylorah was smiling as she entered the cavern and waved at some friends standing on that side of the clutch. Then she scanned the crowd and saw Tazikel. T’ryn had managed to get him there! She waved and bounced where she stood, wishing she could go and properly greet her knight but didn’t want to anger any leaders or cranky gold dragons. There would be enough time after the Hatching to steal Tazikel away for a bit but just seeing his handsome face reminded her how much she missed him and how much he truly did mean to her.

She moved her way around the other Candidates, trying to find the best spot where she could catch glimpses of Tazikel and Gangleri since the Master Harper would likely sit near Yfris and T’ryn as people he kind of knew. Orgailian was spotted with Zelly and their location seemed to fulfil her needs and offered her a chance to do something she bet no one else had done yet now that it was after midnight and the third. “Happy birthday, Gaili! Malvayth Flew on T’ryn’s birthday and now her babies are hatching on yours. This has got to be a lucky clutch for our family, right? Hopefully for you.” She kissed her brother’s cheek and then bounced over to kiss Zelly’s as well in greeting before looking around for anyone still missing.

"Where's Zory?" Why had she spent the night with Gangleri? She was usually the one to make sure he got there on time. Fetch was missing as well, so maybe he'd bring their lost brother to them. Hopefully.

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of Green Seravath

Date of Birth
09.10.717 AL, 27
Blonde and wavy, Tazikel wears his hair so that it ends a little past his ears. Due to the wave, it's a bit longer when damp. He's at that age where he can finally sorta grow a beard but it never really gets anywhere, so he keeps it fairly stubbly so it looks very intentional (even if he can't grow a proper beard).


Written By: Zandelion
Sometimes, Tazikel regretted promising Mylorah he’d be at all the Hatchings she Stood at. Only sometimes, and only a little, but at ass o’clock while he was sleeping was one of the times he felt it. However, he was a man of his word and he got properly dressed and presentable and let T’ryn escort him to Telgar. He was only a little snappy and mean to T’ryn in the process, but he seemed not to take it too personally, thank fuck. Tazikel did not need to piss off his usual ride.

If it weren’t for the cold shock of between he probably would have nodded off while on Syrendryth, but the trip didn’t take too long and T’ryn shortly deposited Tazikel with Yfris, who was clearly more awake than Tazikel himself was yet, but that was fine. Yfris was used to Tazikel’s ‘woken up too early’ surliness. He’d wake up properly and be his usual charming self soon enough.

He was awake enough to notice Mylorah waving at him, and eagerly waved back, the motion helping to pull him further to proper wakefulness. Tazikel was always conflicted over whether or not he wanted Mylorah to Impress at a Hatching or not—it would certainly complicate their relationship for a while, if not permanently—but he felt a little bad for wishing she wouldn’t Impress sometimes. Oh well, dragons would do what they wanted and she’d Impress one day. He’d just have to be ready for it.

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Date of Birth
03.08.723, 21
Blonde, ear length


Written By: SunsetWay
Zelana wasn’t making him feel any better about the lack of Zoremet at the Hatching. He made some noncommittal grunt to at least acknowledge that he heard her but he was continuing to focus on the eggs that were shaking more and the entrance. Where was his brother? “Yes,” he replied absently to whatever it was Zelly had asked him before pausing with a frown. “What?” Had she asked him about fruit? Was it an honest question or just something to see if he was listening? Had he missed something important?

“Sorry, I’m worried about my brother. Maybe even multiple ones,” Orgailian confessed with a small gesture to A’tay who was looking a little better but still pale. And then he nodded to where T’ryn sat with Cazan’s husband, Mylorah’s lordling boyfriend, and a smiling M’quel that had Shadow in her lap. And then suddenly he had a face full of Mylorah as she bounced her way over to them wishing him a happy birthday. In truth, he had forgot it was the third and his ‘special day’.

“Might be a bit too weird for me,” Orgailian shrugged, trying not to like the idea of having a dragon with the same birthday. Didn’t that happen not too long ago to someone? At Fort, if he recalled correctly. It probably added to their bond—or maybe they had such differing personalities that they clashed over sharing a day.

And then Mylorah was bringing up the missing brother as well. “Fuck it. I’ll go find him.” He was already blaming himself for leaving the dormitory without Zoremet so it was on him, especially since he knew Zelly would have been in A’tay’s bed and Mylorah was probably with Gangleri. He ignored their attempts to get him to stay and weaved through the Candidates for the exit only to stop and gawk as the problem child himself strolled in with a big smile on his face carrying a box of something behind N’noa who led them to the dragonhealer area. Seriously? Was everyone getting laid that night except him? Because no way did Zoremet just so happen to stumble upon that bluerider in need of help carrying anything.

Orgailian managed not to stomp his way back to the girls, reclaiming his spot. “He’s fine,” was all he said as he pointed to Zoremet.

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Date of Birth
02.01.724 AL, 21
Fairly athletic
Reddish-blonde, curly


Written By: Zandelion
Chalrissoram always felt a little calmer at Telgar Hatchings. Which was maybe weird, since he’d Stood for Bedith’s first Clutch and that had been a nightmare, but it was also his home Weyr, his mother was Weyrwoman, by virtue of that he had at least a passing familiarity with all the golds, and the Telgar Sands felt safer, somehow. All in all, it meant that even being woken up in the middle of the night meant Chalris wasn’t as stressed out as he’d been for the last Hatching. Which had been a valid concern, he’d gotten a (pretty minor) cut on his shin from a flailing dragonet wingtip there. But that was all healed up, and Chalris was ready for another Hatching.

He waved at Cazan and A’tay when he got there, as well as his mother and S’far in the stands. They both waved back. Chalris started to head towards Ginorra to chat with her, but his sister gave him a look that said she wanted him nowhere near her just then—she was in a circle of her friends, so Chalris supposed she could be excused. He gave her a shrug and started walking aimlessly in a different direction. He ended up near Sironar, and figured he may as well hang out with him. Make it easier for their parents to keep an eye on their various kids.

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kor’is quite honestly would have been fine sleeping through a Hatching, even one of Malvayth’s. Cazan would have grumbled only a little but she’d understand. It wasn’t like he was expected to show support to her like T’ryn or even Yfris but as he laid in bed ignoring Taith’s growing urgency about being late, Kor’is knew he’d feel guilty. Cazan had become one of his closest friends and this clutch was kind of special to them since he sat on the Sands with her multiple times before A’tay’s arrival.

He grumbled as he finally rolled out of bed and grumbled more as he found clean enough clothes since he was overdue a laundry day. And he grumbled some more when he saw Taith doing a happy dance on the ledge because they were both going to see the Hatching now. “Yeah yeah. We both know this outcome was inevitable.” No matter how much he convinced himself he would have ignored a Malvayth Hatching, Kor’is knew he would end up in the stands and show his support for Cazan. It was important to her and this entire life wasn’t something she wanted and he understood that. They didn’t have a lot of deep conversations but the few that had managed to slip out had shown some more similarities and made Kor’is decide Cazan was worth the effort of friendship.

Taith dropped him off at the entrance and gave a little trumpet of a greeting to Malvayth before finding a good spot on a ledge. Kor’is started heading for his preferred seat in the back row away from everyone but again that nagging sense of friendship had him going to the area reserved for the goldrider’s special guests. He sighed when he saw T’ryn sitting with Yfris and Tazikel. His patience and sexual attraction was truly going to be tested on so little sleep? Kor’is intentionally chose a seat behind them, thinking it would be safer there then next to any of them. If he was truly lucky, they wouldn’t even know he was there. But T’ryn already seemed to have dad eyes on the back of his head and turned a couple of minutes later to greet him which prompted the others and Kor’is gave them all a simple, “hey,” as he wasn’t awake enough for anything wittier.

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of Bronze Oncaeth

Date of Birth
15.03.707, 38
in shape but soft
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Somehow with all of the times and places Gangleri had entertained Mylorah and especially with all of the semi public locations, this seemed like the first time they'd ever been interrupted by something. Though he wasn't sure what. At first he thought maybe someone was knocking, so while he didn't exactly stop, he did get a little bit more quiet as Mylorah had hushed him.

"Hm?" Humming certainly didn't seem important, and he hummed along as well for a moment as he continued to nibble and remind the woman just how much he enjoyed her company. Oh wait, of course, the Hatching. Unwilling to leave his task unfinished he threw more enthusiasm and urgency into it all, making sure they did have a good time to think back on just in case. The harper couldn't help but sneak in an a last kiss before she slipped away and he went to go get ready.

Luckily Geric wasn't sitting too far away from Mylorah's brother T'ryn and Yfris, he sat with his grumpy and sleepy looking brother, giving him a smile. "Think Mylo will Impress this time? Oh wait, this is your first Hatching isn't it? They're interesting affairs. Quil nearly broke my hand during the one Qu'va Impressed at." Honestly the more he thought about it the more he realized the timing would probably be ideal if she did Impress since Quil would be having his baby towards the end of the year and he's likely be far too busy with all of that to give her the affections she deserved. He'd just have to wait until she graduated so she could meet the little one and they could catch up. That was if she Impressed. If not then he'd just have to send her letters and apologies and enough gifts that maybe she'd get used to them.

His stomach gave an idle churn and he lowered his voice as he asked, "You didn't happen to bring any of that special batch did you? The green bottle?" Geric blinked at him in surprise for a moment before shaking his head and asking if he was okay. "Oh I'm fine, just had some wine that didn't sit well with me and my stomach is a little upset is all, not nearly as bad as it could be. You wouldn't know where Ullie was all day would... don't give me that look. Just... just pay attention to the eggs." He did spot Ulliendis though and gave the young man a wave along with Mylorah before he settled in on his seat to wait for the show to start.

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Date of Birth
02.12.724, 20
Lean, fit


Written By: BardlyThere
Zoremet was determined to play it cool and not let Gail tease him about showing up with N'noa, Because he'd seen his brother looking for him, and then there had been a brief moment of eye contact, and then his brother had rolled his eyes in the most dramatic fashion before storming off. Still he gave N'noa a quick and subtle bump with his hip after he set down the supplies he was carrying and then scurried off to go join his siblings. "N'noa bumped into me and so I helped him carry his stuff down."

It wasn't like his siblings didn't know he slept with people on occasion! And yet he was still turning a shade pink as he shifted his weight on the Sands before he let himself get distracted and wave over at A'tay and T'ryn and his other friends. Oh and there was Landen too! He wave to him excitedly. Too bad it was probably too short notice for Lazerat to come too. Dragons visiting ships to pick people up already seemed hazardous enough when they were expecting it.

There was one thing that was still on Zory's mind and had him really excited though and despite Gail being grumpy he gave him a small nudge anyway. "I was thinking about how Cazan is family and A'tay's our brother so maybe this clutch will be super lucky. I think it would be really nice if we Impressed together. I know it's not likely but..." he shrugged, smiling at the silly thought. "I hope at least one of us Impresses though. It's our family. And your birthday! Maybe it'll be you."

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Date of Birth
04.03.723, 22
Icy Blue and small for his face
Beefy and solid
Blonde and usually kept short, he tries to keep it combed but it has a tendency towards getting mussed.


Written By: BardlyThere
Fediletch was dragging a little behind, but mostly because he'd been trying to help some of the younger candidates get their stuff together and make sure they were ready and shooed out the door before he jogged on after them to get onto the Sands himself. Now he just needed to make sure he'd be close enough to Orgailian and Zoremet that if anything went wrong he could whisk them away to safety. They were both light, he could probably handle the two of them at once.

Oh and Mylo was there too! He gave her a smile too as he waked over and took his place just in time to hear someone say it was Gail's birthday. "Oh it's your birthday? Happy birthday! I didn't know or I would have gotten you something. Do you want, no Chuck you stay away, good. Anyway, do you want anything?" There had been a moment where he could feel the brown firelizard wanting to pop over to help, but instead he settled back down in his little napping spot.

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
We should go, right? Faxxonth curled his wings closer to his back and swept his tail along the floor, radiating stress. N’reh rubbed his neck reassuringly, but mostly let Faxxonth talk through it himself.

Xyxyth was there for us, so we should be there for him, it’s only fair, even though I can speak to him from here—but I want to be there for him—not that he’ll need me, he’s much braver and he should be there, and it won’t go as badly as…as that time, so… He trilled softly, the sound almost a whine. N’reh sighed and leaned his head against his dragon’s hide.

“It’s been three Turns, Faxx, no one’s thinking about it. Especially not at Telgar. We can sneak in and stay at the back and you can let Xyxyth know you’re there and we can bail early if we have to. It’s been fine before, remember?” Despite having attended a few Hatchings with nothing happening (well, N’reh attended, Faxx often dropped him off and bolted to hide somewhere until it was over, or just hid in their weyr for most of the Telgar ones), it was still an ordeal every Hatching as Faxxonth talked himself into an anxious tizzy

“C’mon, let’s go cheer on Xyxyth,” N’reh said, giving Faxxonth’s neck what he hoped was an encouraging smack. Faxxonth shook his head rapidly from to side to side.

Yes, cheer on Xyxyth. N’reh could almost cheer already at the determination that was finally in Faxxonth’s voice, and he seized the moment before Faxx changed his mind to clamber on. Could N’reh just walk to the Hatching? Yes, but it was important for him to ride in with Faxx.

By the time they landed on one of the highest, most out of the way ledges, Faxx was practically vibrating with nerves. N’reh hugged his nose, sticking with Faxxonth a few extra minutes before heading down to find Cazelarias, who he’d sent ahead in order to hype Faxxonth up privately.

“Say hi to Xyxyth,” he said, still hugging Faxxonth. N’reh could feel some of the tension seep out of Faxxonth a few seconds later; he must have gotten a reply from Xyxyth, and whatever it was had calmed him down some. Truly, Xyxyth was N’reh’s second favorite dragon. He was going to have to cheer super loudly for him when the eggs started cracking.

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of Bronze Tiberuth

Date of Birth
03.01.720, 25
Light Brown
fit, sadly less soft


Written By: BardlyThere
I know you're awake and that you want to stay in your bed, but you have to go and watch the Hatching for me. The voice was gentle but firm, Tiberuth had been patient with his rider as they worked through the pain and grief together. The dragon wasn't as affected by Weslyn's loss, but he still felt his rider's grief all too keenly, even with the veil of numbness that was over everything. K'dar stared at the ceiling, Tibs curled up on his chest. He'd regretted the firelizard at first, had been going to give the egg to somebody, anybody else, but then he'd been too late and here it was bonded to him and wondering what he'd done wrong to make K'dar not love him. That thought was vaguely painful to the bronzerider, enough that the little bronze flitter chirped and crawled up to nuzzle and curl up at his neck in an attempt at affection.

"I'm sorry little guy, I'm not... I'm not upset with you. It's not your fault." Even his voice was numb and lifeless as he spoke to the flitter, though he at least managed to reach up and pet it which gave him a small moment of joy from the thing that manage to get through the fog. It was enough that he gently grabbed Tibs as he sat up and got dressed, depositing the little guy back on his shoulder before shuffling out to the Sands. At least T was easy to spot and he slowly made his way there to take a seat. He didn't know what he wanted or expected from this hatching, but between wanting to be there for his siblings and Tiber wanting to watch he was glad that he'd gotten out of bed, especially as he felt the bronze peeking through his eyes eagerly.

"Tiberuth is staying in the infirmary, but he's watching with me," he managed to say. And when he saw his siblings on the Sands he at least lifted his hand to wave, though the smile he gave them was probably not his best. He wondered if it would be better to have stayed away, not let his presence drag down the hopes and mood of everyone else. They'd only worry more. At least they know you're here, that you're trying. He supposed Tiber had a point.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
Thinking about how T'ryn had asked her to give A'tay a little help, the goldrider glanced over at him and tried to think of ways to be reassuring. "So..." Cazan's voice faded as she decided that maybe asking if he thought anything would go wrong would probably invite trouble. At the same time, saying she hoped nothing went wrong was also probably not going to go well. While Malvayth's last hatching had been rather uneventful, the dragon had been quite stressed most of the time; this time she'd been much more calm and relaxed, which instead had Caz a little bit on edge. So she took a deep breath, studied the eggs as some of them gently rocked, and instead asked, "What color do you think the first one will be? You're doing great by the way. No one really pays attention to us anyway since everyone is curious about the eggs and the dragons."

Except she wasn't given very much time as one of the eggs rocked so violently it tipped over onto its side. An earthy Brown punched its head through the shell peering around for a moment before breaking completely free and shaking bits of egg shell everywhere before pausing to preen and try to clean himself. It was hard to pay attention to him though as the Gold egg gave a rock and tipped over, chips cracking and falling away to reveal glimpses of gold as the top of the egg began to bounce, occasionally making it high enough to reveal tiny claws scrabbling and batting at it.

Cazan gasped for a moment, though her surprise at seeing the gold show itself so soon was quickly replaced by amusement as she softly asked, “Is… is she just playing with her shell?” Malvayth let out an amused rumble as she watched, delighted and pleased to see that her daughter seemed rather happy. Another crack stole her attention and Caz turned to see a blue head sticking out of an egg. Nearby Green 1 popped out of her shell with a whine of complaint. Taking offense, Blue 1 gave her a swat and the two stopped to just hiss and growl at each other.

Before the goldrider could worry too much about the conflict, Brown 1 finally decided he was clean enough and shoved his way between the bickering pair on his way to his boy who he greeted with a rather business-like chirp. Distracted from their fight, the pair split up; Blue 1 skulked off to find his boy, chirping and crooning at him until he left the group he was standing with to join him, and Green 1 trotted off to to her boy on the opposite side of the Sands, offering several annoyed complaining screeches even after he tried to assure her everything was fine.

Egg 16 - Brown 1
to NPC male
Egg 22 - Blue 1
to NPC male
Egg 23 - Green 1
to NPC male
Gold Egg - Gold to ???(busy playing check in later)

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of Blue Dyoricath

Date of Birth
19.01.717, 28
Dark hazel
Pretty boy
Ashy blonde hair that is almost always straight. He used to keep it a bit longer, but clips it shorter after moving to the Weyr.


Written By: Zandelion
Sh’ran had a slight preference for “middle of the night” Hatchings over “super early morning” Hatchings. The line between the two was slightly vague and fuzzy and not always consistent, but Sh’ran liked to tell himself this was a “middle of the night” Hatching and therefore sucked less. At some point, his body may realize that and wake the fuck up properly.

Still, he’d made it to the Stands before anyone Impressed—there were baby dragons on the Sands, but no one had Impressed yet so he wasn’t late. Misha blinked around at the Stands trying to find people to sit with—Dyoricath was sitting with Coroth, as usual, but Sh’ran couldn’t seem to find C’dhin and didn’t want to ask Dyo to find out from Coroth. It was too late and or early to deal with Dyoricath’s put upon sighing. He did, however, manage to pick out Kor’is from the crowd, and Misha immediately headed over to him. His friend was sitting alone, at that simply would not do! Especially if he was sitting alone on purpose.

“Kordi,” Sh’ran greeted, plunking himself down in the seat next to Kor’is as a murmur went through the crowd at whatever was happening on the Sands. Without waiting for a response he threw an arm around his shoulders and slumped against him. “Sleepy,” he added, letting his face smush into Kor’is’ collarbone.

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
Faxxonth came! A’tay startled out of his mantra he was reciting over and over about being a good bronzerider with excellent posture that didn’t mind attention to stare at his excited dragon. Xyxyth gave a trill of delight as he looked up somewhere on the ledges to where A’tay assumed Faxxonth sat. “Tell him I say hi and I’m happy he’s here.” If the dragon came, that meant the rider was definitely somewhere in the stands. A’tay scanned the faces until he found N’reh and he gave his friend a large smile. Tell Faxx that we’ll stay a few more days to finish up some projects and N’reh is invited to a dinner I’ll make for him, he asked Xyxyth and then looked across all the familiar faces again.

He saw M’quel arrive earlier and some of his anxiety over what could happen dropped away at her smile and eternal optimism he could see in her expression without hearing a single word. Of course T’ryn and R’nd were there and full of familial support. And now that he had another friend there to add to all of that, A’tay started to think he really could do this and make it through the Hatching.

And then there was Cazan trying to help him without making it look like she was. He could definitely do this. He just had to think about colours for a bit and was actually surprised he hadn’t yet. The first to crack shell said a lot about the type of clutch it would be and while everyone always wanted a bronze, A’tay thought blue was always a good place to start. But before he could say that, the eggs caught their attention and a brown head was suddenly on display. He heard some groans in the audience, maybe from betting pools or because browns still had a bad rep because of a handful of bad ones.

But that was a thought for later as well as A’tay joined others in gasping as the gold decided she wasn’t going to wait. Or maybe she was. “I… think she is,” his own amazement at the golden baby playing with her shell was hard to hide and A’tay was soon smiling at the antics. Xyxyth was also amused and not worried about her taking her time. For all any of them knew, she had already brushed the mind of her mate so there wasn’t anything to worry about. But at least she was calm either way and would make her way out soon enough.

The smile faded when a blue and green began fighting and the anxiety started to settle in again. This was it. Right off the bat everything was falling apart. Hatchlings were fighting and maybe the gold wasn’t quite right after all. What if the entire clutch was like that? Breathe and focus. Fights are normal and no humans were drawn into it. The gold is just playing and that’s fine. You were just thinking that moments ago. A’tay nodded, knowing he was a mess that needed to sort itself out. Seeing those first three hatchlings Impress helped.

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of Bronze Pardrith

Date of Birth
09.07.726, 19
Curly dark brown to black


Written By: vet
Chironhes tugged at Siro's sleeve with excitement. Did he see?! Babies! Mal's babies! And they were adorable! Chir didn't at all understand the groans when the first to pop its head free was a brown dragon. He was so handsome! And even managed to look regal after shaking egg shards off to preen.

The boy's shoulders shook with amusement as he watched the gold hatch next. Well. Almost hatch. She seemed far too content to mess around with her egg instead of coming out to explore. The next two to hatch devolved into irritable swats, reminding Chir of young Felines with the way they arched and hissed. Though they were certainly large enough to do damage even with that posturing, he couldn't help but find them anything other than adorable. They were just tiny Malvayths! And Xyxths! And he wanted to pet them all.

Alas, they were not meant for him. Fondly, the boy watched as the dragons split off to greet their riders. And, truthfully, he was relieved. The stories of babies going Between because they couldn't find their rider still troubled him greatly.

Malvayth, they are perfect. You must be very proud!

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kor’is was trying to distract himself from the row of attractive men in front of him by watching the Candidates and trying to decide who would Impress. But his attention was stolen away as K’dar sat down and T’ryn patted K’dar’s back and leaned in to whisper something. Probably some more positive words to help cheer the man up. Kor’is knew K’dar in the lightest sense of the meaning since he never went out of his way to see the bronzerider. But he was Mylorah’s brother so sometimes their timing collided when she came to Telgar. He did feel bad about the attacks on K’dar and his dragon and the loss of the woman he apparently loved but Kor’is didn’t know what to say and manage to be sincere. The woman he thought he had loved turned out to be using him to get into his apparently charmed life so he kicked her and their unborn child out of the Hold around ten years ago. It wasn’t exactly the same kind of loss K’dar was going through and he didn’t have anything else to draw on. So he continued not to approach the man.

And then he wasn’t sitting alone in silence anymore.

As soon as Sh’ran dramatically flopped beside him, Kor’is knew he really should have stayed in bed. When Sh’ran dramatically draped himself on him, Kor’is knew he was being tested on patience if nothing else. He let out a long suffering sigh and hated how he could feel the amusement radiating from his friend. “Shouldn’t you be harassing Mylo’s boy toy?” He should feel bad for trying to turn Sh’ran’s attention onto Tazikel but he was fairly sure his lordly friend had earned it at some point or another. But no, the bluerider shoulder accessory he now sported was content where he was and the gold baby dragon was still playing peek-a-boo or something. Were they about to have another Malvayth in the Weyr? Kor’is wasn’t sure if his friendship with Cazan was strong enough to keep him in Telgar if that ended up being the case.

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of Bronze Urudith

Date of Birth
06.04.690, 55
Fit Dad


Written By: BardlyThere
S'far idly drummed is fingers on his knee as he watched the gold. A brown first hatch wasn't bad, the gold hatching next was the biggest surprise really and he couldn't help but be pleased even though it meant he'd lost out on a few marks with his bet on the matter. He turned his attention to her clutchmates as they found their new mates. The spat had been mild, so that was nice too. He'd seen too many hatchings to be bothered by a little argument between dragonets. Siro was out there and he smiled as he noticed the boy glance his way and he gave his son a nod of approval.

Hopefully he'd Impress soon, S'far knew that his son was only going to grow more anxious about it as time went on no matter how many reassurances he tried to offer. And when the time came for between training... well he'd just have to check on the boy again. And on himself. He turned his gaze back to the gold to see who she had chosen only to see that she still hadn't. Or at least was still too amused with the box she'd come in. "I wonder if she'll be as good at keeping herself entertained as she gets older." Another possibility was that she'd constantly want entertainment once simpler games became too boring, but he was hoping for the former more than the latter, and really he just wanted to get a better look at her other than the flashes offered through the cracks of the shell.

Hopefully she'd get it out of her system soon. With how protective Malvayth had been over the eggs he couldn't imagine she'd stay calm if something was really wrong with one of her "prizes" so he wasn't too worried about it. Yet. I'm sure she'll be fine, you know how the young can be. S'far smiled and nodded.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
The Gold was still there, still chirping happily in her shell as if nothing else really mattered. Malvayth was content to just let her amuse herself for longer, but she could tell that Cazan was becoming worried. So she turned to Xyxyth to see what he thought and her dashing bronze winner was also not concerned considering how happy the hatchling was. Still, in order to help ease her rider’s concerns, she gently reached out to the Gold her voice soft and encouraging. Perhaps you should go to your mate, little one. I’m sure you’ll have more fun together than apart. After considering for a moment the Gold seemed to decide upon a compromise, finally fully emerging and dragging the remains of her shell along with her as she made her way towards a group of girls before flopping right back down into the smooth bowl of her shell to roll and play some more.

With that settled, Malvayth directed Cazan’s attention back to the newest little hatchling as it shakes itself free from its shell and stretches out after being stuck in those cramped quarters. At first there seemed to be some contention as to whether or not the baby was a green or blue, but with gentle reassurance, Malvayth informed her rider that it was, in fact, another little Blue. Its tail was quite long, dragging behind it in the sands for a moment until Blue 2 paused with a huff to turn and grab the end of it in his mouth before heading towards his boy, only releasing it to huff and puff and shoo a few people further away from his chosen with a few harmless whacks from his wings and tail.

Blue 3 popped up next with a bright chirp, followed very shortly by Green 2 who neatly broke out of her egg and spun about to orient herself before trotting towards a group of girls to inspect them. Blue 3 chirped again as he fell into step following his sister to the group, taking his time to twine about all of their legs, chirping and crooning the entire time before finally setting off towards a group of boys where he found and tackled his mate excitedly to cuddle. He quickly bounced off and shrank in embarrassment once he realized he was hurting his bonded. Once her brother was gone, Green 2 decided that one of the girls was in fact for her and paused to give a gentle nudge at her new mate’s hand.

Gold Egg - Gold to ???(fiiiine mom I’ll go)
Egg 12 - Blue 2 to ???
Egg 24 - Blue 3
to NPC male
Egg 11 - Green 2
to NPC female

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of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
Mylorah found the gold to be charming and couldn’t stop smiling as she watched her play in the shell. That was definitely a Malvayth baby and good luck to the girl that bonded to her! Checking on her immediate group around her, she noted that even Orgailian seemed somewhat enchanted by the antics which just made her happier. Turning back to the little gold she saw her stare up at Malvayth as if the older gold had said something to her. It must have been encouragement to get her butt in gear because soon she was dragging the shell towards the Candidates near her and then stopping to play some more.

Mylorah absently rubbed at her stomach as her attention bounced between the gold and the adorable blue with the long tail. She wanted to see who he Impressed to but before she knew what she was doing, Mylorah walked the ten or so feet to the chubby baby and smiled at her, still utterly charmed. “Amagrith, you know they won’t bring the meal to you, right? And you’re a bit too big for me to carry over there so how about we bring the shell to the side so you can play after you have something to eat?” As soon as the words left her mouth, Mylorah gasped and stumbled a few steps back with hands covering her mouth.

She spun around to look at the group she had been standing with and then over to the crowd where she could see her brothers, Tazikel, and Gangleri. And then the tears started to silently fall. Had she actually Impressed? To a gold? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Amagrith’s eyes whirled as she stopped playing long enough to look around the crowd around them. “No! Everything’s fine. I’m just surprised. And happy. Maybe sad? It’s a lot.” Mylorah wiped at her eyes and smiled, knowing everyone was now watching them and she didn’t want either of them to cause a scene. She gave her dragon a steady look and then nodded to herself before throwing herself into Fetch’s arms first for a quick hug, then Zory’s, followed by Gaili and Zelly, wishing them all luck as she did so.

“Should we move your shell?” Amagrith seemed to consider it for a moment and then nodded. She wasn’t done exploring and she liked how her claws tapped against it and made fun noises. Together they easily and swiftly moved the new toy Mylorah hoped they wouldn’t be dragging everywhere with them for the next week, stopping at V’lia to announce their names before a bucket of meat was set down for them. Amagrith nearly had her first mouthful when she saw an assistant try to move the shell and she turned, hissing at the man until he slowly backed off. “I’ll guard it while you eat,” Mylorah promised.

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of Bronze Tiberuth

Date of Birth
03.01.720, 25
Light Brown
fit, sadly less soft


Written By: BardlyThere
K'dar had been watching but hadn't really paid attention as he'd stared blankly at the hatching. I hope you pay a bit more attention when our clutch hatches He could vaguely feel Tiberuth's concern as the dragon tried to tease him, but his heart wasn't really in it. And then felt a gentle nudge as Tiberuth bid him to focus on the gold as it started to move towards a group dragging its shell as if it were a security blanket or favored toy. And then Mylorah started to move and his attention focused as he leaned forward, his heart suddenly pounding as he watched his sister.

And then there were tears and she was helping the gold towards the sides. Before K'dar could even think he was up and out of his seat and heading towards the sidelines where his sister was feeding the little dragon, her bonded, and he pulled her into a hug. "I'm so happy for you, Mylo, I'm so-" the words choked in his throat, stilted and harsh, as his grip on her tightened and he began to shake and sob. For one brief glorious moment he was happy again and did he actually deserve that when he hadn't felt anything when Wes died? Only he was feeling it all now in a solid rush as he clung to his sister and sobbed.

Tiberuth was on the move, walking towards the Sands to be as close as possible to offer his rider comfort once he was done with his sister. In the meantime K'dar just shook and sobbed stayed for as long as he dared as Mylorah held him. Was she crying to? He hoped not, he hoped it wasn't for him, but he coudn't stop himself either way until he finally took a long shaky breath and rubbed his face on his sleeve. "I'm sorry I... I'm going to go. Tell the others that I wish them the best for me and I'm sorry I can't be here for them too but I should probably be somewhere quiet at least..."

Even if that quiet was just outside the Sands curled up with his dragon. Tiberuth settled down as K'dar climbed up onto his forelegs to tuck himself against the dragon's chest and neck. He would get updates from Xyxyth about the hatching and keep sharing them with K'dar as things progressed.

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of Blue Dyoricath

Date of Birth
19.01.717, 28
Dark hazel
Pretty boy
Ashy blonde hair that is almost always straight. He used to keep it a bit longer, but clips it shorter after moving to the Weyr.


Written By: Zandelion
“Mmn, I’m not awake enough to flirt with lordlings, so you’ll have to do,” Sh’ran said, pressing himself more firmly against Kor’is. “I’m sure you have the more comfortable shoulder, anyway.” He just let himself lean against Kor’is for a few minutes, choosing to cut Kor’is at least a little slack at such a rude time of day.

Some amount of time later—Misha was not awake enough to keep track—he opened his eyes and sat up just enough he could reposition himself so he was resting his cheek on Kor’is’ shoulder so he could actually see what was going on, just in case.

Good thing he did, because it felt like seconds later Mylorah had Impressed the gold hatchling.

“Oh, fuck!” Sh’ran was on his feet in an instant, suddenly fully awake. “Did you see that? She did it! Fuck yeah, Mylo!” The last part was yelled, hands cupped around his mouth so that Mylorah had even a chance to hear him. If she was paying attention to anything other than her new baby gold dragon, anyway, which honestly, Misha could hardly blame her if that was the case.

Grinning, he threw an arm back around Kor’is—he couldn’t hug Mylorah yet, but he still had a friend to give an enthusiastic celebratory hug to in the meantime.

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of Bronze Oncaeth

Date of Birth
15.03.707, 38
in shape but soft
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Gangleri wondered if it was common for dragons to just stop and play before going to their new people, but from the quiet mutters he could hear it seemed quite strange. There was no real panic though so he decided not to worry too much about it as he watched the other little dragons scurry about to find their people. They were cute little things, and he was quite happy to see that there wasn't much blood this time, at least so far.

And then he saw the gold finally start to move and... was it going to Mylorah's group? It was! Though it just stopped short and it was impossible to know who it had picked, at least until Mylo walked over to it herself. He joined in the other shouts he heard, unable to help himself as he cheered and clapped for her. He looked forward to catching up and meeting her new companion after the hatching was over. Mylorah and her new gold! She clearly deserved no less with how wonderful she was.

He did spot K'dar make his way there and frowned as he thought he saw the bronzerider begin to sob. There was nothing he could do for it right then, if there was anything he could do at all. He settled back in his seat, stomach giving another uncomfortable churn that he ignored. He turned to Geric and gave him a nudge. "See, aren't you glad you came now?" To his younger brother's credit he nodded in agreement. Gangleri softly hummed to himself as he smiled. Hopefully Mylorah's new mate liked music and dancing. And hopefully Gail would find a new friend too. And if he didn't then Gangleri would just offer him some company.

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