World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [H] 742.07.05 | Heat Wave Hatching
Noon | Hatching

of Gold Iliyith

Date of Birth
01.01.714, 31
Brown, trusting
Deep brown


Written By: ValGal9
Helyna had already been up for hours, trying to get as much work done as possible in the relatively cooler hours of the morning. This heat wave was putting everyone on edge, and she wished the weather would just break and return to normal soon. The eggs had seemed to relish it; with no signs of movement for nearly two weeks, all she could think was that they liked the added humidity and wanted to linger a while longer in their shells. But it was making Iliyith grumpy and impatient and Helyna found herself spending far too much time in the hatching grounds trying to distract the gold.

Helyna, they’re finally moving. I think it’s starting. The gold’s mindvoice held a hint of relief. Despite still being able to sense her babies were there, she had experienced anxiety about losing them. One or two of the eggs had been reluctantly moved when they stopped responding, and she’d been expecting the worst, coddling them almost as much as she did the precious gold egg.

I’ll be right down. Go ahead and alert the others here, if you’re sure, she replied, setting aside her work and quickly changing into a loose gown that would hopefully keep the worst of the heat at bay. Vondlyn was already in the creche, so all that was left was to notify the other Weyrs. She’d had the letters ready for nearly a week; all that was left was to add a date quickly, then bundle them up for someone to take. She passed them off to a weyrling on her way down with instructions on where to take them, then entered the cavern.

Iliyith was hovering over the eggs, checking them. She had been curious when the healers had approached Helyna about marking the shells. It had been a day after the Touching, and only two of the eggs had been moved since, but the markings were easily touched up. The first ones marked only with wax had dripped and run, but they’d found a mixture that seemed to work well without flaking too much--at least until this heat wave. It was an interesting experiment, though they all wished they’d tried on a smaller clutch; the constant touch-ups (which of course only she was allowed by the gold to do) in the first few days had nearly had her call the whole idea off.

“It’s a good clutch, my darling. No need to keep fussing over them.” She patted the gold and urged her to move aside. Iliyith’s eyes whirled with excitement and she huffed, but carefully moved out of the way and settled down nearby to watch, beginning to hum. Helyna checked that the markings were all still there, then took her own place, letting Iliyith’s excitement drive thoughts of the heat away at least for now.

Helyna was alerted that the eggs began moving around 9am and informed the appropriate people so word could be spread. The eggs begin hatching around noon.

Everyone is welcome to come watch, or toss a Candidate on the sands! If you’re only watching, please go directly to the stands, do not linger on the Sands or approach the Candidates. Candidates, you can go right onto the Sands and form up around the eggs and settle in for some waiting.

- Will have been told to wear shoes! Sturdy shoes to save their feet.
- Be in Candidate robes that more or less fit them.
- Will have hair pulled back in a pony-tail or a braid. In addition, they will be no jewellery, belt, sash, or anything ‘extra’. Don’t want anything to get tugged on and cause an injury.
- Iliyith tolerates firelizards in day to day life but she’s not huge on distractions around her eggs; she wants her hatching to be perfect. Firelizards will be allowed in but they must stay with the humans in the stands or up with the dragons on the ledges. If they go near the eggs or Candidates, they may not live to brag about it.

On honorifics – it is SP canon that the dragon picks the honorific. They might pick something their rider likes, something they do not, or whatever. They will usually pluck the name from their rider’s mind, so it is likely that said rider will like their name, or have ‘pre picked’ it on some level subconsciously prior to Impression.

Once Impressed, please move through the following:
- Move dragonet to the sidelines and feed it
- Slap oil on any particularly dry spots
- Head to the Barracks to get some rest. Emotions are exhausting.

PC Impressions will have their dragonet posted on their Candidate Application or sent via Discord! This will let you see your baby before anyone else!

I will probably group most of the eggs in groups of 3-5, but I’ll give people plenty of time for reactions.

Remember: NO SPOILERS. If you want to talk spoilers, keep it to the Hatching Spoilers channel in Discord.

Have fun!”

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
31.10.723, 22


Written By: ZZZ Archived
Meryem had flown over to support the hatching and, mostly, because she was dying to get out. The muggy heat sure wasn't helping but at least she wasn't at Telgar. The change was nice and the Hatching was at least something to find joy in. The humming of dragons had always fascinated her and it thrummed through her now in different but harmonious rumbles.

There was nothing like a Hatching to draw her out to sit in the Stands. Silently, she watched the candidates gather and fixed her eyes upon the eggs, giving them a long look. What would they be like as dragonets? Hopefully, they'd all hatch and Impress neatly but one could never be sure. She broke out her fan and waved it to cool her as she waited for the first shell to crack. Hopefully, this one would go without a hitch.

"Good luck," she murmured to the assembling candidates, "and Faranth bless."

PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
01.27.722, 23


Written By: ZZZ Archived
Elloren took her place on the sands without much fuss given the heat and wished there were more of a breeze to ease some of the muggy heat that seemed to cover the whole of Benden like a wet blanket. She was just getting used to the thunderstorms that rattled through her when this less rain-soaked day decided to roll along. At least she wasn't soaked to the skin, though that might have offered a little relief.

It was a good day for a Hatching, all things considered, and she was looking forward to seeing all the newly hatch dragonets find their lifemate. Maybe even she would walk off the Sands with one, now wouldn't that be a thing? She could feel the thrumming birthing hum through the soles of her feet and the air around her announcing the clutch's imminent arrival and smiled.

"Come on out, little ones," she murmured. "It might be muggy and sticky and hot but we're all ready for you."

PA - First Post!

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
It was hot as balls and Madelan hated it. He hated everything about the sticky, sweaty situation. He'd decided he wasn't built for this shit no matter what people had said about it being abnormal. He was debating whether he would go home instead of staying for the hatching but the knowledge that he could impress here made him stay. He definitely wasn't going to spend any of his time remaining here if he didn't. Hop the next dragon back to Fort where the weather was normal. Fuck this. He didn't even want to put his robes on when Iliyith made the call around humming. Butterball was a sprawled mess and Madelan hadn't bothered to wake the poor fat gold when he left.

Now he stood in the sweltering heat of the sands, waving his robes against his body to try to create a breeze as sweat dripped down his legs. He grimaced harshly, mouth pulling down in a disgusted frown. He should've gone back home. He sighed and puff a breath up across his face before wiping sweat away.

PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
715.05.01, 28


Written By: ZZZ Archived
Nim was excited! First the touching, then the hatching in what seemed such short order. It was wild that she was even a part of this. The weather could shove off, though. It wasn't particularly suited to a Hatching, she thought. They might be standing up for ages before anything happened. She hoped the healers had water with them since the candidates themselves couldn't carry anything onto the sand that might get into the dragonets' way.

If they were lucky, it would be orderly out there but you never knew with a clutch. It could be crazy for all she knew. She bounced on the balls of her feet eagerly. Maybe they'd all get lucky and there wouldn't be anyone who didn't Impress. Wouldn't that be awesome?! She peered eagerly at the clutch, trying to find which was the first to hatch.

PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
5' 7"
Light brown
Blonde, long, wavy


Written By: ZZZ Adoptable NPCs
It was time. Brown eyes looked around in anticipation. Feet shielded from the nearly burning sands, Rakka was excited. She had tightly braided her hair, and as she moved along with the rest of the candidates she wondered absently, what this Hatching would be like. Rakka was hesitant now she held her hands wonderingly as the eggs moved.

She loved dragons so much. What was not to love about them though? Shoulders straight back, head up she looked around and waited, excitement, nervousness. Many emotions whipped through her head as she tried desperately to tone them down, clear her mind of anything but the anticipation as the heat washed over her body.

Not only were the sands hot, but the air was hot and muggy as well. It was different to be sure. Much different.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Hispidath

Date of Birth
13.01.709, 36
Icy Blue


Written By: BardlyThere
Fuck all of this bullshit. Rhamnus was in an especially cranky mood as he stood on the Sands near a table set up with water and fruit and a few other snacks. Damn dragons never had the courtesy to pick a good time to drag everyone out to their hatchings. He dragged a towel across his face for what felt like the millionth time. He glared at the fruit on the table as his stomach gave a rumble; it was for the candidates, in case of them got a bit wobbly in the heat and needed to have something shoved in them to prevent or recover from fainting, but he'd been just about to have lunch when things started and he was a bit hungry. Eh, he'd leave them for his potential patients.

Instead he called for Bitty, sending her off to his personal quarters to grab a muffin he'd baked earlier and bring it to him. He gave her a small pat on the head before sending her away to safety and taking a bite. Fuck was it hot. Too hot. At least his new boots were much better at keeping his feet from roasting than the old ones, even though they still weren't quite broken in and were a little uncomfortable on his toes.

The sight of a candidate already starting to wobble made him scowl as he scarfed down the rest of his muffin and grabbed a water skin, stalking out to scold the boy as he tried to get him hydrated. "Come on, it's only going to get worse the longer you're out here, drink as much as you can without making yourself sick."

Once that boy had been sorted out, Rham took a look around and spotted August, giving her the briefest flash of a smile and a nod. He made his way back to his station, beckoning one of the drudges they'd recruited to help and handing him the water skin to go refill. Hopefully this would all just go quickly and smoothly and he wouldn't have to add to his growing list of heat stroke patients who refused to stay hydrated.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
02.12.724, 20
Lean, fit


Written By: BardlyThere
Zoremet was absolutely thrilled with the heat, even if it was on the muggy side, and he was wide awake and alert when the Hatching was announced. It had been longer than he'd expected, but at least he'd gotten to relax and lounge and laze about in the toasty warmth that had descended upon Benden Weyr. As much as it encouraged lazy sleepy afternoons, it had definitely helped him wake up in the morning. It also had this way of making water just especially delicious. He wasn't immune to the heat though, and his skin practically glistened with sweat as he made his way out to the sands in his robes after making sure Pit was safe and secure away from the action.

He scanned the stands for anyone familiar, giving the appropriate grin and wave (he was early and alert for a hatching for once!!) and then found his other standing siblings to be near them. If only more could happen during a nice warm day like this! Surely it was a good sign. And after having fun at the Touching (especially with the little pouncer that tried to scare him), he was sure the babies would do well. Hopefully none of them would go between this time, and maybe one of his siblings would even impress! Or himself!

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
It was blissfully hot! Mylorah was a happy little Candidate; mostly. It was humid and while she had grown up in that sort of weather in Katila, she’d been in Ista too long and grown accustomed to the drier heat. But at least it was heat! Benden was tolerable now and she knew she was among the small handful that felt that way. When the heat started, she dragged Zoremet—or did he drag her?—to the nearest ledge to soak up the sun and relax. It was needed after all the stress lately.

The poisoning she suffered, mildly, not too long ago and now the death of a beloved bluerider, R’jit. She had begged a bronze rider to take her back to Ista Weyr to check on R’dare knowing how close her friend had been to his dad. She felt horrible that she couldn’t do more than just hug him and let him cry without judgement before he told her to get back to Benden and Impress the best dragon. She reluctantly left him in Casa’s care—not because she didn’t trust the Weyrwoman but because Mylorah simply didn’t want to leave a friend in need behind. But if she didn’t Impress at this Hatching, she’d be back in Ista the following day and back to being there for her friend.

First she had to see how the Hatching would go! It was nice of this clutch to be more considerate than others lately. Everyone was awake and most likely had made it through breakfast. Mylorah had been sitting outside with friends when the call came. She took her time getting ready but was soon on the Sands, greeting fellow Candidates and waving at people she knew in the stands. She grinned as she passed by Madelan who was waving his robe about to catch a breeze. “Quit advertising the goods, Mads. You’re only going to increase the heat in here.” She tossed a wink over her shoulder before finding a spot of her own.

Even for her, it was getting pretty toasty in the Hatching Grounds but she was ready for it, having had it drilled in her head since she could walk to stay hydrated in such weather. Besides, the Healers had hydration stations set up along the edges to help with that as well. A look around at some of the newer Candidates and Mylorah hoped it was a quick Hatching. These northerners already seemed to be swaying and the first egg hadn’t even cracked! “Good luck, everyone,” she whispered, both for Impressions and staying on their feet.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Atranth

Date of Birth
29.09.715, 29
Brown, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
As soon as the notice came, Narinoa was back at his bunk so he could change. His hair was already pulled back thanks to the heat but he redid it anyway to make sure it was neat and would stay in. Once those simple tasks were complete, he jogged back to where the dragon healing ward was being set up since he had a temporary desk there. The letter he had written out a few days ago was found and rolled up before handing it off to Pipsqueak. She wasn’t the best at delivering notes but she did well with a few key people that were familiar and liked. “Off you go, Pip. Bring that to L’gan so he knows the Hatching’s starting. Then you be good and stay with him or B’kit, okay?” The little green chirped in response before vanishing to fulfil her task.

Convinced there wouldn’t be any hiccups since Pipsqueak liked L’gan, Narinoa headed off to the Sands. He was kind of doing double duty as a Candidate and an interested researcher. He wouldn’t be taking any notes but one of the young dragon healers-to-be had been roped into taking notes for him. He had worked hard with L’gan to come up with a program that might work and even harder with finding a substance that would stay on the egg in varying conditions and not do any damage. This was all a trial run and he was grateful to Helyna and Iliyith for approving it. For the next Hatching, assuming the other Weyrs and then golds approved, they would get the numbers on the eggs before the Touching to help further document anything they could. But this would do for now.

But despite not being the one doing the actual jotting of notes, Narinoa wanted to be there early enough to observe what he could and to also pay his respects and pass on further gratitude to the gold pair. Once that was done, Narinoa found a spot that was closer to the stands than he usually went with but he wanted to be closer so he could greet L’gan and they could be in touch in case something happened. This also put him closer to Rhamnus and his station. A polite nod of greeting was given to the Healer but Narinoa didn’t try for any conversation as Rhamnus looked ready to throttle a Candidate he was soon stomping toward.

This was going to be an interesting Hatching.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Erebuth

Date of Birth
12.12.721 AL, 23
Dark brown, trusting, and frequently lit up with laughter.
Brunette and wavy when long, worn loose around his face. The bangs tend to flop into his eyes and he swears he’ll cut it all off when he Impresses or the next time he’s hungover.


Written By: ValGal9
B’kit grinned when the news came--especially since there seemed to finally be a break in the thunderstorms that had been plaguing Benden lately. Even if he’d been willing to make the jump in that weather--which he absolutely wasn’t--J’shom and all the Healers would have teamed up and absolutely forbidden it and he’d have had to miss yet another Hatching. But now he could actually be there for his friends! Tossing the note to his mate he went to triple-check Erebuth’s straps again and waited impatiently for the okay to go.

The grueling months of training had paid off, as they dropped easily from the ledge of the Bowl and circled till Semath and Siolith joined him. Erebuth was too caught up in Kitt’s excitement to be bothered by the fussing, winking between the moment they were allowed. He reluctantly let L’gan check him over after landing at Benden, but his lashing tail and the way B’kit bounced on the balls of his feet ready to be off betrayed their impatience with the whole thing. We’re fine. Please, we don’t want to miss the first eggs he grumbled, startling a laugh out of L’gan who finally waved them on to go find places to watch.

B’kit grinned as he saw Mylo and Narinoa, waving excitedly to them and to a few other friends. He’d catch up with them properly afterwards. Right now it was enough just to finally be here.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
13.07.724, 21
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
It wasn't the warmth so much as what the humidity in the air was doing to her hair that Zelly was unhappy about. Her normal dark and wavy hair was usually a bit on the wild side as it was, but now it was a frizzy mess that she couldn't do anything with. She was in the middle of trying to tame it when the hatching was announced. After another desperate bout of brushing and combine she gave up and just tied it back in a ponytail and went to grab her robes. It wasn't going to look great, but at least it would be out of her face. Hopefully if her dragon was out there it wouldn't mind. Granted it was hard to pull off anything really good looking in the robes they wore so... it was probably fine.

She tried to make sure she drank some water before she left for the Sands, but found herself grateful as she spotted the healer stations with water. Zelana would gladly make use of them if she started to feel parched. Maybe it would be a quick hatching though and she'd be able to just stand her ground and stick through it till the end without having to break for water.

At least she'd eventually gotten around to talking with Mylo about the poisoning. It had been a rough talk, but in the way that had been good. There had been tears, hugs, drinks, and they'd both felt a little better afterwards about the guilt that they'd been more or less fine while friends had died. As soon as she spotted A'tay's sister on the sands Zelly walked over and gave her a quick hug before stepping back to stand with her and her other brothers. After the gold had gone between last Hatching, she was nervous that something could happen this time too. Especially with the heat. Warmth was nice, but too much could make people go mad, and who knew if it would do something to the baby dragons. Either way, being with Mylo was probably the safest thing she could do.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
16.11.722, 22
Long Dark Brown


Written By: BardlyThere
It was too hot. Sure, Ferra spent most of her time in Ista now, but it was different there, dryer somehow despite being near the sea. Or maybe the sea just provided a nice breeze that made the heat less noticeable. Or maybe she'd just gotten used to the cooler weather in Benden before it had suddenly betrayed her. She hoped it wasn't a lingering side effect of the poisoning, otherwise going back to Ista would be awful.

She practically trudged out to the Sands, baking in the midday heat before looking around to find a good place to be. Ferra found a spot near some other girls, but stayed towards the edge of it to be closer to one of the healer stations with the tables of water and fruit so that she could go have a nibble and drink if she needed to. Hopefully she wouldn't, but after being poisoned and missing the last hatching she was feeling a bit more cautious in general. At least she could still appreciate the buzz and excitement and shared a few smiles and greetings with the other candidates as she settled in.

PA - First Post!

of Green Semath

Date of Birth
03.01.712, 33
Stormy grey
Dark brown, curly


Written By: ValGal9
L’gan had been drilling with B’kit and Erebuth for the past several days, making sure they were ready for the flight. He was pleased with the progress they’d made, and assuming the weather held, he was willing to let them make the jump for Iliyith’s hatching. If it turned again, they’d likely stay at Benden for a while before returning. But it would be a good chance for the young pair to stretch their wings again and get back some of their freedom.

He greeted Pipsqueak when the little green appeared, offering her a bite of meatroll in exchange for the note she carried. “It’s from Narinoa. Iliyith’s clutch is starting to hatch,” he told his mate. It was still early in the day at Fort, but he’d had trouble sleeping the night before and had gotten up for klah and a snack. She’d been sleeping more since the attack, but some habits were hard to shake and the scent of fresh klah almost always woke her.

“I’ll give Helyna your best and tell you all about it when we get back, okay?” He said, stealing a brief kiss. She’d decided to sit this one out, still having troubles from the poisoning several months ago. It had been difficult dealing with the loss on top of everything else, but the two had been managing slowly.

The trip over was thankfully uneventful and after a grumpy Erebuth whined about the caution, he let the two youngsters go find a place along with J’shom, confident the greenrider would watch out for his mate. As Semath went to find her own place to watch from, he congratulated Helyna in passing and checked in with Narinoa on his way towards the stands. “Good luck,” he said with a grin, Pip perched on his shoulder and actually behaving herself for once just like Narinoa had asked. “I’m going to go find a seat nearby in case I’m needed; Faranth willing I won’t be, though.”

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
03.08.723, 21
Blonde, ear length


Written By: SunsetWay
Despite living in Ista, Orgailian was not a fan of the current heatwave blasting through Benden. It reminded him too much of Katila and what he felt was better left behind in that place. Most memories could stay there with the humidity. Maybe he wouldn’t have minded so much if the rain that seemed to fall for several days before breaking or a surprise shower out of nowhere weren’t happening. How could he enjoy the weather and sit outside with a notebook with that crap? But to be fair, it did inspire him at the same time and he’d sit just inside where he could watch and listen to the rain fall while he jotted down the emotions it invoked and try to write out scenes that came to mind.

It also helped distract him from the loss of Je’ler and R’dare’s dad. Both were good men and he knew what R’dare was going through, having lost his mom to the landslide. Perhaps the darker mood was why he started to like the rainy days more than the sunny ones by the time the Hatching came along. But it hadn’t been all brooding with the rain. Orgailian still spent time poking through Benden’s collection of books and helping Zelana find the type of healing that interested her. Getting his hands on some of those books was a distraction in itself. Healer Rhamnus proved to be helpful with some strings that Orgailian hadn’t really hesitated to tug on and then all of the time spent alone together with just books finally led to a hook up with Zelana.

He probably should have felt some level of guilt for that second hook up but he didn’t. Not even when he finally strolled into the Hatching Grounds and spotted A’tay in the stands. Most people knew the relationship was open and perhaps it was weird that he had slept with his brother’s girlfriend but he still lacked the guilt. He spotted his other siblings already standing together, with Zelana, and figured he’d join them. Mylorah couldn’t look after both of them on her own, although Zoremet looked fresh and excited. That brought a smile to his face as Orgailian slid up beside him and rested his arm on his brother’s shoulder. “Glad this weather agrees with one of us,” he commented even as his gaze swept over the water stations. He could tell this Hatching was going to suck as he was already sweating in the oppressive heat.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
12.10.720, 24
Pale green
Dirty blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
His hair.

His hair.

Ulliendis was close to shaving it all off.

No, he was dramatic but not that dramatic!

But it was tempting as he looked in the tiny mirror he owned. His beautiful hair was a frizzy nightmare and he hardly recognized himself. He looked like some common holder working in the stables or kitchen. The sweat dripping down his temples and making his shirt cling in unflattering ways weren’t helping the image either. It was positively dreadful! He was a hideous sight and would understand if he was shunned for the rest of his life because of the string of bad hair and clothing days.

It was tempting to skip the Hatching so he didn’t inflict such horrors on more people but his curiosity was often stronger than his vanity. He thought about wetting it but it would dry quickly and leave him in the current state of duress all over again. Then again, maybe he could keep dumping water on his head to help stay cool and keep the locks under control. That was an excellent plan! Ulliendis put on the disgusting robe, laced up his boots, and went to the wash basin to wet his hair, slicking it back instead of trying to style it.

As satisfied as he could be with the conditions he had to work with, Ulliendis finally made his way to the Sands, finding he was among the stragglers to arrive for the Candidates. He surveyed the area and debated standing closer to Madelan because he was easy on the eyes and had a decent vantage point of the area or the tables with the water. In the end the hot boy won out and Ulliendis meandered over to that side but mentally mapped out a route to the water for when he was thirsty or needed a hair touch-up.

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of Bronze Oncaeth

Date of Birth
15.03.707, 38
in shape but soft
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
The wave of heat after the icy chill of between was jarring, and for a moment Gangleri thought K'dar had brought them to the wrong Weyr. He'd seen Benden from the air enough times that he recognized it though, and was grateful when they landed so that he could shrug off his jacket and roll up his sleeves. Maybe the heat was why the killer had struck at the other Weyrs, he or she or they for that matter were just trying to get away from all of this. And really, the murderer was probably the real reason he was here. Sure Mylorah had sent him an invitation to watch her stand, but finding out she was a surviving victim of the current spree was... well it made him feel a bit guilty to think it was intriguing.

It was mostly because of the play (or book possibly, depending on how things ended up going), but he'd been doing research on the incidents and having someone he knew have first hand experience could be helpful. Of course Gangleri was glad that she had survived, she was a wonderful (and too attractive) young woman, and he couldn't imagine how much more dour K'dar could get if something had happened to her too. Though the added little bit at the end that he shouldn't bring up the poisoning to the bronzerider at all so that he could keep both of his eyes and have a functioning mouth made him invite Quil along as well. Hopefully she could keep him safe from the wanton desires of far too young women. He did at least warn Mylorah that he was bringing his wife along too. Hopefully that would keep him from doing anything foolish.

And speaking of his wife, fussing over her comfort was the first order of business once they'd safely landed. "I'm going to get you some water, do you want me to carry anything for you? Let me know if you need anything else in this heat." Eventually he got settled into the stands near K'dar and Mylorah's other siblings and fans, being sure to give her a wave once she spotted him. Hopefully she'd get the dragon she was aiming for, though he knew these tended to be much more chaotic affairs. "At least your boy has already gotten past this part," he said softly to Quil with a chuckle.

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of Blue Toynolth

Date of Birth
11.12.714, 30
Dark Brown


Written By: BardlyThere
I am melting, T'cai. The blue certainly looked the part as he was draped rather than perched up in the gallery, his tail and wings and limbs drooping off edges as if made of goop rather than dragon. This didn't last for too long before a bronze nosed him, grumbling about how much room he was taking up. With only a brief huff and hiss of objection he straightened up to make room before plopping back down into a more compact blob. T'cai only gave the dragon a brief glance before returning his watchful gaze to the candidates on the sands. Maybe you should go for a swim, I'll be here keeping an eye on things. This will be our first class! I have to be here. Well then just make sure you don't melt too much. You'll want to set a good example.

That was at least enough to get the blue to stop being melodramatic about the heat and straight up, eager and curious to see how the hatching would go. T'cai had mixed feelings. On the one hand he found one of his lucky socks, but only the right one and not the left, and his right lucky sock was still missing. Hopefully having the wrong lucky sock on the right foot would help, but he wasn't so sure. Either way he was full of energy and excitement that not even the heat could squash as he kept his eyes on the sands. Who would be in his class? Who looked like trouble makers? Who looked like they might be especially interesting? It was a good sized clutch, so he certainly would have his hands full either way.

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Date of Birth
9.4.729, 16
Average, a bit skinny.
Brown, curly


Written By: KiTelli
It was nice to have a Hatching happen at a reasonable hour, instead of so extremely early like the last one. Taydarell pulled his robes tighter about himself as he jogged to the sands, making his way among the candidates already there. The humming was felt as much as it was heard, and he practically buzzed with the excitement of it all.

A tinge of sadness still pulled at him though, and he gulped, hoping that this event wouldn’t be colored by any kind of accidents or unfortunate events. The poor baby gold from the last clutch… No. This was not the time to be sad. He had to have his wits about him in order to hopefully, maybe, find his dragon.

With a straightening of back and squaring of shoulders, Taydarell strode as easily as his still-growing legs would allow. He’d already gained almost a handspan over the course of the turn so far. Emerald flitted form his shoulder and took to the ledge where he saw Kyrionth and Tizalth waiting, and he waved to his brother and Kestra.

Maybe, hopefully, everything would go well this time. And maybe he’d even walk out of here as a dragonrider!

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of Gold Quayleth

Date of Birth
18.04.712, 33
Thin, Soft


Written By: BardlyThere
Are you feeling alright? The gold had felt her rider's momentary dizziness as they popped into the sky over Benden Weyr. Ojassa took a moment to steady herself, reaching down to pat the gold's hide beneath her. I'm fine, dear. I didn't even cough this time! There was a slight itch at the back of her throat on occasion, but for the most part she could breathe easily. Even most of her vision has come back, though it was easy to strain her eyes after reading for a while. She probably should visit brownrider K'tir sometime, since she'd heard his likely would never return.

I'm surprised you remember his name Ojassa snorted softly as they made their descent. He visits with the weyrwoman often enough. That and he likes to read, I see him at the library on occasion. She'd also heard he lost his daughter and that had struck a painful chord with her. She was so worried about her own boys. She shook her head to clear it of the current perils that were being thrown at the Weyrs. This was a happy day. A gold egg (that would hopefully not disappear between) was cause for celebration considering their numbers lately.

Once she was on the ground and Quayleth made her way to the socialize with the other dragons in attendance, Ojassa walked over to Helyna just close enough to deliver a greeting and message. "Congratulations on your clutch. Weyrwoman Casa couldn't attend since she is sand bound but she sends her warmest regards and wishes." With that bit of courtesy out of the way she went and found a good seat in the stands to watch.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn gave R’nya a final look that she hoped would stop his fussing. She was fine! It had been months since she’d been poisoned and while she did still have headaches or tremors on occasion, she was fit enough to travel. They had gone through this for Mizeath’s Hatching only a month earlier. She loved R’nya but sometimes he was such a handful; more so than their daughters! The heat was a bit of a deterrent but she was used to the Sands and she made sure they both packed some water skins for the visit.

Once the girls were settled in at the crèche and Rhaedalyn checked in with her Junior, it was time to be off. The trip was, of course, short but the shock of the chill to the slap of the heat caused her to be momentarily dizzy but she recovered before R’nya noticed. On the ground, the dragons made their way to a ledge, bugling their greetings to the Benden leadership and the clutch’s parents. Rhaedalyn allowed R’nya to escort her over to Helyna and N’mor so they could pass on their congratulations before moving off to M’ris and Ameris for a quick chat.

When all the business side of things was taken care of, they found their seats and settled in. Rhaedalyn was excited and nervous, as always. There was less pressure when it wasn’t Aradissicath’s clutch but the nerves were always there for the Candidates. She remembered all too well what it was like out there and wished them all luck.

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kor’is always held an odd view of Hatchings. As a child, he thought they sounded amazing; magical even. When the dragons returned and he finally got his mother to return to the Weyr as well, they lost some of their appeal. They were a lot more violent than he expected and to be quite honest, boring. He attended his first few in the stands, casually spectating before that became boring and his secret desire to have a dragon urged him to Stand. That ended up being a lot of mental abuse from the damned Touchings and being up close with the violence and danger didn’t thrill him either.

And just when he decided he wasn’t going to Stand anymore, I came along! Taith’s excitement nearly bowled Kor’is over and he rubbed at his temples. “Inside voice, kiddo.” Technically, Taith was always inside his head so a quieter volume regardless of their location was preferred but it was still a lesson they were working on and Kor’is was happy to work with pointing out a roof meant softer tones.

He only continued to attend the Hatchings because Mylorah was still Standing and she was one of the few people he actually liked and not just tolerated. He also knew it would break her heart if he didn’t show which meant she’d likely pout and then punch him in the arm. Neither was appealing, though after fighting with Cazan, he could handle Mylorah’s punches. Probably.

There was just one stop he had to make before they could go. It took several minutes of staring the man down and pointing out how he would disappoint the girl they both liked but finally Fetch agreed (with a lot of pouting of his own) to go to Benden Weyr with him. Kor’is didn’t even know why he took up the task. T’ryn had made the comment not too long ago and Kor’is, caught in some weird moment of kindness that he didn’t understand, said he would take care of it and get the kid there.

And he succeeded as they landed in Benden. Kor’is didn’t really want to baby-sit Fetch the entire time and so led him to Mylorah’s family before sitting a couple of rows behind them. He almost looked like he was being social and that had to count for something.

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of Gold Varanuth

Date of Birth
15.01.716 , 29
Dark Brown
Slender and curvy


Written By: Jenn
August was hot, the edges of her hair starting to wet and stick to her face and scalp. The heat was oppressive and stifling, enough so that she'd spent as much time as she could on the cool floor of the barracks or Rhamnus' personal room. The healer was good to her, making sure she stayed hydrated and making sure that she felt much better from her poisoning. The fact that it had been several weeks since that night didn't seem to phase the man. She grinned at him with a wink as she passed by the healer station and watched with amusement as he stomped towards a young man swaying in the heat.

She would make sure that she got enough to drink while the hatching happened, couldn't be passing out from heat exhaustion before the first egg hatched now could she? How embarrassing would that be? Especially now that she'd caught sight of both Rhaedalyn and R'nya, her nerves telling her exactly what was happening. She gulped and turned to wait for the eggs to begin cracking. She reached up and grimaced as her hand shoved wet hair away from her forehead and she blew a cool breath down the front of her robes.

The heat was going to murder her.

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of Bronze Syrendryth

Date of Birth
17.04.722, 23
Lean, fit
Blonde, shorter


Written By: SunsetWay
T’ryn knew how much it killed Cazan to still be stuck in the Weyr. She had been excited when he said the twins would be fine in the crèche while they went to the Hatching—before he remembered one little problem. Malvayth still didn’t know how to travel between and it would be a couple of months yet before she would be deemed trained and ready. So he had quickly offered to bring the apology gifts he knew Cazan would start making.

So like the last Hatching, T’ryn arrived with a bag of gifts for various people, though he would wait until later on to hand them out. He always felt odd approaching the pairs on the Sands (though it wasn’t as weird as being one of those pairs) and it just seemed more appropriate to hand out gifts without a large audience. But he did greet N’mor before finding his brothers in the stands. He spotted his siblings on the Sands and smiled as he saw how excited Zoremet seemed and even Mylorah and Zelana looked a lot happier than they had been lately.

He waved at a few other friends before finally focusing on the eggs. He had heard a bit about the markings that some of the dragonhealers had wanted to try and from where he was sitting, it seemed safe and an intriguing idea. Not a lot of information had made its way to Telgar yet but he suspected it would after this Hatching and the findings were cleaned up and adjusted. He’d spoken briefly with Mulrissa on what they did know and mentioned he would be okay with the numbering system but that it was ultimately the decision of Mulrissa and Bedith. Maybe he could get some info out of Helyna and N’mor later as well.

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Date of Birth
07.10.719 ,
Dark Brown


Written By: Jenn
She was regretting her attendance at this hatching.

Ista was hot but Ista wasn't wet hot and Maliah decided wet hot was worse than dry hot. She grimaced as a line of sweat slipped down her ass crack as she made her way through the stands. She begged a ride from her sister's little boyfriend, not that it had taken much to get D'io to give her a lift considering Ferra was standing down there on the sands. The man was absolutely slapped with affection for her sister and it made Maliah snicker every time she saw it. Her little poet friend was standing too and Maliah decided that perhaps being a little selfless for Orgailian and Ferra was better than being a dick.

Speaking of dick.

Her green eyes brightened and she wiggled slightly to dislodge some disgusting sweat as she spotted the bluerider she liked antagonizing far more than she should. Her brother had warned her off him but Maliah was an idiot. Well.. Maybe not an idiot but she was definitely a glutton for punishment and made her way towards Kor'is. She could (and did) pretend she didn't know where she was going before flopping down next to him. Her lips curved into a smirk as she set about dragging a sketchbook out of the satchel at her side. "Beastie!" she said with feigned surprise, "I didn't see you here. Hope you don't mind, it was the only empty seat I could find." Might've been a lie, might not have been but it didn't matter, she wondered if he was going to be rude and leave.

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Date of Birth
04.03.723, 22
Icy Blue and small for his face
Beefy and solid
Blonde and usually kept short, he tries to keep it combed but it has a tendency towards getting mussed.


Written By: BardlyThere
Why had Fediletch let the bluerider convince him it was fine to come? People would remember who he was, they'd hate him, they'd make him feel bad... it would be bad luck for the babies! This was a terrible idea, but here he was in the heat, sitting uncomfortably next to Mylorah's siblings, anxiously staring at the eggs. At least he spotted her easily enough and gave her an eager wave (that knocked his elbow clumsily into K'dar's head). After apologizing profusely and being told to just calm down it was fine he settled in, fingers twiddling anxiously.

He wasn't even down there to try and help. So he was going to bring bad luck and he couldn't even try to make it better and maybe he'd be wrong, but maybe he wasn't! Chuck gave a soft chirp in his lap and nuzzled his hand to give it something better to do (because pets were far superior to twiddles). So Fetch tried to occupy his hands for the moment, and if he calmed down, maybe he could try and sketch some of the action to soothe himself. He had brought along his sketchbook in his bag so that he could show Mylo some of his new drawings. He'd been working on drawing people that weren't in front of him! Or even changing the subject while keeping the pose. Hopefully she'd impress, and then he could draw her and her new dragon, but even if she didn't he had a drawing ready as a gift to her. Hopefully she'd like it.

Hopefully nothing went wrong and he'd be able to give it to her after the Hatching.

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of Gold Iliyith

Date of Birth
01.01.714, 31
Brown, trusting
Deep brown


Written By: ValGal9
Helyna smiled and returned Ojassa and Rhaedlyn’s greetings politely. The mugginess of the day was making her irritable despite her best intentions, and all she could hope was that her facade of composure wasn’t melting like it felt the rest of her was.

Helyna had pinned up her hair during the first hour of waiting, but still felt sweat drip down her neck. If this heat kept up, she’d probably go over to the healers table and steal a soaked rag to cool down with. The fan she had brought was barely worth the energy to use it.

But the cracks were finally starting to get larger, and everyone anxiously watched for the first shell to break. She knew there had been a betting pool started up, but it seemed in poor taste to bet on her own clutch. Still, she hoped for a bronze-or even the gold! Wouldn’t that be exciting?

Surprising several people, Egg #1 was the first to hatch, seemingly finally impatient to get out of his shell. Bronze 1 scrambled out, peering around curiously at the crowd for a moment before he made his unsteady way over to the clusters of candidates and headbutted his choice in the legs.

Several long minutes passed after this quick and lucky Impression before the next pair of eggs began to move in earnest. Egg #3 tipped over into Egg #2 and the two cracked open to reveal Brown 1 and Blue 1. The big blue sat there stunned for a minute while the brown shook off the remaining bits of shell and chirped inquisitively. The brown then meandered off along the sands, seemingly more curious about the other eggs than the Candidates, his blue brother was intrigued and followed him towards the violently rocking egg #27.

Egg #9 produced the dainty little Green 1. She had just started to make her way over to the candidates when there was an alarming commotion from egg #27. Brown 1 had crouched down, then suddenly pounced on the egg just as it split open, chirping cheerfully in what quickly gave way to a surprised and pained shriek. Bronze 2 emerged hissing and spitting-mad from the remains of egg #27, clawing up the belly of Brown 1 who managed to quickly scramble away. The bronze rounded on Blue 1 who began to puff himself up and hiss back loudly, trying to scare off the angry bronze. In all the commotion Green 1 quickly found her mate and ushered him away.

Hatching Order / Number on the egg / Color

Hatchling 1 / Egg #1 / Bronze 1 - Impressed NPC
Hatchling 2 / Egg #3 / Brown 1
Hatchling 3 / Egg #2 / Blue 1
Hatchling 4 / Egg #9 / Green 1 - Impressed NPC
Hatchling 5 / Egg #27 / Bronze 2

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of Blue Toynolth

Date of Birth
11.12.714, 30
Dark Brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Well that certainly took a turn. A bronze hatching first was supposed to be good luck, but the brown stalking over and pouncing a very irritable sibling and the subsequent reaction didn't bode well. At least it looked like the little brown would be fine, maybe need a few stitches, but once he impressed hopefully all that would sort out. If he impressed.

Between the confrontation with the brown and now facing off with the blue, T'cai knew he was already going to have his hands full. And this was only the first few! Help me remember those three. We'll probably need to keep an eye on them. Hopefully they settle down once they find their mates and eat. I certainly hope so for our sake.

At least the little green had sense to get to hers and then get him out of the way. Hopefully the altercation between the little blue and bronze didn't get any worse.

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Date of Birth
02.12.724, 20
Lean, fit


Written By: BardlyThere
Oh no. Zoremet hoped that wasn't the little surprising baby that he'd met. He'd feel awful if that was the case. He didn't think it was though, the egg he'd touched had been in a different place and... no he was sure it was still on the sands and unhatched for the moment. Between the little quiet stalker he'd met and this playful guy, it was certainly shaping up to be quite the fun batch of babies... even if one of their brothers was a huge grump.

But maybe that's because he was just coming out. Maybe he'd calm down now that he was out. Zory could only watch and wait to see what would happen as the bronze and blue faced off with each other. At least they were over there and away from them. He wouldn't want to get caught up in the middle of that sort of fight. And in an effort to be extra alert and pay close attention, Zory actually did his best to stay focused on the pair of bickering babies.

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of Bronze Rhezalth

Date of Birth
19.03.722, 23
Stocky, Fit
Reddish Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
N’mor didn’t mind the heat; it was very similar to growing up in Katila, though it honestly left a lot to be desired by sinking its teeth into his Benden home. He much preferred the more mild weather that was usually prevalent in the area. It was nice not to be sweltering and dying day by day. Alas. It was what it was, and N’mor saw no reason to get shirty about it as eh went about his day to day business doing tasks for M’ris. He was getting a lot more comfortable in his role as Weyrsecond, and he had always been a forward thinker, so it didn’t take much to read between the lines and pick up the slack for M’ris when the bronzerider was having a bad day. Or week. Or month. Or whatever.

When the alert came that the eggs were finally ready to make a move, N’mor grinned and finished tiding up the office; he knew there was no rush. But he wanted to be there early to keep Helyna company and to greet those who would come to the viewing. It wasn’t really his job, but again, sometimes he had to step up to fill in the shoes M’ris wasn’t capable of wearing for the moment.

Sliding off Rhezalth, N’mor made his way across the sands while his proud bronze quickly went to join Iliyith with a croon and a nuzzle, standing vibrantly beside her as they watched the eggs prepare to release their little prizes within. N’mor greeted Helyna in kind, placing a chaste kiss to her cheek before they were inundated with the arrivals, greeting those that came forward to greet them, and waving to friends that were less important politically.

A bronze! Rhezalth crowed, flaring his wings slightly and dancing on the spot in his excitement at the little creature’s appearance, a fantastic sign that had been missing at many a previous hatching. He settled, nuzzling Iliyith’s neck and licking her cheek. N’mor was no less delighted, but was much more décor as he squeezed Helyna’s shoulder with his left hand gently, and gave her a bright smile. A few minutes later, and it seemed the eggs were finished letting their first born brother soak in the limelight.

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