World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [O] 739.03.30 | A Dinner to Reconnect
7 PM

of Gold Bedith

Date of Birth
Dark brown, twists


Written By: Zandelion
For various reasons, chief among them her fairly newfound status as a goldrider (though five turns was hardly ‘recent’ anymore, really), Mulrissa had stopped spending much time with a lot of her friends. Namely her friends from when G’chal was still alive; his fellow blueriders especially. While Rissa had considered them her friends too, the combination of his death and her Impression of Bedith meant she hadn’t hung out with them in a while. So she’d set up a dinner and invited many friends, current and those she’d lost contact with, in an attempt to check in with everyone and restart old friendships where possible. Not everyone could attend, of course, but a few had expressed their intent to attend, and Mulrissa was excited at the opportunity.

The day of the dinner, an off day for her, had been spent preparing for her get-together. Mulrissa had asked one of her friends who worked in the kitchens to help her prepare a few things special, as well as make up trays to take up to her (decidedly large) weyr. She’d asked the woman to come to the dinner herself, but she’d had to decline. It had been a while since Rissa had done work in the kitchens, all her time spent with her children or her dragon, so spending part of a day cooking and making bread was nicely relaxing. Even the tiredness in her arms from kneading the dough was nice, though Rissa was glad it wasn’t part of her daily routine. She also hadn’t missed being able to keep her clothes nice and clean and free of flour and any other kitchen ingredients or foods.

Upon returning to her weyr, with the promise of food to be carried up later — Mulrissa had recruited her son and some of his fellow Candidates to assist, with the promise they could stay for dinner if they wanted — she changed into clothes that weren’t dusted with flour, being careful that none of the flour transferred from her clothes to anywhere in the room. She had cleaned the place up the night before, even convincing Ginorra to help, so there wasn’t anything left to do on the cleaning front. Even so, Mulrissa did adjust all the seating again, feeling that some sort of cleaning needed to be done that day. The dining table had been pushed against a wall to act as something of a buffet table, and the chairs that usually stood around it were placed among the two small couches and softer lounge chairs. Murlissa had even pulled out a few extra pillows to act as cushions if someone wanted to sit on the floor.

Her next task was to choose wine for the evening. She had a few bottles to choose from, a collection that had built up over the years. Since moving North Rissa had picked up more of a taste for it. The access to higher quality wines was absolutely at fault, and there were a number of fine Benden’s in her collection. A few of them even made the final cut of the bottles she pulled out for the evening, though she also included a number of less quality wines for later drinks — once you’d had a few it didn’t really matter how nice the wine was quite the same way.

Once she had a nice set of wines, placed in a large bowl with ice with a few extras on the side, Mulrissa went down to fetch Chalris and his friends (She would have asked Bedith, as she had no issue speaking to Chalris or Ginorra, but the young gold found message running beneath her if it wasn’t an emergency.). Within half an hour all the food had been brought up to her weyr and arranged to Rissa’s specifications, leaving her to hover by the door to her weyr waiting for guests to arrive.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B’jin, with his arm linked affectionately through R’nd’s, lead his lover at a good clip through the Weyr and towards the rooms of one of their lovely gold ladies, Mulrissa. Dinners were not something B’jin was inclined to miss out on, especially when the invitation was open or specifically included him. He liked the socialising and the eating and the drinking that came with more purpose than getting drunk to drown out something sour. Which was usually why he drank. Of course, B’jin was an alcoholic, so he spent a lot of time drinking, regardless of reason, but having a socially acceptable reason was never missed.

On his shoulder opposite R’nd, Shimmer sat primly, her little face etched with interest at the prospect of meeting new people, and undoubtedly bossing them around, as was her divine right as a gold firelizard! She chittered softly as they came to a halt outside the goldrider’s weyr and B’jin knocked on the door, beaming at Mulrissa when she opened it and greeted them. Picking up her hand, B’jin gave a mock-serious bow and kissed the back of her hand, before sliding into the weyr and looking around with curiosity and interest.

B’jin didn’t really know the goldrider; he had been teaching the group whose dragons had Hatched a couple of months prior to her own. He knew of her, of course, but his own attentions had been firmly ingrained in his young son not dying after the Landslide and then getting the whole class back on track with their lessons. B’jin threw off that line of thought, hating the memories it brought up, and instead focused on looking for… ah! Spotting the wine bottles, B’jin made a beeline for them, and cracked one of the better-labelled Benden bottles, pouring it with practiced elegance into the glasses; one for himself, one for R’nd, and one for Mulrissa, since her hands appeared to be empty and that just would not do!

Picking up the glasses for gold and bluerider, B’jin delivered them into their hands without a word and quickly returned to claim his own glass, taking a sip and humming in approval. That taken care of, he set about looking over the snacks with interest; it didn’t take him long to pick something out and he then found a chair, settling into it with a bright smile at his companions as he took another nibble of his food. He offered a bit of crumb to Shimmer, who took it with great decorum and set about eating it and then cleaning her little paws.

“Lovely set up!” B’jin complimented, glancing around the room again as he leaned forward, wine glass held between his knees, elbows resting on his legs. “Is anyone interesting going to wander in?” The teasing comment came with a playful smirk.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd considered nearly everyone he met to be a friend and he liked keeping in touch with them all as best as he could. Now that multiple Weyrs were open again, it became more of a challenge for such meet ups but he still tried. It never bothered him either if they Impressed to a higher rank than him, though some of the bronzeriders adapted the idea that they were too good to socialise with a bluerider or just simply became too busy. The goldriders were actually some of his favourite to pop in on. Rhaedalyn’s innocence and ability to find enjoyment in the simplest of activities was refreshing and he stopped in at Fort Weyr regularly. Mulrissa was another woman he had tried to keep up with over the turns, finding her fun to spend time with and enjoying her charm and ability to converse about a multitude of topics.

It was why he jumped at the chance to visit her again when the dinner invitation came. They lived in the same Weyr but schedules and commitments sometimes made it hard to keep up with each other as much as he would have liked and R’nd found himself appalled at the realisation it had been several months since they had last sat down together. So he was just as eager as B’jin seemed to be to head over, and despite the greenrider’s pestering and light-hearted complaints, R’nd had actually finished getting ready first and was simply toying with his hair to keep up appearances of spending too much time in front of the mirror—though he was definitely guilty of doing such a thing far too often.

He laughed as he was dragged across the Weyr, knowing full well that it was the access to free food and wine that was motivating B’jin, likely more than the chance to spend time with a group of people, though R’nd knew the greenrider could be just as much a social butterfly as him. When they finally reached their destination, R’nd smiled warmly at Mulrissa as she greeted them and kissed her cheek when B’jin let go to scamper off to the wine.

“Good evening, Rissa-love. You look as beautiful as ever.” He grinned as B’jin returned with a glass of wine for each of them before disappearing again. The glass was held up in a small toast to Mulrissa before a sip was taken. “Thank you for hosting this evening. It’s been a while since we’ve had a nice dinner party to relax and socialise,” R’nd paused as B’jin added his own compliments and questioned who might be coming, “I also look forward to seeing who might swing by.”

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of Gold Bedith

Date of Birth
Dark brown, twists


Written By: Zandelion
Mulrissa smiled at B’jin and R’nd as she opened the door to let them inside. She laughed good-naturedly at B’jin’s greeting, curtsying a little in return before leaning in to receive R’nd’s greeting as B’jin wandered further into the weyr.

“As do you, of course.” She replied to his compliment, gently leading him further into the weyr and towards some of the chairs. They were briefly waylaid by B’jin bringing them glasses of wine, though Rissa was hardly complaining about being handed a generous glass of Benden. She returned R’nd’s toast and gestured towards a chair, indicating he should take it. After he had taken a seat, she lightly sat down on one of the dining chairs that had been moved around, keeping an eye on the weyr door.

“Hmn,” She said, tapping a finger against her cheek in thought to B’jin’s question about other guests. “I’ve gotten a lot of ‘maybes,’ so I can hardly give a full list. I know J’shom of Siolilth was planning on stopping by, and G’nen of Yanth was going to visit with his eldest daughter. She and my Ginorra were playmates in Katila.” Rissa explained, “Hopefully Galatea will be able to keep her company tonight. Give them someone to talk to besides us boring adults.” She laughed, though her wish for Ginorra to have a friend there was genuine. Her daughter had loaded a plate full of cheese, crackers, and other nibbles before slinking off to cloister herself in her bedroom as soon as the food had been brought up. Ginorra was a bit shy, so Mulrissa hoped a friend being at the dinner party might make her more comfortable. Rissa snuck a glance towards the entry to Bedith’s portion of the weyr, where she could her quiet voices coming through from the door, Chalris’ among them. Her other child had brought his Candidate friends to meet a gold dragon. Many of them had likely never been so close and personal with a gold before. Bedith’s pleasure at being the center of attention was palpable.

’Are you keeping the Candidates in line, dear?’ Mulrissa asked her dragon. If the gold beast were uncomfortable in any way she knew the space would have been cleared in seconds, with slightly terrified Candidates rushing back into the main room of the weyr. She could feel Bedith chuckle at the image.

They are being appropriately respectful. Bedith preened, sending Rissa the image of awestruck young faces.

’Good. Hopefully they stay that way.’ Satisfied her dragon and son weren’t getting in — or more likely, causing — any sort of trouble, she returned her attention to her guests.

“How have you two been?” She asked, taking another sip of wine. “It’s been a while since we properly chatted.”

Shamelessly enables myself to throw in some of my other less-played characters.

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
As both a fellow weyrbrat and Candidate, Nerreh knew Chalris well enough that she had been among those he’d asked to help with his mother’s dinner party-event-thing. She’d gone along with it readily enough; had to do work, but she got food out of it. Extra nice food was always good. So she’d helped transport food from the kitchens up to Mulrissa’s weyr with Chalris and a few others, and now they were being introduced to Bedith. Nerreh couldn’t lie; the gold was frankly, quite impressive. She may have been around dragons all her life, but she didn’t get a chance to be this close to golds often. Due to her friendship with Vaeyla, Nerreh had met Nadioth a few times, but not that often and always outside. Bedith was even bigger, and something about a dragon in an enclosed space made them seem larger than they did in open air.

In other words, Bedith was really big and kind of intimidating, considering the way she was looking at them all. Nerreh shifted awkwardly, deeply aware of the gold’s attention on them. Sizing them up to see if they were worthy of any of her hatchlings? Not that Bedith had Risen yet, but eventually she would, and if Nerreh hadn’t Impressed by then maybe she’d be Standing for the Clutch. She tried to send competent, fighting dragon riding vibes at the gold, hoping for the best. Spice chittered from her shoulder, the brown firelizard chatting with Chalris’ Sandy. Apparently whatever Spice said offended the other brown, because Nerreh suddenly felt Sandy tackling Spice off her shoulder. She stumbled a bit, pushed off balance by the unexpected contact.

“What did you say?” She asked, looking at Spice with disappointment. Really? In front of the gold? Chalris started forward, perhaps intending to separate them, but Bedith turned a great whirling eye on the tussling browns and within seconds both had bolted, shrieking and winging their way into the main room.

“Thank you,” Nerreh said to Bedith. “That nuisance never listens to me.” Really, he didn’t. Nerreh loved the little troublemaker, but honestly. He was such a pain to keep in line. It didn’t help that Nerreh got a little too much enjoyment from the chaos he occasionally caused. She glanced over to Chalris, who was staring after the departed firelizards with concern. Nerreh didn’t really care if they mucked things up, really, but if they got into the food then she wouldn't be able to eat it. And that was tragic.

“I’ll make sure they’re not tearing your mother’s little party apart, don’t worry.” She said, heading over to the door, having decided to rescue the tasty treats that lay beyond. “Thank you for meeting with us, Bedith” Nerreh told the dragon politely, walking a bit further before pausing to call back to her friends. “I should be back in a minute.”

Feel free to decide what the firelizards get up to, or ignore them until someone else's thread

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of Gold Okalinath

Date of Birth


Written By: ZZZ Archived
She wanted to show her face more often outside of being the Weyrwoman, letting the rest of the people see her as being approachable was a good thing. At least she wanted to believe that. Mostly because Okalinath kept on insisting that she could do more and succeed at it as well. Kahleena supposed that a lot of her fears and doubts were all unfounded but that was that niggling worry that wouldn't go away, even though she worked hard - well at least she thought she worked hard.

In spite of this, or perhaps because of it a lot of her relationships tended to suffer, stagnate or just end up being barely polite as a result of it. Not that she was entirely unsuccessful, she just couldn't figure out how to build on the times she did work it with someone else and make it happen in a more reliable and consistent way.

All of that was the kind of thinking that had gone, thankfully not solely on her own. Okalinath had been there, huffing and a little bit irritable but as ever an endless source of wisdom and reassurance. It was the kind of thing that she knew over the last seven years she had really started to think about how much of a different person she would have ended up being if she hadn't Impressed the lemon-colored wonder that was the wonderful dragon she adored so much. It was hardly an original kind of thinking when it came to the connection between a dragon and their rider and Kahleena hoped to build from that with the others who were going to be at this gathering that Mulrissa - no, Rissa that was what was what she preferred and it was important that she remembered it -Are you sure you are going to be alright?- she asked silently and got what was best described as a sound of satisfaction and a gentle nudge to encourage her onward into the party.

Kahleena was smartly dressed, not too formally - well she hoped not - as she arrived and walked on inside. Hopefully, this was going to lead to better and brighter things on the horizon and for the rest of the year "This was a wonderful idea" she spoke clearly and smiled as she looked at the woman who had organized all of this, it was the kind of thing she should have thought of, wasn't it? Everyone enjoyed socializing, Kahleena knew that was true in her case. So, it was hard to imagine that no one else felt the same way.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd sipped his wine and nodded at the list of people that would likely come and frowned a bit at all the ‘maybes’. It was late enough in the evening that everyone would be done work for the day but still early enough that those that rose ridiculously early could still come by for a quick visit. Indecisive people when it came to parties always made R’nd sad. It was hard to plan a party if you didn’t know if people would show or not. It’d be a shame to have too much food and some of it spoil from sitting out too long because no one was there to eat it. A glance to B’jin, though, reassured the bluerider that the wine at least would be properly dealt with regardless of the number of guests.

“B’jin has been busier than me. I’ve been on a few Searches lately but for the most part I’m being the stereotypical lazy bluerider that’s only good for flirting and spending time with.” R’nd laughed as he made fun of himself before sipping the wine again. He loved socializing and would spend the day talking with anyone that wanted a conversation. He didn’t pay any mind to rank or position within the Weyr when it came to such things and would even lend a hand with laundry or dishes if needed so they could continue a conversation. He did wonder, however, if he should look into finding more to do with his down time. He could only go out Searching so much and while he didn’t mind being called in to assist in a class from time to time when B’jin needed it, R’nd wasn’t sure he wanted to be an Assistant full time.

At that moment he spotted Kahleena enter. He smiled at the Weyrwoman and stood to greet her properly. “Kahleena! It’s lovely seeing you enjoying some downtime,” he kissed her cheek in greeting as well, definitely showing his earlier train of thought to everyone. Kahleena was a kind woman and while she was Weyrwoman and he did show her respect, he figured it was also nice to be treated as just another person sometimes as well.

He waved to the seat he had just vacated from beside Mulrissa for her to take. “Sit and enjoy yourself. Would you like a drink?” It wasn't his party but he naturally slipped into the role of a host, wanting to make sure everyone was comfortable and enjoying themselves. He also wanted to make sure Mulrissa was included in that. He could tell she had spent a lot of time preparing for the gathering and he felt like he could take over some of the hosting so she could mingle and relax like everyone else.

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of Blue Varralath

Date of Birth
08.10.712, 32
Pale Blue
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Z’rin had to admit he hadn’t been overly close with any of his clutchmates during their weyrlinghood or after. He never felt like he entirely fit in with the weyrbred or the ones that had been Stolen away to their secret Weyr to help keep the dragon population growing. He was the odd one out by being left behind by his family that was a part of a small exploration team to the South so long ago so he often stayed quiet or joined in on the joking around that usually involved teasing him. The few that he actually opened up to a bit were the ones that were usually stuck with him and he was beyond relieved when he Impressed with Indivara and Ryvian. It wasn’t like he avoided everyone else, though! He hung out with them and they helped each other out when needed but it wasn’t the same level of friendship.

When Mulrissa’s invitation for dinner came, Z’rin was a bit surprised. He definitely hadn’t kept up with the goldrider as much as he could have. But given she Impressed to a dragon a bit shinier than his own blue, it wasn’t hard to see why they hadn’t been able to maintain a friendship. Still, it was a welcomed surprise and Z’rin felt like he needed to get out more, especially now that more of his free time was being spent with a certain bronzerider.

As he approached the weyr, Z’rin saw a couple of others enter and trailed in after them, handing out a few smiles and greetings as he went. When he caught Mulrissa’s eye, his smile brightened and he wandered over to her. “Hey! You know… we live in the same Weyr and I feel like this is the first time since graduation that I’ve seen you.” He laughed and shook his head at his own inability to keep up a social life. Sometimes sitting at home was vastly more appealing than getting into whatever mischief friends or fellow blueriders were up to.

“Thanks for the invite, though. It’s nice getting out.”

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara huffed a sigh, staring up at the ceiling from where she was sprawled across the couch, head tipped back on the armrest so she could see the bedroom door. V’ler was taking forever. Of course, she knew it was her fault. They’d been ready what felt like hours ago, but when he came out dressed, she’d looked him up and down, raised an eyebrow and made a quip – ‘you’re wearing that?!’ – just to be a smartarse. Naturally, V’ler had turned on his heel and returned to the bedroom. Indivara didn’t think she’d actually upset him; she was fairly sure he was just being sassy to prove a point. But it was annoying and they were going to be so late now.

“What are you doing?” Indivara called, her resignation in her voice. “Hand sewing a new outfit?” When she finally saw him making his way across the weyr from the bedroom, she stood up, and after one glance at his outfit, dropped the most flat look she could on her fellow bluerider. “Really?” She asked, rhetorical, and shook her head. Before he could retreat to the bedroom again, she stuck herself to his side, twining her arm through his and marching him towards the door. “If all the good food is gone, you are in trouble,” she warned, giving him a dirty look as she opened the weyr door and dragged him out.

Indivara herself had been dressed by Kerrin, – almost literally, the pushy greenrider – when said greenrider had appeared that afternoon with a new outfit for her. Indivara wasn’t quite sure why her friend was so intent on dressing her in fancy clothing, but she’d learned long ago not to fight it, or he really would tackle her and sit on her and change her clothes. It was hilarious, but also mortifying and enraging. As a result, Indivara was dressed in a nice pair of dark navy pants that had green and blue decorative stitching up the outer seam of both legs. To contrast (as Kerrin said, anyway) her shirt was long sleeved and white, with a fitted vest over the top of the same dark navy with decorative stitching.

She’d told Kerrin it was beautiful, mostly out of habit so he didn’t hurt her or make her wear something horrific in the future, but she decided she’d actually meant it as she’d examined the clothing before putting it on. He was really imporving and developing his own style and methods since he had begun. She’d invited him along to the dinner, but he’d declined and taken off. Typical greenrider. It was about then that she’d insulted V’ler, just to have him walk out in exactlyt he same outfit as he’d gone into the room in. Indivara glanced sideways at her companion as they finally arrived at Mulrissa’s doorway and she shoved it open without knocking.

“You’re such a sop,” Indivara called as she half-dragged V’ler over to where Z’rin was getting mushy with Mulrissa. It probably wasn’t so much that he didn’t want to go wherever Indivara was going, as much as Indivara was impatient and she’d decided V’ler was walking too slowly; hence, the dragging. Untangling her arm from Val’s and letting him be free, Indivara wrapped it instead around Z’rin’s waist and ducked under his arm, after which she frowned up at Mulrissa.

Indivara had no good reason to not like the goldrider, but she just couldn’t bring herself to like the woman. That Mulrissa was tall, strikingly beautiful, and bonded to a gold were all points against the woman, for an assortment of reasons. A glance across the room brought Kahleena into view and Indivara groaned internally. Moments like that she really missed Jada and the mischief they got up to. Turning her attention back to her classmate, Indivara studied Mulrissa for a moment before stating firmly and without any real warmth, “Thanks for the invite.” She was thankful; mostly for the food! She was starving. Giving Z’rin a playful dig in the ribs as she slipped away, Indivara made a beeline for the food table.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Bedith

Date of Birth
Dark brown, twists


Written By: Zandelion
The summary of R’nds’ activities made Mulrissa smile into her wineglass. “Those are the reasons blueriders are useful, though,” She teased, “Keep everyone from getting too serious and and working themselves to an early death. Besides, I’m sure B’jin can find plenty of uses for those skills.” She said, glancing at B’jin to make sure he didn’t take her comment the wrong way - any wrong way.

Rissa too stood up as the Weyrwoman appeared, pulling her into a hug after R’nd had finished greeting her. “I’m so glad you were able to come, Kahleena! I know you were unsure if you had tome to get away from your duties. Here,” she said, directing Kathleen to the recently vacated seat beside her. “Sit for a bit. It seems R’nd is willing to play server for a minute, so take advantage of it.” Moments later she was distracted from her fellow goldrider as new guests arrived and came over to greet her.

“Z’rin,” She said fondly, immensely glad of Bedith’s impeccable memory for names and faces. So useful at times like this. Not that she was bad with names herself, but she like to check. Rissa preferred to greet people by their names, especially now that she was a goldrider. Everyone seemed to appreciate the regard. “It is good to see you. It really has been ages, hasn’t it? You are of course welcome to stop by for a visit whenever, you know.”

Rissa would have said more, but at that moment Indivara forced herself into Z’rin’s space and also the conversation. She ignored the other woman’s frown, knowing enough of her to not take it too personally. “Welcome, Indivara.” She said, smiling at her. “I’m glad you could be here.” And that she had chosen to be there at all, but Rissa knew better than to say that part. “Same to you, V’ler.” She added, greeting the man who had been left a bit behind by the flurry that was Indivara, even as said flurry wandered off towards the food table. “Please enjoy the evening.”

Greetings given, Mulrissa had a second to take a deep breath, recovering from all the rapid ‘hello’s and ‘welcome’s. She was about to turn back to Kahleena to ask a question when two brown firelizards came through the door to Bedith’s portion of the weyr, bolting over towards the table in front of her. Rissa recognized Sandy, her son’s flit, but not the other one. She figured out the answer when one of the Candidates who had been hanging out by Bedith came back through the door, glancing around until his eyes landed on the firelizards and he headed over towards them. It wasn’t until he spoke in an unexpectedly high voice that Rissa recognized Nerreh, one of Chalris’ friends.

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Slipping back into the main room of the weyr, Nerreh looked around, easily finding where the wayward brown flits had gone. They had gone over towards Mulrissa, which Nerreh supposed made sense, as Sandy knew her best of the people here. She headed over to them, immediately apologizing for them.

“Sorry about them. They were being a nuisance and Bedith decided she’d had enough of it.” She said, gesturing at the firelizards. “I suppose I could take them back in there, but I doubt it would go any better a second time.” Nerreh grabbed a roll from a nearby plate, not realizing it was someone’s personal plate and not a serving platter, and started breaking it into smaller pieces, trying to entice Spice back over to her. Eyeing the crumbs, Spice leapt from the table to her shoulder, chittering excitedly. Nerreh fed him a few crumbs before taking a bite of the roll herself. She’d had a few rolls when they had carried the food up to the weyr — there were plenty, and she was technically a guest, after all, so it was fine — but she’d gotten hungry again and these rolls were really good. There was definitely some honey in the recipe, but they weren’t so sweet you couldn’t eat them with dinner. Nerreh hardly cared about that, but some people had weird rules about how sweet dinner food could be. Whatever. She took another roll, giving the rest of the one she held to Spice, who seemed to be showing off his good fortune to Sandy. Firelizards were so weird. Nerreh awkwardly waited, munching on her roll, hoping no one had any problems with the interruption.

Go forth and claim the plate Nerreh is stealing from

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
V’ler had rolled his eyes when Indivara told him to change – which he didn’t; he enjoyed playing with his firelizards while sprawled on the bed during that time – and he rolled his eyes again when she threatened him if they ended up late and missed all the good food. He also rolled his eyes and shook his head as he walked away when Indivara latched onto Z’rin and started pestering him in that special way of hers. Luckily for her – or him, given how accurate she was with a swift kick to the shin – each one was done with a level of affection that still startled him. Nothing had really changed between them, besides the regular and enthusiastic partaking of sex, but V’ler was definitely now aware of what he felt for Indivara, but tried not to over think it and ruin it.

He greeted B’jin as the greenrider seemed all but guarding the table of wine before moving over to the food. V’ler didn’t mind Mulrissa and greatly appreciated her gift of the notebook, but he had to admit that free food that didn’t involve going to the dining cavern was mighty appealing. He quickly loaded up a plate and was heading over to a couple of empty chairs off in the corner when a hand reached out and stole one of his delicious rolls. He frowned and glared at the teen that didn’t even seem to notice the mistake she made. “Want anything else before I find a spot to sit and eat?” V’ler commented casually as he watched the firelizard seem to taunt the other one because of the food.

He wasn’t really angry at a roll vanishing from his plate but was just being his usual sassy self, just like walking away before a reply came was as well. “Amazing food, Mulrissa,” V’ler mumbled with his mouth full as he ate and walked at the same time, passing by the hostess. He was decidedly hungry and couldn’t wait to sit down. Besides, another ‘brat might grab his entire plate if he wasn’t careful!

Not the best tag but wanted to get something up before I passed out in my comfy bed.

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of Gold Okalinath

Date of Birth


Written By: ZZZ Archived
She had trouble with the naturally happier and more open individuals that she seemed to find herself meeting up with and spending time with, at one point Kahleena had doubted her own ability to handle the role of weyrwoman and it hadn't - even now - entirely faded away. What she did know with complete certainty was that she wouldn't allow anyone to see even the barest suggestion of doubt "Thank you, I-- oh Mulrissa, umm yes, I decided that I could afford to let some things linger a little longer" it would also give her an ideal excuse to make an exit if she found herself unable to cope They all just want to be friendly. That's a good thing! it wasn't really a supportive reminder but far more about reminding Kahleena that she wasn't surrounded by the enemy or anything as dramatic as that.

Kahleena still had some trouble with the past and being kidnapped, stolen from her home and the life she would have had. Eventually, she might have might even by now have been a mother but she hadn't quickened - that she'd known about - since before she had been taken. So, perhaps, in the end, it had been a good thing that her husband had been free to marry someone else "You've really outdone yourself with everything. It might be an idea to have more gatherings like this" an effort perhaps with everything else going on but she wanted to make it clear she was open and on board with the ideas that others had. She didn't want to have anyone in her weyr to find themselves dealing with someone too rigid and close-minded. Faranth knew there was already enough of that out there.

Not surprised that others needed her time and attention, Kahleena was able to eventually claim the seat that had been offered to her beforehand and settling into place to make herself as comfortable as she could.

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