World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

A Mixture for Disaster [Aparicus, Talian]


55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Nejerc stood watching as S'kef disappeared with his dragon between leaving no answers to the inquires that rose up, and not seeming to care. His gaze flicked to Tsuen as he felt a surge of anger that he quickly suppressed. 'S'kef' If he'd continued on much longer Nejerc wondered if he would have been able to stand there much longer listening to the man gloat and throw his weight around like he was now high and mighty. No doubt he thought he was indeed high and mighty. If S'kef thought that announcement like that was going to just make everyone listen to him, a brown rider who already had a bad reputation with those who cared to remember, and Nejerc CARED to remember all right.

He had been careful to avoid S'kef and whenever he did run into the man he quickly found one excuse or another to find somewhere else to be. His boyfriend? Not much better in Nejerc's opinion. As he was in no hurry to be associated with either of them he did his best to avoid both at great lengths. His hand flexed as he took a deep breath and rolled his neck trying to vent the sudden surge of anger he took several moments to clear his head.

'Think.' He commanded himself. He had to do something. He needed to do something. What had S'kef said? There was an investigation. An investigation to find out who had poisoned D'ren. At least S'kef had said something right, even if he didn't intend to carry through with the promise of punishment.. Which might not be the best idea after all.. Nejerc wanted to speak badly with D'ren but didn't even know if he was conscious from the poisoning he had been through.

'Poisoning.. poisoning...' A light flicked on his head. "I have an idea.." He breathed softly more to himself not really meaning to say it aloud.. Though some who were likely still around him heard him. He didn't stick around however or even notice if anyone heard him. He pivited and began to walk away his long legs quick carrying him away from the gathering quickly back toward the announcements that had been tagged up on the bulletin boards. Reaching them he scanned them quickly before reaching out and holding his finger under a single word on one of the notes still up. "Tansy" He said aloud.

It rang a bell in his head and he recalled hearing B'jin whisper it earlier when the whole attack on the healing hall had taken place! Did that mean B'jin had known? Frowning slightly he turned away and quickly began to move toward the healing hall. How had he known? Who would have told him? Ronarth had been crazed it was possible that Ronarth might have known what it was that had happened but had he been sane enough to communicate what it was that had been done to D'ren? With the image of Ronarth attacking the hall flickering across his mind Nejerc knew it was a negative. Ronarth would not have been able to tell the healers..

The healers.. Even as his feet carried him toward the healing hall he already knew who it was he was going to approach. Talian. He had come to the south some time ago, Nejerc still remembered the rumors that had flown around when he had tried to kill himself. It had been the reason he had not been permitted to stand on the sands for so long, but for this most recent clutch Nejerc had seen the man in candidate lessons. He was silent like Nejerc, having never approached him before Nejerc didn't know if Talian was shy or if he was simply observant like himself.

He surfaced from his thoughts long enough to notice that someone was calling his name. Turning he was slightly surprised to see Aparicus hurrying after him. He waited until she had reached him before speaking. "Yes?"

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
“You… You said you had… had an idea.  Shards, must you walk so quickly?”  She asked, catching her breath between words as she finally caught up to him.  She’d over heard his comment that he’d not meant to say outloud and had been curious.  She’d simply meant to follow him to see where he was going, but when he had proved nearly impossible to follow without hiking up her skirts and running, she’d switched tactics to call out after him – at least to get him to slow down.

“Where on pern are you going?”  She asked as she finally closed in the last few steps to actually be considered with him and not a good distance behind him.  “And and idea about what?  About D’ren?  Do you know something?”

To be honest, she was almost not sure if she even wanted him to answer that question.  It all sounded like a horrible nightmare and a terrible mess – one she wasn’t sure she wanted to get involved in, but she couldn’t help but wonder where he was running off to so quickly.  Even Cinnamon had been upset over the pace and had left her shoulder to glide not far above them.  Now that she’d gotten him to slow and had slowed herself in turn, he fluttered down to her shoulder, entangling a forepaw in her hair as he chirped at the man – picking up on Apari’s curiosity as well as her slight uneasiness.

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Nejerc's gaze flicked of Aparicus. She was a woman, and most would likely try to exclude them from such things as this but as he turned and continued on his way.. However his steps were slower and less lengthened so that Aparicus could at least keep up. "The healers found that the weyr leader was poisoned as the bulletin stated. It also listed what was used as the poison. Tansy. I have no personal information on it. I do know someone who does however."

"The initial idea was that the weyr leader was poisoned. To be poisoned you have to ingest the substance somehow, and as far as I know poisons take a certain amount of time to take effect. I plan to question Talian, as he is the one I know who is most intimate with the properties of Tansy. As last I heard he was staying in the healer hall, I will check there for him first. If he isn't there I'll find someone who DOES know where he is and I will go there."

He took a deep breath. "No, I don't know anything about D'ren, but I DO intend to find out. I intend to find out who would have the gall to get so close to D'ren and poison the man who has done nothing but sacrifice for this weyr. That Ronarth was injured as well is quiet unacceptable in my mind." Ronarth was such a kind dragon, though large without a doubt Nejerc had NEVER heard of him hurting even another dragon, let alone a person, not even a fire lizard since their appearance. That Ronarth had been hurt in his panic and craze set Nejerc on edge with displeasure. He had stroked that dragon, stood next to him as the dragon sniffed him and then licked him.

They reached the healer hall and he wove his way toward the quarters of the master healer he had not once sought out before. Reaching his door he knocked loudly, making certain there was no way that Talian, if he was there, would not hear him.

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
“Tansy?”  She repeated, sounding a little surprised herself.  “The cute little yellow flower shaped like a button?  I’ve hard it’s poisonous and that you shouldn’t cook with it, but I never knew it was that poisonous.”  She admitted.  The thought of that pretty little flower being the cause of what had happened made the farmcrafter doubly happy she’d never planted it in her spice garden.  Think of all of the harm that could have happened if a cook had decided to get adventurous with the plants in her garden! 

Following the man at the now-slower pace, she reflected on his words even as she pulled the lizard from her shoulder to cradle him in her arms.  If they were going to the Healer Hall she wanted to make sure she could control him.  There was a slight twist in her stomach and she couldn’t help but check the sky for angry dragons as she hurried along a step behind him. 

“But who would want to hurt D’ren?  He’s never anything but kind and fair.”  She said, conviently forgetting for a moment the public lashings of the past.

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579 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Talian was a miserable thing today. He'd spent the morning with Valerian, seeking comfort from the friend he'd gradually grown closer to, and attended the meeting in the gather square with calculated dread. Talian hated S'kef. He hated D'ren as well, but at least S'kef was a bad person. D'ren was convenient to blame for all the wrongs committed by this place, but Talian wasn't sure he could wish death on anyone, not even his father!

He'd changed clothes at Valerian's place and even tended to his shoulder. When he entered the hallway, the only evidence of his bad night was the slight slump to his left shoulder and the gaunt, sleepless look in his eyes. The healer rounded the corner right as Nejerc knocked, so distracted by putting one foot in front of the other that he didn't notice Nejerc and Aparicus until Fellis, perched preciously on Talian's shoulder, issues a small cheep of concern.

The fire lizard creeled, promptly crawling down the front of Daddy's shirt to avoid a confrontation with the scary visitors. Tal grunted and placed one hand over the quivering lump on his chest and looked up, expression blanking as he saw his fellow candidates.

"...Do you need something?" he asked, exhausted and emotionless. He was still rattled from the night before, not so much from the medical crisis as the dragon's attack on the hall. Talian handled emergencies with grace and thought he'd done well not to piss himself over Ronarth, but waking up to see his name plastered all over wasn't exactly pleasant, either.  Talian was no longer inclined to curl up and mope over these sorts of things, but he sharding wanted to hide and rest for a while.

He managed a shallow smile.

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"Yes, Tans.." He trailed off as he noticed Talian when he spoke. Turning to face him he took in his appearance quickly and frowned slightly. "I wish to.." His gaze flicked to Aparicus and he changed his wording. "We wish to speak with you." He let his gaze move around them in the hall. "In private if you don't mind.." He inclined his head toward the door to Talian's quarters.

Talian looked like he'd had a rough night, and Nejerc was fairly certain it had been exactly just that. Were his eyes slightly dark under the bottom? One of his shoulders appeared slightly off center, but that could be that he was simply leaning to the side. He had likely been present to care for D'ren but Nejerc wouldn't be certain without questioning him first. It was possible he had been present when the hall was attacked so he could have been hurt, though he had heard of no injuries being reported. Then again Nejerc wouldn't have been told, he wasn't in charge, and he definitely wasn't a healer which was exactly why he was there at that moment.

Thinking that Talian might consider Nejerc was here because of D'ren, or S'kef, as much as that disgusted Nejerc. He took a deep breath to explain a little. "We simply wish to discuss the properties of a plant you're familiar with that's all." And that was all.. Yet. Nejerc didn't make any promises about not coming up with other questions about other subjects that might arise. He didn't want the healer to balk, a informative conversation should be in an area of conversation that he was hopefully comfortable with.

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Apari had turned her head with Nejerc trailed off to take in Talian herself and her eyes had widened in surprise and worry over his appearance.  As always her face showed her emotions a little too clearly as she held Cinnamon a little tighter to her chest, him bristling a little in protest though no sound left his maw for once.

“Oh, Talian you look terrible…”  she said softly to the man she had always held in high regard.  For a moment, when Nejerc mentioned that they wanted to speak in private, Apari almost made to excuse herself until it dawned on her that the man had said ‘we’ and not ‘I’.  He had easily included Apari into the questioning.

Glancing between the two men, she was uncertain if she should really be involved at all, but her own questions were bouncing around in her head and more than anything she wanted to make sure that the Master Healer was okay.  He looked… ragged and tired.  Perhaps while the two men spoke she could find his Klah pot and warm up a fresh brew for him.  Surely he still had some cinnamon sticks around she could even add if it would help to bring a little more life into those tired eyes.

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579 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
It didn't take much to stir up Talian's defenses, but this did it. He immediately stiffened, an unbelieving look creeping into his eyes until Nejerc explained himself. Talian was used to bad fortune and he was naturally mistrusting. After seeing his name on that bulletin, he honestly expected to be accused of the murder before the day was out. Of course, he'd quickly point out that he saved the man's life, but he didn't expect anyone here to listen to reason.

He was also beyond apprehensive about these people being in his space.  He didn't want them in his quarters. No one went in his quarters, not after the J'ver incident. If he'd taken a moment to think about his own attitude, he would have chuckled at himself for turning into B'jin.

He glanced between the two, noticing the sharp contrast in  Nejerc's sternness and Aparicus' kindness. Hah! What a familiar scheme. Even so, Talian didn't think it wise to be fussy with anyone at this point. He maintained his civility, but there was a certain air of dissatisfaction as he brushed past them and walked into his room.

"I don't like people in my room, but I understand this is important," he said softly, the words spoken as a dry fact, lacking any anger or disapproval. It was just a fact, the only thing his brain could process in his drained state. Feeling defeated and uncomfortable, he spun around and stood a step back. He would let them in the door, but only just. There would be no touching his furniture!

Fellis' head appeared, poking lightly out of the front of Talian's shirt. The creature cheeped nervously, eyeing the newcomers with paranoia to match his bonded. Talian held the creature close, shushing him lightly before looking back to the guests.

A certain plant I'm familiar with, huh? he thought. He figured he should be more upset at the mention of that 'certain' plant, but it left him feeling distant and indifferent. That felt so long ago now, like it had happened to a completely different person...

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Stepping in he waited until Apari was in as well before closing the door behind him. Noticing Talian's defensive gesture and hearing his words he leaned back against the door and sighed letting his chin drop to touch his chest so his gaze was lowered to the ground. "I appreciate your understanding."

"You've every right to feel precautious after having your name splashed all over the bulletin boards. I spoke to the truth however, I simply want to speak about Tansy. I distinctly recall you attempting to kill yourself with it not long ago, which might add to some peoples theory that it might have been you that poisoned D'ren. But." He held up his hand to stop either Aparicus or Talian interrupting until he finished.

"But, that isn't what I believe. Not right this moment. There's little for anyone to go on, that's why I'm here. I want information about how long it would take before the poison would have started to take effect, and how quick or slow it would have been. I also want to know if there's anything that could slow the effects or mask them. Given a time frame, we can at least start narrowing down on people who might have hurt the weyr leader."

Lifting his gaze to look at Talian he didn't make any move to shift from his relaxed post against the door behind him. "I'm not here to point the finger at you Talian."

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Apari had hesitated outside the door until she realized that Nejerc was waiting for her.  Quickly stepping inside as she held Cinnamon close, she made quick work to move to the side so that she was not too close to either of the men as her fellow candidate closed the door.  She half listened as she looked around from her position, not helping herself to the room though clearly interested in seeing what made up the Master Healer’s living space.  She probably should have known better than to be so openly nosy about it, but it didn’t last long as the word’s she heard suddenly sunk in.

Spinning around, she stared at Nejerc with wide eyes, ready to tell the man exactly what she thought of him accusing the Master Healer, but she found herself cut short as he held up a hand and continued.  Hearing what his question truly was and why he was asking it, she slowly closed her mouth again, chewing on her lower lip.  Okay… maybe those were important questions to be asking and they certainly didn’t point a threatening finger at Talian.  And after all, being a Master Healer, he’d certainly know the answer to those questions, wouldn’t he?

Sure, as a farmcrafter and one who specialized in herbs and spices, she knew what the plant looked like and where to find it and the fact that it was poisonious… but she had no idea how to actually use the plant.  Nor did she know exactly what the symptoms were or really any sort of detail besides the fact that it defiantly should NOT be kept in her spice garden. 

Shuffling Cinnamon a little in her arms, she turned her gaze toward Talian and decided that, for the moment, she’d be quiet and let the men sort out what needed to be said.  After all, Nejerc seemed to know what needed to be asked. 

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579 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Talian stared back at the other man thoughtfully, seeming to wake up just a bit as he started putting the pieces together in his head. He was a perceptive young man, and while he didn't have any reason to doubt Nejerc's reassurances, he didn't much care for his tone. Nejerc was obviously very serious about this. Maybe too serious to be here casually? Did Nejerc have some sort of unspoken agenda?

The healer didn't want to assume any such thing, as assumptions were grounds for disaster and he had no direct evidence. He tucked the idea away, wondering who could have employed such a man to do this. Nejerc was quiet and unassuming like himself, which made him a good hireling for such things. Of course, he also lacked any real connections that Talian knew of. He rejected the idea as a mere possibility, to be considered if anything else arose to support it.

Not unlike Nejerc's accusations of Talian, really.

Perhaps what bothered Talian the most was how his door had been shut. He considered it a direct violation of his privacy and it would have made him wring his hands, were he not having to soothe poor Fellis. The fire lizard was even more intimidated by Cinnamon's presence, but Tal didn't say anything about it. He liked Aparicus, in spite of their one nasty encounter, and the little bronze was well-behaved.

"The plant they're calling 'Tansy' is actually a southern variation. I don't believe it's he same species as the northern variety, but is in the same family," Talian said, narrowing his eyes and speaking with clinical rigidness. "It's best used dried and steeped into liquid. One spring in roughly one pint of fluid is enough to kill a man within thirty minutes," he explained. "But it only becomes painful after fifteen."

He closed his eyes and turned away. Imaged of his own brush with the plant, as well as the horrible images from the night before, quickly came to mind.  The images themselves didn't bother him. Talian was used to seeing terrible things. The emotions weren't necessarily hard to deal with, but confronting them in any way seemed strange now that they had grown so distant. Talian was always one to obsess over the bad, and his suicide had been no exception. Thinking about it now was just...strange.

"D'ren arrived with the symptoms already well underway. Whoever dosed him did it well, and it's a miracle he survived the night," Talian said at length. He didn't believe D'ren would have survived at all without his personal intervention, but now was neither the time to be defensive or proud. Besides, he wasn't proud. It was just his job.

"It grows in shady, forested areas. The flowers are distinctive. It doesn't have a strong taste, either, but giving it less time to dissolve diminishes the effect."

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Taking a deep breath Nejerc lowered to a squat his eyes closing as he continued to lean back against the door behind him. One hand rested limply on his knee the other was turned palm up his thumb rubbing it's pad in a small circle against the pad of his index and middle finger. His brows drawing together.

He needed a moment, he needed a moment to think to himself and with his eyes closed he shut out Aparicus, Talian, and the room. 'It's best used dried and steeped into liquid.' This didn't mean it had to be. 'One spring in roughly one pint of fluid is enough to kill a man within thirty minutes.' This meant that they had their time frame, but who would have access to the weyr leaders food? Or drink for that matter? If D'ren had taken food from the dining hall it could have been anyone. He would need to find out where D'ren had acquired his food from that evening.. He only knew one being in the weyr who might know but that being wasn't exactly in their right mind and was injured as well. Nejerc also didn't know how badly Ronarth would react to him asking questions about D'ren.

'D'ren arrived with the symptoms already well underway. Whoever dosed him did it well...' Interesting.. This implied that whoever dosed D'ren had known what they were doing, someone who had known about the southern Tansy. 'It grows in shady, forested areas. The flowers are distinctive.' If someone described the flower to another then they might be able to be sent to fetch it then perhaps? The flower grew nearby then, easily accessed even by foot only requiring a few minute walk to the forest to search for the query.

'It doesn't have a strong taste, either, but giving it less time to dissolve diminishes the effect.' So it would have been best to allow the tansy to mellow in the drink before the drink being served to D'ren. Opening his eyes slightly his fingers stopped their constant self brushing as he brought himself back to the present slowly pushing back to his feet he let his gaze rise to Talian's face. "You would think, when someone attempts to poison another they would know these things about the poison they were using. After all it wouldn't do to expect a quick acting poison and then be faced with a slower one and perhaps give themselves away by freaking out as it were. "

Nejerc smiled slightly. "Or someone has nerves of steel." Rolling his shoulders in a shrug he glanced toward Aparicus. "It wouldn't be surprising, poisoning the weyr leader would already require some nerves of steel. Has Ronarth allowed anyone to tend his wounds yet?" He looked at Talian clearly meaning the question for him he was after all the healer. He had been banned from healing D'ren that didn't mean he couldn't be aware of it, and those Ronarth was D'ren's dragon Ronarth was NOT D'ren. Though if one died, usually always the other quickly followed after. Nejerc shoved the thought aside, it didn't deserve baring at present.

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579 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Talian was unimpressed by Nejerc's observations, as they all seemed immediately obvious to him. He reminded himself, however, that Nejerc was probably just thinking out loud as Talian himself had once habitually done. His expression remained flat and neutral. He listened, nodding slowly, and continued to cradle his nervous fire lizard.

"I don't know about Ronarth. I'm not a dragon-healer, and after tending to D'ren, I had to tend to myself," the healer explained. He frowned, expecting a negative response, and carefully extracted Fellis from his shirt. The fire lizard creeled sadly and quickly attached himself to the man's shoulder. His tail wrapped around
Talian's neck and he buried his snout in the healer's hair, as if trying to hide.

Tal unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it back, revealing the neatly-stitched gash on his left shoulder. Fellis objected to the motion, but responded simply by pressing himself closer to Daddy's neck. Once the wound was visible, Talian waited a couple seconds before modestly sliding his shirt back into place and buttoning it back.

"I've treated dragons before, but only for minor lacerations and flight damage. I doubt they'll want me touching Ronarth, at any rate," he said. For the first time, a hint of bitterness rose up in his voice. He'd saved that man's life! Being removed was insulting, humiliating...and in all likelihood, was going to be the death of the poor man. Maybe someone else would step up. If not

Talian sighed and slumped onto his bed. He leaned into his palms and sighed, taking the moment to steady himself again. Shards, he was so tired! What was he going to do? What was he going to do if they accused him? What if the Weyrleader died because he wasn't allowed to work the case?

He shuddered for a moment, but he refused to let it overcome him. Not in front of these people, and not with Fellis already upset. Talian scowled to himself and pushed his fingers through his hair, brushing it back and looking wearily at the others.

"...The plant's effects are pretty well known after what happened with me last summer. I wouldn't say that the person responsible had any special knowledge so much as....was very thorough." It was easier to move back into the conversation than to let his emotions catch up to him. Focus on one thing at a time, Talian...

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Nejerc took in Talian's wound as he exposed it. That would explain the tilt of his shoulder and how he was holding himself. He took pity on the man a moment and hoped that Talian would not be so unfortunate as to be truly blamed for the poisoning. The shoulder wound was likely to be added to if that was the case. The investigation would hopefully not point back at the healer however. He was proving helpful, and informative in area's Nejerc had not even considered learning about until now.

If the investigation led to Talian...

Pushing the thought aside hoping for the healers sake it would lead else where Nejerc turned his gaze aside as the healer righted his shirt and continued speaking. He was right of course. No one would want Talian near Ronarth seeing as how Talian was being put firmly in the category as 'suspect' by S'kef. Folding his arms across his chest as Nejerc evaluated the information mentally again he never shifted from the door. The warmth from his shoulders had by now warmed the door where he had held constant contact with it.

The only one who could now help without some further information turning up would be Ronarth and Nejerc wasn't so sure that was a good idea. His gaze slid to Aparicus, if and it was a big 'if', Nejerc approached that particular dragon it would not be with her near by. It could also potentially point the finger in his direction if Ronarth went into another frenzy. Topped with the chance that Ronarth might just attack him, as his rider was still very ill, and that Ronarth was injured himself.

The prospects did not look good. If he wasn't going to approach Ronarth he would have nothing much more to go ask about, unless he wanted to disgruntle those who worked the kitchens that day. The thought made him frown. As the weyr leader is was possible he had made his own food, but then how had the Tansy gotten into his drink? Someone literally would have had to been inside his personal hut then.

If an investigation was truly being conducted then surely S'kef or someone S'kef had sent would check there first, it was why Nejerc hadn't given it more than a passing thought. He personally had never wanted anything to do with S'kef, and still didn't. The man had a way about him that sat ill with Nejerc and he was inclined to give him a wide berth whenever he could.

If, another big if, Nejerc did go to D'ren's lodging, it was even more likely he could cast himself as the potential poisoner. He wouldn't be able to take Aparicus with him there either, because then she too would easily be cast as his accomplice or him hers. It was likely to be a lashing for punishment and the thought didn't exactly bear much thought. He wouldn't lead her knowingly into an intense punishment.

A click seemed to come on in his head and his frown disappeared even as his gaze snapped to Talian. Questioning this man with her present was in essence already casting a light over them both. A light came into Nejerc's eyes as he regarded the injured healer, the muscles of his arms flexing even as he resisted his first primal urge. “We will leave you to your own tender healing, however...” He straightened from the door slowly his arms falling to his side. “All anyone else should ever know of this encounter is that it was only me here in this room with you discussing this. Are we clear healer?”

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579 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Talian could hardly believe what had just happened. He stared back at the other man disbelieving, his expression twisting from neutral discomfort to a sort of distantly offended, almost curious frown.

He was being...threatened?

Fellis creeled and plunged into Talian's shirt. The healer ignored him as he stepped forward, his curious eyes afire with disbelief and just a hint of anger. Talian was not an angry man; he was far more inclined to sorrow or offense when something spurred negativity in him. This, of course, was gravely offensive. Talian had been through a lot at Katila, however, and he was no longer keen on running away. He took a step closer and crossed his arms.

"I will do as I please," he said in a mellow tone, filled with self-assurance and his trademark stubbornness. "You do not own me, nor do these damnable dragonriders. Your beloved Weyrleader ruined my life, and yet I still risked my own to save his last night. Now, his successor is publicly humiliating me in his desperation to earn the Weyr's trust.  I've been removed from the case, even though I'm fairly certain my own absence will cause the Weyrleader's death. "

Tal inhaled deeply, a mixture of anger and nervousness temporarily overtaking him.  "Not to mention to numerous other crimes these dragonriders have committed against me." The weight in his tone was fitting, considering the memory he current entertained. It wasn't something he would ever share, but the anger and pain was visible in his eyes.

He spoke calmly, with only the faintest hint of anger, though there was a grave seriousness that seemed to overwhelm his previous nervousness and fear. "I will not be threatened on top of all that, sir. Not when I have done nothing wrong, neither to you or anyone else. Nor do I understand why you think I would do anything to harm you or Aparicus, even though you have both clearly come here with the intention of harming me. I would never do something to implicate an innocent person in a crime, and I find it insulting that you feel like you need to threaten me to prevent that."

He folded his arms across his chest and exhaled slowly. "Now that I've asked your question, please leave." He had no interest in talking to either of them, not when he was to be treated in such a way after being helpful...helpful, when he had no reason to be outside of his stupid, naive respect for human life. The Weyrleader deserved whatever befell him, but he was still a human being. How could any healer just let such a thing happen? Certainly not Talian.

He felt a knot forming in this throat. This day was too much.

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Aparicus had remained quiet for the conversation thus far, listening to both sides even as her face had betrayed most of her thoughts.  She was uncomfortable there once she realized that Talian had not really wanted them to be in his personal space.  Add that to the fact that the current topic of conversation had to do with the chain of unfortunate events of recent and she found herself silently shuffling her weight back and forth.  Perhaps it was a bad idea to follow her fellow candidate.  This was clearly men’s work and she was clearly not cut out for any sort of questioning or logical thinking.

Twice it seemed almost as if Nejerc was poking and prodding on the boarder of being rude and three times Talian’s own responses had made Apari visibly wince.  No, the more she heard the less she wanted to be there or involved.  The little bronze, who had been watching the blue with more interest than he had in the people, was beginning to pick up her anxiety and finally let out a questioning croon up to her.  While there were no words, she distinctly got the message that he would bite anyone making her so uncomfortable and she quickly shushed him before glancing nervously between the two men.

It seemed to come in perfect timing of the quiet threat that seemed to come from Nejerc and Apari’s jaw fell open and her eyes widened with as much surprise as the Healer seemed to display.  Taking a step further away from the men, the little bronze snorted, his eyes now glued on the two as the Healer began his rebuttle to their fellow candidate.

Why had Nejerc said that the way he had?  Asking that Apari herself not be mentioned in being there?  She wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing to hide that fact, especially now that she was sure she should be leaving all of this ‘investigating’ nonsense to the men of the Weyr.  It wasn’t Nejerc’s sudden little command that she’d not be mentioned that really shook her emotions, however, but Talian’s own reply.

And for the most part, his own reply was clouded out by one statement that stung and stuck in Apari’s ears making her wince and her eyes water.  ’… even though you have both clearly come here with the intention of harming me…’  Oh, surely he didn’t really think that?!  Ah, but his words and the way he held himself and the pain and anger she could even hear in his voice told her that it was exactly the way he had felt and it made it sting even more.

“I-I… I’m s-sorry, T-Talian…  You’re a H-healer.  A M-master H-healer…  I-I know you help people… I-I was only c-curious about the T-tansy.”  She said, the stammer more than clear in her voice as she tried not to choke up.  The bronze let out an angry hiss as he heard her and felt how she’d been upset by the two before her and Apari made a point of holding him tighter, lifting one hand to hold his head back against her collarbone so he couldn’t snap out at anyone. 

“I n-never m-m-meant to hurt you.”  She said, with a sob finally breaking through her voice.  Shaking her head, she motioned for Nejerc to move away from the door and she quickly opened it, slipping through it with as little space as possible before fleeing down the hallway, tears on her cheek.  If asking questions was going to hurt people, then she wanted nothing to do with this investigation.  Apari would never hurt anyone intentionally, and yet that was exactly what she had done by simply being there listening – she’d hurt Talian.

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Opening his mouth to reply to Talian he was stopped by a fearful stutter and closed his lips as he turned to look at Aparicus. Watching the woman carefully he didn't move as she slipped past him and out the door at his back. His gaze moved back to Talian just in time to see the man's expression and he took in a deep slow breath through his nose before finally having his turn to speak.

“She's nothing to do with this, if you want to run to someone about me nosing around fine. I don't claim to own you or any living thing and I intend never to.” There was nothing but stark truth in Nejerc's voice as he stared unblinkingly at the master healer. “You lay many crimes at the feet of D'ren but I think.. You've never truly met the man have you? You clearly have personal problems, but I could care less. You're problems are your own, but this...”

He jerked his chin slightly to the side to indicate Aparicus who had just left. “Is no threat.” His voice didn't shift in volume or tone remaining stark and even. “It's between just us. I don't make threats master healer, I make promises. If you want to slander someone then I give you permission to slander me as much as you wish, but I will not stand here and listen to you slander a man you have likely truly not met, or a woman who has done nothing to hurt you despite that it appears you just hurt her instead.”

Turning he opened the door in preparation to leave and looked back at Talian again his gaze flicking over the healer. “We came here with no intention to harm you. If I hurt you with mere verbal words I apologize, but consider what could have truly happened if it were someone else.” He met the healers gaze steadily and was quiet a moment. “If you need someone to distrust and hate so much then let it be me.” He stepped out of the room and quietly closed the door behind him, the door hardly making a sound as he closed it before he moved away down the hall in search of the woman who had fled moments before.

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579 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Talian's eyes followed sadly as Aparicus fled the room. He hated to have upset her, but he didn't know what he could do about it now. He watched, expression fading from sympathy to simple coldness as Nejerc spoke to him again. The healer was silent throughout the rebuttal, unamused but also unintimidated. The same words that would have sent him crumpled to the floor only months before had little effect on him now, aside from perhaps embittering him to this place all the more.

He handled it gracefully, watching in silence as the man spoke and turned to leave. Tal wasn't in the business of taking crap from bullies anymore, but some of those words had bothered him. He supposed he could fire back, but he chose not to. It was better to let it go and get that blowhard out of his room. Talian had been through a lot that day, and the longer he stood in silence and thought about what had just happened, the more he couldn't believe that he hadn't caved to tears.

As he heard the footsteps fade down the hallway, he realized he couldn't any longer. His throat tightened and he felt his eyes water.

"I hope it will be okay, little friend," he said, gently caressing Fellis as the fire lizard emerged to curl in his arms. "I really do."

He walked over to the door and locked it. He wanted to be alone.

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73 & IC

Written By:
Congratulations Aparicus and Nejerc, you found a clue!

As you pass by an open door, you notice a stack of open files spread across a desk in one of the healers' offices. You notice that the top two deal with Master Healer Talian and the sick Weyrleader, D'ren. It looks like someone was comparing their symptoms in an effort to better treat the Weyrleader.

However, there is a handwritten notes at the bottom. If you choose to examine it, you will see that someone was thinking out loud in their notes.  They seem to have been scrawling out a list of people with intimate knowledge of herbs. Talian is present on the list, of course, along with a few other names and some idle speculation.

Talian - Obvious But why save the Weyrleader's life immediately afterwards?
Aparicus - large garden, familiar with herbs, unassuming. Scared to go home. Opposed to going North?
Lymsleia - healer, familiar with herbs, constant verbal confrontations with Weyrleader over childbearing edict
Jazira - healer, knows about herbs. Also opposed to the edict, but complied and causes less trouble. Less likely, but still of interest.

Whoever took these notes seems to have stepped out...

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Stopping in his pursuit of the woman as he spotted the open door and notes inside he instinctively called out to her. “Aparicus!” Not waiting to see if she heard him or turned to see where he was going he stepped further into the room and closer to the notes. Turning the papers so they fully faced him his gaze raked over the words. He was not the only one doing an investigation, and it looked like they were collecting names already. People should be more careful. He frowned and he inspected their logic.

It did make some sense but on the other hand such things shouldn't be left out like it was. Whoever had written this would likely return soon. Were they working for S'kef? His mind whirling with thoughts he didn't know if he wanted to be rid of the paper or not.. That wasn't a good idea and he quickly dismissed it as he stared at the paper.

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Aparicus had halted in the hallway, turning slowly enough that she only caught a glance at Nejerc before he stepped through another door.  She hesitated a moment, desperate to flee and yet it was against her nature to be rude too…  He HAD called out to her.  That made her at least obligated to see why, right?

She winced and the little bronze in her arms hissed and bristled now that she’d let go of his head again.  Stepping forward slowly, as if ready for some terrifying monster to jump out of the doorway at her upon reaching it, she finally glanced inside to see Nejerc bent over a pile of papers.

“I-I’m sorry N-nejerc… I shouldn’t have followed… to question T-talian.”  She said, her stutter from the room still clear on her voice.  When she saw that he was looking at the papers, she almost didn’t give it a second thought until a name caught her eyes on it.  Blinking, her words caught in her throat as she took a small step closer to glance around the candidate and see just what the paper was.

A list…  A list of people who knew about Tansy… The plant that had nearly killed the Weyrleader… A list… of suspects then?

But why was HER NAME on that list?

Her face paled and what tears had been rolling down her cheeks seemed to freeze in place as if her own body temperature had dropped enough to turn them to ice.  “N-Nejerc…  M-my name…  Why is my name on that p-paper?”  she asked, her voice gone cold and quiet, barely audible.

Backing up, she held her fire lizard tighter until she bumped the doorframe.  Feeling that solid wood behind her, she squeaked and turned to run again, this time a full out sprint as fast as her skirts would allow her legs to carry her away from that place and she refused to listen this time if anyone called out to her.  She needed to be someplace safe.  Someplace far, far away from that paper… that list… with her name on it.

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579 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Talian collapsed on his bed, sobbing bitterly into his pillow. He was honestly surprised that he'd been able to take Nejerc on at all, and perhaps he'd have even done better on a less-terrible day, but right now it was all too much. It had been filled with such terrible ups and downs since he was woken from his rest late the previous night! He'd been terrified when Ronarth attacked the building, panicked when he saw D'ren's condition, relieved when he'd stabilized him, distraught when he saw his name published on the bulletins, overjoyed to see his friend Valerian, worried when he witnessed S'kef's ascension, and now mortified at the goings on in his own office!

He felt like he could vomit. He almost did. He groaned, clutching his stomach and steeling himself against the wild emotions coursing through him. Fellis creeled in distress, pressing his small body against Talian's in an effort to cheer him up. Daddy!

Tal put one hand on top of the little firelizard. His chest heaved and his throat burned as the day's events overwhelmed him, but he was happy to have the companionship of his little friend.

Fellis squeaked sadly. Daddy was so good at taking care of him and making him feel better! He wished so very badly that he could do the same for Daddy. The little creature tried to understand what happened, but all he could retrieve was his Daddy's association of the girl who'd fled with cinnamon sticks. For some reason, Daddy was filled with a desire to offer the girl a cinnamon stick right now.

Cinnamon sticks? Daddy wanted to give her a cinnamon stick?

A moment later, the little blue appeared from between, landing neatly on the desk before Aparicus with a cinnamon stick clasped in his paws. He cheeped nervously, for the girl scared him enough without her terrifying bronze! But Daddy thought of her with cinnamon sticks, so surely a cinnamon stick would cheer her up, right? And that would make Daddy happy, right?

Unfortunately, Fellis appeared at just the wrong moment. He offered the stick, creeling sadly, before the girl fled the room. Fellis had n comprehension of why she ran, so he could only assume it was from him. He squeaked sadly and dropped the stick, cringing away sadly before disappearing again.

He reappeared beside Talian, who hadn't even noticed his brief trip. The little fire lizard, hearts racing after his harrowing adventure, leaped onto Talian's back and began nosing him. Please don't cry, Daddy!

Tal sniffled. The outburst seemed to have passed, though his eyes ached. He sat up, carefully aware of Fellis clinging to his back. "Oh, come on little friend...I'm sorry I upset you," he said, reaching around to pick the little beast up. He cradled the fire lizard close, cooing at him softly before standing up. The healer wiped his eyes. It was still obvious that he'd been crying, but he'd already regained much of his composure. Sometimes, it was good to just let it out for a minute.

Tal frowned and looked down at Fellis. "Did something outside upset you?" he asked. Then, assuming Nejerc and Aparicus were long gone, he stuck his head outside. Was something going on?

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55 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Nejerc turned in time to watch as Aparicus fairly panicked her expression and eyes were telling just as much as her trembling voice was. “Aparicus..” He began when she turned and ran he looked back to find a familiar blue fire lizard he had just seen in Talian's shirt. Frowning slightly as he saw the fire lizard looking at Smara a cinnamon stick set down in front of it. As she ran and the fire lizard disappeared Nejerc scooped up the cinnamon stick mutter a soft curse.

“Aparicus!” He called her again even as he stepped out to go after her. Hearing the door open down the hall he glanced back to see Talian sticking out his hand. He stared at the master healer a moment before turning and doing something he hadn't done in a long time, ran after a female. Mentally cursing the cinnamon stick clasped between careful fingers as he moved to catch the fleeing girl.

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