World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Child's Play [Indivara, invite]


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
It had been a long morning, and the attention span of the students and the teacher alike was waning. Jada was still reeling from the Touching the day before and her attention had not been as it should be. Looking out over the class of bright, youthful faces (some of which were not so youthful as others,) Jada finally sighed and set down the reed flute she had been working with. "I think," she said slowly, contemplating, "That we're going to cut this lesson a little short." She really shouldn't. But if she couldn't focus, then she couldn't focus! And what was anybody really going to say about it, anyway?

She sat up from her wooden chair and stretched her arms above her head. She'd caught a couple little things, and decided she was going to pick on a certain someone to help her clean up this afternoon. Indivara seemed a smart girl, a quick thinker. Were things different, she may have done well in the Harpercraft- she listened, and from what Jada had seen in her short time here, had a quick mind. A quick mouth too, and that was what she was going to be picked on for. "As you know, I will need a little help cleaning up today." She heard a couple groans (probably from her usual favorite targets) and said, "Indivara, would you mind staying back with me and helping me make sure this room is organized for the next group which needs to use it?"

Not waiting for an answer, the Harper started wiping off the slate that she had used to write several notes down from the class. What should she start planning for the next one? There was such a mixture of people, and she didn't want to bore them by (no pun intended) 'Harping' on the same thing all the time. And goodness knew what the other (half?) dozen Harpers were teaching. Another something that she should maybe make mention of... hmmm.

Edit: time and date adjustment; HL

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara hadn't been paying a lick of attention the entire lesson. Of course, she prided herself on at least looking like she was paying attention, unlike the idiots two isles across who were mindlessly babbling throughout the entire lesson as if they knew more than their teacher did. In the general scope of things, Indivara would consider that they would be likely correct. After all, the Northern born Candidates were a group of idiotic know it all's that could barely survive a week on Candidate Isle. However, as far as being educated went, Indivara was just as likely to hand them over some credibility. Professionally trained, and claiming a rank that caused them to see far more of Pern than any Katilan born could claim gave them some automatic respect from the pre-teen.

At any rate, however, Indivara was not prepared to have her name called to assist with clean up duty. Her expression as she turned to look at Jada rated somewhere between 'What!?' and 'you have got to be kidding?!' It was swiftly followed by a highly irritable scowl and a grumbling under her breath as the rest of her class filed out, and she kicked one of the boys roughly in the shin when he made a smart arsed gesture that equated to 'LOL'. The fact that he almost ended up landing face first on the floor as a result had Indivara wearing an incredibly smug expression as she slipped out of her seat with liquid grace and walked serenely to the front of the class.

"I do mind," Indivara replied belatedly, once the classroom was empty, "though I hardly think you were actually interested." Her voice was low pitched and dry, with no additional bite as she went around the classroom, straightening desks and pushing in chairs. Her expression was mildly thoughtful as she glanced up at Jada from the back of the room, making her way back to the front as she finished her self appointed task.

"Touching that good, hrm?" She was impressed by her own ability to not flood the question with biting jealousy. Instead, it simply came out drenched in the same low pitched and dry state the previous words had been. Pushing her hair out of her face, Indivara's blue eyes searched her teachers with mild curiosity, as if she weren't dying to know what had gone on on the Sands; she hadn't been able to find Kerrin and bug him yet. Lucky bastard! His second clutch while she was still being shoved onto the side lines. A turn! Hrmph!

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
The girl's grumbling was not unexpected. No doubt Indivara had expected Jada to call on a troublemaker instead of her. The girl hadn't done anything particularly wrong to get picked on, not even today. "Well I appreciate you staying to help." Jada replied blithely, setting the slate back on the floor and rising to her feet. She collected a few stray pieces of parchment lying around and tried to gauge what else needed to be done. Indivara had gone straight for the part that Jada didn't like. That was nice, even if it probably wasn't on purpose. The Katilans were much neater than the students at her Hold. Possibly a culture thing, born from the turns that they'd gone without, a respect?

Or Jada was reading too much into things, as per her usual!

"The Touching?" Jada blinked her amber eyes back at Indivara, wondering why the girl had decided to bring it up. "Well, it was interesting." she said the word delicately, tasting it in her mouth. "I was in the third group. I went yesterday." What was the child getting at? She wasn't pouting, at least, and that was good. She knew several of the weyrbrats around the girl's age were upset they didn't get to join in. Could she be one of them?

Frankly, Jada didn't see why they couldn't. If there was a magic Impression age, then Indivara wouldn't Impress. That was no reason she couldn't get some experience! Certainly not all of the children were mature enough to be able to handle it, but frankly? Some of the people who were allowed to Touch and possibly Stand weren't mature enough to handle it.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Usually, Indivara wouldn't have blamed one of her teachers for singleing her out; she was smart mouthed and not afraid to show it. However, despite having at least a dozen openings, Indivara was quite proud of the fact that she had bitten her tongue and reamined focused. Part of that was, perhaps, because her mother had promised to take her flying if she behaved herself, and while Indivara and her mother had a good relationship, the woman barely endulged Indivara's dragonrider fantasies (since, apparently, that was all she was worthy of! Fantasies!) and a flight was a very tasty treat to look forward to. Now, however, the girl was going to really have to work her magic to convince A'din she hadn't been naughty to be held back. Maybe Jada would write her a note if she behaved herself.

The tightening of Indivara's lips when the Harper answered her question, however, indicated to the girl herself that she was going to have to work quite hard to be worthy of such a note if she truly wanted to go flying. Then again, maybe Par'a and Grith would take her out for a spin in Indi promised some particularly pretty painting on the green's hide... Her eyes narrowed slightly as she took in Jada's words, and her lips pressed flat, showing her irritation.

"Hmph." As much as the girl wanted to tell Jada to shove her 'interesting' up her -- Indivara crushed the thought before it showed on her face, and instead relaxed her jaw so she could lick her lips, the expression altering into mild curiosity from the hard angry look that had flashed across it. "I know," while those two words could have come out in a condesending manner, they were instead lightly spoken with a teasing spin, as if mildly rebuking Jada for not realisng Indivara knew just about everything about anything that went on in the Weyr - particularly if those things had to do with the Hatching she was banned from! Her eyes flashed dark for a moment, before she once more pushed her irritation aside.

"Which did you Touch?" Her voice was warm curiosity, as she picked up a sheaf of parchment that had floated unnoticed off the side of Jada's desk, and handed it demurely to the Harper. If Jada had voiced her thoughts, she would have got a long speil about how Indivara was quite aware of Northern Impressions, where the limiting age was meant to be twelve, but she could have named several of the Katilan riders that had Impressed at ten turns. D'ren was simply being an impossible -- Again, Indivara cut herself off mentally, not willing to even think of insulting terms for the Weyrleader.

Dragons were busy bodies, and she was well aware that some of them liked to poke around in random brains to find random pieces of information. Didn't anyone wonder where half the gossip in Katila came from?! While Indivara knew all of it, she was hardly one of those that started most of it.

"Which was your favourite?" She added, tilting her head and shoving her hair back with one hand, as if doing so made any difference; the locks simply fell back in their tangled waves around her round face, framing her intense blue eyes.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
If Indivara asked for a note, she would get one. The girl had been singled out because Jada hadn't spent much time with her, and she didn't intend to get her in trouble! She'd probably get the note even if she smart-mouthed, simply because Jada was laid back like that, and wouldn't have called her out if she had known the girl had such a valuable prize riding on her good behavior.

Jada took brief note of the tightening of the girl's lips, and waited for an outburst. Surprisingly, she didn't get it. That was good. Jada's head still ached a little bit from the memory of the banging and clashing of the first egg she touched. "I'm very sorry that you weren't able to join us." she said, and meant it. "I only had time to touch a few of them. The first one was the small egg in the middle of the clutch, and then I touched the pale grey and whitish one. Those were very memorable." she took the piece of parchment that the girl handed her and smiled. "Thank you."

The eggs had been such a surprise. "They say that the eggs give off strong emotions, but I didn't realize just how strong a connection that they could give. All I've ever known about dragons come from stories. Most of my life, they've only been stories. I saw a dragon as a child, but I was only 4 turns when the last one was believed dead. You're very lucky, though I'm sure you don't see it the same way I do." Jada was being talkative, and she knew she was opening herself up a bit much. But what better way to get to know someone than to let them see you too?

She'd always wanted to be an older sister, and that hadn't worked out so well for her parents. Maybe that was why she liked younger people so much. And this younger person would be a valuable connection to have. She was gutsy.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara's expression altered slightly as Jada expressed sympathy that the younger girl had been unable to join them. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously into blue slits, while her mouth turned down in a frown. Being taunted by the Northerners wasn't unusual, and while Indivara hadn't chalked Jada up as the type to do so, she wasn't about to simply lie down and be walked all over if that was what the trained Harper was expecting. When the woman continued without any digs, Indivara relaxed a little and nodded her head slightly, once, at the thanks she was given as Jada took the sheaf of parchment.

The small girl's expression was calculating as she listened to the information she was given about the eggs. She nodded slightly, connecting what she had heard at Renewed Hope to what she was hearing now, and the stories her mother and other dragonriders had told her. "As they get Harder, the emotions should become stronger and more distinct." Indivara offered, her face smoothing out into a polite neutrality as she tilted her head thoughtfully.

"I was born shortly after Nirinath recalled the survivors. There were others born while they were Banished, of course, but I was the first born to the Weyr." She didn't think she really had to add that that meant she'd been around dragons for her entire life, but she did anyway. "My mother rides a green. My father was a riderless that was brought along. He died a few turns back. Those who never bond don't live very long, in comparison." Indivara said stately, "Mumma was in her forties when she had my baby brother," she added, as an example. "Dragonless die in their forties, they certainly don't have babies! Dragonriders live to be over one hundred." The girl's blue eyes widened dramatically as she said this, and she leaned forward towards Jada, as if she were going to diverge some huge secret. "They stop the aging process, somehow! Pretty neat, hey?"

If Indivara were aware of any negative impact dragon bonding could have on someone's life - and she probably was - the girl obviously considered them pathetic in comparison to all that bonding to a dragon could be. Leaning backwards a little, the girl gave Jada an unabashed once over, sizing the woman up before meeting her eyes boldly. "What do you want to Impress?" It didn't occur to the girl that Jada might not want to Impress. The harper woman wasn't nearly irritable enough to be against it, which to Indivara meant she knew of how much she was being honoured!

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Jada glanced back at the other girl, blinking owlishly at Indivara. "I can only imagine the personalities on that one in the center then," she said finally. "It was loud and noisy, unrelenting sound. Like a naughty child, beating on drums and simply not stopping. Rather like some of your classmates." Jada grinned, tapping her hand on a desk as she went by. "The other one was just lovely! So warm and it just seemed so gentle. I can't imagine that the ones I Touched could get much more distinct." Watching the younger girl was like trying to guess what her older sister had been thinking. Some of her expressions were classic, easy to guess at, but others... Not so easy. It made the girl a challenge, and Jada didn't mind that at all. So long as it was a pleasant challenge!

Indivara's story piqued her interest, and Jada took a seat on the edge of one of the crude wooden desks, giving her full attention to the younger woman. "Who is your mother?" she asked, interested. With no father and a Rider's duties, Indivara and her mother must have an interesting relationship. Families didn't seem quite the same as back in the North, but from what she understood, the Weyr had always been a little different. Something else that the girl said clicked just then, and amber eyes widened. "Wait- your mother is how old? And live to a hundred turns?!" That was incredible! Jada leaned in towards the girl. "That is super neat. Who is the oldest person here? Do you know?"

She had never thought about it, before, but there were people here who were older and healthier than their Northern peers. It could be diet, or the hard work? But she had never even dreamed that it could be the dragons!

"What do I want to Impress?" It was a surprising question, one that Jada hadn't much thought about. "I hadn't thought my wants would have to much to do with it." her lips twitched. "Don't the dragons pick what they want to Impress?"

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara seemed content to let talk of the Hardening eggs drop after she'd gained what information Jada could give her about it. It wasn't that she was uninterested, or even that Jada's descriptions were unacceptable; to the contrary, they were very informative and the young woman had a good voice for recollections. However, Indivara had learned what she could about the experience from the Harper's point of view, and saw no reason to further persue it.

"Mumma is almost fifty; she's A'din of green Khainth," Indivara said, amused by Jada's reaction. The girl considered carefully, frowning with a thoughtful expression. "Um, I think some of the riders are nearly eighty, but I'm not really sure. Sometimes you can get a hint when they talk about the past, but not many actively tell you how old they are," she explained placidly, giving Jada a slightly exasperated look as she finished. This was information Indivara considered blatantly obvious, but she humoured the older girl without any snark, amusement lingering in her features.

The next comment, however, earned Jada a blatantly irked expression before Indivara rolled her eyes heavenward and answered with a lazy, "well, duh." She paused long enough for that to sink in, before smirking evilly. "Which is why the Weyrleader has lost his brains between if he thinks he can limit the Impressions to all men!" She rolled her eyes again, this time directed to the bronzerider who was no where near them. "I'm going to Impress," Indivara told her teacher seriously, her blue eyes hardening with determination as she stared up at her.

"Girls usually get green," she went on, her features twisting into a thoughtful expression as she pursed her lips. "But sometimes they might bond to a blue or a brown. Bronzes don't seem to be interested in women, but I think they're just super rare combinations." The girl's eyes flashed. "Reckon I'd get bronze." Another pause. "So? What do you think you'd get?" Apparently, as far as the child was concerned, gold were irrelevant or unimportant, beyond creating more baby dragons. The idea of Impressing gold was about as appealing as being dropped between while tied to a rope. If Jada asked, Indivara would likely be inclined to tell her exactly how useless golds were for anything but baby making, and well, she wasn't interested in breeding her life away. Why in the name of the Red Star would she want a dragon that spends their whole life doing exactly that?

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
She couldn't even imagine it. Eighty turns was an incredibly OLD person, after all, and she couldn't imagine it still being a time in a Rider's life where they could still be productive and useful. Shards, at eighty turns Jada fully expected she'd be wobbling around with a stick. Or, more likely, under the earth, with worms growing out of her eye sockets. Which was incredibly morbid, and would severely mar her pretty face. The Harper shook her head, considering.

Well duh, the girl sneered, and Jada was hard-pressed not to giggle at the girl's severity. And then she did laugh, joining in with Indi. "Well, one thing my mother told me when I was your age, is that men think a lot of things, and women should just let them keep thinking whatever they want." Jada grinned, remembering the way her father had scowled at the two of them when her mother had told her that. "D'ren can only stop your body. Don't let him stop your determination, Indivara." It was too valuable. Maybe saying it was trite, but she needed to get it out there

She looked at the girl, at her eyes flashing, and could very easily see this girl Impressing. Shards, Jada was Impressed, and she wasn't even a dragon. Though Jada couldn't see her on a bronze, who knew? "I don't know what I'd Impress. I don't know much about them. You seem to though- what do you think I'd Impress?" she asked at last. And with her next question, stepped right into the trap. "And you didn't mention Golds, I noticed. Why?"

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara giggled cheerfully at the scandalised expression on Jada's face when she realised how long some of the Katilan dragonriders were. Her amusement lingered as Jada informed her about the amusing state of the male mind, turning into a sly smirk as she soaked up the information and twisted it around, sorting it and tucking it away for future use. The devious sparkle that lit up her blue eyes was bright as she grinned up at Jada. Coming over with quiet steps, Indivara climbed up on the desk beside the harper and made herself comfortable.

"Sounds about right," she said in agreement, voice light and amused. The girl pushed her hair out of her face, nodding slightly at Jada's comment about D'ren, but the child didn't add any more to the statement. She understood where Jada was coming from, and definitely agreed. There was really nothing more for the child to add as she pulled her legs up, crossing them and resting her elbows on her knees. Her chin found itself at home in her palms as she grinned at Jada.

"Hrm," Indivara hummed thoughtfully, her blue gaze focused on Jada's face for a moment. She then gazed at the other woman boldly, taking her in head to foot and back again. "Stereotypically? Maybe a blue." She shrugged slightly, "but they vary greatly, so you could get anything. That's why I asked what you think you'd like. Colour is an indication of rank," Indivara continued, "so, your options are given depending on that. Personality of your dragon isn't defined by the colour. Larrikith and Grith are as different as sand and sun, but they're the same colour." The child raised both eyebrows and gave Jada a smile.

"Golds?" The shudder that shook the girl was present in her voice. "Why would I want a dragon that isn't any good for anything, except laying eggs and guarding them? Golds can't even breath fire!" What kind of dragon couldn't chew firestone?! Indivara looked scandalized at the very idea of such an Impression and the child gave Jada a sad look. "Besides, the paperwork!"

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"Hmmm." Jada considered it thoughtfully. "I can see myself on a blue, I suppose. Just as I don't have to listen to him talk about all the pretty ladies." the Harper's lips quirked in amusement. She could see it now, a boy with no sense of propriety, urging her awake at all hours of the night so that he could chase some 'pretty little thing' across the skies. Jada clucked her tongue.

It was good that she'd finally gotten Indivara over here. See, being friendly did work with wild animals and children, no matter what her mother used to say.

"I've never understood why ranking was based on color rather than a more humanoid approach. What if a high-ranked dragon picks a numbskull? The Weyr will have problems, then, won't it?" she smiled back at Indivara, considering the last of her words.

"How much paperwork does Katila really have?" Jada was very doubtful. "They Steal a lot of anything they need, don't they? No one knows about them, things just vanish. There are no debts, no loans, no Weyr treasury since there isn't any real need for money." It did sound fairly boring, actually. "So what will Tsuen do all day, without being able to flame or sign papers? Once the eggs hatch?"

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara nodded thoughtfully, a small smile pulling up the corners of her lips. "Blue is a nice enough colour," she agreed. She did enjoy the company of the more brightly coloured greens and blues, when they weren't of a nature that was designed to make being a Weyrbrat difficult. The other three colours were more standoffish, for the most part. Well, that was unfair, since Nirinath was the only gold, but Indivara could only go by what she knew, and what she knew told her gold was not at all interesting. Bronze was, though, even if to be a rider of one came with a lot of responsibility; they also had lackeys that the boring jobs could be dumped on -- Indivara was smart enough to do exactly that, too!

"I dunno, really," Indivara shrugged, looking less than put out but such an admittance. Why would she? She was going to be Pern's first - and only, no doubt! - bronze rider. The bizarre ranking system of the Weyr community would hardly be of any real significance to her once she was mounted up on that sparkly hide. "I guess because green are so popular and gold is not they decided that meant Goldriders were better?" The girl shrugged. Green riders were just as capable as any 'higher' coloured rider, she knew that. But, that said, it seemed legit that they would make ranks assigned for the commonality of a colour. After all, it isn't special if everyone can have it, is it? (Perhaps that was half the allure of being a bronze rider for the little girl, too!)

Indivara snorted. "Um, they reassign the chores regularly, tabs have to be kept on Northern trips and who goes where for how long and whether or not they come back with someone. Book keeping is kept on every new import - human and goods - as well as births and deaths within the Weyr. Um." She blinked; for someone who hated paperwork and the idea of being tied down to it, Indivara did know the basic runnings of the Weyr. Between gossiping and stickybeaking, she probably had as much idea as most the Wingleaders, though her ego insisted she knew even more than the Weyrleaders themselves. "That kind of stuff." She finished, almost lamely though her tone was dismissive.

"Depends on what hatches," Indivara answered truthfully. "If a gold cracks shell, both Weyrleaders will take a personal interest in that new pair. Otherwise I guess they just keep doing whatever they were doing before they were stuck on the sands." The girl turned bright blue eyes on Jada, and shrugged.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
It was interesting to try and guess what Indivara was thinking, almost more so than actually paying attention to what she was saying. Her face was animated and expressive. Jada couldn't stop herself. The cheeks were there, red and rosy, animated, set below eyes that sparkled with joy and liveliness. Cheeks so plump and lush they were just begging for it. And who was Jada to deny such a cute little cheek? She reached out with one hand, and tweaked. She couldn't stop her laugh, so Jada didn't try. She was enjoying the child's company, but then, Jada had always liked younger people. Even as a child herself, she had taken those younger under her wing.

"That sounds like a lot more work than I was thinking." she admitted at last. "I can see why they keep track of a lot of it, I suppose. They have an entire Weyr to care for with the things that they take from the North, and they want to make sure they don't steal too many people from one craft too quickly; they'd get noticed." she tapped her fingers against her leg thoughtfully.

Then she winced. "I pity the girl who Impresses that Gold." she said at last. "I think you're right. Doesn't sound fun at all!"

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara's indignant glare when Jada pinched her cheek was hot, blue eyes burning icily as she stared up at the harper, just stared. Her lips pursed into a flat line and her chin jutted stubbornly as she used a swift motion of her shoulder to free herself from Jada's playful fingers and shuffled across on the desk some, scowling. The child didn't bother to vocalise her unhappiness with the woman's attack upon her face. She simply continued to stare at her, looking less than impressed and forcefully ignoring her desire to brush her fingers over her cheek; she could still feel where Jada's fingers had been moments before. Her teacher hadn't hurt her, but Indivara was also aware that the woman didn't quite realise how lucky she was not to have bruised shins right about then, too.

Still glowering, Indivara raised a hand and brushed it forcefully back through her tangled hair, shoving it out of her face and back over her shoulders where it belonged. The long locks swayed, brushing close to the girls' waist, and as she lowered her hand, her expression had mollified into a softer look of amusement. "Yeah, pretty much," Indivara agreed, her voice light. "They send spies North, too, to gather intel and stuff. Catch up on Northern gossip." She paused for a moment, frowning slightly. "Where did you live?" She asked, tone clinical and expression tight, obviously ready to drop the subject if Jada showed any negative reaction to her questioning. "I was born here. Well, I was born just as Katila was founded. Mumma tells me stories of the North, though, and sometimes the riders will if I ask the right one." The girl's frown deepened. "But most of 'em are as touchy about the subject as the Searched."

Wriggling closer to Jada, Indivara pulled one leg up onto the desk, tucking her foot under her other thigh and leaning forward slightly. "I'm going to go North, when I Impress." She confided. "I want to see what all the fuss is about!"

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245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Jada had seen many scowls when she got into cheek-pinching, and many of these scowls had been fierce. For some reason (which, Jada acutely remembered feeling the same, so she tried not to judge!) cheek-pinching existed in antithesis to happiness. Indivara was one of those with a fairly effective glare; it communicated disdain and there may even be the promise of retaliation in the depths of those glittering blue gems. It was more than a glower; it didn't strike her as a sullen expression. Did the technical term matter? The point was there. Indi didn't like cheek pinching. And to each their own; the Harper had no intention of pressing pinching the issue.

"I don't see why they don't just go back up North. They are taking the dragons up that way anyway, exposing them to the remnants of the Plague. And what if the disease had been spread in another method, or lingers? if it is fear that keeps them here, it is silly." Jada paused, wondering if she sounded sulky about it. She didn't think so, but who knew how a born Katilan would take her criticism? "I was born in Harper Hall, near where Fort Weyr is. And I lived there most of my life, until I was stationed briefly near Ruatha Hold. It's a beautiful area." The trees had been thick and leafy, the mountains had towered high and strong. The sky hadn't been as blue as here in Katila, and she had seen more clouds, but...

"The air wasn't as sweet, but it was home." Jada said finally. "Everyone should get to see it once." She'd seen it once. Would she ever see it again, though? She grinned down at Indivara and then said, "If you want more we'll have to talk about it another time." it was a shame, she was very much enjoying the conversation. But she had lessons to attend and more people to talk to. "Maybe you can stay after class next time, too, and we can chat while bad children do the work."

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse

"I don't think so." Indivara replied thoughtfully, considering what Jada had said with apparent depth. "It's been over fifteen turns. I don't think it's possible for it to linger that long?" Her word arched at the end, raising into a question instead of a statement though her expression furrowed into a frown. "There aren't enough, to go North," she explained, having heard the same topic debated among the riders often enough to recite it in her sleep. "It takes five hundred dragons to form a proper Weyr," she continued, blue eyes narrowed slightly as she did a quick tally. "Katila claims two hundred and twenty. We won't even make two-fifty with this new clutch. There is no way we can defend the North, all of the North, with so few dragons and Nirinath isn't flying enough to clutch the numbers we'd need." She paused again, and rolled her eyes dramatically, tone dry. "Then, of course, there is the Great Debate -- where to relocate to. No one can agree. It is better to be at Katila, where all six Weyrs are one." She nodded once, her belief in their life at Katila firm.

The girl was unquestionably captured as Jada began babbling about her home, Indivara's blue eyes lighting up dramatically and her attention undivided. The child thrived on stories and information. Being told such things by a harper, who had a way with words and a voice that was pleasant was an unbeatable bonus and the girl pouted in an uncharacteristic display when Jada wrapped up their time together for the day. Sliding off the desk, Indivara's face was serious and thoughtful before she nodded, and a grin won out, transforming her face. "Okay!" Still grinning, the girl gave herĀ  teacher a quick, strong hug before literally bolting from the classroom, long hair fluttering behind her. She slammed the door as she left, but her face as she pulled it shut was alive with positive emotions, the action one of enthusiasm rather than her usual sour disposition or retort.

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