World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [P] 740.12.17 | Bathroom Buddies
9 PM | Cazan

of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Ever since running into Kitt and the leathercrafter two days before, Nerreh couldn’t stop thinking about the newcomer to the Weyr. Not in a weird way or anything - he wasn’t like, salivating over the guy or whatever - but within minutes of meeting Cazelerias, Nerreh was positive he was like him. Or at least, a little like him. Caz might just be living as a man for practical reasons - Holders didn’t let women do anything, right, so to get anything done you’d probably have to be a boy. But Caz could also be more like Nerreh, who was… whatever the fuck he was. Two things in one. A boy born as a girl. Somewhere in between. Messed in the head - that, at least, for sure.

Still, even if he - or she - wasn’t exactly like Nerreh, Caz had to understand more than most people. Worrying about what people might notice, might see. Nerreh knew not everyone in the Weyr was convinced. Plenty of people knew him well enough as a child to know he may be boyish, but under the clothes he wasn’t. And from people who hadn’t known him well, he’d heard some talk about how Thallyath’s Clutch was why women shouldn’t ride blue, but not as much as expected. Apparently a green being a blue who caught a gold also being ridden by a woman was too much for most people to handle. Nerreh wasn’t complaining, anyway.

No matter what, it was exciting! There wasn’t anyone Nerreh knew who lived as a man like he did, and this Caz seemed to do the same, whatever his motivations were. Nerreh had to get to know him better, he just had to.

As luck would have it, his late night wandering and overthinking his life (enough time had passed since the Hatching that Nerreh felt comfortable enough wandering even more populated areas of the Weyr) provided him an opportunity. It wasn’t long after leaving his Weyr when Nerreh spotted Caz down one of the hallways, looking a tiny bit lost. Pouncing on the opportunity, Nerreh - casually, oh so casually - walked over to him.

“Hey, Cazelerias, right?” he said loudly, waving briefly when Caz looked over. “Hey, it’s N’reh, we met the other day?” Nerreh said, carefully saying his name lazily so that it could be heard as the honorific and not his given name. Despite Faxx insisting he could use N’reh as Faxxonth had given him the name, Nerreh still felt awkward saying it. He wasn’t lying, but it was… he didn’t know, it was something. But male dragonriders had honorifics, and if he were to be believable as a male dragonrider, he sure as fuck better use one.

“You looking for anything in particular, or just exploring?” Nerreh asked, trying to offer help if the guy was lost without directly calling him out on it. Yet.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
Maybe this was it, this would be the time Cazan found a bathroom that wasn't being used that she could maybe lock closed. She could take her time instead of furtively scrubbing the bare minimum and then jumping immediately back into clothes in case anyone walked in. No one had caught her outright so far, but there had been a close call or two. She adjusted the satchel of bathing supplies on her shoulder as she quietly walked along, eyes peeled for anything promising.

Cazan was so focused on her search that hearing her brother's name startled her and she jumped ever so slightly as she turned to look at the approaching rider. She relaxed slightly as she remembered meeting him and gave him a small smile and wave. The bluerider had been friendly enough when they first met if she recalled correctly, then most everyone had been generally pleasant once the ice had been broken. "Oh yes, I remember you, good to see you again N'reh. And you can call me Caz if you'd like."

She was a little concerned that the rider would object to her skulking around so late, probably in a place she shouldn't be (in which case she had the plausible excuse of getting lost at the ready), so she wanted to keep her answer vague. "Oh.. just looking around." Cazan immediately second guessed herself though, because what if this would just lead to more hanging out, an offer for some sort of socialization. She desperately wanted a bath, and sighed as she decided to see if he could help at all. "Actually I'm looking for a bathroom. Just... Holder sensibilities I suppose. I like privacy." Hopefully the excuse would work to keep any prying questions at bay.

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
“Ah,” Nerreh said with an understanding nod, “Nah, I get you. Sometimes you just need a little privacy, even in a Weyr. Some of us have sensibilities, though a lot of people are perfectly happy to strip in public.” He grinned at Caz. “You never have to be one of them if you don’t want to, but you’ll inevitably see plenty of it. Here,” Nerreh gestured down the hall in the same direction they were both headed, “there’s a nice small bathroom not far from here, I’ll show you. It even has a small latch, though I’m pretty sure it would break if someone was determined enough to get in.”

Not that he had been unsure at all, no way, but the quest for a private bathroom only confirmed that Caz didn’t look as people thought he ought to under his clothes. It gave Nerreh a determination to help him keep up appearances in his strange new surroundings. Weyrs were much nosier about bodies than Holds (or at least so he’d heard), so a Holder used to living as a man may have a harder time in a Weyr. Well, Nerreh had grown up in one, so Caz was in good hands.

“I can give you a full secluded bathroom tour later, if you like. Or now, whichever. Depends how soon you want to use the bathroom once you find it.” Nerreh shrugged. “It’s no trouble to me, I spend a while wandering around before bed most nights anyway. Having a more intentional route is fine by me. Company is always appreciated, though I’ll give you your privacy whenever you ask.” Nerreh shrugged again, trying to be casual and not too over-eager to hang out. Especially since the pool of people Nerreh could spend time with had greatly diminished in the past turn, and adding the leathercrafter - crossdressing leathercrafter - would increase that pool, even if he wasn’t in the Weyr all that long.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
If Cazan were the sort of person given to flagrant displays of physical affection she could have kissed the man right then. Except this was a Weyr, and a man kissing a man wasn't unusual and would likely lead to places she wasn't sure her brother was willing to go. Not that he was around to take the date for her anyway. Her eyes widened and her face split into a hopeful grin. "Really? That's probably the best news I've heard all day."

Now the question was, did she want to just go run off and take her bath now or take the time for the tour? It would delay the gratification of a nice relatively worry free scrub, but it would be a good investment for the future. That and N'reh had mentioned that company would be appreciated, she could socialize in exchange for information. Depending on how the tour went she'd probably be making the dragonrider a token of appreciation. Maybe boots, or pants, or a jacket. She gave her companion's body a quick appraising look as she mulled the thought over. "I wouldn't mind getting the tour now if you're fine with it. More options for the future in case this one's occupied later on when I go to use it. Maybe I can make you a pair of boots or pants in exchange for the help." She turned her eyes back to his face and smiled, "Really it's nice to find someone who understands the desire for privacy. I tried mentioning it to a couple other people but they didn't seem to really understand."

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Nerreh didn’t miss the look Caz gave him, though he wasn’t entirely sure on the reason. Was the Holder checking him out? Or, in his mind more likely, recognizing that Nerreh was like him. Just by sight and hearing him speak Nerreh could tell how Caz was, and Caz could probably tell the same of him, even if Nerreh felt he was pretty good with his male presentation (not to brag or anything). Caz could most likely tell the same. Right?

“Sounds like a plan,” he said, briefly clapping Caz on the shoulder before starting to walk down the hall in the direction of the nearest bathroom deemed safe from getting outed. “I should say don’t worry about it, you don’t owe me anything, cause it’s honestly no trouble, but I’m not one to turn down a gift.” Nerreh grinned. And he wouldn’t have to worry about Caz accidentally brushing a hand over the wrong area during a fitting or something, since he probably already knew what was hidden under Nerreh’s clothes, and if he didn’t, well, it wasn’t like he was going to say anything to anyone.

“Yeah, most people around here are like that. Welcome to the Weyrs, right? At least you have ‘holder sensibilities’ as an excuse, I’m weyrbred which means my wanting a private bath all the time is weird.” Not that people really commented on it, of course, but that was more due to most people not interacting with him or knowing him since childhood so they already knew.

“Anyway, since we’re doing the bathroom tour, anything else you want to know where to find? I know this place pretty well and can probably get you there.” Nerreh offered, not really sure what else the crafter could want, but there could always be something. Despite living in Ista less than two turns Nerreh had learned most of its layout from middle of the night excursions to avoid people.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
"I may not owe you, but I appreciate the assistance your time and assistance enough that I'd prefer to do something. So if you think of something you want made in leather let me know, or just stop by my little workshop. I'm usually there." Cazan smiled as she followed her guide, looking around to try and commit the route to memory. "And I actually like the Weyr for the most part so far. Most of the people have been friendly enough, the worst have just ignored me. The... open and straightforward nature of some people was a bit of a surprise, but that's just something I'm not quite used to back home is all. Hearing rumors isn't the same as seeing it. Still, a rather refreshing place in general. I like it better than home."

She was referring to the very bold and very homosexual flirting she'd been on the receiving end of. Luckily for her, just as T'ryn had said, no one took her polite rejections poorly. Though now that she thought about it, the amount of ladies who had flirted with her directly was also unusual compared to life back home where the most she'd get was a shy bat of the eyes until she initiated some flirting.

Cazan tilted her head for a moment as she considered N'reh's offer to expand the tour beyond bathrooms. "Not sure. I've been busy enough with work that, aside from the occasional walk outside to try and spy on the local fashions, I haven't really been idle enough to think about what else I could try to do or see around here. Maybe point out a good high place I could climb for a view? For if I run out of work to do once I finish my current orders."

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
“I’ll think of something eventually, then,” Nerreh decided, waving a hand. “Thank you, Caz.” What sort of leather thing did he need? The jacket and gloves from Vaeyla were still pretty new, and even if they weren’t, Nerreh wouldn’t be replacing them until they were literally falling apart.

He laughed at Caz’s description of weyrfolk’s open and straightforward natures. That was for sure, at least when it came to most things. There was no chance a boy as pretty as Caz hadn’t gotten a number of people flirting with him by now, and Nerreh was sure plenty of them had been very blunt about what they were looking for. And okay, that could get annoying sometimes, but Holders sounded so stuffy in comparison. No wonder Caz liked the Weyr better, who wouldn’t?

“All the best views you need a dragon to get to, though there are a few decent ones you can walk to I know of. I can show you those, and maybe Faxxonth and I can show you the other ones. In daylight, obviously. Still very pretty at night, but you know. If your there for the view, better if you can actually see the area.” Nerreh glanced back at Caz and tilted his head questioningly. “Sound good?” It would be an excuse to see Caz again, and he was sure the guy could use a few more friends in a new place, after all. Couldn’t hurt, anyway. Especially since Nerreh was perfectly happy to help Caz navigate avoiding showing any bits he may or may not have to anyone in the Weyr.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
"It is no problem at all. Take your time, no rush. Even if I end up going back home before you think of something you can just swing by Katz Field to place your order. I can even modify an existing garment or pair of boots if you want." Cazan smiled, pleased with the positive turn the night had taken for her. A guided tour of the quietest bathrooms from someone who also appreciated privacy, and more potential work to do down the line.

And the company was good as well. There was something about the dragonrider that Cazan couldn't quite put her finger on that made him feel... safe wasn't the right word. Trustworthy. Hopefully that gut instinct was right, though it had been doing pretty good so far. This entire trip to Ista Weyr was going much better than she had expected it to honestly.

The offer to show her the vantage points that required a dragon made her pause for a moment in thought. She still had the wineskins to finish up but they weren't on a tight schedule, then there was T'ryn's order that did have a deadline. She had a good feeling about those pants. "It might have to wait a little with the orders I currently have, but that sounds good to me. Thank you. Never flown around on a dragon, I normally just climb trees to get a look around."

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
“Never flown on a - how did you even get here?” Nerreh asked, blinking at Caz. “Yeah, no, all right, as soon as you’re caught up on work you’re going flying. Can’t live in a Weyr and never been on a dragon. There’s probably a rule somewhere… kidding,” he added, not sure how seriously Caz might take the joke. People had told him his sarcasm could be a little too close to serious for comfort. But honestly, never flown on a dragon?

“Uh, anyway, the bathroom I mentioned’s just through here, right? That door there. You can take a look inside if you want, though, you know. Knock first,” he added as an afterthought. Once Caz had seen what he wanted of this one, they could move on. Probably the weirdest tour Nerreh had ever given, but hey, wasn’t everyone who needed a private bathroom to keep the state of their genitals secret, so there you had it. Was gonna be a fucking amazing tour too, Nerreh would make sure of it.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
"Oh I rode in on Sprinkle. It was a long trip, but Sprink handled it like a champ. She's from a long line of champion long distance racers." Cazan smiled, proud of her horse even though she knew it wasn't nearly as efficient as if she'd ridden a dragon. "And as soon as I get time I'll let you know so you can take me on a ride if you really want. I've got quite the list right now though, so hopefully I don't disappoint by making you wait too long."

When they reached the first bathroom she gave the door a quick knock and then stepped inside to look around. There was the little N'reh mentioned and she gave it a quick test. Certainly it wouldn't keep anyone out, but it would at least make someone pause and let them realize the bathroom was occupied. At the very least it would give her time to react and get dressed if someone tried to enter.

Cazan was grinning as she stepped back out and rejoined the dragonrider. "Looks great, the latch alone will just do a lot to ease my mind. This seems like a quiet little corner, but should probably still see where the others are in case this one is occupied when I need it."

Her thoughts wandered back to how lucky she'd been on this trip, and she began to wonder if there was something else at work. Maybe it was less that she was lucky and more that these were just the types of people that Weyrs produced alongside their dragons. She tilted her head curiously at N'reh and asked, "So what was it like growing up in a Weyr?"

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Nerreh thought travelling long distance on a horse sounded miserable, but Holders had to get by with what they had, he supposed. Still. Ugh.

They’re probably not nearly as smooth a ride, Faxxonth chimed in, agreeing that Caz’s trip to the Weyr probably sucked. How many days would that have taken? Neither Nerreh nor Faxxonth had any idea. And Ista was an island, so Caz must have taken a boat at some point, right? And brought the horse on a boat? Yeah, no, that was all too complicated. Thank fuck for dragons.

“Glad you like it,” Nerreh flashed a thumbs up when Caz expressed his approval of the bathroom. “It’s definitely one of the better ones, but there are a few others I think you should know of, so we’ll go to the next one, yeah?” They continued on through the Weyr, and Nerreh considered Caz’s unrelated question.

“I mean, it was nice, I guess? Didn’t grow up in this sort of Weyr, of course, since we were down in the South and Katila wasn’t all caverns and carved out rooms like this, it was huts. Even less privacy there, if you can imagine. A lot of it was pretty similar though. Always dragons, anyway. I dunno, we got to run around a lot as kids, and you get more stuff to do as you get older. Like cleaning and shit. And eventually you get to be a Candidate and hopefully Impress a dragon, right? Er, that’s probably not super helpful of an answer, is it?” he asked, aware that he’d started rambling and most likely hadn’t even answered the question.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
Cazan was dimly aware that the dragonriders had gone South when they disappeared; she hadn't even been born yet so it wasn't something she'd thought of a lot. There had been talk once they had returned up north of course, the Hall had been buzzing with rumors and news and stories that she'd been far too busy to pay much attention to back then, working towards getting her journeyman knots.

"So the dragons take too much of your parents' time and the children get to run wild? Sounds interesting. Do they just wait until after you get a dragon to try and marry you off? Or is that for if you don't get a dragon?" She'd heard something relating to marriages and the Weyrs but had never been curious enough to really pay attention to the rumors and gossip that seemed to run rampant with her fellows.

She was glad she had N'reh with her. She felt comfortable enough with him to ask the questions she felt too silly to ask T'ryn or Katiryn. Still, she should probably make sure she wasn't being annoying with her questions, especially since he was already being so helpful with giving her a tour. The best tour. "Hopefully I'm not pestering you too much with questions."

PA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
“Ah, it’s not quite like that,” Nerreh said, shaking his head. “Not everyone in a Weyr has a dragon, after all. Plenty of people don’t. My mom doesn’t, for one, and I have nothing to do with my dad, so whether he had a dragon or not was unimportant to how I grew up. Kids just aren’t expected to do much, you know? You’re a kid, you help your family out when they really need it, but mostly you just get to play and spend time with friends and learn how to be a person that way.” Like, Nerreh had gotten drawn into babysitting his younger siblings sometimes, or getting sent out to collect firewood (which was easy to turn into a game when you were a kid), but it was never that demanding. It didn’t matter if your parents had dragons or not.

The next question got an amused snort out of him. “Weyrfolk don’t get married. Never heard that? I thought that was prime gossip for Holders. So doesn’t matter if you Impress a dragon or not, no one gets ‘married off.’ Ugh, that sounds awful, who came up with that?” Nerreh scrunched up his nose in distaste. Bits and pieces reached the Weyr about Holder customs, so Nerreh knew that a lot of Holders married young, especially girls. And from what Caz said, parents chose who their children married. Holders were fucking weird, why would he ever take a mate because his mom told him to? Her taste was shit, no way Nerreh would accept her choices. Was that what Caz was worried about? Parents making their daughter marry some random fuck they chose? Damn, Nerreh could totally understand the crossdressing and going to a Weyr if that was the case.

“And you’re not bothering me at all, no worries. Answering your questions is kinda fun,” he assured Caz with an accompanying smile. Holder questions were proving to be a riot, and Nerreh was enjoying himself.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
Cazan flushed ever so slightly, embarrassed that her questions really were a bit silly. At least N'reh was having fun answering them though. At least she was learning more about the people who lived in the Weyr, hopefully it would help with getting used to things. She was still rather surprised to hear that they didn't get married at all.

"So they just don't? Huh. That's... what if someone wants a family?" She covered her face with a hand for a moment and shook her head, "Wait. Wait. That was an especially dumb question wasn't it? Back home.. well my sister for instance. She's the only girl, so our parents have been throwing suitors at her for a long while now waiting for her to pick someone and get married, preferably to some family that would provide some sort of advantage for the Hold or the family. Not sure how much longer they're going to keep giving her options before they just pick for her."

She frowned as she thought about it, because it was true. Eventually they'd stop putting up with her pickiness and force the issue. If they could find her. Maybe she could just pretend to be her brother and hide in Ista forever. Even despite all the crazier rumors she'd heard things didn't seem nearly as dramatic as some of the stories made it out to be. "Also there are quite a few rumors about the Weyrs and dragonriders. I can never be sure what's real, and I couldn't quite remember that one. The rumor about dragonriders having orgies is also probably ridiculous too."

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Well, that answered his question. Hesitating before talking about his ‘sister’ his parents were trying to marry off? Yeah, that’s at least part of what had Caz dressing as a man and coming to the Weyr. Definitely. Nerreh couldn’t blame the guy (girl?) for not wanting to be forced into some weird controlling relationship like Holder marriage was. No thanks.

“That sounds like fucking bullshit.” Nerreh said flatly. “I’m not gonna say the Weyrs are perfect about relationships, cause they aren’t, but it’s better. Like, women are still expected to have babies most of the time, but they don’t have to have anything to do with with the father, and you don’t have to be with someone to make your family happy.” He shook his head. Holders, man. Did people need dragons around to have common sense?

But then Caz asked the next question, and Nerreh laughed. “Yeah, fair enough. Some of the rumors are pretty fucking absurd. Orgies isn’t one of those, that does happen. Probably differently than the rumors describe, since I bet Holders describe Flights as orgies. Which isn’t really the case with Flights, but there you are. Half true rumor, then. Now, got any other rumors you’re dying to know the truth of?” Nerreh asked with a devious grin.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
It was at least nice to know that the Weyr was a bit more free as far as relationships went. Not having to be with someone just for the sake of family business or politics sounded great. She still doubted she would be able to have become a journeyman though, and she was very proud of that achievement even if it was earned through a bit of trickery.

It was an interesting thought though and she couldn't help but wonder what things might have been like if she and her twin had been born in a Weyr instead of the Hold. "Not a rumor, but do any of the weyr children go to the halls to become crafters? Or are they just expected to try for a dragon?" She quickly added, "I'm not saying that dragons are better or worse than a crafthall education, I'm just curious if it's even an option. And, let me think about the rumors..."

Cazan wanted to bring up ghost dragons but decided against it for now, especially since that topic had earned her a strange look already from someone else during a casual conversation. "So, I've heard that the dragons make riders into sexual deviants. Do things to your mind to make you crazy in general. Never really made sense to me though. Pretty sure the crafter talking about that was drunk off his ass too."

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
“Sort of,” Nerreh said tilting his head in thought, “Fort recently started letting Candidates apprentice at the Healer Hall. They worked out some sort of arrangement, I don’t know the details. But they don’t join the Hall, they’re still weyrfolk and are supposed to come back. They’re just getting some training, as I understand it. Never heard of anyone joining any other Hall. Most ‘brats are dead set on Impressing, after all.” He shrugged. The thought of leaving the Weyr had never seriously occurred to him. Sometimes right after the Flight and after the Hatching Nerreh would think maybe it would be easier to just leave the Weyrs, but he never would have actually done it. Besides, he had Faxxonth at that point anyway. It had always been more like going down to Katila and making a hut in the jungle and hiding from everyone, not going and learning a craft.

As for the rumor…

“I have two answers to that,” he grinned. “First is no, Impressing a dragon does not make you become a sex fiend. For the most part, dragons aren’t sex fiends. I mean, some gold only Rise every couple turns, that’s like having sex once every two turns. Hardly a constant, insatiable lust, that. And plenty of people who aren’t dragonriders do some pretty kinky shit, so it can’t be the dragon making them like that. But…” Nerreh trailed off, emphasizing the word and smirking at Caz, “You ever heard about how dragon Flights work?”

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
"Well, I suppose at least they can learn something if they want to." Going to a Healer Hall didn't sound too bad, Cazan thought. She didn't think it was her cup of tea though. It wasn't that she didn't like helping people, she just wanted to see the results of her work more immediately. She couldn't imagine there was any pleasure in working so hard for someone to die. Or in having a spoiled little girl try to defy your attempts to keep her safe at every turn by ignoring your instructions to stay still. She smiled at that memory. Luckily the healer had been able to wrangle her properly and her broken leg recovered without so much as a limp. She chuckled, but the sound turned into an awkward cough.

Cazan shifted the bag slung across her back, rolling her shoulders and flexing her back for a moment as she realized how sore her back was becoming. She should have taken the binding around her chest off a bit ago, but had decided it could wait until she found a bathroom and tried to bathe. Now she was almost regretting the choice to do the tour first. No matter it was fine. She gave her back another stretch and suppressed another round of coughs with a mumbled apology as she tried to focus back on N'reh. "So, it doesn't make you a sex fiend. What's that have to do with flying? They just jump in the air and flap their wings right?"

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Nerreh frowned at the sudden coughing from Caz. Matched with the way he had been favoring his back, Nerreh had a suspicion. Idiot had probably been out and about all day, needed his chest flat, and been wearing bindings way to long. Not that Nerreh should really talk, he’d done the same plenty of times (even staid laid up in bed for a whole day once his ribs and back hurt so much), and was hardly going to stop, but still, he knew what Caz was feeling. Honestly, the only reason his own back wasn’t hurting at the moment was due to spending most of the day in his own weyr and not bothering to wear more than his riding jacket for compression. Still, the middle of the hall, even late at night, was not the place to fuss over Caz for binding to long, even late at night, so Nerreh brushed it aside for the moment and continued on towards the next bathroom, answering Caz’s questions.

“Nah, not flights, Flights, there’s a difference,” Nerreh shook his head, trying to make the emphasize on the word clear. “So, I mentioned how dragons have sex, right?” He launched into a description of Flights and how they affected their riders and how they were probably the origin for a lot of the orgy and sex fiend rumors. And how they really had nothing to do with how the rider felt about sex, but probably contributed to the openness in Weyrs overall. Can’t worry about fidelity to a wife when your dragon was horny, after all, and who knows when babies might show up. Nerreh was always very careful to avoid that particular side effect (hooray for between).

They reached the next bathroom, and Nerreh opened the door to let Caz inside to check the room out. He watched Caz cough a few times again, then stepped in himself, closing the door behind him.

“Hey, Caz, not to overstep my bounds or anything, but if you aren’t careful you’re really gonna fuck up your back,” he said after checking the door was solidly closed and no one would be able to hear the conversation. Caz was the only person he knew even kind of like him, and he didn’t want the guy to get further hurt unnecessarily. Nerreh wasn’t going to say anything to anyone, after all, so he could take the thing off without outing himself.

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of Gold Malvayth

Date of Birth
14.02.717, 28
Brown right
Lean, tomboyish.
Dark Auburn, Short


Written By: BardlyThere
For a moment Cazan thought N'reh was pulling her leg and that the flight thing was some sort of elaborate prank the rider was pulling on her for being still rather new to the Weyr. So she raised her eyebrow dubiously as she listened, occasionally fidgeting and adjusting her back as she tried to figure out if this was an overly detailed joke. Cazan listened for inconsistencies, contradictions, but it all fell neatly into place, and either the dragonrider was a remarkably talented liar or he was telling the truth. "You're serious aren't you? That," she paused to shake her head, "I'm not sure what to think about that. It sounds rough. Just end up sleeping with someone purely on the whims of your dragon. What if you don't like the person you end up in bed with? Though I suppose it certainly does explain the rumors."

It also sounded like it would it would be a general pain in the ass to get any work done around. But if that was what life was like with a dragon, then the Weyrfolk were probably used to it to some degree and likely explained the rather forward propositions she'd received. After all, if there was a chance you could randomly sleep with someone because your dragons decided, why not be a bit more open with your flirting?

Cazan was not expecting N'reh would join her in the bathroom and she paused, watching the man with an eyebrow raised in confusion for a moment before he spoke. What was he talking about? The only thing wrong with her back was the binding. The thought made her eyes widen slightly as she studied him. Did he know? Had she messed something up? Or perhaps he was just talking about workbench posture. She decided it wasn't worth making any assumptions yet. "My back? It's fine, a minor ache at the most. Why would commenting about my spinal health be overstepping?"

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