World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Zan's Character Creation


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

[Image: b23ee5e51e4008b73687f75eb2c6262a.png]
Toby Regbo
Important Details
Original Name: Tazikel
Pronounced: Tah-zih-kell
Honorific: T'kel
Pronounced: Tuh-kell
Nicknames: Taz, Tazi

Primary Rank: Second son of Tillek
Secondary Ranks:

Place of Birth: Tillek Hold
Date of Birth: 09.10.717 AL
Searched By: N/A
Searched Date: N/A
Impression Age:
Physical Age: 22

Partner: N/A

[Image: Y1DVB9Pl.jpg]
Eyes: Bright blue-green and framed with long lashes.

Hair: Blonde and wavy, Tazikel wears his hair so that it ends a little past his ears. Due to the wave, it's a bit longer when damp. He's at that age where he can finally sorta grow a beard but it never really gets anywhere, so he keeps it fairly stubbly so it looks very intentional (even if he can't grow a proper beard).

Height: 5'10

General Appearance: Tazikel is actually pretty fit, as he prefers being outdoors and doing things to being inside learning or working on diplomacy or affairs of the hold or whatever. Not that anyone lets him do real hard labor, but he rides a lot and works out and does a lot of exploring. He still maintains a good deal of youthful roundness despite this. His older brother teases him for his babyface, though he just outgrew his own a turn or two ago.

Dressing Style: Fancy boy. He's the second son of a Lord Holder, so he's well dressed. Tazikel isn't overly committed to keeping the nice clothes nice, and especially as a child tended to need to replace outfits often. Has a particular love for floral prints and designs.

[Image: giphy.gif]
General Character Traits: Tazikel is honestly something of spoiled brat. He's not generally manipulative or actively mean spirited, but it's easy to tick him off and get him into a temper. Once in a temper he'll do his best to verbally tear someone to shreds in the most expedient way he sees. This tendency definitely makes him seem more like a dick than he usually is. Only people he really likes are partially protected from his hissy fits.

When he isn't pissed Tazikel is pretty mellow guy, preferring to approach life with a positive outlook. Better to have fun where possible than become boring, right? At least not until he's a bit older.

Habits/Mannerisms: He's a pacer. Gotta think? Pace the room. Waiting? Pace the room. Upset? Pace the room. Constant motion, never sits down if he can help it.

Threadfall Theory: Not his problem.
Stealing/Kidnapping: Uncalled for.
Weryrleader S'kef: N/A
Firelizards: Rather intriguing, he wouldn't mind one.
Women's loss of honourifics: N/A
Return North: Dragons still exist?????

Singing: Tazikel will never be an acclaimed Harper, but he has a decent singing voice and has fun doing it.
Being Outside: He just wants to be out in the fresh air doing things and having fun. Riding, being on a boat, walking in the fields, anything outdoors. Tazikel enjoys acting as a messenger for his father within Tillek controlled lands, even if it involves some diplomacy, because it lets him spend lots of time outside.
Autumn: It's his favorite time of year, even if it means winter is coming. The season is just the right temperature, nice and crisp outside. The best.

Small Spaces: Tazikel finds small spaces stressful, keeping him from moving about as he would like to. The feeling of being trapped increases the desire to pace, and often the space to walk is limited, making him more stressed.
Heavy Storms: Storms are pretty cool, and Tazikel is usually down to go out in the rain, but when the storm is too bad he's generally not allowed to go out into them. He's not stupid, and does actually think about safety sometimes, and isn't willing to die to go stand in some rain, but he doesn't have to like it.
Snoring: Spoiled boy that he is, Tazikel rarely had to share a bedroom, so he's not very gracious about it when he has to. The worst part? Snoring people. Terribly loud.

Loyal: Tazikel is very devoted to his family (and friends, in theory, but most of his friends are also family) and it takes a lot to shake his dedication to someone. He's quick to defend the people he cares about, and will defend them passionately.
Playful: Life's too short to not take your fun where you can get it, and Tazikel is willing to make compromises for fun. Go to a boring lesson with his tutor or play with his younger brothers? Easy decision.
Independent: Tazikel prefers to do things his own way, and doesn't need people butting in. Of course, this only applies to smaller scale decisions, like what he wears that day or where he goes. Larger decisions he's less independent, feeling the pressure to follow the rules and requirements of being a lord's son.

Venomous: Tazikel is generally polite, as befits the son of a lord. However, he does have a bit of a temper and if you piss him off he becomes downright nasty. He will say absolutely awful shit to make people feel bad, to ruin their reputations, or generally make their lives miserable.
Indecisive: He is easily swayed from a course of action, specifically if someone tells him that something else is the expected or 'right' thing to do. Tazikel will start questioning his own decisions and perceptions and ultimately either freeze up or veer between multiple courses and not really accomplish anything.
Envious: While Tazikel is not the most ambitious of men, he has a strong sense of how he should be or what he as a lord's son deserves, or what he lacks in comparison to others. He loves his older brother and has no desire to be heir in his place, but everyone knows who the favorite child is and it's not him.
Sensitive: It's pretty easy to hurt his feelings. And if you hurt his feelings? He turns into a bit of a bitch.

Father: Barenkel, b.693
Rank: Lord of Tillek
Mother: Tamarra, b.697
Rank: Lady of Tillek
Uncle: Bazerin, b.699
Rank: Brother to Lord Tillek (Tazikel is partially named for him)
Batenkel [M] b.715 AL (married to Itherida of Nabol)
Tarren [M] b.718
Barra [F] b.720
Bazera [F] b.722
Tazerrin [M] b.724
Past Lovers/Partners: Various women (all lower class)
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
Children: None
Background Story:
717 AL & Birth: Tazikel is born the second son of the Lord of Tillek, the spare heir. His parents are very pleased.
722 AL & 5 Turns: While playing hide-and-seek with his siblings, Tazikel hides in a chest in one of the guest rooms. He can't open it from the inside and is stuck there for several hours, leading in major part to his dislike of small spaces.
731 AL & 14 Turns: Around the turn Tazikel turns 14, his relationship with his older brother starts changing. Batenkel is a 'proper adult' now and apparently no longer has time for 'playing games' with his younger siblings. His brother, who once was Tazikel's best friend, is now reluctant to spend time with him, going riding or other activities they used to love, and spends all his time with their father, learning about running a Hold.
733 AL & 16 Turns: Now an adult himself, Tazikel also starts getting more attention from their father, who wants to make sure his spare heir knows what may be expected of him. Still, his presence is not required nearly as much as Batenkel's, and Tazikel is left to his own devices most of the time. He uses his time to wander the lands of the Hold, getting to know it on his own.
734 AL & 17 Turns: Tazikel learns that hey, sex is nice. Starts sleeping around a bit, mostly with women around his age who work for his family or who live in the surrounding Hold.
736 AL & 19 Turns: Barra, the older of his two sisters, is married to a powerful minor Holder and leaves Tillek. Tazikel misses her, and the reality that his siblings (and him!) will be getting married sets in.
739 AL & 22 Turns: His older brother Batenkel marries Itherida of Nabol at the end of the turn. Tazikel is a little worried his relationship with his brother will get even worse now that he has a wife. He's not wrong, and they grow even more distant.
740 AL & 23 Turns: Their oldest son now wed, the Lord and Lady of Tillek spent a good deal of effort that turn on trying to find a suitable wife for Tazikel. He's not exactly looking forward to being married (she'll probably expect him to be at home or something) but understands it's what's required of him and just lets his parents do their thing.

Education Details: Fancy boy lordling education. He can read and write well and has pretty handwriting and knows a bit about running a Hold. Tazikel knows a good deal about the geography of Tillek after spending so much time exploring it as well.

RP Sample
The weather was starting to truly heat up for the summer months, and Tazikel was taking full advantage of the long daylight hours to spend as much time outside as possible. He'd spent the morning riding down to the Fishercraft Hall, on an errand for his father to bring a message to the Masterfisher. Lord Barenkel wanted to confirm that the usual seasonal change in fish locations was progressing as usual and there was no reason for concern that would prompt him to pad the food stores more than usual just yet. The fires in Ista of the turn before were not forgotten, and Tazikel's father had been excessively worried about food stores recently. Not the most exciting message, but the Masterfisher had shown Tazikel on some of the maps where different types of fish were plentiful, and one of the Masters had promised Tazikel he would take him on his boat someday soon if he wanted to go (Tazikel did). It also got him out of the meeting with the Lord of Wherever that his father and older brother were stuck in. Hah. Promises of boat trips were much more fun.

Errand complete, however, Tazikel decided to wander the shops, chatting with merchants and shopkeepers, reminding everyone that the Lord Holder - through his son - was present and cared about the people. Or whatever, that's what his father and tutor were always on about and it was the excuse Tazikel always gave to justify all his exploration. He was getting to know the people and reminding them the Lord and his family gave a shit about them. A little jewelry shop holds his attention for a while, as he debates getting a small gift for his youngest sister, or perhaps his brother's newish wife. His brother was very focused on learning to be a Lord and had little time for Tazikel anymore, and Taz somehow doubted he gave as much attention to his lady wife as she deserved. The young women is quite nice, and Tazikel doesn't want his brother to give her a bad opinion of the entire family.

The Player
Character Base Created By: Zandelion
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:
[style]@import url('|Bilbo+Swash+Caps|Fondamento|Indie+Flower');.ProfileOutside {width: auto; height: auto; padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #F7B913; border-radius: 50px 50px; line-height: 160%; color: #037A71; font-family: calibri; font-size: 15px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-image: url(""); background-repeat: repeat;}.ProfileInside {width: auto; padding: 5px; height: auto; border: 5px solid #251A33; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-color: rgba(37,26,51, .9); border-radius: 50px 50px;}.ProfileName {font-family: 'Fondamento', cursive; padding: 5px; font-size: 40px; color: inherit; margin:auto;}.ProfileRank {font-family: Arial; font-size: 25px; padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; text-align: center;}.ProfileTitle {font-family: 'Bilbo Swash Caps', cursive; font-size: 35px; color: #22D28C; text-align: center; background-color:#037A71; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px; padding:1px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 0px;}.ProfileJusitfy {font-family: Arial; font-size: 15px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 0px; text-align: justify; min-height: 350px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;}.ProfileImage{margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; width:400px;border:3px solid #F7B913;background-color:#251A33;}.ProfilePrompt1 {font-family: font-family: 'Bellefair', serif; font-size: 17px; color: #F7B913; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px; padding:1px;}.ProfileEducation {font-family: Arial; font-size: 15px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 0px; text-align: justify; min-height: 150px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;}.ProfilePrompt2 {font-family: font-family: 'Indie Flower', cursive; font-style: italic; font-size: 17px; color: #FA7810; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px; padding:1px;}.leftimage{float:left;padding:10px;margin:5px 10px 30px;width:350px;border:3px solid #F7B913;background-color:#251A33;}.rightimage{float:right;padding:10px;margin:5px 10px 30px;width:350px;border:3px solid #F7B913;background-color:#251A33;}[/style]

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:
code testing

i'm trying to hide this text

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:
[b]Page Title[/b] 739.10.13 | 1:3:7:9:21 | TELGAR | Biding Dreams | Bedith x Syrendryth

<div class="BoardInfoOutside"><div class="BoardInfoInside">
<div class="BoardInfoName" align="center">BIDING DREAMS</div>
<br />
<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Gold Bedith x Bronze Syrendryth</div>
<div class="" align="center">1:3:7:9:21<br />
<a title="Flight Date">03.06.739</a> | <a title="Clutching Date">04.09.739</a> | <a title="Hatching Date">13.10.739</a> | <a title="Graduation Date">13.01.741</a><br>

<br /><hr><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Gold</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">N/A

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Bronze</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy"> 3 unclaimed

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Brown</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">6 unclaimed</br>
Opheleth of <a href="URL"><span class="userg_dbrown">R'ben</span></a>, Played by <a href=""><span class="userg_player">Zandelion</span></a></br>

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Blue</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy"> 9 unclaimed

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Green</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy"> 18 unclaimed </br>
Tybalith of <a href=""><span class="userg_dgreen">Daelyne</span></a>, Played by <a href=""><span class="userg_player">Jenn</span></a></br>
Niath of <a href=""><span class="userg_dgreen">Tala</span></a>, Played by <a href=""><span class="userg_player">Zandelion</span></a></br>
Tiath of <a href=""><span class="userg_dgreen">Vessaelia</span></a>, Played by <a href=""><span class="userg_player">Insulting Truths</span></a></br>

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Between</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">1 unhatched, 1 unbonded gold, 1 unbonded brown
</div><br />

<br />
<br />

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

E'wen of brown Gaiacath
weyrling brownrider
[Image: tumblr_ou9dwmBiTC1v593oyo1_r1_500.jpg]
Charlie Rowe
Important Details
Original Name: Edwenorin
Pronounced: ED-when-or-in
Honorific: E'wen
Pronounced: Eh-when
Nicknames: Edwen, Wen

Dragon Name: Gaiacath
Dragon Pronounced: Guy-uh-cath
Dragon Colour: Brown
Wing Assigned: Weyrling
Wing Rank: Weyrling

Primary Rank: Brownrider
Secondary Ranks: Weyrling

Place of Birth: Sea hold in the Ista region
Date of Birth: 16.02.721 AL
Searched By:
Searched Date:
Impression Age: 18, 13.10.739 AL
Physical Age: 18

Partner: N/A

[Image: MV5BODY3NzdkZDItMzFmNi00ZjQxLThjZDgtY2Qx...00_AL_.jpg]
Eyes: Medium brown, they almost always look wide in surprise.

Hair: Brown with a slight wave to it. E'wen doesn't keep it terribly short, but once it reaches a certain length he has to cut it or it gets in his eyes and makes them itchy, and it's intolerable.

Height: 5'9"

General Appearance: E'wen tends to the lanky side, and while he's reasonably athletic he never visibly puts on much muscle. So far he's maintained a general air of youthful softness around him. He's started thinking maybe he should work out more, because most brownriders are a bit more built. Though he supposes he and his dragon match this way...

Dressing Style: Oh boy, sweaters are the best, would wear them all the time if possible (it's not, the weather gets real hot sometimes). He loves warm cozy clothing, and growing up on Ista didn't allow him to wear that much for cold weather. Now that he's in Telgar, he gets to dress for the weather and is loving it.

[Image: charlie-rowe-3.jpg]
General Character Traits: E'wen is very open and trusting, and rarely questions the things people tell him without a very good reason smacking him heavily in the face. This sometimes causes him confusion when people tell him conflicting things and he believes all of them and suddenly realizes that some of the information he's heard contradict and then he doesn't know what to do, they were being honest, weren't they?

He is very much a youngest child. He's not loud, but E'wen has a desperate need for attention and validation, in the form of people letting him spend time with them and acknowledging his existence.

Habits/Mannerisms: In conversations between multiple people, E'wen looks between all the speakers a lot, as if he can't focus on just one. He also unconsciously gravitates towards other people - if someone else is in the room, he always ends up within a few feet of them.

Threadfall Theory: Probably???
Stealing/Kidnapping: That's kinda... not nice.
Weryrleader S'kef: N/A
Firelizards: Very cool
Women's loss of honourifics: N/A
Return North: Oh wow, there were dragons down there???? And no one found them???? Dad, how did you miss dragons????

Physical Contact:

Loud Noises:
Being Made Fun Of:


Overly Compliant:

Father: Zabourin, b.689, d.???
Rank: Seacrafter
Mother: Dinmoira, b.691, d.???
Rank: Wife/Mother
Irazrin [M] (b.709)
Z'rin of blue Varralath [M] (b.712)
Moiraza [F] (b.716)

Past Lovers/Partners: Maybe?
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
Children: None
Background Story:
721 AL & Birth: Edwenorin was a surprise baby, as his parents had planned not to have more children, but then he showed up. As the unexpected son, he was rather spoiled as a child.
724 AL & 3 Turns: Zarindin is lost on the Southern Continent, presumed dead. Edwenorin is too young to really fully understand what that means at the time, but as he grows up he never questions what his father said about his deceased older brother.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Year & Age:

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

Dragon Name: Gaiacath
Name Pronounced: Guy-uh-cath
Dragon Colour: Brown
Wing Assigned: Weyrling
Wing Rank: Weyrling

Hatching Date: 13.10.739 AL
Birthing Weyr: Telgar
Home Weyr: Telgar
Clutch Name: Biding Dreams
Clutch Mother: gold Bedith
Clutch Father: bronze Syrendryth

Length: 30'
Height: 13'4"
Wingspan: 43'2"
Scars & Markings:
Weyrlinghood: Dark grayish brown, fairly mottled with lighter gray-tan markings, as well as dark brown staining his feet and right wingtip. Gaiacath was an extraordinarily lanky weyrling, very thin and more like a blue in build than a brown.
Adulthood: Gaiacath never really fills out, always staying on the delicate side for a brown. His hide lightens up, though he keeps the dark wingtip, and gains more dark spatters along his hindquarters.

Mindvoice: Think Jeremy Irons as Scar but much younger.

General Character Traits: Gaiacath is a deeply insecure individual, and like his rider lives for validation, especially from those he deems worthy of his regard.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Winter: Snow is nice, and cool, and fun to play in.
Rain: It's very relaxing. He loves flying in it, which is questionably safe.
Vindication: Gaiacath fucking loves being right and revels in it. Especially when it means someone else was proven wrong.

His Size/Build: Listen, Gaiacath is a scrawny brown. Most browns are a good deal more well built than he is, and it's a bit of a sore point for him. He's very proud of his agility, which is above average for a brown, but he still rankles at the idea that others look down on him as a poor example of a brown. Not that anyone really says that to him, but Gaiacath knows they think it.
Power-hungry Individuals : There are plenty of dragons and people who think they deserve more than they do. Just because they think they're special and deserve to be wingleader or whatever doesn't mean they actually deserve anything.
Most Greens: Tied up with his self-image issues, Gaiacath assumes most greens scoff at him so he scoffs back. He thinks they're silly and empty headed and it's a rare green he will bother interacting with.


Quick to Anger:

Hex Codes: [Gaia]Gaiacath huffs haughtily[/Gaia]
Font: #624D4A
Background: #120505
Preview: Dragon Speech

Infant Image
[Image: Calamity.png]

Adult Image
[Image: URL HERE]
RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: Zandelion
Character's Finalisation Created By: Zandelion
Dragon Base Created By: Zandelion
Dragon Finalisation Created By: Zandelion
Dragon Image Created By: Zandelion
Played By: Zandelion
Preferred Contact: Discord or PM
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs

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113 & 930 IC

Written By:

Journeyman Healer
[Image: 409full-david-castro.jpg]
David Castro
Important Details
Name: Teferay
Pronounced: Tuh-fair-A
Nicknames: Feray, Fefe

Primary Rank: Jr. Journeyman Healer
Secondary Ranks: Any other ranks they might hold.

Place of Birth: The location in which they were born.
Date of Birth: AL | Do not need to include age as that will be included in the post-profile. Please consider using a month not already well populated with character birthdays. To see our IC birthday calendar, please go here.

Partner: N/A
[Image: MV5BMjIwMDcwNzY4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDM3...@._V1_.jpg]
Eyes: This should include colour, shape, eyebrows and any distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Hair: This should include colour, length, how it is generally worn and any other distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Height: in feet, please. Measurements in centimeters may be included additionally if desired, but is not required. Average Pernese man is 6'1, and the average Pernese woman is 5'7. If they are dramatically outside of this height range, please include some form of explanation or acknowledged in their description, personality and/or history.

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: At least one paragraph, indicating the usual attire the character can be seen in, how they wear their hair, if they are clean or dirty etc.
[Image: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e617773...=720&h=720]
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Opinions: These can be kept short and sweet; a sentence will suffice.
Threadfall Theory: Thread Fell during the following Turns;
First Fall: 8 to 58 AL
Second Fall: 258 to 308 AL
Third Fall: 508 to 558 AL
Fourth Fall is due to begin in 758 AL
Stealing/Kidnapping: How did they respond? How do they feel about it now?
Weryrleader S'kef: how did your character feel about a brownrider taking control of Katila. Pointedly, how did they feel about it being S'kef? N/A for non Katilan and non-Holders of rank, of which would have met S'kef.
Firelizards: Were they amazed? Excited? Fearful? Disgusted? How do they feel now?
Women's loss of honourifics: 04.06.733 - at the World Above graduation, Weyrleader S'kef revoked women's rights to honourifics, at the same time making it so newly Impressed gained theirs at Impression instead of Graduation as had been the way prior. How did your character feel about this. N/A for non Katilans.
Return North: How do they feel? Have they been anticipating this, or are they disinterested?

Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:
{{{** FAMILY RANKS ** Please keep in mind that Weyrbrats are bred (usually) from dragonriders and Lower Cavern folk; they are not craft educated and generally have an abundance of half-siblings. Stolen Crafters are almost always going to be the eldest or second eldest son that was of a well to-do family in order to pay for their Education. Almost no dragonriders EXCLUDING Katilan Impressed will have a Craft education. A detailed explanation will be needed for those that are. Only one in a blue moon women are passed on to the Craft Halls, and those that are very rarely make it beyond Sr. Apprentice, even in women friendly crafts. Please remember that it is YOUR character that is allowed to be special, not the entire family!}}}
Father: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Mother: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Pern has a high infant mortality rate. Keep this in mind. Most families will produce 4-6 children, of which maybe half will make it to adulthood. Most Pernese die between 50 and 70 if they hold ranking or 'cushy' positions in life. Low ranking peasants and the like are more inclined to die in their late 40's due to the harsher lifestyle they lived. Dragonriders average about 100 years, and have a slowed rate of aging. A LOT of women die in childbirth, especially with their first child, or if they are old and still falling pregnant. It is considered a sin for Hold and Hall women to abort, and even Weyr women are frowned upon, as all children are needed.
Past Lovers/Partners: Only important ones are required.
Current Lovers/Partners: If Applicable.
Children: Almost all characters over the age of 18 that are not virgins waiting to be married, should statistically have at least one child. Without a good explanation, we will be hesitant to accept any character over the age of 25 that has NOT got at least one child running around somewhere. Holderfolk are often married by the time they are 18, and Weyrfolk often flight moth. Children are not required to be RP'd, or even acknowledged during RP. We simply heavily encourage your character to have contributed to the population at some point.
Background Story:
Year & Age:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Craft: N/A if not applicable or 'General Education' for those that can read, write and do basic mathematics. Most Pernese still receive a very general education by the Hold Harpers, but very few ever end up in a Hall. If you character is Hall trained, be sure to include proper information on how they ended up as such in their History. Please see This Board[/url] for details on Crafts and Craft Hall lifestyles in our Canon. Remove the Rank portions if not formally educated.
Specialty: A character may only specialise in ONE area, no matter how smart or talented they may be.

Craft Rank: Jr./Sr. Apprentice, Jr./Sr. Journeyman/Master. N/A if irrelevant.
Date Apprenticed: AL - No apprenticeship before age 12 without permission. N/A if irrelevant
Date Tapped: AL - No Journeymen under the age of 18 without explicit permission. N/A if irrelevant.
Mastership Obtained: AL - N/A if irrelevant. No Honorary masterships without permission. Masters must be over the minimum age given in the Crafts[/url] thread.

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

Healer Apprentice
[Image: Auli%E2%80%98i-Cravalho.jpg]
Auliʻi Cravalho
Important Details
Name: Vaera
Pronounced: Vair-ah or Vair-uh
Nicknames: Vae, Vae-Vae

Primary Rank: Healer Apprentice Hopeful
Secondary Ranks: The Masterhealer's girl

Place of Birth: Some random minor Hold Verec was stationed at as Healer for a few turns
Date of Birth: 16.03.723 AL

Partner: N/A

[Image: Aulii-Cravalho:-Modern-Luxury-Hawaii-Mag...62x827.jpg]
Eyes: Warm brown eyes

Hair: Wavy and brown, Vaera generally keeps it at a length where it rests between her shoulder blades when it's dry.

Height: 5'4"

General Appearance: Vaera has an oval face, which shows dimples when she smiles, which is often. She's of an average build, not being particularly athletic or active.

She comes across as taller than she actually is because she stands with good posture and doesn't cower from people. While in looks Vaera's more like her mother, you can tell she's Verec's daughter from the way she moves and her mannerisms - the man definitely taught her how to speak.

Dressing Style: Dresses and skirts are Vaera's preferred clothes, even if they aren't always practical. Swishing around is fun!. She will, of course, try to keep her clothes appropriate to the situation. Similarly, she prefers to keep her hair down and loose, but will put it up if the situation calls for it.

[Image: rise.jpg]
General Character Traits: Vaera is a positive and headstrong girl. Nothing keeps her back forever - she will hound someone until she gets her way, though she is usually capable of not being completely overbearing about it. Usually. She's also perfectly happy to look for roundabout ways to get what she wants.

She has many people she is friendly with, but Vaera doesn't have a whole lot of close friends. There's a little bit of her that considers everyone else not quite as clever as she is, and it's not always conducive to making friends. She's also a bit of a know it all, and some people find it annoying.

Habits/Mannerisms: She's very much a 'fold her hands in her lap to keep herself from doing or saying something she will regret' kind of girl. If her hands are folded in her lap, or in front of her, or behind her back, she's restraining herself from Something.

Threadfall Theory: She really hopes it doesn't come back, but she's not willing to be unprepared for the option.
Stealing/Kidnapping: It really upset her father, and she doesn't disagree with his opinion on the matter
Weryrleader S'kef: N/A
Firelizards: So cute! And useful, maybe one of the new weyrfolk apprentices can get her one...
Women's loss of honourifics: N/A
Return North: Well, it annoyed her father, but it's probably a good idea to have the dragonriders around. Just in case.

Sewing: Something she learned as a child, Vaera finds sewing relaxing and a nice way to make simple gifts for people. It's also useful around the Hall, if sheets or bandages need repairing. It also helps her keep her skirts the most fun and stylish around, as she constantly updates them or reuses parts of older ones.
Cats: They are so cute and fluffy, Dad, can we please get twenty?
Reading: Sometimes you can get a lot more information tracking it down in the records yourself than asking one of the Healers to teach you. Books can't consider you just a silly girl, after all.

Humidity: It's just gross and makes everyone all sticky and sweaty and bleh.
Dust: Vaera is extra allergic to dust and gets very sneezy.

Determined: 'No' means nothing to Vaera unless she considers the reasons for the 'no' to be valid. It makes her question everything and find answers for herself, not just because she's told something is so. It also helps her find ways around things like rules.
Clever: Thinking is fun for Vaera. She likes solving problems and learning and she's good at both.

Impulsive: Vaera has a very, very hard time staying quiet sometimes, and it's very easy for her to do or say something she regrets later.
Condescending: She really does have a strong sense of her own intelligence, and is aware she's classically smarter than a lot of people. It can make her come across as snooty, or worse.

Father: Verec, b.691
Rank: Masterhealer
Mother: Ilaera, b.690
Rank: Healer Hall maid, unofficial nurse
Siblings: A few half-siblings on her mother's side. Ilaera lived at a Weyr before the Plague, and had a few children there. Two didn't survive past infancy, and the other was taken South with their dragonriding father when he fled the Plague.

Past Lovers/Partners: N/A, maybe fooled around with kissing a bit, but nothing serious
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
Children: None
Background Story:
723 AL & Birth: Vaera is born the first (and only) child of Verec and Ilaera. She rarely got sick as a baby, her parents were always so careful about her health (but not stifling, because Verec had apprenticed to a disease specialist and he knew that could be harmful too, not letting her have any exposure to illnesses).
727 AL & 4 Turns: Verec is more permanently assigned to teaching at the Hall, so Vaera moves with her parents to the Hall
730 AL & 7 Turns: During a long winter where she can't go outside much due to snow, she spends a lot of time learning to sew and mend from one of the maids at the Hall. Vaera thinks it's fun.
736 AL & 12 Turns: Vaera is proud of her father being appointed Masterhealer, and maaaaay use it as an excuse to get away with shenanigans around the Hall. Until her father learns about it, at which point he makes sure no one in the Hall gives her leniency just for his child.
737 AL & 13 Turns: By now, many of the boys she grew up with in the Hall have begin their Apprenticeships, and Vaera feels a tad left behind.
738 AL & 14 Turns: Decided that she'd like to try to be a proper Healer. She's seen the many of women around the Hall who know so much but get no credit, and Vaera's decided that will not be her, and she informs her father of this. He's not opposed to her plan, but warns her it may take a while and will be difficult. Vaera says to bring it.
740 AL & 16 Turns: Women from the Weyrs are going to be allowed to learn at the Hall, and Verec allows some of the Hall raised girls to learn alongside them, as a comparison to Weyrfolk. Mostly, it was to let his daughter further her goals, but he had to justify it to people. Vaera appreciates it and is raring to start her education.

Craft: Healing
Specialty: N/A yet

Craft Rank: Jr. Apprentice
Date Apprenticed: 01.740 AL

Education Details: Vaera's had a pretty good education, considering her father and location. Verec always made sure she had a decent basic Holder education, and when she started showing interest in Healing he indulged her. It wasn't uncommon for Vaera to sit in on classes her father was teaching when she was young, and though most of the content of the classes was beyond her at the time, she'll still remember bits and pieces sometimes. Now that Weyrfolk girls are getting Apprenticeships, she's getting a proper one too, though she's coming from a better starting place than any of the other girls.

RP Sample

There was something delicious about finally getting what she wanted, Vaera thought. It may have taken two turns longer than she would have liked, but she finally could call herself a Healer Apprentice. Which meant she could finally start to really learn, to get more experience than most people would let a 'little girl' get. She understood why it took so long, she did, even with her father as the Masterhealer - nepotism was bad, he couldn't just change the rules for his daughter, blah blah. She got it, it wasn't his fault. Her father was a smart man, he knew there were women worth teaching. He was just bound by rules and customs and had to be clever about how he changed things so the other Healers didn't panic too much and raise a fuss. A fuss would be inconvenient and interfere with the Hall's ability to heal people.

Vaera knew a lot about the politics of the Healer Hall for a sixteen turn old. Her parents had never bothered to hide their conversations from her when she was little, and when they realized she could follow the conversations and contribute, they were perfectly happy to answer all her questions. And her parents were very opinionated about things. Like dragonriders. Verec was in no way a fan of them, and Ilaera was deeply conflicted about them. Vaera had decided she needed to meet more dragonriders before she made a decision on them. Perhaps now she'd have a chance! Well, at least she'd meet people who knew dragonriders, even if they weren't one themselves. From what she understand, most of the girls coming to the Hall weren't dragonriders yet. Which was probably a good thing, to Vaera's mind. Where in the Hall would they fit even one dragon, let alone several. She was very excited to meet them and pick their brains about weyrlife. Maybe even thank them for helping her get her chance at being a proper Healer with much less effort on her part and earlier than expected. d

The Player
Character Base Created By: Zandelion
Character's Finalisation Created By: Zandelion
Played By: Zandelion
Preferred Contact: Discord, DM
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:
Dragonrider Name

[img]Optional Face Claim Suggestion Image[/img]

Important Details
Original Name:
Date of Birth:
Searched From: (their home hold, hall or Weyr)
Searched By: (or stolen, if applicable)

Physical Details
Physical: Info
Eg. Height: 5'7

Emotional Details
Emotional: Info
Eg. Likes: Klah, Ice-cream, dragons

Historical Details
Historical: Info
Eg. Event: Broke arm []

Educational Details
Education: Info
Eg. Illiterate: Being taught to read and write

Dragon Details

NPC Template
Outlined By: Your name
Notes: Any other applicable notes, that didn't fit into the profile itself.

Dragonrider Name

[img]Optional Face Claim Suggestion Image[/img]

Important Details
Original Name:
Date of Birth:
Searched From: (their home hold, hall or Weyr)
Searched By: (or stolen, if applicable)

Physical Details
Physical: Info
Eg. Height: 5'7

Emotional Details
Emotional: Info
Eg. Likes: Klah, Ice-cream, dragons

Historical Details
Historical: Info
Eg. Event: Broke arm []

Educational Details
Education: Info
Eg. Illiterate: Being taught to read and write

Dragon Details

NPC Template
Outlined By: Your name
Notes: Any other applicable notes, that didn't fit into the profile itself.

Candidate Name

[img]Optional Face Claim Suggestion Image[/img]

Important Details
Original Name:
Honorific Suggestion:
Date of Birth:
Searched From: (their home hold, hall or Weyr)
Searched By:

Physical Details
Physical: Info
Eg. Height: 5'7

Emotional Details
Emotional: Info
Eg. Likes: Klah, Ice-cream, dragons

Historical Details
Historical: Info
Eg. Event: Broke arm []

Educational Details
Education: Info
Eg. Illiterate: Being taught to read and write

Impression Hopes
Colour: What they hope for IC OR what you think they should get
Personality: Any personality quirks etc.

NPC Template
Outlined By: Your name

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

[Image: 8d903cb19e34195cd24520f15fcd43cf.jpg]
Casil McArthur
Important Details
Original Name: Misharan
Pronounced: Me-SHAR-uhn
Nicknames: Misha

Primary Rank: Candidate
Secondary Ranks: N/A

Place of Birth: Crom Hold
Date of Birth: 19.01.717 AL
Searched By: R'nd of blue Ayyonth

Partner: N/A

[Image: cailmcarthurlisting.jpg]
Eyes: He has dark hazel eyes with flecks of green and grey. His eyebrows are slightly darker than the rest of his hair.

Hair: Ashy blonde hair that is almost always straight. He used to keep it a bit longer, but clips it shorter after moving to the Weyr.

Height: 6'1"

General Appearance: Misharan has fine, delicate features and can easily be described as 'pretty.' Freckles cover much of his body, including his face, and they get more pronounced the more he is in the sun. He also burns fairly easily.

While he isn't as muscled as his brothers, due to working in the house or the hold more than in the mines, he still maintains some athleticism. He has managed to avoid the persistent cough that plagues most mining families, again due to spending little time in the mines themselves.

Dressing Style: Misharan doesn't necessarily have much in the way of 'nice' clothing, but he works hard to make sure whatever he has looks good on him. He has a fondness for shirts with flowing sleeves, as inconvenient as they can be. Misharan also likes embroidered work, and likes to find embroidered clothing when possible. He's also a fan of tall boots and very much likes the leather riding jackets the dragonriders get.

[Image: 52802212.jpg]
General Character Traits: Misharan can seem like a bit of an asshole to strangers, as he says whatever he wants with as many swears as he wants to, but it's all in fun. While he will say any negative thing he wants, he'll also say the positives - he's the friend who tells you he loves you on a regular basis. Misharan will see things that remind him of people and get them as gifts, even if there aren't any gift-giving occasions coming up.

He can be a bit of a contrary bastard, and telling him 'no you can't' will only make him say 'fuck you, I can' and proceed to go do it (or fail spectacularly in the attempt).

Secretly, he's a bit of a romantic and would like to find 'the one,' but he's also currently content to be a flight moth for the rest of his life (hopefully eventually with a dragon).

Habits/Mannerisms: When he has to sit still for long periods of time he starts bouncing his leg.

    Threadfall Theory: Doesn't know enough to have a real opinion.
    Stealing/Kidnapping: Before his time. Uncool though, very much not approved of.
    Weryrleader S'kef: Who?
     Firelizards: They're pretty cool.
    Women's loss of honourifics: Wait, women used to have them too?
    Return North: He'd heard stories of dragonriders, but thought they were all gone. Now he might get to be one? Nice.

    Whers: Misharan grew up in and around the mine, where whers were used to help detect underground dangers and clear out collapses. He was rather fond of the beasts, and he might have asked to be trained as a wher handler if he hadn't been Searched.
    Sleeping In: In the Weyr he doesn't have as many set chores as he did at home, and takes every opportunity to sleep in. Misharan is a very groggy person in the morning, barely managing coherent sentences without klah (or dunking his head in water).
    Writing: He's no Harper, but among miners he has nice handwriting, and he got a good number of marks growing up in exchange for writing things for people in his nice handwriting. He takes pride in his writing because of that.

    Disrespect of Mining: Most weyrfolk are fairly dismissive of the minecraft, as it's dirty and involves lots of brute labor. And yeah, Misharan hated it himself, but he lived it, he's allowed to hate it, but he feels compelled to defend it to these weyrfolk. Where do you think your firestone comes from? Who originally carved out your Weyrs?
    Boring People: Misharan has fairly set ideas about what classifies someone as 'boring' or 'worth his time,' and he does his best to avoid the former whenever possible.
    Children: He's a youngest child and has therefore never built up a tolerance to babies or toddlers, and anyone younger than 10 turns makes him panic a little bit.

    Outspoken: After having to hide parts of himself for many years, Misharan's outspokenness comes out in full force at the Weyr. He will say what he thinks and damn the consequences. Usually, it's a positive thing, making him better at communicating because he'll be willing to explain how he feels or what he's thinking.
    Reliable: Once he's committed to do something, he will see it through no matter what. Obstacles only make Misharan more determined to overcome them and complete his task.
    Thankful: Misharan always keeps track of who's done him a good turn, and tries his best to repay the favor when the opportunity arises.

    Scheming: He likes things to go his way, and where possible is perfectly happy to 'arrange' things to better suit him or say things in a certain way to get a particular response.
    Materialistic: Misharan's family put everything they had towards getting as many sons as possible into the Minecraft Hall, so he didn't have many 'nice' belongings growing up, so nowadays he gleefully collects things, even utterly useless baubles just because he can. He puts great importance in his collection and is rather protective towards it and a bit impulsive when it comes to adding new items.

Father: Shandar, b.681
 Rank: Miner
Mother: Marliya, b.685, d.717
 Rank: Wife
Sharlan [M] b.704
Marlan [M] b. 707, d.721
Mandar [M] b.708
Unnamed [M] b.710, d.710
Shindil [M] b.712
Shaliya [F] b.713
Unnamed [F] b.714, d.714

Past Lovers/Partners:  Plenty
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
Children: None
Background Story:
 717 AL & Birth: Misharan is born the 6th living child and 4th son of Shandar and Marliya. To the family's sorrow, the pregnancy took its toll on Marliya and she passed away due to complications. Shandar's mother, who lived with the couple, took over caring for the younger children. A young woman was hired to help cook meals on occasion.
 718 AL & 1 Turn: The second oldest son, Marlan, spends more time helping around the house with the younger children (to the extent an 11 turn old child can help). Mandar also helped out, though Sharlan did not, as he was busy with his Minecraft apprenticeship.
 719 AL & 2 Turns: The family has enough money to send another son to the crafthall, so Marlan is apprenticed and Mandar starts spending even more time helping out at home.
 721 AL & 4 Turns: Marlan dies in a mining accident. Misharan is still too young to fully grasp what has happened to his older brother and is rather distraught that he keeps not coming home. Mandar is given his minecraft apprenticeship position.
 723 AL & 6 Turns: Eldest brother Sharlan married the daughter of a master minecrafter. Misharan overheard him telling Mandar it was more about gaining access to the master minecrafter than being in love with his new wife.
724 AL & 7 Turns: A family argument breaks out, as Shindil is now old enough to become a mincrafter apprentice. Unfortunately, the family does not have the funds to send another child to the crafthall. Shindil, determined, starts doing odd jobs to make some extra money.
 725 AL & 8 Turns: His older brother Shindil decides Misharan needs to be taught how to fight. All of the siblings are fairly delicate, including the boys, and Sharlan, Mandar, and Shindil (and Marlan) all had to deal with some trouble from other boys for lack of manliness. Sharlan, the eldest, learned that fighting back, and well, tended to work, and had passed on what he learned to Marlan and Mandar, who taught Shindil. Misharan thought it was good fun, and took to fighting with enthusiasm.
 727 AL & 10 Turns: Between family funds and Shindil's side jobs, they can afford for him to enter the Minecraft Hall. Misharan is a bit disappointed, as Shindil was his favorite sibling.
 729 AL & 12 Turns: By this point, Misharan is fairly sure he's much more interested in boys than girls. Based on how his grandmother talks about such things, he keeps it hidden, as he rather likes being fed and housed by his family.

Sharlan's first child is born late in the turn. Misharan doesn't care much about being an uncle.
 730 AL & 13 Turns: Mandar gets married to the daughter of a baker. Misharan is allowed to start keeping the family books, as well as running messages around the mine (he has nicer handwriting than most miners, so he makes a few marks writing letters and such for other people)
 731 AL & 14 Turns: Their father is looking to marry off Shaliya, and she is eventually found a husband in the form of Jr. Journeyman minecrafter, a friend of Mandar's. Shaliya is pleased with Mandar's choice, relieved it wasn't left to their father. Misharan is highly relieved he isn't a girl.
 733 AL & 16 Turns: Shindil gets married, leaving Misharan as the last unmarried sibling, as well as the only one remaining in the house with his father and grandmother. He hates it. All the more time for his grandmother to focus on his flaws.
 735 AL & 18 Turns: His grandmother dies of a minor illness. Misharan is conflicted about it, as he felt like she was always criticizing him and he had to hide a lot of himself from her, but she did help raise him.
 736 AL & 19 Turns: Misharan is Searched by blue Ayyonth and R'nd a scant few days after Turn End. As he is the youngest child and not a member of the Minecraft himself, he is allowed to go with little issue. Misharan himself is ecstatic at the prospect of weyrlife and Impressing a dragon, but maintains a quiet dignity so as not to reveal too much to his family, who all come by to see him off, as well as uphold appearances - can't seem too enthusiastic. By the end of the year, he has settled in at Telgar, Standing at every clutch that turn without Impressing. He is disappointed, but still finds weyrlife to be much better than living in a mining hold, so it doesn't bother him overly much.
 737-738 AL & 20-21 Turns: He spends the next two turns Standing (unsuccessfully) and getting to know the Weyr and weyrlife better (Read: sleeping around).
 739 AL & 22 Turns: Becomes best friends with Mylorah and Kordiavis. He also coins the term 'sex klah' after Casa's infamous camping trip.


Education Details: General education, though due to living in a miner family he knows a fair bit about the minecraft (though not practically, just theory, facts) Kept accounts for the family once he was a teen, so practiced at math (though he is by no means particularly talented at it, just did a lot of it).

RP Sample
Misharan frowned as he calculated the date in his head. If he was right, and he usually was with dates, his favorite brother's eldest daughter had a birthday coming up soon. As he was the best distance uncle (all the presents, minimal actual interaction), he had to find a suitable gift. What did two turn old girls like? Or would it be better to get a gift for Shindil that he could use for his daughter? If he had a dragon, he'd definitely have gotten her a little dress or something dyed to match his dragon (He was a bit vain, he graciously admitted this to anyone who accused him of it). But, alas, he'd yet to Impress.

He sighed, considering. None of his Candidate friends had children, so they'd likely have no ideas. Maybe they had younger siblings? Could be worth asking. And all the dragon riders he knew had no acknowledged children, so they'd likely be no help there either. Though maybe he could convince one to take him to the Hold to shop.

Ugh, He thought tiredly, How can I be the best uncle and shower her with gifts if I can't figure out what sort of shit she or her parents might need? Where's a woman with children when you need one? He blinked. That actually might not be a bad idea. There were plenty of women with children in this Weyr, why couldn't he find one and ask her? There had to be at least one that would willingly talk to him. Probably.

Course of action decided, Misharan nodded to himself and headed off to find a woman who might have children.
The Player
Character Created By: Zandelion
Played By: Zandelion
Preferred Contact: DM or Discord
Inactivity Preference: Adopt or the most dramatic death possible

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

N'kom of blue Ralshyath
[Image: deh.png]
Dane DeHaan
Important Details
Original Name: Nikodemas
Pronounced: Knee-co-day-mas
Honorific: N'kom
Pronounced: Neh-com (like .com)
Nicknames: Niko

Dragon Name: Ralshyath
Dragon Pronounced: rall-SHY-ath
Dragon Colour: Blue
Wing Assigned: TBA
Wing Rank: Wingrider

Primary Rank: Bluerider
Secondary Ranks: N/A for now

Place of Birth: High Reaches Hold
Date of Birth: AL | Do not need to include age as that will be included in the post-profile. Please consider using a month not already well populated with character birthdays. To see our IC birthday calendar, please go here.
Searched By: N/A
Searched Date: N/A
Impression Age: 13, AL
Physical Age: 26-33ish

Exiled With: Just himself and Ralshyath

Partner: N/A


Height: 5'9"

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: At least one paragraph, indicating the usual attire the character can be seen in, how they wear their hair, if they are clean or dirty etc.

[Image: 06_080414_017.2.jpg]
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Opinions: These can be kept short and sweet; a sentence will suffice.
Threadfall Theory: Thread Fell during the following Turns;
First Fall: 8 to 58 AL
Second Fall: 258 to 308 AL
Third Fall: 508 to 558 AL
Fourth Fall is due to begin in 758 AL
Stealing/Kidnapping: How did they respond? How do they feel about it now?
Weryrleader S'kef: how did your character feel about a brownrider taking control of Katila. Pointedly, how did they feel about it being S'kef? N/A for non Katilan and non-Holders of rank, of which would have met S'kef.
Firelizards: Were they amazed? Excited? Fearful? Disgusted? How do they feel now?
Women's loss of honourifics: 04.06.733 - at the World Above graduation, Weyrleader S'kef revoked women's rights to honourifics, at the same time making it so newly Impressed gained theirs at Impression instead of Graduation as had been the way prior. How did your character feel about this. N/A for non Katilans.
Return North: How do they feel? Have they been anticipating this, or are they disinterested?

[This section is optional]
Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]

{{{** FAMILY RANKS ** Please keep in mind that Weyrbrats are bred (usually) from dragonriders and Lower Cavern folk; they are not craft educated and generally have an abundance of half-siblings. Stolen Crafters are almost always going to be the eldest or second eldest son that was of a well to-do family in order to pay for their Education. Almost no dragonriders EXCLUDING Katilan Impressed will have a Craft education. A detailed explanation will be needed for those that are. Only one in a blue moon women are passed on to the Craft Halls, and those that are very rarely make it beyond Sr. Apprentice, even in women friendly crafts. Please remember that it is YOUR character that is allowed to be special, not the entire family!}}}
Father: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Mother: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Pern has a high infant mortality rate. Keep this in mind. Most families will produce 4-6 children, of which maybe half will make it to adulthood. Most Pernese die between 50 and 70 if they hold ranking or 'cushy' positions in life. Low ranking peasants and the like are more inclined to die in their late 40's due to the harsher lifestyle they lived. Dragonriders average about 100 years, and have a slowed rate of aging. A LOT of women die in childbirth, especially with their first child, or if they are old and still falling pregnant. It is considered a sin for Hold and Hall women to abort, and even Weyr women are frowned upon, as all children are needed.
Past Lovers/Partners: Only important ones are required.
Current Lovers/Partners: If Applicable.
Children: Almost all characters over the age of 18 that are not virgins waiting to be married, should statistically have at least one child. Without a good explanation, we will be hesitant to accept any character over the age of 25 that has NOT got at least one child running around somewhere. Holderfolk are often married by the time they are 18, and Weyrfolk often flight moth. Children are not required to be RP'd, or even acknowledged during RP. We simply heavily encourage your character to have contributed to the population at some point.
Background Story:
Year & Age:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:

Craft: N/A if not applicable or 'General Education' for those that can read, write and do basic mathematics. Most Pernese still receive a very general education by the Hold Harpers, but very few ever end up in a Hall. If you character is Hall trained, be sure to include proper information on how they ended up as such in their History. Please see This Board[/url] for details on Crafts and Craft Hall lifestyles in our Canon. Remove the Rank portions if not formally educated.
Specialty: A character may only specialise in ONE area, no matter how smart or talented they may be.

Craft Rank: Jr./Sr. Apprentice, Jr./Sr. Journeyman/Master. N/A if irrelevant.
Date Apprenticed: AL - No apprenticeship before age 12 without permission. N/A if irrelevant
Date Tapped: AL - No Journeymen under the age of 18 without explicit permission. N/A if irrelevant.
Mastership Obtained: AL - N/A if irrelevant. No Honorary masterships without permission. Masters must be over the minimum age given in the Crafts[/url] thread.

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

Dragon Name: Ralshyath
Name Pronounced: ral-SHY-ath
Dragon Colour: Blue
Wing Assigned: TBA
Wing Rank: Wingrider

Hatching Date: AL
Birthing Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Home Weyr: Telgar / Ista / Fort or Katila (Katila is a retirement Weyr now)
Clutch Name:
Clutch Mother: gold Mutusoth
Clutch Father: bronze Vemoth

Scars & Markings:
Weyrlinghood: Light, pale blue all over, patchy and speckly. Looks like clouds on a sunny, winter day. Relatively slender, which presents itself as being knobbly and gangly as a Weyrling.
Adulthood: Hide becomes a stormy blue, not nearly as light or 'cheerful' as his Weyrling hide.


General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Ralyshyath thrashes his head in annoyance.

[This section is optional]
Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]

Hex Codes: [Name]Dragon Name[/Name]
Preview: [color=#HHEEXX]Dragon Speech[/color]

Infant Image
[Image: URL HERE]

Adult Image
[Image: Ralshyath.jpg]

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

[Image: IiwiZiI6ImpwZyJ9.jpg]
Joanna Catanea
Important Details
Name: Kelikki
  Pronounced: Keuh-lick-ee
Nicknames: Kikki

Primary Rank: Servant
  Secondary Ranks: One of the heads of Household for Lord Jalazmar

Place of Birth: Nabol Hold
Date of Birth: 12.07.716 AL

Partner: N/A

[Image: ZiI6InBuZyJ9.png]
Eyes: Dark hazel.

Hair: Dark brown and fairly straight.

Height: 5'9"

General Appearance: Kelikki is a bit thin and wispy, not particularly muscled at all. Her hands are calloused from working her whole life, though she keeps careful care of them so they don't snag on fine clothing when she's handling them.

Dressing Style: She wears whatever she is provided to wear by the Lord she serves. So nothing fancy, but usually fairly nice as servant clothes go, as Lords like looking rich and deck out their drudges to show their status and wealth.

[div class="rightimage"]
[Image: ZiI6ImpwZyJ9.jpg]
General Character Traits: Demure and quiet, Kelikki will follow directions without complaint. She will stand up for her family with steely determination if their moral character is questioned. Kelikki is passionate about things, but quietly so, not letting people see it unless they know her very well and care to look.

Habits/Mannerisms: Constantly smoothing out and adjusting her clothing.

  Threadfall Theory: Of course it will come, it's just how life on Pern works.
  Stealing/Kidnapping: Didn't really impact her. She would've loved being Stolen, but alas, lived in a Major Hold and had little in the way of desirable skills.
    Weryrleader S'kef: Who?
     Firelizards: Spectacular! A little scary, even.
    Women's loss of honourifics: N/A
  Return North: Opportunity. So glad her brother was Searched and got a better life because they returned.

  Her Siblings:
  Like 3:

  Rain: It's just cold and unpleasant.
  Dislike 2:
  Dislike 3:

  Strength 3:



Father: Unknown
Rank: Unknown
Mother: Mita, b.700, d.731
Rank: Drudge
@'F'drel' (Fendrel) [M] b. 718
Maliah [F] b. 719
Ferra [F] b. 722
Kalea [F] b. 726
Kitelan [M] b. 730
Past Lovers/Partners:  Various
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
1 miscarriage (737 AL)
Background Story:
716 AL & Birth:
718 AL & 2 Turns: Her first younger sibling is born, a brother (Fendrel).

731 AL & 15 Turns: Mita dies. The Healer called in believes it is due to latent complications from her pregnancy of the turn before. The baby, Kitelan, becomes Kelikki's responsibility, though the rest of the siblings do what they can to help.
736 AL & 20 Turns: Her brother Fendrel is Searched by the dragonriders. Kelikki is both sad for him to be away from the rest of them, but also deeply pleased he is free of drudgery. She is also the only one of the siblings to know of his trouble with Rinderian.
737 AL & 21 Turns: Kelikki becomes pregnant, but miscarries a few months into the pregnancy.
739 AL & 23 Turns: Kelikki is informed she and her siblings are being gifted to Xyliah as a wedding gift, since her soon to be husband fostered at Nabol.


Craft: Does 'domestic service' count as a craft?

Education Details: The absolute minimum they could get away with teaching her. She can read and write (barely) and do very simple math.

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By:  Zandelion
Character's Finalisation Created By:  @Username
 Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

[img]Optional Face Claim Suggestion Image[/img]

Important Details
Name: Maliah
Date of Birth: 719 AL
Place of Birth: Nabol Hold
Searched From: Lord Jalazmar's household
Searched By:

Physical Details
Physical: Chances are good she's brunette, but tbh do whatever. If you want to try to find someone who resembles F'drel, go for it, but they're half siblings so the resemblance doesn't have to be much.

Emotional Details
Emotional: Info
Eg. Likes: Klah, Ice-cream, dragons

Historical Details
Father: Can be known or unknown. If you want her to know, talk to Zandelion for options
Mother: Mita (b.700/d.731), drudge
Kelikki [F] b. 716
F'drel (Fendrel) [M] b. 718
Maliah [F] b. 719
Ferra [F] b. 722
Kalea [F] b. 726
Kitelan [M] b. 730
730 AL Maliah broke a vase by accident, and Fendrel says he did it, starting a trend of taking responsibility for things his siblings do that may get them in trouble.
731 AL: Mother Mita dies. The Lord of Nabol, Janderian, also dies this turn, and is replaced with his son Jimeridan. A turn of some chaos for the siblings as their lives turn completely upside down.
739 AL: The siblings are sent to Jalazmar's household as a wedding gift to him. He and his wife Xyliah officially hire them as servants, not drudges.

Educational Details
Education: Very little during her childhood in Nabol due to being a drudge, other than ultimate basics, but has been getting more of an education while in Jalazmar's household.

NPC Template
Outlined By: Zandelion


[img]Optional Face Claim Suggestion Image[/img]

Important Details
Name: Ferra
Date of Birth: 722 AL
Place of Birth: Nabol Hold
Searched From: Lord Jalazmar's household
Searched By:

Physical Details
Physical: Chances are good she's brunette, but tbh do whatever. If you want to try to find someone who resembles F'drel, go for it, but they're half siblings so the resemblance doesn't have to be much.

Emotional Details
Personality: Quiet and well put together, very steady.
Eg. Likes: Klah, Ice-cream, dragons

Historical Details
Father: Can be known or unknown. If you want her to know, talk to Zandelion for options
Mother: Mita (b.700/d.731), drudge
Kelikki [F] b. 716
F'drel (Fendrel) [M] b. 718
Maleah [F] b. 719
Ferra [F] b. 722
Kalea [F] b. 726
Kitelan [M] b. 730
730 AL Maliah broke a vase by accident, and Fendrel says he did it, starting a trend of taking responsibility for things his siblings do that may get them in trouble.
731 AL: Mother Mita dies. The Lord of Nabol, Janderian, also dies this turn, and is replaced with his son Jimeridan. A turn of some chaos for the siblings as their lives turn completely upside down.
739 AL: The siblings are sent to Jalazmar's household as a wedding gift to him. He and his wife Xyliah officially hire them as servants, not drudges.

Educational Details
Education: Very little during her childhood in Nabol due to being a drudge, other than ultimate basics, but has been getting more of an education while in Jalazmar's household.

Impression Hopes
Colour: Ferra is the sister most likely to Impress, most likely to gold. She would love a gold dragon, but she doesn't have super high hopes she'll Impress one.

NPC Template
Outlined By: Zandelion


[img]Optional Face Claim Suggestion Image[/img]

Important Details
Name: Kalea (KAH-lay)
Date of Birth: 726 AL
Place of Birth: Nabol Hold
Searched From: Lord Jalazmar's household
Searched By:

Physical Details
Physical: Chances are good she's brunette, but tbh do whatever. If you want to try to find someone who resembles F'drel, go for it, but they're half siblings so the resemblance doesn't have to be much.

Emotional Details
Personality: The most vivacious of the sisters, the loudest personality. The most outgoing and least suspicious of everyone of the girls, though not as open as Kitelan.
Skills: She's very good at the little sister pout

Historical Details
Father: Can be known or unknown. If you want her to know, talk to Zandelion for options
Mother: Mita (b.700/d.731), drudge
Kelikki [F] b. 716
F'drel (Fendrel) [M] b. 718
Maleah [F] b. 719
Ferra [F] b. 722
Kalea [F] b. 726
Kitelan [M] b. 730
730 AL Maliah broke a vase by accident, and Fendrel says he did it, starting a trend of taking responsibility for things his siblings do that may get them in trouble.
731 AL: Mother Mita dies. The Lord of Nabol, Janderian, also dies this turn, and is replaced with his son Jimeridan. A turn of some chaos for the siblings as their lives turn completely upside down.
739 AL: The siblings are sent to Jalazmar's household as a wedding gift to him. He and his wife Xyliah officially hire them as servants, not drudges.

Educational Details
Education: Very little during her childhood in Nabol due to being a drudge, other than ultimate basics, but has been getting more of an education while in Jalazmar's household.

NPC Template
Outlined By: Zandelion


[img]Optional Face Claim Suggestion Image[/img]

Important Details
Original Name: Kitelan
Honorific Suggestion: K'tan
Date of Birth: 730 AL
Place of Birth: Nabol Hold
Searched From: Lord Jalazmar's household
Searched By:

Physical Details
Physical: Chances are good he's brunette, but tbh do whatever. If you want to try to find someone who resembles F'drel, go for it, but they're half siblings so the resemblance doesn't have to be much.

Emotional Details
Personality: A little bit spoiled as the baby of the family. He's also young enough he wasn't born for or doesn't remember the worst of what the siblings dealt with growing up, so he's much less jaded and paranoid.
Eg. Likes: Klah, Ice-cream, dragons

Historical Details
Father: Can be known or unknown. If you want him to know, talk to Zandelion for options
Mother: Mita (b.700/d.731), drudge
Kelikki [F] b. 716
F'drel (Fendrel) [M] b. 718
Maleah [F] b. 719
Ferra [F] b. 722
Kalea [F] b. 726
Kitelan [M] b. 730
731 AL: Mother Mita dies. The Lord of Nabol, Janderian, also dies this turn, and is replaced with his son Jimeridan. A turn of some chaos for the siblings as their lives turn completely upside down.
739 AL: The siblings are sent to Jalazmar's household as a wedding gift to him. He and his wife Xyliah officially hire them as servants, not drudges.

Educational Details
Education: Almost nothing from his time in Nabol, however has been getting a good education in Jalazmar's household.

NPC Template
Outlined By: Zandelion


PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

J'zaq of bronze Iexikelth
[Image: tumblr_nf3iijzopB1tc2db6o1_640.jpg]
Francisco Randez
Important Details
Original Name: Jazaquin
Pronounced: JAZZ-ah-kin
Honorific: J'zaq
Pronounced: JAH-zahk
Nicknames: I 100% will call him Jazzy, whether anyone calls him that IC is debatable. There are probably people who call him Jaz.

Dragon Name: Iexikelth
Dragon Pronounced: ee-ECKS-ih-kelth
Dragon Colour: Bronze
Wing Assigned: TBD
Wing Rank: Wingrider

Primary Rank: Bronzerider
Secondary Ranks: TBD

Place of Birth: Igen Weyr
Date of Birth: 13.03.693 AL
Searched By: N/A, aged in
Searched Date: Started Standing age 12
Impression Age: 16, 30.12.709 AL
Physical Age: Mid 30s

Exiled With: Went South alone

Partner: N/A for now
[Image: daaa3cb266de4a6117ce4c3ed0c5220e.jpg]
Eyes: Warm golden brown eyes with fairly thin eyebrows

Hair: Medium brown and curly. J'zaq doesn't usually let it get too shaggy and trims it often. Facial varies based on his mood and the month.

Height: 6'2"

General Appearance: He’s a little obsessive about his fitness and it definitely shows. By which I mean abs and also arms. He knows he's good looking, and works to ensure he stays that way at all times.

J'zaq has picked up a number of scars over the years, though most of them aren't super noticeable. The one exception is his left hand, where he is missing his left ring finger and down to the first knuckle on his left pinkie finger. His vanity makes him very careful about injuries, making sure they heal properly and don't leave him with ugly marks (to the extent he can prevent it, anyway). He thinks when they heal neater scars make him look distinguished and experienced, whereas if they heal jagged, etc, they make it look like he can't take care of himself.

Dressing Style: Generally clean and well put together. His style is kind of plain and boring, but the clothes themselves are nice. J'zaq likes to look good, but he's not overly invested in fashion. He has something against sleeves, and very few of his shirts have them. Only a few formal things for having to deal with Holders and the like.

[Image: francisko-randez-model-tele-i-radiovedus...list_2.jpg]
General Character Traits: J'zaq has a high opinion of himself, however it isn't entirely unwarranted. He is actually quite capable, and even thrived on the Southern Continent where everyone had to rely a lot more on their own work and skills. J'zaq is arrogant, demanding, and impatient, but he is also focused and dedicated. If he sets his mind to it he can even be inspiring. When he's interested in something he's very observant, but he does get something of tunnel vision sometimes and if J'zaq deems something unimportant or not worth his time he misses even the most obvious things.

He's deeply motivated when it comes to things he cares about, and dismissive of most everything else. J'zaq takes responsibilities very seriously, but he has very strong opinions about the right way to do things and will do things his way, no matter what. It takes a lot to convince him that maybe the way he's doing something isn't the best option.

Habits/Mannerisms: He has a very patented 'I'm not impressed' face.

Threadfall Theory: Chances are pretty good and if it does come back and they didn't prepare, they're going to be pretty fucked.
Stealing/Kidnapping: He supposes it was necessary.
Weryrleader S'kef: sneers distastefully Uppity brownrider.
Firelizards: Concerned when they first appeared, now ambivalent
Women's loss of honourifics: He's not a huge fan of women on fighting dragons, but he thought the change could have been done in a way that had less people yelling incessantly.
Return North: Well, of course they have to go back North, that's been part of the whole point, hasn't it?

(will fill these in as i get to know the character)
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Vain: Just super into how cool and attractive he is.
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

Father: R'ner, b.658, d.716 (unconfirmed)
Rank: Brownrider
Mother: Jonaquill, b.671, d.???
Rank: Lower Caverns
Plenty of half siblings, only one relevant, younger half brother, Jonahir of blue Mavrith, b.698, d.716 (unconfirmed)
Past Lovers/Partners: A'mad of green Bellicath (sort of)
Current Lovers/Partners: No one steady
Children: Yes. One from pre Plague, b.714-716, who stayed in the North with their mother, probably a small handful after the dragonriders reunite (no more than 5).
Background Story:
693 AL & Birth: Jazaquin is born to Jonaquill and R'ner. The two are not together, but R'ner decides to be peripherally involved in his new son's life.
698 AL & 5 Turns: His mother gives birth to another son, a half brother to Jazaquin. The baby, Jonahir, almost immediately becomes Jazaquin's favorite sibling and he pays a lot of attention to him.
699-704 AL & 6-11 Turns: Typical weyrbrat childhood, spends a lot of time with Jonahir, teaching him everything he knows.
705 AL & 12 Turns: Stands for the first time
709 AL & 16 Turns: Impresses to bronze Iexikelth, who is the smallest bronze in the clutch.
710-711 AL & 17-18 Turns: Weyrlinghood. They get some shit from their age mates, especially fellow bronzes, due to Iexikelth being a scrawny Weyrling. This cements a defiant sense of self worth in both of them, that later morphs into proper arrogance, at least in part due to Iexikelth filling out into a very nice bronze as he reaches his second turn. Jazaquin becomes J'zaq at graduation.
714 AL & 21 Turns: Jonahir Impresses, to a blue named Mavrith, and J'zaq is so proud of his brother. He'd have loved it if Jonahir had Impressed bronze too, but Jonahir loves Mavrith so much and J'zaq just wants his brother to be happy.
715 AL & 22 Turns: J'zaq spends much of the turn in a sort of relationship with a gold Candidate. She becomes pregnant towards the end of the turn, right around when Plague hits...
716 AL & 23 Turns: Early 716, as the Plague ravages the Weyrs, the word goes out that Weyrwoman Katila of High Reaches has told her dragonriders to go South, and the leadership of Igen is quick to follow suit. The Igen Weyrwoman's gold had already gone between and the Weyrleader's bronze had fallen ill, making it very clear that even the strongest of dragons were not safe. Terrified for Iexikelth, J'zaq packs up and flees, not even saying goodbye to Jonahir, as much as it breaks his heart; Mavrith, not even full grown, has fallen ill and Jonahir won't leave his side. J'zaq can't be sure he won't transmit the illness to Iexikelth if he sees his brother, so he leaves a note and heads South, alone.
717 AL & 24 Turns: Sometime during the turn J'zaq and Iexikelth ran into another dragon pair in the jungles of the South - A'mad of green Bellicath, formerly of High Reaches. J'zaq is hesitant initially, but Iexikelth especially misses dragon companionship and eventually they establish a slightly uneasy living arrangement.
718-719 AL & 25-26 Turns: J'zaq and A'mad co-exist and survive the next few turns in the wilds of the South.
720 AL & 27 AL : Nirinath's call goes out, and they reunite with the other riders.
721-731 AL & 28-38 Turns: Nothing that exciting for J'zaq. He tries to distance himself from A'mad (doesn't like feeling reliant on a greenrider) and get back to more regular Weyr-ish life.
732 AL & 39 Turns: Does not approve of S'kef being acting Weyrleader at all but they don't have a system in place to say he can't be, so J'zaq seethes quietly.
733 Al & 40 Turns: Very ill at ease about the whole execution thing. Decides to lie low for a while and not attract attention.
734 AL & 41 Turns: Landslide. J'zaq's most immediate problem is that his left hand is crushed by debris while he is trying to help a young brownrider out of a building. One finger needs to be removed, and part of another. The prognosis is that he will recover most of his movement as long as he gives it plenty of time to heal and is diligent about stretching and exercising it (he is). He learns at some point in the days following the Landslide that A'mad and Bellicath died, which he has mixed feelings about.
735 AL & 42 Turns: Focuses on healing and taking care of himself, moves North with the rest.
737 AL & 43 Turns: Moves to Ista a turn after it opens because J'zaq decides he misses the heat.

Education Details: Whatever a Weyr education was like pre-Plague. Can read, write, do math.

Dragon Name: Iexikelth
Name Pronounced: ee-ECKS-ih-kelth
Dragon Colour: Bronze
Wing Assigned: TBD
Wing Rank: Wingrider

Hatching Date: 30.12.709 AL
Birthing Weyr: Igen Weyr
Home Weyr: Ista
Clutch Name: Soaring Beauty
Clutch Mother: Gold Trilth
Clutch Father: Bronze Rakoth

Length: 29'
Height: 16' (bit tall)
Wingspan: 43'
Scars & Markings: Plenty over the turns
Weyrlinghood: An extraordinarily scrawny Hatchling, Iexikelth is very thin and all leg and wing. His hide is a coppery color, bronze but with a lot of red and orange undertones. There are a few lighter, bronzer patches, noticeably one on his nose.
Adulthood: Iexikelth fills out once he reaches his first turn, and while he’s still tall and thin for his color he puts on more of the muscle that is typical of bronzes. His color also becomes more standard, though the coppery undertones remain.

Mindvoice: Sonorous and smooth

General Character Traits: The combination of being a bronze and his rider's own vanity gave Iexikelth a very strong sense of self worth. The teasing he got as a Weyrling only made him more determined to prove himself, and a smug satisfaction when he's recognized. Iexikelth doesn't, however, let his arrogance turn him into an asshole, even if he often thinks he's better than most others. Competence gains his respect, though he's not immune to flattery and people who are respectful towards him and his rider are often automatically held in higher regard.

While J'zaq isn't an idiot, Iexikelth is the brains of the pair. His wit is sharp and his tongue is sharper, and while he rarely speaks to other riders he has a lot to say about them and their failings. Liking someone does not keep them safe from his scathing words, and it's very easy to think that means he doesn't like someone. The best way to tell is by agreeing with him - if Iexikelth likes someone, he will immediately inform you about how wrong you are, even though you were agreeing with him. He can be mean to them because he doesn't mean it, no one else can.

Habits/Mannerisms: Iexikelth doesn't like eating his food in the same place he killed it, preferring to bring it at least a small number of lengths away before settling in to eat.

(will fill these in as i get to know the character)
Sand Baths:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]

Hex Codes: [iex]Iexikelth[/iex]
Font: e75400
Background: 755427
Preview: Iexikelth talks in a very eye-searing manner, let's do this thing.

Infant Image
[Image: IexikelthBab.png]

Adult Image
[Image: Iexikelth.png]

RP Sample
It shouldn't have happened, Iexikelth said, commenting on the conversation he was eavesdropping on through his rider. J'zaq was trying to peacefully eat his dinner, but some brownriders were talking loudly nearby and Iexikelth was notoriously interested in keeping up with the goings on of the Weyr (it wasn't gossip, he insisted, he was staying on top of current events so he could respond properly).

'What shouldn't have? J'zaq asked, not really having been paying much attention to what the brownriders were saying. He heard the words, but wasn't processing them, instead focusing on trying to remember if he needed to arrange for laundry to be done or not.

Thallyath's Clutch, Iexikelth clarified, trying to direct J'zaq's attention to the nearby conversation so he could hear it better.

'I didn't see you catching her,' J'zaq said mildly, continuing to eat his meal. He'd mostly gotten tired of hearing of the upcoming Hatching. All the bronzes had fucked up and not taken her Flight seriously and look what happened. They couldn't take it back now, and it's not like they were making the bluerider Weyrleader, thank Faranth. It was a reminder to all of them that they couldn't relax and let some fucking blue Weyrling ridden by a woman catch a gold dragon. It was a disgrace and it would never happen again, even if they had to catch every gold themselves.

I thought one of the others would Catch her, Iexikelth said angrily, which J'zaq knew was a cover for shame. His bronze was mad at the other bronzes, but also himself for underestimating Thallyath and a blue dragon who was barely old enough to have a sex drive. Well, motivation to do better for all of them. And as much as J'zaq hated to wish any dragon ill, it would probably be best if Thallyath's tiny Clutch were full of duds - easier on everyone, that way. Even Thallyath. Iexikelth humphed in agreement, going back to eavesdropping on the brownriders as if listening to brownriders talk shit would make him feel any better.

The Player
Character Base Created By: Zandelion
Character's Finalisation Created By: Zandelion
Dragon Base Created By: Zandelion
Dragon Finalisation Created By: Zandelion
Dragon Image Created By: Zandelion
Played By: Zandelion
Preferred Contact: Discord
Inactivity Preference: Whatever makes most sense for Plot

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

[Image: 6PlEC1n__400x400.jpg]
Asher Angel
Important Details
Name: Your character's pre-honorific name
Pronounced: How it is pronounced
Potential Honorifics: Their new name
Nicknames: TBD

Primary Rank: Candidate
Secondary Ranks:

Place of Birth: Katila
Date of Birth:28.10.723 AL
Aged In: 735 AL

Partner: N/A

Eyes: This should include colour, shape, eyebrows and any distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Hair: This should include colour, length, how it is generally worn and any other distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Height: in feet, please. Measurements in centimeters may be included additionally if desired, but is not required. Average Pernese man is 6'1, and the average Pernese woman is 5'7. If they are dramatically outside of this height range, please include some form of explanation or acknowledged in their description, personality and/or history.

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: At least one paragraph, indicating the usual attire the character can be seen in, how they wear their hair, if they are clean or dirty etc.
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Opinions: These can be kept short and sweet; a sentence will suffice.
Threadfall Theory: Thread Fell during the following Turns;
First Fall: 8 to 58 AL
Second Fall: 258 to 308 AL
Third Fall: 508 to 558 AL
Fourth Fall is due to begin in 758 AL
Stealing/Kidnapping: How did they respond? How do they feel about it now?
Weryrleader S'kef: how did your character feel about a brownrider taking control of Katila. Pointedly, how did they feel about it being S'kef? N/A for non Katilan and non-Holders of rank, of which would have met S'kef.
Firelizards: Were they amazed? Excited? Fearful? Disgusted? How do they feel now?
Women's loss of honourifics: 04.06.733 - at the World Above graduation, Weyrleader S'kef revoked women's rights to honourifics, at the same time making it so newly Impressed gained theirs at Impression instead of Graduation as had been the way prior. How did your character feel about this. N/A for non Katilans.
Return North: How do they feel? Have they been anticipating this, or are they disinterested?

[This section is optional]
Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]
{{{** FAMILY RANKS ** Please keep in mind that Weyrbrats are bred (usually) from dragonriders and Lower Cavern folk; they are not craft educated and generally have an abundance of half-siblings. Stolen Crafters are almost always going to be the eldest or second eldest son that was of a well to-do family in order to pay for their Education. Almost no dragonriders EXCLUDING Katilan Impressed will have a Craft education. A detailed explanation will be needed for those that are. Only one in a blue moon women are passed on to the Craft Halls, and those that are very rarely make it beyond Sr. Apprentice, even in women friendly crafts. Please remember that it is YOUR character that is allowed to be special, not the entire family!}}}
Father: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Mother: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Pern has a high infant mortality rate. Keep this in mind. Most families will produce 4-6 children, of which maybe half will make it to adulthood. Most Pernese die between 50 and 70 if they hold ranking or 'cushy' positions in life. Low ranking peasants and the like are more inclined to die in their late 40's due to the harsher lifestyle they lived. Dragonriders average about 100 years, and have a slowed rate of aging. A LOT of women die in childbirth, especially with their first child, or if they are old and still falling pregnant. It is considered a sin for Hold and Hall women to abort, and even Weyr women are frowned upon, as all children are needed.
Past Lovers/Partners: Only important ones are required.
Current Lovers/Partners: If Applicable.
Children: Almost all characters over the age of 18 that are not virgins waiting to be married, should statistically have at least one child. Without a good explanation, we will be hesitant to accept any character over the age of 25 that has NOT got at least one child running around somewhere. Holderfolk are often married by the time they are 18, and Weyrfolk often flight moth. Children are not required to be RP'd, or even acknowledged during RP. We simply heavily encourage your character to have contributed to the population at some point.
Background Story:
Year & Age:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Craft: N/A if not applicable or 'General Education' for those that can read, write and do basic mathematics. Most Pernese still receive a very general education by the Hold Harpers, but very few ever end up in a Hall. If you character is Hall trained, be sure to include proper information on how they ended up as such in their History. Please see This Board[/url] for details on Crafts and Craft Hall lifestyles in our Canon. Remove the Rank portions if not formally educated.
Specialty: A character may only specialise in ONE area, no matter how smart or talented they may be.

Craft Rank: Jr./Sr. Apprentice, Jr./Sr. Journeyman/Master. N/A if irrelevant.
Date Apprenticed: AL - No apprenticeship before age 12 without permission. N/A if irrelevant
Date Tapped: AL - No Journeymen under the age of 18 without explicit permission. N/A if irrelevant.
Mastership Obtained: AL - N/A if irrelevant. No Honorary masterships without permission. Masters must be over the minimum age given in the Crafts[/url] thread.

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

Dragon Name: Dragonth
Name Pronounced: Pronounced
Dragon Colour: Gold/brown/brown/blue/green
Wing Assigned: See the Wing Listing for current assignments. Put the wing you would most like to join in.
Wing Rank: Wingrider, unless otherwise approved by the Team

Hatching Date: AL
Birthing Weyr:
Home Weyr: Telgar / Ista / Fort or Katila (Katila is a retirement Weyr now)
Clutch Name:
Clutch Mother:
Clutch Father:

Appearance: All measurements should be when mature.
Scars & Markings:


General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

[This section is optional]
Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]

Hex Codes: [Name]Dragon Name[/Name]
Preview: [color=#HHEEXX]Dragon Speech[/color]

Infant Image
[Image: URL HERE]

Adult Image
[Image: URL HERE]
RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

Journeyman Harper
[Image: 8129_suuw3n.jpg]
Alexander Vlahos
Important Details
Name: Hadarai
Pronounced: HAD-uh-rye
Nicknames: Rai?

Primary Rank: Sr. Journeyman Harper
Secondary Ranks: Scribe

Place of Birth: Ruatha River Hold
Date of Birth: AL

Partner: N/A

[Image: 1481374684-unnamed-4.jpg]
Eyes: Wide light gray eyes with curving eyebrows that make him look perpetually surprised.

Hair: A cooler brown in color, and curly. He's not very consistent with style, forgetting to cut it for months or remembering to trim it every month for half a turn.

Height: 5'9"

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: At least one paragraph, indicating the usual attire the character can be seen in, how they wear their hair, if they are clean or dirty etc.

[Image: CzTi2sfWEAADlvc.jpg]
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Dresses nicely, always wanting to be clean and put together. That doesn't stop him from getting ink on every shirt he owns, even if he's careful and always covers his clothing. It's inevitable.

Threadfall Theory: He sure has copied a lot of documents describing how awful it is and how it's definitely going to return. Enough to make it hard for him to completely dismiss it.
Stealing/Kidnapping: Why didn't they just ask? There would have been plenty of people who went, why all this secrecy?
Weryrleader S'kef: N/A
Firelizards: They are so delicate, and rather useful.
Women's loss of honourifics: N/A
Return North: Oh good, now if Thread falls they aren't imminently fucked.

[This section is optional]
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]

Father: Hamren, b.YYY, d.YYY
Rank: Farmer
Mother: Delia, b.YYY, d.YYY
Rank: Farmer's wife

Past Lovers/Partners: N/A?
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
Children: None, he's terrible at flirting with women and after a while he just gave up. Harper Hall is a little more accepting of eccentric older bachelors than other places on Pern, and as Hadarai spends all his time in a workroom being very productive his childlessness has mostly been ignored.
Background Story:
Year & Age:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Craft: Harper
Specialty: Scribe/Archivist

Craft Rank: Sr. Journeyman
Date Apprenticed: AL - No apprenticeship before age 12 without permission. N/A if irrelevant
Date Tapped: AL - No Journeymen under the age of 18 without explicit permission. N/A if irrelevant.

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Fade Out

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

[Image: Le-21eme-Adam-Katz-Sinding-Michael-Lockl...KS8244.jpg]
Michael Lockley
Important Details
Name: Chalrissoram
Pronounced: CHAHL-ris-SOAR-am
Nicknames: Chalris (just about no one uses his full name, and his mother never does)
Potential Honorific: Ch'sor

Primary Rank: Candidate

Place of Birth: Katila
Date of Birth: 02.01.724 AL
Searched By: N/A, aged in 736, started Standing 739

Partner: N/A

[Image: fatima-siad-abiah-hostvedt-michael-lockl...2015-4.jpg]
Eyes: Dark brown eyes. He has a scar that cuts through his right eyebrow he got the night of the Landslide. The scar itself isn't terribly noticeable, but hair no longer grows there, making it more obvious.

Hair: Springy reddish blonde hair that forms a cloud around his head. He spends a lot of time taking care of it, as he considers it his most striking feature and is very proud of it.

Height: 6'3"

General Appearance: Medium brown skin and fairly athletic. He's always been lanky, and as he's only recently hit his major teenage growth spurt, he hasn't grown out of the lankiness yet. Might still get another inch or two, who knows.

Dressing Style: Honestly, he'll just wear whatever, he's not that picky. Most of his clothes were chosen by either his mother or his sister, both of whom care more about that sort of thing and have better taste than he does. He cares so much about his hair, and he's careful about personal cleanliness, but he's never had to think too much about clothes so he just doesn't.
[Image: tumblr_pcxmfr5LjC1tqmrm1o1_500.jpg]
General Character Traits: Chalrissoram has a somewhat contradictory personality in that he comes across as always calm, composed, relaxed, but is never far from falling into a pit of anxiety. He worries about things like living up to his goldriding mother, and the memory of his dead father. He worries about people not liking him due to being hurt or losing someone during Bedith's maiden Hatching. He worries about being a great son, and a great older brother, and... a lot of things. Still, he's pretty good at hiding it.

Habits/Mannerisms: Both he and his sister Ginorra got a bit superstitious after the Landslide. Little things like neither of them liking being sick (Mulrissa had gone into their room the night of the Landslide because Ginorra was having fever nightmares) thinking it means bad things will happen.

Threadfall Theory: Hasn't really put much thought into it. Just doesn't feel pressing.
Stealing/Kidnapping: He was a bit young for most of it, honestly.
Weryrleader S'kef: I mean, whatever, I guess?
Firelizards: Pretty cool
Women's loss of honourifics: Auntie was real upset, so Firmly Against It, obviously (don't want to make her mad...)
Return North: Kinda scary, having always lived in the South, but there's so much more up North...

[This section is optional]
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]
Father: G'chal of blue Wudalth, b.702 AL, d.734 AL
Rank: Bluerider
Mother: Mulrissa of gold Bedith, b.706
Rank: Goldrider
Ginorra [F] b.726 AL
Chassa [F] b.728 AL, d.734 AL
Marchal [M] b.730 AL, d.734 AL
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
Children: None
Background Story:
724 AL & Birth: Born the first child of Mulrissa and G'chal.
726 AL & 2 Turns: Sister Ginorra born.
728 AL & 4 Turns: Sister Chassa born.
730 AL & 6 Turns: Brother Marchal born.
Year & Age:
734 AL & 10 Turns: The Landslide hits. In it his father, and his two youngest siblings die. He and his mother and sister Ginorra are trapped in the remains of their hut for nearly 10 hours.

Later in the turn, his mother Impresses gold Bedith.
736 AL & 12 Turns: Moves North with his mother. Chalrissoram is allowed to Stand if he wishes now that he's twelve, but he decides to wait, preferring to stay with his mother and sister. After the Landslide, he's a little worried about what will happen if he doesn't live with them - his father and two siblings died because they were only a room over, after all, what might happen if he's halfway across the Weyr?
737 AL & 13 Turns: Ends up with a brown firelizard he names Sandy. Mulrissa allows it on the condition she can borrow the flit to send messages. Which she does a lot. Get your own, Mom.
739 AL & 15 Turns: Begins Standing for Clutches. Has a rough time after Bedith's Clutch hatches, considering he knows a number of the casualties and people know it was his mother's dragon's Clutch... Most people don't give him any trouble for it, but there are always some assholes and people who want to take their pain out on someone else.

Education Details: The classic Katilan weyrbrat education. He's neither great nor terrible at anything scholarly.

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

[Image: static1.squarespace.jpg]
Alex Boniello
Important Details
Original Name: Avindem
Pronounced: AH-vin-dehm
Nicknames: Avi

Primary Rank: Candidate
Secondary Ranks:

Place of Birth: Benden Weyr
Date of Birth: 27.12.713 AL
Searched By: N/A, aged in
Searched Date: N/A
Impression Age: N/A

Exiled With: Parents, Naira and brownrider K'kryk.

Partner: N/A

[Image: a4a305e7-daf7-4093-9555-836458d5870c-DEH...23_web.jpg]
Eyes: Warm dark brown.

Hair: Darker brown, a bit wavy.

Height: 5'10"

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: He's a bit of a sloppy dresser, but he somehow manages to make it look charming.

[Image: MV5BMTc5NTM3NTk1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzQ2...00_AL_.jpg]
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Opinions: Opinions:
Threadfall Theory: Yeah, it's why dragons exist, isn't it?
Stealing/Kidnapping: The chance to Impress is worth so much, but also... being taken away from your family would kinda suck.
Weryrleader S'kef: Thought he was pretty intimidating, didn't really care about the politics.
Firelizards: Very fun
Women's loss of honourifics: Doesn't apply to him, and he's not one to question authority, so he just shrugged and went along with it.
Return North: He barely remembers the North, it feels more like a dream than something real. But going back is cool, right?

Klah: It's a nice warm drink and it helps him be a function human, great stuff!
Like 2:
Like 3:

Still Being a Candidate: Avindem has been a Candidate since dragons started Hatching again post-Plague. Which has been thirteen damn turns. He would like to maybe Impress a dragon finally, please, or at least properly age out so he can try to move on and live with the disappointment (even if he's terrified to age out).
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strength 3:



Father: K'kryk of brown Streth, b.652 AL
Rank: Brownrider (retired)
Mother: Naira, b.YYY, d.YYY
Rank: Lower Caverns woman
A Ridiculous amount of older siblings on his father's side (16), 3 on his mother's side.
Past Lovers/Partners: Probably various
Current Lovers/Partners: N/A
Children: A few, mothers haven't really wanted him too involved, which he's fine with. He's most involved with Avrillis [M] b.736
Background Story:
713 AL & Birth:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:

Education Details: Weyrbrat education, slight delay due to fleeing South.

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

Lord Benden
[Image: Idirs-Elba-Sexiest-Pics-Hot-Photos-Shirtless-Pics-1.png]
Idris Elba
Important Details
Name: Adebaitan
Pronounced: Ah-day-BUY-tan
Nicknames: Not if you know what's good for you

Primary Rank: Lord of Benden Hold

Place of Birth: Benden Hold
Date of Birth: 06.09.694 AL

Partner: Currently in search of a second wife...
[Image: 350x550]
Eyes: This should include colour, shape, eyebrows and any distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Hair: This should include colour, length, how it is generally worn and any other distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Height: 6'3"

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: At least one paragraph, indicating the usual attire the character can be seen in, how they wear their hair, if they are clean or dirty etc.
[Image: 350x550]
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Opinions: These can be kept short and sweet; a sentence will suffice.
Threadfall Theory: May happen, may not, doesn't hurt to be at least somewhat prepared.
Stealing/Kidnapping: Rude
Weryrleader S'kef: N/A
Firelizards: They're fine
Women's loss of honourifics: N/A
Return North: Well, if they're needed for Threadfall, better to have them around just in case.

[This section is optional]
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]


Father: Adelerin, b.YYY, d.YYY
Rank: Lord of Benden Hold
Mother: Tiyebi, b.YYY, d.YYY
Pern has a high infant mortality rate. Keep this in mind. Most families will produce 4-6 children, of which maybe half will make it to adulthood. Most Pernese die between 50 and 70 if they hold ranking or 'cushy' positions in life. Low ranking peasants and the like are more inclined to die in their late 40's due to the harsher lifestyle they lived. Dragonriders average about 100 years, and have a slowed rate of aging. A LOT of women die in childbirth, especially with their first child, or if they are old and still falling pregnant. It is considered a sin for Hold and Hall women to abort, and even Weyr women are frowned upon, as all children are needed.
Past Lovers/Partners: Only important ones are required.
Current Lovers/Partners: If Applicable.
Children: Almost all characters over the age of 18 that are not virgins waiting to be married, should statistically have at least one child. Without a good explanation, we will be hesitant to accept any character over the age of 25 that has NOT got at least one child running around somewhere. Holderfolk are often married by the time they are 18, and Weyrfolk often flight moth. Children are not required to be RP'd, or even acknowledged during RP. We simply heavily encourage your character to have contributed to the population at some point.
Background Story:
Year & Age:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

Touched by Frost 740.06.05 | 0:2:8:10:17 | TELGAR | Touched by Frost | Bedith x Syrendryth

<div class="BoardInfoOutside"><div class="BoardInfoInside">
<div class="BoardInfoName" align="center">TOUCHED BY FROST</div>
<br />
<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Gold Bedith x Bronze Syrendryth</div>
<div class="" align="center">0:2:8:10:17<br />
<a title="Flight Date">05.06.740</a> | <a title="Clutching Date">02.09.740</a> | <a title="Hatching Date">07.10.740</a> | <a title="Graduation Date">07.01.742</a><br>

<br /><hr><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Gold</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">N/A

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Bronze</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">2 unclaimed

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Brown</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">8 unclaimed

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Blue</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">10 unclaimed

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Green</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">17 unclaimed

</div><br />

<div class="BoardInfoTitle">Between</div>
<div class="BoardInfoJusitfy">1 unhatched

</div><br />

<br />
<br />

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

C'bey of blue Somnoth
weyrling bluerider
Important Details
Original Name: Your character's pre-honorific name
Pronounced: How it is pronounced
Honorific: Their new name
Pronounced: How it is pronounced
Nicknames: Any number of names that the character may be called. Please ONLY use full name and Honorific throughout the profile to prevent undue confusion to the reader. You will be asked to correct this if you don't do so. Thank you.

Dragon Name: Dragonth
Dragon Pronounced: Pronounced
Dragon Colour: Gold/brown/brown/blue/green
Wing Assigned: See the Wing Listing for current assignments. Put the wing you would most like to join in.
Wing Rank: Wingrider, unless otherwise approved by the Team

Primary Rank: Their primary non-wingrider rank
Secondary Ranks: Any other ranks they might hold.

Place of Birth: The location in which they were born.
Date of Birth: AL | Do not need to include age as that will be included in the post-profile. Please consider using a month not already well populated with character birthdays. To see our IC birthday calendar, please go here.
Searched/Stolen By: R'der of Colour Dragonth. (remove the term that doesn't apply)
Searched/Stolen Date: Date they were Searched. Can be 'N/A' for Weyr bred riders, or be the date they first entered Candidacy. (Remove the term that doesn't apply)
Impression Age: Age, AL - their age, and the date that they Impressed.
Physical Age: Dragonriders begin to age at a slower rate upon Impression, so a 50 year old is only going to look aboue 30. Give or take.
Aged Out: The Turn they aged out. Remove if irrelevant.

Exiled With: N/A, or the name of their companion/s - Remove if irrelevant to your character.

Partner: N/A, or @name, if a N/L/PC please hotlink.
[Image: 350x550]
Eyes: This should include colour, shape, eyebrows and any distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Hair: This should include colour, length, how it is generally worn and any other distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Height: in feet, please. Measurements in centimeters may be included additionally if desired, but is not required. Average Pernese man is 6'1, and the average Pernese woman is 5'7. If they are dramatically outside of this height range, please include some form of explanation or acknowledged in their description, personality and/or history.

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: At least one paragraph, indicating the usual attire the character can be seen in, how they wear their hair, if they are clean or dirty etc.
[Image: 350x550]
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Opinions: These can be kept short and sweet; a sentence will suffice.
Threadfall Theory: Thread Fell during the following Turns;
First Fall: 8 to 58 AL
Second Fall: 258 to 308 AL
Third Fall: 508 to 558 AL
Fourth Fall is due to begin in 758 AL
Stealing/Kidnapping: How did they respond? How do they feel about it now?
Weryrleader S'kef: how did your character feel about a brownrider taking control of Katila. Pointedly, how did they feel about it being S'kef? N/A for non Katilan and non-Holders of rank, of which would have met S'kef.
Firelizards: Were they amazed? Excited? Fearful? Disgusted? How do they feel now?
Women's loss of honourifics: 04.06.733 - at the World Above graduation, Weyrleader S'kef revoked women's rights to honourifics, at the same time making it so newly Impressed gained theirs at Impression instead of Graduation as had been the way prior. How did your character feel about this. N/A for non Katilans.
Return North: How do they feel? Have they been anticipating this, or are they disinterested?

[This section is optional]
Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]
{{{** FAMILY RANKS ** Please keep in mind that Weyrbrats are bred (usually) from dragonriders and Lower Cavern folk; they are not craft educated and generally have an abundance of half-siblings. Stolen Crafters are almost always going to be the eldest or second eldest son that was of a well to-do family in order to pay for their Education. Almost no dragonriders EXCLUDING Katilan Impressed will have a Craft education. A detailed explanation will be needed for those that are. Only one in a blue moon women are passed on to the Craft Halls, and those that are very rarely make it beyond Sr. Apprentice, even in women friendly crafts. Please remember that it is YOUR character that is allowed to be special, not the entire family!}}}
Father: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Mother: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Pern has a high infant mortality rate. Keep this in mind. Most families will produce 4-6 children, of which maybe half will make it to adulthood. Most Pernese die between 50 and 70 if they hold ranking or 'cushy' positions in life. Low ranking peasants and the like are more inclined to die in their late 40's due to the harsher lifestyle they lived. Dragonriders average about 100 years, and have a slowed rate of aging. A LOT of women die in childbirth, especially with their first child, or if they are old and still falling pregnant. It is considered a sin for Hold and Hall women to abort, and even Weyr women are frowned upon, as all children are needed.
Past Lovers/Partners: Only important ones are required.
Current Lovers/Partners: If Applicable.
Children: Almost all characters over the age of 18 that are not virgins waiting to be married, should statistically have at least one child. Without a good explanation, we will be hesitant to accept any character over the age of 25 that has NOT got at least one child running around somewhere. Holderfolk are often married by the time they are 18, and Weyrfolk often flight moth. Children are not required to be RP'd, or even acknowledged during RP. We simply heavily encourage your character to have contributed to the population at some point.
Background Story:
Year & Age:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Craft: N/A if not applicable or 'General Education' for those that can read, write and do basic mathematics. Most Pernese still receive a very general education by the Hold Harpers, but very few ever end up in a Hall. If you character is Hall trained, be sure to include proper information on how they ended up as such in their History. Please see This Board[/url] for details on Crafts and Craft Hall lifestyles in our Canon. Remove the Rank portions if not formally educated.
Specialty: A character may only specialise in ONE area, no matter how smart or talented they may be.

Craft Rank: Jr./Sr. Apprentice, Jr./Sr. Journeyman/Master. N/A if irrelevant.
Date Apprenticed: AL - No apprenticeship before age 12 without permission. N/A if irrelevant
Date Tapped: AL - No Journeymen under the age of 18 without explicit permission. N/A if irrelevant.
Mastership Obtained: AL - N/A if irrelevant. No Honorary masterships without permission. Masters must be over the minimum age given in the Crafts[/url] thread.

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

Dragon Name: Dragonth
Name Pronounced: Pronounced
Dragon Colour: Gold/brown/brown/blue/green
Wing Assigned: See the Wing Listing for current assignments. Put the wing you would most like to join in.
Wing Rank: Wingrider, unless otherwise approved by the Team

Hatching Date: AL
Birthing Weyr:
Home Weyr: Telgar / Ista / Fort or Katila (Katila is a retirement Weyr now)
Clutch Name:
Clutch Mother:
Clutch Father:

Appearance: All measurements should be when mature.
Scars & Markings:


General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

[This section is optional]
Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]

Hex Codes: [Name]Dragon Name[/Name]
Preview: [color=#HHEEXX]Dragon Speech[/color]

Infant Image
[Image: URL HERE]

Adult Image
[Image: URL HERE]
RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Base Created By: @Username
Dragon Finalisation Created By: @Username
Dragon Image Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


113 & 930 IC

Written By:

Important Details
Name: Your character's pre-honorific name
Pronounced: How it is pronounced

Primary Rank: Their primary non-wingrider rank
Secondary Ranks: Any other ranks they might hold.

Place of Birth: The location in which they were born.
Date of Birth: AL | Do not need to include age as that will be included in the post-profile. Please consider using a month not already well populated with character birthdays. To see our IC birthday calendar, please go here.
Searched/Stolen By: R'der of Colour Dragonth. (remove the term that doesn't apply)
Searched/Stolen Date: Date they were Searched. Can be 'N/A' for Weyr bred riders, or be the date they first entered Candidacy. (Remove the term that doesn't apply)

Aged Out: The Turn they aged out. Remove if irrelevant.

Exiled With: N/A, or the name of their companion/s - Remove if irrelevant to your character.

Partner: N/A, or @name, if a N/L/PC please hotlink.
[Image: 350x550]
Eyes: This should include colour, shape, eyebrows and any distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Hair: This should include colour, length, how it is generally worn and any other distinctive traits. It should be at least one sentence long, not one word.

Height: in feet, please. Measurements in centimeters may be included additionally if desired, but is not required. Average Pernese man is 6'1, and the average Pernese woman is 5'7. If they are dramatically outside of this height range, please include some form of explanation or acknowledged in their description, personality and/or history.

General Appearance: This should be at least two paragraphs long, and include body shape, fitness, facial features, distinctive birthmarks or scars, and it should be realistic!

Dressing Style: At least one paragraph, indicating the usual attire the character can be seen in, how they wear their hair, if they are clean or dirty etc.
[Image: 350x550]
General Character Traits: This should be at least two paragraphs, generally encompassing the things included in the above sections, as well as introducing any other aspects that didn't fit into those, but still applies to the character.

Habits/Mannerisms: Please include at least one habit or mannerism that the character has. This could be anything from lip biting, to eye rolling or foot tapping. It should come with at least one full sentence.

Opinions: These can be kept short and sweet; a sentence will suffice.
Threadfall Theory: Thread Fell during the following Turns;
First Fall: 8 to 58 AL
Second Fall: 258 to 308 AL
Third Fall: 508 to 558 AL
Fourth Fall is due to begin in 758 AL
Stealing/Kidnapping: How did they respond? How do they feel about it now?
Weryrleader S'kef: how did your character feel about a brownrider taking control of Katila. Pointedly, how did they feel about it being S'kef? N/A for non Katilan and non-Holders of rank, of which would have met S'kef.
Firelizards: Were they amazed? Excited? Fearful? Disgusted? How do they feel now?
Women's loss of honourifics: 04.06.733 - at the World Above graduation, Weyrleader S'kef revoked women's rights to honourifics, at the same time making it so newly Impressed gained theirs at Impression instead of Graduation as had been the way prior. How did your character feel about this. N/A for non Katilans.
Return North: How do they feel? Have they been anticipating this, or are they disinterested?

[This section is optional]
Likes: Change the word 'like 1' through 'like 3' into the thing the character likes, following there after with an explanation about why they like it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Like 1:
Like 2:
Like 3:

Dislikes: Change the word 'dislike 1' through 'dislike 3' into the thing the character dislikes, following there after with an explanation about why they dislike it. It should be at least one cohesive sentence for each one.
Dislike 1:
Dislike 2:
Dislike 3:

Strengths: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a strength for your character.
Strength 1:
Strength 2:
Strength 3:

Flaws: Please include at least one sentence each explaining how they are a flaw for your character. We encourage a character to posses more flaws than strengths and the two should not mirror each other.
Flaw 1:
Flaw 2:
Flaw 3:

[end optional section]
{{{** FAMILY RANKS ** Please keep in mind that Weyrbrats are bred (usually) from dragonriders and Lower Cavern folk; they are not craft educated and generally have an abundance of half-siblings. Stolen Crafters are almost always going to be the eldest or second eldest son that was of a well to-do family in order to pay for their Education. Almost no dragonriders EXCLUDING Katilan Impressed will have a Craft education. A detailed explanation will be needed for those that are. Only one in a blue moon women are passed on to the Craft Halls, and those that are very rarely make it beyond Sr. Apprentice, even in women friendly crafts. Please remember that it is YOUR character that is allowed to be special, not the entire family!}}}
Father: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Mother: Name, b.YYY, d.YYY
Pern has a high infant mortality rate. Keep this in mind. Most families will produce 4-6 children, of which maybe half will make it to adulthood. Most Pernese die between 50 and 70 if they hold ranking or 'cushy' positions in life. Low ranking peasants and the like are more inclined to die in their late 40's due to the harsher lifestyle they lived. Dragonriders average about 100 years, and have a slowed rate of aging. A LOT of women die in childbirth, especially with their first child, or if they are old and still falling pregnant. It is considered a sin for Hold and Hall women to abort, and even Weyr women are frowned upon, as all children are needed.
Past Lovers/Partners: Only important ones are required.
Current Lovers/Partners: If Applicable.
Children: Almost all characters over the age of 18 that are not virgins waiting to be married, should statistically have at least one child. Without a good explanation, we will be hesitant to accept any character over the age of 25 that has NOT got at least one child running around somewhere. Holderfolk are often married by the time they are 18, and Weyrfolk often flight moth. Children are not required to be RP'd, or even acknowledged during RP. We simply heavily encourage your character to have contributed to the population at some point.
Background Story:
Year & Age:
Information goes here. A paragraph or so is good, but bare facts are fine.
Year & Age:
Year & Age:
Craft: N/A if not applicable or 'General Education' for those that can read, write and do basic mathematics. Most Pernese still receive a very general education by the Hold Harpers, but very few ever end up in a Hall. If you character is Hall trained, be sure to include proper information on how they ended up as such in their History. Please see This Board[/url] for details on Crafts and Craft Hall lifestyles in our Canon. Remove the Rank portions if not formally educated.
Specialty: A character may only specialise in ONE area, no matter how smart or talented they may be.

Craft Rank: Jr./Sr. Apprentice, Jr./Sr. Journeyman/Master. N/A if irrelevant.
Date Apprenticed: AL - No apprenticeship before age 12 without permission. N/A if irrelevant
Date Tapped: AL - No Journeymen under the age of 18 without explicit permission. N/A if irrelevant.
Mastership Obtained: AL - N/A if irrelevant. No Honorary masterships without permission. Masters must be over the minimum age given in the Crafts[/url] thread.

Education Details: A paragraph or so about their time educated. What they excelled in, what they faltered at or found difficult.

RP Sample
This is required for ALL characters, regardless of if they are your first or twenty-th. RP Sample must use the character described in the profile above and be an indication of your average posting size and style.

Please do not use NPCs, as we feel bad telling you that you will need to rewrite when you do so.

The best way to do this is to use it as a Thread Starter for your character, then you can post it upon acceptance and jump right into RPing!
The Player
Character Base Created By: @Username
Character's Finalisation Created By: @Username
Played By: @Username
Preferred Contact:
Inactivity Preference: Adoptable NPCs / Fade Out / Death

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Page Selection

Reading: 5 Guest(s)

Forum Jump:

