World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [P] 739.10.05 | A Proposition
2 PM | Verec

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
Not for the first time, R’nya ran over his mental arguments as Xyreith lowered himself carefully to the ground, folding his wings and peering around at all the staring Journeymen and apprentices with amusement; not that the people in question would know that. After taking a moment to compose himself, which R’nya played off by talking quietly to Xyreith, the bronzerider slid elegantly down the side of his dragon and landed lightly on the ground by his bonded’s feet. Taking off his helmet and gloves, R’nya gave them to Xyreith before making his way quietly and with confident strides towards the Master Crafter’s office.

Despite his apparent confidence, R’nya was decidedly uncomfortable. It was one thing to be a Weyrleader of Fort, but honestly, R’nya had no idea what he was doing as often as not, and trying to look clam and confident and in charge when in the same room as a man who had – no doubt – been groomed to be the Master Crafter since he was at least R’nya’s age, if not younger, was intimidating! Not that R’nya thought the other man knew that, since he went to extreme lengths to appear both comfortable and in control. Jajojin probably helped with that more than he ever knew, since the ex-bronzerider was an incredibly uncomfortable man to be around. R’nya hoped Xyreith never left him behind like that.

Striding into the building and down the hallway, R’nya nodded at the folks that seemed intent on catching his attention, but didn’t stop to talk to anyone. He was on a mission, though not for the first time. The first time R’nya had come to the Hall, had been to both congratulate and console the Master for the loss of his Journeyman, as well as to glean more information in regards to the disaster that had been the Istan Hatching; he would dearly like to avoid anything like that happening on his Sands, and while Aradissicath and Xyreith had produced calm clutches in comparison, it wouldn’t do to become complacent.

That visit had been just before Jajojin had come to him with the half demand, half request that R’nya get young Madiquel entered into the Hall as a healer. While Jajojin had been focused solely on the requirement of his daughter’s education, once the mentor had left him, R’nya had mulled it over quite seriously, particularly in regards to the fact that the Master Healer had been rather put out about losing one of his Journeymen. R’nya had mulled over it for several days before sitting down with Rhaedalyn one evening, and sharing his thoughts with her. He was both pleased, and slightly surprised, by her support – particularly for Madiquel to leave them. The child had been incredibly helpful with their own children.

The problem, R’nya thought as he made his way towards the door he was after, was that he found the idea so strange – a female, general, Healer – that he knew it wouldn’t be something the Hall would swallow too easily. Granted, the Halls has women in them – nurses, and midwives and such – but none of them took up the general practice that R’nya had decided he wanted the women of his Weyr to be granted. He wanted them to be educated in the same general classes as the male Apprentices, and he wanted them to come home with a solid education that would grant them Journeyman-ship, even if the Hall wouldn’t officially tap them.

But how to spin the idea as beneficial to the Hall?

Lifting his fist, R’nya knocked solidly on the door. He knew that Verec was expecting him, as he had borrowed Whisper four days previous to arrange for the meeting. He hadn’t told the Crafter what he was visiting for, just requested the man’s time, and that he understood that he was undoubtedly still quite busy from the fires that had accosted Ista. The lesser burned and injured folk were back on their feet and those that could were helping put Ista back to rights, but there were many who had been injured more than quick healing burns. R’nya frowned for a moment, but smoothed his features before entering when he heard Verec’s side-tracked voice letting him know he could do so.

“Good afternoon, Master Crafter,” R’nya said politely, watching with a sort of mild amusement as a chastised looking Apprentice darted out of the room and closed the door behind him. R’nya smiled slightly but opted not to ask about what the youngster had clearly done to deserve the Master’s ire. “I hope you are well,” he said sincerely, taking the seat indicated was for him, and looking around with casual interest as he waited for Verec to finish whatever it was he was up to, and let him know if they were going to do nice small talk first, or jump right into the whole ‘what do you want, dragonrider?’ part of the meeting. With Telgar’s Hatching just days away, R’nya had a fair idea of where he’d start, at least.

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Date of Birth
Light brown hair with a bit of a wave, usually kept relatively short. Verec usually has stubble, but he keeps himself well groomed even if not clean shaven. He is starting to grey at the temples.


Written By: Zandelion
There were few things that disappointed Verec more than students not putting forth the effort they are capable of. Some of the other Masters had brought a certain Senior Apprentice to his attention, a young man who consistently slacked on assignments. Well, Verec would have none of that in his Hall. If an Apprentice needed a day off for some reason or another, they could ask, or even just skip the one day — though Verec didn’t exactly approve of that choice, he allowed it as a one time event — but continual skipping and not properly doing assignments? No, none of that.

So he’d called the boy in and presented him with several written statements from his instructors about his apparent lack of interest in the work. Verec told how if he so clearly didn’t want to be a Healer, it would be better if he just told them and moved on instead of wasting everyone’s time. When the boy denied wanting to leave, insisting he truly did want to be a Healer, Verec gave him his patented ‘I am disappointed in your behavior’ speech. The young man sank lower and lower into his seat with shame and when Verec finished his speech and asked the apprentice how he wished to proceed, he vehemently assured the Masterhealer he would do better, work harder, and he wouldn’t be disappointed again.

He was about to lay quiet disappointment on a little thicker, just to provide further encouragement, when there was a knock at the door. “You may enter,” Verec called, trying to remember who was next on his list of people to deal with today. Oh, right. The Fort Weyrleader. Joy. With a sigh, he jerked his head toward the door to dismiss the apprentice.

“Go,” Verec told him, “I don’t want to hear about you from your instructors anymore unless they are praising your newfound enthusiasm.” The apprentice nodded furiously and nearly ran out of the room as the Weyrleader entered. He gestured to the chair in front of his desk the apprentice had just vacated while he put aside the notes he had on the apprentice and made sure he had a blank sheet at hand for taking notes on this meeting.

“Weyrleader,” he said with a nod, “what brings you to the Hall today?” Hopefully nothing more complicated than confirming extra Healers for the upcoming Hatching, but Verec doubted that. It was the wrong Weyrleader for a Hatching at Telgar. Which meant it was likely something else more complicated. Because of course it was.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya felt Xyreith’s presence on the edge of his mind, reminding him who he was and what he was there to do, that he wasn’t a chastised youngster before an irate Master. They were equals, though R’nya was sure he wasn’t the only one who didn’t feel that that was true. Nonetheless, Xyreith’s reassurance and gentle pressure at the edge of his mind was very much appreciated, and R’nya relaxed back into his chair, smiling just slightly when the Master Crafter got right to the point of it all.

“I wish to negotiate a proposition,” R’nya said lightly, opting to be frank and sincere with the Healer; it would make things faster and if there was one thing R’nya had learned over the Turns he had been Weyrleader (and even when he was a Wingleader) it was that beating around the bush could be extremely time consuming and spectacularly annoying. Better to keep them both in pleasant moods with direct conversation! Regardless, R’nya gave the Healer a moment to mull over that simple statement before continuing.

“As you are aware, Telgar is about to have their Hatching, and as you no doubt recall, the last one was both a disaster for the Weyr as well as costing you a talented young man as a future Dragonrider.” R’nya frowned slightly as he spoke, clearly indicating through his expression that he actually had a point he was getting to – he wasn’t just bringing up bad memories for the both of them. “I cannot speak for my fellow Weyrleaders, but I wish to continue to receive your talented Healers for our future Hatchings here at Fort. In exchange, Fort Weyr will compensate you for any loss of Healers – through Impression or mauling – by paying one year worth of tuition fees to cover the education of a replacement. However,” R’nya held up a finger as he let Verec chew on that piece of information. “I have a further proposition, that would include three years of tuition fees if any Impression or mauling that occurred on our Sands, as well as a yearly scholarship, but I doubt that you will like the exchange.”

Sitting back in his chair, R’nya decided to let Verec mull over the information he had provided, and – hopefully! – take the bait. He knew he had to really make the apprenticeship of Weyr girls appealing, and he hoped that the exchange of tuition fees would be a good starting point.

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Date of Birth
Light brown hair with a bit of a wave, usually kept relatively short. Verec usually has stubble, but he keeps himself well groomed even if not clean shaven. He is starting to grey at the temples.


Written By: Zandelion
Verec raised an eyebrow at R’nya’s words. Negotiate a proposition, hmm? Interesting. What could the dragonriders want from the Healers today. It was hard to guess, though he could almost guarantee it would be an inconvenience for him and the Hall. Well, it was worth hearing out at least.

Bringing up that particular Hatching wasn’t a promising way to start. Verec was still rather vexed over the whole situation; losing a Healer was terrible, though he supposed at least the boy wasn’t dead. Not that it really mattered either way, Impressed or dead, as it still kept the young man from continuing as a Healer.

He snorted quietly at the suggestion the other Weyrleaders wouldn’t want Healers at their Hatchings. Of course they still want Healers at their Hatchings. It’s in their best interest to reduce the amount of death and injury resulting from them if they want to continue Searching holders. Which Verec understood, of course, they needed new people for dragons to Impress, more than even their prodigious…breeding could produce. But having damage control for injuries was necessary to keep holders allowing their children go to Weyrs. So Verec had no illusions about whether or not all the Weyrs needed them. It’s not like they were going to deny healing to them, that’s not how the Healer Hall worked. Even if Verec would love to tell most of the dragonriders to fuck right off.

Even so, the offer to provide compensation for lost Healers was intriguing. The extra funds could be used to get better supplies or reduce tuition costs for especially promising Healers who did not necessarily have the money to pay for a full education. Of course, not losing Healers in the first place would be best. Verec was working on that though. Still, he noted down the amounts R’nya cited and the conditions, making sure he had it all written down, just in case.

The ‘further proposition’ was also interesting, but if the dragonrider didn’t think he would like it, Verec was almost positive he’d hate it. Though really, what did dragonriders know about what Healers thought? Except the ones that had been Healers before Impressing, and that thought just made him grumpy again.

“And what is this exchange I will not be liking?” Verec asked, holding his pen over the paper ready to note down whatever distasteful thing R’nya would be saying next.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya watched quietly as Verec took notes, carefully figuring out how he was going to compose his next statement, questions, answers, the whole lot. He knew he had to play it off in the best possible light – more than just ‘this is what I want and I want you to give it to me’. That wouldn’t work, and R’nya didn’t want to make the Healing Hall grumpy with his Weyr, or him personally. They were too important and he had too great a need for them, both directly and indirectly.

When the Healer asked for more information, R’nya realised that he had no idea how to phrase his request. Shit. “I want to enrol Weyrfolk into your Hall.” He said, starting with the least hard part to swallow. “The Weyr will pay for their education.” He hardly expected the Hall to do it out of the goodness of their hearts; not when the Weyr was in a position to make payments and not when the Hall needed the funds to actually educate their students. R’nya had no idea what costs were involved in running a Hall, but he was fairly certain they didn’t have Marks just falling into their laps like the Weyr did.

Honestly, R’nya wasn’t even sure where most of the Marks he handed out to his Dragonriders every month came from. Well, he did, but nonetheless. Being a dragonrider was profitable, and he’d quickly seen the benefit to the Weyr of taxing his riders for things such as playing taxi or so such. There had been grumbling, of course – there always would be – but overall it was smooth. R’nya charged Marks for all kinds of weird shit, and Holder’s coughed up. Honestly, the Lords were the worst… why pay a minimum fee and ride green, when they could pay six times the amount and ride bronze?

At any rate! R’nya returned his attention on Verec, and steepled his fingers together, elbows on the arms of his chair. “Notably,” he continued, “I want present and future Goldriders to be educated,” a pause. “Up to Junior Journeyman standard.” He eyed Verec pointedly. “They do not need the rank, just the education.” He wasn’t going to ask the MasterHealer to tap all his goldriders – and a handful of his best Candidates – to become Journeymen and then hand them back to the Weyr; R’nya just wanted them to be fully trained. But mostly, he wanted them to feel useful.

If there was one thing he’d learned as Weyrleader, between Rhaedalyn and his time with Quilriana, it was that women did not like to feel useless. R’nya knew not all of them would be cut out for the requirements of even making a junior apprentice, but even just learning how to navigate a crisis would be expediential for the Weyr’s future.

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Date of Birth
Light brown hair with a bit of a wave, usually kept relatively short. Verec usually has stubble, but he keeps himself well groomed even if not clean shaven. He is starting to grey at the temples.


Written By: Zandelion
How fascinating. Verec couldn’t say he had expected that request. And truly, he didn’t hate it as much as R’nya seemed to think he would. Though he certainly wasn’t going to let the Weyrleader learn that; had to keep the man on his toes, after all. Get as much out of the dragonriders as he could for as little as he could manage.

He didn’t bother asking R’nya what he was supposed to get out of it. That was rather obvious; if dragonriders had Healing education, he’d be able to send fewer Healers to the Weyrs. Still a few, certainly, because if the Weyrfolk were only being trained to Junior Journeyman standard they’d still need some Senior Journeymen and Masters available, but it would decrease the number of Junior Journeymen he'd need to send. Verec had already instituted a rule that Healers attending at Hatchings had to be at least thirty turns old, which would hopefully decrease Impressions, but maulings were still a risk. Which R’nya was so graciously offering to pay for. But R’nya was only one Weyrleader, and the offer only applied to Hatchings at his own Weyr, which was only perhaps one third of the total Hatchings. Not a perfect situation, but better than nothing, Verec supposed. And, unless Verec was very much mistaken, and he rarely was, goldriders were all women. Which meant R’nya wanted both women and men to get Healer educations. Interesting.

“Tell me, Weyrleader, why I should train your girls when we barely train our own?” Verec asked as he put a few thoughts down on his paper in shorthand, so R’nya couldn’t read them. Plenty of the women at the Hall picked up on things and could assist in nursing easily enough, but few sat in on classes beyond the introductory classes for Junior Apprentices. There had been women Healers — Verec had even met a few — but he only knew one who reached Junior Journeyman like R’nya wanted his girls to. And really, what was the point in not giving them the rank if they had the education. Politics? Useless waste of time and energy. Women didn’t generally get the ranks and Knots because they were rarely officially trained, even if they gained a good deal of the knowledge. You got the rank if you received the proper training, that’s how it worked. R’nya was asking for them to be officially trained, which meant they were eligible for rank. Perhaps Verec would have to create a new sub-discipline of WeyrHealer to accommodate the idea. It made sense to give the Healer Weyrfolk, if this plan resulted in any, which remained to be seen, some sort of title so they could be more easily identified and organized, even if it wasn’t a proper Healer rank.

Verec had already decided he would train the Weyrfolk — some of them, anyway — but waiting wanted to hear R’nya’s answer before saying anything. He wanted to get a better read of what R’nya wanted out of this, beyond the obvious reduced reliance on the Healer Hall. And even then, he would be setting conditions of his own on this arrangement that the Weyrleader had better agree to if he truly wanted Healer-trained Weyrfolk.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
Watching Verec mull over what he said was fascinating; R’nya didn’t know the man nearly well enough to really read him, but he could read enough of the man to know he’d hooked him. There would still be specifics to detail, of course, but R’nya felt a lightening of weight on his shoulders. It helped that Jajojin would be pleased with his day’s work, and while R’nya liked to think he didn’t care what the crazy man thought of him, he knew he did. He wanted to be a good Weyrleader, and honestly, his abilities reflected on the ex-bronzerider’s ability to educate him, at least somewhat. R’nya felt a lot of the rank was common sense, but few people had that, so he supposed that played a part.

Verec’s question had R’nya’s eyebrows lifting just slightly, a lazy half smile on his lips. “Aside from the financial gain?” He asked mildly; it was mostly a rhetorical question, and he settled back in his seat as he considered Verec thoughtfully. While he wasn’t positive – he couldn’t read minds, after all – R’nya was fairly sure that Verec was just dusting in the corners now; the Hall would take his women, though R’nya was sure there would be a big ‘but’ coming from the Master at any moment. To be expected, really. As it was, R’nya didn’t answer his companion’s question, but instead posed one of his own. “Will it cause issues with your own womenfolk?”

When Verec didn’t answer right away, R’nya shrugged one shoulder lazily. He wasn’t anxious to answer the man, so much as taking the opportunity presented by the Master’s silence to actually answer, instead of asking his own question. “Before the Plague, women – particularly goldriders – were trained as Dragon Healers. Gold dragons cannot fight Thread, they are incapable of digesting Firestone and female greenriders are often more use as areal medics. By training them as Healers, they can pick that up again.” R’nya frowned slightly, pursing his lips as he considered Verec thoughtfully.

He didn’t speak any more, though; he didn’t feel the need to inform Verec that he hadn’t been able to find more than a couple of surviving ex-goldriders, and they were hardly a reliable source of education for his women. Granted, they pulled together when needed, but R’nya didn’t want to torment and torture them by having them work with his current goldriders, handling dragons and going over what could help or harm a dragon, and all the how’s and whys of it all. Besides, most of them had been young when the Plague struck, and hadn’t finished their education at any rate.

He wondered, but didn’t want to ask, if the Healer Hall had scavenged their DragonHealing notes when the Weyrs had been evacuated.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
Light brown hair with a bit of a wave, usually kept relatively short. Verec usually has stubble, but he keeps himself well groomed even if not clean shaven. He is starting to grey at the temples.


Written By: Zandelion
“This may surprise you, Weyrleader, but financial gain is not my priority as Masterhealer,” Verec said, “and I imagine it wouldn’t be the womenfolk I’d have to contend with,” he added, just as mildly as R’nya. There were plenty of women who worked at the Hall, but there were a number of Healers of all ranks, including Masters, who were reluctant to give them much credit at all. Verec doubted the women would mind a chance to get more of a Healer education, though there may be some grumbling about Weyrfolk getting the chance first. He had an idea on how to deal with that, but the men were still an issue. There was one Journeyman in particular Verec could name who was vocally against women in Crafts; Verec was convinced the only reason was because the man knew there were plenty of women already who were better Healers than he was and it would gall him too much if their superiority as Healers was made official.

As R’nya elaborated on his reasons, Verec raised an eyebrow. Ah. The dragonriders had lost much of their healing knowledge in the turmoil of the Plague and the following turns, had they? That made sense, and Verec could hardly fault them for wanting to restore lost knowledge. Did they not have records? Or had they been left behind when the surviving dragons fled? Verec had no knowledge of any records of dragonhealing, though he may need to start looking. His former mentor had been obsessed with the dragon Plague, perhaps the man had collected the remnants of the dragon rider’s healing records in his desperate search to ‘solve’ the Plague. Verec still had a few boxes of the man’s things packed away in a storage room; they would be a good place to start the search.

Still, even if they had their records they didn’t have people with the necessary practical knowledge and basic skillsets, so a proper Healer training was still needed. Fine. Verec would teach them. If R’nya met a few stipulations.

“If we were to accept your riders and Candidates as students, I would place a few conditions,” he started. “First, I or someone I appoint for the task must interview all of your potential students. We will only accept those we feel have the potential to benefit from the education we offer. Related to that, if they pass the initial interview but prove to be a waste of the time of our teachers, the Hall reserves the right to terminate their education. In addition, if any of your people do well with Healing and wish to become a full Healer, you will allow them to do so. Outside of special circumstances and training, any of your Candidates who become full Healers will be assigned to the Weyr when they are ready to take assignments, allowing you to retain their service and skills.” Verec paused to allow R’nya a moment to process all of that before he continued with further conditions.

“Also, any Healer who Impressed in the Turns since the dragonriders returned to this continent will be given the chance to continue their Healer education if they so desire. I don’t care if they’re not in your Weyr, I imagine you speak with the other Weyrleaders, I’m sure you can work something out. They do not have to say yes, I just have to be allowed to present the offer to them and they must be allowed to accept the offer if they desire to do so.” Verec looked at R’nya intently. “Is this acceptable, or do you require any further clarifications?” He wasn’t going to ask if the man thought the conditions were ‘reasonable,” Verec could guess the dragonrider may not find them ‘reasonable.’ Verec didn’t care. He felt he was being reasonable, and was only making sure this course of action would not negatively impact his Hall or his Healers. Useless weyrbred students who don’t want to be there and just want to sleep around instead of learn would be a waste of resources and Verec would not allow it.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya’s lips twitched slightly at Verec’s dry words, and he nodded slightly. He was mildly surprised, but also not surprised at all. Some of the Hall Masters were definitely out for financial gain, but R’nya was greatly relieved that the man in charge of the entire planet’s well being wasn’t one of them. This man clearly put the education of his students before any financial gain, and that pleased R’nya. Nothing worse than someone teaching a bunch of dimwits about Healing who were incapable, simply because someone paid well enough. As a result, when Verec said that he wanted to interview the individuals that R’nya wanted to enter into the Hall, the Weyrleader actually gave a small smile.

“Of course,” it was really no different than sending the dragonriders out with their Search beasts. R’nya had no desire to let just anyone into his Weyr, even though sometimes dragons could Search out some very questionable candidates. Very. He felt Xyreith’s amusement, even as he considered Verec quietly after the man finished his conditions, and asked if R’nya found them acceptable. R’nya actually found the question rather amusing, but he didn’t fault the Masterhealer for wanting his companion to actually verbalise agreement, instead of just sitting there with a flickering smile of amusement trying to form.

“I can agree to these terms,” R’nya said slowly, still studying Verec thoughtfully. “The other Weyrleaders will agree, too,” he said simply, not because he was prone to speaking on their behalf, but simply because it was that, or risk losing every dragonrider with a lick of Healer training to Fort Weyr, and R’nya was quite sure he wouldn’t be the only one who didn’t want a bar of that paperwork. A transfer here or there was fine, it really wasn’t such a big deal… but not every other dragonrider across the other two Weyrs.

“I would also like to extend the invitation to those who were trained before they found themselves in Katila.” R’nya had no desire to outright bring up the whole Searching/Stealing debate and all that came with it, but he knew for a fact that there had been several Healers who were snatched away to Impress in Katila – those young men, and their Harper brothers, had been the easiest to spirit away, since they were the most commonly found wandering between Holds both big and small. R’nya lifted his eyebrows slightly, meeting Verec’s eyes; a silent question as to whether or not the Masterhealer would take that, too.

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Date of Birth
Light brown hair with a bit of a wave, usually kept relatively short. Verec usually has stubble, but he keeps himself well groomed even if not clean shaven. He is starting to grey at the temples.


Written By: Zandelion
Well my, my, my, look at the dragonrider speaking for all of the other Weyrleaders, Verec thought, wondering how binding R’nya’s statement of agreement for Telgar and Ista was. It was good enough for him, in any case, because whether Ista and Telgar agreed Verec could still hold R’nya to it, or get something else out of him in exchange for the terms being broken. Useful.

The offer to include all Impressed Healers, including the kidnapped ones, most definitely came as a surprise. Verec had not asked for that, thinking that perhaps all of those Healers who had been with dragons that long may be too indoctrinated by Weyrlife and not care about Healing anymore, but if they wanted to continue their education, Verec would hardly say no.

“Then I would be happy to extend the offer to them. You’ll have to give me a list of names, as while I remember everyone I’ve taught who’s Impressed a dragon, I imagine they have new names now, no? And I can’t say I know or remember all of those. Wouldn’t want to be rude.” Verec was curious how long the list would be — he wasn’t lying, he knew exactly how many people had been stolen, who they were, and how promising they were (a few of the kidnapped had been so gifted, Verec seethed just thinking about the lost time and potential) and so few former Healers had even stopped by the Hall to visit. Shame at leaving the Hall, perhaps? Distracted by their fascinating new lives? Who could say. Not Verec, certainly, since they hadn’t been by to see him.

Verec carefully wrote down a list of what would be expected of each party from his notes, making sure he didn’t miss anything they discussed, in case the dragonriders tried to get out of something later. Satisfied he had everything, Verec nodded at no one in particular and looked back up at R’nya.

“It seems we have an arrangement, then. I will expect to hear from you soon, Weyrleader,” he said, “I’ll need that list of new names for former Healers and your list of Candidates and goldriders you want considered for training. I will ensure everything is set up on my end.” Which likely meant arguing with people about the sanctity of Healing, and the Hall, and why were there dragons and women and wasted resources. It would be annoying, but Verec secretly relished verbally destroying people and their arguments, and there was sure to be a lot of that.

“Now, if we’re all done here, I’ll have someone see you out, Weyrleader,” Verec said, not quite managing to be polite, but at least not saying ‘get the fuck out of my office, dragonrider.’

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
“I can do that,” R’nya agreed mildly, nodding once just slightly in agreement to generating a list of the Healers who had been Stolen. He didn’t personally know who they all were, but he certainly knew how to come about that information. There were several Harpers who had been prone to keeping notes, and R’nya knew that D’ren had kept detailed information on who everyone was and who they had been. He wasn’t sure if those original notes were still around, what with the landslide and all, but if they weren’t, he knew they would have been regenerated. He could get the names for the MasterHealer.

R’nya hummed softly in agreement as Verec finished with his notes and looked up at him. R’nya honestly found the man rather fascinating, though he was being careful not to let any emotion show on his face except those he felt could help him. It wasn’t hard, either; it was something that had made him a particularly good ‘second’ to S’kef and his rather unorthodox methods for running the Weyr. And wasn’t that an unpleasant memory? Really, it felt much more like a bad dream one wakes up from wondering what the fuck their mind was thinking when they finally fell asleep.

“I will get them to you within the next seven days,” R’nya said firmly, pursing his lips thoughtfully as he stood up, managing to time the motion (without meaning to) to Verec’s rather thinly veiled dismissal. R’nya lifted an eyebrow slightly at the other man, but didn’t say anything as he simply picked his riding gloves and helmet up from where he’d put them beside the seat he’d taken, and walked calmly out of the office without another word. No need to be too petty with the man that was doing what R’nya wanted – though the bronzerider had absolutely no doubt that Verec would manage to get more out of it than he had said.

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