World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] [EVENT] 738.10.04 | A Missive for You
2 PM | Rhaedalyn


177 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Z’ia yawned lazily, running his free hand back through his mop of lengthy curls. He should probably get his hair trimmed, but he liked having it shoulder length, though he occasionally found it irritating it was nothing a leather strip couldn’t fix. Sitting up, Z’ia looked down at the other body sprawled out beside him, and rolled his eyes. The woman there was nothing special, and while Z’ia had enjoyed the game of cat and mouse to get her into his bed, he hadn’t been particularly satisfied with the results. She was plain, and unimaginative; he’d had more interesting sex with Rhaedalyn, and she’d made virgins look devious.
Rolling out of bed, and ignoring the way the woman mumbled to herself, he had barely managed to pull his pants on and tie the front of them when there was a tap at his door and a messenger was letting themselves in. Normally, Z’ia would have taken issue with that, but since the other man was a brownrider, he let it slide and instead raised an eyebrow, wondering what could be so important that he – of all people – was interrupted so early in the morning… Well. Okay, so it wasn’t morning, but he had just woken up. Above him, a rush of cold air fell down as Plague appeared out of between and hissed her disgust at the brownrider, who scolded. Z’ia quietened the firelizard with a touch. Destiny and Chastity had landed on the foot of the bed, no less disgruntled but keeping it to themselves.
“Can I help you?” Z’ia asked, not bothering to modulate his tone out of respect for his bedmate; he honestly didn’t care if he woke her up. Despite that, his tone was mild as he watched the brownrider step into the room and offer him a roll of parchment, sealed and tied. Z’ia took it, his eyebrow once more arching upwards in question.
“That’s for the Weyrleader at Fort.” The brownrider said, before turning around and leaving as abruptly as he had entered. Z’ia looked down at the roll, and rolled his eyes heavenward with a mighty sigh. He knew who was to blame for this – D’hys. Faranth only knew what the bastard was playing at; it could be as simple as wanting to catch up, or as complicated as wanting to watch him play messenger for someone else. Rolling his eyes again and removing Plague lightly from his shoulder, Z’ia went about dressing for the day, which now included playing damned messenger for Weyrleaders too “busy” to make political trips themselves. He was sorely tempted to crack the seal and read the missive.
Where are you? Z’ia asked, surprised, when he stepped out to the dragon’s lounge and found it short one beautiful blue dragon. Z’ia waited patiently for a response, and smiled gently when he saw his dragon winging in and land lightly with a scrabble of claws on rock. I’m sorry! You were sleeping so soundly, I thought I’d go hunting while you slept. Z’ia smiled gently at his dragon, and ran a hand reassuringly over the soft blue muzzle.
“It is fine, my love. I was simply surprised. We have a task to fulfil. How do you feel about a trip to Fort?”
Can I visit with Aradissicath? Aveleth asked sweetly, turning his head to peer at Z’ia with an anxiously hopeful eye. Z’ia smiled gently, and gave his dragon a pat before going to get their riding straps. Getting the straps onto Aveleth, Z’ia climbed up on board, ignoring the woman when she called out a greeting to him. Aveleth didn’t comment on the exchange (or lack thereof) as he shuffled to the edge of the weyr and prepared to take off.
“I’m sure Aradissicath would love to see you, Ave. It’s been a while since you got to spend time with her, hasn’t it?” They both knew that was his fault, since his messy breakup with Rhaedalyn, but Aveleth simple chirped happily at the permission to see his golden friend, not prying into the memories Z’ia had of that time. The strange meshing of emotions those memories brought up in Z’ia confused and disturbed Aveleth on a level he wasn’t sure how to handle. His rider took pleasure in the strangest of things, but Aveleth knew he’d never take pleasure in seeing the blue dragon in pain: he’d seen Z’ia moved to rage at the mere thought. Shaking the thoughts away, the blue dragon launched off the ledge, and quickly gained altitude until Z’ia confirmed their trip between. The blue pair vanished into the black abyss.
A few heartbeats later, Z’ia was safely on the ground and Aveleth was crooning to his rider before ambling off towards the Hatching Sands, thinking to look there first for Aradissicath. Z’ia, leaving his dragon to his socialising, marched into the Weyr and looked around curiously. He’d been to Fort a few times, but mostly avoided it, since he didn’t trust R’nya to keep his fists to himself now he was fucking Rhaedalyn. Speaking of the boy-thin goldrider, Z’ia looked around curiously for her, but didn’t actively seek the woman out as he made his way – following instructions from a couple of different dragonriders – towards the Weyrleader’s office. He knocked on the door, and then pushed it open. It hadn’t been locked, and it was empty inside. Z’ia grimaced, then shrugged to himself and entered.
Drawing the chair on the guest side of the desk, the short bluerider sprawled in it, kicking his heels up on the edge of the desk and tilting the chair back on its back legs. He brushed his curls out of his face with one hand, and hummed tunelessly to himself as he waited for R’nya to arrive. He’d already asked Aveleth to pass on that he was waiting for the Weyrleader in the man’s office with a missive. As he hummed, Plague popped out of between once more, looking around the room with a disgruntled expression on her snide little face, before landing lightly on Z’ia’s knee. She picked up his humming, chittering to herself and in much better tune than the bluerider.

Private thread for Rhaedalyn
Event: Horrifying Moments

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn had had a far too busy morning what with Varlea not being able to keep her breakfast down and Alyren not wanting to be away from her adoptive sister while she was sick. She had debated passing the girls off to the creche since she was supposed to be helping organize the food stock for the incoming colder weather but one glance at R'nya and she knew it'd be okay to stay with the girls for a bit longer. He was always understanding, even if he didn't always say a word about the situation. The task at hand wasn't urgent and could wait until she was confident Varlea was feeling better and didn't need her love and soothing touch. Not that she was a Healer or even had that great of medical skills but after being a mother for several years, Rhaedalyn felt confident in her ability to monitor a fever and soothe an upset tummy.

Once Varlea had a bit more colour in her cheeks and both girls assured her they were well enough to stay at the creche -- she suspected the promise made yesterday that there would be special little cakes for those in attendence today helped encourage them to go -- Rhaedalyn packed them up for the day and then turned her attention to overseeing the inventory, which seemed like it had been progressing well without her. It was easy enough to do a quick double check of the current numbers and then continue assisting with what was left.

After checking in with the girls after the stock-take and meeting with a few ladies from laundry that requested more help and preferred that help to actually have some skills with a needle and thread, Rhaedalyn was ready for a nap. How about lunch instead? You skipped midday meal and I can hear your stomach rumbling from here. How can you look after the girls and R'nya if you won't take care of yourself? Aradissicath grumbled in annoyance as she watched her rider worry about everyone else but herself.

Rhaedalyn was more than used to her dragon looking out for her, keeping her best interests in mind as well as making sure they were proper ladies that fulfilled their roles perfectly, but ever since the flight a month before, Aradissicath seemed to be a bit more vocal about things than usual. While flights were more enjoyable now that R'nya seemed to always be the likely winner, Rhaedalyn still hated the poor moods her dragon could end up in, especially the closer she got to clutching. She conceded with a sigh.

"You're right, of course," she had plans of eating properly at the evening meal, fully aware that she had worked her way through midday and not wanting to bother the kitchen staff further by making a snack while they now prepped for dinner. They will not mind feeding their starving Weyrwoman. Go get some food, child. Knowing better than to argue, Rhaedalyn made her way to the kitchens and meekly asked for a plate of anything that was available. A kindly older woman clucked her tongue at her but got a plate of fruit and another plate of cheese and bread together for her al the same. A pitcher of a sweet juice -- for extra energy, the woman declared -- was also added and the tray was handed over. With the amount of food that was given, Rhaedalyn decided to pop in and share with R'nya. He worked too hard as well and they hadn't had a picnic together in quite some time. She smiled to herself as she thought about how she'd convince for mate to sit on the floor with her and have an impromptu picnic.

By the time she made it to R'nya's office, Rhaedalyn was practically bouncing with each step. Her mood had brightened, stress was gone, and she was excited to surprise R'nya. She had shyly asked D'hys if R'nya was in his office and the bluerider shrugged; he likely was but D'hys wasn't entirely certain as they hadn't had plans to get together that day and no orders had been passed down to him. Rhaedalyn still wondered exactly what D'hys did for R'nya but he seemed to be appreciated by her bronzerider and D'hys seemed to enjoy what he did so she simply left it alone. It wasn't her place to know all the details.

She almost knocked but changed her mind, deciding a proper surprise was in order. She cracked open the door with a bit of relief that she hadn't dropped the tray of snacks in the process and entered. She heard some humming and froze in place. R'nya wasn't one to do such a thing so he had to have company. Then again, why would a guest be humming in front of the Weyrleader and sounding so at ease about it? It had to be R'nya enjoying a moment's rest and letting go completely. Pleased that she was able to sneak such a glimpse of the man that still seemed like a mystery to her -- and she liked solving his mysteries! -- Rhaedalyn entered with a large smile on her face and nearly giggled at seeing the form lounging so well in a chair with feet on the desk. R'nya was being positively scandalous!

"Surprise!" She called out, still rather lightly since she didn't want R'nya to fall out of the chair, but she wanted to announce her presence as she walked closer, intent on putting the tray down on the desk. "I thought we could enjoy a little--" Rhaedalyn gasped in surprise when her eyes fell upon the face of the man in the chair. It was the face of a man that had once danced through her dreams and then haunted her nightmares after he stole and crushed her heart. The tray clattered to the desk, spilling the juice across the wood while the plates continued to the floor with a loud clattering. Hands fluttered to her mouth to keep from shrieking in further surprise as a step back was taken.

What was Z'ia doing here and how could she bolt for the door without looking like she was? She didn't want to be anywhere near the man after all he had said and done. Another gasp was taken as she suddenly worried he was there to claim parental rights to Alyren. He had denied the girl was his when she first told him she was pregnant, claiming he was sterile but maybe he wasn't and now he wanted their perfect little angel that R'nya loved seemingly more than anything? Maybe he only wanted to gloat about finding someone better than her or something just as worse. Her hands started to shake from genuine fear over what the bluerider wanted and Rhaedalyn quickly clasped them together before her to help hide it.

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177 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Damnit but R’nya sure was taking his sweet time! Z’ia huffed to himself, interrupting his humming for a moment, before shrugging and returning to the mild sound. So what? He’d been sent to Fort with a message for the Weyrleader, and he figured it didn’t really matter how long it took said Weyrleader to come and collect it. Z’ia himself didn’t have anything better to do with his time at present, and it wasn’t like sitting in the Weyrleader’s office and humming to himself was a bad way to spend some time. Not the most enjoyable of course, and if R’nya took much longer Z’ia was going to resort to his natural curiosity and begin poking around in the office. He smirked to himself, wondering what mischief he could cause by snooping. What kind of things would he find in the stuck-in-the-mud man’s personal office?

Plague took up Z’ia’s thoughts by acting upon them, her little lips pulled back to reveal her small, sharp teeth as she fluttered off his lap and began zooming around the office, stopping at a bookshelf she landed and began poking around. Z’ia watched her placidly for a little while, before growing bored of it, and returned to humming to himself, tapping one foot in motion with his self-improvised tune. He was thus engaged when he was rudely interrupted by a far too chipper Rhaedalyn. Z’ia tilted his head back, peering up at the goldrider with a lazy smile on his lips, green eyes bright with mischief at the opportunities that were presented to him simply by her entering the room – and alone no less! Plague swooped in, a little too low over Rhaedalyn’s head, and landed proudly on Z’ia’s chest. She sneered at the goldrider.

“Rhaedalyn,” Z’ia purred, tilting his head further to better see the young woman without actually moving or standing up. “You shouldn’t have.” He paused and looked down at the mess she had made on the desk and floor. “But then, you didn’t, did you?” He sighed dramatically. “I do hope you’re going to clean that up. R’nya is set to arrive any minute now, and I hardly think he’d appreciate you messing up his nice clean office.” It was probably more likely the bronzerider would blame Z’ia for the mess, but he didn’t care. He knew Rhaedalyn’s insecurities and he had no issue with playing with them for his own amusement. None in the slightest.

“I see your hair has finally grown back. You almost look like a girl now.”

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Everything was moving in slow motion and Rhaedalyn swore something was sucking the air out of the office. Was that even possible? There were billows for blowing air so maybe they could remove air as well. She’d have to try to ask a glass or blacksmith about that. If she survived the lack of oxygen and encounter with Z’ia. The bluerider looked far too pleased with himself or maybe with her reaction to seeing him. She had worked so hard to avoid him once she got over hoping he would comeback and apologize for being a jerk to her when he walked away. She had managed to find her way on her own albeit with a lot of help from R’nya and now she was happy and in love with the bronzerider. How dare Z’ia come back now?

She self-consciously reached for the hair he had insulted and brushed fingers against some of the unruly curls. She had never wanted to cut them all off to begin with but after the mess the landslide had made of it, she had no choice. While they weren’t as long as they once were, Rhaedalyn was content with the length of the curls that she had truly grown to love during her time in Katila and beyond. She managed a scowl at the bluerider though it wasn’t very powerful given she was still a bit timid before his arrogance and the condescending tone.

“R’nya likes my hair,” she managed meekly as she took in the mess she had made. She did want to clean up, it was her mess after all, but she hated that it would look like she was doing it because Z’ia told her to. She could stand there and try to glare at him but that wouldn’t solve anything. He was clearly there for a reason and wouldn’t leave even if she ordered him to. She supposed she could leave, even with the pretense of finding cleaning supplies, but he might still call her out for running away from him. She refused to sigh or growl in frustration as bent down to start picking up the food and putting them back on the plates. It was only when she was down on her knees to do the task that she realized what a compromising position she was now in. The short bluerider could loom over her and Rhaedalyn tried not to show shaky hands as she picked up the poor wasted food. Maybe her firelizards would appreciate the meal still.

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177 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
“Oh, I’m sure he does,” Z’ia agreed mildly, but the predatory smile on his lips said that Rhaedalyn was delusional if she thought R’nya liked her hair. Her short hair; her boyish hair; her flat body and her lack of curves; her thin arms and legs. As if he didn’t prefer a real woman. Much like the real woman he was fucking on the side, if D’hys was to be believed, and Z’ia had no reason to doubt his friend. It just made the whole situation that much funnier, and his amusement was clear to be seen. She was kidding herself, and he loved it. Oh, Z’ia had no doubt that R’nya felt some kind of affection for the silly woman, but he doubted he was as in love with her as she clearly was with him. Stupid woman.

“You missed a bit,” Z’ia purred, enjoying watching Rhaedalyn as she knelt on the floor at his feet, in the proper place for any woman, and cleaned up the mess her stupidity had made. He watched with delighted curiosity to see how long it would take her to clean up the bit he indicated. Would she do it right away, like an obedient little slut, or would she pretend she hadn’t heard him, and delay the clean up? Would she acknowledge she had heard him by glancing in his direction, but then ignore the comment? It was such fun to play with her! Z’ia grinned to himself, not bothering to conceal the expression, as Plague finished her exploration of R’nya’s bookshelf and came back to land on Z’ia’s lap, her snide little face made threatening by the drawing back of her lips. She hissed at Rhaedalyn, and puffed up her wings. Z’ia didn’t bother to sooth her.

Z’ia was much more interested in playing with Rhaedalyn’s heart and mind, and he had finally decided how to make the most of the information he knew, that she clearly didn’t. His smile was poisonous as he leered down at her. “Dear Rhaedalyn,” Z’ia murmured, using the same soft and lusty voice that had once made her knees weak. “Do you know where R’nya spends his nights?” And he waited, smirking sinfully and letting her mind do the work for him. There was no point in actually telling the ridiculous creature what he knew. It was much more fun to watch her destroy her own relationship with the bronzerider than it would ever be for him to come out and inform her of the information he had on what the bronzerider got up to on the nights he wasn’t warming her bed.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn decided the best course of action was to ignore the bluerider. He wouldn’t hurt her; couldn’t really. At least not physically. He was visiting another Weyr, in the Weyrleader’s office, and she was mated to the Weyrleader. If they had still been together and he did something to her, Rhaedalyn had no doubts that people would believe Z’ia and whatever excuse he tossed out for the bruise she sported. Here, he wouldn’t dare. She had learned after a lot of overthinking and analysing their relationship that he was clever and crafty and wouldn’t stick his head out further than he had to.

So she ignored him, picking up everything she saw and setting it aside once she was done, then pulling out one of the cloth napkins she had brought for their meal as well. She began brushing up any smaller bits of food she couldn’t grab with her fingers and then moved to the real problem that was the juice leaking down the side of the desk to make a lovely puddle on the floor. She didn’t even want to think about the top of the desk and if she had ruined any reports. She’d rewrite anything if she had with a plethora of apologies to R’nya as she did so.

She was just running the cloth up the side of the desk, intent on standing up to investigate her damage on top when Z’ia dared to speak to her again in that tone of voice that used to make her melt and heart flutter at the way he said her name. She held her expression neutral as she cut her gaze to him and frowned at the question. Of course she knew where he spent his nights. Had no one updated Z’ia on her current relationship with R’nya and that they were now mated, not simply co-parenting their daughter and adoptive daughter? She smiled sweetly, having no reason to even consider there was more to his question or to doubt R’nya, “I do. In my bed as we’re mated, Z’ia.” She still wasn’t happy with being in a room with the unpredictable bluerider but Rhaedalyn felt a bit better now that she believed she had put him in his place.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya wasn’t one to complain – out loud – but he wasn’t afraid of letting Xyreith know about his every grumble when it came to running a Weyr. He hadn’t counted on so much paperwork, for one thing! Katila had never had any paperwork (at least, not that he’d seen), but then, Katila hadn’t been over-seeing several Holds and preparing for Threadfall. R’nya had no doubt that Thread would fall in the near future. Probably not for a few turns, judging by the Red Star, but that star in the sky was definitely red, and R’nya knew it herald disaster. He had to be ready, and his Weyr did too. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of paperwork.

It also meant a lot of conversations with brown and bronzeriders. He needed to begin putting Wings together so that his fellow dragonriders could get to know one another, and prepare for fighting against Threadfall; the longer they had together, the better they would work as a single mind. Well, that was his hope, anyway; so many of the men on dragonback were so young, reckless, and living up the life of a freelance dragonrider. R’nya sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was doing it again; lamenting all the work he had to get done. It was no wonder he spent most nights tossing and turning – if he got any sleep at all!

Dropping his hand from his face, R’nya took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders, ignoring Xyreith’s amusement, and made his way towards the Hatching Sands, expecting that would be where Rhaedalyn would be at this time of day. He halted with surprise when Xyreith informed him that Rhaedalyn was not on the Sands, but in fact in his office. With company. R’nya swore under his breath and turned on a heel, half running (it looked like a slightly anal march) towards his office, demanding information from Xyreith, who gave it grudgingly.

I believe it is Z’ia of Aveleth, since he is visiting with Aradissicath. The bronze dragon sounded bemused and slightly more mellow than usual. If R’nya had not been so enraged by the fact that Z’ia was sitting in his office with Rhaedalyn, he might have wondered if his dragon was jealous. As it was, R’nya turned his not-quite-a-run into a sprint, and nearly bowled over more than one weyrbrat in his effort to get to his office. Regardless, in R’nya fashion, he came to a halt a walkable distance from his office and got himself under control once more, smoothing out his feathers and pursing his lips as he stepped lightly to the office. He paused, frowning, before entering as Rhaedalyn’s voice informed Z’ia that he spent his nights with her.

Frowning, R’nya entered the office with a clipped step. “I do not see the relevance of your questions, bluerider. Why are you hassling my Weyrwoman, and why are your feet on my desk?” An eyebrow arched upwards as R’nya stared at the bluerider, putting his hands lightly on Rhaedalyn to get her to stand, removing the cloth from her fingers with gentle insistence. He wasn’t worried about the mess that had been made, and wasn’t about to have his precious Rhaedalyn acting like a drudge before Z’ia. “It’s fine,” He murmured, more in her ear than not, and not loud enough for the interested bluerider to see. Threading his fingers through Rhaedalyn’s, R’nya turned his attention back on Z’ia.


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177 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
“Ahh, your Leaderness,” Z’ia purred, smiling cloyingly at the bronzerider who had finally deigned to show himself. The younger dragonrider did not bother to remove his feet from R’nya’s desk for several long moments, making it abundantly clear that he was only doing so because he wanted to, not because R’nya had demanded to know why they were there. Standing up languidly, Z’ia suffused his expression with innocence.

“I bring tidings from Ista, of which I am sure are exceedingly important.” He grinned at R’nya’s stony expression, completely at ease, despite the expression on the Weyrleader’s face. Or perhaps because of it. Z’ia was a hard man to intimidate, and he found the entire situation hilarious. Entertaining. A ball! He continued to grin impishly as he held out the missive, which he was fairly sure wasn’t important at all – if it were, it wouldn’t have been sent with a mere bluerider. Probably that was why R’nya looked so disgusted.

Letting himself flop back into R’nya’s chair, Z’ia flicked his feet back up on the edge of the desk, and watched as R’nya read the missive. “I do believe I’m expected to bring back a reply,” he said, the very essence of seriousness, before yelping in surprise when R’nya forced his feet off the desk, almost tipping Z’ia onto the floor in the process. Z’ia pouted, looking sourly up at R’nya. “That wasn’t nice.” He said, voice sullen, but blue eyes flickered with humour. It was interesting to see how one could press the buttons of others!

“Rhaedalyn, why don’t you be a dear and get us that drink? It’s such a pity the original ended up on the floor! Accidents do happen, though!” The sweetest possible smile was tilted at the woman, though half his attention was focused on seeing how R’nya would react to his suggestion.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn wanted to cry; both from relief and shame when R’nya showed up. He would take care of Z’ia and rescue her but at the same time she was worried what her mate would think of her clumsiness and catching her cleaning it up. She supposed she should also worry about what would be thought about her alone with her ex-lover in her current lover’s office. She knew enough from the gossip of other women and even from a Mysterious Note or two that she had seen over the years that her situation could be damning.

A protest and explanation formed on her tongue but died on her lips before a single sound came out. R’nya was helping her off the ground and removing the rag from her hand so he could replace it with his hand. He wasn’t mad? He wasn’t accusing her of anything? She knew in that moment, more than ever before, that her heart had finally chosen the right man. He was on her side unquestioningly and didn’t even mind that a few sheets of paper were now stained red and sticking together from the juice. Her gaze slid to Z’ia and she knew if the roles were reversed, he’d accuse her of everything under the sun, just like he had when she told him she was pregnant and he walked out of her life with her heart left shattered on the floor.

She gave R’nya’s hand a squeeze in silent thanks as she continued to stand quietly by his side. She didn’t feel nor, she assumed, did she look like a Weyrwoman standing confidently beside her mate and Weyrleader. No, she was quite sure she looked like a scolded and scared girl that had no idea what would happen next and where she fit into it at all.

When Z’ia finally made the reason for his visit known, Rhaedalyn relaxed a bit but she did wonder why he was on messenger duty. Did he volunteer for this very reason or had he been punished for something? It was hard to say with the wily bluerider and even if it was a punishment, he’d make the most out of it like he did in every situation. It was something she recalled admiring in him. He never seemed to let anything bother him, which was why she worried once more when R’nya’s words seemed to roll right off his back. R’nya wasn’t one to get riled up either but she did wonder if he had a limit. After all, bronzeriders were proud and at the top of the food chain. Add in the fact that he was now a Weyrleader and an uppity bluerider might be the perfect excuse to let off some steam and demand respect.

Rhaedalyn reluctantly let go of R’nya’s hand so he could properly open and read the missive. She behaved herself and didn’t read it over –well, around given their height difference – his shoulder bit instead focused on the mess she had made and whether she should call for someone to clean it properly. That was something she hated about her new role. She was more than capable of cleaning! But it was apparently beneath a Weyrwoman to do so and everyone always jumped to do the menial tasks before she could.

She was about to sigh in frustration but Z’ia’s attention was back on her and she startled slightly and eyes went wide at his suggestion. Was he trying to get rid of her? Simply enjoy ordering her around? What was he up to now? Rhaedalyn was close to nodding and running out of the room to get the drinks just so she could escape Z’ia again and hide – and likely cry – in her rooms but she held her ground. Standing a bit straighter and working on her posture like Wenon kept trying to drill into her head when she lectured her on how to be a Weyrwoman, Rhaedalyn gave a small nod to acknowledge that she heard the bluerider. “I’ll call for something to be brought up for the Weyrleader and his briefly visiting guest to drink. I doubt it will take long for a reply to be written but I would hate to have a guest of Fort Weyr leave parched.” It took all of her power to speak without her voice trembling though if it hadn’t been for her already having her hands clasped together before her, their tremble would have given away the fear she still felt.

A quick message was relayed to Aradissicath to pass along to someone able to bring drinks right away so they could more quickly get Z’ia out the door. Who knew what else he would say and what trouble he’d want to start or continue. Why had he asked about where R’nya slept at night?

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya frowned down at Z’ia with a stony expression as the little bluerider finally moved his feet off of R’nya’s desk and stood up. It was such a strong desire to punch the man right in the nose, but R’nya was a better man than that, and he hid his feelings carefully – he did not want to upset Rhaedalyn. “I am sure you are,” R’nya replied dryly, frowning down at the missive he was given – it was definitely not important, and was little more than an update on the goings on at the other Weyr – before passing it to Rhaedalyn to read. He almost smiled at the look that flashed across Z’ia’s face when he did that, but managed to suppress it.

“You will refrain from issuing orders, to my Weyrwoman or otherwise, while in my Weyr, bluerider.” R’nya said firmly, standing over Z’ia he scowled down at the man until he removed himself from R’nya’s seat. Sitting down, R’nya ignored Z’ia (who was poking around his office uninvited) as he wrote a quick reply to his fellow Weyrleader, and sealed the note with a dollop of wax and the imprint of his stamp. R’nya looked up and offered Rhaedalyn a nod of approval when she responded to Z’ia with great decorum, pleasing R’nya immensely. He could see how frazzled she was by the bluerider’s presence.

The drinks arrived quickly, and R’nya was pleased by that, too. The sooner they got the bluerider out of the Weyr, the sooner he could get Rhaedalyn to take a deep breath and relax. R’nya stood up, and held the letter out to Z’ia, his expression stony once more as the visitor took the note, and drank from the glass. R’nya supposed it was too much to ask that the bluerider be allergic to redfruit juice.

“Travel safe,” R’nya said firmly, walking Z’ia out of the room before he could say anything else to Rhaedalyn. He stood in the doorway, watching Z’ia as the bluerider glided down the hall and finally made his way out of sight. R’nya set Xyreith to make sure their visitor actually left, before turning back into the office. He closed the door carefully behind him, and strode over to Rhaedalyn.

“Are you okay?” He asked gently, aching to wrap her up in his arms, but not sure if she wanted to be touched. “You handled him magnificently, Rhaedalyn. I am so proud of you.” He stepped a little closer, and brushed her hair from her face, unable to restrain himself, he gently brushed his hands down her arms, until he was holding her hands loosely.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
The last few minutes were a blur to Rhaedalyn as she watched with distant eyes the way the men watched each other with different expressions, R’nya writing a reply, and the way her mate nearly chugged his juice in order to get the formalities over with. If Z’ia had said anything to her in parting, it was completely missed as Rhaedalyn continued to stand there, doing her best to look like a supportive Weyrwoman while replaying the encounter in her head. She hadn’t even noticed R’nya return until he was holding her hands.

“Yes… no… yes…” what was the question? She answered without fully hearing him, still too rattled from the whole experience. Z’ia was nothing like she had thought he was when she believed she loved him. He was sweet to her then, perhaps a little demanding if she really thought about it but at the time it seemed like he was helping her, and she knew she was a rather hopeless cause when it came to dragonriding, sexual experience, and pretty much everything else. He changed when he shoved her aside; gone was the caring man and in his place was someone who didn’t care one iota about her or the fact that she was pregnant. She did her best to avoid him after that and it had worked rather well with more Weyrs opening up. To see him now had been devastating. It reminded her that she had once loved him and he seemed ready to abuse that fact. He was practically cruel to her now with his sharp words and treating her like a drudge. Had she really been so blind back then? Maybe something tragic had happened to him the last few years that she didn’t know about and he didn’t deserve the way R’nya had treated him or the cold shoulder she tried to give him.

While she had vaguely heard his praise, Rhaedalyn didn’t think she deserved it. A glance around the office caused her to take a deep breath that shook with the threat of sobbing. She had made such a mess! Pulling free from R’nya’s gentle hold, Rhaedalyn turned to start looking for the cloth he had taken from her earlier so she could finish cleaning.

“I’m sorry, about your paperwork, Ren. I’ll re-write anything that’s ruined! And I’ll clean up everything else as well. I thought he was you. I had a feeling you would have skipped mid-day meal and brought you something to eat and then I dropped it because he startled me. I didn’t know he was going to be here,” she was babbling but she couldn’t help it. She felt like a failure and still didn’t know where the random burst of courage to stand up to Z’ia came from or how she sounded almost like a proper Weyrwoman in that moment. Now, she felt like the same lost girl that didn’t think she’d ever Impress and would be kicked out of Katila and have to live in a tree.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
“Rhae, darling.” R’nya said firmly, reaching out to grasp her hands again, and turn the frazzled woman towards him. She was babbling again, and while R’nya usually found her trait to get a bit of motor mouth adorable, he could tell that she was really quite upset about the whole ordeal she’d just been through. He didn’t blame her at all, and was glad that Z’ia had finally left so he could console his mate. She did not deserve to be spoken to like she had been, and R’nya felt guilty for not being more firm with Z’ia. It was a difficult line to walk, though. He didn’t know how much he could punish the bluerider for disrespecting the Weyrwoman of the Weyr he was visiting, without causing disrespect to the other Weyrleader. Mostly because he did not trust Z’ia to be truthful if quizzed by his own Weyrleader. Filthy bluerider.

“Rhaedalyn,” R’nya said her name firmly, letting one hand go so he could gently cup her chin and lift her head so she was looking at me, even if she wouldn’t look at him. “Shh, love.” R’nya crooned gently, leaning forward to kiss Rhaedalyn on the forehead. “You did nothing wrong, I promise, and the papers on my desk are not important.” They honestly were not, but even if they had been, he would have lied through his teeth to relax the anxious woman before him. “Love, look at me?” He asked gently, waiting patiently until she met his eye. “Sweetheart, none of that matters.” He gently pressed a kiss to her lips. “Why don’t you go down to Aradissicath? I’ll get us some lunch and we can eat with her, okay?” Concern furrowed R’nya’s eyebrows together as he studied Rhaedalyn. He’d get one of the drudges to clean up his office and hopefully get his mate to relax a bit.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
She really didn’t want to look at him. She had no desire to see the disappointment she knew she caused with making a mess and over the way she behaved in front of Z’ia. It’s just that she had been so nervous! And caught off guard. She truly didn’t think she’d ever have to deal with him again, especially one on one. Of course there would be gathers and Hatchings where they would cross paths but she had been naïve enough to believe that she could either hide behind other people in the large crowd or even hide behind her title and not interact with a bluerider of another Weyr if she didn’t want to.

Finally, she did look up at R’nya and gave a small smile at his kind words. It was hard to know at times if he was simply saying something to make her happy, but Rhaedalyn usually believed her mate didn’t lie to her and would always tell her the truth no matter what the issue was. It’s that belief in the man that had her smile growing more genuine and she gave a nod at the idea. “I’d like that,” and she did. She both wanted to check on her dragon, though she knew Aradissicath could take care of herself and they both adored Aveleth--it wasn’t his fault he had bonded to a tunnelsnake in disguise—and she liked the idea of lunch together. Her attempt had fallen through in epic proportions but the day wasn’t over yet and there was still plenty of time to save it and shove aside the horrible memories that were created in the office.

“I’d like that,” Rhaedalyn was beaming now and gave R’nya a quick kiss to the cheek before bouncing out of the office. She still felt horrible over the mess she had made and worried she had embarrassed herself in front of R’nya but once she was back out in the sun, relaxing with her dragon and her mate, she hoped those feelings would finally fade so she could enjoy the day. She was done with letting Z’ia ruin her life!

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya gave a smile of relief as Rhaedalyn kissed him on the cheek and bounced out of the office, once more her bright and happy self. He was glad she was back; she was much too sweet to be sad! Despite that, R’nya was still fuming over the audacity of Z’ia’s attitude and comments; he would definitely be finding the time to speak to the related Weyrleader about what had happened. R’nya wasn’t really sure how he would frame his displeasure, but he’d figure something out. Insubordination had always been something R’nya took great offence to, and even if he were relaxing more over the past couple of Turns, that part of him hadn’t changed.

Glancing down at his desk, R’nya shuffled through the sticky papers. As he’d told Rhaedalyn, nothing there was particularly important, though he would have to re-write some of it for his own records. Spreading them out across his desk, face down, R’nya made sure they had nothing to stick to as they dried, before leaving his office. He made his way down to the kitchens, stopping a drudge along the way and asking her to clean up his office when she’d finished her current task.

Entering the kitchen, R’nya was once more pleased with his and Rhaedalyn’s ranks: it meant that a lot of their favourite foods were on the menu. Collecting a nice lunch for the pair of them, and a flask of cooled wine, R’nya thanked the kitchen staff before making his way to join Rheadalyn with her dragon.

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