World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

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Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

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Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] 736.09.13 | Bippity Boppity Boo
4 PM | R'nya

of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn had spent far too much time on planning the perfect day for her daughter’s first birthday. She knew the girl wouldn’t remember it, though she also knew Aradissicath could one day draw on memories and feed them to the girl. So it was important Alyren knew she had always been loved and spoiled. Mostly, though, she had admitted to herself a few times, the day was for her and hopefully R’nya. The bronzerider had been fully committed to being a father from early on – and would have been even earlier if she hadn’t been blind to the fact that he had wanted to be in their life and that she wasn’t inconveniencing him – so she suspected he’d enjoy special moments like this as well. It didn’t hurt that their daughter’s birthday fell on the same day as R’nya’s birth.

A fact Rhaedalyn had almost foolishly overlooked.

She had recovered such forgotten memories in time and made sure she spoiled her friend later in the evening as well after Alyren had been given to a friend to watch for the night.

As she watched R’nya entertain the little girl who kept staring at her daddy with bright eyes, Rhaedalyn felt like the day had so far been a success. The area they sat in under the shade of a large tree wasn’t entirely familiar to her yet but Aradissicath had recently flown and she was no longer allowed to go on trips between and the gold had refused – with as much affection and trust as she could pour onto the bronze – to let Xyreith take the family back to Katila for the day so Rhaedalyn could return to old favourite places. A new potential favourite place had been found close to Fort Weyr and Xyreith was allowed to take them there for the day since it was close by and everyone would be happy.

A light picnic lunch had been put together filled with finger foods they would all enjoy and three cupcakes to serve as a birthday cake. Some people tried to tell her that Alyren was still too young for sweets but Rhaedalyn waved away the advice since she hadn’t planned on putting sweet icing on the girl’s treat. It was more symbolic than anything else since she didn’t even think Alyren would pay it much attention and would perhaps only nibble on a few bites.

Lunch had been set aside a while ago and they had played in the field for a bit before returning to the blanket that had been spread out for their comfort. Rhaedalyn quietly admired her handiwork that was Alyren’s dress. She had been practicing making children’s clothing since giving birth and she was rather pleased with her work on the dress that had been one of her presents. The other gift was a little doll she had commissioned to be made and it seemed like it had been a good idea as the girl kept grabbing it and sometimes even giving it a small hug. It warmed her heart almost as much as watching father and daughter interact. It wasn’t her birthday but truly, that had to be the best gift of the day and she did nothing to interrupt their time and quietly sat with her hands folded in her lap, smiling gently.

The only frown that appeared during that time was when Muffin returned from playing with Whisper and Rumour to start stealing bites of Alyren’s forgotten cupcake. She thought about shooing the blue firelizard away but stopped herself. Muffin was as much a family member as the humans sitting on the blanket with her and it was rather normal to have the energetic flitter getting into mischief like that. The only odd thing about her firelizards lately had been the way Whisper seemed to sulk around R’nya now instead of cozying up beside him or trying to vie for his attention. Perhaps she had finally gotten over her fascination with the man? Rhaedalyn feared she would never know.

She glanced at the sky and noted the sun was growing closer to the horizon. They would have to wrap up the outdoor portion of their day soon, which Rhaedalyn didn’t entirely mind since she had more plans for the evening to honour R’nya’s birth as well but she really didn’t want to pop the happy bubble she was currently living in. Everything seemed so normal; so right. Parents and daughter spending the day together. No obligations, no ranks, nothing. It was something right out of one of her stories, or even her youthful fantasies when she believed she would marry at a proper age and be a dutiful wife with several children running around for her to care for. Tears started to well up at the realization she’d never have that perfect hold life but as she blinked them away before they fell, Rhaedalyn also realized she didn’t miss that desire and she was okay with her new life in a Weyr and with everything she had.

A hand started to stray from her lap to reach for R’nya’s but she froze and set her hand back in her lap. She didn’t know where that urge had come from but Rhaedalyn didn’t think long on it either. No need upsetting the balance of such a wonderful day!

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya had never taken any particular libraries on his birthday; in the scheme of things, it was but another day of the year and nothing worth getting excited about. Of course, his every-day attitude had been forced to adjust when, several years ago, Rhaedalyn and Kahleena had wrangled his date of birth out of him, somehow, and since then it had been a type of small event for the girls to celebrate the day with him. Usually, he found it was a way for them to get dressed up, and excuse themselves from their daily tasks. Not that he minded in the slightest, but he found it amusing none the less.

This year, for the first time since he was a child, R’nya was looking forward to the day, though not because it was his own birthday. Today, his little girl would be one year old, and R’nya was shocked by how fast the time had flown by! The little girl was as gorgeous as her mother, and R’nya delighted in the way the child recognised him, and was eager to be picked up and held or to show him her latest favourite toy. He’d nearly cried the day she first called him ‘dada’, the bronzerider taken by surprise, though not since.

Sitting down in the dappled afternoon light, with Xyreith not far away and Rhaedalyn by his side, R’nya was quietly playing peek-a-boo with their daughter, using a hand cloth to hide behind, before dropping it dramatically with an expression of surprise at the appearance of his daughter, smiling at the child’s delight and clapping. Despite her eagerness for the game, R’nya could see that her afternoon nap was past, with the child occasionally losing to a large yawn between her giggles and cheers.

“Someone is getting sleepy,” R’nya cooed, putting down the cloth and picking the little girl up, delighting in the way she snuggled into him as he shifted his seat and smiled at Rhaedalyn. “Too much excitement for little ladies!” Rocking her, R’nya watched with bemused love as exhaustion won out, and little eyes closed. Lifting his gaze to Rhaedalyn, R’nya’s expression was still warm and affection filled. “I think we both had a wonderful day, my dear.” A pause, and R’nya’s attention dropped to the child. “She is still the most wonderful gift I have ever received.”

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
“As long as that someone isn’t you,” Rhaedalyn exclaimed softly and then giggled at R’nya’s explanation. She was smiling and eyes were bright with adoration for her two companions as she watched as Alyren snuggled in close to her father and fell asleep rather quickly. It never ceased to amaze her how talented R’nya was at fatherhood and the love he openly showed for his daughter. Sometimes, when he wasn’t looking due to being absorbed in his task of diaper-changing, putting her down to nap, or even reading to the girl, Rhaedalyn found herself brushing away tears of happiness. They were such a delight to watch and everything truly did seem to be right with her world in moments like that.

She wouldn’t allow herself one of those little moments of tears right then, however. She was still playing hostess to duo birthdays and wasn’t about to let the birthday boy think that was it for his celebration, though R’nya’s confession about Alyren being the best gift ever threw her off. “She is wonderful. I’m so very happy she’s yours, R’nya. Oh!” Rhaedalyn flushed as she realized what that could imply and quickly tried to clarify, “I mean, not because the only other option could have been… him… but because you’re a wonderful father and so good to us both and I can tell how much she makes you happy.” Oh boy was she babbling! But it was all true and she hoped R’nya understood that.

Then again, she didn’t want to give him time to question any of that and quickly turned their attention to the matter at hand; birthdays. “Anyway! The day’s not over yet, my dearest bronzerider. If you wouldn’t mind continuing to tend to our little lady, I’ll pack up, and then we can bring Alyren to her sitter’s for the night. I have some more surprises at home for you.” Rhaedalyn beamed with cheerful innocence at what she had planned and reached for the food containers to start packing them up in her basket.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya’s placid smile in response to Rhaedalyn’s comment about being pleased the child was his faltered slightly at the mentioning of Z’ia, however vague, and his expression hardened for a moment in the fury he still felt over the way Rhaedalyn had been treated, and no small amount of jealousy at how much she’d given of her time and dreams to the bluerider. Filthy beast. The bronzerider breathed out slowly through his nose and allowed himself to relax back into the contentment he felt about his little girl and the fact that it was he Rhaedalyn spent her time with instead of Z’ia. “Thank you. She is a joy, and I love her dearly.” As if to seal the statement, R’nya placed a light kiss on the little girl’s head.

“Oh?” R’nya smiled crookedly as Rhaedalyn quickly babbled about the day not being over, pale eyes bright with amusement, and watching without getting in the way as their little picnick was so quickly and effectively put away. Rhaedalyn had had quite the practice in putting together and then packing up their outdoor activities, so the bronzerider wasn’t really surprised, though he was impressed. “Is that so?” His smile quirked into a playful smirk at Rhaedalyn’s wording, wondering if the girl would pick up on what he decided was obviously an unintentional innuendo; as much as he would delight in it being otherwise!

Standing up carefully with his arms loaded full of Alyren, R’nya stepped off the blanket and allowed Rhaedalyn to quickly fold it up and pack it away, before calling Xyreith over. He stood back, allowing Rhaedalyn to scramble atop the big bronze before passing their daughter up to her. Once both of his ladies were secured, R’nya climbed up behind Rhaedalyn and attached himself to the dragon. When everyone was set, and R’nya was sure no one was going to topple off his dragon by mistake, he gave permission for Xyreith to lift off into the sky for the short flight back to the Weyr.

What do you suppose her surprise for you ‘back home’ could be?
Probably a new shirt, R’nya thought idly. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t appreciate a new shirt, it was simply that his imagination was having a lot more fun than he was likely to in reality!

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn politely asked Xyreith to stop at the weyr of the woman that had agreed to watch Alyren for the night for her and spent only a few minutes cooing at her daughter and promising to see her again in the morning. It was getting easier to leave her in someone else’s care when she had chores to do or plans that couldn’t have a child along with her but it still wasn’t something she took joy in doing.

Once that was taken care of, Rhaedalyn thought to make another pit stop to the Sands to check on Aradissicath but the gold told her to stop fretting and to finish enjoying the day. Besides, the sometimes bossy dragon pointed out, I will have Xyreith come visit me soon and he can report that I am as well as I say I am. Rhaedalyn gave a small sigh and apologized to Xyreith on the way back to her weyr that he had to put up with Aradissicath.

The edible surprise of the evening had its delicious scent wafting through her home and greeting them at the door. Rhaedalyn smiled and felt a bit more confident that she hadn’t ruined the dinner thanks to the smell. She still wasn’t the best cook to ever exist but she was improving with each dish and the little sample she had before leaving that day had left her with her hopes up. The meal was left warming and she really hoped she hadn’t dried out the meat by doing that but it was R’nya’s favourite dish and she simply couldn’t ignore that in favour of something that could be served cold, especially when it was his birthday.

“Have a seat while I bring this all into the kitchen and grab your gift,” she waved a free hand toward the little sitting area and bounced off to do her task. She’d properly clean and put everything away later but for now, the basket was set in the kitchen and then she was slipping off to the bedroom where she had left the gift on a high shelf out of Alyren’s reach. She hesitated before grabbing it, staring at the gift and wondering if it really was as brilliant an idea as she had originally thought it was. It was something different than the shirts she usually made but perhaps she should have gone with the expected and played it safe?

Suddenly worried she had already messed up, Rhaedalyn sighed and grabbed the gift, pouted at it, and then forced a shaky smile into place that showed her nervousness as she returned to R’nya with the item behind her back. “Please don’t pretend to like it if you don’t. I’ll understand, honest! It’s not… It’s… well,” Rhaedalyn flushed with embarrassment at not knowing what to say and how she was trying to make excuses before the gift was even in R’nya’s hands. She really was socially awkward. No wonder she didn’t have many friends and people talked about her when she wasn’t around!

“Happy birthday, Ren,” Rhaedalyn debuted the gift then, a leather-bound book with a little bow tied around it to make it festive for the occasion. “I knew V’ler had been recording the Katila hatchings so I tracked him down and asked if he could help me create a book of the hatchings Dissi and Xyreith have had together. He was such a big help! Look at the first two recorded,” Rhaedalyn’s confidence returned a bit as a smile appeared and she nearly bounced on her feet. V’ler had started the book with the hatching Xyreith had come from, something the Harper-turned-bluerider had had to call in favours in order to get back into Harper Hall’s records in order to find that clutch. He had then put in the hatching Aradissicath had come from and since that night had been such a blur to her, Rhaedalyn had enjoyed reading about it and giggled at it being a clutch of all greens and then her beautiful gold. V’ler had also created the book with far too many blank pages at her insistence as she wanted it to be known that she hoped there would be many more clutches to come between their dragons.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
In his own way, R’nya was just as affectionate as Rhaedalyn with the dropping off of Alyren, cooing over the little girl and hovering over Rhaedalyn’s shoulder while the other woman gave them amused looks and shooed them off. R’nya still had moments of bliss, where he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have such a beautiful child – a child! – and that the little girl was Rhaedalyn’s was all the icing he could have ever asked for. R’nya was caught up in his blissful moment and as such totally ignorant to Rhaedalyn being scolded by her dragon, and the way Xyreith changed paths in mid-flight to take them to Rhaedalyn’s weyr instead of down to the Sands. Not that the two weren’t close enough to be on top of one another, anyway.

Once the two humans were dropped off, Xyreith indeed made his way to his mate, and was amused to report to an oblivious R’nya that Aradissicath was ‘as well as she said she was,’ which R’nya parroted to Rhaedalyn, much to Xyreith’s further amusement. The bronzerider himself was much too distracted by the delicious scents that were filling the air in the weyr to be concerned about dragon attitudes. Between Aradissicath and Xyreith R’nya was sure they out-attitude-ed every other dragon in the Weyr, and felt sorry for the bonded’s of their offspring!

“It smells amazing,” he murmured as he took his seat obediently, watching Rhaedalyn float around the room, a half smile quirking up one corner of his lips. When the goldrider made her way into the bedroom to ‘get his gift’, R’nya was tempted almost beyond control to follow her, his mind going straight to the bed. When she came bouncing back out not a few moments later, R’nya sighed softly, knowing his chance was missed – but the night was young! The unsure expression on Rhaedalyn’s face had the bronzerider wondering if he had been meant to follow her into the bedroom, before a book was suddenly shoved under his nose.

R’nya blinked owlishly.

Taking the book gently, R’nya was not at all subtle in the way he brushed his fingers over Rhaedalyn’s before examining the carefully crafted item. Slipping the bow off it, R’nya listened attentively to Rhaedalyn even as he carefully opened the book and did as instructed, examining the first entry with amusement; he was glad whomever had recorded the Hatching had been more interested in the facts and not with a snotty weyrbrat’s attitude at being upstaged by an obnoxious blueriding brat by the who would be known as I’shan!

“Rhae,” R’nya murmured her name as he flicked through the pages as instructed, noting that the only hatchings included were those between Aradissicath and Xyreith. He wasn’t sure if Rhaedalyn didn’t know about the other clutches his bronze had sired, or if the book was just for Xyreith and Aradissi- You listen badly; she said it’s just for us, Sir. Oh, R’nya blinked. Oh! His eyes widened as he noticed all the additional pages, flicking through them before closing the book with a little puff of air.

“Thank you.” His words were soft and sincere, though his train of thought was busy wondering if she would slap him if he kissed her. Why don’t you find out? His dragon’s prompt was riddled with amusement, and R’nya could tell the beast was hoping Rhaedalyn would slap him, though only for the entertainment value it would add to the evening.

Deciding to act before he lost his nerve, R’nya stood suddenly (knocking the chair over) and he flailed, torn between picking it up and leaving it, before he took a half step towards Rhaedalyn and kissed her in an incredibly awkward and very pre-teen manner, eyes uncharacteristically wide, waiting to see if she would slap him, and feeling very much like his younger self, when slaps had been given in a far greater quantity than returned kisses.

I love our humans, Xyreith drawled to Aradissicath, the bronze dragon riddled with amusement.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn had been holding her breath and worrying her lower lip the entire time R’nya looked at the book. She was beginning to think he hated the gift and didn’t know how to express that he did despite her saying it was okay for him to hate it. She should have gone with a new shirt instead. It was simple and safe and likely expected since her skills didn’t extend too much else but then she wouldn’t be left wondering if she had had a good idea or not. It wasn’t like she could even go off of V’ler’s reaction to the idea since the bluerider was odd and found amusement in strange things. He liked the gift but he hadn’t really given an opinion on whether R’nya would like it other than a comment about how it was sure to cause an interesting reaction. Maybe he had meant negative?

The sound of the chair hitting the ground caused Rhaedalyn to jump and squeak in surprise as she hadn’t heard her name or seen the bronzerider move. Suddenly he was in front of her and lips were on hers. Her eyes went as wide as R’nya’s though hers were borne of shock. Even if she hadn’t been shocked at such a reaction, Rhaedalyn didn’t think she’d slap the man. It wasn’t like he did anything overly improper as kisses were often an acceptable form of showing gratitude, though she did wonder if a kiss to the lips was pushing the envelope a bit. Still, Rhaedalyn didn’t stop him – although the kiss itself wasn’t nearly up to par as the other ones she had given him but those had always been fueled by flight lust – and in fact started to loop an arm around his neck to hold him close but froze at Aradissicath’s teasing encouragement.

You two are absolutely precious right now. I approve. You should cozy up a bit more. It’d make you happy, you know. Rhaedalyn’s eyes went large once more at her dragon’s words and slowly stepped away from R’nya, pushing aside everything Aradissicath was trying to imply since there were other things that deserved her full attention.

“I… um, you’re welcome? I mean, you seem to like it. Do you like it? I was a bit too nervous and may have spaced out for a moment while you looked at it…” Rhaedalyn babbled as she tried to compose herself but it wasn’t working. She was embarrassed at having to admit she hadn’t fully paid attention and also embarrassed that she had been close to wrapping her arms around the man to pull him in closer. That was not at all like her! She was not a forward type of woman but sometimes she forgot herself around R’nya. Which isn’t always a bad thing, child.

Before R’nya replied, Rhaedalyn was dashing around the man to pick up the fallen chair and brushing the seat off with her hand in case it somehow got dirty. She’d be a terrible hostess if her guest ended up with a dirty bum!

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
Rhaedalyn’s arm moving around his neck encouraged R’nya that he hadn’t screwed up, and his own moved to loop around Rhaedalyn’s waist – and then she was gone, leaving the bronzerider standing very still and utterly confused as he watched her back away. R’nya’s eyebrows knit, his expression both concerned and hurt; his lips pursed into a line as he squared himself up, ignoring Xyreith’s commentary.

“I do, thank you.” R’nya’s words were unintentionally clipped, the bronzerider falling into his persona that he hadn’t been living in nearly so much around Rhaedalyn of late, but his sudden embarrassment and concern that he’d overstepped and screwed things up were making him uncomfortable. “I apologise.” He added, turning the book carefully in his hands but refusing to look at Rhaedalyn as she dashed around; he could hear her picking the chair back up and setting it right again.

Waiting until Rhaedalyn had moved away from the chair, R’nya stiffly took his seat once more, not intending to be overly official or stern, but falling into the role to keep his embarrassment at bay. He set the book carefully to one side where it would be safe from any spills that might occur during the dinner he no longer felt the slightest bit of hunger for. Rather, he felt more than a little ill and his gaze was kept to his lap. He had no idea how to get past the awkwardness he felt, or how to apologise to Rhaedalyn for his bold attack, for he felt his simple apology would never make up for it.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn knew she wasn’t always the most observant but even she knew the mood had shifted in her home and she had been the cause of it. R’nya had been so relaxed and carefree all day and even reacted to a gift in such a way she never would have dreamed of being possible and now he was quiet, stiff, almost shutting in on himself. His apology did nothing for the guilt that was consuming her but it did help her lower lip tremble as she fought back the tears. She was such a screw up! R’nya was sharing an honest emotionally moment with her, showing that he did have feelings and could show them when he wanted to and she went and trampled on them in her careless way because she was afraid.

She didn’t even know what she was truly afraid of but she knew that was the emotion that had gripped her after Aradissicath tried to encourage her. Maybe it was because you wanted more but fear he does not? Standing behind R’nya as he took the seat she had righted for him, Rhaedalyn nodded. Clearly, she had been right in that belief given how things were now. Are you sure about that? No, she wasn’t, but Rhaedalyn didn’t have the foggiest idea about what she was supposed to do, supposed to feel, or even want anymore.

“I’m sorry, R’nya. I’ve ruined such a lovely day and your mood,” Rhaedalyn whispered the apology and all but ran off to get the food she had made so carefully earlier but now probably wouldn’t even be eaten. She wouldn’t be surprised if R’nya snuck out while her back was turned and she didn’t blame him. Everything was ruined because of her inability to act properly around people.

“I’m such an idiot, Dissi,” she spoke aloud, forgetting her training in how to mindspeak in her distress and wiped away a tear that had managed to fall. The dinner was uncovered and Rhaedalyn looked down at it miserably. “Well, the only way I can screw things up even more now is if I spill it in his lap… or poison him.” That was a grim thought and it brought more tears to her eyes because it was absolutely likely with her skills.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
You should go after her, the bronze dragon prompted, when R’nya remained seated stiffly at the small table. Usually, the bronze dragon wasn’t prone to butting in on R’nya’s relationships with other humans – well, not in a positive way, anyway. But this was different, and Xyreith could tell by Aradissicath’s behaviour that the gold was speaking to her rider about her side of things too. He didn’t need to butt into that to know they were on the same team in this. Their humans were being ridiculous, but that was the human way. Only dragons were smart, and why they were reliant on their silly little companions, Xyreith couldn’t imagine.

The bronzerider didn’t exactly bound from his chair to comply with Xyreith’s suggestion, but after a few moments when Rhaedalyn didn’t come back swiftly, he carefully stood and made his way around to where she was, pausing a few feet from her when he heard her speak, startled. Guilt laced the bronzerider’s insides when he realised how upset she was; he’d really fucked things up now! Saddened, and unsure how to right things without screwing up further, R’nya carefully stepped into the room.

A light touch was placed on Rhaedalyn’s elbow, and he carefully took the food from her hands, sitting it down before firmly but gently pulling Rhaedalyn to his chest and wrapping his arms around her, chin resting on the tearful goldrider’s head. “I am so sorry, Rhaedalyn.” What else could he say? He’d clearly pushed her beyond a boundary she was willing to go; obviously she was only interested in their relationship being more than friends when it was directly empowered by the dragons. He could live with that, though it was a far cry from what he wanted.

“Please don’t cry.”

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Naturally R’nya’s words had the opposite effect on Rhaedalyn who started to cry in earnest though she tried to keep it as quiet as possible. She was already ruining his nice shirt with her tears and runny nose so he didn’t need to hear her sniffling and wailing. She did, however, cling to the bronzerider with both arms encircling the man tightly as she suddenly had no desire to let him go. There was a slight fear that he might run off on her if she did and Rhaedalyn didn’t want that, not at all!

“No, it was me. I’m sorry. I… panicked,” her voice was muffled by that nice shirt that was also treated to a small sniffle. How did she explain why she panicked when she wasn’t entirely sure herself? You could try simply talking to the man and seeing if he’ll understand you. You’re rather good with stories so think of this as a story about a fair maiden trying to confess something to her prince. To her credit, Rhaedalyn didn’t gasp or even giggle at her dragon’s way of explaining the issue but it did leave the girl blinking owlishly as she tried to place her and R’nya into such roles.

“I… don’t…” it wasn’t working. She still didn’t know how to explain it and with a sigh she finally blurted out, “I’m afraid, Ren.” Good girl. Now you need to admit to yourself what you’re afraid of and we’ll all be peachy again. Well, that and this bronze lug beside me needs to stop flicking sand at me. Rhaedalyn frowned at her dragon’s words – not those about Xyreith since the dragons could sort that out themselves – and knew what she was afraid of, though R’nya didn’t need to be bored with such details. He didn’t need his personal space back just yet either, as her continued clinging and refusal to look up at the man made clear.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
Having Rhaedalyn burst into tears had not been what R’nya hoped for, but knowing the girl as he did, he would have been a fool to expect otherwise. Contrary to how he felt at the moment, R’nya was not a fool. He tightened his hold around Rhaedalyn and held her gently as she clung to him, rubbing her back lightly with one hand in soothing, circular motions.

“It was not my best moment,” R’nya soothed gently, cringing slightly. No, the awkward and sudden kiss was far from one of his better responses to a gift, and certainly he could understand why it would panic the girl. After all, Rhaedalyn was a proper lady and R’nya had given her no reason to expect him to be anything less than a gentleman around her, and every other woman he came across. Damn it.

When attempts were made to speak, R’nya waited quietly and without prompting her when she stumbled to a stop without explaining herself. R’nya wasn’t sure he expected an explanation and certainly if anyone should be giving one, it was himself. As such, it was R’nya’s turn to blink owlishly when Rhaedalyn confessed she was afraid. “Of me?” He asked, leaning back a little so he could stare down at his companion with an expression painted in six shades of confusion.

I believe she is referencing the situation, sir. The dragon’s tone was dry and R’nya almost flinched at the implied insults that he could read bubbling below the surface of the words. Xyreith wasn’t often so frustrated with his rider as to impact such attitude, and as a result, R’nya took notice. Despite that, he wasn’t quite sure what about the situation was so fear inducing. Indeed, R’nya had been quite forward but he didn’t feel that was something scary in the traditional sense. More scary like laughable.

“There is no need to be afraid, my dear.”

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
There was plenty to be afraid of but Rhaedalyn was still convinced R’nya didn’t need to be bothered with any of it, even if it kind of involved him to some degree. Girl, if you do not speak your mind right now, I will do it for you. Speak and go back to enjoying yourself or I will come up there and sit on all of you until you do. Rhaedalyn gave a little squeak of surprise at the tone in which Aradissicath was using on her and shame painted her cheeks red. She hated being fussed over and causing such drama when it wasn’t needed. Finally, she sighed in defeat but didn’t let go of R’nya or look up from his chest.

“I’m afraid that if I like you more than I already do that one day you won’t like me in return and I’ll just die from my heart shattering again. I like us. I like making you so happy that you smile and show emotions and act so impulsive that you do something I think you’d normally hide so no one knows what you’re truly like.” Apparently when she was forced into talking, she babbled every thought in her little head. Rhaedalyn was close to shutting up and never speaking again but R’nya’s admittance that the impulsive kiss wasn’t his best moment popped back into her mind and it actually caused her to look up and give an attempt at glowering.

“And no. That truly was one of your better moments. I loved it and that I made you act like that was a great gift in return. Please don’t ever hide reactions like that again. It kind of makes me worry about what else you might keep from me because you don’t think I should know or would approve of because of my upbringing.” Rhaedalyn frowned again as she wondered if R’nya always treated her differently than he did other women or men that were Weyr-bred and worried a bit that maybe he was growing tired of having to behave that way and that was why he gave her that kiss; he simply forgot himself and the character he played with her.

A hand finally let go of R’nya’s back to lift and rest gently on his cheek as Rhaedalyn took in every detail of his face and expression, wondering what was going on behind stormy blue eyes that never seemed to miss a thing. She was suddenly feeling self-conscious and her confession had her wanting to flee and never be seen again as she felt rather silly now that it was out in the open and the bronzerider could save her the time and walk away right then. That fear and confusion over what she may have done left her hand slowly drifting down to rest on his chest as her gaze lowered to stare at it as well. There was a good chance she’d never be able to look R’nya in his pretty eyes again.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
His cheek felt cool, the warmth that had resulted from Rhaedalyn’s hand vanishing as quickly as it had gathered and R’nya, in response, tightened his grip on the goldrider, as fearful that she was about to bolt as Rhaedalyn was of him turning tail. It didn’t occur to him that they shared a fear, and perhaps it would have put them both a little more at ease if they had. R’nya rested his chin lightly on Rhaedalyn’s head, the soft scent of her soaps filling each breath.

“Rhaedalyn, I do not think you could do anything to cause me to not care for you.” It wasn’t exactly an answer to her fears, but the furrowing of the bronzerider’s brows belied the difficulty he was having with expressing himself, though unlike Rhaedalyn, he didn’t have a dragon pushing him along with either threats or love. “I am not good at this,” he stated finally, opting to cover his bases with blunt honesty; he didn’t want Rhaedalyn to get the wrong idea about his silence or awkward phrasing!

After an extended pause, during which R’nya went to start a sentence two or three times, the bronzerider finally sighed in exasperation. “I like us too; I like your brilliance and your sweetness and your shyness.” Like the way she seemed to constantly be staring at his chest and refusing to meet his eyes. He enjoyed her stories and her naivety (even when it was frustrating) and the way she seemed to light up whatever room she walked into.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn smiled at R’nya’s words. It was a genuine smile but a small one as it wasn’t the time for large bright smiles that lit up her entire face. She was simply happy to hear that the bronzerider didn’t have any issues with them and even seemed to like some of her quirks she knew left others sighing about. She was also particularly happy that he liked her shyness as she seemed to have regressed several years back to the time she was first brought to Katila and didn’t know what to do with herself or where to look. It was true about her new station at Fort Weyr but doubly so in that moment with R’nya. She had babbled and now Rhaedalyn felt insecure, even though kind words did buoy her back up a bit.

Deciding babbling had actually helped to set things right again, Rhaedalyn decided to give it another go as she rested her head against R’nya’s chest with both arms circling him once more. “I wish I was a good singer as I’d like to dance with you right now. It’s been such a wonderful day and I don’t want it to end.” Another pout, which was slowly becoming a permanent expression if some of their recent encounters were anything to go by, tugged at her lips for a fleeting moment before she giggled instead. “People already think I’m odd so why not add dancing when there’s no music to the list?” She looked up at R’nya with a playful grin, hoping he’d be game for a little spin around her kitchen-turned-dance floor.

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