World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [P] 735.11.11 | Pinch Me!
4pm | R'nd

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Two days.

It had been two whole days and she was still having a hard time believing what she knew to be true. All she could do was stare at her dragon, in wonder. Her dragon! She couldn't understand why she was still in shock over finally Impressing. She felt ridiculously foolish and giddy all the time, which amused Nadioth to no end. I promise, I am not going anywhere., Nadioth replied to her rider's thoughts before she finished them. At least a dozen times she had woken thinking Nadioth had been a dream, had turned around afraid she was no longer there. She really had to stop it, but for whatever reason she was still working on coming to terms with the fact, she was a dragonrider.

She smiled at Nadioth and lifted her head off her lap and placed a small kiss to her shiny, oiled nose. "I know, love. I know." She scratched the gold's eye ridge lightly, the reaction a deep murr and the closing of her eyes. She had a fat, full tummy and was perfectly content laying out in the warmth of the southern sun with her rider. She stretched lazily, giving a low moan as she did so before she settled again beside Vee. "You're going to get all dirty again if you keep that up.", Vee teased her lightly. One swirling blue eye slid open slowly, Vee imagined it as a look of annoyance and couldn't help the twitching of a smile at the corners of her lips. Then you will wash me again., the young gold said with an air of superiority that made Vee chuckle. Of course she was right and knew it, but that didn't stop the girl from being amused. "Oh sure. Like I don't have enough to do.", she teased, lightly poking Nadioth's nose, causing the gold to snort before lazily closing her eye again.

They had been sitting that way for some time, long enough for the warmth of the day to cause Vee to doze as she trailed fingers over Nadioth's head lightly. However, as nice as it was, the gold's sudden movement brought Vee awake with a jerk. She blinked the sleepiness from her eyes in time to see Nadioth uncurl herself from her side and turn to walk away. She lifted a brow as she watch her move away, thinking she had some how offended her. Instantly she was flooded with feelings of adoration and love and maybe a hint of annoyance. Don't be ridiculous. You have company and I aim to leave you to it., came her snappy response which caused her to flush. Being chastised by her dragon was one thing, the fact that everyone around could hear it was another. That was something she was probably never going to get used to. She gave Nadioth a final glance as she curled herself around a small rock, head rested on her paws, one gleaming blue eye half open, watching.

Vee turned her head then as she heard the scuffle of boots on dirt as said company came her way. She blinked at that. How had she not heard the crunch of dirt and gravel under boot heels before she didn't know. She smiled however as said company came nearer, then she jumped up and brushed herself off. Had she missed a lesson? Was she in trouble? She hoped not, though she had been dozing. You worry too much. He does not seem to be upset to me, but what do I know of human emotions?, Nadioth said dismissively then ignored them both in favor of enjoying her warm rock.

Vee flushed even more, would she ever get used to her dragon's mannerisms?. "Hello R'nd!", she said as cheerfully as she could manage. "I haven't missed anything have I?", she asked, looking only slightly worried. Regardless of the fact that he didn't seem upset to her dragon, she could still have missed something. Stop. Worrying., Nadioth fussed at her again. Right...because that was easy for her.

ooc: I am horribly uncreative sorry! xD

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd’s cheerful smile at the greeting faltered slightly, showing his confusion at being asked Vaeyla missed anything. It took him a few seconds but he finally clued in that she wasn’t asking about oiling dragon hide or wiping away dirt from clothes but the girl was worried she had missed a class. He wasn’t a true assistant but he helped with B’jin’s classes often enough and made appearances at random for those his friends were teaching that it made sense that some people would assume he was coming by on official business. “Not that I’m aware of. Although I’m sure you have an evening check up with your Weyrlingmaster.” Those check-ups were important in ensuring the weyrlings were adjusting and the dragonets were well looked after. A soft smile brought on from memories appeared as R’nd thought of baby Ayyonth and the handful that he had been. Still am.. R’nd couldn’t argue with that.

“I only came by to see how you two ladies are doing. If you don’t mind my company, that is,” R’nd crouched down to be more on the same eye level as the pair that were both sitting. While he did assume he wouldn’t be turned away, R’nd still waited for permission to join them before properly sitting on the ground. It was always hard to judge the mood of a dragonet and gold ones seemed to be even more temperamental at times so he didn’t want to push his luck and have it seem like he was invading Vaeyla’s space and make Nadioth uncomfortable.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 500 Posts!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Vee gave a small sigh of relief at R'nd's words. She was always afraid she was in trouble, or missing something, or some other such thing lately. She wanted to do well, wanted to be as good a rider as those before her. However she was finding daily, that learning the part, and actually being in her new position was very different than she imagined. She gave a nod at the mention of her evening check up. "That much I expect at least. Thank you."

I need no check up. I am perfectly fine., Nadioth said sharply, giving a faint snort as well which stirred the dirt in front of her nose. Vee gave her dragon a look then rolled her eyes slightly, refusing to get into that argument yet again.

She gave R'nd a small smile. "We're alright, bit tired though. Apparently mothering a child was no where near enough to prepare me for mothering a dragon.", she answered with a bit of a laugh, while Nadioth ignored the comment. "And yes, please join us. We don't mind at all do we Nadioth?" Nadioth opened one eye slowly to consider both her rider and R'nd, who she remembered from after she hatched. Indeed., was all she answered before closing her eye again and hugging herself around her rock, appearing to dismiss them both. She was sure she would have little interest in anything the two would speak of, but she wasn't about to leave him alone with her rider either.

Vee sighed a bit sadly at Nadioth's behavior but after a moment she snapped out of it, chalking it up to a continued learning experience. She then turned her gaze back to R'nd and said, "Where are my manners? How are you and your Ayyonth?"

ooc: And 5000 years later...>.> Sorry x.x

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
With a soft laugh, R’nd shook his head dismissing any rudeness Vaeyla thought she had put toward him. Even if she had, she was a goldrider now and outranked him, though R’nd had to admit he wasn’t entirely sure how anymore with the way S’kef had rearranged the hierarchy. She was still a lady, though, and even that would have excused her on most levels. The freshly hatched dragonet’s comments didn’t faze R’nd either given how many he had been around since his own Impression.

Sitting down beside Vaeyla, R’nd was careful to leave enough space between them to show Nadioth his intentions were pure but made sure he wasn’t being rude by sitting on the other side of the clearing. “I’m well and Ayyonth is… well, Ayyonth is Ayyonth. He’s also doing well but likely still getting into his own brand of mischief.” R’nd smiled as memories surfaced over some of the things Ayyonth had done in his short life.

His dragon was a bit of a prankster, though it was hard to tell in comparison to some of the other dragons causing a ruckus around the Weyr, but at least his actions were harmless and while they stressed R’nd at times, he could usually look back and laugh on them. “He used to be a bit of a trouble maker in weyrlinghood. Nothing too serious, thankfully, and it was a bit odd since he was a quick learner and would help some of his clutchmates who struggled with a lesson. So don’t worry too much about Nadioth’s quirks. She might be a handful at times and keep you up at odd hours but you’ll soon find a routine and enjoy seeing her personality shine.”

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