World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Pretty Please? [B'jin]


228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
I feel bad for Ilveriath's rider! Ronarth whined in D'ren's head as he walked into the dining hall. I do too, Ronarth, but it had to be done D'ren sighed wearily in response. As usual, he quickly fixed a plate with perhaps a little too much food and trudged over to a common table, ignoring the one he was meant to sit at. Even if he wanted to, though, the chairs were all sharding missing, and had been for a while. He couldn't help but wonder if I'shan was responsible for that, too.

He seated himself and sighed. A lot had gone on recently; the rediscovery of firelizards, while particularly exciting, at been relatively uneventful since it's onset. People were slowly becoming more used to their presence and they'd even revealed themselves as useful training subjects for candidates. It was a pleasant surprise, and those were in too short supply!

It wasn't all good news, though. The Weyr was filled with it's usual divisions and bitching, and D'ren's latest efforts to calm Tsuen's insane fear of going home had failed yet again. There was also plenty of dissent over S'kef's brown claiming Krypth again, but since they couldn't complain about lack of a chance for gold, most of the Weyr's inhabitants were picking at the prospect of a continued trend. What if Jada become Weyrwoman and S'kef continued to fly her brown? Well, they were screwed, and with D'ren's permanent lack of faith in S'kef, he was inclined to agree.

He hadn't gone to get Tsereni yet, but he planned to head over as soon as he was done eating. He just....dearly, dearly hoped for a single meal in true peace.

Just one? Pretty please, Katila?

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B'jin had a headache. A pounding, outrageous, never ending headache - one which Larrikith was not doing anything to help as she randomly inserted chitchat and laughter into the back of his mind, thoroughly enjoying the pressing of easy buttons B'jin had developed in the recent times. The rank of Weyrlingmaster (which he had been too shocked to refuse) had become a particularly tender spot for the greenrider. He hadn't known the first thing about what to teach a candidate! B'jin had been surprised into dragonriding, so what did he know of what candidates should be educated on?! Larrikith had settled that without meaning to, asking the greenrider a simple question: What do you wish you'd known previously?

B'jin had gone from there, stuffing his classes head full of anything that struck him as something that should be known prior to Impression. Two lessons and B'jin had been bored of the unenthusiastic class and his own disinterest in the subject. There were a lot of things he would rather be doing, than forced into educating a bunch of lacklustre young men and women. So, listing all the things he would rather be doing (nothing, and spending time with R'nd at the top of that list. In bold.) B'jin had accidentally come across the perfect way to 'teach his class' while also doing absolutely nothing, and attaching himself to R'nd: Camping!

That, of course, had not gone as planned either! A few days in and his class and 'assisting dragonriders' were frolicking around in the sand with eggs. Though he had been quick to threaten the life of anyone that claimed they were firelizards (okay, so not quite that dramatic, but not far off), B'jin had been furious when they actually hatched into firelizards. What was this?! Why was the entirety of Pern suddenly against him?! First, a flight with S'kef, a congratulations you survived gift of Weyrlingmaster, a camping trip that blew up into a billion multi-coloured midget dragons, and then he'd avoided R'nd. FOR SIX WHOLE DAYS. B'jin had never been so lonely.

Did he really spend that much time with R'nd?!

The greenrider slunk down the Dining Hall without very much gusto, helping himself to a plate of food and dumping some onto it without any particular enthusiasm. He picked up a glass of wine, frowning down at the brew he knew would taste nothing like wine, and then shrugged. If he drank enough, it would kill his headache, right? Only until tomorrow, Larrikith quipped cheerfully, ignoring the sour response she got as B'jin returned to his slinking pace to find a table.

The greenrider seated himself opposite D'ren without so much as a greeting and poked at his food. Slowly, brown eyes rose though no food had so much as looked as if it might head toward his mouth; his lips were far too busy forming a sulking pout. "If I get asked," he murmured as he stabbed a vegetable with his knife, "one more stupid question, I'm going to drown them all."

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
D'ren smiled. He knew there wasn't anything innatly funny about B'jin's bad day, but even when angry and ranting the man came across as perfectly charming. D'ren thought being Weyrling Master sounded like a fine job, but he could see how a man like B'jin might encounter some personal challenges along the way. "I'f love to answer their stupid questions," the bronzerider said gently, flashing his greenriding friend a friendly smile to assure the easily-ruffled greenrider that he was being neither mocked nor trivialized.

"What sort of stupid questions?" D'ren asked calmly. He expected some sort of tirade regarding fire lizards, but that was nothing he couldn't handle. B'jin seemed in the mood to rant, and D'ren was generally content to let others do so. It soothed his own nerves by making him feel like he was helping, and he desperately wanted a distraction from what had been going on all day. Yes, B'jin, please tell me all your troubles!

Ronarth, however, would not be silenced without a fight. B'jin! the bronze blurted. N'gelt is beating up I'shan! And D'ren won't stop him!

D'ren's face immediately turned red. He glowered at the ceiling, a sure sign that he was scolding his dragon. Ronarth, SHUT UP he snapped, shutting the bronze away and willing him to behave. Ronarth creeled sadly, not understanding why he wasn't allowed to speak, and began to sulk. D'ren just shook his head and buried his face in one hand.

"I'm sorry, B'jin. He won't bother you again," he assured the greenrider. He made a mental note to console Ronarth later. The poor dragon was so well meaning, and yet such a sharding pain.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B'jin lifted his head dramatically, looking up at D'ren from under his eyelashes and furrowed eyebrows. What kinds of stupid questions, Oh, where to start?! The greenrider's expression said everything as he very slowly began to speak. Perhaps if he said it slowly, he might himself understand where such a question arose from! "One of them asked," he began, never changing his stance, "if a brown could fly a blue." The most painful part of it all, though was -- "they were dead serious." B'jin knew the student in question. If it had been someone like Indivara that asked, B'jin would have been able to reply with a quip in return, knowing the girl was just playing with him.

But in all seriousness? B'jin had been struck dumbfounded as he stared at the student while half the class either burst into laughter or looked just as blown away as he did. The young man that had poised the question was obviously not very bright, as he had been genuinely confused at the reaction his question had rough.

Brown fly blue indeed!

The greenrider squeaked in surprise at the sudden voice of Ronarth in the forefront of his mind, sitting up rapidly and bumping his knees against the underside of the table in the process. He was pleased he didn't throw his wine at the Weyrleader, however, and his plate of food was safely off to one side. Small miracles! The words the huge dragon spoke cause the rider to tilt his head and frown curiously.

N'gelt was beating up I'shan? That made more sense than B'jin would like to admit (filthy brownriders!) but that D'ren 'wouldn't stop him' made far less sense. If he were doing so on D'ren's orders, that likely meant there was something more going on than simple brownriders being cunts to innocents. B'jin frowned slightly taking a sip from his wine glass as he studied D'ren's face. Yes, whatever was going on was definitely under his orders.

"Thanks," B'jin's tone was dry, though he appreciated the removal of stray dragons parading around in his brain. He had enough trouble with his own leaving dirty paw prints all over his nice clean thought patterns (Hah!) without added party goers. "Did I'shan do something?"

B'jin never was one to be in on the gossip.

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
D'ren's eyes brightened at the little story. "A brown fly a blue?" he asked, amused at the notion and quite charmed by the ignorance of the class. "B'jin, you must be patient with them. Don't you remember what it's like to be young and full of questions?" he asked. D'ren wasn't certain that he'd ever been young, but he was attracted to youthful energy. He admired the innocence and missed the casualness of it all.

He winked, assuring B'jin that he wasn't being lectured. D'ren may have sympathized with the youngsters, but he also knew how good it felt to just rant sometimes! "They'll come around," he assured B'jin. "You're already a better teacher than the last few have been. You've been getting much better reviews, both from students and witnesses," he continued. "You're well-liked, and that means a lot in this climate. I want those kids to feel welcome and wanted. They're our next generation, the ones who will control our fate when we're old and useless. I'd prefer they warm up to us, rather than holding on to their anger and taking it out on us later."

Of course, he expected that. He expected they would punish him, and he hardly blamed them.

"If anyone can, I'm sure it's you," he said. He smiled in dry amusement. "A brown flying a blue, though...That's a little bit out there, I have to admit." Poor kids, and poor B'jin!

The next part stopped him cold for a moment. He sighed, knowing that B'jin was th wily bluerider's friend, and looked down at his plate. "He set the kitchen on fire," he said, tone blunt and laden with what could only be called guilt. He'd hoped to avoid this topic, but lo and behold, it had followed him to lunch. "He was apparently using the kitchen for something...illicit..." D'ren's face heated up. "...and he and his partner were caught. They fled, knocking over a candle in the process. The man who walked in on them fled as well, and well...About a third of the wall needs replacing."

He frowned. "I'shan has refused to tell me who the other person was, so...Well, poor little bastard is in a lot of trouble."

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B’jin gave D’ren a dry and weathered look when the Weyrleader advised patience, but far from insolent the expression was undershot with amusement, and he shook his head slightly. “Indeed,” B’jin’s voice was as dry as his expression, “though I like to think I knew what dragons flew which.” An eyebrow arched slightly and the greenrider gave a snort of amusement, shaking his head. He still wasn’t quite able to process the thoughts required to even ask that question. He was still pleased he’d managed to answer it without calling the child out for being a fucking lunatic.

“Wishful thinking,” B’jin drawled, looking down at his plate and poking at the food upon it. As much as D’ren had been the one to allow the orders for the remaining South, B’jin was responsible for bringing young men and women into the makeshift Weyr. Granted, he had done better than most of the Searchriders and was generally well accepted by his Searchees, with most of them only holding a mild grudge against him. He could have had it a lot worse, and B’jin had heard some of the nastier stories about this or that candidate. Not all of them were willing to be malleable and he’d seen some nasty black eyes on fellow greens and more than a few of the blueriders that weren’t inflicted by bad flights or brownriders.

B’jin gave a coughing splutter as he attempted to drink, breath and process that which D’ren had just said all at once. “He did what?!” B’jin choked, coughing a little to regain his breath as the Weyrleader explained further. Oh, well, that made somewhat more sense. B’jin’s expression turned droll once more, a slight quirk to one side of his lips the only real evidence of his amusement at I’shan’s  less than ideal behaviour. B’jin shook his head slightly, frowning.

“Does N’gelt know what he was up to, before the fire?” A concerned frown shaped the greenrider’s features, teeth worrying his bottom lip. While he didn’t entirely picture N’gelt as the type to fuck around in the kitchen, B’jin figured if the brownrider was the one inflicting the punishment on the bluerider, than he either wasn’t the associated partner, or he was punishing his lover for his own misdeeds as well. Neither would surprise B’jin, but if I’shan had been caught playing around behind N’gelt’s back… brownriders were notoriously jealous!

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
D'ren sighed. He knew B'jin and I'shan were friends, but he couldn't say how close they were. He didn't know I'shan well enough on a personal level, and the little crawler seemed to be friends with everybody! "I don't know," he said as he picked at his food again. As always, he was riddled with the temptation to overeat. It was wasteful and rude, but nervous habits were difficult to conquer. "That's their personal business, and I've always advocated staying out of such things. I would hope that I'shan would be honest with him, but I'm not going to stick my hand in that particular fire." And why would he? He was practically the Weyr's firefighter already. He just hoped it worked out all right; I'shan was charming and a joy to have around if only because he actually knew how to smile.

D'ren rubbed his temples again. "There was some suggestion that it might have been N'gelt, and he might be playing innocent...I doubt that, though." He frowned a little. He wanted to trust his second, but the falling out with S'kef had left more lingering damage than he cared to admit. He'd trusted the brownrider fully, and the betrayal was making it difficult for him to trust again. His grudge-holding habits were visible even in his interactions with B'jin, who was no longer allowed north, and Tsuen, who was no longer allowed to keep Tserini alone. Crazy woman...

"I trust that he won't be up to shenanigans again," D'ren continued, obviously not believing his own words. Of course I'shan would be up to shenanigans. That was like asking if the sun would rise. Still, it helped to say that things would be all right, especially since doing so was a large part of D'ren's job description. He'd always wanted to lead people through patience and perseverance, not rely on their anger...

"That's neither here nor there, though. Otherwise, things have been relatively calm. I'm pleased to see that the fire lizards haven't cause too much of a disturbance..." He grimaced as a familiar voice started pounding away at his brain.

"Ronarth wants one. Badly."

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B’jin frowned slightly as he considered the quiet words of the Weyrleader, poking at his own food thoughtfully for a moment. B’jin’s own understanding of I’shan on a personal level was pretty limited. The greenrider mostly knew that I’shan was cheerful and upbeat and never seemed to frown. Not a bad thing, but sitting there thinking about it, B’jin could suddenly understand Valerian’s grumbling about his being constant smiles. The greenrider’s lips twisted and curled into a smile.

B’jin made a dry sound of agreement, for he really couldn’t see N’gelt as the type to be up to those types of things, with I’shan or otherwise. The bluerider could probably talk D’ren out of his clothes if he wanted to, but his ability to talk such rigid men out of said clothing in a location such as the Kitchens? B’jin shook his head slightly. That was just so unlikely. Far more probable it was a green or possibly another bluerider. Maybe it was one of the more daring candidates? Little shit would definitely have to be daring. B’jin’s expression hardened into a mild scowl as he shuffled through the kids he was currently educating. None of them really stuck out, but then…

B’jin gave a snort of laughter, brown eyes dancing with amusement as a bemused smile took control of his lips. “I’m sure he won’t,” B’jin teased, highly entertained by the notion of a shenanigan-free I’shan. He wouldn’t even be I’shan without his spazzy little activates and odd things he did. It was what made him I’shan! Still amused, B’jin lifted a forkful of food half way to his mouth, stopping with a sudden frown when the firelizards were brought up. His fork was lowered slowly and B’jin leaned back slightly.

“Filthy vermin.” It was a statement of fact, and B’jin’s nose scrunched up. “Fucking things are everywhere.” Trying to get the brats he was meant to be educating to pay any attention at all was difficult enough, adding in baby firelizards squalling at one another, trying to play, stealing things, or demanding food. They were the worse headache B’jin had had since that time he’d been stuck with Amorandii when she was nothing more than a colicky infant. “I hate them.” As if that wasn’t blatantly obvious to any and every one.

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
D'ren wasn't surprised, and in a way he found the greenrider's venom almost as charming as the little creatures they were discussing. D'ren had his reservations, of course, but they were awfully hard not to like...unless you were B'jin, apparently. That was one of the most endearing things about B'jin, though. If the topic was something he felt strongly about, one could count on an amusing reaction. It wasn't always loud or forceful, but it was always amusing.

The broznerider figured he should feel bad about getting an internal chuckle at his favorite greenrider's expense, but he figured he could get away with it just this one time.

I don't understand the bronze complained in the back of  D'ren's mind. They won't make us sick. And they're good company. Why can't we get one?

I never said we couldn't, only that we would have to wait D'ren said, somewhat reluctantly. He looked at B'jin with a rather flat expression. "Ronarth is giving me a headache over it," he said with a faint smile. "It's like he never grew up sometimes. Here I am, at my age and with my job, and still tending a creeling hatchling." Ronarth was too distracted by his excitement at a somewhat-positive response to notice what was being said.

Of course, he might not have minded. D'ren meant it in the best possible way. "He keeps me young, I imagine," he said. He picked over his food some more, still carefully watching himself. "How have you been outside of that, though? Surely being a Weyrling Master hasn't completely taken over your life. What about the kids, adopted and otherwise?" He started to ask about R'nd as well, but he kept his mouth shut, recalling how embarassed the poor greenrider was last time. Of course, male intimacy wasn't a comfortable topic for D'ren in general, so kids were a safer bet outright.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B’jin’s amusement was dry and somewhat tempered by the obvious dislike he held for the little creatures, but he was endeared by the determination the bronze dragon held for having a little creature of his own. B’jin’s amusement turned devious as he smiled wickedly, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table, pushing his plate away absently despite the meal mostly being uneaten. “Larrikith would disown me if I got one of those,” he paused, “’mind polluting little -- ’ well.” The greenrider bit his lip and brushed his hair back out of his face as he sat back properly once more.

“Larrikith has issues with them. She hates bespeaking people that are bonded.” B’jin had often wondered if he’d ever given in to his sister’s demands and gotten a firelizard, if he would have avoided the final event of Impressing Larrikith. Even if he had wanted or liked firelizards, B’jin wasn’t sure he could rightly Impress one. Larrikith couldn’t undo their bond, but he was pretty sure any firelizard he attempted to Impress would likely become lunch.

“Not particularly,” B’jin agreed, smiling slightly. Weyrlingmaster was easier than wingrider, so B’jin was not nearly as upset about the overall situation as he might have been. It was much more to his style, teaching, as opposed to being used as an example of what was not good dargonrider fitness. B’jin was fit enough to get from A to B in his own time. That was good enough! Larrikith’s regaining weight might have been an issue, if B’jin had stopped to think about it, but the green had always been a fat dragon, namely due to his inability to care during Weyrlinghood enough to curb her ferocious hunger.

“They are good,” B’jin grinned, happy to talk about the brats. “Amorandii is working her magic on R’nd, which is nice to see someone else wrapped around her little fingers.” A fond smirk, and it was quite clear B’jin was content to be in the palm of his young daughter’s hand, within reason. The little girl was probably capable of getting away with murder with him, with a bat of her big blue eyes. B’jin was just pleased she was batting them at R’nd now, too, and that he’d stopped running in terror when she did; the poor bluerider was still terrified of his son though. Who knew why!? “Talian is still sulking, but I’m not surprised.” Talian would probably sulk until he was too old to Imrpess, and then he’d quietly give that ‘told you so’ expression of his. B’jin was rather looking forward to it, truth be told.

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
D'ren nodded. "Good," he said, mostly pleased with all the news, though he tried to hide his discomfort at the news over Talian. D'ren pitied the poor young man, but as a rider bonded most comfortably to his dragon, he believed Impressing would be just the turnaround Talian needed. He knew B'jin didn't agree, though, so he kept it to himself. Poor B'jin had enough to stress about, and he was so adorably attached to his fragile fosterling that D'ren saw no reason to ruffle his feathers.

"The little ones grow fast, don't they?" Shards, Tsereni was growing fast. She was going to be two turns old soon, and that was insane. Of course, D'ren had responded similarly to Ronarth's alarming growth as a youngster, but he knew better than to expect the same out of his little girl. She would grow fast for now, but soon it would slow down. She would be dependant on him for such a long time and so many things would change...Shards, he was too old for this. He hoped he would be there for her when she grew up.

It was a reason not to work himself to death, one of the few that he had.

He smiled at B'jin. "I wish I'd had children younger," he said with a simple chuckle which said more than any elaboration could have. "It's been slow going for me, but it's like a blink and Tsereni's gotten bigger. Ronarth was never so menacing to my eye." He grinned, then slowly stood up.

"I hate to cut out on you, B'jin, but I probably need to get back to work." His reluctance was visible, but the real world beckoned. It was eating at the back of his mind, just like it always did. If he didn't answer, it would only gnaw harder. "Take care, all right?"

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
“They do!” B’jin agreed, shaking his head slightly in a mild mannered awe as he considered just how fast the little brats were growing. Indamor would be old enough to Stand within another Turn or so, a fact that was both thrilling and terrifying for the greenrider. He knew the boy would Impress well – Indamor did everything well – and he was looking forward to it! Amorandii was growing into a fine little girl, too, and she was being beyond adorable with her desire to trot along after Talian and be useful in the Healer Hall. While B’jin wasn’t sure how much (if any) talent Amorandii would have for the Craft, he far preferred it to the girl getting doe eyed and dreamy about Impressing a dragon. Thus far, she hadn’t even put any attempt into getting a firelizard – something her father was immensely pleased about!

“Indamor will be old enough to Stand soon.” B’jin grimaced slightly, because that fact proved just how old he was. He purposefully didn’t dwell on the thoughts of his eldest son one of the Telgar maids had birthed. That boy would be about R’nd’s age, and there was so many levels of wrong with that that B’jin felt queasy just thinking about it. He was not old, and the illegitimate brat had no right to make him feel so! Vanity, B’jin? the green was amused, but B’jin ignored her, brushing her away as D’ren wrapped up the conversation and stood up. B’jin nodded slightly.

“Of course,” the ‘sir’ hung silently in the air, as B’jin bowed his head slightly before looking back up, smiling innocently. “Always!” It was a cheerful sing-song that would have sounded far more worrisome from many of the other riders, but considering B’jin’s history, perhaps it was just as worrying to hear from the greenrider as it would have been to hear it from one of the more outrageous green or blueriders. B’jin didn’t really seek out trouble, but he had been known to wind up in it!

“You too, Sir.” B’jin flashed a friendly smile before turning back to his food. He poked it a little – it was definitely cold now – before picking at it absently. What was it with babies growing up so fast? Human, dragon, they all seemed one moment so small, and the next so large! B’jin smiled. At least I got the runt. He laughed aloud when Larrikith came charging back with a spicy retort.

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