World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] 732.09.26 | Check this bitch! [Jada]

of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara was sprawled inelegantly on the Sands near where Krypth usually slept, her little blue firelizard Blood Sucker was prancing up and down the length of the young woman's legs, little claws sinking in through the fabric of her pants and leaving pinpricks on her skin. It caused a combination between pain and tickle, but Indivara wasn't paying the little fellow much attention. Across the length of the sands, the gold hatchling from Krypth's last flight was sprawled in the sand as well. Indivara figured the two women were off gossiping or whatever it was that goldriders did to occupy their time when they weren't cooing over their beasts' eggs.

Speaking of eggs! Indivara poked the one before her lightly, brushing some of the warm sand off of the surface and peering at it curiously for a moment, before rolling her eyes and rolling over, flopping onto her back and flinging her arms out wide. Blood Sucker squealed indignantly at his human's sudden movement and pranced up Indivara's stomach until he stood just below her collarbone, peering at her curiously. Wings flicking out, Blood reared up to place his front feet on her chin, and then get right in her face, head tilted to one side to peer at Indivara with one swirling eye. The girl burst into laughter, and was rewarded with the eye jerking closer. Snorting, Indivara shoved the little blue off of her face and pet him quietly while she stared up at nothing.

"Crooo?" Indivara startled at the soft sound that was made by Blood Sucker, the girl's eyes shifting and focusing to stare at the little firelizard, who was staring over at the egg Indivara had left in the sand. Blue eyes narrowed suspiciously as Blood bounced off her, tail flicking anxiously, and crept closer to the egg. Indivara knew it was a firelizard egg, now, though she'd been wary of it being a dud. Rolling onto her side, Indivara's lips puckered as she pulled a face. "What?" Blood Sucker ignored her, hopping closer, and then giving a low hum. Indivara's narrowed eyes widened and she scrambled to her feet.

Pelting across the sands, Indivara came to a sudden halt at the table that the goldriders kept snacks on, though there wasn't much there at the moment. While Krypth was with egg, she wasn't yet stuck on the Sands and Jada was still spending much of her time doing whatever it was Jada did (Indivara usually only pretended to listen because it was something friends did. Or, something.). Indivara snatched up some fruit (not redruits, since Tsuen had a tendency to cry poison attempt if they were brought anywhere near where she might go) and dashed back over the sand to where Blood Sucker was dancing anxiously next to the egg, which had several cracks scattering across the shell.

"Here we are," Indivara said happily, dropping cross-legged next to the egg and brushing her hair out of her scarred face as she tilted her head, watching the egg... Whenever you're ready little one... Indivara frowned when the firelizard within paused and stopped apparently struggling. A few moments later, it took up the battle for freedom once more. Then stopped, and took another breather. Blood whacked the egg with a forepaw, and Indivara laughed. "My thought exactly, Bloody!" Without further consideration, Indivara reached out and peeled off part of the shell.

"No fucking way!" Indivara gasped, unsure how she felt as she stared at the little gold head peering out at her. Blood Sucker crooned a greeting, snapping Indivara out of her shocked surprise, and she shoved the fruit in the little gold's face, not giving the creature a chance to finish breaking shell. This little fucker was so hers! "What shall we name her, Bloody?" Indivara asked, extracting the gold firelizard from her shell and holding her up by the wings. Blood Sucker crooned, and the fresh hatchling creeled hungrily. Indivara plopped the little beast in her lap, and shoved another fruit under her nose.

"Oi! Jada! Check this bitch out!" Indivara called, looking in the vague direction she figured Jada would be located. If not, she was sure Krypth would tell her Indi wanted the woman. Indivara had no idea how Jada put up with the pair of them bossing her around all the time - but that was neither here nor there.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Jada was laying on the ground on the edge of the Sands, the other goldrider sitting primly and properly, blinking at the younger woman. She seemed to do that a lot, Jada reflected. It was like Jada was losing her knack for explaining things, what with this smart lot of Weyrbrats she taught. Well, when she wasn't busy with Krypth. Either that, or the girl was just more naturally modest than Jada was becoming. Overexposure to Indivara apparently a lady did not make.

Laughter rang through the Sands, and Jada lifted her head to watch the girl. Indivara was growing up a little more every day, yet she was still nothing like the lady that she could be. Really, it was like she was learning nothing from spending time entertaining the goldrider(s). The girl shoved to her feet, and Jada pushed up on her elbow as the teen picked up some snacks and darted back across the Sands. What? Was that dud Indivara had been- really?

She shoved to her feet, brushing sand out of her dark hair and abandoning the other woman to her own devices. The woman was nice, but much more dull than a potential firelizard hatching! She reached out, summoning her Klah to her, and the brown appeared in the air above the girl's head. "No fucking way!" she heard; "Jada! Check this bitch out!"

"Watch your language." she chided, incredibly disappointed that she'd missed- "A Gold!" she dropped on her butt inelegantly, peering at the fruit-juice-covered Hatchling. Krypth, she's got a little sister for you.

Bugger that. That is a firelizard, not a dragon. Do be so kind as to remind her I want an egg of my own.

Remind her yourself, you greedy lump. Krypth had been trying to collect firelizards. Failing miserably, but at least she had Klah. Pulling a meat roll out of her pocket, Jada tossed it to the Weyrbrat. If nothing else, Indi could cannibalize it for feeding the little flit something a little more substantial than fruit.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara waved off Jada’s scolding with a flip of her hand, all the girl’s attention focused on the little gold firelizard that was still locked within her shell. The meat roll startled her, and Indivara looked up with an impish grin as she collected it, all child in that moment as Blood Sucker leaned down her chest to peer at the egg confined firelizard, his little body vibrating as he hummed.

“It’s a gold!” Wide blue eyes stared up at Jada with glee even as Indivara shredded the meatroll and shoved it into the little Hatchling’s face, even as eager fingers made quick work of the rest of the shell, saving the Hatchling from the need to escape herself. Indivara picked her up, plonking the little gold in her lap and shoving more food in her face. Had the little shit Impressed to her yet?! Indivara pet her lightly, while Blood Sucker leaned over her shoulder and down her front again, sniffing curiously at the new firelizard.

Indivara’s nose scrunched up good naturedly as she peered coyly up at Jada from under her lashes. “She’s a baby Krypth,” and as close as Indi ever wanted to come to actually Impressing a gold! Shoving her hair out of her face, Indivara smiled when the little creature chirped questioningly at her, and she shoved another piece of fruit in her face. “Fuck me, they’re all bossy.” Her voice was teasing as she poked her tongue out at Jada, the quip aimed at Krypth.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Is that little miss getting cheeky with me? Krypth's amusement spilled through Jada's mind. Brat.

I'm not translating for you. Jada peered at the little golden creature, watching Blood sniff at her. She didn't dare reach out yet nosily, wanting to ensure that Indivara had plenty of time to Impress the little Queen.

I can talk for myself, you know. Krypth appeared on the edge of the Sands, her heavy body lightly coated with mud and the sheen of her oiling earlier. Fantastic.

"You're going to choke her!" Jada tutted to her friend, twisting her hands. "Let her breathe, Indi, she can eat on her own!" What an adorable little chirp though!

I want to know who you think you are calling bossy, Indivara. Krypth's head dropped, landing gingerly atop the girl's own, eye swirling placidly at her new competition. She's not as interesting as me.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara laughed, waving off Jada’s concern about choking the hatchling as the elder woman wrung her hands. “Don’t be silly!” Indivara quipped, giggling as the little firelizard decided to prove Jada correct and choke on a particularly large mouthful she’d attempted to swallow; Indivara shoved her fingers down the creature’s throat and collected it back, not looking the least bit disturbed. “That’s not my fault!” She exclaimed, looking up at Jada with huge blue eyes. “Just because I offered it doesn’t mean she has to choke herself!” A humph finished the statement.

Settling the firelizard in her lap cheerfully as the creature fussed around before curling up and falling asleep, a distinct warble in her breath that had Indivara laughing a wicked sound; “Oh my great fuck. She snores,” more devious laughter followed the statement. Giggling shamelessly, Indivara’s nose was scrunched up with her amusement as she pet Blood Sucker, the little blues’ eyes swirling with his own amusement – because, hell, Indivara was just about laughing all over the place. He wasn’t quite sure what she found so amusing, but he knew it was at the little gold’s expense so it was all good!

“Oi!” Indivara squawked in surprise as Krypth dropped her head on top of her own, looking up at the golden dragon’s underjaw through her lashes. “Thanks, Krypth.” Dry amusement rolled off the words as the young woman adjusted her posture just slightly, being careful not to upset the dragon maw resting atop her head. “If you get spit in my hair, Kerrin will kill you.” The idea of Kerrin doing anything as dangerous as killing something was laughable; imagining him attacking a dragon was hysterical.

“What should we call this little shit head, do you think?” Curious blue eyes looked up at Jada, and Indivara brushed hair out of her face, almost managing not to grimace as her fingers traced over the scarring that remained.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"That is so your fault." Jada corrected the girl, reaching out and breaking the meat roll into smaller pieces. "Nothing bigger around than she is. You know the drill from Blood, and from the Weyrlings!" Jada pointed at the nosy little lizard. "She's a baby. No judgment yet." Indivara's face was covered in choked lizard goop, and Jada wrinkled her nose, offering the imp a handkerchief. Not one of her nice ones, either. Anytime she gave Indivara a nice-looking anything, it ended up a lost cause!

However, when the little lizard promptly fell asleep on Indi's lap- not even bothering to try and eat the roll pieces that had been broken down!- Jada peered at her, running a hand over the soft hide. "She does!" It was quiet delight, then a sly look at her Bonded. "Something she has in common with you. Maybe the two of you can compare notes. Snoring techniques."

Maybe I'll use her to put bugs in your bed. She lifted a hair as Indivara straightened, to dive the girl room to move. If Kerrin wishes to make an attempt on my life, make sure I am in the water, so as he flails at me I can get a bath. Or he has oil in his hands. Either way, two avians with one rock, and I am just as dead at the end of it as I would be otherwise. She shuffed her amusement, snufflibng the girl's hair carefully.

There was an unusual amount of affection the Krypth felt for Indivara. Somehow, she'd not yet passed the magical cut off for girls that made the dragon start regarding them with confused aggression. She still regarded the child as hers, rather like a beloved pet, encouraging her relationship with Jada. Then again, maybe she was just trying to cause Jada to osmose some of the girl's habits.

"Not shit head." Jada said primly. "Blood Sucker is quite bad enough. Stinker, perhaps, if you insist, but Buttercup or Sunny are lovely names." And not likely to be selected by the other girl.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara stuck her tongue out at Jada, ignoring the goldrider’s scolding as she caught the slip of material to wipe her face, the girl trying hard not to notice or acknowledge the feel of her scars as she did so. No one had any idea how affected by the things she was, and Indivara planned to keep it that way for a good long time, if not indefinitely. No one needed to know she had weaknesses; they were for fanciful girls who dreamed of Prince Charming and The Perfect Life[sup]TM[/sup]. Not for realistic young women who planned to Impress to bronze!

“Thanks,” Indivara murmured, tossing the icky square back at Jada with a smug smirk curling her lips up at the corner. Laughter was bright, and feminine as Indivara grinned up at Krypth from under her lashes, amused by the dig Jada had given. “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Indivara chirped cheerfully, “this one has it quite down pat. I don’t need Krypth teaching her how to be louder.” A girlish giggle as she teased Krypth. More laughter bubbled up as the dragon made her comments about Kerrin, the sound devious from the tiny young woman as she smirked in response.

“But Shit Head is awesome,” Indivara countered, returning her attention to Jada with a sly smile. It rapidly was exchanged for a look of disgust, blue eyes sparling with amusement. “Oh, come now. You honestly wouldn’t name a firelizard Sunny, would you?” Huge eyes were set on Jada, Indvara trying to figure out if the woman was pulling her leg, or if she was actually serious in her suggestion. Buttercup, really?

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Cheeky little brat. Jada made an affectionate, playful grab for Indi's tongue with her fingers. One day she would catch it, and she would pinch it, and teach the little Weyrbrat a manner. Just one. It would be quite the feat! Teaching her mannerS was probably too much to hope for. As the handkerchief shot back to her, Jada gave a squeal and batted it out of the air, glaring at the gooey piece of fabric. "You can keep it!" she told her friend hastily, making a face. "I really don't mind." What if that had touched her, and gotten all over her own- ew!

Krypth grumbled at Indivara as her girls ganged up on her to tease, making a sound of disgust. Her eyes, however, decried all noises she made, sheer joy and contentment whirling in her eyes. Heavily, the gold dragon lay down on her belly, curling around them both- and the little lizard, too, as she seemed to have little option in this case. really, Krypth didn't snore! Not at all! Not where she could hear, anyways. Thus, their jesting would not be dignified with a response.

"Shi- That name is not awesome." Jada countered primly. "And you wouldn't name a firelizard Sunny? What about Sweet? Or Queenie?" Buttercup. Really.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara giggled gleefully as she jerked back away from Jada’s snippy fingers, eyes sparkling in amusement, and emotion further fuelled by the woman’s squealing and batting away of the handkerchief. A wicked smirk played upon Indivara’s lips, despite her attempt to play at innocence as she fluttered her lashes. “I don’t want it,” she added, her amusement belied by her voice. “It’s yours,” and wasn’t that ever the important thing, as long as Indivara didn’t actually want whatever the subject matter happened to be!

“It is a brilliant name!” Indivara countered extravagantly, throwing her arms up and wide while the firelizard slept in her lap. Blood Sucker gave a squeak of surprise, then chittered his amusement as Indivara laughed happily. “Oh, come now!” Indivara stared at Jada in horror, not all of it put on as she leaned forward delicately and arched an eyebrow at her companion. “What would the boys think, if I started running around with Sunny or Queenie or buttercup?!” Honestly! It wasn’t even worthy of capitalisation and Indivara’s horrified tone made that much clear.

What the boys thought was (ultimately) easily over powered by her fists – but Indivara had never explicitly gone out of her way to bring their teasing down upon her. That came naturally, what with her being who she was, from her personality to her gender to her itty bitty height to her lack of breasts to actually having them to start with. Indivara just couldn’t win, and she wasn’t going to add fuel to the fire! That was for sure. Shit Head and Blood Sucker were fine names, when you considered one spent half of one’s time in the company of obnoxious weyrbrats who spent the first part of their life out only Faranth knew where with a single parent.

The fact that the other half of Indivara’s  time was spent in the company of various well ranked individuals, from young goldriders to whatever bronze and brown were fluttering around them to her passing interactions with the Weyrleader. If one considered that, than one should probably name their firelizard something more dignifying; but even then, Indivara did not consider ‘Buttercup’ to be at all dignifying. “Can you imagine what they’d do to me?!” Indivara bemoaned, dramatically clasping both hands to her chest as she stared pitifully up at Jada.

Oh, it was hard, her lot of friends! Indivara giggled deviously.

She's being so girly xD it's fucking precious man lolol

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"It's a gift. Turn End. Holiday. Name Day. Congratulations, you're old!" Jada's voice was bright with cheer, her eyes wide with alarm, and Krypth made an amused noise, rubbing her massive face against Indivara's head. "And can you see anyone but you trying to refer to her by that kind of name?" the Harper shook her head, giving a dramatic sigh. "It's alright," she told the sleeping little firelizard, "I'll just nickname you Precious."

Indi's precious shit head. the Queen's voice was droll- and a little snippy. Really, that Jada, getting all gooey over the name of a firelizard. Stupid Jada. Not that Krypth was suffering from jealousy. Not even the smallest bit. Nope. Stupid Jada.

"They might think you're being feminine." Jada ignored Krypth's disgruntlement, quirking an eyebrow at Indivara. "Or growing up. You're sixteen turns now, aren't you? Thereabouts?" At sixteen Jada had been walking the tables and preparing for a career. Indivara was still naming her firelizards Blood Sucker and Shit Head. It was something hard for the older woman to wrap her mind around, in some ways. Indivara, however, had a career goal that Jada couldn't have even dreamed about in her position.

Then again, compared to Indivara, Jada had also grown up incredibly privileged. Indivara's formative years had been in a jungle, where kidnapping was the norm.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
“-vara,” the girl corrected Krypth with an abundant stressing of the syllables that made up the remainder of her name, glaring irritably up at the bottom of the gold dragon’s jaw. Really! It wasn’t a hard name to remember! Only dragons like Grith needed to shorten it, and that’s because Grith’s attention span was so short, she was liable to forget Indivara’s name before she got to the ‘d’! Speaking of, Indivara was pretty sure if she ended up with a dragon like Grith, she would probably suicide as soon as the bloody thing could go between. That was just a horrifying idea! Ugh!

“If you must,” she added, bright blue gaze shifting lazily to Jada with a slow tilt of her head, a smirk working its way over her lips. “Precious is almost in the right direction.” A small pause. “Maybe I’ll call her PSH, for short.” She sniggered wickedly, amused at the idea. The boys would probably even get a kick out of the tiny gold being a ‘precious shit’, so Indivara could work with that! At least it wasn’t something that reeked of desperate girlie.

Indivara snorted, giving Jada a droll look before nodding slightly. “Yeah, seventeen next Turn.” Technically, she was only just old enough to Stand, if she were after a gold dragon. Indivara paused slightly, nose scrunching up. Good thing she wasn’t after a gold, then! The fighter dragons were so much more interesting. A teasing look was given to the base of Krypth’s jaw; surely the young queen would have picked up on the dismissive thought, before shrugging slightly at Jada. “Why do you bring that up?” Indivara wasn’t sure of the relevance; she’d been sixteen for half a turn already! Blood Sucker crooned, and Indivara pet his head lightly, fingers dancing gently down his spine and over half-extended wings.

>> I got distracted somewhere between finishing it, and pressing ''reply''

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Indi. The gold dragon sighed her headrest's name contentedly, purring like a feline as she did. Not Vara. Vara is a terrible name. If the Gold had even the foggiest she was being thought of in the same sentence as a dragon like Grith she would probably Between herself. The Gold had a limited number of dragons she adored, and whatever Grith was, it wasn't a favorite. It wasn't a least favorite, either though. That special spot was probably reserved for Larrikith- who got to play with Talian, when Krypth didn't. Hmmph.

"Psh." Jada made the noise herself, amused. "Poor little Precious." she reached out, running a finger lightly over the sleeping little flit's head. Krypth's thoughts were a guarded whirl, so Jada ignored them, letting the dragon's malcontent wash over her like a wave. It would be over soon- Indivara always managed to make Krypth perk up whenever she got to thinking. "You could always call her Presh, tell the lot of them it stands for Pre- Sh... name. And no one would think it strange your flit has about four names."

When Indivara snorted, Jada cast the other female a look out of the corner of her eye. Not that much younger than Jada herself, then. "Have you thought about a craft?" it was as casual as Jada could make it. "Something to pass the time until you Impress?" Something to keep you busy, out of trouble, and maybe give her a bit of a goal to strive for? Jada wasn't sure the girl would look at something like that seriously. As far as she'd seen, Indivara's main goal had been wreaking a little havoc and keeping ahead of the boys. And Impressing Bronze, of course. (Krypth assured her that wouldn't happen; Indivara was much too good for a BRONZE. Bronzes were gross.)

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara paused dramatically, giving the underside of Krypth’s head a look of exasperation as she sighed irritably. “My name is Indivara, Krypth. Inn-deee-vaaah-raaaah.” Why was it that no one could say her whole damned name? Honestly! It wasn’t like it was a difficult name! Even Kerrin could spell it, and if that boy could spell it, there was no reason everyone else couldn’t fucking say it properly! Instead, Indivara was home to more nicknames than half the Weyr! If the girl took the time to think about it, she probably would have realised that it was likely because she was so damned insistent that they call her by her full name.

Indivara laughed, rolling her eyes dramatically at Jada and her suggestion, before grumbling with a scowl at the dig about names. What was it with her and names? It was apparently okay to call Indivara by sixteen hundred different names, and now it was going to be okay for her firelizards to be just as name heavy? Indivara scowled distastefully, petting the sleeping baby firelizard with a softness that didn’t match the expression on her face. “Hmph.”

“A craft?” An eyebrow arched up on her grumpy face, and Indivara gave Jada a sceptical look. “I’m too old to be craft trained now.” Indivara almost sounded relieved by that. The girl had no intention of becoming a crafter. Their lives were boring, and filled with too much time in which other people shoved information down their throats with two fisted handfuls and didn’t give you a moment to take a breath. Indivara didn’t particularly like any subject enough to put up with that. Dragonriding would be pushing it, but the dragon would make it worth it.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


245 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
I'm so pleased you know your name. The dragon teased her playfully, not at all malicious. I don't know why you insist on Vah-rah. I much prefer Indi. And no one is allowed to call you that, so capitulating gracefully would make me special. And would you be a love and scratch my chin? The gold was relaxed, comfortable, and her heavy head pressed affectionately against the girl-child. You give the best scritches.

Jada's lips quirked, and she quickly disguised it as best she could with a sniff. "Hmmph?" she asked instead, eying the sleeping little firelizard. "I suppose that name works! It's certainly better than some of the other ideas that have been bantered about- and I'll include Buttercup in that list, just to be fair. The poor thing will be in a tizzy, however, anytime you get to feeling grouchy." She reached out, patting Indivara's gorgeous face. And to her, it still was.

"And yes, a craft. You're never too old to pick something up to do in your spare time, at least." She didn't mean to be motherly, but Jada was concerned for her younger friend. If the worst occurred- and Krypth assured her it wouldn't, but Jada was a worrywart, and wanted to know Indi would be secure, no matter what.

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara rolled her eyes dramatically at Krypth, but did as she was asked, fingers freeing from her little firelizard to scratch enthusiastically at the underside of the gold dragons jaw, blue eyes bright with amusement at the silly dragon. “You’re such a wherry, Krypth.” Amusement and affection warred for first place in her voice, and Indivara didn’t stop scratching happily at the dragon until the effort of holding her arms up was too much, and they flopped back to her sides, the girl shifting her seat slightly.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Indivara purred sweetly, batting her eye lashes. “Shit is not my preferred embellishment.” No, that went to far filthier and far more insulting words, whatever Indivara could grab off the top of her head, and most of them generally aimed at Valerian. That boy really knew how to push her buttons! The rest of the time she swore with a casualness that was namely seen among some of the feistier greenriders though it was clearly a habit she’d picked up from her chosen male company and the blueriders she so regularly slept with for the past Turn or two… at least when there was a green in the sky. Indivara seemed to keep mostly to herself when there wasn’t a dragon to get blues drunk on lust.

“I do plenty in my spare time,” Indivara countered. She enjoyed flight mothing; it made her feel special in a twisted way that she didn’t pick up on the rest of the time, and safe. They were drunk on lust and rarely remembered much of anything once they’d put their clothes back on. Not like she knew they could be when they were sober. It was why she refused to sleep with her friends, though she played coy and lead them on gleefully. It was good, for someone to poke holes in their damned egos occasionally!

“I have enough with the compulsory Harper classes and Candidate crap, when I can convince the bastards to let me Stand.” Indivara couldn’t remember how she’d managed to get permission to Stand for this latest clutch of Krypth’s, but she was pretty sure the young woman before her and the dragon using her as a chin rest likely had something to do with it. Even D’ren could only put up with sulking, whining and eyelash batting for so long, and Indivara was pretty sure Jada was good at all three when she wanted to be.

“I better fucking Impress. I want my bloody dragon.”

Blood Sucker chirped.

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