World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Sunshine and Marigolds [R'nd, Valerian]

of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
Larrikith preened happily in the late summer sunshine, watching with amusement as B'jin roused lazily once more to consciousness. The little green dragon had coerced her rider into spending the day down at the lake side, just the two of them and 'just because'. It wasn't often that the green got to keep her human to herself for a few hours, and she'd greatly enjoyed the lazy flight down and the companionable chatter they had shared.

They had spoken of everything and nothing all at once. Larrikith knew it was a game they played occasionally, where B'jin would open up to her and let her know bits and pieces about him that he usually kept locked away. She knew she forgot about it before the week was out, but she didn't mind. She also knew it was strange for a dragon not to know their rider as thoroughly as they knew themselves, but the green didn't care about that, either. Her bond with her chosen human was as it should be and as it always had been. They had their ups and their downs but under it all, and often buried under the hurt and fury of their latest fight, Larrikith loved B'jin, and she knew, in the deepest recess of his heart, B'jin loved her too.

Wake up, love.

"m'awke," B'jin slurred, batting the dragon's nose away as she nudged his side playfully, laughing cheekily at his slurred attempt to speak. Breathing a warm gust of breath across her lazy rider's face, Larrikith vanished between with a little giggle that did a far more effective job of waking up B'jin than her nuzzling nose was ever likely to do. Brown eyes wide, B'jin scrambled to his feet, kicking his shirt (which he'd rolled up to use as a pillow) across the sand as he pitched across the beach six steps: and just in time. Larrikith reappeared from between, opening her maw over the spot where B'jin had been and dumped a mouthful of cool lake water.

"Missed me!" B'jin crowed, very much awake now, and darted across the beach, giving Larrikith's tail a tug as he passed, ducking to tumble through the sand when she came gliding after him, then scrabbling to stand and pelt in the opposite direction, sand clinging to his bare knees.

Cheat! Larrikith squealed, spinning on a wingtip and shooting after her rider with playful abandon, barely high enough over the ground to miss brushing sand and wingtip together on the down-strokes. B'jin gave a wicked laugh, skidding to a stop and dropping into a crouch as Larrikith shot over head again. He raised a hand, poking her solidly in the stomach as she went and making the little dragon squeal.

B'jin gave a crow of success and once more sprung to his feet, fleeing up the other end of the beach as Larrikith adjusted her posture to spin around, eyes bright and alive, to chase after her rider, who was attempting to laugh and breathe all at once, and almost managing to get both done. Trilling with sheer delight, Larrikith gave B'jin a nudge with her nose, even as she twisted around in the air, sending the man sprawling and watching as he curled into a ball to control his fall, tumbling through the sand and then sprang to his feet, tossing his head so sand went flying while it clung to bare skin and fell in sprinkles from the shorts he was wearing.

Laughing, Larrikith reached out, scooping B'jin up - and giggling wickedly as his own laughter turned to breathy demands to be put down - and angled toward the water. You need a bath! The green's voice was sugar and spice as she dipped a wingtip into the water, while B'jin twisted in her grip to suddenly monkey up her side and around onto her neck, causing Larrikith to give a trilling sound of laughter. Cheeky shit!

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Valerian still couldn’t believe he was riding aback his own dragon, flying lazily towards the lake. Once he had only been able to dream about such a moment when it was believed dragons were extinct and then it seemed so far away when he had actually Impressed to his precious but petit blue. Their first flight together had been amazing and Valerian didn’t censor his joy as they took off in front of the little group. He was pretty sure he’d never forget that moment with all the fear and excitement as they rose higher and higher. In fact, every flight since then, the small handful that it was, still held that thrill and Valerian still smiled into the breeze that met him.

Both knew they were abusing their new freedom that came with Veeth’s maturing, but neither cared. It wasn’t like they were breaking the rules by flying wherever they could – within reason; Valerian didn’t want to tire Veeth out or cause him any damage – but they had behaved themselves for the last day and a half, saving up for this moment. Normally they bathed at the river since it was a close walk but now they were flying to the lake that Veeth had had so much fun splashing around in during a class months before. There was a chance other and older dragons would be there but Valerian wasn’t worried. For one thing, he seemed to get along with all the dragons he met and for another, if he didn’t like the rider, the lake was big enough for everyone to spread out to avoid each other.

It’s Larrikith! Veeth interrupted Valerian’s silent musings as he took in the view that wasn’t new to him but was new from the back of Veeth. Green eyes turned toward the beach where Veeth indicated as the little blue slowly circled his way down to the green pair. He hadn’t expected to see them but wasn’t upset that he had. In fact, it kind of pleased Valerian. He had met B’jin and Larrikith during her bath and it was something that, while straining his arm, he had enjoyed and recalled with fond memories. It only seemed fitting to have them along for a bath with Veeth.

As they moved in closer, Valerian almost lost his grip on the harness, so shocked was he to see B’jin laughing and playing with Larrikith. Sure they joked around constantly but this seemed to be genuine playful fun. It was… odd. Veeth didn’t seem to think so or mind that they were interrupting. Larrikith love! B’jin! He called out merrily, his mind reaching out for both. Valerian had told him he was special for getting through B’jin’s thick skull so easily and Veeth liked to use it to his advantage whenever he could, going for the perfect moments to surprise the man.

They landed a couple of lengths away from where the pair played and Valerian went to work taking off the straps as quickly as he could. Veeth was excited to go play with his favourite green!

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Why are you dragging your feet? You’re never this slow at getting ready to go to the lake. R’nd quirked a brow at his dragon, which was a wasted action since Ayyonth was outside while he was still inside. Ayyonth was never one to rush him without good reason, like weyrling classes had been and their wing drills would be, so R’nd was a little hesitant now about something they both enjoyed. He was so glad dragons loved water and his seemed perfectly at home curled on a rock by the lake for sunning or paddling about in the deeper areas. They could spend many an afternoon and evening doing nothing other than relaxing and listening to the light rippling of the water at the beach’s edge.

That had been the plan for today as well. R’nd had his needed gear, and even had the bathing equipment in case either of them was inclined to scrub away the light dust before oiling the beautiful hide. Now, as R’nd slung the bag over his shoulder, he couldn’t help but wonder what Ayyonth was planning. Was Kerrin at the lake, ready to drown him for something R’nd didn’t know he had done? That did seem possible and it had been done before, though the bluerider usually knew the reason for revenge. Still, when he finally emerged from his hut located on the edge of Katila’s limits, R’nd alternated from cautious approach and enthusiasm. How could he ever have a reason to dread going to the lake? Even fishing didn’t seem so bad when he got to spend time on the body of water. He was, of course, used to an ocean but that was off limits to them and after the exile, R’nd didn’t mind nearly as much about the lack of chances he had for seeing and smelling that lovely salty ocean.

“I’m here; let’s get a move on,” R’nd swung himself up into the harness and a few beats later they were in the air. While they sometimes did a nice flight to the lake, this time Ayyonth winked between and appeared above the lake at a safe distance – honestly, the fear R’nd had conveyed when he finally learned of the stunt and the verbal lashing he got from Larrikith were both completely overreactions – and he slowly swooped towards the shore. Where B’jin and Larrikith were splashing around.

R’nd’s face lit up at the sight of the greenpair though the blue weyrling team that were close by and removing the riding straps were a bit of a downer. Then again, it looked to be the man that B’jin liked to have around and R’nd smiled as he recalled how easily the young Harper could get flustered. Perhaps he’d stay after all. “B’jin!” he called out to get his friend’s attention before Ayyonth swooped by, teasing Larrikith with an easy glide around and close to her before settling on the sand. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here. I’m glad I did though.”

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
The green dragon gave a vocal squeal of delight the same moment the young blue dragon's voice flowed through B'jin's mind and the rider echoed dragon, yelping in surprise and he topped off Larrikith, landing with a splash in the water below her. The rider came up spluttering and used a hand to shove water darkened hair out of his eyes, while the dragon gave a rumble of pleased amusement. Veeth! Her voice was excited and pleased as she spun around on a wingtip to face towards where the little blue was landing. She watched with interest as he landed, pleased by the improvement and that he didn't snap Valerian's neck with sudden back-winging. Very nice landing!

Reaching down and plucking B'jin out of the lake, the little green dragon glided across the surface, dropping B'jin unceramoniously on the beach before landing herself and trotting over to greet the Weyrling. "She's in a mood!" B'jin warned good naturedly as Larrikith bumped her nose against Veeth's in playful greeting and then turned to lick Valerian's cheek. Then her head snapped around and her neck arched, the little green practically preening as Ayyonth flew by, her nose extending to brush the side of her face against his with a low croon when the blue landed. Ayyonth, the little green's voice was a husky purr and B'jin's eyes narrowed as he watched her with visible suspicion for a moment, before shrugging it off when the green dragon licked Ayyonth across the nose, gave a rumble of laughter, and vanished between. A bright smile lit up his face, washing away any previous thoughts or emotions.

"She's really in a mood." B'jin clarified, looking amused and playful as he approached Valerian with the intent to help the young man with his riding straps; his idea changed halfway and the greenrider instead spun around to go greet R'nd, eyes wide and innocent and a smile on his lips at the greeting... before he flung both arms around R'nd and hugged him tight, cackling as he peeled away to leave a wet imprint of his body down R'nd's front. "Oops." The simple statement lacked any semblance of sincerity as he leaned up to steal a light kiss.

"We weren't expecting company," B'jin returned, mellowing as he stepped out of R'nd's space with a smile and included Valerian in his comment. "Not that we're complaining!" B'jin was more than happy to have his two friends with him, happy enough to forget (or ignore) that he was alone with two blueriders, only half dressed and soaking wet. He swept his fingers back through his wet hair, scooping the darkened locks back off his face. Larrikith had reappeared from between to drop into the lake with a splash, her head reappearing as wings were extended and the green dragon floated lazily, eyes swirling in contentment as she watched her pretty blues.

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Thank you! We’ve been practising, probably more than we should be since Valerian still doesn’t have his hut finished yet.Veeth lightly teased his bonded as Valerian playfully smacked at his nose for ratting them out. It wasn’t like his lack of a finished home was a secret and he didn’t see the shame in still sleeping in the barracks with Veeth outside under the window, but he was certain with B’jin and R’nd joining forces, they would tease him about everything they could. Practising too much seemed right up their alley given how both seemed to be pretty lazy.

Then again, maybe he could enjoy the afternoon by teasing B’jin. Larrikith already seemed to be doing a good job with harassing her rider and if they were talking, he would have cheered her for the way B’jin was dumped into the lake.  Screw it, he did anyway since Larrikith had licked his cheek which eased his resentment of her silence a bit. “And that was a nice landing as well, B’jin. Larrikith really knows the best ways to help.” He went back to work at removing the last of the straps, slightly confused about what sort of mood Larrikith was supposed to be in, but chalked it up to her just being extra feisty and playful that day. She seemed to get that way when around bodies of water, or so his experience with the green had him believe.

Once Veeth was free of everything, he took off, bounding for the water where he saw Larrikith reappear. Valerian sighed but didn’t make a fuss. It wouldn’t hurt to let him play for a bit before starting the bath. Veeth splashed his way into deeper water with jumps and rumbles of laughter and started paddling about, having a grand time in the lake.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd was pleasantly shocked when he suddenly had B’jin hugging him. They weren’t exactly known for being discreet in public when they started playing around and ended up caught up in each other but it was still a little surreal to have B’jin openly hug him like that and be extra chipper. He felt the water seeping through his clothes almost immediately but didn’t flail or freak out as the man stepped away and gave the half-assed ‘oops’. Instead, R’nd laughed with a shake of his head as he glanced down at the result. “You really like attacking my clothes, don’t you?” R’nd grabbed B’jin’s hand and yanked him back towards him, fully okay with leaving Valerian rolling his eyes from the sideline as he grabbed another kiss, “not that I really mind.”

He may have been reluctant about going to the lake a handful of minutes earlier but R’nd was glad Ayyonth urged him. Given the way his dragon was eager to go left R’nd with the belief the dragons had been talking earlier and Ayyonth knew Larrikith would be playing at the lake that day and when, but he also seemed a bit more interested than usual all the same. With how pleased Ayyonth was at Larrikith’s apparently sultry greeting, how playful the greenpair was, and most importantly, B’jin’s slightly odd behaviour had R’nd grinning as he placed a kiss atop a damp head of hair before releasing his friend again.

Larrikith was going to fly soon. He didn’t doubt this for a moment and especially liked their location. B’jin and the lake, two of his favourite things. Pleased with everything, R’nd stripped off his shirt and chucked it atop the bag of bathing supplies he currently didn’t need either since Ayyonth was off flirting with Larrikith. “Seems the dragons are otherwise occupied for the time being. How shall we pass the time? Oh, no need for that face, Valerian. You couldn’t handle either of us on our own, let alone together.” R’nd couldn’t resist getting a dig in about the threesome with Z’ia and D’hys that everyone knew about and burst out laughing when the weyrling looked ready to gag at the thought of B’jin or him in bed with him.

“He really is fun to have around!”

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B'jin laughed at Valerian's comment, giving the blue weyrling a mocking bow before squealing in surprise as R'nd tugged him back into the bluerider's chest. Well, there were worse places to end up! Completely ignorant of Valerian's eye-rolling, B'jin curled into the kiss happily. The bluerider pulling away caused a pouting green, though his eyes swiftly lit up with mirth as R'nd kissed the top of his head with a cheerful comment and B'jin wriggled out of R'nd's grip to eye his handiwork. "Good thing you have a large wardrobe!" he chirped cheerfully. Even proddy, B'jin lacked the never to inform R'nd that if he wore less, chances were he'd destroy less... But that was also a given, right? Right!

Turning his attention away from R'nd, B'jin had been all prepared to start quizzing the young Weyrling on how he was finding flying with his dragon alone now, after so much waiting, when suddenly Valerian was looking ill and R'nd had just said what?! B'jin's expression was scandalised as he spun around, staring with wide, horrified eyes at the bluerider. "R'nd!" How someone could put so much emotion into three vowel-less letters, was a mystery, but B'jin had mastered the speaking of his lover's name over the past turn. He probably said it better than anyone... Ooh!

The wide eyed expression melted away as the greenrider's eyes focused less on R'nd's face and the words he had spoken, and more on the bluerider's lack of a shirt, brown eyes darkening lustily. B'jin rocked back on his heels, lips twisting into a sly little smirk of appreciation as his gaze roved unabashedly. A wet, green nose touching him between his shoulder blades had the greenrider jumping, spinning around with a startled expression to stare up at Larrikith. Not yet, Larrikith purred throatily against the edge of B'jin's mind. B'jin's expression blanked out as the man stared into space for a moment, before he gave a little shiver... and turned bright brown eyes, sparkling with amusement onto his dragon as if nothing had happened.

B'jin's finger's trailed over her nose happily, before the little dragon gave every mental indication of a wink to both her rider and R'nd, and turned her head to eye Valerian with a devious expression that was meant to be innocent. B'jin's lips twisted into a smirk as he watched Larrikith trot up the beach and stop right in front of Valerian. Her nose, still damp from the lake water, pressed forward to nuzzle at the blue weyrling's chest. A soft rumble resonated from her chest, before her head lifted gently and she opened her maw right above his head, spilling a healthy mouthful of water right over his head.

Larrikith gave a very immature squeal of childish delight and bounded away, wings half unfurled as she did so, chirping to vocalise her laughter as she went. Now everyone's wet! Giggling her amusement, Larrikith pranced around to stand behind B'jin, nudging against him playfully as she stared in amusement over his head at Valerian. B'jin, while not actually laughing, looked deviously amused as he smirked from under his dragon's chin.

"Shall we bathe them before they decide to bathe us?" B'jin asked, highly amused with one arched eyebrow.

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Valerian was sorely tempted to call Veeth back and have them pack up, either to another spot down the shore or back to the river. If those two were going to flirt and fondle each other the entire time, he really didn’t need to be there. Besides, B’jin was acting odd. Well, odder than usual and that was saying a lot. While trying to figure out if perhaps the greenrider was drunk or lacking in sleep, Valerian ended up only mildly boggling over the fact that Larrikith was bounding toward him. It wasn’t like she kept her distance from him, and in fact still seemed excited to see him, it was just her decision to never talk to him again that had changed in their friendship. It still bothered the blue weyrling and green eyes widened slightly when he finally clued in she was approaching for him and not Veeth who had now joined them back on the beach as well. She was clearly coming over to properly greet him and Valerian lifted a hand to pet her nuzzling nose when she was suddenly pouring water over his head.

His mouth hung open in shock; the water still dripping down from very wet clinging strands of hair which he actually had to brush out of his eyes. “Larrikith!” He called out, incredulous, as the green pranced away with a giggle. Valerian wasn’t sure if he was annoyed at being wet in general or slightly disturbed that the water he was now drenched in came from a dragon’s mouth. Either way, his mouth finally closed and set into his usual semi-pout of indifference as he poked at the hem of his shirt. “Too late,” he finally replied when his green gaze lifted to B’jin to see his friend doing his best not to laugh while R’nd openly did so. The tables needed turning. Now. Valerian didn’t like all of them teaming up against him; he had enough trouble with Larrikith on her own when water was near. He just needed to find a way to get one of them to join his side for some teasing.

Crinkling his nose in another moment of annoyance, Valerian ended up joining the club with stripping off his shirt and laying it out on a rock to help it dry. Even though his pants were already well on their way to being entirely soaked, Valerian rolled up each leg to his knee to help keep them somewhat dry when he actually got around to bathing Veeth but he knew it was a fairly futile action and only served to keep himself momentarily distracted. With shoes toed off, the bag of supplies was grabbed and Valerian dared to move closer to the water’s edge to get down to business.

Will we still be able to play after? I like spending time with Larrikith and Ayyonth. Valerian shrugged as he dug through the bag, We’ll see. I don’t see why you can’t sun with them if you want while I go for a quick swim. It all depended on what the older dragons were up to afterwards but for now that satisfied Veeth and he dutifully stood still as Valerian started scrubbing the pretty hide. His dragon loved to keep up appearances and never struggled when it came to bath time. As he worked, more of the straggling bits of weyrling hide finally fell away save for one stubborn spot of dark blue. Valerian frowned as he put a little more pressure on it to help it free since it seemed to be the last on Veeth’s left side but it didn’t seem to budge.

Ow! Veeth whined with a nudge of his head to Valerian’s shoulder. Are you trying to rub the blue right off of me? I love Pistoth but I don’t want to be as pale as him.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd pouted at Larrikith for her well-timed interruption of what could have led to wonderful times but considering his conviction there would be a flight soon and all the circumstances surrounding it, he knew there would still be wonderful times ahead. So he quietly let B’jin have his spaced out moment with his dragon and quirked a brow at Larrikith’s mental wink and amusement as she trotted over to Valerian. Since he didn’t know the kid as well as B’jin did and didn’t have any inclination to be as polite in such matters, R’nd was soon laughing at the weyrling pranked by the excited green dragon. Even Ayyonth rumbled with laughter and he licked Larrikith’s cheek when she settled in behind B’jin.

“See, for all his looks of disgust, he’s not actually against the idea of playing with us.” He was almost borderline mean with his teasing when he knew B’jin was a bit reserved and Valerian had no interest in either of them, but his reactions to such ideas, which seemed to bloom in the Harper’s mind really were fun to provoke out of him. “But perhaps we should make an effort to get these pranksters cleaned up before they strike again.” He eyed Ayyonth carefully as he said that, knowing his dragon could be just as bad for teasing when he wanted to be and it wasn’t always on R’nd’s side that he played from.

With a soft chuckle, R’nd couldn’t resist one more playful kiss to the greenrider – only admitting to himself he quite possibly was trying to sway the results of the flight even more than his usual time with the man did – before following Valerian’s example and preparing to bathe his big blue rock. A rock that can hold you under water better than Kerrin can and a rock that can make your annoying butt walk home. R’nd laughed at the comment and patted Ayyonth’s side in apology though his words undid it all again, But you’re my favourite rock so that should count for something. Still he laughed when Ayyonth nudged him roughly, leaving him stumbling a few feet but thankfully not falling.

I don’t have to give chase, you know. R’nd lightly swatted Ayyonth’s side with the cloth he had taken from his kit, but we both know you will anyway. What’s the kid doing? From the corner of his eye he saw Valerian eyeing Veeth with a frown and heard the sweet melodic voice complaining about his rider being too rough. Intrigued and a bit worried Valerian hadn’t mastered the art of bathing a dragon, R’nd went over to check it out and before he could ask what the problem was, he saw the cause for concern.

“B’jin! Come here, you have to see this,” R’nd was normally far more respectful of another’s dragon but he helped himself to brushing his fingers over the dark blue spot, deciding that wasn’t old hide but part of Veeth’s actual colouring. “Veeth’s beautiful colouring has one more amazing feature to it. He has a heart-shaped spot on his left flank!” He smiled at Veeth who watched them both with eyes swirling with his worry and missed Valerian’s glare.

He means no harm, Little One. R’nd is fascinated by the hides your class is revealing now and loves that you have a little heart.  Ayyonth’s rich voice was soothing and reaching out to everyone as he moved in closer to see what the fuss was all about.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
"Valerian loves us." B'jin stated quite confidently, indicating Larrikith as the other portion of 'us' with a flick of his hand and a quirky smile to the little green dragon, who crooned her agreement. "He's just a tease." A wink was tossed at R'nd, the greenrider completely oblivious to any manner in which his words could be taken - unaware that they could be taken in any manner other than he spoke, though what he might have meant by them was probably vaguely known at best even to him.

Yes? Larrikith purred innocently at Valerian, still hiding childishly behind B'jin as she watched the blue weyrling with obvious amusement. That faded rapidly, however, and she shot R'nd a warning look when he kissed her rider again. The little green's eyes flashed possessively and she snorted, the sound almost threatening as she unfurled her wings just enough to make her look almost intimidating. Or slightly hilarious, though he'd be insane to laugh at her.

"Probab-," B'jin was cut off by the application of R'nd's teasing kiss. "-ley." He finished, blinking as R'nd whisked off to begin the task of bathing his dragon while Larrikith gave a snort of irritation. B'jin turned to eye Larrikith thoughtfully. "Shall we, fair lady?" Oh, the mockery in that simple question, but whatever was bugging her, was apparently forgotten and B'jin smiled as she replied. Of course, good sir. His own teasing was thrown back ten fold by Larrikith's mind voice, which she shared with the boys - dragons and rider alike - before walking with great dignity to join the blues in the water. B'jin trotted along behind her, after grabbing a scrubbing brush and a couple bags of soap-sand.

B'jin, ever absent from draconic conversation unless they were specifically aiming to include him, looked up in surprise as R'nd called his name and babbled something about Veeth and hearts and hides. Larrikith snorted again, but B'jin just petted her lightly on the nose as he rolled his eyes and made his way over to the other two riders. The little green followed him possessively, curious to see what was causing the commotion over at Veeth when they should all be focusing on her. Her sudden rush of irritable jealousy poisoned B'jin's good mood, the greenrider's lips pursing into a flat line.

"It can't be a spot if it's heart shaped." B'jin stated bluntly, frowning at R'nd and wondering if he were trying to be funny. Deciding that'd be a very R'nd thing to do, B'jin gave the bluerider an irritable look. "Are you going to move so I can see, or would you like to stand there all day?" B'jin's voice was snide, his expression alien as he glared at R'nd with obvious irritation. "Well?!" He snapped, scowling when he was just stared at by both blueriders.

Larrikith probably would have been amused by her rider being snippy, if she weren't rather eager for her bath to commence... so it could be finished! Forget about them! Larrikith's voice was somewhere between a command and a wheedle, soft and for her rider only, B'jin threw his hands up in the air and spun around, his gaze shifting back to his dragon automatically, eyes softening and he moved away from the little group huddled around Veeth to focus on his own gorgeous dragon. Bathe me, love. We can admire him later. When it wasn't important for her to be the centre of all admiration! They were the important ones right now! B'jin pet her nose gently, tracing the shape of her face around her eye with gentle affection. "True, love," he murmured softly.

With B'jin focused on her and the job of scrubbing her hide, Larrikith glared at either man any time they so much as glanced in her direction, be it at her or at B'jin. Her gaze was hot, with flickers of lust flashing through at random and lengthy intervals. Only when she'd been scrubbed from top to tail did Larrikith allow B'jin to coax her up the beach and onto the sands, the dragon shaking herself out to remove most of the water before allowing her rider to attack her with their patented lavender scented oil. As the heady scent swirled around them, both relaxed visibly and Larrikith's gaze focused less on angry glares at the two blues and their riders, and more lusty invitation as she preened under B'jin's careful application of oil.

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Valerian couldn’t believe the fuss that was being kicked up about Veeth’s unique marking. Why did it matter if his precious dragon had a heart on his flank? Okay, sure, it wasn’t something that was seen every day and everyone, no matter who they were, always ended up fascinated with that particular shape and what it represented. Even he could admire the beauty of love and had written poems about it and could put a fair amount of emotion behind the lyrics he sang of well known tales. It also made sense that Veeth would have a little heart given his growing interest in chasing greens and the way he called everyone ‘love’. But in the end, Valerian would have preferred everyone just relax and not make a deal out of it.

B’jin may have felt the same way with how grumpy he was though it could have simply been a cover for not being able to see it at all. Valerian had stepped aside once he realised the greenrider couldn’t see but it didn’t change the attitude given but at least it was aimed at R’nd. It was almost annoying to be the centre of attention yet still ignored at the same time. So he made it so he’d be noticed again by chuckling at R’nd’s expense. “You were told off. Looks like you’re not getting laid tonight.” He was far too amused by the adorable couple hitting a troubled spot and he couldn’t resist letting it slide by unannounced.

Veeth shuffled his feet and started to feel upset at how B’jin and Larrikith didn’t seem to like him right then and Valerian finally dropped the teasing and smirking and pressed his hand over the heart shape. I like it Veeth, I really do. Look at Ayyonth’s colouring. It’s so uniform that it’s almost boring. The heart makes you stand out and special. He hadn’t hated the mark, only the idea of how much cooing it could bring. He’d be able to tune it out though, he always managed it. You think the ladies will like it? Definitely. Valerian knew he shouldn’t encourage Veeth to show it off and earn more attention but the idea of having everyone fawning over him cheered the dragon up.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd stared at the retreating greenpair for a moment before shrugging and turning back to Veeth. He knew what was going on and wasn’t about to play into it just yet so he admired the marking and circled the smaller blue dragon to see if there were more before ending the trip with a pat to Veeth’s nose. He was so sweet, unlike his rider. Even knowing why B’jin was in a foul mood, R’nd didn’t appreciate having the weyrling point out he had been yelled at. Apparently the kid wasn’t as smart as he thought he was if he couldn’t tell when a greenrider was proddy. This was B’jin; the man didn’t speak to friends like that on a normal day so there had to be something special going on. Oh well. It was almost entertaining to see Valerian get left behind in the dark. The shock when Larrikith took to the sky would be worth it all.

“I guarantee you I’ll be getting laid tonight.” R’nd’s confidence was strengthened by Ayyonth’s who had no desire to lose the chase even though it would be hilarious to watch Valerian tease R’nd endlessly for losing and not getting sex that day after all. R’nd shot his dragon a quick glare before grinning and returning to his side to finish the bathing process. He took his time scrubbing, not at all concerned about the cranky greens not too far from them or about the young blues beside them. Ayyonth wasn’t by far the largest dragon in the weyr but he was of a decent size and R’nd learned early on that there wasn’t a need to rush through the scrubbing as it only tired him out sooner. That didn’t mean, however, that he was going to spend all day at the task, not when there was a green so close to rising!

Soon enough Ayyonth was scrubbed and rinsed and they were moving on to the oiling. Unlike Larrikith, and apparently Veeth as well from what he had been told before, Ayyonth’s oil was the basic mix without extra scents. It wasn’t for any particular reason, mostly neither of them had found a scent they loved enough to want it slathered on the marbled hide R’nd was now paying careful attention to as he applied the oil. We could find something that complements lavender nicely, Ayyonth suggested mildly, his gaze attuned to Larrikith as he watched her intently for a few moments before going back to enjoying the view of the scenery around them and repeating the process. It was clear he wasn’t about to let her get a huge lead on him and would take off as soon as she did, or maybe klah-scented oil would help keep you awake and focused when we start wing practices.

Ha ha… I think we’ll stick with the original for a little longer. R’nd rolled his eyes but was smiling and having fun as they continued their usual light bantering. Still, he ignored the greenpair for the most part. He wasn’t about to go steal more hugs or kisses, not when B’jin had entered the cranky stage and could quite possibly yell some more or maybe kick his shin. Then again, ignoring the man could very well earn the same treatment so finally he turned his full attention onto the proddy pair, “we can all agree that you always look amazing, Larrikith, but your hide looks exceptionally beautiful right now. The beach agrees with you, my spunky green friend.”

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
The green dragon was lapping up the attention her rider was lathering on her, coated in the gentle and soothing scent of lavender. B'jin had made his way across the green body with determination, making sure every portion of her hide was well oiled and massaged. His process of climbing and leaning on Larrikith had the man himself coated in the soft scented oil. As a result, he near glowed as literally as his dragon as B'jin stood at her head, using a smaller and softer cloth to carefully apply the stuff to the area around Larrikith's eye, across the panes of her face, and over her headknobs.

Larrikith, with her wings extended and her head drooped lazily, was blatantly ignoring the boys now as she soaked up the warmth of the sunshine on the fresh coat of oil. B'jin finished, tossing the cloth on the pile of other bathing and oiling equipment, and stepped back to admire his handiwork as R'nd spoke up. The green dragon lifted her head to stare at the pair, her eyes dark and heated with her up coming flight. Then she pointedly turned her gaze from them and onto Veeth, offering a teasing croon for the young blue; Then she was hissing threateningly when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, head spinning around to glare at her mate and his human, unsure if they had really moved or it had been a part of her imagination.

"Larri?" B'jin frowned suddenly, looking genuinely confused as his dragon puffed up, snarling and flicking her tail anxiously. The greenrider managed a single step forward before stiffening distinctly, gasping in shock as he realised what was going on with his dragon and wondering - as he did every time - how he had missed the signs. Then he remembered his companions, and B'jin spun around to face them, twisting to keep both in sight, the greenrider's eyes wild as he backed away slowly. He liked Flying with R'nd. The bluerider was one of his best flight partners - but that face flashed clear as day in his mind and B'jin stumbled as he staggered away from the two younger men, gaze flashing in horror to Valerian. Oh, dear Faranth! no!

"No!" B'jin spun on his dragon, frantic, begging.

Yes! Larrikith shrieked to the world at large, shifting her posture and screaming her challenge to the two blues, even as she threw her small body into the sky, dodged swiftly away from Ayyonth's likely path, and shot off up and over the lake, gaining altitude swiftly.

B'jin watched the form of his glowing dragon vanish into the sparse cloud cover, intent on leading a good chase. The heat of her desire flooding through him, B'jin spun around and locked his gaze on R'nd. "You knew!" The two words were filled with accusation, but also something else that the greenrider couldn't quite decipher; pride, perhaps - the bluerider wanted him. Taking two stumbling steps towards R'nd, B'jin held out one hand in invitation, shooting a horrified look at Valerian. This flight, he would willingly tip the tables in favour of one rider over another; he did not want to wake up on the damned beach with Valerian! Refusing to think on it, B'jin toppled into the effects of dragonlust and let Larrikith take control.

No! Larrikith shrieked again, furious at B'jin's attempt to skew her flight, and she spun away from Ayyonth, lusty gaze searching for the younger blue. She would tangle with him to spite her stupid human! She would show him who rules her flights! She would -- Larrikith gave a furious shriek as someone grabbed her. On the ground, B'jin gave a hiss of fury at being captured so early, before melding into his partner.

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Valerian was fine with the silence, or rather, the lack of interaction between the humans as they paid attention to their own dragons. He had intended to come to the lake solely for that reason anyway and seeing B’jin was a nice bonus. B’jin’s odd mood, however, wasn’t and the young weyrling was more than happy to ignore it and R’nd once the older bluerider wandered off. He was almost startled when R’nd finally broke the silence with flattery aimed at Larrikith and he gave the rider a questioning glance. What was he up to? If R’nd was up to something, Larrikith was the leader of the scheme as she shrieked and took off. About the time B’jin clued in, Valerian did as well with the colour draining from his face.

“No!” No, no, no, this was not happening! Valerian spun to face Veeth and saw his usually kind and understanding dragon watching Larrikith with sharp keen eyes. Of course. Veeth already adored the feisty green, and normally Valerian did as well, but that wasn’t when she was flying and about to lead a small chase of two blues! Desperately Valerian grabbed for Veeth’s neck, wrapping his arms around it in a physical plea to go with the horror-struck words that came tumbling out, “Veeth, no. Please don’t chase Larrikith. That’s B’jin I’ll be with if you win.”

But it’s Larrikith I’d be with and she’s so much fun! Veeth’s sweet voice was full of longing and before Valerian could figure out how it happened, his dragon was shaking him free and taking off. He blamed his inability to truly say no to Veeth. He could try but if the dragon wanted something bad enough, Valerian usually caved. It was a weakness he hoped no one, especially Larrikith the troublemaker, found out about.

Still as white as a sheet with panic in green eyes, Valerian turned from where he now sat on the sand to see where B’jin was and did his best to scramble away. It wouldn’t matter once Veeth’s will overruled his but distance was key. It was clear how little his efforts mattered when seconds later Larrikith shrieked again and Valerian looked up to see green and blue tangling.

There was no relief to be found however.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
“I suspected,” R’nd replied casually, doing his best to keep the smug arrogance out of his voice at being right and over B’jin not seeming to truly mind. There was no point in denying it though later he would explain that he didn’t know until they arrived at the beach. Even that was only partially true. He always had a vague idea of when Larrikith would rise since Impressing and seeing her flights as the only chance to be with B’jin, and since winning that first flight and forming a friendship with the greenrider, he may have paid a little extra attention but so did Ayyonth. His dragon was smitten with the spunky green which amused R’nd more than terrified him; now anyway. It was a bit of shock to find out the dragons liked each other so much after losing Grith’s flight. His mind was most certainly not in any state to process that information!

Soon after Larrikith took off, Ayyonth was hot on her tail but R’nd’s gaze stayed on B’jin. He swore his friend had seemed frightened seconds before Larrikith flew but he couldn’t figure out why, or if he had even seen that emotion. Given the reaction Valerian was having – and R’nd couldn’t stifle the laugh at all the protests and begging – it was chalked up to a mutual fear of Veeth winning. So long as Ayyonth and Larrikith hadn’t planned some grand game to mess with them all, R’nd was confident his dragon wouldn’t let that happen. With his usual jovial smile that hadn’t been affected by the flightlust just yet, R’nd reached for B’jin as the greenrider moved closer. Confidence radiated from him, as it did Ayyonth, and as R’nd moved forward, Ayyonth took the chance of Larrikith being distracted to make a move for a catch.

Her anger didn’t deter him as their bodies tangled and brushed softly against her mind, Next time, sweet Larrikith. R’nd likes the idea of B’jin and the beach too much for me to let the Little One have his fun this time.

R’nd was momentarily shocked that the flight was over before it really began but grinned as he grabbed B’jin’s hand and pulled the greenrider to him for a celebratory kiss. There was a definite advantage to flights at the beach, he decided moments later when fingers danced down to the waist; far less clothes to worry about.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
Larrikith gave a huff at Ayyonth's soft words, before settling smugly into their flight. She loved her mate, and she would choose him over anyone - but she so wanted the torture that would be her flight with Veeth. She knew her mate wouldn't mind, when he saw the reactions it garnered, and she decided she was right in that assumption when he (basically) gave her permission to fly the Weyrling, next time. Pleased, smug and filled to overflowing with love for her gorgeous mate, Larrikith responded happily to her capture, doing what little the dragon could to make their flight as long and delightful as a green-blue flight could be.

The greenrider responded in kind with his dragon, subconsciously echoing her emotions and love with his own (not really) less encompassing affection. Wrapped up in the thrills of the flight, B'jin forgot about the other bluerider still located on the beach.

-> -> ->

Even B'jin couldn't remain oblivious forever, and as Larrikith settled gently on the ground and curled up in the sand and sunshine, still glittering with the oil and the calming, sated effects of her flight, B'jin slowly regained his own consciousness. The process made him aware of the usual post-flight discomfort. But with it, came the added effects of sand, sunshine and a light breeze. B'jin's eyebrows twitched slightly, and a subtle shiver travelled down his spine.

A moment later, brown eyes suddenly sprung open, wide and filled with horror as the greenrider's conscience became his own fully, remembering... The horrified gaze jerked with his sudden head moment, arrowing in on the face of his partner, body as frozen as the mountaintops, terrified of whom he would find himself tangled and entwined with. Despite that, B'jin knew, before he'd even recognised the fine features of his lover's face, whom he was with and he relaxed for a moment, curling in closer to R'nd and kissing him softly on the neck, light and teasing... before freezing in a whole new terror as their location suddenly sunk in.

He was on the beach. Butt naked. After Larrikith's Flight, which had interrupted a group bathing session and that meant... Valerian was around somewhere! Not only that, but the young man had his hands on a first class viewing ticket! B'jin's face lit up like a bonfire, burning a mortified shade of crimson as he twisted his body to hide as much of himself as he could around and under his far less modest lover, whimpering unhappily as brown eyes searched in terror for his clothing, and failed to locate them. Oh, dear Faranth, where had R'nd thrown his damned shorts?!

Larri! It was a half-sobbed mental whine, the greenrider wondering what he had done to deserve the indignity Larrikith had forced on him this time. Brown eyes rapidly became shining pools of his mortified self pity as they threatened to flood over with sudden tears.

Ooh! Could the sand not open up and swallow him whole, please?! "R'nd!" It was an impatient, terrified hissing whisper, B'jin's lips near his lover's ear as he breathed the name out, "where're my - don't move!" B'jin squeaked, almost bursting into tears at the mere thought of his body shield removing himself and his arms wrapped around R'nd's waist tightly. Refusing to let the bluerider shift as he stared at him with huge, mortified eyes, B'jin bit his bottom lip to keep it from trembling with the overwhelming desire to just cry. He hadn't felt so mortified in decades. The greenrider's face was a painting of horrific, mortified shame.

"Please," B'jin whispered, begging, as some tears made it past the barriers, and tumbled down his cheeks.

[sup]I feel so terrible ;; he's so upset x.x[/sup]

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd didn’t want to wake up. The sun was warm above him and the sand was nice beneath him and there was someone curled up beside him, content to enjoy it all without words or full consciousness. Ayyonth nudged gently against his mind before settling in beside Larrikith, also content to bask in the sun. Like rider, like dragon; both loved the beach and listening to the water lap at the shore. Unfortunately, the terrified hiss of his name sent grey eyes flying open and mind snapping to full wakefulness as R’nd wondered what was going on and if they were in mortal danger. He tried to sit up and see what was going on but froze at the squeaked order not to move as arms circled his waist. He was still confused and the gaze he turned on B’jin said as much. Were they surrounded by felines? Surely their dragons would be making a bit more noise than lazy croons if that were the case.

As he took in B’jin’s expression from the way his mouth was set to the fear in pretty brown eyes to the tears welling, and soon falling, R’nd understood. He had been excited for their romp on the beach but B’jin, for all his amazing bedroom skills and enthusiasm when alone behind closed doors, wasn’t as open as he was, wasn’t as shameless as he was, and just simply didn’t like the weyr knowing or viewing what he got up to with a lover. In that moment, the shameless bluerider felt ashamed. He should have known better than to think a flight at the lake would work out well in the end and he had been utterly selfish in the desire to have B’jin sprawled beneath him on the sand. “I’m sorry, love,” R’nd’s voice was a hoarse whisper, carrying all the remorse he had for his foolishness as he gently wiped away the trail of tears from one cheek.

Shifting just enough to keep B’jin covered, R’nd looked away from his lover long enough to scout the area, only to find no one was around, Ayyonth confirming it a moment later that he didn’t see anyone either. “No one else is here, I swear it. Even Valerian took off, no doubt as soon as Veeth landed to collect him.” The other cheek received the same gentle touch to brush away the tears before R’nd pressed a lingering kiss to B’jin’s forehead. “I’ll stay exactly like this until only the stars are above us and no one will see us until they trip over us if you want.” He still spoke in tender and calming tones but R’nd meant it; he would stay as a shield for B’jin until nightfall if the greenrider demanded it.

Suddenly recalling he had a lump of a blue dragon not too far away, R’nd reached out to Ayyonth, seeking a little help. Could you find and bring over B’jin’s shorts, Ayyonth? Please. An amused snort met the question but Ayyonth considered the task as he looked between his rider and his mate. You want me to get up to help your sorry behind when I’m comfortable curled up with Larrikith? The things I do for you though I think this counts more as the things I do for B’jin because he’s entertaining, Standing and stretching in a great show of purposely delaying, Ayyonth finally meandered closer to find the shorts and seconds later was cautiously approaching the upset greenrider to drop the shorts at his side and gently nudge B’jin’s shoulder with his nose. With his task completed, Ayyonth laid down along the riders’ side and around them the best he could to help play big blue wall for B’jin’s modesty. Never let it be said he couldn’t play nice!

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
R'nd's gentle words only worsened the tumble of emotions swirling through B'jin, the pinnacle of which was the overwhelming guilt at the bluerider's sweet natured gestures and his soft apology. B'jin's teeth dug deeper into his bottom lip, not quite strong enough to draw blood but more than enough to be a noticeable action against saying something, against sobbing alongside the sudden rush of tears that cascaded down his cheeks. More guilt filled the greenrider when he flinched fearfully as R'nd moved, inexplicably expecting his partner to get up and leave him, despite the apology and gentle touch. It was what Nemall was wont to do, follow a kind and gentle action with an act of cruelty. Remorse painted B'jin's salt streaked cheeks when he realised what R'nd was doing.

B'jin's arms loosened, shifting their grip as his dear bluerider spoke his promise, B'jin staring up at him with so many emotions rolling across his face, and fighting for a place within his tear soaked gaze, that what it began as and where it ended would forever be unknown. The roller-coaster ended with a breathy sob escaping from B'jin, the greenrider's arms shifting to wrap around R'nd in a solid hug as he clung to the bluerider, bursting into shameful tears but unable to help himself, unable to stop it. Of all the things the bluerider could have said, of all the things he could have done, the gentle kiss and the soft words were what broke him. Of all the actions R'nd had partaken in to prove his affection and friendship for B'jin, of all his gentle words and reassurances when the past haunted the greenrider, the very fact that he was prepared to linger on the beach, linger where they were - how they were - to protect B'jin from people that weren't present, did so much more than anything else. Was so much more than anything else B'jin had been told, had received.

He knew, he knew if he begged it of R'nd, that the bluerider wouldn't leave, that he wouldn't move, that he wouldn't get grumpy or anxious or upset because B'jin was being unreasonable or annoying or silly or ridiculous. He would do it because it was what B'jin wanted, what B'jin needed, what B'jin asked. The greenrider hiccuped when a dragon's nose touched lightly against his shoulder, but he refused to remove his face from where he was washing R'nd's shoulder in a salty bath of tears. "I'm s-sor-ry," the words were spoken between breathy gasps and half choked sobs, the man shrinking against R'nd in shame of breaking down, ashamed of freaking out, ashamed for upsetting R'nd. His apology encompassed it all, but he refused to lift his face from R'nd's shoulder; he couldn't stomach the idea of looking his lover in the face, he couldn't stomach the thought of why he was curled up, crying pathetically. He shoved the later thought away, fearful of the very real queasy feeling it ignited in his stomach.

Relax, love, Larrikith crooned softly, and B'jin started at the closeness of the literal sound, peeling his face away from R'nd timidly to peer at the barrier the green dragon had turned her body into, curling around the other side of the couple to flick her tail lightly over that of Ayyonth, her nose close enough to the blue's to exchange a nudge of greeting, and a placid lick to her mate's cheek. Her human was being ridiculous, but she knew he was also being honest; B'jin rarely dramatised for drama's sake. She didn't know why he was so determined to make a big deal of something as simple and common as waking up from her flight, but she'd do her part to settle him, even if it was conducted with eye-rolls and dry amusement.

No one is here, and no one saw you, she murmured gently, bringing her head around to nudge gently at B'jin, and then nudge affectionately at R'nd, her eyes placid and warm. "I know," B'jin whispered timidly; R'nd had said there was no one there, and the greenrider believed him. He trusted him, R'nd would never, ever purposefully hurt him, or upset him, or tease him or taunt him with the purpose to cause harm. R'nd was sweet, and beautiful, and kind and gentle. The timid brown eyed gaze shifted slowly and shamefully to look up at R'nd, followed with just as much reservation as the greenrider gently shifted his position to capture R'nd in a soft kiss, an action that carried simple words that encompassed everything B'jin wasn't quite sure how else to articulate; "Thank you," it was whispered on a soft breath when the kiss found its end.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
B’jin was still crying! Why was he still crying? He had said something wrong; of course he had. He hadn’t thought over what to say or what else might be wrong with the situation. R’nd stared down at B’jin, trying his best to keep the confusion and fear out of his eyes but he knew that was a wasted effort. Try as he might in keeping his expressions held as something that suited him, his eyes always gave away at least a hint of the real emotion even if just for the briefest of seconds. He also couldn’t figure out why B’jin was apologising, well, other than for confusing him but R’nd doubted that was the actual intent behind the reaction. Somewhere in his words and gestures was a mistake and as R’nd brushed B’jin’s hair back in slow and hopefully soothing strokes, he tried to work out what it was. Had he teased his friend by accident by suggesting they stay as they lay? Did it sound like an invite for more sex? Perhaps B’jin was uncomfortable.

“Ayyonth!” R’nd suddenly growled at his blue when the dragon flicked his tail against the back of R’nd’s head. A snort was given as reply to the growl and glare he was receiving but Ayyonth found it was necessary. He had been proud of R’nd for just doing and not over-thinking everything and worrying if he would mess something up if he followed his instincts. Now he had to listen to the man mentally flail because his actions had earned more tears. But those actions had also earned a hug, and now a kiss and a word of gratitude. R’nd was an idiot sometimes and Ayyonth wasn’t about to let him get away with it forever. So he earned a tail-smack.

R’nd’s shock from his ever helpful dragon was wiped away easily enough when the kiss came and, as always, B’jin’s lack of skill with words was forgotten in favour of paying attention to how well he conveyed his feelings in other ways. The man had a talented mouth, which R’nd knew for a certainty in multiple ways, and the kisses he gave when struggling for words were the ones that had once startled him the most but were now the best-liked. It was confirmation that he’d been reading their time together correctly and B’jin wasn’t bored with him and didn’t doubt the things that were said and done. When R’nd did something, he meant it, and he wasn’t fond on lies that could hurt people and especially hated broken promises. He relaxed visibly under the sweet kiss and gave a light smile in return as he once again brushed away the tears.

“Always,” R’nd held to the soft tone given the mood that had settled around them and how intimate everything now felt with the dragons cutting them off from the world around them. He wasn’t quite sure if his vague promise – and that was exactly what that one little word was – would be interpreted correctly but R’nd had a feeling B’jin would catch the main gist of it. R’nd would always be there when needed. Like it or not, the greenrider had found himself a loyal friend in the bluerider and was now stuck with him.

Repositioning himself just enough to not disturb the hug or expose B’jin to only the eyes of their dragons, R’nd leaned his weight onto his forearm resting in the sand beside his lover and picked up the shorts with his other hand just enough to draw attention to them. “Ayyonth brought your shorts over for you when you’re ready to dress,” of course his own were still missing but R’nd didn’t mind being on display and would find them eventually.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
Chewing thoughtfully on his lower lip, B'jin ignored the shorts that were being held up lightly by R'nd. Instead, he stared up at his lover frankly, his gaze almost vague with all the thoughts that were running through it. "Thank you," his words were quiet and whispered, the man clearly lost in his own thoughts. He raised a hand, but rather than reaching for the shorts, he brushed his fingertips lightly down the side of R'nd's face, tracking them with his eyes as they travelled. The bluerider's simple word was still whispering around his mind, and he could hear it with every beat of his heart. His hand lowered gently, trailing down R'nd's neck, over his collarbone and coming to a rest with splayed fingertips over his heart for a moment. His hand lingered, hovering just lightly enough to not apply any pressure to his touch, feeling the beat of his lover's heart.

After lingering for a few heartbeats - always, always, always - B'jin's hand shifted, hand sneaking under R'nd's arm to wrap around the younger man, pulling himself gently closer until they were pressed together. The greenrider's gaze, previously void of any particular emotion and dark with thought suddenly came alive, though the emotion brightening them was unreadable as his lips sought R'nd's, initiating another gentle kiss, his movements slow and carefully carried out, neither timid nor particularly demanding. Asking, but not waiting for the answers to be given, B'jin gently pushed R'nd over onto the sand, trailing butterfly kisses down his neck, nipping his collarbone. Raising his gaze, B'jin caught R'nd's eyes, his own begging the other rider not to say anything. He knew his kisses worked wonders when he wanted to say something, and was failing, but he was unsatisfied, worried R'nd didn't fully comprehend.

His eyes lowered from R'nd's gaze, demure and shy, though the actions that followed were far from. Words had always failed him when he wanted to share what was buried deeper than the top most surface, but even the kiss that had R'nd offering his single word promise - always, always, the gentle pulse encouraged him - he didn't feel he had conveyed all the things the bluerider made him feel right then; safe, wanted, appreciated, understood... The focus of B'jin's gentle kisses changed, returning to his lover's lips as he relaxing against the other man, enjoying the warming touch of the sun above, an addition to his bedroom that hadn't been seen since before Nirinath called the dragons back together. B'jin wasn't thinking of that, however, as he settled into the task of really showing R'nd what the bluerider meant to him, his touch light and holding just a whisper of confidence. As he trusted the dragons to keep them from detection, the greenrider started with the selection he knew R'nd most favoured, his touch sure and growing in confidence before he moved with a sly little smile, to introduce R'nd to a few new things he hadn't personally shared with his wonderful bluerider.

B'jin didn't understand what he had done to garner the attention of the bluerider, and couldn't figure out what had managed to keep the flighty man in his bed for so long. It was something he had consciously decided months before, before he'd even realised it had been a decision, not to question it for a moment. He knew he'd snapped at teasing friends to keep their smart mouths shut about his 'relationship' with the bluerider, though that had been washed away when D'ren had bellowed it to the entire Weyr; and yet it hadn't sent R'nd running. He didn't understand that, either, though the deep relief to find the bluerider still exchanging visits with him regularly had surprised B'jin. Knowing that wasn't something he wanted to analyse, B'jin had done what he does best: stored it away where he wasn't required to think about it.

What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? B'jin had no desire to know what that relief might entail. He was afraid of what it might mean, and he was afraid of losing the most beautiful part of his life. He loved his children and they brought him great joy. But R'nd was different, and so much more! The bluerider was dedicated, and sweet and protective, but also determined not to baby B'jin and the greenrider appreciated that, too. B'jin was deeply proud, and while the lifestyle of Katila had done little to cater to B'jin's pride or put it on show very often, it didn't remove that thick streak from who he was - it just kept it out of sight.

B'jin pressed a final kiss to R'nd's lips, the action delicately tender and verging on shy, despite his confidence of moments before, eyes downcast shyly as the greenrider curled preciously against R'nd, resting his head upon the bluerider's chest and reassuring himself with the elevated beat - always, always, always!

Larrikith's gaze, soft and proud, shifted to look at Ayyonth, nudging the blue's cheek before licking him affectionately and nuzzling his neck. Soon, she whispered softly to the other dragon, positively tingling with the emotions swirling lazily through her rider. He hadn't quite recognised his own emotions, yet, but he was close, so close!

[sup]i didn't really point it out, but imagine the two babbling paragraphs in the middle there are a "fade out" and suitable time passé before Jinny snuggles up lol.[/sup]

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd gave a startled laugh when he found the sand beneath his back and grey eyes were bright with amusement as he stared up at his lover. B’jin was expressing himself with actions instead of words again which gave away how sincere everything was and how badly his precious friend and lover wanted to make sure everything was heard correctly. A part of him wondered if others would find him odd for liking the lack of words when he was so good with them himself but while it was possible to go through the motions, it was hard to fake the emotions attached to each one. Every single gentle touch made him feel cherished, not just wanted or desired but like he mattered to B’jin. He was appreciated and not just because R’nd was willing to do anything to preserve the man’s modesty in that moment.

He would have been fine with letting those touches and their meaning linger a little longer but with the mischief in B’jin’s eyes after he flipped them, R’nd was willing to let that pass quickly after all. Was it even possible to say no or think of anything else when the greenrider gave him that look or started nibbling and touching in just the right ways? R’nd was very willing to give in and enjoy the other ways B’jin wanted to express himself and was soon giving as good as he got, bringing out his own arsenal of moves he knew his lover enjoyed.

It was amazing what a nicely built dragon wall could do! R’nd let out a long content sigh as he settled back against the sand with B’jin already snuggling in close. That certainly topped winning a flight on the beach! Knowing they were both conscious of the surroundings this time and still enjoying everything had intensified the act as much as the way they kept looking at each other with such passion. R’nd wrapped his arms around B’jin to hold him close and tight but after several seconds, like always, he loosened his hold and let his hands take up rubbing slow and soft circles along the bare back until they finally rested at the small of B’jin’s back. Given the way he never liked to be trapped by anyone, R’nd often did his best to make his lover know they weren’t being shackled anywhere; unless it was a protective embrace like at a certain gathering where S’kef got a bit too violent.

“You know,” R’nd spoke softly when he finally decided to break the comfortable silence that had settled around them, “sand is a pain to get out of the hair. We’ll need several baths. Long baths.” Like his voice, the accompanying chuckle was soft and carried just the right amount of mischief. If nothing else could be said about their relationship that wasn’t a relationship, they definitely did have their own little inside jokes and customs.

You say that now, dear Larrikith, but you know tomorrow they will have taken two steps back and ignore the feelings that brought on the sex that they will remember vividly. Ayyonth snorted, amused, but also a bit saddened by his own words. He could feel R’nd always on the verge of discovering his feelings but somehow always found a way to pull back and distract himself with other things. However, he couldn’t leave it at that, knowing the potential they both saw in their humans. It will happen though. At their own, ridiculously slow, pace and it will be fun to watch happen. he returned the affectionate lick Larrikith gave, his eyes swirling with contentment both from R’nd’s emotions bleeding over and the way he viewed their riders’ relationship. He may have voiced his worry but Ayyonth was still confident and believed it would all work out perfectly.

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