World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
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Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

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Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

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Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

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Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

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The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

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Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

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741.12.25 | First Snow
3pm | A'tay

Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Snow! Zelana spun about in the gently falling fluff as soon as she'd hopped off of Xyxyth. It was far more delicate and fanciful than anything she could have imagined from the stories she'd heard. It made the cold worthwhile as she skipped about through the odd snow puddles that just built up on top of the ground instead of just flowing away like proper rain. No, puddles wasn't really the right word, not when it was building up everywhere and not just the low spots. Blanket was a much better word, one that she'd heard before but that hadn't made sense at the time. She crunched through the blanket of snow as she bounced and tromped her way back to A'tay to throw her arms around him, her cheeks and nose pink from a combination of cold and delight. "This is wonderful! How often does this happen? All winter?"

She clung to his arm as they walked, eagerly looking around, taking in the sights, and watching her own breath form wisps of fog in the air. Zelly was even more mystified now about the concept of skating on ice. Sure this was cold, but she could't tell if she was shivering from that or from the excitement. She decided it must be excitement once she spotted the pond with people gliding about on its surface. She gasped and gave A'tay's arm a tug. "How do they not fall? What if I fall? Will I freeze to the pond?" Zelly grinned, excited by the prospect of it all. "You'll have to show me how this works, you're going with me right?"

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A’tay shouldered the tied together skates and stood beside Xyxyth as he watched Zelly take off to frolic in the snow for the first time. It hadn’t been that long ago that he himself had done much the same thing. He’d also only had tales from those that had lived in the North before the plague but given the tropical location he’d spent all of his life up to that point—it was hard to believe such a thing could exist. A lot of the other brats thought it was as fake as the stories they were told before bed. Boy were they proven wrong!

He laughed when Zelly returned and hugged him. Even without the affection, he was already glad he’d brought her early to experience a northern winter and the delight it brought. “All winter and sometimes longer, I’ve been told. I think it’s nice in small bursts but I don’t think I’d want to leave in this for months at a time.” But that was okay—plenty of people that were Searched and came to Ista said much the same about how hot it could be year round so they balanced each other out.

As they neared the pond, he laughed again and leaned in close to dramatically whisper, “you’re just catching them all at the right moment. I bet they’ve all fallen or will fall at least once.” Smiling and straightening again he added with a shrug, “if you fall, I’ll probably fall with you or be the cause of it because yes, I’m going with you, and to help you balance and find your ice legs, I’ll probably be holding onto you a lot.” He was glad for the cold because no doubt he was blushing at the idea. They’d done a lot more than holding hands or wherever else helping her balance might be, but that was alone and in his weyr, not out in the public at a Hold!

A fallen tree trunk had been split and turned into some makeshift benches that A’tay led them to. He had Zelly sit as he crouched before her, dropping the blades to the snow. “I asked Mylo to see if any of her friends had their own skates that might work for you, since hers would probably be too large. For some reason, Katiryn did and she let us borrow them for the day.” From what his sister had said, Katiryn’s dad spoiled her rotten and she often got the latest hot item or trend. She’d barely gone skating since they first went several years ago but she had a pair of blades just in case. “I’ll tie yours onto your boots and then do mine and then I’ll help you wobble to the ice.”

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
The thought of having snow for months at a time was a sobering one, and Zelly took a moment to scan the frozen landscape again. It was still beautiful for the moment though and she smiled as she said, "Well at least it's easy enough to visit with Xy's help. There's probably not nearly enough time to swim here if it gets this cold in the winter."

That thought made Zelana eye a snow drift, wondering if she could somehow swim through the fluff. That could wait until after they went skating if they still had time, or even on their next visit up! She was already sure she wanted to see snow again. She smiled, bouncing up to give A'tay a quick kiss on the cheek when he confirmed he was going to be out skating with her. "You're so sweet. I'll try not to fall anyway, because I think ice is probably harder to land in than snow."

The blades were fascinating and she watched A'tay put them on intently. "So we're strapping... blades to my feet. Is it possible to cut the ice? Do people get cut? They don't look that sharp from here." Zelly was so excited it was hard to contain herself and all of her questions. She didn't even wait until A'tay had finished putting on his own blades before she tried standing up, wobbling for a moment and trying to take a cautious step before she sat back down.

"This is harder than I thought it would be," Zelly said with a laugh once A'tay was ready to help her up to make the treacherous trek towards the pond. Once she was on the slippery ice she tightened her grip on his arm and let out a surprised squeal as she tried to keep her feet from slipping away. At least she hadn't fallen down yet! Once he had them slowly moving she found it to be a bit easier to keep her balance, though she still shuffled the skates around a bit awkwardly. That didn't seem to bother her in the least though as she kept laughing and smiling. "This is fun! So how do I do this better? Let me see how your feet move a bit more."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A’tay answered her questions and even confessed that sometimes a cut could happen if someone wasn’t careful but he didn’t think it would be serious. He hoped. He didn’t share his fear and focused instead on getting Zelly safely to and then onto the ice. He went on first to show the best way he had discovered for switching surfaces and was happy that he didn’t flail or fall. They somehow managed to both stay up as Zelly joined him and they started a slow trek in a path close to the edge so if she did fall, there was a better chance she’d have a softer landing.

He was fine with the shuffling, laughing along as they stumbled and wobbled but A’tay detangled himself from Zelly—making sure she was steady before considering how he normally skated. He tapped a gloved finger to his lips as he thought and then recalled how he had been taught. “R’nd said it’s like dancing. Once you find the rhythm, you kind of just fall into it and stop thinking about balance and how you look. You push off with one foot, kind of at an outward angle and then do the same with the other.” He demonstrated several strides away and wheeled around instead of stopping—he wasn’t always the best at that—and did a few more strides back before attempting and succeeding at stopping.

“I’m okay at skating backwards if you don’t mind the laugh my wiggling will cause. So I’ll hold your hands for balance as you try gliding.” He shuffled around into position and held out his hands for Zelly to take when she was ready. “And once you’re ready, I’ll let go and you can try on your own. If you fall—it’s more startling than actual pain. Unless you hit your head. Please don’t hit your head!” A’tay didn’t want to give his girlfriend a concussion because they had both been too excited and wondered if they should practice falling. No, that was being a tad too paranoid and cautious. From personal experience his butt usually took the brunt of a fall.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
There was a brief moment of unsettled panic as A'tay skated away and left her alone. Zelana flailed ever so slightly, skates sliding back and forth a tiny bit, but she managed to stay. She grinned, heart racing as she watched him skate away effortlessly in demonstration, or at least that's what it looked like to her. She was quite relieved when he returned so she could grab back onto him. "You can never call yourself boring again, Pickle. You can skate backwards! I wouldn't have even thought of that. And I won't hit my head if I can help it."

First one foot, then another, Zelly took the tiniest little glides with the skates at first, her hands squeezing her boyfriend's perhaps a little bit too tightly. She was starting to get the hang of things though, gradually sliding along for longer before she had to push off again with the other skate. The faster she let herself go, the easier it was to keep her balance and the more natural she felt, and eventually she released her grip on A'tay so that she could give it a proper try on her own.

She laughed as she skated along, gliding across the ice and taking a few slow practice turns. Zelana turned back to find A'tay, skating back to him only to realize that in her eagerness she hadn't really contemplated how stopping would work. She'd watched her boyfriend perform the maneuver, but she was going too fast, and trying to dragon one skate to slow herself down just led her to veer wildly off to the side, off the pond and face first into a snow drift to the side.

After a moment of awkward flailing she at least manage to roll onto her back, face red from the cold, embarrassment, and thrill from the tumble as she laughed. Zelly reached up as soon as she saw A'tay come into view. "This is amazing! Help me do that again! Maybe with less falling this time. How do I stop or slow down?"

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A’tay shouldn’t have been surprised at how bold Zelly was in learning something new given how she approached life daily but he still was. He watched her grow more confident in her strides and laughed as she came zooming back toward him—and panicked when her skills in stopping matched his. He tried to reach for her but wasn’t quick enough and still horrified for several seconds as he watched her face plant into the snow before dashing over. His worry only lasted until she rolled over and started laughing—which was contagious and he laughed but tried biting his lip to stop.

“I’m sorry. I’m not really laughing at your fall but at how you’re so unaffected by it and your own reaction to it.” He helped her back to her feet and dusted snow from what seemed to be every available surface of his body. If you were going to fall—might as well do it in style. “And maybe we should have started with how to stop first. That’s on me. But I’m not great at it still. It requires hitting the blade the right way on the ice and… we’ll practice. But your way is also a popular way.” He teased, as he walked her back onto the ice. A lot of people aimed for the edge and prepared for what they hoped would be a graceful transition from gliding to running to finally stopping.

They spent the next few minutes going over how to stop while standing in place so Zelly could get the motion down and then with a little speed while A’tay held her hand to keep her upright in case the blade slipped or a stumble happened. Finally he deemed her as ready enough to tackle the pond once more. She was a quick learner and A’tay was willing to bet she could out-skate him soon. He suspected it had a lot to do with being fearless and taking risks. Those were both things he was still working on himself.

As they skated side by side, slowly joining in the flow of the crowd as others circled around the surface, A’tay could see the appeal of having the winterscape at his disposal for months at a time. He was still happier in Ista’s weather but this wasn’t too bad. “Now that you’ve had your first taste of snow,” A’tay grinned as he said it, gently teasing her again about the face-first splat into the fluffy stuff, “did you want to play in it some more before we head in?” A glance at the sky showed they still had plenty of time before they were expected inside and he didn’t want to rush their time on the ice, but he also didn’t want Zelly to feel like she missed out on properly exploring snow as well. He had kind of rushed them right on the ice in his own excitement and Zelly had to make a full report to her brother about what it was all like.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"You should be laughing at the fall, especially if it looked half as ridiculous as it felt." Zelana smiled as she took his hand to get up and try again. She was still laughing herself as he brushed her off. "Learning to stop is probably good, and at least practicing this should be fun. Though the snow was fun to jump into at least."

It was back to slow and safe going for a bit as she practiced how to slow down and stop with A'tay's help, even this was fun, the sheer novelty of the situation keeping her engaged enough that she didn't get too antsy and impatient. Zelly alternated between holding A'tay's hand as they skated around lazily, and releasing him so that she could take off in a burst of speed to lap around to catch up, occasionally still coming in too fast and needing to catch his arm to slow down. After a few of those fast laps she settled back into that slower pace, realizing that despite how effortless it looked, skating was much more tiring than she originally realized.

"Yes! I want to play a bit more!" The prospect of playing some more in the snow some more gave her a new burst of excited energy. "What else can we do in it? What games do you know?" Zelly spun about so quickly on her skates that she almost fell down again. She reached one hand out to steady herself as she grinned. "I've heard of snow fights. How does that work? Do you just wrestle in the snow?"

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
That was the response and level of enthusiasm he had been expecting and why A’tay had been purposely leading them across the pond to where they had started their adventure. “I suppose you could just wrestle in the snow,” he laughed as he helped Zelana off the ice and back to the stump. “It might be a bit cold but also softer than fighting on the frozen ground underneath it all.” He had her sit down again so he could remove the skates for her and then sat and took his own off. The laces were tied together once more so he could easily carry them and not lose one along the way.

“Let’s bring these back to Xyxyth,” he helped Zelana back to her feet, warning her that walking normally again would feel weird for a minute. At least it did to him after gliding about and using different movements and muscles for as long as they had. “But when people talk about snow fights, it’s actually snowball fights. It depends on the snow, though. Sometimes it’s crunchy and would hurt throwing it and sometimes snow is too light and fluffy and won’t pack into balls. It’s gotta be just right so you can take a handful and pat it together.” The way it crunched beneath their feet and had clung to Zelly’s clothes after her fall, A’tay felt like it was the right kind of snow for having the most fun in.

“We can also make snowmen or forts. With the snowmen, you start with a small ball and you keep adding to it and once it’s big enough, you can even push it around to grow it further. T’ryn and I had a race one year where we tried to see who could make the biggest ball in a certain amount of time. It was pretty ridiculous,” he laughed at the memory and how ugly that patch of land looked after they had collected all the snow in their giant balls. Now at Xyxyth, A’tay set the skates in his satchel as the dragon continued to sprawl out with another one as they shared body heat. He supposed clearing patches of grass did have some benefit for visiting dragons to flop in.

Task complete, A’tay bent down and scooped up some snow and easily made it into a ball and lightly tossed it at Zelana to catch. “I vote we try to build something.” One of his cousins told him there were a couple of holders that were artistic and could make fancy sculptures but A’tay was still on the level of blobs and vague shapes. He didn’t expect them to get too detailed—especially since they didn’t have an entire day to dedicate to the task but it would still be fun.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Once A'tay removed the blade Zelly stood up and wobbled ever so slightly. She'd been so used to trying to correct her balance n the blades that she was overcompensating for just standing up on her own two feet. It was silly. It hadn't been that long, she shouldn't have forgotten how to stand normally! It seemed to be just another charm of the skating experience though, at least from what A'tay said. Getting her land legs back was much faster than the other way around though and she looped her arm around her boyfriend's as they made their way back to Xyxyth.

Zelana laughed at the stories about of playing in the snow with his brother, building snowmen and turning it into a race. She asked for more stories as they went, eager to hear about the possibilities and everything he'd already done. Her once boring boy had hidden all of this secret wintry knowledge all this time! She caught the ball he tossed at her, giving it a small press with her own hands to see how squishy it felt without completely deforming it.

"So, you make these and then throw them..." her voice trailed off as she eyed A'tay and she threw it at him, laughing as it splatted across his jacket. "Okay, I can see how that would be fun, but we can build something instead. I'm surprised that I managed to hit you at all." Zelly wasn't the most coordinated when it came to tossing things, and she was sure anyone would be able to handily beat her if she tried to start a snow fight. She considered the options he'd already mentioned, forts and snowmen. A fort could be fun to snuggle in, but would probably be too cold to get up to any real fun. "What about a snow dragon? Or we could make some giant snow versions of your chess pieces?"

She grinned at that idea, having only recently completed an acceptable looking pawn after multiple failures. It wasn't the most entertaining way to spend time, but it was nice to occasionally just quietly sit next to A'tay and try to copy what he was doing, and was especially good for days when the weather was too poor to go outside. "You already carve them out of wood, so they should be easier to do in snow right? And maybe it'll help get better too for the next one I try."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
“Moving targets are a lot harder,” A’tay grinned when the snow splatted against him and there was an urge to retaliate but he didn’t think it was the best thing to do before a family dinner with the holder side. He’d told Zelana to wear pants for this portion of the trip but that she’d be able to change into a dress once they were inside but he still didn’t think showing up wet and winded from the fight would be a good impression. Then again, he couldn’t imagine Zelana ever caring what someone thought of her but the snow fight could wait.

But making chess pieces in the snow was an idea! He wouldn’t have thought of that despite how the little pieces of wood occupied a lot of his free time for months. “Now that sounds fun. I wonder how big we should make them. Definitely not their usual size…” A’tay trailed off as he led them a bit away from Xyxyth into a fresher patch of snow. The pieces didn’t need to be life-size either but maybe a foot or two would be fun and not too delicate of work. He suspected tools would be needed for the fine details and he hadn’t brought anything that would help—other than maybe the skates but they’d be fine without them.

Crouching down, A’tay started to gather up a little pile of snow that he could mould into a vague shape before sculpting it. “We got you out of the snow pretty quick before but I’m sure you’ve still noticed that snow is wet. If you sit in it, you’ll get a wet bum. You’re going to change later but probably still not the best idea to be in this weather in wet clothes.” And of course having to look his aunt and uncle in the eyes as he dragged in a wet and rosy-cheeked girlfriend. But A’tay didn’t want Zelana to catch a chill that got into the bones and took forever to shake. Maybe taller sculptures was better after all—less temptation to just flop in the snow and work.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"Well maybe if we get some extra time you can help me practice with moving targets later," Zelly said with a laugh. Maybe she could get some practice in before they brought her brother up to experience snow, because she could imagine he would be merciless in such a battle. Images of him pelting A'tay filled her mind and she shook her head as she laughed, "Maybe we shouldn't tell Laz about the snow fights if we bring him up. Or I can just say this was all terribly, terribly boring. And cold. Definitely not something he'd be interested in."

She followed him to the fresh patch of snow, and before he could finish warning her she plopped down to sit next to him. "Oh. That makes sense." Zelana hastily got up and brushed the snow from her bottom. "It really isn't that bad though, I'm sure it will be fine. I've been wet plenty of times before, though maybe not while this cold." She gave him a smile before crouching down next to him, perched on her feet, hugging her knees to get a better look at his initial sculpting before reaching out to start scooping her own little pile of snow. "You make a fancier piece, like the knight. I'll do a pawn, since I've already made one. Do you think these will be sturdy enough for us to move around, like the snowballs? Or..." Zelly's voice trailed away as she accidentally toppled the tall shape she'd been trying to make. "Never mind. Just for looks then. I don't even know how to play chess, really."

It took a bit more experimenting before she managed to get a structure that was vaguely pawn shaped in the snow, though now that she looked at it she supposed it was a bit more phallic than she intended. This called for a change in tactics, especially since she remembered she was here to meet A'tay's family. Zelly started to try and thicken the shape up and give it less of a taper; maybe one of the castle pieces would be a bit more distinct and less vulgar instead. "I think you are much better at this than I am. With making shapes out of things. Were you always good or did you have to practice?"

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
“I suppose we could build them on a plate or something small and moveable,” A’tay commented when he saw Zelana’s attempt to move the snow crumble. Maybe if the snow was a bit wetter it would compact tightly enough that they could carefully move a small sculpture but building them directly on a piece of wood seemed the smartest course. “I know the basics of chess but it’s really more T’ryn’s speed. He has that tactical mind and I can’t think far enough ahead to plan out strategic moves. But it could be fun to have a big board in the snow.” Probably exhausting as well with moving everything around but it had some appeal. Maybe if they did—or didn’t—bring Lazerat he could work on that.

He worked on for a few minutes, doing his best to make his piece look like a horse’s head. It was kind of a struggle and it was close to becoming a dragon’s head so he leaned into that and fixed some of the edges. He glanced at Zelana’s work to see how she was fairing and snorted with a soft laugh at the phallic imagery. She seemed to notice about the same time and started correcting it and A’tay smiled and then shook his head at her question. “No, definitely a lot of practice. Even for these pieces I drew them out so many times to be confident with the shapes so they’re just etched into my brain now. If I can break it down into math and angles, I might be able to reproduce something eventually but I suck at just drawing something on the spot.” He didn’t think of himself as an artist and barely even thought about himself as a woodworker. He

Getting to his feet, A’tay assessed his work and found it passable. Zelly’s pawn-turned-rook was coming along nicely as well and he complimented her work. He wondered if they should try the bishop next but it was kind of phallic as well—whoever invented the game seemed to have something on their mind regularly. “Let’s do the king and queen and then we might have time for a small snow fight before we go in.” He’d noticed how much that had caught Zelana’s attention so a little battle with flinging or kicking snow about wouldn’t hurt too much.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"I don't know if I could do that much practice," said Zelana as she marveled at the knight A'tay had sculpted. She definitely knew she wasn't the most persistent person, especially for things that she thought were boring. It was one of the things she admired about A'tay. He seemed much more patient about that sort of thing than she was. Patient enough to teach her a few things even! "I'm glad you're good enough at it to try and teach me a few things. Even if it's just a little pawn. Maybe by the time I make enough pawns you'll be done with all of your other chess sets and we can learn how to play chess together." She gave a conspiratorial look around before whispering, "Maybe strip chess exists."

She turned her attention back to finishing up her rook and by the time she was finished, with a bit of extra help from her boyfriend for the final touches, it looked rather respectable and like the chess piece she was trying to emulate. Zelly grinned, proud of her little sculpture. "I still like yours better, but this came out better than I thought! Thank you for the help," she said before leaning over to give him a quick peck. "I think for the king and queen I'll make the bases and you can do the tops to make them properly fancy."

The bases were simple enough that she could easily do them, she just started making a bigger pawn, but without the top. Forgetting the warning about not sitting in snow, she sat down while she watched A'tay put on the finishing touches to the pieces. While she waited she quietly grabbed a handful of snow to pack into a ball, waiting until he'd finished before she threw it at him, narrowly missing his head and sending the ball sailing past. With a small startled squeak and the advantage of surprise lost, Zelly scrambled to her feet and tried to run while she still could, but her legs were cold, the snow more slippery than she anticipated, and she didn't make it far before she fell back into the snow from her own flailing.

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
He was working on making the crown of the king have even spokes when a snowball fled by his head, startling him out of his work. He turned in time to see Zelana scramble up and land back down a moment later. Laughing, he made a quick ball and scrambled over to straddle her hips. The snowball was held high to threaten with and keep out of her reach but A’tay leaned down and gave her a kiss instead. “You were right about your aim,” he commented with a grin against her lips, indulging in a moment of being the one to do the playful teasing.

He quickly sat back up, though, before Zelly did her best to distract him with more kisses as he had something to do. Like pelt her with a snowball—kind of. Since she was still pinned under him, A’tay didn’t think it would be too kind to actually lob it, even if it was only snow, and instead lightly smacked the ball down on her chest. “Pretty sure I’ve already won this battle. You’re captured and now wounded. Do you surrender?”

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
For once Zelana was stunned into silence, melting into the kiss even as she was sure she was melting into the snow. It was absolutely unexpected, especially because they were outside in public view! She tried to pull him back into another kiss but in another surprising twist he slipped away out of her reach. She let out a soft squeak as he got her in the chest with the snowball, hands raised to try to protect herself from anymore.

At the mention of her surrender she laughed. "Are you going to take me prisoner? Torture me? Do terrible, terrible things to me? What would your aunt say?" Zelly grinned, lowering her hand to grab a handful of snow to fling up at A'tay's face. With those distractions she was able to lunge up and tackle her boyfriend, tumbling through the snow as she gave up throwing balls in favor of just trying to fling snow in his direction as she laughed.

She liked to think she got him with a few good sprays, but she definitely had snow down her shirt by the time she was in a tired tangled heap. She feebly tapping A'tay with a hand as she let out a breathy laugh. "Okay, okay. I give up now. I surrender. Do with me what you will."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A’tay honestly thought his aunt would find it all hilarious but he was having trouble processing what had been said and started to stammer out a reply when snow hit his face. It didn’t hurt as it was just a handful of loose snow attacking him but it did leave him momentarily stunned and left to the mercy of his girlfriend. They ended up tangling with snow going everywhere—both intentionally and not—until he was left sprawled on the ground and laughing.

“I was trying to keep us from looking like we survived a blizzard, you know,” he gave Zelana a stern look that lasted all of three seconds before grinning again with a shake of his head. It was his fault for thinking either one of them could resist the allure of throwing snow at someone. It was just fun and fairly harmless—how could anyone resist? At least it meant Zelly was having fun as well and enjoyed the snow. Maybe the novelty would wear off once she was by a fire once more and the next trip wouldn’t be as exciting, but A’tay was finding that hard to believe as noted how much they wore inside and outside of their clothes.

“I think what I will do with you is get you inside so you can change and warm up by a fire.” It was close enough to when they would be expected and focusing on family would help keep his mind from wandering to everything his mind so eagerly supplied when it thought of Zelly as his prisoner and all the terrible things she likely had in mind. He stood first and helped Zelana to her feet and then helped brush snow away from her clothes. It seemed like a losing battle with how some clung to wool in little balls. It would all melt over the course of the dinner party and it wasn’t like it was mud.

“We can walk and enjoy the snow a bit longer. I kind of like listening to the crunch under our feet.” It wasn’t too long of a walk and it would help them burn off any excess energy from their playing. He also felt kind of silly making Xyxyth take them when it probably wouldn’t take more than ten minutes by foot. “Xyxyth, you go ahead and meet the others. Oh! Once we get Zelly’s clothes.” Glad he thought of that before the dragon curled up with the other dragons, A’tay sprinted over to his dragon and grabbed the bag Zelana had packed and shouldered it.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"Are blizzards especially bad?" So far snow didn't seem all that bad, though Zelana had noticed she was starting feel simultaneously hot from the exertion and freezing from the snow starting to melt and soak into her clothes. She grinned at her boyfriend as she sat up. "A fire sounds amazing right now. I am glad to have such a generous captor."

Once she was back on her feet and as snow free as they could manage, Zelly grabbed onto A'tay's arm for the walk. "This has already been a lot of fun, thank you for taking me!" And because he'd been so nice and shown her something amazing and new she softly asked, "Is there anything I should or shouldn't do while we're there? I don't want to embarrass you in front of your family."

She wasn't really too worried about that possibility, as much as Zelly enjoyed living on the wilder side and having fun, she knew how to behave at a fancy dinner party when she had to. Her father invited enough business associates for dinner often enough that she was well practiced in pretending to be a proper lady when she had to. She didn't think she would have anything to worry about with A'tay's family, but it was safer to ask than to assume.

Though even if she was planning on mostly behaving, at least when his family could see her, a bit of teasing couldn't hurt for now. Zelly leaned in while they were walking to whisper, "I'm not going to forget that you captured me fair and square. We'll just have to pick that back up when we're back in your weyr."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
“I don’t actually know. I’ve only heard about blizzards,” A’tay confessed. He shared what he knew about them and how he wondered if Xyxyth would still be able to see far in one but he didn’t want to risk finding out. He’d be fine never knowing first hand but he was still curious and wanted to experience one. Maybe if they had already landed and were safely tucked away inside… but Xyxyth wouldn’t be inside. How horrible would that type of weather be for a dragon? Blizzards were rapidly losing their appeal.

“Oh trust me, I’ll either embarrass myself on my own or someone in my family will. You’ve met a sibling here and there but when they get together they can be a handful. Then again, T’ryn’s going to tell R’nd he’s going to be a grandpa so R’nd’s going to get the brunt of it.” That was going to be fun to watch. A’tay was so glad that T’ryn told all of them first so they could enjoy the reactions of R’nd and B’jin without their own distracting them. It was still weird thinking about becoming an uncle and that T’ryn was the first to have a child. On one hand it did make sense with how much T’ryn loved Cazan but on the other, he had everything planned out so well that kids probably were down the list and meant for a few years away.

“I-uh-” How did Zelly do that so easily? She hadn’t plainly said anything sexual and he would bet someone overhearing their conversation would assume it was a threat to continue the snow fight in some other mundane way. But he knew better and he fell silent and looked down at their path as the shyness came back. It didn’t matter what they got up to alone or that he was the one that had initiated it with a kiss in the bath. “Let’s survive dinner first.”

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