World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] 741.10.14 | Something Spicy
3pm | A'tay

Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Zelana had taken over the little private kitchen in A'tay's weyr and she was absolutely delighted about it. The Gather had been great fun, but she had purposefully tried to keep herself just a little on the well behaved side, just dragging him to dance, exploring the food stalls, and generally getting caught up in the sights and sounds. And not once did she mention going swimming! She was quite proud of that little bit of restraint and now that she'd given A'tay that bit of reprieve she was almost eager to bring the subject back up. But first! Cooking.

She bustled about the little kitchen, finding it actually was rather pleasant and easy to work with since she didn't have to go very far to fetch anything. She had a bit of fish, prepared with a stunning variety of spices she'd managed to both borrow from the kitchen and pick up at the Gather. The dish was divided into four pieces, the first only mildly seasoned, the second one she believed she had achieved a good medium spice level, and the third was what she knew most people considered spicy. The fourth piece she was almost tempted to hide from view at first, the pale cooked fish flesh almost glowing red with the spices. This was enough to make her tear up and scorch her mouth in a way that she loved but could not really explain.

"Now then! I have four pieces of fish, mild, medium, hot, and the Zelly special. Would you like to make a bet?" Zelly's eyes gleamed mischievously. "If you can eat the special without crying I won't mention swimming lessons until next spring. And if you can't... hm. We can start your first swimming lesson in your tub."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
Like every interaction with Zelana, A'tay didn't know how he got there. He had offered up his rarely used cooking area when she mentioned cooking for him and testing spiciness when it was brought up and next thing he knew, he was answering the door to find her loaded down with various ingredients. He watched her prepare the fish for a bit and then set to working on a new chess piece as they chatted. He was getting used to her but she could still make him blush without much effort.

His first instinct was to say no when she caught his attention and offered to make a bet--especially when the terms were set. Instead his stupid mouth said, "my tub is far too small for that. Though, some of the public baths might work for some things." He was far too kind and offered up an alternative way to torment him. Well done!

"I'm more interested in the different spices than a bet but sure, sounds like a deal." He was trapped in the swim lessons anyway so what did it matter about where they started?

"I guess we start with mild and work our way up?" A'tay took the piece Zelly pointed to and popped it in his mouth, taking a moment to enjoy the flavour. She was right, it was mild but not bland. "This is amazing, Zelly!" She said she liked to cook and now he knew for certain she definitely had skill. "I could enjoy a full meal of this."

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Zelly had been expecting a bit more push back from the bet, so she was thrilled when he accepted the terms. Hopefully it just meant that he had accepted his swimming fate and not that he was secretly some some sort of spice fiend. "Your tub might still be big enough. If we can both fit and at least soak up to our necks... but if you wanted to be in the bigger public bath that works for me too. I don't mind putting on a show." She couldn't help but add that last bit of teasing and gave him a wink.

She nodded as she pointed to the mild piece of fish. "Mild then work your way up so that we don't accidentally have you try too much too soon." Zelana brightened at the compliment, her cheeks turning a shade pink with pride. "Maybe I'll make a full meal of it for you some other time. But first let's see how hot of a meal you can handle. That was the mild, now we'll try the medium, and if that's fine, we'll go with a bite of the spicy. Just one bite though, and if that seems fine you can have another. The heat can build up and make what was tolerable too hot to handle after a few bites."

Zelana grinned as she watched A'tay's face intently as he sampled the food. "Hopefully you can handle at least a bit more spice. I could make so many more things for you then."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A'tay nodded at the directions, still savoring that first bite and happy that Zelana would potentially make a full meal some time. He would have to think of something as a gift for sharing her skills with him. Maybe working on his fear would be enough to start with. Since she brought up only days earlier, he kept thinking about it and how it would be nice to swim with Xyxyth if nothing else.

But for now, he was focused on the food before him and A'tay took the next bite that was supposed to be medium in intensity according to Zelly's scale. A quick sniff was given first and he could tell it was different from the first bite but he didn't know anything about spices and wouldn't have been able to point out what it was if asked. This bite also earned a mean of approval as his eyes lit up from the explosion of flavour. They really had been living a bland life! Even years in the North hadn't shown him all the ways food could be prepared. He wondered if spices were expensive and imagined a lot would be needed to cook for a Weyr

With orders to only eat one bite, A'tay eyed the next level cautiously. He was getting into the hotter zone now and maybe he was a bit worried. If he couldn't handle this one, then he was definitely doomed to fail the last and start lessons likely that evening if Zelly got her way.

A sniff had his nose tickling a bit. Definitely stronger than the last. He wouldn't know until he tried it if he liked it or could handle it so in his mouth it went. Immediately he could taste the difference but it didn't set his mouth on fire. Or, it did by the time he swallowed but it wasn't unpleasant. He could see how this was something to eat slowly and enjoy with a drink nearby after a few bites. But it was tasty and his tongue was only tingling a little bit.

"That's not bad either! I'd probably have to eat a full plate a bit slower than I normally would if the heat can build up but that was good." He paused, eyeing the pieces that remained of that level of heat and considered it again. "I think I can handle another bite. I've never had anything like it and I'm really intrigued by it."

After having that second bite, A'tay thought he would be fine, but then he realised his mouth was burning a bit more and he caught himself fanning it with his hand. Laughing, he looked to Zelly. "Still delicious and I think I'd still eat a full fish but it does have more kick as you go." Maybe he was a bit worried about the last level now.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Zelly's face was almost beginning to hurt from smiling as she watched A'tay sample the other bits of fish and found them even more delightful than the first. The look of delight on the man's face as he discovered something he enjoyed was definitely worth the effort she'd put into afternoon so far. She would definitely have to cook a proper meal for him now, and it was looking like she'd be able to make something she would quite enjoy as well. Though there was still the question of that hottest level, a special indulgence that she didn't make too often for herself for fear of becoming completely immune to that delightful burn. She grinned, proud of both her cooking and with how A'tay was handling the spice so far.

"Don't worry about eating quickly. It's actually much easier if you have a full meal. Drinks and side dishes, especially bread and potatoes, help with the spiciness a lot. And speaking of, you'll want to have a drink and some bread before you try the last fish. You only have to try one bite without crying to win."

She pulled a small loaf out of her basket and passed it over to A'tay so he could have some sort of palate cleanser. As well as he'd handled the other levels of spice, and as much as she wanted to get him into the water and swimming, she wanted to give him as fair a shot as possible at winning. And if he did win she could share basically any of the foods she loved without worry.

There was a glimmer of excitement in her eyes as she waited in quiet anticipation for him to try that last bit of fish. "Okay, this one... this is the spiciest and my favorite. If you can handle this I'm not sure I can keep calling you a boring boy."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
“I can’t decide if you’re trying to scare me or not,” A’tay questioned her motives given the teasing she liked to give him but he still took some bread and felt the relief it gave. Bread was even more wonderful than previously believed! He was learning so much about food recently thanks to their time at the Gather and the current experiment. Maybe he’d ask to help Zelly make a meal instead of just enjoying the results next time. It’d be interesting to see how some of it came together.

Once he felt his palate was cleansed thanks to the bread and drink, A’tay took up the almost unnaturally red piece of fish and sniffed it as well. He instantly wrinkled his nose and pulled it away and gave Zelly an incredulous look. She wanted him to eat that? He didn’t think she’d try to poison him and it did seem like she was telling the truth about it being her favourite…

He popped it in his mouth.

It didn’t seem too bad. Hotter than the last but still enjoyable.

He swallowed without issue and was about to comment on how she had clearly been teasing him after all when the warmth started to grow in his belly. His mouth soon caught on fire, apparently realising belatedly that something far too spicy had passed by. Again he tried to speak but a hiccup came out instead. And then another one. He tried to laugh but hiccups kept interrupting it and now he truly was fanning himself as his face heated up. “What did you give me?” He managed to ask without interruption before he hiccup-laughed again. “It’s like the heat is growing,” he waved at his stomach and his mouth, not entirely sure where it was really coming from but knowing that it was wreaking havoc on him all the same.

He started sniffling, which confused him, but A’ay didn’t think he was crying. Yet. Who knew what would happen next. “It was good before all of this started.” And it was! It had extreme flavour and just enough heat that he thought he would still enjoy it and be able to take another bite right away like he had with the last round. Now he was baffled by how such a thing could cause so many reactions. The worst part was, “I think I like it?”

He laughed again and then threw caution to the wind as he took another bite. He probably should have had bread first but he was so mesmerized by the sensation that he just went for it. The heat was stronger this time and A’tay discovered that laughing was his coping mechanism as he started up again and this time with tears. “I think it’s a tie. I survived the first bite without tears.” Which meant he technically won but he wasn’t thinking straight enough to take advantage of that and avoid swimming lessons for a season.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
The anticipation had Zelana almost pacing as she shifted her weight and eagerly watched A'tay's face. There was that initial bit of nerves and suspicion in the look in his eye, but he seemed brush past it just fine. And then he popped the morsel in his mouth and she just stared, eagerly waiting the results. He didn't immediately spit it out and grab for the bread or a drink, so that was a good sign! Then there was that spark again that he'd had when trying the earlier pieces of fish and found that he liked them.

There it was! Zelly couldn't help but giggle when the hiccups started and the confusion began.There was the tell tale reddening in his cheeks. But he was laughing between hiccups, so that was a good sign. "It's just food, a bit of extra spice, but it's one of my favorite things. I don't eat it too much, it's for special mouth watering occasions."

A'tay still wasn't crying yet, and her hopes for a swimming lesson were beginning to fade. She hoped that she wouldn't have to apologize too much when he said everything had been good before this; after all she had warned him about spice! Hearing A'tay say that he liked it shoved those concerns immediately out of her head as she watched him pop another piece into his mouth. She eagerly nodded, fine with a tie as she launched herself against him for a tight hug. "A tie is fine, I'm so glad you like it! It's one of my favorite things, it just... it hurts a little, but in such a good way!"

Without thinking she stretched up, arms climbing up to wrap around his neck as she gave him a quick kiss to the lips before pulling away and turning back to the fish. She took a small bite of it for herself to relish that intense punch of flavor and burn to celebrate but made sure to leave enough for A'tay to take another bite or two more if he wanted. Sure she hadn't won her bet, and it was only through his kindness that it was a tie, but it still felt like a victory!

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A’tay was not a fan of surprise kisses from people he didn’t, or barely, knew but several things stopped him from caring at the moment. For one thing, he really couldn’t feel his lips anymore, and then there was the fact that he was still kind of laughing and his brain shutting down and screaming at him to stop but not at the same time. “You’re right! I’m not sure I could eat a lot of it or even have another bite now… okay, no, I’m having another bite.”

Why was he doing this to himself? But Zelly had said it perfectly; it did hurt but it was oddly delightful as well. The tears were falling freely now and a part of A’tay felt like he should give her the win anyway. Who was to say he wouldn’t have cried after the first piece if he waited a bit longer? He was actually surprised she didn’t say he cheated by having that second piece as quickly as he did but it seemed like Zelana was just happy that he liked the spicy food and she could share it with someone.

After the third bite, A’tay decided he probably pushed his tolerance enough and took some bread, hoping to relieve some of the pain. “I think I want to thank you for showing me this but half of my body thinks I should hate you right now.” He was smiling, not at all serious as he munched on his bread. He was even eyeing the lower level portions, thinking he could eat more of those and leave the spicier ones for Zelly to enjoy. “Will you teach me some of your tricks sometime?”

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Zelly couldn't help but giggle as she watched A'tay take yet another bite. She was already going through a mental checklist of all her favorite spice blends and spiciest recipes that she knew how to make, ones that tasted good and weren't just a silly grasp at spiciness for heat's sake alone. She gave him a sly grin when he finally took a break for bread. "I'm sure I can find ways to make the half that hates me change its mind."

There was definitely a temptation to take advantage of A'tay's good mood, see if she could perhaps kiss him again or drag him immediately to a swimming lesson, but Zelly paused when he asked her to teach him. Teaching was not something she'd ever really considered doing, outside of convincing people to go swim with her. She nibbled on another bite of the spiciest fish, her eyes beginning to water as she sniffled. The rush of heat helped clear her head along with her sinuses. If she taught A'tay and he could make the same spicy things, then she wouldn't have to cook so much for herself! This was a brilliant idea, and she was both disappointed in herself and pleased with her friend that he'd thought of it first.

"Here, I'll write down how to make my favorite spice blend." There was no better time than the present after all. "I can show you how I cook with them... well whenever you would like really." Zelly grabbed a piece of paper and began to scribble down the different seasonings and spices, pointing out their little jars as she named them aloud and explaining roughly what their flavors were like. "This one, is a bit smokier than this one over here, and this one is hotter, but a bit bitter so you want to balance it out with a little salt." It was, perhaps, not the most accurate recipe, when she was done, since some of the ingredients were listed in vague measurements of dashes and even one note where she said to use enough, but it would hopefully get the idea across. She smiled up at A'tay once she was done with the recipe. "What's the first thing you would want to try to cook? We can make anything spicy, not just fish."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A’tay was still feeling giddy from the spicy goodness he had been fed and he vaguely wondered if that was what getting drunk was like. He had no desire to find out personally, having no taste for alcohol or ever seeing the need to lose his sensibilities like that. Still, the spice high was fun, giving him a rush and leaving him in what he would later decide was a rather euphoric state. Perhaps that was why he didn’t argue or insist Zelly didn’t have to teach him now, or ever, if she didn’t want to but instead crowded in close to watch her write down the directions and nod with rapt attention as she pointed out various things.

“My cooking experience isn’t much higher than my swimming experience,” A’tay warned as he tried to think of a dish he might be able to make and add spice to. His lack of skills led to a lack of options and he frowned. “What would be a good dish for a beginner like me? I’m fine with the fish if that’s easy. Is it only meat you add this to or can it be a vegetable dish?” That sounded like it would make a lot of meals a lot better. He wasn’t a picky eater but some vegetables did rank lower than others.

He grabbed a bite of the mild fish, finding it still tasty but almost bland after working through the other types and pointed that out to Zelly. “Did you just ruin food for me? This is still good but with it lacking the kick, it’s almost not as enjoyable now. Maybe I just killed my tongue and I’ll never taste again.” He grinned and then sniffled, still feeling the heat from too many bites of the spiciest fish.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Zelly was basking in the attention, thrilled by how close her cute boring boy was, and how interested he seemed. This could be a good alternative to swimming. Perhaps not as scantily clad or potentially cuddly, but a good alternative all the same. Especially for when it started to get a little too cool to make swimming comfortable. She gave A'tay a warm smile. "Well I will gladly take the time to teach you. It'll be fun! Just don't think that you can distract me from swimming with food."

She gave him a wink as she considered his followup question. "Fish is easy to overcook, so maybe beef would be easier to do. And of course you can spice vegetables! You can take greens, give them a quick saute in butter and then throw the spice in. You can even put spice in your potatoes. You can throw spice on almost anything... just be careful to not get it into your eyes. Always clean off your hands very well before you touch your face." There was nothing fun about that, and it had only taken one accident as a child to learn her lesson about not rubbing her eyes while cooking.

"And I wouldn't say I ruined food... I just showed you how to appreciate it better." Zelly grinned, deciding to try for a more blatant bit of teasing. "If it's just your tongue I could kiss it, try to make it better. Or we could go down to the kitchen stores and find something to bring back and cook." Or both, both was good, she thought to herself.

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
“I think my tongue will survive but let’s go check the stores!” A’tay brushed off the comment about a kiss, knowing she was teasing him again since that seemed to be part of her charm. He’d already figured out she wasn’t being spiteful and the flirting was just another way to see if she could rile him up and prove he wasn’t a boring boy by reacting in some unpredictable way. Handling that spice, more or less, showed he wasn’t entirely boring but Zelly would still have to realise he wasn’t as outgoing as others she could befriend.

But he was hooked on the thrill of creating more wonders like that fish and while he hadn’t expected the offer to come right away, A’tay was more than willing to jump on it. “Thank you for offering to teach me, and right now! I was expecting sometime later when you were free. I don’t want to take up all of your time.” A’tay couldn’t believe he was her only friend. Zelana was so outgoing and could befriend anyone and probably had men lining up to spend time with her. But he enjoyed her company—after getting over the shock of their initial meeting. So it wasn’t like he was being forced to do something he didn’t want to do and smiled.

“If you end up getting me to master a few dishes and I don’t poison either of us, maybe I’ll host the family dinner sometime. Dad and his mate like to get the kids together for an evening every so often.” A’tay was fairly certain neither of them really knew how to cook anything more than the basics and either hired someone else to do it or brought it up from the dining cavern but the sentiment was nice. If he managed to reach that level of excellence, maybe he’d surprise Zelly with a meal first and then move on to the family—with her along. He would have to give proper credit to her! It was good to have goals to work toward and it made A’tay even more excited to learn.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
It was a shame that Zelly couldn't lure him into another kiss just yet, but that was fine. There were other boys she could have that sort of fun with, but so far A'tay was the most interesting; possibly because he was proving so resistant to her charms. Well, some of her charms at least. At least she had someone to cook with! She looped her arm into his as she grinned. "I'm still free so why not now? And you don't take up all my time! At least not yet. Maybe once I can convince you to go swimming with me..." she stuck her tongue out at him to emphasize that she was just teasing.

"Family dinners are fun, I should probably teach you something to impress them. I think either beef or fish with some potatoes and greens on the side. So let's start with one of those to teach you!" She rattled off a few options, more possibilities for sides, even mentioned that she knew a recipe for a simple sweet and creamy custard to help soothe tongues afterwards for dessert.

Once they had acquired their supplies for the lesson from the stores Zelly started setting up A'tay's little kitchen area so she could begin preparing for the lesson. "You know, if you were really such a boring boy I would want something in exchange for teaching you how to cook. Maybe a shoulder rub, or a carving... lucky for you I figured out you're just trying to hide how interesting you are."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
“The beef sounds like it could be good,” A’tay listened to the options, asking questions, and pointing out that while his dad ate fish on occasion, he typically avoided it. “R’nd grew up in a Sea Hold that did a lot of fishing and then living in exile saw him eating fish almost daily. I guess it’s something he’s either sick of or doesn’t like the memories associated with it.” He’d never asked for clarification so it was something that he was left wondering about. Maybe with some of Zelly’s amazing spices R’nd wouldn’t mind having fish again. Something to consider.

“Thanks?” he slowly replied, a bit confused by Zelly’s latest attempt to flatter-tease him. He still didn’t find himself all that interesting but he supposed it was nice to have someone think he was. Madiquel did and some others likely did as well but they also never voiced their opinions on him like that. Not that he needed it! It was just another trait he was learning to associate to Zelana.

“I’ve only given shoulder rubs to Madiquel but if you’d like one, I can try. I can definitely make you something though. I was already considering it for letting me push my taste limits.” He stayed out of her way as she moved about his kitchen as if it were her own. She probably knew where more things were anyway. But he did keep an eye on what she was doing so it would help him prep and practice on his own. Maybe he should take notes? That sounded like a good plan and he turned over the paper she had written on earlier so he could start writing down what she did and explained.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"I suppose if all I had was the same thing to eat every day I would get tired of it too. It's a good thing seasoning exists! That will be the longest and most important lesson. You can make the same piece of fish taste very different depending on how you season it. But first, we're going to chop everything up into smaller bits for this dish." Zelly made sure A'tay could clearly see as she started to chop up the vegetables and slice the meat until it was all roughly uniform and bite sized.

Once the pan was hot and she was adding in ingredients she waved him over. "Okay, you're going to season this for me. I'll point to something and you'll put some in until I tell you that's enough. That way you'll get a feel for how much of each seasoning goes into the dish, and when you can taste how it all comes together it'll help you get a better idea of how things just... work. Seasoning is hard to explain, when you cook you know."

Zelly walked him through the rest of the time cooking, pointing at various spices and ingredients. "Add a dash of that... no more. More. Okay and now a generous amount of garlic. That's perfect just stop there." As A'tay added the ingredients she would pause to taste a bit, offer him a taste as well, and then move on until the food finished cooking. "Here, try this, tell me what you think, and if you wish any part of it was a little different. And then tell me about the exile. That was in Katila I think? You were there too right?"

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
There was a lot to take in but seeing it all come together was fascinating to watch and made A'tay excited for the final product. He worried when Zelly had him be in charge of adding the various spices but she was there guiding him and telling him to sample it regularly so they could keep an eye on the flavour. It all made sense and he started to relax enough to see how cooking could be fun and wished he had offered to help more when his mom made them meals. He'd get to make it up to her soon!

"That's good! Would more garlic be bad?" A'tay had taken some notes on what worked well together and which spices were always best in smaller quantities but he felt like you couldn't go wrong with more garlic.

His attention split from garlic to Katila as A'tay tried to find the best way to describe Katila and his time there. "I was born in Katila. It was pretty amazing, to be honest. Lots of little huts surrounded by jungle with a stream near but a long walk to the lake. Everyone kind of thinks of the time in Katila as hiding out since the real exile lasted for several years before that."

He only had tales from the older riders to go off of since he never went through it himself but he couldn't imagine the loneliness many of them felt or the despair it seemed almost everyone felt. "My dad was around thirteen when the plague sent them all South. They were told to stay away from others in case a dragon got sick and spread it through the survivors. He was still a Candidate and his Searchrider asked him to go with him. No one believed it would be so long and my dad says he never fit in at the Hold so he stayed with R'jit and Gamalieth."

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"Some people don't like too much garlic, and sometimes it just overpowers other flavors. You also have to be careful to not let it burn or it can become quite bitter. We can always add a little bit more if you want. Sometimes you can roast a clove by itself and just have it as a snack too. Or you can pickle them!" Zelly was quite pleased that the cooking lesson was going so well. Just having so much of A'tay's attention was wonderful, the way he watched the food, the look in his eyes when he tasted something, how he hung on to every word she said and noted every little action she did. Normally she'd have to be naked to get that much attention. Not that she only took her clothes off for the attention, that was just one of the many pluses of nudity.

Zelana decided to give him the same consideration as she set their food onto plates and then perched on a chair to listen to him talk. It was interesting that the exile had been the result of plague and not some sort of scandal. It sounded nice though, to have a lake nearby and nice places to walk. It didn't sound like it had any of the dreary boring parts attached to being part of a merchant family at least. "It sounds nice. Maybe I can see it sometime. It sounds like a nice place to be exiled too. It's not bad here either though! My parents could have sent me somewhere much worse, full of boring people and no swimming holes."

She took a bites of the food and nodded in approval. "We did a good job. Do you think you want to try doing all of the seasoning on your own next time? Or do you want me to lead again?" On the one hand, it felt a little soon to encourage A'tay to run off with all the seasoning, but on the other, if he messed it up she could just make something else and he could learn from his mistake. Either way, she could make sure that good food was had.

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
"I loved it there but being North and seeing and learning so much has been great." He hesitated a moment, brows furrowed as he delayed with a large bite of food. "I can take you to see it but it's very different now. There was a landslide that destroyed most of the original location and killed a lot of people and dragons. It was hours after my brother T'ryn Impressed as well. I'd be lost without his guidance and can't believe his luck." How almost the entire class had survived with freshly hatched dragonets was still something A'tay thought about and thanked the stars, luck, and even the mountain. His superstitious beliefs came in strong with that event.

"We rebuilt a bit further away and some of the older dragonriders still live there. I haven't been back yet but some of my siblings and their friends go for various reasons." Some went to hunt but A'tay knew some went to reflect at the old site and even tell or cry.

He ate some more of their creation, quietly impressed with it. Zelly deserved all of the credit but A'tay was pleased he was a part of it. But doing it on his own seemed a bit intimidating still. "I could try but I also wouldn't mind your guiding hand a bit longer. And did you say pickled garlic? I think I tried that at a Gather last year! He had a bunch of pickled items and I bought some but I didn't know there was a chance I could make them!" Zelana was opening his eyes to so much! He decided the swimming lessons might not be that bad given how much his new friend could teach him. She came across rather intensely their first meeting and A'tay was intimidated but he was already seeing so many layers to Zelly and he wanted to get to know her some more.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"Oh." Zelly frowned. "That sounds awful. I'm glad you and your brother made it out." She wondered if T'ryn was as cute as A'tay was, but even she knew not to ask that aloud. She wasn't sure how she'd feel if a disaster had struck her family and home. There had been big storms on occasion, but nothing that had ever frightened her too much. Even with her own current situation she'd be upset if her parents died. Or worse, if anything happened to her brother.

She readily latched onto the change of topic and let herself smile again. "I can walk you through more seasoning, maybe next time we can do something with poultry so that you can practice with a different blend of spices. And yes! Pickled garlic. It's not that hard. We'll just need jars, vinegar, salt, and some herbs or other seasoning. And time. I don't make pickle anything very much because they need to sit for so long before you can enjoy them."

Zelly cooked so that she could enjoy the fruits of the single labor she enjoyed. Not to sit and wait while nothing exciting happened! Though she supposed they could distract themselves with other things while they waited on the garlic. She twirled a finger through her hair thoughtfully. "If we make them then you have to hide them somewhere here so they can't taunt me with how long they're taking. We could add a few peppers to it for some added spice. Pickled peppers can also taste delightful, they just have the same problem with time. They don't even do anything interesting while they sit in their jars. We will just have to work on teaching you other meals while we wait." She paused for a moment as an idea popped into her head. "Can Xy eat spicy things?"

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
"I think you're just coming up with excuses to come over more often for my kitchen," A'tay joked, though he was curious about how true it was that the items they pickled had to seat around before they could eat them. It was hard to tell with Zelly since he suspected anything longer than an hour might lose her attention. But it did make some sense. He never thought to ask the vendor how long it took to prepare but he was told pickled foods were great to have in your stores to get through the cold months.

"I'm not sure about spicy for Xyxyth. I'll ask around before we try. Dragons do eat various things outside of their preferred prey but I have no idea if any of it is good or safe for them." A'tay worried about giving Xyxyth a stomach ache or throwing off what made him breathe fire when he chewed stone so caution was the best route.

I'm willing to try if i can. Your reactions have left me curious about what the fuss is all about. A'tay laughed and grinned at Zelly, knowing she heard the bronze as well.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
"I could come up with other excuses to visit if you'd like," Zelly said with a grin. She let her eyes wander his body again, casually appraising. A number of other options came to mind, but so far A'tay hadn't taken the bait on any of her flirtations. Yet. Still, there was time, and it wasn't like she was lacking for entertainment in that area with some of the other casual acquaintances she'd made. She wasn't about to quit this little game though, it was still fun.

She turned to her spices, wondering just how much she would need to make for a dragon sized tongue to get a proper taste of. "Hm. We could just try to put some of the spice blend on his tongue, let him taste it and then wash it off with water so he doesn't have to actually eat any of it."

At the sound of the dragon's voice in her mind she giggled. "It's a lot of fuss. At least for people it can be. Dragons might not even be able to taste spicy as far as I know, but I'm willing to sacrifice some of my special spice blend to try."

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
A'tay blushed as he looked down at the plate of food. He was slowly getting used to the flirting but he still wasn't immune and easily caught Zelana's meaning--the brazen look she gave him helped as well. Other than turning red, he hadn't figured out how to respond to the comments and looks. No doubt any sputtering refusals he did would make her laugh and encourage her and he certainly wasn't as bold and charming as some of his siblings so flirting back was out of the question.

So A'tay focused on his dragon and if Xyxyth needed spices. Xyxyth was inquisitive so it wasn't surprising that he was interested in the idea but A'tay wouldn't let it happen until he knew it was safe. That wasn't really something covered in weyrling lessons though dragons seemed to have a penchant for eating anything in front of them when little. Some liked to swipe sweets others bread, and A'tay recalled R'dare having to fish out an entire apple that was caught in Kadaisicalth's throat. But spicy food? Not something he was aware of.

He smiled at Zelly trying to figure out a way to meet the dragon's request--if they were allowed to fulfill it--she was very dedicated to the idea and cooking in general it seemed. Again he knew he had to do something amazing for her to thank her for the lessons. Maybe he could start by supplying her with the proper items in the kitchen since his cooking space was rather bare and she brought a lot with her.

Another idea struck him as he scraped up the last delicious bits on his plate. "Since you did most of the work, it's only fair that I clean up. So when you're finished, relax, feel free to hang out with Xyxyth and Shadow, or you can head out. I have taken up a lot of your time today." She had already chided him for presuming such things but A'tay still felt like he asked a lot of her that day.

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Date of Birth
13.07.724, 20
dark brown


Written By: BardlyThere
Zelly was about to suggest that she could use some help cleaning up when A'tay decided to volunteer before she could ask. She grinned as she finished her food, and then walked over to hand him her dish. She used the momentary closeness to dart in and place a quick kiss to his cheek. "You are the sweetest, thank you. I think I will hang out with Xy for a bit, he seems like he knows how to have a good time."

With a pleased bounce to her step she made her way to her enormous bronze friend, giving him a quick curtsy before asking to join him in a pleasant cuddle. Because what could be better than some nice post meal cuddles while conspiring with a friend? Zelana made sure she was both comfortable and at the best possible angle to spy on A'tay, softly whispering to the dragon about ways they could try to convince the cute boring boy to be a bit more daring. She didn't think she would be able to enact any of her sinister plans quite yet, but it was always nice to have something to work towards. And maybe once he was done cleaning up she would convince him to go get dessert with her from the kitchen.

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