World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] 741.01.09 | Touch More, With Feeling
9am | Candidates

of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn bit her lip as she tried not to laugh or even smile as she watched Aradissicath rearrange her eggs yet again. Her dragon loved being on the Sands, found the entire time enjoyable and even hosted her story-telling sessions for the younger dragons before she clutched because she was so at peace and wanted to share the moment with others--on her terms. If she had to share the Sands with another gold, that wouldn't be quite as pleasant and Rhaedalyn was thankful that Helyna and her gold's Flight didn't happen any sooner than it had. She couldn't imagine what would happen if they both had eggs out at the same time. At least with this, Iliyith was hanging out on her side, leaving Aradissicath and her eggs alone and Aradissicath seemed fine by that.

It was obvious in hr good mood that morning as she moved the eggs around in the best layout to ensure the Candidates would have easy access to each one without tripping over the eggs or each other. Rhaedalyn knew this day was always tough on Aradissicath. She wanted the world to meet her babies but always got nervous something would happen to them. It was why firelizards weren't allowed. The gold didn't have any issue with them most days, but they were distracting and she didn't need one popping up in front of a startled Candidate that fell over and damaged an egg. Whisper was the only one allowed and only because the bossy gold was playing security to ensure none tried to sneak in. She currently sat on Rhaedalyn's shoulder and was already doing her job, looking around for intruders as the first group entered the Grounds.

"Welcome!" Rhaedalyn called out when they approached and smiled brightly at the young faces. She knew some of them were pros at Touchings now while others wound find themselves at their first one and probably more than a little nervous. She recalled the ones she attended and how she was always nervous. You just didn't know what would be in the eggs and the reaction you would get. Not to mention the stories she heard that came out of Thallyath's Touching. That was why, as Aradissicath sat primly beside her, Rhaedalyn did her best to help calm their nerves.

"We're both so excited to have you here in Fort and with us today. Please take your time with the eggs and enjoy yourselves. And remember, even the negative things might feel real, but they're just in your head and we're all here for each other if you need a moment or even some water." She waved to the table with jugs of water she had asked to be brought in and kept topped up throughout the day. Rhaedalyn really did want everyone relaxed and to know they were cared about. It was why she planned on checking in with any Candidates that stayed back or seemed rattled and knew the Weyrlingmaster was on the same page as her.

This is future-dated to make sure everyone has a chance to participate given ooc schedules can be a pain at times.

First off, you don't need to bow to Aradissicath. That's just not something we have in this game. If your character is overly polite, sure. Bow or thank her, though don't get too close.

Candidates are divided into groups of twenty (20) who each visit the eggs for an hour, with a 15 minute gap between sessions. For the purpose of RP, all PC Candidates are in the same group, which is obviously this thread.

This Touching commences at 9am and these guys are the first group, meaning that no one else has Touched the eggs yet. Because there are 42 eggs, it’s not likely a Candidate will touch every egg. A minimum of one is required. OOC: Feel free to Touch as many as you want but 2-3 seems to be the norm. (but not the rule! Go for more or less if you desire.)

Candidates are expected to be polite and demure; the egg safety is paramount and anyone found to be goofing around will be removed. Firelizards are not allowed on the Sands during the Touching. Aradissicath doesn’t mind them in general but her eggs are important and she will not have distractions during the time.

Eggs are approximately 4 to 5 feet in length, and approximately half to two-thirds that in width. They’re rather squat and roundish. Eggs are laid in a leathery state, much like an earthen snake egg. They slowly expand as they harden with the youngster growing within. When a candidate Touches an egg, they will find the shell to be hard, but kind of lumpy and bumpy in some spots, and smooth in others, depending on how the dragonet shifted during the hardening phase. All the eggs are roughly the same mottled greenish-tan, except for the gold egg, which has a bit of the metallic gold color in the shell, in addition to being larger than all the others.

Additionally, when the candidate’s hand connects with the shell, the dragonet within will reach out mentally and touch their mind. The response the dragonet has to each individual candidate is extremely varied and often considered private by the individuals. A negative response from a dragonet does not denote the inability to Impress the hatchling within! There have been several cases in the past – PC and NPC – when characters Impressed to a hatchling from an egg that they thought hated them.

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of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
Mylorah was pretty excited for the Fort Hatching. Aradissicath's clutches were well known to be more well-behaved than others and had Impressed to some amazing people. She also always had such large clutches that more people walked away with a dragon and that always warmed her heart. This time, however, there were two more reasons to be excited. There were two gold eggs! That had only happened a few times in her lifetime and not for a while now. And, girls were allowed to Touch the other eggs for the first time in Fort's recent history. She wasn't too keen on what she understood to be R'nya's stipulation that girls Impressing at Fort had to go become a Healer after graduating since she had no interest in the subject--except for up close and personal examinations of the human body. And she wondered, what if she Impressed to this clutch? What if it was to a gold? Would the gold help keep her from going to the Hall? She hoped it did and she would also make sure it was noticed that she only Touched the golden eggs to help keep her chances of enlistment down. Maybe she'd just hope for the first time that she didn't Impress. After all, so many siblings and close friends were in Ista and she didn't want to be away from them.

She quietly followed the group in. She was a naturally bubbly girl but there was something about the Sands that always subdued her. Likely had to do with needing to read the mood of the gold. If she was angry, then Mylorah was definitely keeping quiet and not disturbing anyone. If the gold seemed relaxed, then she relaxed as well. Aradissicath was in a good mood it turned out, not that Mylorah expected differently. The gold always seemed to radiate with every clutch and she loved that. Still, she stayed quiet as the Weyrlingmaster mentioned the typical rules and then Rhaedalyn greeted them and Mylorah smiled at how genuine the Weyrwoman always was but couldn't help frowning either at the memory of Thallyath's Touching. She sometimes still had nightmares about those visions she had been given but she wouldn't let it stop her from continuing to Stand.

Once they were set free, Mylorah joined some of the other girls that zipped right over to the golds that were set a bit aside from the rest of the clutch--perhaps out of habit from Fort's old rules. As she waited, she steeled herself for the reaction. Nothing could be as bad as before. She'd be fine with a cranky response or even one not deigning her important enough to visit. To help that along, Mylorah did her best to stop thinking about the old visions and pushed them deep from her mind and focused on happier things, like getting Tazikel and Kordiavis to realise they were into each other as much as they were into her. She almost started giggling at her thoughts but held it in as her turn came up.

Touching Gold #1!
Feel free to say Gold 1 or 2 and the others will be 1-40. You can also Touch the same egg someone else did and get a different reaction. If you want a full reply, leave an ooc note like this with the egg and I'll reply with the response of the eggie and you can tag again with your reaction and move into another Touching if desired. If you prefer to get a quicker response, ask me in Discord and I'll give you a word that you can use how you want. <3

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of Blue Dalsuth

Date of Birth
14.02.723, 22
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Quinvalis was always excited and nervous at Touchings. Actually, he was worse for Hatchings. The Touchings didn't mean much to him other than to freak him out a bit. It was one thing to have a dragon speak to him, but it was quite another to have one hidden behind a shell probing around so much. It made him uncomfortable with how much they learned but he didn't think they retained any of that information upon hatching at least. Hatchings also gave him anxiety. What if he didn't Impress? He would disappoint not only his mom who always came to watch but R'nya who believed in him so much. What if he did Impress but it was the wrong colour?

So he was a bit miserable as he entered the Sands and not even seeing Aradissicath sitting proudly by her clutch and Rhaedalyn's normally infectious smile brightened his mood. And he knew it would only be worse in a week or so when the eggs hatched. At least he couldn't really be judged here, unless he reacted strongly and drew attention. He knew R'nya wouldn't even ask him about the responses he got since the bronzerider had once told him it was a private and personal thing that only had to be shared if you wanted it to be. He never shared it.

Maybe this time would be different. Maybe if he Impressed to an egg he Touched he would tell what his little mate thought at the time. But Aradissicath did like to move the eggs around so he might not even be able to find them again. He'd do his best, though, maybe ask Aradissicath not to move them or to keep the ones he Touched in a special spot. Was that using his connection with the leadership the wrong way?

He'd worry about that later. He had to get through this hour first. When they were able to go to the eggs, Quinvalis studied them for a moment and sought one out that was further back in a clump that no one had ventured to yet and gently placed his hand of the shell after a quick smile at Rhaedalyn.

Egg 9!

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of Blue Atranth

Date of Birth
29.09.715, 29
Brown, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Narinoa was feeling both amazing and like shit. Turned out taking the handy dandy sex klah nightly, even in small doses, wasn't healthy and he had acquired an addiction for it that sent him into withdrawals for several days. At the time, it felt like his body was on fire and he was dying. But once he got through it, he felt great and the horrors of before were left behind. Except the horrors of the Hatchings came back. He loved the sex klah because it gave him amazing sex that wore him out enough that he had dreamless nights and actually got some sleep. Now, sleep wasn't as plentiful and he was tired and a bit stressed. Maybe once he was back in Ista and close to Casa he'd go back to the magic drug or look into something else. Maybe he could even grow his own plants... at Casa's weyr since he didn't have his own place. The life of a Candidate sucked balls.

So the early Touching was not appreciated. He tried to get into a later group but no such luck. Not like he'd be able to sleep in anyway with everyone else scurrying around and his extra set of hands being needed. So he dragged his ass along with everyone else, nodding when appropriate and giving the Weyrwoman a token smile at her kindness.

Once able, he shuffled off to the nearest egg, hoping to get a few in quickly so he could rest on the stands for the rest of their time. He also wanted to get it over with in case another little monster was inside and waiting to fuck with his head again. Narinoa did not want to rush outside again to barf, especially since the door was a lot further away and he wasn't in the mood to run that morning. Maybe he should have had a third cup of klah after all but he held off since he had decided not to eat anything.

Sighing, he placed his hand on the egg and waited for the mental assault to begin.

Egg 21.

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kordiavis wasn’t going to Stand for this clutch. He didn’t have any desire to go to Fort in the winter and was starting to get over the whole thing as well. But then his mom went off on him during one of her bad days and he decided, fuck it, might as well see more of the world. So it was his first time in Fort and he’d only been there for a week but he wasn’t overly thrilled by it. It was another Weyr, larger than Ista obviously, but nothing too different otherwise. Well, he supposed they had better food since Ista was still careful with what they had thanks to the constant droughts and uncertainty of the coming seasons. So he supposed that was nice.

But that was about it. He was still expected to help out with various light chores since extra bodies created extra waste, dishes, and linens, so he put in his token effort and then retired to his bed in a large room lined with bunk after bunk. The life of a short-term Candidate was not glamourous. Assuming he didn’t Impress, he’d be back in Ista in about a week where his bed was in a smaller room with less roommates and back to his hotter weather and ability to slink off somewhere quiet and alone.

If he did Impress, it would probably be better accommodations and hey, he’d have a dragon, so that was neat. He’d find out soon enough. He just had to get through the stupid ritual again, something he did not want to do but had to if he wanted to Stand. It was tempting to just go and hang out in the stands. Madiquel Impressed from there so it was possible and she didn’t have to have to be mind-fucked by a little terror either. Of course she Impressed to one of those little terrors that stole every sensation from him and left him in a void of despair, but hey, it was a dragon, right?

He had to admit, this clutch was a lot more Impressive than Thallyath’s. Larger and they looked healthier if that was possible. He hoped the eggs didn’t contain monsters but he was about to find out as he trudged along, eyeing eggs as he passed them. He stopped in front of one and stared at, gathering the courage to touch it. The Weyrwoman was right; it was all in his head, it wasn’t real, but it was still hard to shake and bring yourself back from the nightmare. After nearly a minute of just staring at the damned thing, Kordiavis finally set his hand on the shell.

Egg 33.

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Date of Birth
28.09.722, 22
Brown, long


Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Katiryn strode with purpose into the Hatching grounds, her head held high and a smile on her face. Nothing was going to keep her down that day, damn it! Yes, she still vividly recalled the horrible Touching and the horrible Hatchings but they were behind her and this was a new year and new clutch. She was determined to keep her attitude positive and to help others with theirs. Nothing good came from holding onto the bad for too long.

But she stopped suddenly as she saw Rhaedalyn and Aradissicath. Oh, how she adored the pair! She almost wished they had moved to Fort so she could be around her role model more regularly. Rhaedalyn was a holder but had adapted so well in Katila and even in her dorkier times, she still had a grace to her that young Katiryn wished to have. Now, she was a strong and beautiful woman that was Weyrwoman to boot! How could she not want to be Rhaedalyn? Not to mention the woman had her perfect mate and a cute family. Katiryn didn’t think she was ready for all of that just yet but it was a dream for down the line.

Someone elbowed her gently and Katiryn stumbled a little and glared at the culprit only to see Dareji smiling back and Katiryn rolled her eyes and smiled in return. Yeah, so she had been gawking and practically drooling over Rhaedalyn, but who wouldn’t be? With a sigh, she moved along with the group and waited as the Weyrwoman addressed them, showing her kindness.

When they were allowed to go to the eggs, Katiryn bolted right for the golds. She saw some of the girls go to the other eggs first, and she was glad they had the chance to now, but she only had eyes on gold. Nothing against green or blue! But gold just matched her dream and ambitions so she had to stack her chances where she could.

She didn’t have long to wait for one of the eggs, but when it was her turn, Katiryn took a moment, took a few breaths, thought of all her goals and happy thoughts in general, and placed a hand on the smooth surface.

Gold 2.

PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
01.12.722, 22
Brown, long, straight


Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Dareji had a feeling she wasn’t unique in her feelings that morning. Touchings used to always bring an air of excitement with them but since Thallyath’s maiden clutch, it seemed everyone dreaded them. She kind of did as well, to be honest. She knew it was normal to have bad reactions but she’d never experienced anything like that before and was afraid to again. Still, she kept attending every single one she was allowed to and would proudly Stand at every Hatching she could despite how many deaths she had seen beside her on the Sands or how she was nearly mauled and trampled herself at poor T’ryn’s first Hatching. She was glad his second one went a lot smoother. T’ryn and Mulrissa were both sweet, as were their dragons—mostly; Syrendryth was a snob and she didn’t know Bedith too well but heard she was nice.

Aradissicath had a reputation for having good babies and calm Hatchings so this time, Dareji felt a bit lighter going into the Touching. There had to be good to balance the bad, and this would be it. Maybe one of her eggs would make her doubt something, but it wouldn’t show her a vast expanse of nothing with only dread to fill her or a gnawing hunger that could never be sated. She could handle this, she was determined to.

When she saw Katiryn stop and gawk at Rhaedalyn, Dareji gave a little giggle and nudged her friend. The girl got crushes so easily, though she knew this one was a crush and more. Katiryn saw what she wanted in Rhaedalyn’s life and a role model, especially one as nice as the Weyrwoman, wasn’t a bad thing. Still, it was fun to tease a friend when you could!

She giggled again as a bunch of girls dashed over to the golds. She knew she would have to touch them eventually as well, but to be honest, she kind of had her heart set on blue. Her brother and dad were both blueriders so she’d always had blue dragons in her life and she simply adored them. She wouldn’t be opposed to a green or even gold since having her own dragon would be amazing no matter what, but blue spoke to her the most and she could easily see herself atop one. Maybe that was just because she had been riding Gamalieth since she was born and Kadaisicalth since he was old enough to shuttle her butt all over the place.

Yes, a blue would be lovely. But who knew if or when that would happen. For now, simply meeting the babies was her priority and Dareji carefully made her way to one off to the side and set her hand on it, with a whispered greeting she knew wouldn’t be heard but made her feel more inviting to the dragonet.

Egg 15.

PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
04.03.723, 22
Icy Blue and small for his face
Beefy and solid
Blonde and usually kept short, he tries to keep it combed but it has a tendency towards getting mussed.


Written By: BardlyThere
Fediletch was having a hard time containing his excitement, and sometimes that made his face come out in an awkward nervous grimace rather than a smile. It was his first touching, there had been others since he'd gotten to Telgar Weyr and become a candidate, but the timing had never been right for those. He hadn't felt ready, and dragons were far too important to try and rush. He still wasn't sure he was ready if he was honest, but at least he was more prepared this time! He could even write his own name now, and was sure if he got a dragon he could figure out how to write its name as well.

He ran his fingers through his hair to give his scalp a quick soothing scratch as he made his way up to Rhaedalyn and then to the eggs beyond. Fetch had heard some stories, enough to know that things could happen, but he had no idea what was going to happen. The goldrider seemed confident and reassuring enough though that he was able to give her a more genuine quick smile as he muttered a soft, "Thank you," before scurrying off to find an egg.

How would he even know which egg was his? There were so many! Sure there had been talks that he'd just feel it in his gut, or maybe just get lucky, but he still wasn't sure. He very carefully tried to find the largest paths around to avoid bumping into any one, or any eggs. He'd lost count of the eggs as he walked around, eyes keenly studying all their subtle differences in appearance until finally he found one to touch. There was just something about the arrangement of small lumps on one end of it that reminded him of his pillow, and maybe that was the sign. After making sure he wasn't in anyone's way, Fetch took a breath and reached out to touch the egg, his face serious, and voice soft as he said, "Hello, I'm Fediletch. People call me Fetch."

Egg 17

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Gold 1
Mylorah – Defiance
Immediately you feel approval. Yes! Do what you want, you don’t need to follow their rules and do what is expected. You didn’t need your dad, you don’t even need sleeves! Who cares about rules if you aren’t harming anyone, right? The dragonet continues to urge you on in your ways, pointing out things you do that don’t fit the norm and why that’s not a bad thing until you finally break the contact.

Gold 2
Katiryn – Disapproval
You feel the first touch to your mind and sigh in relief as it doesn’t assault you with monsters and darkness. But it doesn’t last long. The presence is judging you, looking at your flaws and your lies you tell others and yourself. It doesn’t approve of what it finds. How can you do such things? You know better! Do you think you could be a goldrider with such things? Begone! You’re not worth her time anymore.

Quinvalis – Peaceful
You feel it almost at once, like a big hug pulling you in and holding you close. Yes, you remember this feeling; peace. It had been a while since you fully felt that way, not judging everything you did or worrying what others would think of you. Just a moment to enjoy with the ones you love. Peaceful. No thinking. Just relaxing like a family picnic in the sun. The dragonet shoves away all doubts and expectations you place upon yourself and lets you enjoy the feeling of being loved without any strings or daggers hidden behind a back. You’re loved! This little one loves you and wants you to always be at peace with everything you do.

Dareji – Smug
It knew you would come. How could anyone resist it? You feel the smugness radiating from the shell as if it was a physical aspect. At first you’re repulsed by it but before you can remove your hand, the dragonet points out you’re no different. Smug any time you know something your brother doesn’t know, right? Smug when you get a compliment but your friend doesn’t. Why shouldn’t you feel that way? You’re both the best and know it, so you better show it. The dragonet isn’t surprised when you linger longer than needed and is the first one to pull away before you have the chance.

Fediletch – Excited
You’re so excited, it’s so excited, everyone’s excited! Oh gosh, could this day be any better? You feel the dragonet rummaging around in your mind and can’t contain itself when it sees how happy you are to meet it. It loves this emotion and wants to feel more and it probes around in your mind for happy times that left you, well, excited! Being helpful, being with your siblings, being near dragons… how great is life? You know it’s not always like that, but the presence sweeps the negatives away. No! Only excited times! It wants you to stay and party with it forever and encourages you to keep feeding positive memories until you remove your hand, breaking the contact.

Narinoa – Trust
The dragonet slowly reaches out to you, sensing your hesitation about meeting it. It’s okay, it encourages, it’s okay! It trusts you, it knows you won’t hurt it and it wants to show you that it won’t hurt you either. It finds that you were hurt before, by a brethren and you feel a whimper of guilt as it finds your nightmares. But it’s different, please trust it. Trust someone, again. Not everyone is bad and you will find the right person to help you find yourself again.

Kordi – alienation
You open your mind, awaiting the worst because that’s how you always treat everything. Expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed, right? The dragonet within senses that immediately, and draws back, afraid for a moment before gently prodding your mind. The gentle touch turns to insistent probing as it searches and searches, until it finds what it wants. Why do you keep to yourself? Why don’t you let more people in, or anyone? Those closest to you still aren’t that close, are they? You feel the confusion and even sadness as the dragonet keeps finding all the ways you alienate yourself and finally you feel the gentle insistence of why? It doesn’t have to be that way… and then you’re alone. Again. As always.

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of Gold Cirith

Date of Birth
20.12.720, 28
Hazel Green
Golden Blonde


Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Aradissicath had outdone herself, Sariel thought, her Fortian pride instantly brimming over at the sheer size of the clutch. Two precious golden daughters only made it that special. The heat of the Sands felt good as it soaked through her shoes and wrapped her in warmth winter had denied her. She let out a soft sigh that helped to expel the nervous energy as the Weyrwoman spoke. It was just what she needed after Thallyath's Touching and Hatching.

There was a part of her that wanted to touch all the eggs. Her excitement smoothed into a quiet joy. They were the beginning for so many Candidates, their dreams realised -- even the unexpected ones. She knew she was Standing for the two gold eggs and it was the second one that she found herself moving towards. As she moved, she offered Rhaedalyn and Aradissicath a soft smile.

Dwarfed by the golden eggs, Sariel approached the second egg with confidence in who she was and who she longed to be. She was a healer, someone whose joy radiated naturally, moving to touch everyone she could. Perhaps this Hatching would be the one where Impression would be made. It would be a challenge she'd accept with the very fabric of her being. She was stubborn, driven, but above all, she was joyful when it came to difficult tasks, relishing the knowledge she'd gained from every experience in her life.

Her fingers trailed against the egg as she walked around it to find a place to settle her palm. When she did, her fingers stilled, and she let out a breath, relaxing her eternally busy mind.

Queen Egg #2

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of Brown Shirrikath

Date of Birth
15.07.720, 24


Written By: Jenn
Dandi's mind was in upheaval, he almost didn't come to this touching. Worried that things would turn out much the same as Thallyath's ill-fated clutch, Dandioar had nearly stayed in the barracks he'd been assigned to. It was pokes and prods from Mylo that got him moving though. She was ridiculously upbeat and excited, the emotions rubbing off on him in weird ways. So he'd gone anyway. Gone to the hatching sands when it was time, filing in with the rest, watching Aradissicath from the corner of his eye. She wasn't Mizeath and from stories, he'd heard she was far more grouchy than the gold at Ista.

He skirted around the rest of the group and made a line towards one of the eggs. He was always amazed by how very large the eggs were. He was a big man, but they almost made him feel small with their size. It wasn't so much the height of them but the width. They were wider than he was and so full of life that they made a man think about possibilities. A large hand reached out and touched the egg nearest to him. Rough and smooth, a single awkward bump beneath his hand from whatever shaped the shell on the inside.

Warmth from the egg spread from his palm up his arm and Dandi hummed softly as he touched the egg.

Egg #2

PA - First Post!

of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
Mylorah gasped and then giggled at the odd praise. Yeah, fuck ‘em! She was reminded of the first fancy party Tazikel brought her to. He had taken her dress shopping to find something more ‘suitable’ for a Hold but even then he gave her some leeway and kept her comfort in mind. She saw the looks at the party, saw the conversations sometimes behind a hand or out in the open as they watched her. She knew she didn’t belong, stood out quite obviously but it didn’t stop her from holding her head high and making that party her bitch. She didn’t give in and run away like she knew some of the catty looking girls wanted but instead did her best to follow the more important rules while having as much fun as she could with Tazikel. Since then, she still felt a bit out of place but found joy in defying everyone’s expectations they had of her.

“Thanks for the encouragement, chickadee,” Mylorah whispered to the egg before finally removing her hand. It was nice to have someone believe in her, even though she knew her friends and siblings were always right there beside her. Most of the time. It hurt that F’drel didn’t trust her judgement on Tazikel and she supposed that was yet another faucet of her defiance. She knew he hated what she was doing and he likely had a good reason, yet there she was still meeting up with her Sir Tazicurls regularly. Maybe being defiant wasn’t always the best option and while they weren’t at odds as badly as they were before, Mylorah wanted to make sure F’drel knew she loved him like the big brother he constantly tried to be to her. She had invited him to the Hatching personally before leaving Ista but no matter the outcome of it, she was going to pull him aside for the biggest hug and thank you she could give.

Stepping aside so the next girl could get the egg, Mylorah moved to the back of the line for the other gold egg, mind still on what the first had shown her. Defiant but with a good reason was okay. It meant she had standards and beliefs that she wouldn’t compromise on, like sticking up for a loved one, but she wouldn’t be that way just for the sake of it. She felt that made her stand apart from some other people that were kind of dicks at times.

Finding it was her turn for the new egg, Mylorah gave her head a little shake and readied herself for what she had a feeling wouldn’t be as positive. It never seemed to go well twice in a row for her.

Gold 2

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Date of Birth
04.03.723, 22
Icy Blue and small for his face
Beefy and solid
Blonde and usually kept short, he tries to keep it combed but it has a tendency towards getting mussed.


Written By: BardlyThere
The serious frown on Fediletch's face had been replaced by an ecstatic grin. The baby dragon liked him! He knew it wasn't a guarantee that he would be picked once it broke free of the egg, there were so many other candidates to pick from after all, but it didn't matter anymore. This one liked him right now. He was doing something right, becoming a candidate wasn't a foolish waste of time like his father used to tell him. A baby dragon liked him before it could even see him, and that meant more than anything else at the moment.

Fetch wanted to just linger and talk with the baby dragon even though he wasn't sure it could hear him exactly through the shell, but there was a gentle nudge and the recommendation to move on so he begrudgingly straightened back up with a whispered, "It was nice to meet you."

He got back to carefully wandering the eggs, back to trying to find any recognizable patterns since clearly that was the way to go. One egg had freckles that reminded him of Fiona, and while he was tempted to touch it from the sense of familiarity he decided against it. He'd look for an egg that reminded him of something a bit happier (even if it wasn't a surprise that she left it still wasn't a pleasant experience).

That led Fetch to an egg with a pattern in its mottling that reminded him of a well marbled porterhouse steak. Still riding the optimistic and excited high from the last egg he reached out to touch this one too, once more introducing himself aloud to the egg.

Egg 37

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Fuck this Touching and fuck every single one that came before it and would come after it. He knew it was a stupid idea to come and he’d been proven right. He didn’t need some unborn dragonet analysing him and finding every single so-called flaw and imperfect moment in his life. So what if his childhood wasn’t perfect? Who actually had a good one? The kids from Katila grew up in a fucking jungle and some didn’t even know who their parents were! Okay, so he didn’t know who his dad was either but what the fuck ever.

Fine, Kordiavis admitted to himself and only to himself since he had essentially stomped away from the clutch, it was true. He kept people at a distance, so what? It was better that way. His own mother couldn’t stand him most of the time so why risk some random person trying to wriggle into his life? Mylorah was damn good at wriggling—in more ways than one—and Sh’ran had been surprisingly easy to be around but he still didn’t share every single deep dark secret with them. Being alone was better, safer.

Maybe he was lonely once upon a time as a naïve kid that believed things would get better. He had Aldra with him most of the time when he wasn’t whisked away to do Heir-related things and sometimes he had Tazikel to get into trouble with, but then he was alone again when the charismatic blonde left on his ship once more. Knowing you were always alone made it easier to say good-bye when it had to happen. Not expecting much out of someone or something made it hurt less when you were proven right. He learned both lessons from that bitch who played him so perfectly. Don’t let anyone in and don’t expect them to be decent people that don’t want anything in return.

Maybe a dragon would fix that. Maybe he could finally let someone in. But the more Kordiavis thought about it, the more he distinctly disliked the idea of a dragon living in his head. How fucked up was he that he couldn’t even stomach the idea of letting his hypothetical dragon get close? Maybe after this Hatching he’d only attend them as a guest, but even that held the risk of Impression.

As he moved toward the stands, the Weyrlingmaster stopped him, questioning why he was wrapping after already, clearly worried that a Thallyath-level incident had happened. “I did my part in your inane ritual of touching at least one egg and feel my obligation has been met and my services are no longer required until the Hatching.” And with that, Kordiavis walked away and plunked his ass down on a bench several rows up… and away from everyone.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Gold 2
Sariel – Calm
Despite the hectic life you lead with the Hall, kids, love, and dragons pulling you in different directions, you feel calm. You like it, thrive from it. Being busy gives you the inner peace you need to focus on the tasks at hand. Sitting idle might be calming for some, but not you. The dragonet pulls up some of your favourite memories, showing you how well you work under pressure on patients you aren’t even supposed to be near and how even your future mate suddenly asking you to a threesome with a stranger didn’t rattle you. Not much can as you are the definition of calm and you feel a warmth spread from your fingers, up your arm, and right to your heart as the presence applauds who you are and what you can and will be.

Gold 2
Mylorah – lust
Oh, you know this emotion well, don’t you? You almost feel like the creature is mocking you, calling you the Weyr Whore like the Ladies in your memories do, but no. That memory is swept away and replaced by the times spent with various lovers and the way you crave them and others yet untouched by you. How can one person want so many? How can you lust after one man and sleep with another? Your memories flip by one by one and you feel yourself getting turned on while the golden presence almost seems to be taking note and appreciates how you appreciate everyone. You finally break away, panting and wondering if you just climaxed in front of everyone or if it was all in your head. You feel your heart racing but everything is fine, no one stares, no one knows. But you and the gold know.

Dandioar – bliss
It’s almost as if your humming woke the dragonet up on the right side of the bed. You sense it might be humming along with you and that you’re both… happy, perfectly happy. It’s not a foreign concept to either of you, you’ve experienced it a lot in your life but it isn’t until a memory is forced to the surface that you find that, yes, life in the Weyr really has given you a blissful life. New friends, new skills, maybe even a dragon! What more could you need? The presence pokes around a bit more, trying to see if there is anything else that is needed and once satisfied with everything it found, it slips away, hoping you remember the good, chase your dreams, and enjoy what’s before you.

Fediletch – curious
As soon as you touch this egg you are assaulted with question upon question. Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want? Am I what you want? Are you sure? Why are you so excited? Who is the pretty girl you were looking at before? Why are you so big? On and on it goes, leaving your head spinning from the onslaught. You try your best to answer but the questions come faster than you can even process until suddenly, nothing. You don’t feel anything anymore as you have clearly lost its attention and been dismissed.

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Date of Birth
28.09.722, 22
Brown, long


Written By: ZZZ Deceased
“How dare you!” Katiryn growled at the egg, trying to keep her voice low but the other girls around her no doubt heard anyway. She was perfectly worthy of a gold dragon, but this one clearly wasn’t worth her! How dare it judge her and find her wanting. Yes, she told a few lies here and there and most were to her daddy but they were for his own good! He would freak out if he knew what she got up to and with whom considering he knew some of them on the same intimate level she did. Casa was a goldrider and she was way worse than her! And flaws? Everyone had them and she didn’t think hers were that bad, especially compared to some people she could name.

With a huff, Katiryn moved aside and lined up for the other gold. Clearly that one wasn’t meant for her so this one had to be. Or, it had to be nicer, she hoped. A part of her started to doubt everything she did and maybe the gold was right and she wasn’t worthy. Maybe the nightmarish scenes from dying dragonets were better after all.

She felt her lower lip tremble, the first sign to tears, but Katiryn took a deep breath and told herself to get over it. She went into the Touching determined and happy and she was going to stay that way, damn it! Again she reminded herself everyone had flaws and everyone told little lies so others wouldn’t get hurt. It wasn’t a bad thing and that gold was just too judgemental and wouldn’t be a good fit.

This one, she hoped, would be. As her turn came up, she didn’t hesitate and placed her hand on the shell.

Gold 1.

PA - First Post!

of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
Mylorah panted as she stumbled away from the egg. Some of the girls gave her an odd look but they weren’t staring or judging her and certainly didn’t know the great trip down memory lane she just had. She hadn’t been expecting that! Why a little dragonet would be interested in such a thing was beyond her as well. She knew they didn’t seem to retain any memories from within the egg but to go from being so curious and interested in sex and what drove her lust to becoming a clingy baby that didn’t want to share for months was pretty intense. Maybe it was a sign of what was to come for that gold? Maybe she would Rise as much as Mizeath did or maybe she would be as cool as Thallyath was with Casa's exploits. Time would tell, she supposed.

But in the meantime, she really did need to catch her breath and felt rather flushed from the excitement her own damn mind had created. Truth be told, she needed to get laid after that. A scan around the clutch showed some of her friends that could be interested in a quickie depending on how their reactions went, though she knew Kordiavis wasn’t an option when she found him sitting alone in the stands. Oh no, he had another bad experience and getting him to the Hatching was going to be a struggle, wasn’t it?

She’d worry about that later. She had sex on the mind, not consoling a friend. For once, she wanted to be selfish and when she saw Dandioar, she hoped she found her playmate. When he looked in her direction, she smiled with a little wave as she headed in his direction. She had no intentions of Touching any more eggs but when she passed him, she simply whispered, “you, me, and somewhere secluded after this, Dandi.” If he took the invitation, perfect! If not, she’d go see if R’dare was home but she needed someone now, or as soon as they were set free which wouldn’t be much longer she hoped and Dandioar was delicious.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
04.03.723, 22
Icy Blue and small for his face
Beefy and solid
Blonde and usually kept short, he tries to keep it combed but it has a tendency towards getting mussed.


Written By: BardlyThere
As the eldest child with so many younger brothers and sisters Fetch was unphased by the sudden onslaught of curiosity that hit him from the egg. It was just like going back home to the gaggle of small dark haired children and just as he did for his siblings he tried to answer every single one of the egg's questions patiently and aloud.

Who are you?
He smiled and introduced himself, "I'm Fediletch, but you can call me Fetch."
Why are you here?
"To touch eggs."
What do you want?
Fetch didn't hesitate at all as he answered, "A dragon."
Am I what you want?
"Yes." It was a dragon so of course he wanted him.
Are you sure?
"Yes." Wanting a dragon was one of the few things Fetch was sure of.
Why are you so excited?
"Because I get to meet you!" And after visiting the last egg how could he be anything else?
Who is the pretty girl you were looking at before?
That made Fetch take a quick glance around the sands to try and spot the girl candidates. "Which one? They're all pretty."
Why are you so big?
"I ate my vegetables." He gave the answer without even thinking about it, having replied to the same exact question so many times with the same response.

Then more questions came at a faster and faster pace; Fetch was having trouble hearing all of them much less answering. "Wha... wait. Slow down." It didn't seem to do anything though and he decided to try letting the baby dragon wear itself out before he tried to answer any more. But then it stopped completely and he was left frowning. Probably just taking a little dragon nap, he decided. Babies did need rest after all. After lingering just a moment longer to make sure there were no other last minute questions he decided to start looking for just one more egg to touch.

Fetch decided to go back to the one that he'd passed over earlier that reminded him of the freckles. It wasn't fair to just pass it over because of how it looked after all. So he muttered a quiet apology as he reached in to give it a touch. "Sorry I skipped you earlier."

Egg 4

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Dalsuth

Date of Birth
14.02.723, 22
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
He was loved. Quinvalis smiled at the egg as he removed his hand and felt a tear slide down his cheek. He wiped it away and when he felt eyes on him, looked up and around and saw Aradissicath staring at him. He gave her a thumbs up, letting her know it wasn’t anything bad and moved to wander around the eggs.

He knew he was loved, of course. He had his mom and his sister, and even R’nya, Rhaedalyn, and the girls. They weren’t his family but he sometimes felt like he belonged and maybe they did love him. In fact, now that he thought about it, Halomirth even made him feel loved. Madiquel would never love him and that was part of his problem sometimes, and his extended family clearly didn’t love him either, but he did have people that did, even a dragon. Not many people could say another person’s dragon cared about them. He hoped they could come to the Hatching. Not that he had actually invited them, a bit too shy to do so. Halomirth always sought him out when she was at Fort so it wasn’t like they would flat out turn it down, but they were probably busy and didn’t need to attend every single Hatching at every single Weyr so he didn’t bother them.

But he was loved.

Quinvalis kept reciting that to himself, reminding him of how true it was. It was easy to forget most days when everything felt stacked against him and he didn’t want to get out of bed. He just had to remember that important fact and recall that warm hug that made every issue and negative thought melt away.

He almost didn’t want to Touch another egg, afraid it would ruin his mood and make him forget that warmth, but Quinvalis didn’t want to disappoint anyone, especially with it being Aradissicath and Xyreith’s clutch. If he was going to Impress, it had to be theirs. After the bad hatchings at the other Weyrs, he didn’t want to Stand elsewhere again and while he’d still Stand for other Fort clutches, he really wanted to Impress to a dragon sired by Xyreith.

So he wandered a bit more before stopping at another egg that another Candidate that he didn’t know had just moved away from. He didn’t see that man’s reaction so he couldn’t judge anything by it but that also wouldn’t have helped given how fickle dragonets could be. He set his hand against the shell and held his breath again, waiting.

Egg 27.

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Date of Birth
01.12.722, 22
Brown, long, straight


Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Ugh. Dareji did not like this egg at all. The smugness was making her feel dirty but just before she could pull away, it pointed out she was no better. She frowned, wondering how it thought that just as it showed her various little ways. Well, duh, yeah. Brothers were made for that and sometimes it was healthy to feel good about oneself after a compliment, especially when with a super pretty friend that always got the attention. She supposed being smug wasn’t entirely a bad thing and mentally sent an apology to the presence circling her brain—which only made it worse as it knew she couldn’t resist bowing down to its superiority.

Right, she was done with this one. She let go with an eye roll when she realised it left her first. What a creep! She hoped that wasn’t a blue in there and doubly hoped that wasn’t her dragon! At least she got a bad one out of the way. With such a large clutch, Dareji was confident the next one had to be better and if not, the third definitely would be. The odds had to be in their favour.

She took a moment to watch everyone else, smiling when she saw the happiness others were feeling and frowned when some didn’t seem to take it as well. Kordiavis especially looked mad as he stomped away and sat himself out for the rest of it. He was cute but such a mood killer. Mylorah had their collective patience it seemed as she was one of the few that got through to him. Honestly, she hadn’t tried that hard. His snark and how obvious it was that he wanted to be left alone didn’t encourage Dareji to try and she felt a bit bad about that. Maybe she should try to break down the walls of some people she’d more or less written off. Look at that, she didn’t need an egg to make her feel like crap, she could do it herself.

Chuckling softly at herself, Dareji walked a bit further until stopping before an egg that caught her eye. This was the one, this was her happy place and maybe her dragon. Confident, she touched her hand to the shell, finding this one a bit misshapen but finding that adorable.

Egg 32.

PA - First Post!

of Blue Atranth

Date of Birth
29.09.715, 29
Brown, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Narinoa didn’t realise he was crying until long after the kind dragonet vanished from his mind. He stood still, hand never moving from the egg until he felt a tear hit his arm, grabbing his attention just enough to look down and stare at the wet spot. He finally shook himself free and wiped at his eyes while walking away. Still, he kept glancing back at the egg, wondering how it could learn so much from him so quickly.

Even he wasn’t aware of how he viewed others and trust as a whole. It wasn’t that he couldn’t trust anyone at all—he’d never be able to interact with anyone in the ways that he did—but he supposed it was a surface-level trust. He could trust someone during sex, he could trust L’gan in his Healing skills and to be a good partner when checking on the weyrlings, and he could even trust Casa not to poison him when he asked for drugs. But something deeper? He wasn’t ready for that. That gave away so much about himself and left him vulnerable. He didn’t want that kind of commitment with someone. Keeping everything a bit on the shallow side and where everyone was having fun was all he wanted.

Damn but he hated the nosy dragonets. He was doing just fine not thinking about trust issues he may have had or how he only let people get so close before holding them at bay. But now that was all he could think about as he vacantly stared at the gold eggs across the way. Obviously he wasn’t going to Touch those ones and he didn’t really notice how the girls were doing, but they were a better distraction than the drab eggs he was surrounded by.

He supposed he should go after one more egg to make it look like he was trying and maybe it would erase everything the last egg brought up. He could hope. But hey, he wasn’t running outside to vomit, so that was something.

Sighing, he glanced to his side, saw a vacant egg, and laid his hand on it. It was only given half of his attention and his heart wasn’t really in it so he could only imagine what laid in store for him.

Egg 14.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Cirith

Date of Birth
20.12.720, 28
Hazel Green
Golden Blonde


Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Well, that was certainly the truth, she thought. She figured out long ago that she had to be able to take on as much as possible and with grace if she was ever going to be fit to handle a goldrider position. Thriving under pressure was just one of those things she'd naturally possessed and honed from Hatchings to Hall. Thread would fall at some point, here, and her skills in Healing would be put to the test on dragonrider and dragon alike. Everything that had come before she had made sure she absorbed with a keen mind and a sharp memory. Especially when it came to dragons.

The warmth that spread up her arm and touched her heart made her bow her forehead against the egg's warm shell with a soft hum of thanks and a softer smile. L'gan and Semath were her touchstone - they'd gently encouraged her calm demeanour over the turns. As did the twins. Maybe they were like night and day but sweet Faranth did they show how beautiful the little moments were and how much she cherished them. All of those treasured memories, even the rush of the Hall, made her smile even wider.

"I'll see you on the Sands, lovely," she murmured. "Guess I should visit your other sparkling clutchmate, mm?" Her fingers trailed as she moved aside to let the next girl in, her fingers reluctant to leave the shell. That warmth, acceptance, and praise would keep her for a long while, she thought. Slipping into place for the second Queen egg, she took her time admiring the shell itself, the mottling, the shine and was so pleased that both eggs were so healthy. They'd grow into fine, strong, powerful dragons. Once it was her turn, she walked the whole way around the egg, her fingers against its surface until she found a spot that tugged at her.

There she placed her hand.

Egg 1

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Gold 1
Katiryn – boredom
The egg is slow to respond to your touch. If it hadn’t been for others before you reacting, you would assume it was a dud. Finally, a presence is a felt and… it’s a yawn? You push a bit harder mentally, trying to reach the dragonet but you feel a sigh, like it can’t believe you’re still here. She’s tired of the attention and bored of squealing girls. Isn’t there anyone exciting out there?

Gold 1
Sariel – eager
Oh! Now this is what she was looking for! You’re immediately hit with the sensation that reminds you of an eager puppy you once came across in the Hold that tried to jump on you and lick your face. This dragonet wants to know more about you and eagerly pokes and prods every aspect of your mind. You heal people, that’s great. You have kids you love, that’s admirable. You have a man you love but you share other people, that’s so generous of you. The dragonet points out every unique aspect of your life and shares how different you are from the other girls but how much she likes that. When you break contact, it’s like watching that happy puppy prance away leaving you smiling at its joy.

Fediletch – tranquil
After the first two eggs you touched, this one feels like it’s empty. You have to focus before you finally feel something and hear what reminds you of a small stream babbling just out of sight. It’s relaxing and helps you to let go of some of the excitement that had built up that morning. You don’t mind, you know how much trouble you can get into if you get carried away. But this little dragonet is there for you, it wants to help you refocus and… is it giving you breathing exercises? Inhale... exhale…

Narinoa – frustration
You’re immediately hit with frustration, but you can’t tell if you’re frustrated at it or vice versa. It’s just everywhere and suddenly you wonder, are both of you judging your inadequacies? So much was brought forth and put on display that you can’t hide anything from this inquiring mind. How can you be a dragonrider when you’re so wrapped up in other things? Ugh, it’s as done with you as you are except that it can get away from you and you’re left alone with yourself to ponder everything yet again. Talk about frustrating!

Quinvalis – vengeful
You know immediately that this wasn’t the egg for you. You’re hit with an onslaught of questions and ideas that aren’t cute and upbeat but downright sinister. Don’t you want revenge on everyone who has slighted you? You know who it means and you feel a cackle of laughter bounce around your head as a list of names builds in your mind. Don’t you want to get rid of the competition for the girl you love? Oh yes, it would be so easy to have him removed with just the right move. Don’t you want to get rid of the Weyrwoman? You know why, and it laughs again at your shock. As you stumble away, you swear the laughter is following you.

Dareji – sympathy
You feel sadness, insecurity, and a desire to not go on. The world seems so scary from what it’s seen and it doesn’t want to go out there. It’s so little and everything is so big! It would be better to stay safe forever. You feel sympathy for the creature and try to reassure that not everything is horrible but it knows better. It sees how you’re worried it will die like other ones have and the sympathy you carry for those that lived. Please don’t make it go out there. It pleads and you try your best until the connection is lost.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
28.09.722, 22
Brown, long


Written By: ZZZ Deceased
This egg was no better than the last! How rude were these golden babies? Katiryn walked away disgusted by them. She knew their reactions now didn’t mean anything but a part of her couldn’t let go of the fact that both hated her and it was pretty obvious she wasn’t going to end up with either of them.


She didn’t want them anyway. If that was a sample of their personality she didn’t want to put up with that regularly. They were probably ridiculously sweet girls but when their moods soured they would be handfuls. She didn’t necessarily want to wish that on anyone but she also knew she wasn’t the only girl with big dreams that desperately wanted to Impress so instead of being spiteful and hanging onto the hate, Katiryn silently wished the eggs and the girls good luck.

There was no way either of them wouldn’t find their mates. The selection of girls for the Hatching had a lot of strong contenders—she always scoped out the competition in any field. Two lucky girls were going to walk away happy soon and Katiryn knew she wouldn’t be one of them and that was okay. She wanted the right dragon for her, not the most readily available.

Since there was still time, she knew she could go Touch some of the regular eggs to help up her chances but that didn’t appeal to her either. The golds had dampened her mood and she didn’t want to get in the way of the Candidates that were still having fun. So she moved off to the stands to wait out the time, though she pointedly didn’t sit near Kordiavis. He looked like a rain cloud again and Katiryn didn’t want to be a part of that.

PA - First Post!

of Brown Shirrikath

Date of Birth
15.07.720, 24


Written By: Jenn
Dandioar's humming turned into a smile at the happiness that swamped him from the egg. The dragonet inside had dredged up happy memories, memories that reminded him why he was here, why he had chosen to become a candidate. He'd made a life here, in Ista, and the weyr made him happy. The people he'd met and loved made him happy, his life was happy. The dragonet's satisfaction was left with him when it moved away. He'd remember what needed to be remembered, chase the things that made him happy. Too much seriousness lived in his mind and self, it was time to start living that happiness.

He started when his hand moved off the egg. He couldn't remember if other touchings had been so intense and so firm in the reactions. He didn't mind it and his blue eyes lifted to find Mylorah staring at him. Her words were heard and registered, body jerking in reaction to what he would mean. "Two more," he mouthed at her as she passed him and lifted two fingers to show her, "I'll find you." He didn't know if she would wait or not, but she'd said after it was done and he could only be patient in his hope. Smirk lifted the corner of his mouth and happy memories surfaced again.

Hand reached out for another egg and he slid his palm over the top of the pointed end.

Egg #15

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of Blue Atranth

Date of Birth
29.09.715, 29
Brown, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Frustrated? Yeah, he was; with each and every egg he’d ever come across. How did he keep finding all the negative ones? Were there any positive ones? Maybe people made up their experiences to hide from the painful ones. He was willing to believe that theory more than he was willing to accept the truth. He just inspired the negative ones. He honestly didn’t think he was a bad person. He could write a list of names of people he knew for a fact were pretty damn horrible, and sure, maybe he’d be on it but at the bottom.

No, he wasn’t bad at all! Those damned eggs were amplifying tiny little parts of him and that wasn’t fair. They didn’t show him anything of them so they had no right to root around in his mind and pick out the tiniest little flaw. He stood between two eggs as he thought about things he had done recently to perhaps spook some babies. Nothing was coming to mind. He hadn’t taken anything to help him sleep in weeks, he couldn’t recall telling anyone a lie… was this because of some sexual thing? That was something he was known for and he had joined some lovely couples a time or two while in Fort so maybe that was too scandalous for such dainty little things.

Fine, he was scandalous and they could be frustrated all they wanted at his sexual exploits. Clearly the most recent egg was a boring bronze and Narinoa wasn’t looking for that kind of action anyway. He wasn’t going to give the first egg the satisfaction of thinking about so-called trust issues again either so he figured why not gamble one more time and see what sprung up?

Since he was beside an egg that wasn’t one of the two he’d had the pleasure of meeting, Narinoa set his palm on the egg and hoped for the best.

Egg 40.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
04.03.723, 22
Icy Blue and small for his face
Beefy and solid
Blonde and usually kept short, he tries to keep it combed but it has a tendency towards getting mussed.


Written By: BardlyThere
This newest egg was a refreshing change from the others, and Fediletch smiled, relieved once he realized the egg was "speaking" to him in its own quiet way after some waiting. He had been getting a bit overeager now that he thought about it, and he was following the egg's directions on how to breathe without any fuss or objection. If the egg was smart enough to be able to talk to his head, then it was probably fine to listen to it. And the breathing exercises were helping! He would try to remember them for the hatching, when he was sure he would be a big bundle of nerves again. With his focus brought back to the current moment he knew he should get back to the touching and try to touch at least one more egg, since meeting the baby dragons was why they were here. He pulled his hand away and whispered a soft, "Thank you."

Fetch began to wander around again, still calm and at ease as he walked. He kept making his observations, kept noticing little patterns that reminded him of other things, but then stopped at one egg. It didn't remind him of anything at all, just an egg, and for some reason he found that compelling in its own way. He walked up and smiled as he introduced himself yet again (though he'd heard someone quietly say that wasn't necessary, he was still doing it). He set his hand carefully on the egg and focused.


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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Dandioar – flustered
You like to think you have a handle on everything and not much rattles you but this dragonet dives straight past the happy memories and the proud memories, landing at all the times that left you flustered. Odd how it often seemed to be pretty girls that did it or reading. The dragonet doesn’t view them as scary, why should you? It was confused and then panicked as it realised it was also flustered by what it saw! Why did you bring such thoughts to it? How would it focus now? You get the feeling that you have influenced the dragonet to avoid women, reading, and numbers. Maybe it was onto something.

Fediletch – vigilance
You feel the presence taking your measure, seeing if you’re worth not only its time but the task at hand. You’re a good guy, you like to help, and you hate seeing people sad or hurt. You feel a nod of approval. You’ll do. People need protecting, especially the smaller ones, right? That’s your job. Our job, it purrs, seducing you to the side of justice—well, a version of it. Sometimes justice comes in special ways, darker ways, but as long as people are safe, right? Constant vigilance!

Narinoa – nirvana
What makes you truly happy? The dragonet nudges your mind like an insistent cat that won’t stop until it gets the petting it wants. You find yourself smiling at the image and memories of a life before the Weyr come back to you. You were raised around animals and you love them, each and every type. You love your craft and you love dragons and want to see them all safe and healthy. Wonderful! The dragonet approves of such things and the peace that comes from the joy of helping them. It then finds your more carnal thoughts and as you tense, waiting to be judged poorly like before, this one nods its approval as well. You love people as well but show it in a different manner, that isn’t a bad thing. It encourages you to rejoice for finding things you love and to remember the peace that comes from perfect happiness, no matter what got you there.

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of Blue Dalsuth

Date of Birth
14.02.723, 22
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Quinvalis stumbled away from the egg, eyes wide as he came to a stop and stood absolutely still and wasn’t sure he was even breathing as the ideas filled his head and the laughter kept ringing in his head. Of course he had thought of revenge on his uncle and cousins that took his dad’s farm—his farm. His dad was barely in the ground when they rolled up and claimed it as their own because he was too young to be of any use running it. Even his family at the tavern that took them in worked them harder and Quinvalis always felt like his cousins didn’t trust him. He couldn’t blame them given what his other cousins had done but he wasn’t like them!

And getting rid of the competition? He might have lost to A’tay—tall, gorgeous, and blonde so obviously he won—but Quinvalis had no desire to kill the man. He could barely even wish for the guy to stub his toe or fall while dancing in front of Madiquel. And Rhaedalyn certainly wasn’t her mother’s competition either. Yes, he kind of saw R’nya as a father figure since the bronzerider had been in his life almost longer than he’d not been but his mom didn’t want commitment and Quinvalis liked Rhaedalyn and the happy relationship she had with R’nya.

Why would this baby want him to do such things? He didn’t want any of that to happen! He wasn’t a mean person, he wasn’t! He had bad luck, sure, but that didn’t mean he had to take it out on other people. How could such a dragon exist? It was probably a brown, going off of random things he heard R’nya and others say. Please don’t let him Impress to that creature! It terrified him and he could only imagine what it would try to influence him to do once born and especially as an adult.

He needed a palate cleanser and circled around the clutch until he found a slightly smaller egg that was set just a bit further away from the others and being overlooked by his fellow Candidates. The egg reminded him of himself and Quinvalis quickly set his hand on the smooth shell, doing his best to remember that not only did people love him, but he should pay that love forward and did his best to let the lonely-looking egg know it was loved as well.

Egg 11.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

Date of Birth
04.03.723, 22
Icy Blue and small for his face
Beefy and solid
Blonde and usually kept short, he tries to keep it combed but it has a tendency towards getting mussed.


Written By: BardlyThere
Fediletch quietly listened to the egg, nodding along as it spoke. Acknowledgement and recognition weren't things that he needed to feel good about helping people, but it was still nice to know that it was apparent somewhere in his mind clearly enough someone else could see. Doubly so since that someone was a dragon. He readily agreed with the egg that yes, people did need protecting, especially the smaller people, or the weaker people, and it was a good baby dragon for thinking so as well.

He didn't quite understand what the egg meant when it brought up justice coming in darker ways, but if people were safe then he supposed it was fine. The baby dragon probably knew what it was talking about, since it seemed to have a plan. Fetch promised the egg that if it picked him he would do his best to help it. In the meantime he would try his best to keep the smaller people safe, and he would keep an eye out for them.

Fetch straightened once he was done with the egg and looked around, noticed an egg that didn't appear to have any foot traffic in the sands by it and went to go visit with that one and offer it some company too. He didn't want it to feel left out.

Egg 38

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