World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [H] 739.05.28 | Break of Dawn
5 AM + | Hatching!

of Green Niath

Date of Birth
Light blue
Tala has wavy light brown hair that she keeps cut above the shoulder. It lightens significantly in the summer and sun. It curls more strongly in the humidity.


Written By: Zandelion
Tala spent the next hour where she was, holding the injured girl’s hand and talking to her, keeping her distracted while the Healers worked. She didn’t seem to be getting any better, and Tala was having a harder and harder time getting her to respond. Still, she kept trying, knowing that she was more likely to slip away if she wasn’t kept engaged somehow. So Tala talked, telling the girl how strong she was, and distracting her with random tales of Tala’s own childhood and new adventures with her daughter. At first she asked questions, trying to get the girl to respond, but after a while it was all she could do to keep her present. Tala did learn her name, and about her family, and how much she wanted to Impress a dragon.

Eventually, one of the eggs started showing signs of hatching. A Healer silently helped Tala stand up and indicated she should go back to the other Candidates. Tala bit her lip, not wanting to leave the girl alone. She didn’t want to be in the way of the Healers either, and making a fuss about staying would only distract them. Even so, she only moved a few paces away, and constantly turned to check on the crowd of Healers, ready to rush back if necessary. She barely paid attention to the bronze hatchling outside of watching him carefully in case he decided to charge like his brother.

Another green hatched, and Tala had a repeat of her earlier fears when it came screeching over towards her — no, towards the Healers and the injured girl. She stayed frozen for a moment, again panicking about her daughter losing her mother, but a heartbeat later rushed back over to the Healers, though she stayed behind the green. Some sort of bond had been formed between her and the dying girl, and Tala wouldn’t let her die alone. But the green didn’t have such savage plans, and when she chirped quierly Tala stopped short a few feet away, realizing what was happening; the green had Impressed to the girl bleeding out on the Sands.

“Oh,” She breathed out, choking up. Without even thinking Tala took a few steps closer. “You did it,” She told the dying girl and her dragon, voice wavering, “You Impressed. I’m proud of you.” And she watched her get to touch her dragon for the first and only time. Tala barely saw the little green charge in a vengeful rage towards her brother, tears clouding her vision, but she could make out the distinct lack of a little green shape when the dragonet went between.

We didn’t even learn her name. Tala thought, a hollow feeling in her chest and her throat dry. She stepped forward, bent down to give the dead girl’s hand a last reassuring squeeze — not that she needed reassuring anymore, but Tala did — and stepped back to let the Healers do one of the worst parts of their jobs, tears streaming silently down her face. Tala stayed there, unmoving and heedless of the Hatching continuing around her, the blood of a dead girl drying on her hands.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 20
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ayontay found he was holding his breath every time a hatchling appeared. He didn’t know what would happen and almost didn’t want to find out. The calm bronze was a good way to help ease some tension but it didn’t last long when the little green Impressed to the dying girl. He didn’t think his heart could break any further but then he saw the anguish and rage on a sweet little dragon… a dragon that vanished seconds later. The dragons in the cavern gave their respectful keening for the loss but it was almost too much for him after everything that had happened. Ayontay wasn’t sure how he was still on his feet. He was so emotionally drained and his hand was throbbing. Bed really did sound good. Sleep for at least a week after this.

The silence that followed was close to pushing him over the edge and calling the whole thing off. He didn’t have the courage to keep standing there and he was in pain. But, as always, the hatching of more babies was enough to keep him where he was. He couldn’t turn his back on the sweet ones – or the evil ones since he didn’t know what they would do! – and he watched as a green Impressed to one of the Healers. That was so cool! He’d never seen that happen before. The man looked so bewildered that Ayontay chuckled quietly to himself and sent well wishes their way.

He almost missed what happened next and it was only due to Mylorah stepping in front of him that Ayontay tensed and panicked. What was coming now? He was tight with tension, not sure if he could run or not but when a little bronze nose nudged Mylorah away and nothing other than a gentle crooning of a greeting happened, Ayontay broke out laughing even as tears slid down his cheeks.
Hello, Ayontay’s eyes widened as the smooth and warm voice wrapped around his mind. It was amazing how soothing just one word could be. He now fully understood everything T’ryn had told him about Impressing. It was weird but he did feel like he was complete. How could he never have noticed before that something was missing? It just felt so right to have that presence in the back of his mind and he showed his gratitude for Xyxyth finding him by dropping to his knees and hugging the beautiful bronze. “Hi.”

No crying. This is a time to celebrate! And to eat. I’m rather hungry. Why is she crying? Ayontay looked up to where Xyxyth was looking and smiled at Mylorah. “She’s crying because she’s happy because that’s what awesome big sister’s do. I think she likes you,” he whispered the last part to the hatchling though he knew Mylorah would still hear it and proved she did when she giggled. After some of the dragonets they had seen that morning, it was hard not to like the calm and curious dragon.

Oh, Xyxyth took a moment to consider the girl and then stood up and dipped his head in a little bow to her. It’s a pleasure to meet you, A’tay’s sister! he chirped and did a little dance on the spot, sending him in a circle before looking back at his newly renamed rider.

A’tay? Slowly a smile broke out and grew wide as he realised he really was a dragonrider now. He had an honorific and a dragon. A bronze dragon! Holy crap, how did that happen? He didn’t think he deserved a bronze more than anyone else on the Sands and realised his days of hiding from the spotlight were now over. You do, A’tay. But we’ll talk later. I’m hungry and itchy.

A’tay scrambled to his feet, nodding as he did so. Right! He had to feed his dragon and then oil him and, oh wow, he was not at all ready for all of this after all! He gave Mylorah a quick hug, shyly said thanks to those that congratulated him, and walked off with Xyxyth beside him.

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of Bronze Mosiath

Date of Birth
20.07.692 , 52
Pale Blue
Softly toned
Brown, wavy


Written By: SunsetWay
M’ris held his head in his hands, hunched over where he sat in the Stands. It was partly done in grief but mostly done to massage away the headache he felt forming. This was going to be one of those days where he didn’t want to be Weyrleader. Actually, most days he didn’t want the job but it usually was a pretty relaxed gig where he could delegate and didn’t have to make a lot of important or life-altering decisions. This Hatching was going to make him deal with a lot of political drama and he had barely recovered from the Touching several days earlier.

Some of the Candidates liked to gossip and the Weyrlingmaster was very traditional and voiced his concerns about Vaeyla having her nine year old son on the Sands. Of course word reached the superstitious and he was soon dealing with the issue of letting kids on the Sands when their mom was visiting her bound dragon. They argued that the boy could damage an egg if he was running around them and might mess up Impressions if he went around touching them. M’ris figured it wouldn’t hurt to impose an age limit on that, especially since a child of Evritt’s age could be helping with chores around the Weyr or even be put into the crèche for whatever reason. Some argued that infants didn’t even need to be near the eggs since they had wet nurses but M’ris didn’t want to put undue stress on the mothers and made the rule that they could keep their child with them – except during the actual Hatching – until the child was two. He had left it up to Ameris to tell her friend that while she wasn’t in trouble, she did inspire a rule for all future sand-bound golds.

Now, he knew what was coming. Not only because he heard the rumblings around him from visiting dragonriders, but because it was rather obvious. The little brown had killed two women who were Standing for all colours since they didn’t have a gold in the clutch. Out of the three open Northern Weyrs, M’ris had been the only Weyrleader to allow such a thing. He supposed the others didn’t because it was more traditional or maybe they didn’t want to risk as many injuries. But he never liked the idea of only rushing women on and off the Sands when the gold made her appearance. It seemed far more dangerous for the girls and could upset more dragonets that way. Besides, if a green wanted one of those girls, she would find her way to where they were stashed. It was simply safer all around. He also strongly believed that a woman on a fighter dragon was better than a dead dragon and let those that wanted to Stand, do so.

He didn’t know how many heard Huxlieth’s explanation. Dragonets had no control over their volume yet but with so much going on, he hoped it was overlooked. But he heard it. Heard it loud and clear that the brown thought the two girls were weak and didn’t deserve to be on dragon or alive because of it. When the second girl Impressed to a green, M’ris felt a surge of hope that perhaps everything could balance out, but the Healer’s shake of his head dashed that away quickly. The girl wouldn’t make it, and apparently she was further gone than M’ris had thought with how hard the Healers seemed to have been working on her for seconds later he saw a green dragonet go between.

That, at least, semi proved his point. If that girl hadn’t been there, the green would have died. But because he did allow her to be there, she had died with the dragonet. His guilt was going to be alive and well for quite a while, especially with how many meetings he knew he was going to be stuck in. This was going to test him more than he had been tested before. After losing his mate during the exile, M’ris had spent years drinking himself into oblivion and doing a lot of stupid things. He eventually sobered up, still did some stupid stuff, but stayed in control. He even managed to have a glass of wine with Ameris from time to time and simply enjoy the one glass without a need for more. Now, however, he knew if he had a sip while in this mood, he wouldn’t stop until he didn’t feel the pain and guilt. Everyone else would be celebrating and mourning with too much alcohol that day, but he couldn’t allow himself to.

He had to keep a level head, especially since he also had a raging gold dragon that Vaeyla was struggling to control. He nearly lost his own temper and yelled at the poor woman to control her dragon before more lives were endangered but held his tongue when it seemed like Vaeyla made progress with Nadioth. He only hoped Mizeath didn’t hear all of her ranting, though it was hard not to and his headache didn’t appreciate it, or perhaps she’d be in a good mood and not care. But M’ris felt Mosiath’s irritation grow at Nadioth calling the Sands hers. He didn’t even have to question Mosiath’s ire. She may not have as much power as golds once held before the plague, but Mizeath was still the Weyrwoman’s dragon and that made the Sands technically hers with others borrowing it. Well, this is Nadioth’s clutch and her Sands for a few more eggs, so don’t start anything. I don’t need anything else going wrong with this Hatching.

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of Green Zezeth

Date of Birth
20.07.724 AL, 20


Written By: ThistleProse
How… how could Ayontay being bit by a blue dragon not be the worse thing to happen at the Hatching? How could it continue to go downhill from there in an increasingly bloody way? Madiquel had already decided she just wanted to go home when Ayontay had gone back on the Sands; when the brown Hatched and began his bloody massacre of the two girl candidates, Madiquel hid her face in Eridella’s side, crying brokenly; she’d known those girls! Not well, but enough! How could she be gone now? Just like that? And the image of what the baby brown had done to her was not something that Madiquel thought she’d ever be able to unsee.

The screaming of Nadioth did nothing to settle Madiquel, who cringed and clung tighter to Eridella, sobbing hopelessly and trembling. There was a small part of her that told her she should be brave, for the young Benden and for Ayontay's dad and for Ayontay who was still on the Sands… but all that thought did was frighten her more, and Madiquel cried harder. She wanted him off the Sands. She wanted them all off the sands! She didn’t want anyone else to get hurt or to die and she hated, hated, hated everything about the whole morning and she just wanted to go home. Home was safe. Home was where Papa was. Home was familiar and reassuring and not a murdering rampage of dragonets!

The long break between the brown murdering hatchling and the next Impression gave Madiquel time to pull herself together, somewhat, and extract her face from Eridella’s chest. The girl wiped her eyes, sniffling and worrying now about the scene she’d caused. She could feel the nice woman’s arm around her, holding her reassuringly and she smiled, watery, when Benden, so seriously, asked her if she was okay.

Sniffling softly, Madiquel was reassured by the hatching of the bronze who found his mate without any event, and she relaxed slightly against Eridella, holding the woman’s hand between white fingers. She knew she wasn’t the only one worried about Ayontay and her friends on the Sands, and it was nice to know she wasn’t alone, even though none of them had really said anything much. The little green that hatched was promising, at least, until she charged for the dying girl on the Sands. Madiquel gasped, her free hand rising to cover her mouth and her eyes squeezing shut as she worried about the little dragonet tearing the woman apart… or what was left of her.

Instead there was a kind of… horrified silence, and Madiquel carefully opened her eyes, taking in the heartbreaking sight of the dragonet Impressing to the bleeding girl. She burst into tears again, sobbing brokenly as the dragonet confirmed the loss of the girl’s life, and then went on a rage. Madiquel moaned softly in despair as the creature finally vanished between before more blood could be drawn and the dragons keened. She slapped her hands over her ears at the sound, flashing back to the landslide, trembling at the memories she normally went out of her way to help her father forget and she herself had buried so deep.

She missed the Impression of the next green dragonet, before Benden shook her arm, his face white, and she turned in horror to look towards Ayontay. Her heart leapt into her throat as she saw the bronze dragonet heading his way, and the way Mylorah stepped in his path. Her fingers, white at the knuckles, almost clawed at her own face in nervousness as the bronze pushed the girl aside – so gently! – with his nose and then… Impressed to Ayontay.

Throwing all decorum and rules to the wayside, Madiquel dashed away from the people she’d been standing with, leaping down the stairs in bounds and dashing across the edge of the Sands – she had enough mind to avoid the eggs and Nadioth – and, forgetting that dragonets could be rather paranoid and possessive, she threw herself at Ayontay, wrapping her arms around his neck and bursting into tears again. Madiquel clung for a moment, before clover swooped in with a shriek of approval, and she remembered the dragonet. Throwing herself off of Ayontay, Madiquel fell to her knees, still crying, but happy now. She was so glad he was off the Sands, and he had a nice dragon and… she couldn’t stop sobbing!

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of Gold Mizeath

Date of Birth
15.08.708 ,
Dark Brown


Written By: Jenn
Ameris always liked hatchings. Rather, she always liked hatchings after she'd impressed. Even the ones with disgusting duds like the dead gold egg Indivara had kicked open. Her father had been far too volatile around hatchings for Ameris to truly appreciate them for what they were. Mizeath enjoyed them just as much as Ameris did. It was new life, new dragons and new people. This one was no different and Mizeath had added her own voice to the hums of the others. Ameris had grumbled at the early hour of course, why eggs always managed to hatch when people were still asleep and the world wasn't even awake yet, was beyond her. She'd bundled both Eris and Rislan up, taking Eris to the creche workers and bringing Rislan with her to watch the hatching. She didn't regret the decision until much later.

A blue hatched first, not awful but not great. Followed by greens and blues and a bronze. But it was the brown that threw everything out of control. Threw everything out in the cold. He killed and ate a piece of a girl's face. Her face. She'd been a pretty girl once, Ameris had mused while pressing her son's face to her side. Ameris didn't know all of the candidates personally but she tried to know who they were by sight if not by name and this one had been pretty. Mizeath hissed dangerously when the brown jumped on another girl, the gold tail twitching with agitation at the actions of both the hatchling and Nadioth. Mine. My sands. My weyr. Mine. Yes my love, we know she soothed the gold from where she lounged with Mosiath.

A small green made a heartbreaking impression to the girl who lay dying on the healers mats. Ameris glanced at M'ris, watching him hold his head in his hands, and her own reached out to lay on a shoulder. Ameris was pragmatic about most things and though the actions of the brown were deplorable, he'd impressed and that was the point. She disliked the pain she could see etched in the lines of his face and body. She was still amused that somewhere along the way she'd come to care very much about him. Mizeath raised her head in a mournful keen as the small green who'd impressed to the dying girl between before reaching her brown brother.

Ameris' eyes filled with tears at the loss of both girl and dragonet. But two bronze's had impressed and the hatch was going into a better motion. Tears spilled over and she hugged her son tight as he whimpered against her side at the words she could still hear from the brown at his impression. She refused to send him away. Rislan would be old enough to stand soon and he needed to know what to expect. This happening at every hatching was unlikely but he needed to know that they were not all sunshine and rainbows. Needed to know there could be death.

She turned to M'ris and said quietly, "Come to my weyr when everything is done and we'll see about your headache."

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11 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Things went from bad to awful in moments.

A young boy was bit on the hand, and she didn't pay much of a mind to it. People were hurt in hatchings, that was how it was.

However, the brown's actions sent horror running through her as it killed a girl, and violently injured another. Theodosia balked, standing back a step so as to stay out of its sight. And then the Golden Mother and her rider soon began to fight, arguing as the Golden told the hatchling off. The hatchling impressed, and left the sands with a rather shell-shocked looking young man.

The Healers approached the wounded girl, and began to work on her. In the meantime, a Bronze hatched (Theodosia refused to let herself flinch), and a little green who betweened after the death of the injured girl. Then there was another green, and yet another bronze.

PA - First Post!


665 & IC

Written By:
7:45 am

She entered the world with all the fanfare her tiny little green body could muster as the egg around her shattered without warning, causing at least half the people in attendance to startle as their attention was elsewhere, waiting for someone to show signs of Hatching. With a toss of her regal head, the [dgree]Rain green[/dgreen] dragonet looked around with all the royal airs of someone who was very sure of her beauty and her own intelligence. She dismissed the group of candidates closest to her with a flick of her tail, and trotted towards a second group, this one made up of just two Candidates. Ignoring the boy who took a half step towards her, the Rain green pressed her nose into the stomach of the Weyrbred girl, who stared down at her in wonder.

While Rain green was busy making her way to her lifemate, the Haze egg had set about Hatching; by the time the little one Impressed, the Haze brown had finally managed to poke his head out of his egg… revealing the fact that he was, in fact, upside down. His forehead pressed against the sand, he peered curiously at the world from his upside-down position, blinking and snorting. His head vanished for a moment, and after some wriggling around and apparent attacking of the shell, it broke, leaving him upside down in the base of the shell.

A confused chirp came from him as he flipped over, wings going in every direction and legs flailing before he managed to stand up. The Haze brown looked around with a very surprised expression, as he found the world to be right-way-up. The change seemed to shock him, and he stood gaping for several long moments before someone in the audience coughed. Jumping very visibly, the little brown shot up in the air and turned in half a circle to stare in that direction, his mouth open in surprise and eyes whirling fast. Several giggles broke out, and the brown sat down so he could turn his head in each direction quickly without falling over.

Suddenly standing up and shaking his head, the Haze brown stumbled three steps and his butt ran into the Azure egg, knocking it into the Dusk egg, who toppled into the Sun egg. All three cracked to varying degrees, with the Dusk and Sun rolling several feet before coming to a stop. Turning to watch the eggs, Haze brown tilted his head, distracted for several moments. The movement of a candidate on his peripheral vision had him turning his attention that way, staring dumbly, before trotting towards a young man. He sniffed his toes, snorted, and moved on to the next. The Haze brown did this for several Candidates, before finally reaching an older boy. He peered up at him for several long moments, and then… he squealed in delight, dancing on the spot, and chirped happily.

After he’d bumped into them, the Azure, Dusk and Sun eggs all seemed to be in a race to see who could Hatch first; while Haze brown was busy sniffing around the toes of Candidates, the three eggs all managed to Hatch, almost simultaneously. While Azure and Dusk revealed greens, the Sun egg gave way to a blue. All three babies greeted each other, seemingly cheerful and happy enough. They chirped and chittered amongst themselves, seeming oblivious to the fact that they were supposed to be Impressing. As the Sun blue suddenly gave a trill and pounced on the Dusk grene, the Azure green bounced backwards to avoid the play attack, and half landed on the Moon egg.

The Moon egg gave a muffled chirp, revealing that whatever was inside it wasn’t far away from Hatching. Curiosity overcoming them, the three Hatchlings all circled around the egg, and began poking it with their nose, helping the one within to break out. Within a few moments, the shell fell away to reveal the Moon green. She stared at her siblings for several moments, laying in the base of her shell, but did nothing. The other three became bored quite quickly, when the Moon green didn’t so much as twitch.

Turning away, the Azure green was the first to leave, prancing across the Sands to find her lifemate in the form of a young boy. Taking the hint, the Dusk green and Sun blue were quick to follow suit, both Impressing to young men, completely forgetting about the statue that was their green sister.

8:15 AM
For her part, the Moon green continued to remain like a statue where she’d been forced to Hatch, not so much as twitching. It wasn’t until her siblings were well off the Sands that the green finally moved, finally looking around. It was as she did so, that several things were noticed about her; primarily that her head was severely deformed. Her head knobs were barely bumps on top of her head, while her entire lower jaw appeared to be actually missing – a probable explanation for why she hadn’t been able to Hatch – though a closer examination would have proved it was just a severe overbite. When she stood up, she revealed that she had several extra limbs, hanging limply from her stomach…

She took a few steps, before stopping. The overwhelming sense of horror and disgust coming from the people and dragons who had watched the Hatching crashed down on the little green, and she gave a strange mewing sound, shifting her head to look around. Several candidates backed away from her, as if afraid she’d try to Bond to them. The Moon green gave a soft, whimpering sound, and extended her wings – proving that they, too, were horribly mutated – as the sight was responded to negatively, the little Moon green gave another soft sound of misery and vanished between.

[[Next hatching: 8:30 am]]

Rain – green – female Impression
Haze – brown – he’s a real dumbass. Sweet, but stupid xD
Azure – green – Youngster
Dusk – green
Sun – blue
Moon – green – severely deformed; went between without Bonding.

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kordiavis may have given off the vibe that he was heartless or that nothing bothered him but the truth was, he was rather sensitive. Just because he would share his opinions on someone whether they were kind or not didn’t mean he couldn’t be shocked, horrified, or upset. He was pretty sure he ran through the gambit of emotions during the Hatching and was slowly starting to reconsider Impressing. His mother had lost her dragon and was now more or less crazy and people were being injured and dying while trying to Impress. Was it really worth it?

An hour ago when he saw Ayontay get attacked and Mylorah’s tears for her brother, he would have said it wasn’t worth it. He liked the dragons and enjoyed talking with some of them but it didn’t mean he wanted to be mauled in order to be with his own. It was partly why he stopped Mylorah from running to Ayontay. He was worried she would scare the other hatchlings and either be injured or direct attention their way and he wasn’t ready to deal with a charging baby dragon.

When he watched that brown kill two girls, he had been horrified and it almost drove him off the Sands then and there to forever retire as a Candidate. He didn’t know them and while he felt bad for the loss of life, he felt worse for not being as affected as those around him. Mylorah openly grieved for them and Kordiavis wondered if he really was broken when the loss of the little green moved him more than the humans had. It seemed extra tragic that one only minutes old would vanish like that without someone there to support her. That was what made him stay where he stood. How could he let another one disappear like that because he wasn’t close enough to be found?

When Ayontay Impressed, Kordiavis actually smiled at the sight. The kid seemed in shock again but a better variety this time and his sister was once again crying but happier tears. He was relieved to see Ayontay walk off the Sands as well, as he secretly feared the kid was cursed and might end up hurt again.

When the brown that seemed either stupid or excitable, or maybe both, tried to play dominoes with his siblings’ eggs, Kordiavis worried about what would happen. It was time for everyone to hatch but what if one of them was a dud? He heard the stories of some Indivara girl kicking an egg and the mess that came out of it and while he assumed a lot of it was exaggeration, he wasn’t keen on seeing it firsthand. He wondered a few minutes later if they were about to see it anyway when three hatchlings circled an egg that held someone that wasn’t moving. His heart sank a bit at the thought of another baby not making it through the hatching but smiled when she finally started to stir.

Only to stand up and shock everyone. Kordiavis glanced around when he heard so many exclamations of shock and horror over the green and then turned back to the baby, not understanding. Her little head knobs were cute and her overbite was a bit goofy but endearing. The extra limbs and malformed wings were a bit off putting, he’d admit, but overall, he felt drawn to her. Not in a way that they had bonded, but she was different and wanted to find someone who wanted her, accepted her. He knew that feeling, had it so regularly growing up. His mom wanted him most days but the bad days were another story. He didn’t even know who his father was and the girl he loved had only been using him to elevate her status.

Yes, he understood the green hatchling and surprised himself by crying when she vanished between. It wasn’t like she would ever fit in and maybe she wouldn’t even survive to adulthood with her malformations but his heart broke for her all the same. So what if she was different? What if he had been brave enough to move, to go hug her and tell her to ignore the jerks of the world and find her mate and be happy? Maybe it was better this way, he reasoned as he dashed away his tears before someone saw. Her mate may have been one of those jerks and even with the love of their bond, it may not have been enough to overcome everything else. She didn’t deserve a life of being ridiculed, especially by the one that was supposed to love her.

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665 & IC

Written By:
8:30 AM

Fifteen minutes after the last little green went between, the Blue egg decided it was time to lighten the mood a bit, and with a couple of quivers and shuddering movements, it cracked all over. The pieces fell down, all around the Blue blue dragonet, who chirped happily at being free from his egg. Blinking and looking around cheerfully, the Blue blue took in the depressed scenario and quite clearly pouted. He was here! Everything was good now, right?! Tossing his head and chirping again, forcefully determined to cheer up everyone, the Blue blue pranced towards some of the candidates, chittering and trilling happily as he went, as if narrating his motions. It didn’t really take him long to find his bonded, and he trilled happily at the young man, nuzzling his stomach and looking up at the youngsters on either side. He chirped at them both, as if wishing them good luck, before excitedly leading his new lifemate off the sands, springing forward several paces, and then dancing on the spot for a few moments as he waited for the boy to catch up. He repeated this all the way to the feeding station.

As the Blue blue pranced around on the Sands, the Star and Mist egg seemed intent on racing to Hatch first, the pair of them – on opposite sides of the Sands – causing people to swing their heads from one to the other as they tried to watch them both at once. In the end, it was the Star egg that Hatched first, the baby spilling out onto the hot Sands with a shriek of surprise as the shell gave way under her attacks. Star green looked around with surprise. She spun in the direction of the Mist egg as it, too, spilled the contents from within onto the Sands. The Mist green peered around with curiosity, and then amusement.

Star green took a step towards her sister, before pausing and looking towards a couple of boys. With a sudden squeal of delight, she bound across the Sands and pounced on one of the boys, sending him sprawling into the sand. Unlike her brown brother earlier, Star green was gentle but enthusiastic in her love; while she clawed the boys shoulders in a way that would likely cause some light scaring, it was clear by his laughter that he was Impressed and the pair cuddled on the hot sands for some time, the little green purring happily as she licked his face.

Watching the Star green Impress, the Mist green seemed somewhat amused by the whole process. Turning around, she peered about at the candidates in curiosity and with a quirky look on her face. It took her a few moments before she zoned in on one particular candidate. What was clearly meant to be a confident sashay, she began the trip across the sands; unfortunately, she tripped and landed heavily on her face, eating sand and sneezing fiercely. Standing up again, the Mist green extended her wings to help her balance, and began the walk once more.

She tripped four times before making it to the candidate, though with a stubborn pride refused to stop her sashaying. Reaching the candidate she’d been angling for, the Mist green looked up with an open maw, clearly smirking in amusement, as she enjoyed the thoughts rocketing around their mind. Nuzzling her lifemate’s stomach, she licked the new Weyrling’s hand.

It took a moment, but with the Impression of the Mist green those who were watching – and Standing – realised there were just two left. As if feeling the weight of all those gazes staring down at them, the Cloud and Nebulae eggs seemed to crumple on the spot. The Cloud blue and Nebulae green. The pair looked around curiously, before spotting one another, and a Candidate at the same time. With sudden shrieks, they both charged towards the boy, who stared with huge eyes as the pair threw themselves at each other, just before his feet.

Shrieking and clawing at one another, the pair drew ichor, painting the sands green as they struggled to come out on top. Behind them, the young man stared with shock even as two others charged forward, each one grabbing a dragonet around the neck and reefing on the large creature, hurling it away from the other. They were slippery with ichor, and would no doubt have serious scarring once healed. Despite that, they both turned to stare at the Candidate who had pulled them away, and then they both turned to stare at the young man who had just stood there.

Both dragonets snarled at him, angry and dismissive, before turning to their respective saviours to Impress. Once the bond was sealed, they looked at each other and snarled again, clearly at odds, and had to be restrained by their young lifemates, lest they throw themselves on each other again in another bloody battle… What, exactly, their issues were with each other would probably always remain more of a mystery than not.

Blue – blue
Star – green
Mist – green
Flight – green
Cloud – blue
Nebulae – green

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
As first Hatchings went, Nerreh felt this one was a bit of a disaster. Two girls and two dragons dead, mixed with a whole bunch of various injuries. And okay, Nerreh had been to Hatchings before where dragons died and people got hurt — she couldn’t recall one where Candidates died, though maybe she was blocking those from her memory — but this was a lot of that concentrated in a single Hatching. In the quiet moments between eggs hatching Nerreh could hear the mutterings of the other Candidates, some of them reconsidering whether or not they wanted to Stand after this. She wondered how many of them would go through with it. For herself, if she didn’t Impress today, which looked more and more likely as time went on, Nerreh wanted to keep Standing until she Impressed or aged out.

Yet the events of the day made her wonder if maybe it were all a sign that she wasn’t meant to Impress, not now, not ever. Nerreh had heard what the savage brown said about girl candidates. His words swirled around in her head, where two thoughts warred with each other; worry that perhaps he was right and she was not meant to Impress a fighting dragon, and and stubborn determination that fuck that brown, she would Impress a fighting dragon or not at all. Still though. The insecurities had started rearing their heads back at the Touching and hadn’t abated since, and while Nerreh didn’t believe that women didn’t deserve to be on fighting dragons, maybe it was true in exactly one case: hers.

Nerreh was wrapped up in thoughts and watching a friend of hers Impress green, heart twisting in want as he curled up with his new lifemate in the Sands before heading off for food, that she almost missed the second green. Her attention was brought to the other green by one of the nearby Candidates giggling. Nerreh turned, to see the little seafoam green hatchling sneezing and standing back up, clearly having just fallen. Once she was back on her feet, the green continued going, heading towards her clump of Candidates. Nerreh couldn’t help smiling as the little thing tripped four more times on its trip across the Sands, wondering who they were aiming for as it got closer.

You, of course. It said, mouth open in a draconic smile.

Nerreh blinked at the green, who seemed extremely amused by everything. ’Me?’ Nerreh couldn’t keep the shock and amazement off her face as she looked at the hatching.

Of course I’m here for you, The soft voice said in Nerreh’s mind, Who else would I be here for? The hatchling snorted, reaching forward to nuzzle into Nerreh’s stomach fondly. I’m Faxxonth and you’re mine. The green — who still seemed absurdly amused by everything — said, licking Nerreh’s hand as she brought it up to rest on the dragonet’s head, giving it a scratch behind the head knobs. Ooh, I like that, do that more. And maybe everywhere else. I’m itchy.

“Sure.” Nerreh said hoarsely, trying very hard not to cry before all the emotions of that morning decided they had had enough and her legs went weak beneath her and Nerreh slid to the sand, holding tightly to the dragon — her dragon, her Faxxonth — as the tears started to leak from her eyes. “Just uh, give me a moment, and I’ll get on that.” She said, face pressed into the dragonet’s shoulder. Faxxonth curled around her, resting her head on Nerreh’s shoulder. I suppose I can wait. The little green said, voice full of mirth as if she alone was in on a very funny joke.

After a minute or two, Nerreh had collected herself enough to reluctantly let go of Faxxonth and start leading her off the Sands to get food and oil the previously mentioned itchy spots. They passed not far from Nadioth, who looked very displeased, and Nerreh made sure to give her a wide berth, but gave Vaeyla a wide grin, face still a bit damp from tears. She’d done it! She’d Impressed a dragon, a fighting dragon,and she was one of Nadioth’s! With a mental promise to give Vee the biggest hug later, Nerreh continued over to the buckets of food and oil, Faxxonth gently urging her onward by nosing her in the small of her back.

I'm glad you’re happy, but I’m hungry. Faxxonth said, deciding she was done with patience for the day and sprinted the last of the way to the food, though not before tripping and falling on her face for a sixth time since hatching.

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of Gold Bedith

Date of Birth
Dark brown, twists


Written By: Zandelion
Bedith was decidedly unimpressed by the day so far. Not only had she been woken up too early to go to some other gold’s Hatching, but the Hatching had been less than amazing. Not that Bedith cared overly much, but Nadioth’s behavior over a brown son of hers had been less than ideal, and the misshapen green was distasteful to see. Those eggs grew thicker shells for a reason and were not meant to hatch and reveal their undesirable contents. Bedith made it a point to remember not to let Rhezalth catch her anytime soon, as there was no way to know whether it was Nadioth or the bronze who flew her who was responsible for the issues with the Clutch. And Bedith would risk nothing when it came to her own future Clutches.

The gold sighed as she watched the last few dragonets Impress, including a fight between two of them. Bedith snorted disdainfully and rested her head back on the ledge she rested upon. As much as she would love to leave right then and there, she knew her rider would want to check in with her son, let her children talk to each other, check in with her nephew, blah blah blah, human stuff Bedith cared little for but put up with because it was important to Mulrissa. Bedith knew the Hatching had upset her rider, though for different reasons than it upset her, and she would gracefully allow her all the time she needed to feel better about it and talk with her son. The boy hadn’t gotten hurt, and the nephew had gotten a minor scratch at worst, so why fuss over them? Bedith didn’t understand, but mentally shrugged it off. It made Mulrissa feel better, so she would put up with it. Even if all she wanted was to get out of these Hatching Grounds and go back to sleep.

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kordiavis still hadn’t decided if he wanted to Impress in the current clutch given all the bold personalities of the dragonets and having to be around that brown all the time when he realised only a few eggs were left. It looked like he wasn’t going to have to worry about the timing of a potential Impression after all. It didn’t really occur to him that his lifemate was held in the last two eggs, believing that would be way too poetic and perfect timing for it to actually happen.

Relaxing a bit, he took to watching the green with the pretty pale hide stumble her way across the grounds to her intended target. He smiled again as he counted the number of times she tripped but was proud of himself for not laughing. He didn’t want to attract unwanted attention but it was also rude to laugh at a newly hatched baby taking her first steps. When she came to a halt, Kordiavis wondered which Candidate was the lucky one until Nerreh started talking to her. His smile grew as he watched their interactions. During Nerreh’s birthday party he had decided she was pretty okay and while they hadn’t spent time together since then, Kordiavis thought she could be someone he could hang out with. Since she Impressed, it looked like he had some more time to find out.

With the last two eggs hatching and the babies within turning against each other in a fight, Kordiavis was ready for the Hatching to end in more bloodshed. It was a serious theme of the morning but he was relieved when their bonded humans stepped in to break up the fight though he wondered what started it and if they would remember their hatred.

Finally, the Hatching was over. No more people being mauled or dying before his eyes. He wasn’t sure how he’d handle everything he had seen that day; perhaps put it down in ink and hope it left his memory. But it was over and they could finally go sit down. And eat; the hatchlings weren’t the only ones starving. He hadn’t Impressed but he was fine with that. Besides, Mizeath would clutch soon and the fun life of being a Candidate would start all over again. That was something for later.

For now; food.

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