World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [O] [EVENT] 739.05.11 | Life of the Party
11 PM

of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Due to the fact none of the Weyrs were at full capacity — or even anywhere near it — meant there were plenty of empty weyrs sitting around forgotten and unused. Perfect locations for a candidate to throw a party and not get in anyone’s way. And, more importantly, a place where you were less likely to be found and get in trouble.

By now Nerreh knew nearly all the weyrs laying empty in Telgar. She didn’t know Ista nearly as well, though she took a few evenings while waiting for Nadioth’s Clutch to hatch to take a proper tour, noting the ones with good views, ones that were particularly out of the way, and ones that were a good size and shape for parties. Like the one Nerreh had chosen for this particular venture.

It was an old family weyr, meant for weyrmates who both had dragons. Honestly, Nerreh was surprised this one was still unclaimed. It was off among a group of unclaimed weyrs, which made it ideal to some people for the solitude. Nerreh didn’t know why it was unoccupied. She just knew it was a good place for get togethers involving teenagers and alcohol.

And, since she was now officially eighteen turns, Nerreh figured teenagers (and twenty-somethings) and alcohol would make for a fun celebratory evening.

Getting everyone invited was a lot easier with all the candidates at Ista for the upcoming Hatching, and Nerreh managed to strong arm her favorite cousin into running messages for her to the other Weyrs to invite a few other people who weren’t Candidates. She also had him help in getting food and drink sorted out. Having him around was certainly a bonus of being at Ista.

As it was her birthday, the entrance fee was a gift for her. Most people were bringing more drinks for the party, which Nerreh guessed was okay, even if she didn’t even get to taste most of them. A couple people brought candy — her sweet tooth was known by some of her friends and fellow candidates — and someone brought a small cake, which Nerreh had been keeping by her  side and slowly munching on ever since. No one else deserved the cake. It was too good for that.  

She had brought a few cushions into the unfinished weyr, and the one she’d claimed for her own slowly gathered a collection of various items around it, as well as an empty bottle or two. Most of the alcohol there was not high end, but her darling cousin had bought her a bottle of nicer stuff, which she was keeping by her side to dole out to the people she felt deserved it. So far, that was just herself and her cousin, but hey, plenty of time yet.

Curled up on her birthday throne cushion Nerreh surveyed the chaos she had sewn. There were more people than she had expected, honestly. She wasn’t exactly a social pariah, but she wasn’t super well liked either. But hey, a party was a party right? If everyone was drunk you didn’t have to care who it was for. And people were definitely in various stages of inebriation; Nerreh was pretty sure a couple people were smoking something out on the dragon ledge. She really hoped there was someone sober keeping an eye on things over there, cause she was not going to get in trouble for some trashed idiot falling out of the weyr. And it couldn’t be her, cause she wasn’t sober anymore. She was… well, something, Nerreh thought, glancing at her current glass of — you know, what was this? Misharan had given it to her, which meant it wouldn’t fuck her up too bad but she had no idea what mix of drinks he’d put in it. Whatever. She was drinky enough to not care.

N’ser, her cousin, had gotten distracted by some pretty Candidate he’d had his eye on and abandoned her to flirt. Nerreh figured he deserved it for helping her set this shindig up, even if his taste was poor. Honestly, them? Still, now alone, Nerreh nursed her drink and waited for someone to approach her or some drama to start up and provide entertainment.

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ayontay wouldn’t call himself anti-social, but he supposed if someone called him introverted, they wouldn’t really be wrong. He was quiet and often preferred to sit on the sidelines watching what everyone else was up to rather than getting too involved in whatever craziness his fellow ‘brats had come up with that day. Some things he didn’t even bother attending if he decided the risk was too great and Nerreh’s birthday celebration was close to being counted as one of those things. However, his well-intentioned older siblings had practically bullied him into going. T’ryn told him he should get out more and now that so many people his age were in one place again, it was the best time, while Mylorah said she heard Madiquel was going to stop by as well. That was enough to get him to agree to show up for a little while. He didn’t mind Nerreh and he was sure other people he knew and even liked would be there.

He didn’t know what to expect but a lot of drunken teens was not on the list. From what he could tell, sitting in his quiet corner of the main room with Madiquel beside him as they both drank boring water, most of the ones that had gone overboard on the drinking were recent Searches that found they were being so daring and rebellious by the partying. It probably explained the one couple with extremely wandering hands across the room as well.

It hadn’t taken him long after showing up, gift in hand that was quickly passed over to Nerreh, to find out he was in over his head and didn’t belong. But Ayontay was determined to have some fun and he didn’t want to leave Madiquel alone to defend herself against such wild times. What would her father think! Ayontay could just imagine Jajojin finding out he had been there but left instead of guarding his precious daughter. The crazy switch would definitely flip to on in that moment and Ayontay couldn’t suppress the shudder that brought on.

“I don’t think I’ll stay much longer. This is a bit much for me,” he confessed to Madiquel, one of the only people he’d say such a thing to. He knew she wouldn’t think less of him for not enjoying himself like everyone else. Even with the idea that Jajojin would kill him looming over his head, Ayontay didn’t think he’d stay until the party was shut down and hoped Madiquel wouldn’t either. If she was having fun, though, he’d try to stay and be a supportive friend to her interests.

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of Blue Kadaisicalth

Date of Birth
19.11.721, 23
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’dare wasn’t sure if he really counted for the loose guidelines Nerreh had set out for her party. He was just shy of eighteen, so that counted as acceptable but had Impressed four turns ago, which he wasn’t sure counted as newly Impressed. Still, he counted the girl as a friend and wouldn’t miss her birthday! He had the night free to head down to Ista and made sure any morning duties were traded away so he could stay a bit late and sleep in if needed.

Besides, he showed up with his own wine so he wouldn’t have to mooch off anyone and had a small gift for Nerreh as well. It was a thin braided leather bracelet that R’dare felt matched her personality well, letting her accessorize without being too girly. He helped tie it on a wrist and decided the gift had gone over well, chatting about mundane things a little longer before wandering around to visit with everyone.

It was mostly Candidates at the party, which meant poor R’vi was probably home bored or entertaining himself with a green or bluerider to pass away the time. It was interesting to see all the various types of people – in shape, size, and personality – that caught the attention of the Search dragons and R’dare had to wonder about some of them. Surely the loudmouth kid or the one that seemed to slap shoulders a bit heavier than needed wouldn’t attract a dragon? Then again, it seemed most browns were attracted to the dicks anyway so he supposed it was nice to have them on hand as well to save a life of a cute dragonet.

It was a shame more of his own friends hadn’t shown up but parties were meant to mingle with new people and he planned on doing just that. Still, he was a bit annoyed that T’ryn and N’mor were being sour pusses and didn’t want to come. Then again, he supposed attending such a party wasn’t good for the image of a proper bronzerider.

A fun game of strip poker was just starting up when he wandered by and R’dare couldn’t help but be drawn in. He was there to have fun and shedding clothes often led to a lot of fun and strip poker was innocent enough. It wasn’t like they would end up in an orgy in the middle of the party. He hoped not, anyway. It’d be a bit awkward with some of his more reserved friends there and R’dare could easily picture the horror on Ayontay’s and Madiquel’s faces if random sex broke out. Their innocence didn’t stop him from playing the game and as he lost the first two rounds with boots and socks coming off, R’dare was thankful he wasn’t shy.

ooc: Feel free to join in the game of strip poker!

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Looking around the weyr Nerreh was fairly pleased by the chaos she’d caused. Some of the Candidates got so serious and tense, especially around Hatchings. And some of her already Impressed friends felt like they couldn’t hang out with Candidates anymore, which was dumb. She’d tried to drag a few dragonriding friends in, and there were a couple — Nerreh saw R’dare, which was great, and a couple others. Not as many as she’d hoped though. Not a single bronzerider had appeared, though Nerreh had invited several. Thought they were too good for her party now or something, mingling with Candidates was beneath them. Whatever, N’mor was boring anyway.

There were also a few sets of people getting a little too hands-on for Nerreh’s liking. “Hey, hey, there are children here, for shame.” She teased, calling over to the couples (and one group of three, no judgement), startling most of them. “If you want to get it on, there are plenty of empty weyrs right over there for you to choose from. None of us want to see it though.” Nerreh gave them all a raised eyebrow until they either scooted away from each other in embarrassment or left the room giggling. Nerreh shook her head in amusement, before noticing the burgeoning game of strip poker.

“I’m in, but it’s my birthday, so I’m not stripping,” She said, after carefully moving her cushion and collected gifts — Nerreh did not trust these people not to touch her stuff, especially not drunk — and setting them down near R’dare. “Here, you can be my surrogate. I play, you take off the clothing, sound fair?” She said, grabbing a nearby guest and grinning wickedly at them.

want to be the strip surrogate? go for it. ;p

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kordiavis really wasn’t a fan of large social gatherings and when he heard about Nerreh’s party, he had decided that would be utter chaos and not worth his time to go. That was until Mylorah insisted it would be good for him to mingle more with the Candidates, especially since he was finally going to Stand for the first time. He took classes with most of the people invited to the party but didn’t really interact with most of them outside of that. He found it to be a bit of a chore, preferring to be left alone to paint, read, or nap. But Mylorah was annoying when she got something in her head and he couldn’t deny her in the end, knowing she was likely right and he should at least put in an appearance. Not that he cared, but he could just imagine what people thought about him and his avoiding of other people. Actually, the shock on a lot of their faces when he did pop in would be worth dealing with the crowd and missing some of his lovely sleep.

Mylorah wanted to go earlier than him but he decided to wait until things were likely already happening so it’d be less awkward sitting around staring at everyone as they arrived, so the girl had pouted and waited until he was finally ready to go. She likely knew he’d fall asleep and miss the party otherwise and Kordiavis actually smirked when he called her out on that and she agreed.

Since admission to this social event of the year was a gift for this Nerreh person he could possibly point out in a line up but that was about it, Kordiavis had swiped an extra sticky bun from dinner, having heard she liked sweets. He followed Mylorah to Nerreh to greet her, Kordiavis mumbling a ‘happy birthday’ as he plopped the bun wrapped in a napkin in her waiting hand and then wandered off. He surprised himself by holding short conversations with some of the people that approached him and after starting his second drink, was even starting to relax and smile a little bit more when a topic he liked came up. For the most part, though, he stayed off to the sides, watching the way some people behaved when authoritative figures weren’t around and also made note of the ones who seemed to stand a bit straighter and tried to look like decent humans again when they spotted him. That was kind of a downside to his mother being the goldrider mentor and a bit crazy. He knew some people in the past that treated him like a precious gem, afraid that if they didn’t, Alcynnia might snap their head off; possibly even literally.

As he passed by a group sitting on the floor playing cards, Kordiavis froze as he heard something about not playing but still stripping. He glanced down and saw that it was Nerreh speaking and she had grabbed the arm of someone else passing by. He rolled his eyes, glad it wasn’t him she tried to persuade to the silly task. If someone wanted to see him naked, they’d have to try a little harder than that. Though he would have appreciated the creative attempt.

Maybe he’d finish his drink, find Mylorah, and let her know that he was leaving. He put in his time and there didn’t seem to be anything worth staying for. The games didn’t catch his eye and there really wasn’t anyone he had been dying to interact with that he couldn’t do on his own time and in a quieter setting.

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of Green Zezeth

Date of Birth
20.07.724 AL, 20


Written By: ThistleProse
When Madiquel had heard about the party being held in Ista for one of the Candidate’s birthdays, she’d been sad she wasn’t invited. An invitation had arrived via firelizard that had Madiquel excitedly hunting down her father and begging to be allowed to go. In her youthful naivety, she didn’t consider that the party would basically be a fest of alcohol and ramped hormones; her father probably did, but he was either too lost in a bad moment or willing to let her learn this lesson for herself. Either way, he gave permission for her to attend the party, allowing that she took the trip to Ista on the back of one of his friend’s dragons. She agreed, because she really wanted to go, even though she preferred travelling with her own friends.

In the end, Madiquel had packed a bag, Jajojin suggesting she stay in Ista for the Hatching since her friends were on the Sands, and he preferred to limit her time spent between when he could. If it meant a few weeks in Ista and only two trips between instead of four, so be it. Madiquel had been ecstatic if slightly anxious. Would her precious Papa be okay without her for so long? Worried as she was, she had sneaked away to find Rhaedalyn and beg the goldrider to send her a firelizard message if her Papa even looked like he might be sadder than his usual stoic self. Rhaedalyn was so regal and beautiful that Madiquel had never before put herself in the woman’s line of sight, but she found her kind and gentle and when the promise had been extracted, Madiquel had hugged Rhaedalyn before realising that was probably inappropriate and fleeing.

After arriving in Ista, Madiquel had settled herself in a spare barrack in the Lower Caverns, where she could be helpful when she wasn’t playing with her friends, and she’d quickly sought out Ayontay. They’d spent most of the evening together before being dragged off to the party by some of his siblings, with Madiquel sticking close by her friend. She’d presented Nerrah with a small gift of pressed flowers carefully arranged and attached to the leather cover of a journal. She’d bought the journal for herself, but never used it. The flowers she’d attached herself to give it a personal feel and she was quite pleased with the work and hoped that Nerrah would like it and perhaps even get some use out of it. Duties taken care of, Madiquel had settled on the edge of the room with Ayontay to watch and learn what happened at parties.

She learned a lot.

Most of it made her uncomfortable, and Madiquel clung to her cup of water with a wide-eyed look reminiscent of an animal caught in a spotlight, gaze shifting between antics of the older teens and the things they were getting up to. Wandering hands, loudness, teasing that made her eyes pop, and so much kissing. She was rather relieved when Nerrah spoke up, sending many of the make out sessions fleeing, either to a new location or apart entirely. Still innocently and entirely uninterested in sex and all it entailed, Madiquel was rather mystified by the apparent desire of all the drunken candidates to shove hands up tops and down pants and try to swallow one another’s tongues.

Seeing R’dare made his way over to a group and settle himself on the ground, Madiquel’s interest was piqued and she glanced at Ayontay before moving cautiously through the mingling drunkards to where a game was apparently being played. She was completely oblivious to why clothing was coming off, assuming – since it was mostly outerwear and socks – that the people playing were simply drunk and too hot. When Nerrah inserted herself and grabbed Madiquel by the arm, the girl turned huge, horrified eyes on the Candidate at her mischievous words.

“I- what?!” She squeaked, eyes popping, mouth open and face going white as the snow on the mountain tops. “No!” she squeaked again, tugging against Nerrah’s grip on her arm and trying to get away. “No! I don’t! No!” On her shoulder, Clover hissed threateningly and squawked to back up Madiquel’s refusal. “R’dare!” She begged, turning eyes upon her friend and begging for help. He wouldn’t leave her in this mess, would he? Oh Faranth, what if he did? Her bottom lip trembled at the threat of tears.

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of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
Mylorah was pretty proud of herself. Once she had been invited to Nerreh’s party, she made it her goal to get all the usual introverts to attend. That started with her brother Ayontay, and thanks to T’ryn teaming up with her, they got him to agree to go. She had managed to get a few others to promise her they would go as well before turning her attention to Kordiavis. He was a sweet guy once you got past his occasional grumpiness and the walls he erected to keep people a safe distance away. She counted him as a friend, though she counted most people that way, but he was one of the ones she liked hanging out with even if it was just to sit and read in the same room together. Sometimes being inside and enjoying companionable silence wasn’t all that bad.

Nerreh was given a kiss to the cheek as she gave her birthday greetings. As for the required gift, Mylorah sucked at needlework and didn’t think giving anyone something she had made was a good idea and had instead made T’ryn bring her to the Hold so she could find something. She didn’t have a lot of marks but managed to find a nice mug in dark colours for a decent price. She decided it was a versatile gift that could be used for hot drinks, cold drinks, even soup. And everyone always needed a couple of mugs just in case they had visitors.

The party itself was as crazy as she expected but she was happy to see the ones she pestered to go were there and most seemed to be having a good time and Mylorah mentally patted herself on the back. Kordiavis seemed to be the most miserable but even he was being social, though she expected him to sneak off every time she turned around. After making her rounds, Mylorah was deciding who she wanted to return to and hang out with for a bit when she spotted Kordiavis stop near the card game and wondered if he was going to take the offer to strip. Then she heard Madiquel shrieking and calling out to R’dare.

Mylorah wandered over just as the bluerider was opening his mouth to say something, but she had already clued in to what was going on and stepped in as she put an arm protectively around Madiquel’s shoulders. She liked the girl and spent time with her when they were in the same Weyr, though Ayontay was always the closest to her. “I don’t think she likes the deal, Nerreh. But I do. I’ll strip every time you lose.” Mylorah wasn’t shy; she grew up in the Weyr after all and she was a daughter of R’nd. Modesty wasn’t exactly in her blood. Besides, it’d be a fun way to tease some people, R’dare being at least one of them. She smiled at him before turning the smile back to Nerreh. “Sound good?”

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of Blue Dyoricath

Date of Birth
19.01.717, 28
Dark hazel
Pretty boy
Ashy blonde hair that is almost always straight. He used to keep it a bit longer, but clips it shorter after moving to the Weyr.


Written By: Zandelion
Misharan was so glad that his suggestion of poker had been eagerly acted on. Okay, he’d suggestion a card game and someone had insisted on strip poker, but still. People were having fun and it was his idea! Though it was a good thing he had brought a jacket and could surreptitiously put it on before the game started. Not that Misha minded losing his clothes in front of people, but extra layers in strip poker could never hurt.

It was fun to hang out with other Candidates like this, though Misharan couldn’t help but notice how young so many of them were. Not that he was the oldest Candidate around, not at all. He was only 22 after all! But so many of the other Candidates were literally children or not much older. Misharan liked Nerreh a lot, but she was still over four turns younger. At home in Crom Hold, Misha was used to being the youngest, the baby of the family. At the Weyrs? So many younger people running around, not like home at all.

Still, he was having a good time! Misha had, as something of a joke, made a little wooden pendant and painted it like a cinnamon roll for Nerreh. Thankfully, she’d thought it was funny. He’d stayed to chat with her for a while, had a couple drinks (he’d had fun mixing random ones together. Most were nasty, but some actually tasted pretty good!) At some point he’d left her to her own devices to go hang out with some other friends, which led to the current card game.

Misha gave a cheer when Nerreh came over to join the game, glad she was going to join them in the fun. He laughed at Nerreh’s determination to avoid stripping, though was a little unsure about her random target. Wasn’t she a bit young? At Mylorah’s offer to replace the younger girl (was she a Candidate at another Weyr?) Misharan gave her a cheerful wolf-whistle in support. Mylorah was fun, even if he didn’t care either way about women stripping. Everyone having fun was the important thing!

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Nerreh frowned at Madiquel’s protests, quickly letting go of her once the ‘no’s had registered and holding her hands up away from the girl. She didn’t want to upset her! Thankfully, Mylorah showed up to save Nerreh from panicking too much.

“Yeah, yeah, no problem, good plan, Mylorah. I’m not gonna make you do anything you don’t want, okay, Madiquel?” She assured her, shaking her head back and forth rapidly. “Hey, if you wanna play we can find someone to strip for you two. Mylorah volunteered, I’m sure someone else will.” Fuck, making cute girls cry was not on Nerreh’s party to-do list (Besides, there were at least four people she could think of who would kill her for making Madiquel in particular cry). “It’s okay, I promise, I’m sorry, I just grabbed the nearest person. I’m not gonna make you stay, yeah?” Nerreh glanced between Mylorah and R’dare hoping one of them would help her out - or continue to help her out in Mylorah’s case, thank Faranth for Mylorah, Nerreh could kiss her for that. “I really am sorry, Madiquel.” She repeated, looking at her earnestly.

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of Gold Thallyath

Date of Birth
16.11.720 AL, 24
Slim, petite
Blonde, shoulder length


Written By: ThistleProse
Somehow, Casa hadn’t been invited, but that didn’t matter to her. She had heard about the party, and she had decided she was going. It took a little snooping to find out where it was being hosted, since the party-goers were obviously taking pains not to let anyone who might shut it down find it. Smart of them, honestly, but Casa had no desire to shut it down; she wanted to enjoy herself! Naturally, Thallyath was as excited as a log of wet wood covered in dragon dung and tossed between. The gold was also incredibly insulted by such a comparison.

She’d tried to encourage T’ryn to come with her, but he was being stubborn so she’d left him to his own devices and made her way to the party alone. Thallyath raving in the back of her mind and threatening to tell Mizeath and Mosiath what was going on had Casa laughing out loud in the empty hall; she really didn’t think the Weyrleaders would care, though she wasn’t going to actually allow her dragon to give away the game.

Casa entered the Weyr about the time that Madiquel was squealing to be let go and her eyes curiously took in the scene. Whatever the younger girl had almost been dragged into had Casa moving closer, ignoring the way some people were side-eyeing her cautiously. She didn’t give any fluff about them, and as she reached the game of cards, she grinned. “I brought booze,” she said, flopping down between a couple of players and carefully tossing a bottle of Benden wine into Nerreh’s lap. She hadn’t realised there was a price for entry, so it was a lucky coincidence and little more. “I stole it off T’ryn who stole it off N’mor who stole it off B’jin. Enjoy!”

“Deal me in,” she added, as the round finished. Then she smirked. “Or you can deal Madiquel in. Do you know how to play?” She raised her eyebrows at the younger Weyrbrat, and laughed at her horrified shake of the head; clearly the girl had thought they were playing Go Fish or something. “Come sit with me. You can play and I’ll strip.” Shuffling a bit, she made room for an awkward and frightened looking Madiquel to sit beside her, and leaned over the younger girl’s shoulders to tell her what to do with the cards. Casa wasn’t a good player, so she was a worse teacher, but hey. The idea of strip poker wasn’t to win, anyway. It was to strip.

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of Bronze Xyxyth

Date of Birth
17.06.724, 21
Blonde, short, messy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ayontay hadn’t been nearly as curious about the card game as Madiquel had been, mostly because he heard someone suggest strip poker. He wasn’t sure if his friend had heard that or not cared since she still made her way over to see what R’dare was up to. He had to admit, he was kind of jealous of R’dare. He was a dragonrider and Madiquel spent a lot of time with him and he couldn’t stop from wondering if they had more than the type of friendship he still had with the girl. He knew it was silly of him to like one of his best friends, and even sillier than he hadn’t just come out and told her his feelings but he didn’t think she was interested, never giving off any signs, and didn’t want to ruin the fun they did have together.

But when she started shrieking, Ayontay was on his feet and ready to fight someone to defend her honour. Thankfully – because he knew he would have been left the bleeding lump on the ground if he got into a fight – his sister stepped in to calm everyone down. Mylorah had that effect on everyone and it seemed like the situation had blown over and he expected Madiquel to return to their quiet and safe corner and away from the crazy teens who wanted to strip. Except she didn’t. Even more bizarre was the fact that a goldrider showed up. His eyes went wide as he spotted Casa, looking around for T’ryn. He frowned when he didn’t see his brother and tilted his head in confusion at her declaration of how she got the wine. Maybe that was payback for him not wanting to come. He didn’t blame T’ryn one bit; he wished he hadn’t been talked into coming.

He liked Casa, always having found her fun to play with when they were younger and still thought she was fun even after Impressing to what she called a stick-in-the-mud dragon. He was happy T’ryn had hooked up with her as well. But in that moment, when she urged Madiquel to play, his heart sank and he decided Casa wasn’t nearly as amazing as he originally thought. Seeing as he was completely forgotten by that point with Madiquel looking at the cards while Casa explained things and everyone else focusing on their own hands, Ayontay figured there wasn’t anything keeping him there anymore.

Sighing in defeat, Ayontay turned a bit too quickly on his heel and bumped into an older girl that he couldn’t recall the name of. As he was trying to apologise for his rudeness, she was saying something about how he looked soooo much like his ‘hot dad’ and before he could process anything else, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Startled, Ayontay dropped his cup, the remnants of water spilling out on the stone floor. He had no idea what to do and stood there eyes wide and was certain they would pop out of his head when her tongue ran across his lower lip before the girl’s friend was pulling her away and they wandered off giggling together.

His first kiss! He had just lost his first kiss to some girl he couldn’t even name. It was definitely time to leave. He was somewhat in shock and definitely miserable at being left behind. Now he knew people close to his age still thought his dad was hot and apparently kissing one of his sons was good enough for some of the crushes people harboured for the bluerider. It was time to go before someone else got the same idea. Ayontay quickly made for the exit without looking back or making eye contact with anyone. If Casa was here, T’ryn was probably home alone but he didn’t think he even wanted to see his brother right then and headed for the Candidate barracks.

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of Green Zezeth

Date of Birth
20.07.724 AL, 20


Written By: ThistleProse
Madiquel felt like the entire world was falling out form under her feet and she was struggling to stay upright; first Nerreh was demanding she strip when she loses a hand at Poker, then Mylorah was stepping in to save her life – and her modesty – and probably Nerreh’s life, honestly. Papa would have been absolutely murderous if he learned she’d been stripped for poker! He’d probably be murderous just at knowing she was being dragged into playing as Casa’s pawn and honestly, the idea that she might be locked in her bedroom and never allowed to leave it again terrified Madiquel more than the way everyone was staring at her as she inched around the circle to sit beside Casa.

Listening to what Casa was telling her, Madiquel looked up in time to see Ayontay staring at her and looking upset before he turned around and bumped bodily into someone. Madiquel probably would have just felt slightly guilty but let him leave without comment if it weren’t for the way an older girl threw herself at him and was suddenly kissing him. Madiquel’s eyes opened wide and she dropped a couple of cards as she stared at the scene, completely oblivious to the other people around her. Madiquel was too shocked to hear what Casa was saying to her – oblivious to the other girl’s teasing – as she frowned at Ayontay’s back. She could see the way his shoulders hunched up and he quickly strode out of the hijacked weyr that he wasn’t happy about what had just happened.

Pressing her cards into Casa’s hand, Madiquel darted around the group and other drunken individuals to find Ayontay, not calling out his name – she didn’t want to attract more attention to either of them – but once she was in the hall and she no longer had to doge drunkards, Madiquel (glad she was wearing pants) bolted in the direction she knew her friend would have gone, and quickly caught up with him. She didn’t say a word as she silently slipped her hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze. She didn’t know how he felt, but she could imagine how she’d feel if someone threw themselves on her and kissed her without warning. She would feel awful!

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of Blue Kadaisicalth

Date of Birth
19.11.721, 23
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’dare knew Nerreh well enough to know she didn’t mean to sound or look like she was forcing someone into being her stripper for the game, especially since it seemed like she had just grabbed someone nearby without seeing who it was. If she had, R’dare didn’t doubt Madiquel would have been left alone or maybe just lightly teased about joining in before he gave her a discreet little head shake to let her know she was safe in saying she wasn’t interested; because he knew she wouldn’t have been comfortable with such an activity, especially with some relative strangers. He was about to point out that Nerreh didn’t mean anything by it when Mylorah jumped in and smoothed everything out effortlessly and he smiled in return when she looked his way. It was hard growing up with so many of R’nd’s kids. They were a good looking bunch but he wasn’t sure he was daring enough to make a move on any of them lest one of the others didn’t approve or was just utterly disgusted with a friend sleeping with a sibling.

He was pleasantly surprised when Casa came in and happily made room for her to join in. It faltered slightly when she had Madiquel join in still but R’dare was okay with it if she was and as long as she wasn’t losing the clothing. Heck, since Casa would be, R’dare decided the idea wasn’t so bad after all, even though he was the one to lose another article of clothing right then and since he left his riding gear with Khadaisicalth, the thin shirt was the next item to come off.

Hearing a cup clatter against the floor, R’dare looked up from setting his shirt with his boots and socks and saw Ayontay locking lips with someone. Only when he took off immediately after the girl was pulled away did he realise that it wasn’t something the younger teen was looking for. Madiquel clearly thought the same thing as she was suddenly on her feet and chasing after Ayontay. “Ayontay left, looking upset,” he mentioned softly to Mylorah as he leaned in to grab the cards so he could take a turn shuffling them. “Madi’s got it, leave it for tomorrow,” he suggested when the girl looked torn about checking on her little brother but when she nodded in agreement, he sat back to shuffle and dole out the hands.

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
The sudden appearance of alcohol in her lap brought Nerreh out of apology mode. She grinned at Casa, glad. A fleeting thought of forgetting to invite the goldrider fluttered at the edge of her thoughts, but Nerreh pushed them aside. Casa was here, so it didn’t really matter. Nerreh outright cackled at the tale of the wine’s origins. “You’re kidding! For real? Damn, that’s awesome. Thanks, Casa, glad you could make it.” She said, smiling at her. And in addition to the amazing gift, Casa was trying to make sure Madiquel was having fun, so that was good.

Still, Nerreh couldn’t help worrying about whether or not Madiquel was upset with her, and her distractedness lead to her losing the first round she played. She was glad Casa was seeing to Madi, the goldrider was a decent sort (And apparently gave great birthday presents). Still, she was paying more attention to Madiquel and Casa and she didn’t even notice if Mylorah was stripping for the lost hand or not. When Madi jumped up and ran out, Nerreh couldn’t help but be concerned.

“She’s okay, right? Should someone go after her?” She asked, glancing around at the other poker players hoping someone had more information than she did (The whispering from R’dare and Mylorah suggested they did). But really, driving someone away from the party was not her plan. Okay, she’d kicked a couple people out for being dicks or practically having sex in the middle of the party, but telling someone to fuck off for being an asshole or getting a little too friendly was different than accidentally traumatizing a fourteen year old. Fucking fuck. Nerreh finished off her drink, worried. Wait, that actually might have been someone else’s drink. She frowned down at the very generic tin cup. Nope, not hers. She’d started using the mug Mylorah had brought a drink or two ago. She glanced around for the mug, not wanting to have lost it less than an hour after getting it, and finding it about three inches from her knee. Cool, so she still had that.

“And whose drink did I just steal?” Nerreh asked, holding up the now empty cup.

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of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
“Let’s hope you’re a great poker player, Nerreh!” Mylorah chirped as she sat down beside the girl and waved to what she was wearing. She was in her usual garb of a short dress made of a thin material to help stay cool in the heat. She only had on panties underneath but had thankfully kept to socks and boots – not the most attractive fashion statement but it worked for climbing around the unused weyrs. Unless the others let her get away with doing one sock at a time then one shoe at a time, and maybe let her count her necklace as well, she was going to be down to her underwear in three loses and naked in four. Well, that’s what she got for being impulsive and enjoying herself!

She greeted Casa warmly when she arrived and laughed when Madiquel was still roped into the game but at a much safer position. “I can’t wait to see what you have hidden under your clothes, Misharan,” she teased the boy in a playful sing song voice, trying to throw him off his game so she could go maybe one round with clothes intact. Also, he was cute and she didn’t really mind seeing what he had to offer. Actually, she was happy he was playing since he was Searched by her dad a few turns ago and they chatted here and there but she felt like she still didn’t know him that well. That may have been partially due to the gossip of his bed mates and that he was more interested in men than women. Not that it mattered to her, she just liked making friends and talking to people, it wasn’t like she was only trying to get into his pants – well, maybe just a little peek!

She lightly booed Nerreh when she realised they had lost and she started unlacing a boot to see if she could get away with just one. When R’dare leaned over to her, she was sure he was going to call her out on it but instead looked over her shoulder to see Madiquel heading off, presumably after Ayontay. She hadn’t even noticed the girl leave, thanks to her boot. She nodded in agreement when it was suggested she leave the matter alone for now and turned a reassuring smile to Nerreh. “She’s fine. She saw a friend leaving that might be more in need of company than us. And that was my drink, but no worries to either thing, Nerreh!”

Glancing at Casa, she wondered if the goldrider would still play or if she wanted someone to team up with as well. Seeing that Kordiavis was surprisingly still at the party and lingering near their little group, Mylorah brightened and waved him over, “Kordi! It’s a lot more fun playing than just watching. Casa might give you the same offer if you do your adorable pout for her.” She giggled and urged Casa to help pester him into joining.

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of Blue Dyoricath

Date of Birth
19.01.717, 28
Dark hazel
Pretty boy
Ashy blonde hair that is almost always straight. He used to keep it a bit longer, but clips it shorter after moving to the Weyr.


Written By: Zandelion
Whatever drama was going on was a bit beyond Misharan. Still, he cheered when Casa joined the game. More players was always fun! He was very amused by the increased amount of people getting other people to strip for them. Maybe it could be a fun new style of strip poker; both more enjoyable for people who want to strip, but it could also and an extra element if you had a reason to want to keep your partner clothed — or unclothed as the case may be.

He winked at Mylorah’s teasing, smirking at her. “Is that a challenge I hear?” He teased back, competitive streak kicking in. So far he’d only lost his jacket, so he still had at least five rounds left. And he’d been practicing card tricks and slight of hand recently, and Misha had no hesitations about cheating to win — not the game itself, but whatever challenge he might be getting into with Mylorah. Honestly, he didn’t really care if he ended up getting naked, but he had to win, so Mylorah had to get naked first. Still, he was going to save palming any cards for if he needed it. See if he could go a few more rounds without needing.

Misha did in fact win the next round, shooting a playful grin at Mylorah as she took off her boot. Thankfully, Nerreh’s question distracted him and he missed Mylorah not taking off her second boot. He greeted the friend Mylorah called over, shooting him a friendly wave. More players! Misharan eagerly awaited the next round.

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of Gold Thallyath

Date of Birth
16.11.720 AL, 24
Slim, petite
Blonde, shoulder length


Written By: ThistleProse
Casa blinked in surprise when Madiquel was suddenly pressing cards into her hands and bolting. A quick look up and around assured her she hadn’t done something herself to set the child off, and she watched the way the girl chased after her friend. “Ahh! Young love!” Casa sighed dramatically, holding her cards to her chest and batting her eyes before giggling. She frowned at Mylorah when the other girl only took off one boot, but decided not to call her out for it. The girl was wearing next to nothing already, and it wouldn’t be much fun if she was stark naked in just three rounds!

Turning to look up at the man Mylorah had just called out, Casa grinned. “So long as you play to win, not play to strip me!” she teased, scrunching her nose up playfully and offering her cards to the Candidate, eyes bright with amusement. She didn’t care if she had no one to play for her, she could play a little, but if someone had better skills at it than she did, she wouldn’t mind keeping her clothing on for a bit longer, either!

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
Nerreh nodded at Mylorah’s explanation. She was still a bit worried, but at least it wasn’t her actions that had made Madi leave. Nerreh just hadn’t wanted to strip, but wanted to play poker with her friends. She hadn’t meant to upset anyone! She just didn’t like being undressed in front of people. It was, in ways Nerreh didn’t really know how to describe, very uncomfortable. It’s not like she had anything to hide, but the idea of stripping in front of people made her skin crawl. Ugh. She just wanted to play poker, and the hilarity of other people stripping was great. No one even had to get naked, it was the potential for nudity that was most amusing. As long as it wasn’t hers.

“Here, I’ll refill your drink if you want.” Nerreh offered, looking around for one of the open bottles of alcohol she’d been gifted. The Benden from Casa was still in her lap, and Nerreh had no plans of opening it tonight. That bottle was gonna be saved for a special occasion. There were plenty of others though, a pretty good wine, and some sort of mead type thing that was tasty. She pointed both out to Mylorah, letting her know she could have some of either. Or both, whatever. Could even mix them for all Nerreh cared.

When Mylorah started calling out to Kordiavis to join them, Nerreh nodded encouragingly. “Yeah, no stripping if you don’t want to! It’s just an excuse for all these exhibitionists to show off and pretend they were forced into it.” She said, grinning at all the people who had chosen to strip. “I’m just here to remember how bad at cards I am. Sorry, Mylorah.” She added with a wink. It wasn’t even a lie. Even with Misharan and his weird love of card games as a friend Nerreh was still pretty shit at poker. She swore it was just bad luck when it came to cards — she never got good hands — and her poker face wasn’t actually that bad, there was always just someone who knew her too well or someone a lot better at it.

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kordiavis had been content watching the group play cards. They seemed like a relaxed bunch for the most part and just enjoying themselves without being too strict on the rules. He had noticed some players were better than others and he would have been worried for Mylorah, especially once Nerreh confirmed that she was bad at cards, but he knew the girl wouldn’t care about stripping or would somehow talk her way out of it if she wanted to.

Given he now knew the level of each player and they seemed to genuinely want him to play, he shrugged, figuring it wouldn’t hurt to keep up this socialising thing he had going on that night. Besides, he actually did like playing poker and a few other types of card games. He was raised in a major Hold after all. Young and old alike liked to pass the time in the evening with a few hands while enjoying the drink of the moment. Aldra, the heir to Ista was close in age to him and they had spent a lot of time together as children and time when they could swing it as teens. Aldra had dragged him along to some of the private gatherings of so-called important people and Kordiavis felt he had learned a lot when it came to tricks and he already had a decent poker face given he had mastered a neutral expression long ago to avoid showing the wrong emotion at the wrong time.

With a shrug as a reply, Kordiavis took up the now vacated spot beside Casa, picking up the hand that had been dealt in front of her. “If I want to see you naked, I’ll ask for a private show,” he gave a slow smirk to Casa as his eyes roamed up and down her body and then back to his cards, focusing on the task at hand; winning.

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of Blue Edath

Date of Birth
21.11.721, 23
Dark, longer


Written By: SunsetWay
R’dal had promised R’dare he would make it to the party but he wanted to finish making the glass bead bracelet for his sister. It was meant to be a thank you gift for taking over baby-sitting their other siblings. She was thirteen now and more than capable of looking after the younger siblings. Besides, she was also in the same Weyr as everyone else and it kind of sucked bouncing between Fort and Ista all the time because his dad wanted a sitter. It was cool that he was trusted enough to watch the younger ones, especially Eris, the daughter with his mate. Or wast Ameris only his Weyrwoman? People seemed so afraid to call their relationship something that serious and it confused him as much as it saddened him. How would the other person know your feelings if you didn’t share them?

Once he had finished the bracelet, R’dal went to change, only to promptly fall asleep when he sat down to put on his boots and lace them up. He would swear up and down that the bed grew arms and grabbed him, he most certainly didn’t flop back for a moment and then fall asleep! When he woke up, it was dark and Edath was mentioning something about a party that he was late to. It took a moment but then he recalled the promise to R’dare about attending Nerreh’s birthday bash. Frantically he tossed on the boots and changed his shirt again since it was a bit wrinkled from the sleep and may or may not have had a bit drool on the collar. That was so gross!

Ten minutes later and R’dal found himself in Ista, landing near where Kadaisicalth so the blues could hang out, though they were always together in Fort anyway. But it helped him get directions to where he was supposed to go. Once he started getting close enough, he just followed the voices. It didn’t hurt that he saw Ayontay and Madiquel walking away holding hands. That was so cute! He hoped that meant they were a couple now. He always thought they were adorable together.

It didn’t take R’dal long to find a group of his friends sitting together, playing a card game. He all but bounced his way over to them, giving first Nerreh a hug since it was her birthday – he forgot about the gift rule but decided him showing up instead of sleeping through it all counted as a good gift – then made his rounds through Mylorah, Casa, R’dare, a guy he didn’t know but looked like he might murder someone who tried hugging him in that moment, then finally moved to Misharan.

“Hi everyone!” he gave a finally greeting as he flopped down behind Misharan and wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and rested his head on a shoulder. “Mylo, why do you only have one shoe on?” He noticed R’dare was barefoot and shirtless and looking at Misharan’s hand, he assumed it was poker and they decided to add stripping to it. Maybe the rule had them okaying a shoe at a time and R’dare just really sucked at the game?

“You must be winning. You’re wearing way too much clothing, Misha,” R’dal pouted, still clinging to the man with no intentions of moving. They hadn’t known each other long, only since Misharan moved to Ista to Stand for the current clutch, but he liked the man, finding him to be rather nice behind the prickly exterior he tries to show. But R’dal didn’t believe a cute guy like Misharan could be that mean and kept chatting with him until he was proven right. Now he saw the grumpiness as a fun quirk.

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of Blue Dyoricath

Date of Birth
19.01.717, 28
Dark hazel
Pretty boy
Ashy blonde hair that is almost always straight. He used to keep it a bit longer, but clips it shorter after moving to the Weyr.


Written By: Zandelion
The newcomer, Kordiavis’, had a really clever response to Casa’s teasing, and Misharan couldn’t help but snigger. It also seemed to indicate someone was going to take the game seriously, which was always interesting. But was he playing to win because he was competitive and just like winning, or was there someone here he wanted naked? And why? Embarrass them or cause he wanted to see them without their clothes? Hmn.

“You playing to win, or you playing to see someone besides Casa naked?” He asked curiously, though still with a friendly, teasing lilt. Misha didn’t want him to clam up and stop having fun with them, he just wanted to know! It impacted how he should continue playing, how serious he should be.

His train of thought was temporarily broken by another new arrival to potentially shake up the game, though Misharan knew this face better then some of the others. “It seems someone decided to show up.” He said as R’dal came over to sit beside him, leaning into the one-armed hug. “And I think Mylo’s taking a handicap cause she’s wearing basically nothing.” Honestly, this was the first he was noticing that Mylorah had only removed a single shoe. On one hand, he very much wanted to stay with more clothes on than her — she had practically dared him to — but he also didn’t really give a shit, since it was a game and the rules were meant to be broken. “And I probably am winning.” Misha said with a smirk at the other players. Okay, he’d started with more clothes than most of them, and only removed his jacket at that point so he looked about how most of the others had started, but it was hardly his fault he’d had the most clothes. Though actually…

“I’m probably not the one with most clothes though. Nerreh and Kordiavis aren’t stripping, they’re playing the cards and Mylorah and Casa are taking the clothes off.” Misharan rested his head on top of R’dal’s, who was still using his shoulder as a pillow, considering. “We could team up if you like.” He offered. “You can strip or play, either one, as long as I keep more clothes on than Mylorah.” Sure, he liked playing by himself, and it, ah, limited his ability to cheat play creatively, but playing with another person was a different type of challenge. Besides, he and R’dal would just need to be better than Nerreh, and that wasn’t too difficult. The dynamics of this game just kept changing, and it was definitely providing excellent entertainment.

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of Gold Thallyath

Date of Birth
16.11.720 AL, 24
Slim, petite
Blonde, shoulder length


Written By: ThistleProse
“Oh! Me too!” Casa exclaimed, looking around for a cup and finding one not far away, she extended it to Nerreh with a bright smile. She’d drunk enough to feel buzzed before leaving T’ryn’s weyr – she didn’t want to be the only sober person at the party! – but she realised with a start that she hadn’t really had anything since arriving. Time to fix that! Once her cup had been filled by Nerreh, Casa took a healthy (and not at all lady like) gulp of the liquid, grimaced at the cheap burn, and set her cup down as she smiled winningly at Kordiavis.

“I would delight in denying you,” Casa teased the candidate back, though she enjoyed his confidence and preened for a moment under his lazy smirk and roaming eye. She really liked T’ryn, but he was such a gentleman that it was frustrating! Not that Casa liked being leered at as a rule, but when it was invited, an appreciative and lingering gaze made a girl feel attractive! At Misharan’s question, Casa laughed. “He’s got eyes for you, I’m sure!” She teased, wiggling her eyebrows at the blonde, giggling cheerfully as she took another gulp of her drink and waved Thallyath’s disapproval away without paying any actual attention to the dragon. It was so much easier to ignore her grating voice when her head was buzzing with booze!

“You should play, too!” Casa chirped, beaming at R’dal when he joined them. “Since its been decided that Kordi wants to see Mishy naked, you should play and he can strip!” Okay, so no one had decided that except Casa, but she didn’t care. It sounded plausible and it wasn’t like any of them were sober enough to actually care what the truth was! Realising that the round was over, Casa frowned at Kordiavis and pouted when she had to take off her jacket. He was supposed to be winning!

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of Blue Faxxonth

Date of Birth
11.06.721 AL , 24
Dark hazel
Dark brown, wavy


Written By: Zandelion
“Yeah, sure, here.” Nerreh said, pouring some of the opened wine into the glass Casa held out to her. She splashed a little into Mylorah’s cup without waiting for confirmation from the girl herself. Nerreh highly doubted Mylo would have said no to more alcohol, and if she didn’t actually want it she could easily pawn her cup off on someone else.

She laughed openly at Kordiavis and Casa’s exchange. They were having fun! This was what she had wanted from the evening! Also the gifts were nice, but you know. Priorities. People being uncomfortable was not they goal at all, so seeing everyone smiling, teasing, and getting along made Nerreh feel a lot better about everything. She had to clap for Casa’s response to Kordi, both highly amused and wanting to encourage continued levity.

R’dal’s appearance was another boost in the mood of the party, and Nerreh hugged him back gratefully. “You came!” She said, glad another of her childhood friends had stopped by. Sure, the Searched Candidates were fine, and some of them were a lot of fun, but there was something special about hanging out with all her childhood playmates from Katila. Which was kind of why Nerreh was a little peeved about the bronzeriders not showing up, cause yeah, they weren’t real close or anything but they had grown up together. Still, whatever.

“Yeah, you should play, keep Misha from cheating or something.” She said, nodding along with the suggestion that R’dal should join the game and smirking at Misharan who had the cheek to look offended at her statement. Honestly, he’d tried teaching her card tricks, and even though she was terrible at them he wasn’t. Which meant he was definitely capable of cheating if he felt like it, even though Nerreh didn’t really care if he did. As she’s said before, strip poker was just an excuse for people to get naked. And popular opinion seemed to be that Misha needed to be doing less of the poker and more of the stripping. Him cheating would not increase the amount of stripping, so it must be prevented. Her thoughts were interrupted by the current round ending and Nerreh sighed dramatically.

“Sorry, Mylo. There goes your other boot.”

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of Blue Taith

Date of Birth
21.03.716, 29
Blonde, short


Written By: SunsetWay
Kordiavis frowned as he looked around the small group when the teasing about who he wanted to see naked started. Was he the oldest one there? It certainly seemed like it with the way they were all behaving and so excited for free booze and boobs. He’d already seen Mylorah naked, told Casa he’d ask if he really wanted a piece of the blonde goldrider, and the others? It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen men naked as they shared the common bath or changed before bed, but he wasn’t sure if there was any sexual desire to see one of the guys near him nude. In truth, considering he was now at a Weyr and was going to start Standing, he should probably have a few romps in bed with men to see how it went, especially if he ended up on blue or green.

“If Mishy,” he used Casa’s name for the man since he didn’t know him well enough to remember his full name, “or the blueriders there want me to see them naked or vice versa, they can offer or ask,” Kordiavis wasn’t going to show any interest one way or the other, especially in front of a crowd that could tease or mock him, and left the idea open as he sighed and showed his hand that he knew wouldn’t beat R’dare, and Misharan hadn’t even shown his hand yet.

“And I’m playing to win, hopefully,” Kordiavis muttered as he watched the deck get shuffled and then dealt. The idea was to win but his first hand didn’t seem to think that was a great idea and caused him the big ‘L’. He supposed it was a good thing he wasn’t stripping, although if Casa pouted at him every time he lost and she removed an article of clothing, he didn’t think the game would hold any level of fun for him. Then again…

“You’re hot when you pout, Casa. Maybe I’ll just tell you I want to lose so I can see you pout and naked at the same time. And then find creative ways to make it go away,” Kordiavis once again smirked and took another card. It had been a while since he flirted with anyone; add that to the fun he was slowly starting to have and he was almost happy he decided to come.

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of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
Mylorah sighed as the other boot came off and was put behind her with the other one. At least they didn’t make her catch up and take it and both socks off! Maybe when Nerreh lost again she’d be a good sport and just remove both socks anyway. She grabbed the cup Nerreh had given back to her, now wonderfully full again, and chugged it back. It was set down again with a satisfied sigh and smile as she leaned back to watch everyone. She was starting to feel a nice buzz, likely thanks to treating the other three drinks she’d had in the same manner in a short period of time, and shifted the way she sat so she could try to see other players’ cards. It shouldn’t matter if she saw them since she wasn’t playing!

Everyone seemed good at keeping their cards out of her sight, though, and Mylorah almost pouted until Kordiavis’ statement from a couple of minutes earlier came back to her and she giggled. “Kordi’s right, Casa. You have a sexy pout. My brother’s lucky he gets to kiss it away.” She tapped in her chin in thought and then turned her attention back to Misharan, thinking he wouldn’t know which brother she was talking about, if he even knew any of them at all. Holders were weird like that and didn’t seem as inclined to learn everything they could about another. “My brother that rides bronze, T’ryn, I mean. Not the one that left earlier in a panic.” She’d have to remember to check on Ayontay in the morning. He’d likely be asleep by the time she left the gathering and a good breakfast would help get both of their heads on straight to talk if he wanted to.

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of Blue Edath

Date of Birth
21.11.721, 23
Dark, longer


Written By: SunsetWay
R’dal looked like an owl with his eyes wide from surprise as Nerreh decided he should strip or stop Misharan from cheating. He shook his head at the idea and resisted the urge to bite the other man’s shirt collar. It was so tempting and right there near his mouth! “Nah. Too tired to play and too lazy to strip. Besides, I’d then have to get dressed again because while it’s nice and hot here, it’s still cool at home and not to mention having to travel between naked might leave me freezing some bits off. And I like all of my bits!”

He was still a bit in shock at the idea of losing exposed body parts on the short trip and was considering asking an older rider about such things happening and if he should wear thicker clothing for the trips when he properly sat up, releasing the human pillow he had been clinging to, and glanced at Misharan. He once again shook his head when he remembered the other statement made. “Nah, Misha wouldn’t cheat. It’d take out the fun and even the danger of the risks. Although I guess the risk of being caught could be its own sort of fun and with a lot more clothing still being worn.” R’dal glanced at R’dare and chuckled at his friend’s obvious losing streak.

“Are you sure you’re not the cheater, Nerreh?” R’dal questioned but then laughed at what he said, “never mind. Mylorah’s lack of clothing shows you’re not cheating. Unless you’re cheating to lose!” he laughed again at the idea and could almost believe it. There weren’t any marks or valuables on the line, only nakedness and it was the perfect reason to continue to lose if you weren’t the one stripping as well. He had some clever friends.

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of Blue Dyoricath

Date of Birth
19.01.717, 28
Dark hazel
Pretty boy
Ashy blonde hair that is almost always straight. He used to keep it a bit longer, but clips it shorter after moving to the Weyr.


Written By: Zandelion
“Casa, everyone has eyes for me.” Misharan said, winking at her and Kordiavis. He didn’t really figure the man was playing to see him naked, at least not him specifically. His comment about him or the blueriders needing to ask to be seen naked seemed to support that view. Still, Misharan couldn’t help teasing. “And I’m always offering, you just have to take me up on it.”

He did make note that Kordiavis was playing to win, and added it to his list of game factors to take into account. Gotta know as much as possible to get the nuances of expression right when playing poker. Helped you know what the other players were looking for sometimes.

The game distracted him for a minute, considering the faces of everyone playing, until Mylorah started talking about which of her brothers was kissing Casa. “How many brothers have you got, Mylo?” He asked, curious.“That was two you mentioned there. I’ve got three, d’you have more than that?” Well, four brothers, technically, but one was dead so Misharan wasn’t sure he counted. Still, they way she talked about her brothers made him think there might be more of them. Were there more of them as Candidates? Younger? Older and Impressed like the bronzerider who was apparently dating Casa? Had he unknowingly slept with any of them? Siblings didn’t always look much alike.

Misha laughed at R’dal’s excuse for not playing. “Fair enough, I suppose. I’m sure you have lovely bits it would be a pity to lose.” He said, playfully ruffling the bluerider’s hair. At Nerreh’s cheating comment, Misharan looked up and pouted at his friend. “How very dare.” He said to Nerreh’s teasing accusation, though he did not outright deny it. R’dal thinking he may cheat for the rush was… fairly accurate, to be frank. “You know me so well.” He said as R’dal relinquished his hold on him. “I can keep on being pillow if you want, I don’t mind. Though don’t you dare give away my hand by accident. This round though,” Misharan started, setting down his cards to fold, “I’ll lose on purpose and even this out, yeah?” His hand had in fact been shit, but this way it looked intentional when he lost the round. “And I’ll even play fair and not use Mylo’s rules.” He ribbed the girl, pointedly taking both boots off while maintaining eye contact with her.

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of Gold Amagrith

Date of Birth
10.02.721, 24
Light Brown
Brown, long


Written By: SunsetWay
“I have six brothers,” that she knew of anyway. With R’nd as her father, it was hard to say for certain but she was confident that T’ryn and his love of solving puzzles had found all of their siblings by now. And technically she had a seventh brother but he died in the landslide. Normally she’d mention him as well but everyone was having too much fun for her to be a buzzkill and bring up that event that most of them in their little group had experienced firsthand. “There’s Korlin on my mom’s side and he’s older. The rest are on my dad’s side and are younger than me.” They were all close in age though. Korlin was a year older and T’ryn was a year younger, followed by Ayontay and the others. “I have a few sisters on dad’s side as well. He loved the ladies,” and hated pulling out it, it seemed!

Giggling at her own mental running commentary about her dad, Mylorah scooted closer to Misharan. She wasn’t the one playing so it didn’t matter if she saw his cards, after all. But she figured she could keep distracting him with idle chit chat, among other things that might come to mind as the game progressed. “Hey!” she paused in her scooting to pout at him, liking her rules very much. “Fine. To keep Blondie here happy, I’ll remove both socks if Nerreh loses again.” Which was likely to be soon but Mylorah really didn’t mind. She wasn’t ashamed to say that roughly half of their little group had seen her naked before and the other half she didn’t mind seeing now.

“But if my rules change to the normal rules, then shouldn’t you start having to take off more clothing as the new rules?” Mylorah thought that made sense and didn’t think she was drunk enough yet to just be babbling. She liked these new rules she’d just come up with either way and finished the final scoot over so she could lean on Misharan’s other shoulder and see what he was up to.

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