World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] 737.05.09 | Spring Showers
6 PM | Rhaedalyn

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya’s day had not been going well. First, he’d woken with a pounding headache and no immediate explanation as to where it had come from; it just was. As he was dressing, he realised that the way it ached indicated he was apparently allergic to something flowering which of course would have to be the vase of pretty flowers Rhaedalyn had picked for him the day previous. Fantastic. He could hardly throw the flowers out – wouldn’t even consider it and the insult it would be to Rhaedalyn – which meant he would be suffering headaches for the next several days. Even more wonderful.

As he was making his way across the weyr to greet Xyreith, he tripped on a small wooden doll that one of the girls had clearly left on the floor and he hadn’t managed to pick up, stumbled several steps, and proceeded to kick the corner of a wall as he passed, startling him with the sudden pain enough for R’nya to curse loudly, hopping into Xyreith’s side of the weyr and collapsing against his bronze dragon, grumbling and cursing to himself under his breath while the great beast tried not to laugh at his misfortune; bastard.

Breakfast had R’nya spilling klah on himself when he was bumped into by an antsy green, the proddy young man giving R’nya a nasty look for being in his way before he realised he was sassing out the Weyrleader, who gave him duties of cleaning the privies. Most of the other riders took that as an indication to steer clear of the Weyrleader and his bad mood.

Unfortunately, not everyone got the message.

On his way down to his office after changing his shirt, R’nya instead found himself occupied with a pair of younger blueriders, who had apparently gotten into a scuffle over something or another of such unimportance in the scheme of things that neither man could remember what had sparked the argume0nt. The only thing they recalled was how angry they were at each other, and that anger was still sparking even as R’nya paced irritably between them. When neither of them were prepared to own up to starting the argument, R’nya sent them both off to clean privies, each on different levels of the Weyr.

Slamming his office door, R’nya was more than prepared to spend the next several hours alone; unfortunately those several hours were used up by various individuals of the Weyr coming in and demanding his Leadership Skills[sup]TM[/sup]; including, but not limited to, things that were not under R’nya’s umbrella of required tasks. Some he sent off to bother Rhaedalyn, while others he shuffled off to go and find D’hys. Some he actually managed to make cry.

Sir? Xyreith’s interruption caused R’nya to growl out loud, startling the young man who was just leaving his office into scuttling out even faster. Sir!

“Not now, Xyreith!” R’nya snarled, slamming some paperwork into a draw for later perusal – it was nothing overly important to anyone but the damned Headwoman anyway – before running his hands through his hair, which was rather static-y from such a disastrous day. He was about ready to start bashing his head against the hard wood of his desk. As if to remind him of his headache, his head throbbed at the temples, and R’nya groaned in distraught exhaustion.

Sir! Xyreith’s voice was a husky growl, and R’nya straightened in his chair, eyes widening as the implications of what Xyreith was saying finally hit home. Dissi!

Without waiting for further comments from his dragon, R’nya flew out of his chair, and across his office. He flung the door open and quite literally barged through what looked like D’hys holding a Weyrling by the upper arm (R’nya didn’t bother to stop and take note, though the distinct sound of laughter followed him) and down the hall, communicating with his dragon just enough to know that Rhaedlayn was in her own weyr, and given the time of day, R’nya was quite sure the girls would be in crèche.

To say the bronzerider barged in would be rather an understatement. He shoved his way through the few fellow bronzeriders who were making an attempt at capturing Aradissicath (one of them definitely would be sporting a black eye, later) but R’nya paid them no heed as he followed his dragon to victory and claimed Rhaedalyn as his own, slamming her weyr door in the face of the other riders.

+ ~ + ~ +

R’nya came back to his own lazily, unwilling to give up the warm comfort that he was currently at home in; his arms were wrapped gently around Rhaedalyn as he held her close to his own body, her long hair seeming to be everywhere. R’nya wasn’t worried, though, as he leaned forward to kiss her lightly on the cheek, weaving his fingers between Rhaedalyn’s own and holding her hand gently. Considering how the day had lead up to that moment, R’nya was rather shocked Xyreith had won Aradissicath (Your faith in me is astounding, Sir), and he half expected the current circumstances to blow up into an argument (though he couldn’t think of anything they would argue about).

Smiling slightly, R’nya snuggled closer to Rhaedalyn.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn was conscious enough to know where she was and what she was doing but not enough to worry about it. Everything felt familiar; the way she was being held, the kiss to her cheek, the chest she snuggled against, and the warm glow coming from Aradissicath so she knew it was R’nya she was in bed with. Yet again she was thankful for the bronzerider’s protection and guidance over the years and that she had been lucky enough for R’nya and Xyreith’s joint efforts to not only win the first traumatizing flight but each one since.

However, she had heard about R’nya’s day and the mood he had been in so when Aradissicath started to show the signs of rising soon that Rhaedalyn was slowly starting to recognize, she was a bit worried. What if R’nya’s mood affected Xyreith and the bronze wasn’t able to chase? What if R’nya didn’t want to give chase? Not only did someone else had the potential to win but her sweet Ren possibly wouldn’t want her. It was one of the last things she remembered before the lust took over. Thankfully determination won out and she had her usual partner beside her. Rhaedalyn wasn’t quite sure what it would be like to wake up with someone else beside her, knowing what would have transpired before that moment. It seemed so wrong! R’nya wasn’t the only man she had slept with and she cherished her night with R’nd and even still held some fond memories of times with Z’ia but reflecting back now, it wasn’t the same as being with R’nya.

She couldn’t explain it – wouldn’t really – but her heart ached and head worried when she dwelled too long on anything remotely related to past heartbreaks and what the future held. It was unfair to anyone that would be foolish enough to love her but Rhaedalyn was too afraid to let go again no matter how much she still loved the idea of being in love. The romance of it all and the fairy tales she grew up with were still there but the pain of being shoved aside within the blink of an eye was still deep so she held onto her reservations.

Since she still had comfort in the form of R’nya’s nearness and he hadn’t fled just yet – and she knew he was awake thanks to grabbing her hand – Rhaedalyn took a moment to be selfish and tightened her hold on R’nya’s hand and gave a content sigh as no move to get away from the bronzerider was even considered.

After a short span of time, Rhaedalyn decided she was awake enough to attempt a conversation, though she still took a moment to think out her words so she didn’t stumble or offend R’nya by saying something the wrong way. “I saw D’hys earlier today. He said you weren’t feeling well. How are you feeling now? I could get call for some soup or make some tea,” in truth, D’hys had flat out told her R’nya wasn’t exactly himself that day with him being short tempered and in a foul mood, but Rhaedalyn didn’t think that admitting she knew such things would bring about anything good. Since it did seem so out of character to the R’nya she always got to see, she actually almost didn’t believe the bluerider either when he told her thanks to his friendship with Z’ia but she didn’t want to the type of person that judged all riders of one colour based on the actions of one person. D’hys made her a little nervous at times but he had always been nice to her and R’nya trusted him with a lot of tasks so he couldn’t have been all that bad.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya hummed wordlessly as Rhaedalyn began to speak, the bronzerider’s eyes opening to peer at the back of her head, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he considered her words. A wry smile tilted his lips slightly and R’nya shifted forward to kiss Rhaedalyn just below the ear. “I am fine now, my love.” The arm he had wrapped around Rhaedalyn tightened just enough to discourage her from wriggling out of bed, though wasn’t tight enough to actually prevent her from doing just that if she so desired.

“D’hys apparently needs more tasks to keep him occupied,” R’nya murmured, distracted from the conversation as he nuzzled at Rhaedalyn’s neck, leaving little kisses and nibbles in his wake as he worked his way down to her shoulder. The hand holding her own lifted, fingers still entwined, to stroke the curve of her hip with a gentle and smooth touch. The trail of affection shifted as R’nya made his way back up the side of Rhaedalyn’s neck and breathed warmly against her ear, not bothering to pretend he wasn’t interested in his lovely Weyrwoman as he had done during some of their past flights.

R’nya, who had been at the receiving end of a terrible day, was too irked overall to pretend he was a perfect gentleman and that he wasn’t interested in Rhaedalyn like he had in the aftermath of most of their flights; in all honestly, R’nya was still in shock that Xyreith had managed to turn such a terrible day into something so wonderful. Despite that, R’nya still had far too much affection and respect for Rhaedalyn to leave her without options and her own say in things. Loosening their linked hands just slightly, R’nya ran the palm of his hand down over Rhaedalyn’s hip and to the top of her thigh, fingers still woven together so they cupped her leg between their palms.

“Would you like me to leave?” R’nya asked quietly, pulling back from Rhaedalyn’s shoulder just enough to speak clearly, and he waited for a few seconds during which he gathered courage to go with the lingering flightlust and his own personal desires. “I would rather not.” The statement was murmured lowly, for R’nya wasn’t sure how it would be received, despite the fact that his body was making it perfectly perfectly clear where his mind was at, even if Rhaedalyn couldn’t read through the kisses and gently stroking hand at her side.  It was important that she didn’t feel trapped, though; R’nya was all too aware of the role he’d played in her life over the past several years, and lover was not a slot he seemed to fill, outside of Aradissicath’s flights. R’nya honestly wasn’t even sure Rhaedalyn was interested in him romantically.

That would be a topper to a crappy day, R’nya decided, hiding a grimace in Rhaedalyn’s hair.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
“R’nya!” Rhaedalyn scolded the bronzerider with only his name as she gave a light smack to his arm. “D’hys was only being kind in letting me know you were unwell,” she pouted and then gasped as the light kisses and nibbles began, causing Rhaedalyn to forget what else she was going to say in D’hys’ defense. It suddenly didn’t seem all that important and a giggle escaped when warm breath ghosted over her ear, ensuring her attention was well and truly back on R’nya and no one else.

She never quite knew what to expect after a flight, even though they’d all been with R’nya. It wasn’t even really the bronzerider that she worried about but more about her own feelings – more specifically, how much of what she was feeling was her own. Rhaedalyn knew perfectly well that Aradissicath’s flight lust lingered for a while and it had influenced her in the past to some degree but how much exactly? Was any of it her own idea? Asking R’nya to stay and enjoy further activities or even a simple kiss she gave first before curling up beside the man in the past may have been her own ideas simply heightened by her dragon’s desires or they could have been all Aradissicath’s.

When R’nya asked her if she wanted him to leave and she looked him directly in the eyes – something she wasn’t always the best at due to her shyness and insecurities – Rhaedalyn realized something. Aradissicath gave her the confidence to act on things deep down within that she’d otherwise ignore or not even realize were there. R’nya’s confession that he didn’t want to leave caused her heart to ache over the sincerity within the words that she believed weren’t coming from Xyreith’s lust and Rhaedalyn softly smiled. Her free hand guided R’nya’s face from her mess of hair so she could look him in the eye again, “no, I don’t want you to leave, Ren. I like right where you are,” and with that bold – for her – statement said, Rhaedalyn kissed R’nya, inviting him to anything he’d like while he was still there with her.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
When Rhaedalyn reached for his face, R’nya leaned into the touch gently, watching her expression with curiosity and interest, delighting in the way she met his own gaze boldly. He’d watched her grow into herself wonderfully since that first awkward young woman he had met so many years ago. She may not have been aware of it, or even agreed, but R’nya was proud of the way she’d blossomed into herself; she still had moments of insecurities – didn’t they all – but it was the moments like the one where she met his eye and spoke so seriously that truly thrilled him, when she could meet his eye with her own determined gaze and speak her mind. It was moments that proved that despite the hardships she’d gone through, she was so much more.

Echoing her movement, R’nya brought his free hand out to gently cup Rhaedalyn’s cheek, brushing his thumb lightly against her cheekbone, expression soft, though stormy blue eyes widened when Rhaedalyn spoke, not expecting her to be so forthright, despite the forewarning she had given with her eye and physical contact. Lips parted, half in surprise and half to reply to Rhaedalyn, when they were instead captured in a kiss. Eyes widened almost comically before closing as he quickly responded, not wanting to give his lovely lady so much as a moment to question himself or his interest in her.

When he thought he felt Rhaedalyn’s confidence wane, R’nya gently took control of the kiss, easing Rhaedalyn onto her back to be more comfortable, with his own body half covering hers. Gently untangling their hands, R’nya broke the kiss for a moment, using the pause to simply smile placidly down at Rhaedalyn before he kissed the tip of Rhaedalyn’s nose, her eyelids, before returning to her lips with refreshed affection. It wasn’t the first time they’d lingered after a flight, but R’nya felt more hopeful that this time it wouldn’t be simply brushed under the rug once clothing was once more donned.

Leaving Rhaedalyn’s lips, R’nya kissed her jawline below the left ear, murmuring softly “I like where you are, too.” Resting his forehead against Rhaedalyn’s, R’nya brushed his thumb across her lips, entranced by the fact that she wasn’t fleeing or sending him packing; a wonderful change in direction from such a shocking day. Smiling warmly, in no rush, and with every intention to make every moment enjoyable for them both, R’nya began a slow and gentle exploration of Rhaedalyn’s body, affectionate grey eyes watching for her reactions, and those things she seemed to enjoy more, a small smile lingering on his lips.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn let R’nya take his time in his exploration and enjoyed where it led. Her forwardness of earlier had vanished as she became timid again, not wanting to do anything that wouldn’t please R’nya in return, making only tentative movements until it seemed like it would be appreciated. They had had several encounters over the years thanks to flights so there was still some memory of what the bronzerider seemed to like but Rhaedalyn almost preferred to be a bit selfish that evening and let R’nya lavish her in attention and learn what she desired outside of simply his touch. There was a vague sense of guilt for the level of selfishness she was partaking in but it still didn’t stop her.

When finally Rhaedalyn found herself curled up against R’nya again some time later, she was nearly purring with satisfaction and felt like she could sleep for days. She had no idea how much time had passed and Aradissicath was keeping silent on anything she knew that might be happening outside of their home including the hour and any gossip flying around after the flight. All that Rhaedalyn knew was that her girls would be looked after until she was able to gather them back up and return to lavishing them with love and affection, something R’nya was currently receiving.

It was odd to feel so happy again after having her heart and trust broken by Z’ia but she was slowly starting to come around to it again. Rhaedalyn knew she had drawn back into herself after the day she was so easily tossed aside by that particular bluerider and she knew she had even pulled away a bit from R’nya in the process without meaning to. In a way, she didn’t want to become reliant on him but the fear he would hurt her like Z’ia had was always in the back of her mind. Now, the fear was still there but further back, as she knew the bronzerider was a good man that went out of his way for not only her but their daughter and adoptive daughter. The fact that R’nya looked after Varlea as if she were of his blood was what reminded Rhaedalyn about exactly the type of man she called friend was.

“Ren?” It was a quietly asked question to see if R’nya was still awake as she didn’t want to disturb him while random realizations bounced around in her head and started to form questions. She was always full of questions but didn’t always ask them as it never seemed to be the right time or place or her confidence waned and Rhaedalyn feared being mocked or ignored. But in that moment, it felt like it might be right to ask some, assuming she wasn’t talking to herself. As she waited for confirmation one way or the other, she reached down to pull the blanket up over them both. It wasn’t done out of feeling chilly or even modesty but because snuggling under a blanket was a cozy comfort to her and she wanted to fully enjoy her time with R’nya.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
While R’nya noticed Rhaedalyn’s mediocre involvement, he didn’t comment on it; partly because he was terrified if he said anything, Rhaedalyn would send him packing. He didn’t want to leave, and he wanted Rhaedalyn to enjoy herself, as if by making the moment as good as possible, she wouldn’t pretend it had never happened once they got dressed and back to their lives. It broke his heart that she seemed to disinterested in him outside of Aradissicath’s flights, though again, it was not something he would ever comment on or talk about, not even with Xyreith, who knew his innermost thoughts. His own feelings for the goldrider were something he was only just coming to terms with himself.

“Mm?” R’nya murmured softly, tightening his arms around Rhaedalyn gently and nuzzling the crook of her neck, enjoying both scent and feel of his lovely Weyrwoman. To say the bronzerider was on cloud nine would have been the understatement of the century; while he had spent probably more nights than he could count with Quilriana, and he was quite fond of the woman, Rhaedalyn was special. Quilriana knew her worth, and her place in life, and was generally happy; Rhaedalyn didn’t seem to be aware of how special she was, at least not as far as R’nya had ever been able to determine. But she was beautiful, and intelligent and R’nya waned nothing so much as to see her shine – preferably at his side.

Watching Rhaedalyn’s relationship with Z’ia blossom had been painful for the bronzerider, though he hadn’t entirely understood (or wanted to understand) his jealousy at that point. He wasn’t prepared to feel so strongly for someone after how much losing Etralla had hurt. He didn’t want to go through that again, ever. It was, in its own subtle way, why he was reluctant to press his affections onto Rhaedalyn; he knew how deeply she’d fallen for Z’ia, and while the little bastard bluerider deserved to rot between for the hurt he’d caused her, R’nya was just as reluctant to feel for her, as he imagined she was to feel for someone new. Another reason Quilriana was so well received – she asked nothing of R’nya but his good nature and warm body, both of which he was pleased to provide for the same in return.

Not that R’nya was thinking of anything but Rhaedalyn and how comfortable he was in the current moment, one hand sliding free to brush over the curve of the goldrider’s hip. “What is it, my dear?” R’nya prompted, wondering what was going on in the very active mind of Rhaedalyn. While he had a tiny tremor of fear that she was going to send him on his way when she next spoke, R’nya wasn’t about to actively jump to that conclusion. Not yet, at least.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Suddenly, Rhaedalyn wasn’t sure she wanted to ask any questions. What if they weren’t well-received and R’nya went back to his usual ways of being stoic and somewhat mysterious by not giving away anything about himself? In truth, she knew she was actually just afraid of the answers she might receive, assuming they wouldn’t be what she hoped for. Maybe it was best not to know the truth to some things, after all, she was doing just fine living in her fantasy world and believing what she wanted for how things were and would hopefully continue to be.

Then again, the unknown could be a scary thing and despite her optimism and determination to continue as she was, Rhaedalyn knew that it would always slowly eat away at her until she became paranoid or exploded from self-induced stress. She had to ask the questions now while she had R’nya more or less pinned down thanks to the way she was curled up against him and while he was in a seemingly good mood. Although he did have a rough day so perhaps it wasn’t the best time after all?

There she went trying to talk herself out of it again! She had to do it. She had to know. Just ask your questions, child. You’re making me dizzy with all the circles you’re talking yourself into, given the annoyance in her dragon’s voice, Rhaedalyn knew she had better just speak her mind and suffer whatever consequence fell upon her. Not that she really thought there’d be anything major. R’nya put up with a lot of her quirks and likely found her annoying with past questions or activities he was dragged on but there was still a chance this could be the moment that broke everything. You’re doing it again.

Rhaedalyn bit her lip, mostly to keep from sighing as she knew Aradissicath was right and she had to just get it over with. Although, she still had a chance to back away from the entire thing and simply ask R’nya if he wanted a soothing evening tea. He’d never have to know what was on her mind. No! She was going to do this, she had to know so suspicions could be put to rest and she could figure out a few more things in her head, and move on accordingly.

“Why did you pick me for your Weyrwoman? Why not Kally or Ameris?” Her voice held strong in finally asking her question though now that the words were out, Rhaedalyn wanted to curl up and hide. She had her suspicions and even fears about the reason but she had to know from the man himself.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya was patient as he waited for Rhaedalyn to figure out how she wanted to word her question, the bronzerider simply cuddling against her, one hand stoking the curve of her hip with a light touch, his whole demeanour oozing contentment. R’nya was certainly in no rush to get dressed and face the music of the day, nor was he in any rush to have Rhaedalyn spill whatever was on her mind; he was quite content to wait it out – waiting and patience were important when dealing with Rhaedalyn.

When Rhaedalyn finally did speak, her question caused R’nya some surprise and the bronzerider shifted so he was leaning on an elbow, peering over Rhaedalyn’s shoulder and at her face curiously. He had always thought that the reasoning was obvious – after all, it had been pretty obvious to the other Weyrleaders as they’d put in their requests for their own Weyrwomen that Rhaedalyn was off limits. It probably had helped that R’nya had been glaring with pursed lips at each one as they picked from the list of young women he’d shepherded for the past several turns. He hadn’t felt the need to claim Rhaedalyn as his Weyrwoman before anyone else could, because he knew that no one else would dare.

“Why did I choose you?” R’nya echoed, chewing over the question as he peered down at Rhaedalyn. After a moment, R’nya sat up – mostly because he felt he was looming over Rhaedalyn in their current positions – and gently encouraged her to sit with him, the bronzerider crossing his legs. Facing one another, R’nya offered a half smile as he draped the blanket around Rhaedalyn’s shoulders and gently overlapped the edges; he didn’t want her to feel exposed. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, R’nya considered how to phrase his choice.

“Well,” that was a nice, strong beginning. R’nya grinned, though it was mostly at his own idiocy of starting with such a sad word. “As delightful as both Kahleena and Ameris are,” and truly, he found both women to be quite charming and enjoyable to be around. “They aren’t you.” R’nya shrugged slightly, “You are the one I want to work with; you are the one I want to see every day.” He paused to consider what he’d already said, and what more needed to be shared. Taking in a deep breath, R’nya breathed it out slowly. “You’re the one I see beside me, when I envision this Weyr back on its feet.” R’nya’s eyebrows drew together, concerned about how his admission would be received.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn almost protested sitting up. How could she easily hide her reaction and try to shrink into the bed if they were going to face each other? At least she had the blanket wrapped around her so she could try to hide within it if she felt tears or any other strong emotion take over. She was doubly thankful for it once that one little word of ‘well’ came out before a slight hesitation. Rhaedalyn tensed slightly, preparing for the worst. This was where he’d confess she was too stupid to be left alone without his helping hand constantly guiding her and getting her out of trouble.

When R’nya said Kahleena and Ameris were both delightful, Rhaedalyn couldn’t stop herself from thinking what did that make her? Was that R’nya’s very R’nya way of saying she was dumb and useless? Somehow she had managed to look at the bronzerider’s lips – eye contact was too hard in that moment – but her gaze fell when she came to that conclusion. Her biggest fear was that he would confess how inept she was. There had also been worries that R’nya only picked her because Xyreith had won every flight of Aradissicath’s so it made sense to keep them together; just as it made sense to pick the mother of his child and keep his family close by. Both of those options would have been better than hearing she had to be watched over.

Except, that wasn’t what came next. Rhaedalyn looked back up at R’nya and eyed him suspiciously for a moment, still waiting for the catch. It also didn’t help that she was trying to process what he was saying as it went so against what she had started to believe in herself. Did he actually think she was good at her job? Rhaedalyn didn’t think so. She felt like she was floundering every day and couldn’t wait to get home and hide in the bath for a bit. R’nya seemed to think she was competent to the point she would help bring Fort Weyr back into its glory.

But why wasn’t she happy about that? It actually sort of hurt to hear R’nya say she’d be a good Weyrwoman. It seemed she was starting to get comfortable around the bronzerider again and apparently enjoyed their post-flight times together a bit too much. Perhaps they.. no. She really was just a silly girl. Rhaedalyn grabbed the edges of the blanket to wrap the warm cloth tighter around her and forced a smile to appear, which was easier to do when she focused on the fact that he wanted her around for her and not just because of dragons and children. “I’ll do my best not to disappoint you in that vision, Ren.”

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
She’s a bit dense, for such a smart human.

Sitting facing Rhaedalyn, R’nya’s furrowed brows and cautiously hopeful expression had been crushed, with the bronzerider slumping as Rhaedalyn completely missed his point and left him wondering how. Hadn’t he been forthright? Did he really need to spell it out for her? How much clearer could he possibly be? How much clearer did he nee to be? R’nya groaned, his head tipping forward in defeat and he gripped his forehead, thumb and fingers at his temples.

“Oh Rhaedalyn,” R’nya sighed. He knew she’d be freaking out, wondering how she’d let him down with that simple sentence. R’nya knew he’d have to put her out of her misery, but how? How to make the silly, wonderful, beautiful and agonisingly blind woman before him, see what was right in front of her? He had a moment of true wonder, as he questioned himself on how Z’ia had gotten through to her? How had that pathetic, tiny, useless bluerider made Rhaedalyn see him? R’nya pushed his hand up, threading his fingers through his hair and brushing it away from his face before looking up at Rheadlayn.

At least she was still sitting there, though he could tell she was panicking. Reaching forward, R’nya brushed the blanket away so he could find and grasp her hands, threading his fingers through hers and holding tight lest she spook and flee. He was not going to risk her fleeing on him! Lifting both sets of hands, he gently cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. “We really, really need to work on your ability to read between the lines, my love.” Leaning forward, R’nya caught her lips in a kiss, still holding her hands, though he lowered them to be between them, instead of cupping her face.

It was only as he was leaning back after the kiss, studying her face to see what he’d find, that R’nya realised it was entirely possible Rhaedalyn had read between the lines, and was trying to let him down easy. Well, if that were the case he was sure she’d slap him or something, and no doubt think him entirely too dense. In which case he would probably be spending the next several years apologising for insinuating she was dense…

Oh, please.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nya was right to assume Rhaedalyn was freaking out when he said her name and the way he seemed to emulate her own sagging posture that was somewhat hidden beneath the blanket. She had done something wrong again and was trying to figure it out when suddenly the blanket was pulled from her fingers and hands held her own. She really should have kept her mouth shut and not asked any questions! She was currently beyond confused and it didn’t help that she was now told she should have been reading between the lines. What lines and what was she supposed to find there? Why couldn’t people just speak their minds clearly? It was all so frustrating!

And then she was being kissed.

Rhaedalyn blinked owlishly, the element of surprise working wonders on her as if she had just had a bucket of cold water tossed in her face. Oh, she thought a moment later when the dots started to connect and form a picture she could make out. She had nothing against reading but pictures could be so much clearer and easier to interpret than invisible words and hidden lines.

When R’nya pulled away, he was unfortunately greeted to tears sliding down her cheeks as Rhaedalyn warred with being happy and afraid. What if she was now reading too much into things? She didn’t want to think such things about R’nya but she hadn’t wanted to think such negative things about Z’ia once upon a time either. No; R’nya was a better man than Z’ia was or ever would be and Rhaedalyn took a small gamble with her feelings and shook her hands free of R’nya’s grasp so she could throw herself at the bronzerider, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Oh, R’nya, you should just say what you mean. It’s always better that way and lacks room for misunderstanding.” Though tears still streaked her cheeks, Rhaedalyn was smiling before boldly kissing the confusing man she finally acknowledged she happened to like rather a lot.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
Shit, she was crying! R’nya’s eyes widened in horror as he noticed the tears. He didn’t get time to react to their appearance before Rhaedalyn was shaking her hands free of his own, and R’nya flinched visibly when Rhaedalyn threw herself at him. It took him a moment to realise she was hugging him, not hitting him, and R’nya wrapped his arms almost timidly around her though he held her tightly.

“I thought I did!” R’nya exclaimed, indignant, before she was kissing him. In no hurry to end it, R’nya cupped Rhaedalyn’s face gently, brushing his thumbs over her cheeks to wipe away the tears; he could taste their saltiness on her lips. Drawing back slowly, R’nya kissed the tip of her nose before leaning back a little. He brushed his thumbs along her cheekbones, awed by the fact that she was (apparently) on the same page as him. At least for the moment; a moment of clarity informed R’nya that a relationship with Rhaedalyn would always be complicated – they were far too good at misunderstanding one another for anything simple!

Lowering his hands from her face, R’nya ran them down the sides of her neck and over the slope of her shoulders and down her arms. He finished at her hands, holding them gently he lifted them to kiss her knuckles with a light brush of his lips, before lowering them. “Just to be clear,” R’nya murmured, still holding Rhaedalyn’s hands gently though he’d lowered them, his thumbs tracing over the backs of them in a soothing way, “I can call you my mate, and not just my Weyrwoman?”

Faranth save us all.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn was still lightly giggling at how indignant R’nya sounded in his protests that he had been very clear on why he wanted her as his Weyrwoman as he most certainly was not. It sounded like he was hoping for a long business relationship with her with the way he had worded it and she was sticking with that. It’d be a fun story to tell the girls when they were older though.

Mates? Oh! She had started to drift into her fantasy world when R’nya spoke again and drew her back in. Rhaedalyn hadn’t even thought about how they would address each other now. Her simple question had spawned something so much bigger than she imagined but she wasn’t complaining and found she was rather excited for it all. In its own way, she was a part of one of her fairy tales come to life with her dashing knight that was always there for her but she only saw him as a friend until fate intervened and righted all wrongs in the world.

When she was with Z’ia, she had taken their relationship seriously and thought she loved him with all of her heart but she had never believed they were mated. She may have thought it in her head but it was never said aloud as the bluerider didn’t seem too fond of labels and she never wanted to annoy him. But R’nya brought it up easily. It did make sense for such a term to be applied to them. They had known each other for eight years, becoming good friends in that time. He watched out for her, they had a child together, he accepted the girl she took in to foster and raise as her own, and their dragons were already mated. It seemed right to be called R’nya’s mate and to say he was hers. A small voice in the back of her head warned about getting hurt again and how much more it would destroy her world to have the one man she had always been able to count on betray or leave her but she chose to ignore it this time. Life needed a few risks and she didn’t think spending more time with R’nya in any form qualified as a risk.

Rhaedalyn glanced down at their hands and wriggled her fingers a little just to prove they were her own and it wasn’t some weird dream about to turn into a nightmare. Finally, she smiled and glanced back up, “if you want to call me your mate… I wouldn’t mind at all.”

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya was beginning to wonder if he’d overstepped some boundary when Rhaedalyn seemed to be trying to figure out how to word her reply to his question. He’d felt it was a simple one, and really he was only expecting a simple yes or no – preferably an exuberant yes – but he didn’t feel it was something that would require so much thought. He should have known better, after all, it was Rhaedalyn he was talking with. R’nya worried his bottom lip absently, eyebrows drawing together when Rhaedalyn wriggled her fingers where they were still held lightly in his own hands. R’nya didn’t realise he was holding his breath until a few moments later.

“Very much so,” he breathed, delighted with the positive response Rhaedalyn had finally given him. To call her his own was something he had wanted to do for far too long, though R’nya wasn’t about to admit such to her, not then and probably not for a long time to come. She didn’t need to know anytime soon, and R’nya would have worried that letting her know too soon would spook her. Rhaedalyn seemed rather easy to spook when it came to love. Probably that was Z’ia’s fault, though R’nya wasn’t stupid enough to come out and ask.

Instead, R’nya dropped Rhaedalyn’s hands gently into her lap and caught her face with a light touch, bringing their lips together with a delighted grin. This flight had gone better than he would have dreamed, and R’nya was high on good emotions, delighting in all that had transpired. He didn’t want it to end, but indeed they had been holed up for quite a while and R’nya was sure someone would come along to interrupt them before too much more time had passed. It would probably be worth getting ahead of the crowd. Instructing Xyreith to detour anyone that came seeking himself or Rhaedalyn, R’nya broke the kiss and considered his lovely companion with a quizzical smile.

“How does dinner in bed sound?”

What was the fun in being Weyrleaders, if you couldn’t abuse your power once in a while? R’nya’s grin turned slightly naughty.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
As much as she was enjoying her time with R’nya and the new development in their relationship, Rhaedalyn was sure she had forgotten to do some of her end of day tasks due to the flight. She didn’t want to get out of bed and tend to such duties again but it was only the responsible thing to do given her position that was meant to inspire others and be someone to look up to. She didn’t want such a position or responsibility and she felt she was horrible at it but Rhaedalyn still did her best to get through each day without causing too much mayhem or breaking anything.

She was about to say such a thing when R’nya gave her an odd look and asked an even odder question. She stared at R’nya with wide eyes before giving voice to her shock in a whisper, “we can do that?” She knew people ate in bed when they were sick and even had fantasies in the past of a lover bringing her breakfast in bed with flowers. But this seemed more like they were continuing to hide from the world. Then again, the more she thought about it, the more she didn’t mind the idea; for tonight at least. After all, she strived to slide under the radar and not break any rules to cause trouble.

“Well,” she hesitated for only a moment longer before giving in and returning the wicked smile, “I think it’d be a lot fun. Especially if we can have sweets with it!”

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
“My dear,” R’nya smiled, giving a playful and gentle tug to a lock of hair that was near his hands, running his fingers lightly across Rhaedalyn’s shoulder. “Who would scold us?” He raised both eyebrows, though R’nya was well aware of who would scold them; being trained by dragonless riders came with very few benefits as far as the bronzerider was concerned – indeed he found it both heart breaking and horrifying. Not that they were bad people, but the fact that they could live, so many years after their dragon had perished, blew R’nya’s mind. It wasn’t right! The bronzerider fought off a chill at the thought of their mentors before forcing his expression to a warm smile again.

“Sweets it is!” R’nya exclaimed buoyantly, leaning forward to kiss Rhaedalyn on the end of her nose before standing up and looking around for his pants, they were there somewhere… after a few moments, he found them lingering around the corner of the doorway and he picked them up and slid into them effortlessly before sticking his head out of Rhaedalyn’s doorway. As he’d expected, there were a couple of youngsters who looked like they’d been sent there to deliver some message or another but were too timid to enter but also too frightened of whomever had sent them (R’nya could guess, and the answer didn’t include dragons).

R’nya schooled his face into an appropriately mild expression. “It would seem my lady and I are rather exhausted by our dragons’ antics,” he began, swallowing a laugh when one of the young men jumped visibly at his voice. “If you could please send us up some dinner and dessert, we will be retiring for the evening. You can leave your messages in my office. Goodnight.” R’nya managed to withdraw back into the room, closing the door with a snap before either of the young men in the hall could do more than open their mouths and he bit his lip to keep from laughing at the poor children.

Making his way back to the bedroom, R’nya bowed gravely to Rhaedalyn. “It seems all our duties for the evening have been excused,” he said, the smile in his voice even if his expression was mockingly serious. “Dinner will be served once the young messengers outside have managed to collect themselves and fetch it for us.” His smile turned into a cheerful smirk, and a bubble of laughter managed to escape at last. This evening was far too much fun!

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn’s eyes went wide as a hint of fear crept up on her at the mention of being scolded. The ex-bronzerider Jajojin scared her. He was so intense with his stares, gruff way of speaking, the mood swings, and his very presence, that Rhaedalyn didn’t like to be left alone with the man or even in the same room with him with others there as well. She didn’t even want to think about his goldless counterpart. They could both be lovely in their own ways and at certain times when they weren’t having their fits of confusion or craziness, but they intimidated her and made her feel like she wasn’t very good at her job. She already knew she wasn’t; she didn’t need the constant reminders!

Before she could retract her agreement to eat in bed, R’nya had promised her sweets and didn’t look at all concerned. If he wasn’t worried about Jajojin’s reaction, then she shouldn’t be either! Or so she kept telling herself as she fidgeted with the sheet, rubbing the material between thumb and fingers, watching R’nya try to get dressed before darting out the room.

Despite the slight fretting she had started in that time, Rhaedalyn couldn’t help the giggle that came out when R’nya returned, looking ever so triumphant and pleased with his actions. She wondered how hard he had pulled rank with whomever was around. She was about to ask questions about what he said and did and what he asked to have brought up when R’nya laughed. It wasn’t as if the man never did that, but it was rare and it always made her smile when it happened. Rhaedalyn smiled at the bronzerider – her mate! She still couldn’t believe that – and patted the spot on the bed beside her. She knew she should dress before the food was brought up but she honestly couldn’t be bothered and had a suspicion that clothing wouldn’t stay on long while R’nya was around that night.

“I hope you didn’t scare them too badly! Also, Muffin is back,” she pointed to the blue firelizard watching R’nya from atop her dresser, “I’m not sure where Rumour and Whisper are at the moment but you know as soon as there’s food, Muffin will want us to share.” Again she giggled, knowing two out of three of her little friends had enough manners to wait for an invitation before swarming the food but then there was Muffin who often played by his own rules.

“And, will you stay the night?” The question came out quickly as Rhaedalyn tossed the idea out before she had a chance to second guess herself, which was why it came out so suddenly after bringing up a firelizard. She didn’t know what R’nya’s plans were or even what mated would mean for the nights to come, but they were mates now and Rhaedalyn was also enjoying the night and didn’t want it to end. As soon as R’nya left for bed or work, it would be like her fantasy world was over and she’d have to go back to reality where she was responsible and always being watched and judged. She didn’t like living like that but did like laughing with R’nya and curling up against his side as well.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya, in his own way, was just as terrified of the dragonless mentors as Rhaedalyn; he just didn’t have the luxury of showing that fear. He couldn’t imagine his life without his great bronze pain in the arse, and he had certainly been given opportunities enough to imagine such a life, when the Plague struck, and now that they were constantly surrounded by dragonless mentors, it was enough to drive R’nya as insane as they were. It was, unfortunately, a constant battle not to send them from the rooms or blatantly ignore them. They were worth their crazy days, though, with the knowledge they provided to a man who had never done more than be a Wingrider before the Plague.

R’nya just smiled mysteriously at Rhaedalyn’s concern for the young messengers, not wanting to give away his secrets to success if he didn’t have to. Pale eyes followed her fingers when she pointed to the firelizard, and R’nya smiled at the little blue. “I am sure there will be some to share with his little tummy,” R’nya teased, moving over to the bed and pausing beside it, wondering if he should abandon his pants or wait until food arrived, and then abandon his pants. Decisions, decisions!

Forgetting about his pant decisions, R’nya kneeled on the bed and gently cupped Rhaedalyn’s chin, tilting it up to look at him. The breathy manner she’d asked the question in told him how it had been running around her mind for – probably – several minutes. Possibly since he’d gone to order their dinner, possibly since even before then. “My lady,” R’nya leaned forward and kissed her gently, pulling away just enough that there was only a whisper of air between their lips. “Only your dragon could banish me.” He’d leave if Rhaedalyn asked, but he’d flee if Aradissicath wanted him gone. That dragon wouldn’t put up with anyone staying if Rhaedalyn weren’t invested, and R’nya knew he’d know it as soon as she knew her rider was uncomfortable.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Oh, she was doomed.

She was absolutely, utterly, and without a doubt, smitten with R’nya. She had denied it, avoided it even, but she realized she truly had feelings for R’nya long before they even had Alyren. He was the sweetest man she had ever known and had always looked after her, and actually listened to her. He never had to go flower picking with her or put up with the silly flower crowns she made and had him wear but he did and he never said a snide word about it or called her stupid or a silly girl. Even now he still called her a lady, his lady at that! It was so romantic and just like something out of her stories she loved so much. Even the way he spoke reminded her of the princes saving and falling in love with the princess. As if Aradissicath would ever banish him! She liked the bronze pair just as much as she did and Rhaedalyn was beyond pleased with that.

But, memories of Z’ia continued to persist and try to ruin her happiness. She had been smitten with the bluerider as well, even saying she loved him and while it was never said, she felt like they were mated. Then he threw it all away and stomped on her heart on the way out the door. What if R’nya did that to her as well? What if she wasn’t able to be loved and she was simply setting herself up to be used and tossed aside again? She truly hated thinking such things of R’nya but once burned, it was scary to get too close to the flame again.

A tear escaped and Rhaedalyn quickly dashed it away but with how close they were, she knew R’nya saw it. The man never seemed to miss anything. She still wondered how he did that. “Oh, Ren…” her voice was barely above a whisper and it quivered with the fear she was trying her hardest to banish. She placed a hand lightly on a cheek and a small smile made itself known, “I would never let her banish you.” She wanted to voice her fears but they wouldn’t come out. What if he wanted to leave? What if she wasn’t good enough? What if she wasn’t enough?

That all might be true and one day she might wake to find he was gone and never coming back to their bed, and Rhaedalyn knew it would destroy her. What she had felt for Z’ia didn’t hold a candle towards what was there for R’nya and the bluerider had left her moping for months and wanting to stay in bed forever. But she also knew that worrying too much would ruin the good that would be there until the horrible ending. She had to forget about what might be and enjoy what was. They had a family together, which was something she had always dreamed about having one day with a man she loved. She was also someone reasonably important. She never really wanted a position of power but she wasn’t the young lady that no one wanted anymore. The young lady that was sent away to improve her tailoring skills in hopes of bettering herself enough that someone would take her as an acceptable enough wife.

As more tears started to fall, this time in joy, both hands now cupped R’nya’s face and she smiled. “You are so much more than I could ever have hoped for, R’nya, rider of bronze Xyreith, mate of Rhaedalyn, rider of gold Aradissicath.” She didn’t know why she went so formal but she liked it. She did, however, purposely leave out their official ranks as in the end, they didn’t matter to her and she didn’t want them to be a focal point or the reason why she loved R’nya.

“Or, more simply,” she voice lowered again to a soft whisper as she pressed her lips lightly against his in a quick kiss, “my Ren.”

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya had had his eye on Rhaedalyn for Turns, though no one but Xyreith would ever know that. Not because he was embarrassed by the fact, but simply because R’nya didn’t feel it was proper (especially since it reminded him far too much of actions of the past, and look how that had turned out in the end!) So R’nya had inserted himself with the newly Impressed Kahleena, and had been beyond delighted when she dragged Rhaedalyn along for the ride. His group of ‘Golden Girls’ had only grown since then, but R’nya knew he’d favoured Rhaedalyn since the beginning. She was a beautiful, engaging young woman and he’d been charmed by her since the first moment together.

He had been thrilled when Rhaedalyn had Impressed to Aradissicath, and he’d annoyed Xyreith constantly with his intent for the bronze to befriend the little gold. Xyreith had ignored him, as he was want to do, but the end result had ended up with the two dragons getting along swimmingly, long before Aradissicath ever took to the skies. No, they were not the problem. The problem had been the bluerider that – for some reason R’nya would never understand – Rhaedalyn was swept away by. R’nya didn’t know what she saw in him. He was short. He was blue. He was everything blueriders were reputed to be – social, outgoing, fun-loving and pretty much everything R’nya didn’t stand out as. He was crushed, but he was also pretty sure he did a good job of hiding it from everyone but Kahleena. Faranth knew how she could see through him.

In the end, though, Z’ia had destroyed everything and though R’nya’s heart ached for Rhaedalyn’s pain, he was hardly displeased by the outcome, especially since Xyreith had won Aradissicath’s two flights and she had come to him, heartbroken and pregnant. Z’ia was clearly a Faranth banished idiot! At any rate, it only took a glance to see that Alyren was R’nya’s daughter, something that wouldn’t have mattered, really, but made the bronzerider impossibly happy. His daughter. With Rhaedalyn! When she’d brought home Varlea, R’nya had been charmed once more, but Rhaedalyn’s warm heart and open arms. It had been strange, getting used to two little girls running around and destroying their weyr, but R’nya wouldn’t change it for the world.

R’nya shifted his hand from gently cupping Rhaedalyn’s chin and wiped away the tear with a soft touch, not making a comment on it, his mind still far too filled with all the events that had led to that moment. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was, and the smile that tilted his lips up slightly at the corners was warm with emotion. “I’m glad,” he murmured, thumb tracing the edge of Rhaedalyn’s jaw in soft, slow motions. His lazy smile lingered as more tears topped from Rhaedalyn’s pretty eyes; he wasn’t worried, for he could see the joy in her eyes, and he’d been around the young woman long enough to know she was an emotional one! R’nya shifted, kissing her lightly on the tip of her nose after her little – and very formal! He liked it! – statement.

“Mighty Weyrleaders of Fort,” R’nya added dryly, as Rhaedalyn leaned back from kissing him, the same time there was a firm knock on the door leading into her Weyr. He had a niggling fear it was probably Jajojin coming to give him orders about how Weyrleaders should act after a Flight. Or some other such ash that R’nya wasn’t interested in at all. When the knock sounded again, R’nya raised his eyebrows at Rhaedalyn, and kissed her lightly. “Let me take care of that,” he said with gentle firmness, knowing Rhaedalyn would likely flee if she realised the Mentors were going to come crashing in. That wouldn’t do at all!

Pants still on (though to be fair, R’nya wouldn’t have been above answering the door stark naked.) R’nya made his way to the door as another round of knocking belied the visitor’s impatience. R’nya opened the door enough to speak politely, but bodily blocked entrance from the ex-rider who was, indeed, standing on the other side. He wouldn’t be surprised if Rhaedalyn’s Mentor was nearby. It didn’t take long to banish the man, though. R’nya pulled rank, and when that didn’t work, threatened to have Xyreith bespeak the man. Cruel, but effective. Jajojin didn’t need to know that Xyreith didn’t bespeak anyone. Dinner arrived while R’nya was still at the door, and it was quickly taken from the worried looking drudge.

Arms loaded with the platters full of food, R’nya returned to Rhaedalyn. He set everything on her dresser for a moment, so he could steal a sheet off the bed. Spreading it out on the floor, R’nya relocated all the food to the floor for a picnic. Once it was all set up, R’nya selected one of Rhaedalyn’s bathrobes from nearby, and held his hand out to Rhaedalyn, a warm smile on his lips.

“Would my dearest Rhaedalyn care to join me?”

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn drew the sheets up a bit tighter around her and debated hiding when she heard the low tones of Jajojin’s voice. She couldn’t hear what either man was saying and was panicking about being seen in such a state of undress and she didn’t even want to think about what her mess of curls looked like after sex! She tensed when she heard footsteps and gauged the distance to the bathing area and if she could hide behind the curtain in time but relaxed when she realized it was only one set of steps and didn’t think R’nya would allow anyone in that wasn’t him, especially without advanced warning.

She smiled when she saw her mate – her mate! – return with the tray of food and started to smooth out the bedding so he could place the tray down but frowned when it went to the dresser instead. She stopped what she was doing, too curious to offer help or ask what he was up to as she simply watched the man work. It was quite the show as well! It was interesting to watch the way back muscles moved and she bit her lip when R’nya bent over to straighten the sheet and gave her a nice view of his nice behind in tight pants.

Her smile returned, brighter than moments before, when the picnic became obvious. She quite honestly always believed R’nya had put up with their silly girly ideas and humoured them with the flower-picking and picnics he always said he was happy to escort them on. Now, she had to wonder. Maybe he really did enjoy eating on the ground and spreading out in a relaxed manner. She knew he had two sides to him; the Weyrleader side that was there even before getting the title as he always wanted to be seen as stoic and professional. But there was also the relaxed side that was fun-loving and a bit silly. It was rather interesting to watch him flip from one to the other so quickly and naturally that Rhaedalyn sometimes wondered if she imagined one of the moods.

“She would,” Rhaedalyn accepted the proffered hand and slipped lightly to her feet, unusually bold with the way she didn’t try to stay hidden behind the sheets as she stood up naked. The fact that they had shared so much physically and emotionally that evening helped with her confidence but R’nya also held out a robe that she gratefully slipped into with his help. While she didn’t mind R’nya seeing her body, she still wasn’t about to strut about the weyr without so much as a slip on!

As she was about to give him a kiss in thanks for the robe, Rhaedalyn suddenly noticed the height difference between them. R’nya was only about a head taller than her but it wasn’t as evident sitting or lying in bed together. With a little giggle, Rhaedalyn got up on her tip toes to give R’nya his kiss for being so considerate and then quickly spun on her heels to bounce over to the picnic. Now she knew why she had always thought taller men were attractive! It was kind of fun to reach up for a kiss and past experiences of his friendly and supportive hugs let her know how nicely she fit against him.

“Oh!” Rhaedalyn paused before sitting, realizing they only brought up food but she had the perfect drink for them. She held up a finger to indicate she’d be right back and he better not move, and off to the main room she went. A visiting Lord and Lady had gifted her with a bottle of wine not too long ago and she hadn’t decided what to do with it but figured now was a good time. Two goblets were also grabbed as she nearly ran back to the bedroom and presented her offerings to the picnic.

“I think having an evening off is worth celebrating properly,” Rhaedalyn stated simply as she sat down, arranging her robe and eyeing the spread of dinner and desserts the workers were kind enough to prepare for them. She’d have to personally thank them all in the morning.

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of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya smiled as Rhaedalyn took his hand, eyes warm and appreciative as she stood before him, before slipping elegantly into the robe he held for her. How had he ever gotten so lucky – twice! R’nya turned, still smiling, and watched with a bemused expression as Rhaedalyn suddenly darted out of the room. He would not have imagined he would find someone as wonderful and beautiful as Rhaedalyn was, after he had lost his last mate to the Plague. He’d just kind of assumed that was a onetime thing; people just didn’t get that lucky twice, so watching Rhaedalyn prance back into the room with a bottle of wine, two goblets, and a bright expression had the bronzerider laughing softly, delighted. “I believe you are right,” he smiled, waltzing over to sit on the sheet that had been placed upon the floor.

Instead of sitting across from Rhaedalyn, R’nya sat close beside her, letting their thighs touch as he wrapped one arm lightly around her waist and leaned over to nuzzle at her neck, just below her ear. Placing a light, warm kiss there, R’nya turned his attention to the bottle of wine and the two goblets, carefully breaking the seal and pouring the liquid for them. He was not much of a drinker – R’nya much preferred being without the blurry incoherence that alcohol was prone to creating – but he enjoyed a casual drink upon occasion. Lifting the two goblets, he passed one to Rhaedalyn and then touched his lightly to hers. He was not sure what to toast, so instead he leaned forward and kissed Rhaedalyn, leaning back slowly with a lingering, small smile.

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