World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [P] [EVENT] 735.03.10 | Bright Lights
4 PM | Touching - Group Three


3 & 113 IC

Written By: ZZZ Adoptable NPCs
L’tai danced on the spot with almost as much enthusiasm as Tiatiath was, the pair having made all prior arrangements in order for the always anticipated Touching to be held that day! With so many candidates having been flown in, the class had had to be split into three groups of twenty-ish each, which L’tai was pleased with: the clutch of twenty nine meant there should be very little squabbling over who got to touch what egg, as there would always be at some nine unoccupied at any given time. This was the final group, and L’tai was still having the time of his life! It helped that there hadn't been any incidents!

Clapping his hands, half in excitement and half in order to obtain the attention of the youngsters preparing to march onto the sands, L’tai grinned at them all. There was a healthy dose of Weyrbred in amongst them, but a huge chunk had come from Northern regions and their faces were a beautiful array of delight through to sheer terror. He could hear Tiatiath giggling in the back of his mind as everyone went silent.

“Hopefully, you all paid attention yesterday when everything was explained to you, however, for the sake of clarity, I’m going to re-explain it to you! First and foremost – BE POLITE.” Those two words were ground out, and a finger was wagged in the face of the group. “To each other, to me, to the dragons and most especially to the eggs! You do not want to cause any harm to any of them and anyone caught fooling around will be permanently removed from Candidacy. Forever. Bye bye hypothetical dragon.” L’tai followed that up with meeting as many eyes as he could, glaring uncharacteristically at them all to enforce the severity of any misbehaviour.

“You can spend time with as few or as many of the eggies as you like, so long as you take the time to Touch at least one of them! It’s important for you to be familiar with them, before they crack and grow legs and teeth!” Tiatiath followed that up by tilting her head (eyes coloured playfully) and snapping her jaws together with loud clacks and the soft rumble of laughter. L’tai patted her nose when she lowered it, grinning at the dragon, then at the gathered class.

Removing his hand from his dragon’s nose, L’tai threw his arms wide and beamed at the group. “Now! Go forth my young future riders, and Touch to your heart’s content!” He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively as he spoke, and was quite pleased when it elected some few soft chuckles.

We are going to shake things up a little compared to the last few Touchings. As you know, each of our dragonets come with a Key Word. This time around, we’ve made their keyword more obvious.

What we are doing this time, is that each of you can interoperate that keyword however you wish for your character’s Touching. So, let us say your chosen egg has the keyword ‘Rainbow’. You might wish to make it a happy-sparkle dragonet for your character, or perhaps your character receives a whole kaleidoscope of emotions. It is entirely up to you how the character and dragonet within the egg interact, so long as it in some manner relates to the Key Word.

Why we are trying this way, is that the Touching is supposed to be vastly different for each character; this manner means you won’t have to wait on an Admin to post a response, but also you can push the responses in a direction you feel might be most interesting for your character.

Have fun!

PA - First Post!


32 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
The enthusiasm of the Weyrlingmaster exuded made Firah recoil a little. Part of him wondered what gave the man the right to be so happy. Rubbing the side of his face the Beastcrafter watched the Northerners around him uninterested. Fresh caught from the country regions of the North. While caught probably wasn't the correct word for the Searching process, its the best he could come up with. They had probably lured them in with promises of rank that they could never obtain otherwise. Probably awed them with their dragons too, as nothing like them has been seen for many turns. It was unlikely any of the new faces had any sort of education making it plausible that they were, in all honesty, quite gullible to a swift talking Dragonrider. Narrowing his gaze at a younger candidate who had been staring at his scar Firah locked eyes with the boy until he edged away. Between L'tai and the people crowded around him it was a feat in itself that he still remained. He sighed, adjusting his posture as the Weyrlingmaster began chattering to their group. Why the Beastcrafter was here in the first place was a story indeed.

Only a week ago he'd been in the North which was something he'd been wanting since the day he'd been Stolen. Nabol had been the very first place that he'd gone but upon finding out that not only was his wife was no longer there but it would be near impossible for him to regain his old job at the Hold, he traveled back to his familial homestead. It was there that he found out what had become of his wife and child. Sarin had remarried, to his brother no less, and his boy was being raised by the couple. His arrival had set his home abuzz like a swarm of startled wherries. While at home he almost blatantly ignored his now ex-wife and Faridan whenever it wouldn't be socially unacceptable to do so. It didn't take long for Firah to become agitated with the life he'd lead before. It lasted four days. Four days until he borrowed a runner, sought out the dragons he'd become so familiar with and requested he be returned to the South. His trip had opened his eyes to the fact that, despite having been forced to live there, the Weyr had become his life. Sarin was lost to him, Farayn didn't remember him, and the opulent lifestyle in which his family lived no longer held any interest to him. Without ties to keep him in the North he had little motivation to strike out on his own when he could return to the job he had been given.

So he was here again, standing on the hot sands waiting among a gaggle of people until they were released to wander among the eggs. Becoming a Dragonrider still wasn't his first choice of things but it wouldn't be long now until he aged out. If he didn't Impress it wouldn't be the end of his world but he wasn't going to continue on refusing to stand because of principle. Firah frowned at Tiatiath as she snapped her jaws together then at L'tai as his continued enthusiasm drew out a round of chuckles from his peers. Ranging out after the first wave of confident candidates the Beastcrafter quietly moved among the eggs, choosing the first one without much ado. Ignoring the gasps of the young men who had touched an egg in haste, he crouched to lay a hand on the cream colored shell, inspecting the black speckles that dotted the lighter background.

The dragonette within rose to meet him, invading his mind with a firm gentleness that brooked little argument over the matter. Tendrils of curiosity roamed through his thoughts bringing up memories of his childhood. It took a mild interest in his attempts to be humble in front of his superiors at the Hall, but withdrew with amusement as it was obvious it had been a difficult task. And, as quickly as the unborn dragon had made an appearence, it sank back into it's shell leaving him with wet eyes. No matter how many times he'd participated in a Touching it never ceased to amaze him how the young, egg bound creatures could draw out things he'd not thought about for turns. Standing, Firah moved to the next egg hoping it would be a little less of a trip on memory lane.

Iridescent Egg

PA - First Post!

of Green

Date of Birth
Dark brown


Written By: ZZZ Adoptable NPCs
Sezmidae squirmed excitedly as the Weyrlingmaster spoke out the rules of engagement, his eyes darting from the enthusiastic greenrider to the waiting clutch and back again. While the gold dragon had been given a cursory glance, Sezmidae really was not very interested in here – for several reasons. First, and most notably of course, was the fact that she was already bonded to someone else. Following swiftly on the heels of that was the fact that she was a gold and they were neither a boy’s dragon, nor were there any gold eggs on the sands (which also meant there was a huge lack of girls in their class, something Sezmidae found intriguing. He had seen a couple of girls walking around with knots on their shoulders, but not nearly as many as the boys!)

A light bounce on the spot was given when L’tai indicated they could go about the Touching, and Sezmidae ducked under the outstretched arms of his teacher to skitter across the hot sands with the other excited youth – easily manouvering around those less enthusiastic about the opportunity presented to them to change their entire life! Sezmidae gave a breathy little squeal that was mostly swallowed behind pursed lips, and regally ignored the rolled eyes he got from a boy enar by. Screw him! This was amazing and Sezmidae had every intention to Impress a dragon, and prove his family wrong and the memory of his mother right. He was amazing, and he was going to do amazing things with his life! And a dragon was so included in that package!

Sezmidae wished his mother were alive to witness the class; he couldn’t stand the heat at Katila (as demonstrated by the wet bandana tied around his head and pushing his curls back off his face) but she would have loved the dragons! He was sure she would have requested to move to the Weyr with him and to between with the rest of their family and their obnoxious opinions about, well, everything!

Wringing his hands together, Sezmidae paused to survey the clutch for a few moments, looking for the egg that would be his first for this Touching – his first ever! – and brown eyes danced with enthusiasm as they finally settled on a small, cream egg that was, over all, fairly unimpressive. It was perfect! Grinning widely, Sezmidae wove through his fellows to approach the egg, glancing around to make sure no one else was after it; he crouched down before the egg and just stared at it for a moment. Well, this was it! Still grinning, he reached out a hand like they had been instructed in the previous class, and laid it flat and gentle across the shell.

Brown eyes widened dramatically, and then closed blissfully as the dragonet within seemed to meet him halfway, with a flurry of enthusiasm that was possibly more enthusiastic than that which Sezmidae was displaying. The boy quivered delightedly as the dragonet played and frolicked through the sweet memories he had of his mother, bringing up every small promise his mother had ever made, and then finding the memory where it had been followed through on; and finally it settled on Sezmidae’s promise to be something, to be someone his mother could be proud of, and the dragonet paused and examined the memory. Sezmidae’s eyes opened slowly, and a frown was etched between his eyes.

The dragonet hadn’t said anything, or even really hinted at any such thing, but Sezmidae was overwhelmed with the impression of a question that had him squishing his lips together and considering the egg thoughtfully. Wouldn’t his mother already be proud of him? Hadn’t she been, before her death? Sezmidae suddenly grinned, and gave the egg a little pat and stood up fluidly, still grinning from ear to ear as he stared down at the egg. “You’re totally right, little eggie. She is!” Still beaming happily, Sezmidae stepped by the egg, tossing it a last look over his shoulder, before surveying what else was available.

Promise egg
Sezmidae's profile is still a WIP

PA - First Post!

of Blue Edath

Date of Birth
21.11.721, 23
Dark, longer


Written By: SunsetWay
Ristandal knew the drill since this wasn’t his first Touching. In a way, he wished it was. He had turned fourteen days ago and had started Standing since he turned twelve. Failing wouldn’t have been so bad in general since he had others that were way more pathetic than him – like the twins; now that was sad! – but his father was a bronzerider and there was a lot of pressure on him to Impress like his dear pops. Not that his dad was actually the one doing the pressuring. Even his mom was okay with whatever happened and Ristandal secretly suspected that she hoped he didn’t Impress at all since it could be dangerous. But there were standards and the populace would think that the kid of a bronzerider should also Impress bronze. But Telrynd Impressed bronze and apparently his dad was a bluerider! So everyone really needed to back up and leave him alone about it.

With a sigh, Ristandal watched his classmates eagerly charge – politely – toward the eggs and followed them, only to trip on his shoelace that came undone. He sprawled onto hands and knees, wide eyes looking around at everyone to see if anyone noticed and then grinned, chuckled, and got up. The lace was tied and he was on his way, the event already forgotten since in his mind, it wasn’t a big deal. That sort of thing happened, though usually not during such important moments. At least it hadn’t been on an egg! He still felt bad for the guy that kicked one of Aradissicath’s eggs during the Hatching. That was a scary dragon!

With a bit more caution, Ristandal stepped up to an egg that had a faint olive colouring to it. If eggs were an indication of what was inside, he was likely screwed if this one liked him since it would clearly house a green dragon. No doubt it’d be like Larrikith as well given the colour sort of reminded him of the mossy green girl. Still, it called to him and Ristandal had his own theories about Touchings and egg identification.

The warmth of the egg spread through him as soon as his palm touched the smooth shell. He smiled, always enjoying the comforting sensation it brought as the dragonet within reached out for him. Once he had a dragonet that didn’t want him anywhere near it and it had felt like a jolt of lightning struck him and sent him staggering away but this time, there was done of that. The dragonet probed his most recent thoughts and a sensation of a frown was felt as it lingered on the feelings of failure and even being different. While the dragonet didn’t have a physical form just yet to do so, it still felt like arms wrapped around him in a loving embrace, encouraging him to keep being who he is and not to worry about anything anyone else says.

Ristandal nodded as he removed his hand with a bit of reluctance. Why worry about things no one could control? He’d Impress when he Impressed and to whichever colour that was meant for him. As he moved on to the next egg, Ristandal knew that hadn’t cured his fears and ponderings for the future but it was nice to know that perhaps he wasn’t wrong in thinking he was pretty amazing as he was. People teased him about his quirkiness as well and that never got to him but it still felt different since he didn’t know what his father thought about the other colours and what he wanted his children to do.

ooc: Magnificent Egg was Touched.
He will have some sort of a profile soon; I wanted to get some of these Candidates up and running.
He is the son of bronzerider M'ris.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Kadaisicalth

Date of Birth
19.11.721, 23
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ranedaren was roughly the same age as most of the ‘brats that were Standing this round and it always amused him when they were all in one place. It was clear they were all sons of dragonriders and who their fathers were with how similar most looked but their ages was what fascinated him even more. Clearly all that time in exile either alone or with other men had left a lot to be desired and reconnecting with women was at the top of everyone’s lists. He was among the oldest of the weyrbrats that were officially born, and conceived, in Katila with the likes of those like Indivara being born in exile and others like Kerrin and the twins being toddlers when the plague struck. It was an odd sort of honour despite sharing it with so many.

Also like the others, he had yet to Impress even though he jumped at the chance to start Standing once he turned twelve. It was a bit disappointing but Ranedaren knew he was young still and while it stung a bit to see all those that were Stolen Impress when they didn’t want to, he had accepted it. It was easier to accept things as they came then to balk and fight, especially since in the end, the Northerners were needed for all the dragonets they lacked Candidates for.

Once permission was given, Ranedaren meandered across the sand towards toward a pale egg that seemed to be overlooked by everyone else. It wasn’t exactly small but perhaps it wasn’t flashy enough or they didn’t like that it seemed a bit fat. Ranedaren chuckled as he thought about a fat little dragon like a baby Larrikith hidden within. He gently touched the shell that was a bit rough under hand and laughed a bit louder as a wave of energy hit. The little dragonet was full of get-up-and-go. It wanted to see everything and go everywhere and why was everyone standing around doing nothing? The impression of the dragonet running in circles left Ranedaren dizzy and bordering on queasy before he took his hand away and promptly sat his butt down on the hot sand.

He wasn’t expecting that and blinked startled eyes at the fat egg. Given his laidback nature, would he get along with such a dragon? Perhaps that was what he needed or perhaps they weren’t meant for each other at all given he ended up dizzy from mere seconds alone with the dragonet. He’d find out soon enough with the Hatching quickly approaching.

Getting back to his feet, Ranedaren dusted himself off, thanked the egg for its time, and looked around for the next one to visit with.

ooc: Energetic Egg was Touched.
He will have some sort of a profile soon; I wanted to get some of these Candidates up and running.
He is the son of bluerider R'jit.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Equinnyth

Date of Birth
14.12.721, 23
Clear light green
Almost black, tussled


Written By: ZZZ Adoptable NPCs
Siandrian was crouched down with an elbow resting on his knee and head in his hand as he waited for their far too enthusiastic weyrlingmaster to go over everything again. At least he could say L’tai was better than G’rem – most of the time. Sometimes the energy was a bit too much and Siandrian wondered how the greenrider’s attention managed to stay focused as long as it did. Still, it was better than the straight forward lessons and the punishments G’rem was known for when he didn’t like something.

He gave a little mock two-finger salute when the rules were over and stood up with a languid strength. A grin slowly spread over lips as he eyed the clutch. Would his dragon be in this lot? He highly doubted it. The size was impressive but the bronze was a bit of an idiot and the gold was a bit too prim and proper for a dragon worthy of himself to come from. Then again, he came from a mother that was proper and his father was an egotistical bluerider that had nothing to do with him and he was pretty amazing. It was why he hadn’t discredited the clutch like he had one of Krypth’s that was ridiculously tiny. It so hadn’t been worth the effort to get out of bed for that one.

But he was back again and Siandrian wandered around the clutch before finally shrugging and going toward a solid green and pointed egg. He definitely wasn’t destined for a green but he had seen a bronze hatch from a tiny greenish egg before so looks were definitely deceiving in the case of eggs. His touch was confident and firm and an eyebrow slowly arched up when he felt the prodding of the dragonet within.

It was slow in coming, as if the dragonet was hesitant to seek him out but it was there and it was judging him. Siandrian didn’t appreciate the unhatched creature looking down its nose at him but that was definitely what was happening as a wash of disapproval struck him as the dragonet poked about within his personal views. In its opinion, the young man was more conceited than he was intelligent and wanted nothing more to do with him. A blinding flash of light seared Siandrian’s eyes and he stumbled away rubbing both heels of his hands over his eyes. It hadn’t actually blinded him with light but it felt that way and the egg earned itself a steady glare.

He was definitely wasting his time with the clutch if that one was the example of what else was to come.

ooc: Brilliant Egg was Touched.
He will have some sort of a profile soon; I wanted to get some of these Candidates up and running.
He is the son of bluerider D'hys.

PA - First Post!


12 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Jesazek stared at the effervescent Weyrlingmaster, completely unimpressed by the man assigned to oversee the touching. It made sense that a Brown or Bronzerider would have better things to do than monitor a touching, but he'd still expected more professional behavior. L'tai's attempts at humor got the yougman's eyes rolling toward the ceiling as he folded his arms across his chest. It was little wondered dragonmen had returned North, they must have really been scraping the bottom of the barrel for candidates it this was the sort who got the task of teaching them. The Green dragon's snapping jaws startled Jes for a moment as he darted a look toward the eggs. Some of the weyrbred had already been eagerly sharing stories about maulings as well as pointing out past victims. He'd scoffed at it all at the time, but in truth the thought of having something slash him open and leave him to bleed out on the sand made his skin crawl. When the eggs did crack he planned on keeping a wary eye on the blood thirsty creatures that would emerge. Right know they were almost less impressive than L'tai. A bunch of roundish objects that when he squinted could have easily been mistaken for a bunch of boulders that just happened to be grouped together. He wasn't sure what he'd expected dragon eggs to look like, but he'd hoped for something a little more remarkable.  Still this was a sight not many from the North had seen in quite a long time. 

Jes focused his impatience away from rambling L'tai and upon his fellow candidates. He'd learned that the majority were much like him, young men from the lower ranks and a few who'd been stolen and failed to impress yet. Why they still thought they had a chance was beyond him. The hatchlings weren't likely to be interested in leftovers when they had a whole group of far more promising young men, such as himself, to choose from. A few dragonriders with a proper upbringing was just what this place needed.

After what felt like far longer than necessary, L'tai finally gestured for them get on with the real reason they were there. Jesazek's sauntering gait hid his internal excitement as he surveyed the clutch. The smaller eggs were ignored, he knew he was destine for something far above some flighty Green or Blue. Bypassing those already being touched he focused on a large if lopsided egg. Size was pretty much it's only attraction for hims, the pale grey color marred with darker patches was hardly eye catching on its own. Maintaining a disinterested ease he laid a hand against the shell.

The shell was warm, almost hot beneath his palm, but he barely noticed. Whatever was inside the egg was not to happy at being disturbed and let it's annoyance wash unchecked over the young man. If this boy was going to be poking and prodding he was going to get it right back. How did he enjoy having someone poking about in his business hmmm. Jesazek struggled to keep up with the sensation of having himself examined from the inside as the dragonet seemed to plow through his mind bringing up thoughts and memories at random and with little regard for what they may have meant to their owner. It wasn't pleasant and he struggled for a moment before he was able to wretch himself away for the egg. He glared at the oddly shaped orb, scrubbing his hand against his trouser leg as if to brush away the feeling of having been told off. He should have known something that oddly shaped wasn't worth bothering with. He snorted before stalking off to find a properly shaped egg to touch.

OOC: The Resplendent egg was touched.

PA - First Post!


6 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Oslanis rocked back on his heels still struggling to fully grasp the fact that he was a candidate for a fucking dragon! This sort of thing didn't happen to men like him, outside of a harper's tale. Just a few months aga dragons didn't even exist and now here he was getting a few last minute instructions before he was allowed to actual touch dragon eggs. It didn't make one bit of sense, but he wasn't about to say no to a chance like this. Even if he failed to impress life as a candidate beat travel from one hold to the next to find work.

He chuckled after Tiatiath's toothy display, only mildly worried about getting snapped up by a hatchling. Surely there wouldn't be this many eager faces if hatchlings were very dangerous. If he could dodge angry husbands, and wives, he could surely manage to evade a freshly hatched dragon. Oslanis joined the surge of candidates toward the clutch, not really heading for any particular egg, but just letting himself be swept along until his feet came to a stop.

The egg was a bright, summer sky blue, maybe even a few shades brighter upon closer study. Oslanis dropped into a crouch as he examined it, marveling in how brilliant the color was, he hadn't anticipated such vibrancy in an egg.  Mimicking the actions of the candidates around him he placed his hand gently against it, wary of marring the surface with a work hardened and stained hand. It took a few moments and he was just about to move on when it felt like something almost physically fell against him except it actually just happened in his mind, which was an incredible odd sensation. "Whoa there take it easy." He murmured with a gentle chuckle. He sensed an apologetic embarrassment as dragonet seemed to regain its balance after its initial stumble. Maybe some other candidate's mind would have been less treacherous, but Oslanis had a few years under his belt and had already seen an done a good deal. He could feel the creature bumping into various memories and even dragging up a few he'd forgotten about. He tried to help the dragonet along, but he wasn't sure how much help he really was. 

Almost as quickly as it had stumbled into him the dragonet seemed to fall away, perhaps worn out by its adventures. With a last gentle pat Oslanis stood back up and moved off to see what another egg might have in store for him.

OOC: The Gleaming egg was touched.

PA - First Post!

Reading: 4 Guest(s)

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