World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] 734.01.01 | Of Drunks and Dragonets [Hatching!]

of Gold Thallyath

Date of Birth
16.11.720 AL, 24
Slim, petite
Blonde, shoulder length


Written By: ThistleProse
Upon receiving instruction from Terken, Casa put her effort into carefully getting the tiny slivers in the top layer out. There wasn't much left at this point, and it took her sharp eyes to find pieces. The canine seemed pretty agreeable, even though she was a little excited about everything around her. When her owner finally went to Stand, she not and padded towards Ravana and B'run, gently leading the canine away by the collar. She seemed a little upset at first, but her tail was wagging she Dae finally curtsied to the riders and introduced herself before sitting down and returning to the minute details of getting the glass out with the combs.

However, once this was completed, it seemed the clutches were ready to give more of a show. She held a firm grip on the pretty dog's collar so she would not go running off after the dragonets, her eyes wide. There were shells cracking EVERYWHERE! It seemed both clutches had decided now was the time. Blues and bronzes were the first she noticed in the chaos; she cringed when she watched Flora fall, looking around quickly to see if there was someone to treat her. It wasn't her job to go running out there - nor could she in her current condition, what with the bruising and the stitches. But she felt for the girl, looking around to see who would be able to help.

Her attention was soon on the next explosion of shards as well - gold, green, and blues? This clutch was moving along rapidly! Everything seemed to be deciding, and then they all split off at once. This gold, she noticed, seemed to be a little bit more confident. The two would make for an interesting time in the Weyr, she was sure! Her eyes danced back and forth between all of the many, many dragonets currently Bonding and waiting to see what would happen with bated breath.

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of Gold Mizeath

Date of Birth
15.08.708 ,
Dark Brown


Written By: Jenn
It seemed that once the eggs began to actually hatch it was as if a landslide was occurring. First the sweet gold from Okalinath's clutch made her fearful mad dash to Peorray followed closely by three greens and suddenly they were all cracking and splitting shells. Ameris couldn't contain the quiet chuckle that came upon the clumsy blue's hatching but she did have the presence of mind to cover it with a hand. Her eyes twinkling she watched as two more hatchlings burst their shells and made their impressions with a rapidness that had her reeling.

When the the comical blue finally made his impression Ameris cheered for the boy he'd chosen and watched, breath catching in her throat, as a very unamused bronze darted towards him and his impressed. The bronze plowed by the gold egg from Krypth clutch to bulldoze his way through her and Flora. With a gasp and a near stumble, Ameris righted herself to watch just in time as the bronze ran roughshod over Flora.

Turning to the girl she knelt to inspect the damages. "I think you're going to need a healer, sweetheart," she spoke calmly and decisively to the young girl. Such was her concern and focus on the injured Flora she completely missed the explosive hatching of three blues, the last gold and a green. She missed the patient wait of the little gold and the sudden and rather funny dash of the sea of blues and the lone green. Nor did she see as the slender gold made her way in a rather unhurried manner towards her and Flora. They have people who can help her, dear a sweet musical voice was heard, Perhaps while we fill my tummy we can find someone for her

Her eyes wide, the woman turned her head to look behind her as she stood. The lean golden dragonet was waiting patiently for her it seemed. "So they do, Mizeath" was the only thing she could think of as she gazed at the dragon that had decided that Ameris was good enough for her. Of course you are Mizeath sniffed and began to twine her lithe little body around Ameris's legs, quietly creeling her hunger.

It was really the only prompting Ameris needed as she began to lead her little gold from the sands. She kept her eyes on Mizeath as they walked to the waiting bowls of meats, avoiding the looks and thumbs up from K'ton she received. She was careful to keep her gaze from those around her, afraid of what she might see there. Afraid to find a gleeful father looking back at her and afraid of what she might do, afraid she might just run away. But she couldn't run away, she had Mizeath now and Rislan was going to be so delighted with the new addition.

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96 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Isscer could only watch with a grim expression as eggs began to wobble, crack, and in some cases explode as the dragonets freed themselves. With the exception of golds, all the other colors were Impressible, and he could feel the familiar panic building. Dimly he tried to reason with himself that he would never Impress bronze--his past sexual experiences had all been with men, with the exception of his daughter's mother--nor did he want that responsibility.

Reasoning didn't work, and Isscer could feel his heart rate increasing, breath coming in quicker and quicker until he was nearly panting. His head swam, and although the Hatching was in full swing, he had never felt so alone. If T'lian was around... Isscer tried to examine the rows of seats, but turning his head made nausea rise due to dizziness. There were cheers for the newly Impressed, and Isscer finally admitted defeat over in his secluded position, slumping and bending at the waist with a rattling wheeze.

Work-roughened hands pressed to his chest, every breath coming in labored gasps, as Isscer fought to calm down. His eyes had slipped shut long ago, and he tried to think of every calming thing he could imagine. The smell of dirt after the rain, the feel of green grass under bare feet, of his mother's smiling face and his brothers' teasing. Isscer squeezed his eyes shut, trying to capture the vivid pictures but finding they slipped away. Lytem's easy, rakish grin, and the first time Isscer had kissed him, a shy peck on the mouth, dirt smeared across his forehead. Gradually his breath began to slow, his heart rate following suit, until finally Isscer could bear to straighten up without feeling like he would collapse to the sands.

The second gold had Impressed, there were two bronzes--good omens indeed. It was a pity that Isscer merely felt homesick, divided by his differing opinions on wanting to be happy for the babies but at the same time wishing to be home, to be anywhere but at Katlia, on these Sands, hoping and praying that a dragonet would have the common sense to avoid him entirely. He could only offer a pained smile (more like a grimace) to the newly Impressed, eyes immediately drawn back to the waiting eggs, eyeing them warily.

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of Blue Vydoriath

Date of Birth
28.05.712, 33
Lean, fit
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ryvian had been pretty mellow during the Hatching to the point some people would have thought he had been sedated. He was always relaxed but usually had more of a smile and energy to him. This, however, was a clear sign he wasn’t in a normal state of being. His hangover was settling in and sometimes the blur of colour as a dragonet streaked around the Sands made him dizzy and his stomach heave a little. As much as he wanted to Impressed, Ryvian hoped the Hatching would end sooner rather than later so he could crawl into bed.

When a bronze showed itself, he smiled a little as he thought about Indivara still insisting she would ride that particularly shade of shiny hide. He fully believed his friend could do anything and break the mould on many things but Ryvian also assumed she’d have grown out of that dream by now. Still, it was harmless to have such a dream and he continued to play along. His lifting mood, however, was suddenly sent reeling back into the pit of his stomach as he saw the baby bronze start rampaging around the Sands. His gaze went right to Indivara to see how she was doing. The girl was amazing in how she still managed to be around dragons and want a bronze after Hoth had mauled her. Still, despite her brave front, it had to be terrifying to see another little bronze running around, knocking over humans and eggs before tangling with another dragonet.

Impulse wanted him to run over to Indivara to make sure she wasn’t having a panic attack but Ryvian knew better than to follow it. She would only play up how fine she was while insulting him for worrying too much and making a scene. Jada and M’bal were both close to her, closer than him in fact, so Indivara would be fine.

By the time he started to feel dizzy again from bouncing his gaze between dragonet and friend, Ryvian saw that more Impressions were being made, including to the handful that was a bronze. He blinked, startled that both gold had now already hatched and found their bonded. Eager little things! Both seemed to be well-made matches though he did mourn Ameris with a gold. She was cute and likely now any chance with her was gone. Unless, of course, he Impressed a bronze. Then perhaps he’d be worth a glance.

Considering the only two bronze dragonets to show themselves thus far hadn’t come near him, Ryvian was beginning to think Indivara had the better chance with that colour – or dragons in general, he amended when greens and blues skipped off with their new riders.

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
V’ler sighed but it wasn’t his usual one of boredom or having to deal with stupidity. This came from frustration and a hint of anger as egg after egg hatched in rapid succession. How was he supposed to keep track of what was happening when it seemed like fifty things were happening at once? Everything had started out nicely with a few timid dragonets taking their time as the first gold found her bonded – though that had been a tense moment and V’ler had made sure to write a note about it. But now there seemed to be eggs bursting from all sides.

If only he trusted some of the other Harpers with the task of documenting all the finer details. This was a Hatching made for two so they could each dedicate their focus to one clutch. Since he didn’t have anyone to turn to as back up, V’ler was going it alone, his notes getting more clipped and his writing dropping a bit into sloppy territory as he quickly jotted down names and actions.

When the angry bronze appeared, V’ler had his own flashback to Hoth and froze for a moment. He had been on the Sands, still waiting for Veeth to hatch and find him, when the bronze came tearing through. Jada had been clawed but Indivara had snuck onto the Sands and joined their little group and she had been viciously mauled. It was Jada that jumped into action to check on the younger girl while the rest of them stood their shaking. He hated the sight of blood and that hadn’t helped anything either. At least he hadn’t vomited! 

Recalling Indivara was close by, V’ler gave a quick glance in her direction but the dragonet was moving away from her area and was soon tangling with another dragonet. That, of course, was more important than worrying over what could be and the blueriding Harper made more notes, including the name of the brave man that stepped in and Impressed the shiny terror.

Once the second gold was revealed, the remembered fear from over two turns ago was completely forgotten and V’ler was back into Harper mode, quill flying over his parchment. At least the one good thing he could say about the quick-paced Hatching was that he’d be able to get back to bed sooner rather than later and V’ler was completely okay with that.

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43 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Flora smiled as the newly hatched gold and greens walked off with their bondmates.She had to admit that bonded appeared to be a joyful moment judging by th lookson their faces as it happened. She turned her eyes back to the eggs watching and waiting . She watched as a blue was hatched next followed by another green and bluethey seemed to know just who they wanted right off.

Then she saw another green  from the purity egg. It wasn't till the jealousy egg split open that had a dragonet that started to really crash into all the other eggs.  It was a bronze she smiled then moved her eyes to seem what would happen next. It wasn't till the bronze shrieked and barreled towards the other dragonet that Flora looked back but it was to late she was knocked to the ground  being one the youngest and probably the smallest on the sand and  felt the sharp claws as they tore into her legs. It hurt more then she ever though it would hurt. She though she was prepared for an accident happening but she wasn't prepared for the pain. 

Flora yelped with pain as she felt the Sand hardened Claws rip into the flesh of her legs. She tried to fight back tears as the pain started from the bloody scratches. Flora heard the voice of one the older ladies on the sands with them saying that she though she needed a healer. Flora nodded softly back  still fighting the tears as she tried to get up on her feet. Then she noticed Ameris get a funny look on her face and rise and turn around. She saw the gold bond to Ameris who was still next to her and watched as they began to move off.

Flora finally managed to rise to her feet despite the pain she felt in her legs.  She slowly and carefully  started to move off the sands to find one of the healers  she didn't dare look down at her legs she could feel the warm blood from the deep scratches. She silently prayed that maybe they wouldn't scar. She wiped her hand across her eyes to wipe the water from the corner of her eyes.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
“Damn.” B’jin murmured, wriggling a little in R’nd’s light grasp to stand up taller from where he had been slumped against his lover, watching lazily as the dragonets hatched and Impressed. “That’s one of mine.” He sounded more than a little awed as he watched the young man tug the bronze dragonet away from the others, and finally lead it off the sands. The greenrider had no idea how to feel about the events, or the fact that one of his Searchees had taken to Impress the angry little dragonet. B’jin leaned back into R’nd, frowning slightly. He usually preferred bronzeriders over that of brown, but he was, regardless, particularly pleased he wasn’t responsible for the group that young man would be a part of.

The Impression of the second gold dragonet to a girl B’jin didn’t search was greeted with a scowl; he still had one girl left on the Sands and he had every belief that she’d see her dragon, but seeing her put in line behind other girls was more than a little annoying. He made no comment on it to R’nd, however, and made sure to catch the girl's eye and flash her a reassuring smile as she left the sands with the other girls. Larrikith was never wrong; it was just a matter of time!

Humming, B’jin’s hands were placed atop R’nd’s, and he tapped his fingers gently as he leaned backwards and gave the bluerider a small sideways smile. “At least this Hatching is going faster than the last couple!” They might be able to get back to bed before midday, and they might even get to sleep. B’jin smiled mischievously as he turned his attention slowly back to the hatching, laughing softly at something Larrikith murmured to him.

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665 & IC

Written By:
It seemed the hatchlings were, indeed, as eager to get the Hatching over with as any of the drunk and hungover humans surrounding them. Barely twenty minutes passed between the Impression of the Nexus green, and the hatching of the next egg – or the next group of eggs, as once more several saw fit to all break shell and topple upon the sands at once. The creels, chirps, and little draconic cries of surprise from the dragonets filled the air to mingle with the humming of their adult counterparts.

The Sentimental and Repentance greens were the first to make a serious bid for their new lives, the two girls scrambling over and around one another to take off in opposite directions. Sentimental tripped and scrambled her way to a young man, butting against his legs and creeling a greeting. Meanwhile, Repentance pranced with very little grace in the opposite direction, stopping for a moment to nose around the ankles of Bordtai before chirping at him and flouncing off to the next young man, Impressing him as she sniffed at his booted feet curiously; there was something on them!

Incapacitate revealed a blue, as did Gluttony and Gauche. Deciding to end the feast of blue, Querulous revealed a delicate green, toppling onto the sands with her brothers and crooning a greeting before standing and shaking herself out, sand sticking to her nose. Incapacitate shook himself out, eyes a nasty red while Gluttony seemed quite content to flop back onto the sands, though his eyes swirled a rainbow of Impression and a startled young man let out a squeak of surprise on the other side of the Sands.

Gauche and Querulous both seemed content to wander, the young blue quietly walking towards the meat bowls, and picking up a young man on the edges of the candidates, who looked like he would rather be elsewhere. Querulous carried herself with a quiet air of dignity as she peered around, before stopping and staring at one young man very seriously for a moment. Curiosity flared across her eyes, and she approached Isscer with cautious steps, sniffing around the young man’s ankles and at his legs. She sat down before him and stared up at him thoughtfully. After several long moments of careful consideration, the little green picked herself up and moved on, Impressing to the young man not three people away.

Patronise, picking away absently at the inside of his shell, seemed to be taking his sweet time about hatching and likely would have continued to do so if Incapacitate hadn’t decided the sound was irritating – or something – and suddenly turned and barrelled into the egg. Sending the other rolling and the eggshell crumpling around its contents, the Patronise egg was forced into revealing the first brown of the combined clutches. Patronise picked himself up with a hiss, snarling at Incapacitate as the blue puffed himself up threateningly. Patronise spat, his wings extending in a display meant to be threatening; to the contrary, they looked more like hissing felines than fierce dragons.

Venial green peeped her head out of her egg, in time to watch the two brothers throw themselves together with shrieks and hisses, and she quickly ducked back inside her shell in terror, while Yield was broken forcefully by the fighting siblings, spilling yet another brown onto the sands, and into the middle of the battlefield. A throaty shriek of rage filled the air as Yield found his feet, and deftly put an end to the bickering brown and blue with fierce slaps to their faces, knocking Patronise over and snarling at him before being called away by his surprised bonded.

Shaking themselves off, both Patronise and Incapacitate slunk off obediently, seeking their own bondeds under the watchful gaze of Yield, before he, too, was obediently leaving the sands and seeking his first meal.

There was a pause of several minutes as the excitement following the battling dragonets settled down; then the Integrity egg was presenting yet another blue to the audience, alongside his Lazy bronze brother, who flopped out of his shell with absolutely no lustre at all. Jejune brought forth a third brown, and he seemed to consider things for a moment before ambling over to Krypth’s clutch, notably to where Lazy was flopped, and giving him a nudge. Integrity watched them for a moment, before turning and making his way over to his bonded with quiet dignity.

Nudging Lazy again, Jejune managed to get Lazy onto his feet, and the two hatchlings stood for a moment before the bronze lead them off, ambling across the sands with Jejune trotting along at his heels. The pair wove through the candidates, tripping over toes and weaving between ankles, before Lazy stopped before Ryvian and peered up at him dully. The expression remained for a few moments, before the dragonet suddenly exploded into energy, and bounced around Ryvian joyfully, legs stiff as he did so, before he tripped over Jejune. The little brown whined piteously and slunk off, finding his bonded three or four candidates away.

Suddenly side tracked, Lazy gave a happy chirp and picked himself up off the ground, bouncing his way back into the vicinity of his new lifemate with a happy array of chittering sounds.

P - Sentimental green
P - Repentance green
H - Gluttony blue
P - Gauche blue
P - Querulous green
P - Incapacitate blue
P - Patronise brown
P - Venial green
P - Yield Brown
H - Integrity blue
P - Jejune brown
H - Lazy bronze

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71 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Bordtai’s eyes had been wide on the little blue who seemed to be of the opinion that the other eggs all needed to be broken.  Could the other dragons inside be hurt with him bashing into them like that and sending them rolling?  Everything was happening quickly and Bordtai would have had a hard time keeping up if his head wasn’t hurting – the pounding made it impossible.  The smell of blood in the air brought Bordtai’s eyes scanning painfully to see where it was coming from and he winced for Flora.  While he hardly ever said two words to the girl, she was of the same age he was and the fact that she’d been hurt made his stomach twist.  He needed to pay attention – it was a dangerous game to play, standing on the sands.

Turning his eyes to the happenings closer to him, Bordtai barely managed to miss being knocked down with several of the boys by the stampeding herd of dragonets.  Panting a little from the shock of the near miss as well as the pain in his head from jarring himself around so quickly, Bordtai watched as a couple that had fallen impressed to the dragons who had knocked them over.  It made Bordtai wonder if he should stand still and let them knock him over… but it had been instinct to move.

Before he even had the chance to look back to the commotion of the eggs, Bordtai’s world seemed to slow as he found a little green dragon step up to him.  His breath caught and his eyes widened again as he watched her nose about his ankles.  A smile was even spreading on his face as he wondered if she was really going to choose him, and at her chirp his heart burst with joy.

It was a short lived joy, however, when he watched her move to the young man next to him and begin sniffing at his boots.  The tears that had been on the edge of falling in happiness wet his cheeks silently in disappointment.  He wasn’t the right one for her and he winced, forcing himself to drag his eyes away from her and back to the clutch as he lifted up a hand to wipe his cheeks quickly before anyone saw.  He’d done so just in time to watch a little bronze and brown impress to other classmates.

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96 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
The eggs were hatching faster than Isscer had ever seen them, one right after the other, the Sands a mass of dragonets as they moved through the Candidates. For a moment, Isscer thought he was safe; they were going around him, ignoring him, and a hint of a triumphant smile curled at the corners of his mouth.

It faded instantaneously when the little green approached him.

Isscer barely breathed, feeling her move around his legs, the gentle gusts of breath making his robes tickle against his legs. He couldn't move, as he was afraid that sudden movements would force an Impression, but it didn't matter. She sat there for so long, staring, that Isscer felt a cold sweat coming on and the hair on the back of his neck stood up.

Please, not me. You don't want me--I would be a horrible bonded! It was a mantra that Isscer truly did believe; he didn't think he would be a good dragonrider, and it wasn't simply because he hated Katila. He had never had to care for anything besides plants, and plants couldn't talk back or cause trouble. After a moment of intense scrutiny, she moved away and Isscer could breathe again, reaching up to wipe his forehead and the back of his neck with the sleeve of his robe.

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77 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Te night before he had been allowed to stay up late with the rest of the adults, since he had finally crossed the threshhold of age into Candidacy, able to join the Candidate classes and Stand for clutches until he was either chosen or aged out. Quenym was most certainly not worried about the latter happening! He was young, far younger than most of those who were already in the classes, having been stolen away from the North. Younger than some of the weyrbrats who had decided to Stand finally at last. He had no hesitation, none at all, and the day he had turned twelve he had marched up and demanded to be allowed to be at the next Hatching.

It had paid off. t was his first Hatching. Today he was dressed all up in his Candidate robes, waiting for a dragon to come by and decide that he was the most perfectest perfect person for them! Though he still rubbed sand out of his eyes, wishing that the eggs were more tardy and considerate about the time of day they had decided to start going.

Quenym wasn't drunk like the rest of the Candidates, wine still was fairly bitter to him, so he had managed the late night thanks to sips of klah and juice, not wanting to miss a second of the festivities. And what a night it had been, too, he thought as he waited for the hatchlings.

And hatchlings there were. Golds and bronzes and browns and blues and greens came by in a riot of color and Impressions. Not a few had come close, making his heart rise with every dragon that paired off. The less that there were on the sands, the better a chance he had, right? ...Right? He hoped so. It wasn't like he was too young or anything, and he wanted a dragon! not like the idiots who were angry or upset or anything over being made to be there. No, he would welcome any little hide-bound one that decided he was the best choice.

But as each egg cracked and split, his hopes lowered and lowered. None seemed to want him. He saw others passed by as well, and his stomach clenched. Surely one would at least sense that he would be a good Rider, wouldn't they? That he adored them? Quenym's spirits were getting low, but he was grinning and bearing it. If there wasn't one for him here, there would be later! After all, he would be a great dragon rider!

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of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
He always hated hatchings. To loud, to crowded and too bloody. And this one proved to be all three. He'd come to watch his two favorite girls stand and impress - for he was sure they would. Never mind that there were tons of girls waiting on the sands with Ameris and Vaelya, those others didn't matter. He watched askance as neither of them impressed the first gold, or the first of the greens. A few rounds of hatchings later and the second gold popped her regal little head out and wouldn't you know it.. Impressed right to his best friend without a care in the world. He chortled with glee as Ameris made her impression and lead her new charge away. He watched her murmur low to a healer, pointing in the direction of the very young Flora and K'ton nodded once as the healer left in a rush towards the mauled girl.

He turned his blue eyes on Vaelya. Would this mean she was definitely out of the running? He had so hoped his dark haired vixen would impress this round. Perhaps being a dragonrider just wasn't for her. Do not be foolish. Obviously she is fated or she wouldn't be here, Ironth rumbled from his vantage point. K'ton nodded his agreement as he continued to watch the girl in front of him. Besides. Should she impress gold she will never be for us. A green is what she needs, Ironth suggested. He could only nod again as he watched the explosive hatchings of even more dragonets.

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665 & IC

Written By:
The hatchlings seemed suddenly possessed by the desire to be born. After so long struggling with their rigid shells, the stragglers of both clutches started to appear between the jagged cracks and crevices, their birth cries ringing out in sharp competition with one another.

First came the Cyclic green, emerging in a whirl of spitting and snarling. She clawed her way out of her shell and barreled away from it, heading heedlessly towards her chosen candidate, a stout and dour looking young man. She paused only to avoid crashing right into his legs, and a quick reprimand from the boy brought an end to her hissing. She hurried along with him, shameless in her haste.

Cyclic’s hurried and explosive birth was quite intimidating to the Liberalism blue, how clawed his way out of his shell around the same time, but was sent tumbling to avoid his smaller sister’s wrath. Unrattled, the determined creature scraped himself up from the sand, his hide half-obscured by the grains clinging to his egg-damp hide, and wobbled off to the side to find his bonded, an exceptionally young weyrbred boy who had not been expected to Impress! The dragonet crooned to sooth the young man’s obvious nervousness, and a the bond was made, they exited the sands together, steadily and surely.

The largest remaining egg from Pursuit finally splintered apart, revealing a hearty young bronze. Begrudge let out a sour snarl and swept hi head from side to side, zeroing in on his chosen within a few seconds. He crawled over, his gait not half as impressive as he personally thought it to be, and latched on to the mind of one of B’jin’s boys, earning varying groans of dismay and shouts of joy from the betting crowd.

A smaller egg over in Hunted began to crack, revealing a tender young green hide. The Humility green emerged, creeling and pitiful. She knew where she was going, however, and quickly began the arduous journey across the sands. She pitched forward on her snout, crying out mournfully for her bonded to come to her.

Another large egg remained in Pursuit, splitting to reveal another bronze dragonet. Determine rose to his feet and let out a ragged snort, plowing past the also freshly-hatched Hubris green. Hubris stumbled, slamming into the Zealot egg and smashing it, revealing nothing more than a mass of rotten fluid within; a dud. Hubris cried out in distress as Determine charged to the edge of the sands, his selection quick and final. He didn’t even bother to look back at her, or the egg he had destroyed.

Hubris wasn’t done, though. She slowly rose to her feet and meekly slunk to the edge of the sands, whimpering softly for her bonded to come to her. The Unguent blue pushed his snout from his shell about this time, letting out one vigorous bugle before wrenching himself free and tumbling to the sand. He wandered for a moment, disoriented by the awkward fall he’d made, but was soon well on his way to the sidelines.

A final, tiny egg began to crack. It split open and a pitiful cry echoed forth, followed by the protrusion of a tiny snout. The Justice green slowly emerged, her form impossibly thin, and seemed to struggle even to lift her head once she was free. She quickly latched onto someone and cried out for her bonded to come to her, though her own physical weakness did nothing to stop her efforts. She knew where she was going…she was just going to take a while to get there!

P- Cyclic Green
P – Liberalism Blue
P – Begrudge Bronze
H- Humility Green
P – Determine Bronze
P – Hubris Green
P – Unguent
H- Justice

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of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
As in so many Turns before, Vee stood and watched as the eggs started hatching, one after another. She had been very happy for Peorray when she received the first of the two gold hatchlings. She could still remember the response she received from the egg, and though it was slightly bittersweet she smiled as she watched the pair leave the sands. She had looked on as more of the eggs burst and had been terribly glad she had moved aside quickly enough to not be mangled by the bronze, though she was sorry for the small girl he collided with. The poor thing would be in pain for days she was certain. Vee gave a gasp of surprised and cheered as the gold from Krypth's clutch walked up to Ameris. She had happy tears in her eyes for the girl, though she did feel the pang of failure in her heart again, and a few more tears fell, that had more to do with that hurt than her happiness for Ameris.

Because she could not just leave, she stood, waiting and watching as egg after egg cracked open and hatched. She cheered and congratulated, even laughed a time or two at the antics of some hatchlings. When the fight broke out between two of the hatchlings she was worried they might injure themselves and go Between, but another brown put a quick end to the fight right after hatching himself. He would be a strong brown dragon for whomever he bonded too, she was certain of that.

She felt poorly for a couple of boys who had beautiful greens walk up to them and sniff around, giving every appearance of interest, only to wander off and bond to others. She felt that small pang of regret for them both, and several others who were ignored, but the one at least still look quite young enough to perhaps Impress still today or during another hatching. Her time was likely spent and the hurt continued to well up inside her. Despite her generally optimistic outlook on things, she really was saddened that once again, she was not chosen and then she had to stand and watch as others received the blessing of being called a dragonrider. She smiled at all the little greens, thinking they were all so perfectly beautiful, though she flinched when one took a nose dive and started crying out. She tried to pull herself from sad thoughts, there was far too much happiness around her for it really. She had to remember that there were more gold dragons now, surely there would be at least one more she might stand for, right? She took a breath and waited, watching for the rest of the eggs to hatch, there was no sense breaking down on the sands in front of the entire weyr. She would save that for when she was in her own room.

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63 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
He'd faded into his own head sometime during the hatching, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep for the next year.  Hisses from fighting dragonets drew his attention, and he blinked.  He thought dragons didn't fight.  Or then again was that only true for the adults?  How did the establish dominance, other than by hide color? 

He would later find it almost funny he was reflecting on dominance when  the Yield egg cracked shell.  The bronze stopped the fighting and when he went to do more, Terken finally identified the sensation in his own skull.  "None of that, come here so you can eat, Indrith!"  The dragon seemed as surprised as his newly bonded to be brought to heel and Terken wondered to himself what it meant that his first action upon impressing the bronze had been to bring him into line.  It didn't bode well.

I'm a brown!  A hungry brown!  Let's eat!  Then we can play!  Thank Faranth.  A bronze would have been so much trouble with his father.  The dragon had reached his side and Terken found his fingers touching him, the young man blinking.  Indrith leaned into him so hard that Terken nearly fell then led Indrith off the sands to food, nearly tripping his bonded twice due to his absolute insistence on being in contact with his bonded. 

On the sands, Ravana suddenly added her grip to Casa's on Kela, then saw something she didn't want to see.  T'rel was headed towards Terken and the other hatchlings and he didn't look happy.  She stood with a murmured word to B'run and Casa, taking Kela with her.  She knew the dog's dearest wish was T'rel between her jaws and would have no problem granting it if she couldn't stop him any other way.

She planned as she went and reached for the joy she felt for Terken.  By the time she'd taken five steps, she looked like she was simply too excited to think about the protocols she was breaking, determined to congratulate Terken first.

She intercepted T'rel near the exit to the sands and towed him via grip on his arm and Kela's assistence to where she wouldn't be overheard.  Her voice was low, a hiss of rage.  "Are you insane?  If Indrith doesn't kill you for what you're about to do, Kela will."  She went quiet long enough for the dog's snarl to be heard, and added, "And if you survive, I will kick the biggest hooraw I can manage.  Back down and be polite to your son later.  Our weyrleader rides brown for crying outloud, so you have no grounds for yelling at Terken for being chosen by one."  Knowing he was uncertain, she added, "Back down now and all anyone will think this was is an overexcited greenrider ensuring she greets Terken first." 

He looked at her pissed, and Ravana shifted her grip, shocked when he backed down.  There would be consequences for this later...but they would happen when they happened.  With a grin that she hoped would be enough to give onlookers that impression, Ravana said loud enough to be heard, "Thank you for letting me congratulate him first!  It means so much to me!"  She hauled Kela off with her, whispering praise of her once she was out of T'rel's earshot and looking for Terken. 

Once she found him, she held the bowl so Terken could feed Indrith easier, offering a smile.  "Congratulations."  Kela was given an order to sit and stay, doing so with a whine, understanding it was important but not why.  She wanted to give the new brown that seemed to like hers lots and lots of affection!

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96 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
The last of the eggs were cracking, and Isscer was somewhat surprised to see so many bronzes. There had never been so many before, with bronze being almost as rare as gold in most cases--surely the Weyr would call this the most successful Hatching to date. It would be over soon, and Isscer was simply biding his time until he could leave.

A pitiful, piercing cry tore through him, reverberating in his head as well as in his ears, and the sudden feeling of helplessness caused his attention to latch onto the last, impossibly fragile green. "It can't be," he said, but deep in his gut he knew--something had happened. "Oh Faranth."

I need you.

It was simply stated, her voice light and not demanding, as if she knew he would come. And come he did, nearly bumping into one of the men in front of him in his haste. Isscer stumbled to his knees, hands reaching for Quelseth's head, smoothing over nose and headknobs in what he hoped was a soothing manner. She was just so tiny, and weak as well; Isscer looked her over, taking note of how fragile she was, and he couldn't help the knot in his throat.

"You can't leave me, Quelseth," Isscer choked out, his eyes pricking with tears. "I've already lost everyone I have ever loved, and I can't bear to lose you too." He meant it, perhaps more than he realized, but couldn't take the time to marvel at how quickly he had become attached to her.

I will never leave you, S'cer. The little green struggled to raise her head, but she did manage to nose against his knee. Isscer could only manage a watery smile at her determination, speechless at the feelings of love he could feel for her but also from her. But I need help.

"Right." How could he have been so stupid, to not call for help before going to her? With a final stroke, Isscer got to his feet again, making a beeline for J'di. She was his Weyrlingmaster, she would know what to do! "Ah, I'm S'cer," he announced, the honorific feeling awkward on his tongue. "Quelseth needs a dragonhealer or two--she is so weak that I don't think she could make it to the feeding area unassisted." A slight frown, and Isscer added, "She says she will be fine, but she's just so fragile it's concerning."

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of Gold Mizeath

Date of Birth
15.08.708 ,
Dark Brown


Written By: Jenn
Ameris's joy continued as she watched each impression made. Hatchings were always so exciting for her, even the ones she had failed at. When the small green fell and shattered an egg, Ameris gasped as nothing but the liquid of the egg spilled onto the sands. A dud. She hadn't been expecting that. She knew it was possible in any clutch but they had such luck with so many of the hatchings that she had thought - childishly - that they would never encountered one.

She glanced to where Flora was, concerned still that the small girl would not come out of this well but she had sent a healer to her so hopefully the man would give her a clean bill of health. She shook her head at the brutish antics of the next couple bronzes that cracked their shells. Why was it, that bronzes always seem to be the trouble makers in the bunch?

Tears collected in her eyes as she watched the tiny green from Mizeath's own clutch, spill onto the sands. A gentle gasp came from her as the sickly girl seemed to wilt and could not move. Afraid that the young green would expire on the spot, Ameris lifted a hand. To intervene? She did not know. Do not fret so. She will be alright. And look! She's found her bonded and he, her the sunlit gold said from beside her. Ameris glanced down at the young queen from where she lay. She had managed to twine her little body, not only around the legs of the woman she'd impressed but those of a few who waited at the buckets, tail tip twitching from around the ankle of a healer to one side of her. With a watery chuckle Ameris amended Mizeath was correct and slipped the gold another chunk of meat.

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71 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Bordtai watched with mixed feelings as the last of the dragonets hatched and impressed without another little one giving him a second look.  Twice during the last bit of the hatching he’d looked back at the man who had impressed the green who had nosed about his ankles and twice Bordtai found himself wondering what the man had that he didn’t.  Age.  Height.  Weight.  He could probably read too.

With no small amount of self loathing, Bordtai turned to leave the hatching sands alone once more, but stopped when he caught Isscer moving away from his own little green without taking her to the feeding tables, instead leaving her to lay in the sands.  He blinked and frowned wondering what was wrong.  Chewing his lip, he found himself torn between leaving as the leftover candidates always did so that the Weyrlings could listen to the master without being distracted – and going over to ask what was wrong with her.  She was certainly small even for a green.

Swinging his eyes around in his own dilemma, his eyes fell on Flora again as a healer spoke with her at the edge of the sands.  He personally had a penchant against most of the Weyrbrats for various reasons, but he found himself feeling obligated to offer help.  She was, after all, the smallest girl on the sands – just like he was practically the smallest boy.  Puffing up his chest, he looked back at the little green laying in the sands, then at Flora on the sidelines before he made his decision.

The little green had her bonded.  Flora – like himself – was left unbounded.  He would go to her and at least offer his help, though he wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he was shooed away.

Walking up to her, he stood a step off to the side so that he stayed out of her way and the healers just in case he wasn’t wanted, before speaking up.  “Flora…  Do you need any help?”  he asked as he watched the healer bandage the worst of her legs.  “I could help you to the Infirmary or back to your bunk… Or wherever you need to go.”  He said hesitantly and waited for an answer.  He wasn’t about to touch her if she wanted nothing to do with him or if the healer forbade it, but he wouldn’t mind feeling a little bit useful after being left on the sands once more.

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of Gold Thallyath

Date of Birth
16.11.720 AL, 24
Slim, petite
Blonde, shoulder length


Written By: ThistleProse
Seeing as the hatching seemed to explode into being all at once, Casa found herself occupied for quite a while. Her eyes darted back and forth, back and forth. Everywhere she looked, there were Impressions, even among folk she knew. When Kela's owner Impressed, she clapped as loudly as she could; she knew he must be quite elated at the moment. When R'ana offered to take the canine from him, she politely agreed and said to past her best wishes along to the new rider.

This left her free to get over to Flora.

She got there the same time as one of the other weyrbrats their age - a boy named Bordtai, she thought? - and she nodded a quick hello as she begin to try to help stop the bleeding on Flora's legs as well as take the girl's hand so she could squeeze if she wanted. The pain must be terrible! She didn't look great herself, she thought for the fourth or fifth time with a sigh at her partial stupidity, but it wasn't this bad. That dragon had not been kind to her at all. She curled herself around Flora and Bordtai, sitting there patiently whilst the girl was worked on and bandaged, even offering to bunk with her for the next couple days to make sure that she could be watched over and helped.

While it was going on, she nodded politely to Bordtai, a soft, almost shy smile on her face. "Hi there...nice to see another one of the 'Brats our age," she offered as a more personal introduction. She knew they had started Standing already; they must both be a little disappointed right now. That was never fun. Maybe she would be able to share a gift with them to cheer them up post-hatching! She thought of her secret little prize squirreled away and laughed in delight internally. Soon enough, she would be able to make all of her friends happy.

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77 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Quellyn paled a bit as the Hatching finished up, glancing around. There were a few other 'brats his age and just a little bit older, who had also Stood and failed to Impress. He bit his lip and wandered over, not wanting to get in the way of the healers. Flora didn't look too badly, thankfully, not compared to some other maulings he had seen, but all the same he was quiet and pale for once, aware that it could have been him. Aware that it could be him at a future hatching.

But that was the danger that they all had to deal with and it was one they all accepted to be Candidates and get a dragon. He nodded to himself as he gathered around with the other kids their age, calmly and solemnly sitting by to see Flora get tended. Quenym nodded a greeting towards Bordetai, another one he'd seen around, and nudged Casa. "She'll be okay, ya know. This is something she can get better from. There 're others that've been hurt worse and made it." And while the girl hadn't come away from it with a dragon, there would always be another hatching. None of the dragonets had Betweened, no Candidates killed.... all in all, it was a good hatching, one that foretold good things in the New Year.

The other boy was offering to take Flora to the Infirmary, or wherever she needed to go. Quenym stayed silent. He other boy would be able to help her more than he was. Right now, Quenym needed to get away, himself, disappointed in the events of the hatching. No dragonet for him!

He jumped up. "I'm gonna go exploring!" he announced. "I'm going to find you a present, Flora, ta make up for you not getting a dragon! It'll be almost better than one! If anyone wants to join me, come along, but be prepared! We'll face dangers untold out there in the wilds, and who knows when we'll come back?" A wild grin was lighting his face. Quenym was ready for anything, and getting lost was one of the best ways to forget about the troubles that plagued him. And who knew? Maybe they'd find a lost/hidden/mysterious dragon clutch out there and Impress their own? Or not, but it was still worth looking for.

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43 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Flora was busy making her way off the sands that she missed the rest of the hatching. It was all she could do to keep her legs moving and keep walking cause she was begining to really hurt now that the shock of it all was starting to wear off.  Each step more painful than the last  as she finally meet the healer and crumbled to her knees again.  At least this time it was off the hot sands and somewhere a bit more cooler on her knees.

Flora watched nervously as the healer bandaged her legs. The numbweed thankfully dulling the pain so she didn't hurt as much.  She really hadn't been upset about not finding a dragon of her own this time. She actually though that maybe they would overlook her anyway cause of her being the youngest girl on the sands. Flora was almost positive that the greens would be looking for a girl who was more mature then herself. And she was to outgoing and adventurous for a gold anyways. That why she wasn't even in the running for a gold. Flora was far more of her own mind  and not a fragile little  lady that they could bring out for show and shove off to the side when there wasn't eggs on the sand.

She was relieved when the healer said that it wasn't all that bad and the  claw marks would probably not even be visible once she heals. She blushed softly though  when she noticed several of the other brats had come to check on her. Including two boys that she hadn't really associated with much at all. She seen them around the weyr though and knew who they were.  " I think I might need some help back to my bunk."
She said softly.  " Thank you so very much for the offer. " She gave Bordtai a big smile of gratitude.

Flora squeezed Casa's hand tightly as the healer finished up the bandages and gave instructions on what to do and when to come back to have him check on them again so he can re-bandage it. She leaned her head against Casa's shoulder  willing the tears to stop. It really hurt when it happened and now she was finally stopping to think about things now that the numbness took away the pain in her legs and now she was feeling a pain in her heart. "I wouldn't want to be a burden  Casa" she replied softly. 

She had to smile when the other boy Quenym said he was gonna go exploring and bring her back something. "That is very kind of you. I wish I could go with you as well it sounds like it will be lots of fun." She wiped her tears away again and smiled a bit more brightly. 

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16 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
J'di was making it a habit to at least do a cursory visual scan of each dragonet as the pair came over, especially those who'd been aggressive or clumsy in their rush to Impress. It seemed like there was always at least one pair too caught up in hunger or excitement to notice a scrape and tend to it probably. Or, if it was on a young man, who regarded it as a badge of honor instead of a potential source of infection.

She frowned to see the last green, wondering if the dragon was even strong enough to Impress. It might be kinder to some young soul if she wasn't. But no, there went her choice running over. Leaving behind the teary-eyed M'din (she knew hatchings could get to a rider, but Great Faranth, man, have some dignity...), J'di went to meet the new rider halfway as he next came running for her.

"If she is saying she is fine, that is a good sign." J'di didn't believe in coddling weyrlings, but she wasn't inhuman enough not to go more gently with one fearing for the life of his new-found dragon. "Other than general weakness, does she complain of pain or discomfort anywhere?" Like many female riders, J'di had been given a bit of dragonhealer training, in the hopes of encouraging her toward more feminine areas of weyr life. It might not be enough to call herself a dragonhealer proper, but if it was an internal problem, she'd be as much use (or lack thereof) as one of them would.

"And does she wish to be carried entirely, or merely helped?" Some dragons clung to their pride and dignity more than others, even as hatchlings. It wouldn't do to try carrying the green over if she'd only do herself more harm fighting them. Regardless of S'cer's answer, J'di glanced back and jerked her head for M'din to come over for another set of hands.

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71 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Bordtai had nodded when she took up his offer to help her to her bunk and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he waited for the healer to finish his work.  It was then that the girl Casa showed up, taking quick hold of Flora’s hand.  Where Flora struck Bordtai as quiet and timid, Casa struck him as a bit more bubbly and outgoing.  To be truthful, the boy was glad his hands were in his pockets – with as quickly as she’d snatched up Flora’s hand he may have lost his own in her grasp if they had been left out in the open.

Keeping Quiet Flora between himself and Casa, Bordtai was surprised when yet another brat showed up as Quenym joined them.  He blinked at the sudden crowd and found himself regretting the fact that he’d come over to offer help.  Even so, it was even stranger that both Casa and Quenym had both acknowledged him with nods.  Since when had others his age started to acknowledge him?  Or anyone of any age for that matter?

Taking a hand out of his pocket, he scratched the back of his neck for a moment as he regarded them and what they each had said, quickly shaking his head no to the invite to go exploring and facing the dangers of the wild.  The movement reminded him of his headache and he silently cursed that quikal he’d been given the night before and the men who’d handed it to him with their own mischievous smiles.

Hearing Quiet Flora’s reply to Quenym, Bordtai blinked at her.  “Ya’ll got a strange idea of fun.”  He said, but then again this was coming from the same boy who so carefully avoided any of the common brat games that happened throughout the Weyr.  The running and yelling and mischief-making always bothered his headaches.  Not to mention it gave the larger boys reasons to pick on him.  He was barely any larger than little Flora and even that was debatable.

Seeing that Flora was leaning onto Casa and the healer was done, he offered his hand to help Flora onto her feet.  He’d swing her arm over his shoulders once she’d given it to him, and help support her off the hatching sands as best as his own small frame could let him.  A larger rider would have been able to easily carry her, but as small as he was – steadying her and holding a bit of her weight was going to be the best help he could give her. 

“Let’s get you safely out of here and then Ya’ll can scheme about adventures all you want where you have a place to sit.”  He offered.

If you three want to peel off to another thread for a bit of jabber-jawing around her bunk, I'm game.

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of Blue Vydoriath

Date of Birth
28.05.712, 33
Lean, fit
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ryvian forgot how to breathe as dragonets came in his direction and then one stopped before him to stare. He didn’t know what else to do but stare back, hope trying to take over even as Ryvian tried talking himself out of such foolishness. When the adorable little bronze seemed to find all the energy that had been zapped from the crowd and Candidates that morning and started to run around him, Ryvian gave in and laughed at the enthusiasm and felt maybe he belonged to the little fellow. He wasn’t sure what he’d do with a bronze but he also thought he’d look mighty fine perched atop such a powerful beast.

Naturally, reality came crashing down around him after the hatchlings collided and took off toward their real lifemates. There was no chance to stop the disappointment that fell over his expressions as the lazy bronze was quietly longed for even as he Impressed to another and walked off with the man. He should have known better but Nyvian was always the more grounded and realistic one; Ryvian preferred to always be optimistic and live in the moment. It was just a shame that sometimes the moment didn’t agree with him and knocked him down.

It was okay, though! There were still quite a few eggs on the Sands and Ryvian was eagerly watching them shake and crack open. Just like the rest of the eggs, the final ones seemed to think getting out quickly was a grand idea and everything seemed to happen at once.

Ryvian also missed the dud egg that was revealed as another bronze came in his direction but he didn’t get a chance to decide if he should be happy, hopeful, or neutral since the hatchling made the decision for him. He stood frozen in place, eyes glued on the scene only a few feet away from him as Nyvian Impressed the determined little guy. He did it. Nyvian did it! His baby brother – two minutes younger totally counted as a baby brother – had Impressed and to a bronze! Ryvian was thrilled and in that excitement couldn’t help but turn his gaze back to the remaining dragonets with the belief he was about to Impress as well.

When someone else answered the call of the weak-looking green that was left last on the Sands, Ryvian realized the cold truth. He had been left without once again. Worse, his twin had Impressed. Weren’t they identical? Only about three people could tell them apart in the entire Weyr so how could a dragonet tell them apart and why did only one think one was worthy and not the other? Then again, even he knew Nyvian was the better choice. His brother was level-headed and a hard-worker, so why wouldn’t a bronze want that?

Still, it was a struggle to keep the joy for Nyvian on his face and not the pain of disappointment that he felt. Perhaps this was a sign that he should stop Standing and give up thinking he would Impress. He was young still by the standards they had adapted given the circumstances but nearly one hundred dragonets had deemed him unworthy.

He hadn’t realized it until commotion around him for the weakling green snapped him out of his daze, but Ryvian was one of the last still standing around on the Sands, looking like a pathetic loser. Tossing on a large smile, Ryvian made himself ignore the queasy feeling from alcohol and disappointment colliding and put on a believable show of skipping off in high spirits to catch up with Nyvian and meet his brother’s bonded. As he went, he kept reminding himself that at least one of them Impressed and he was glad Nyvian had been the one to do so if only one of them could.

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of Bronze Skorzanth

Date of Birth
Trim and fit


Written By: Jenn
Nyvian was really drunk when he was woken up at the asscrack of dawn for a Hatching. Normally he would be nervous but determined to Impress, but with a certain amount of alcohol in his system that he did not sleep off... well. He was just pretty sharding drunk. He hadn't tried to go to bed until about an hour until dawn, shells, it was probably because he had lost Ryvian somewhere during the night. The twin swore he had his brother by his side and then the next moment, whoosh, he was gone! Nyvian actually dedicated quite a fair bit of time to relocating him, though Nyvian was considerably drunk at the time. It was likely he spent all of five minutes looking for Ryvian before collapsing into drunken shenanigans with a few of his friends.

Most of them were actually at his hut by the time the call went out. Some were riders, a few were Candidates much like himself, and all were in various stages of drunken stupor. Nyvian himself was convinced that it was a dream until one of his friends attempted to drag him off of the couch by his ankles. He assumed that his friend wasn't nearly as drunk as he was because shells did they have some amazing body strength to be able to haul him about! Oh, he had absolutely no idea why that mattered to him right now. Nyvian pushed himself up off the floor, and after being caught expertly by one of his friends he managed to make his way into his room to grab his Candidate's robe. Where was Ryvian? He certainly couldn't get dressed on his own.

Apparently he could, because he did, and likely left the hut minutes before Ryvian arrived. Of course, he found his twin on the Sands quickly enough, and Ryvian may or may not have been harassed a little by his brother's drunken antics. In previous Hatchings, Nyvian was always quiet... this Hatching he just wouldn't shut up. The eggs couldn't hatch nearly quick enough, because Nyvian spent most of the hours waiting for the Hatching to progress by failing to sober up to a decent level. His twin was smart to drink plenty of water, and Nyvian was convinced to have a little... and well, he managed to sober up somewhat but not nearly enough.

Ryvian had his twin hanging off of his arm for a good portion of the Hatching, even as Nyvian started to think straight. By the time the first eggs began to hatch, Nyvian could form coherent sentences and had the good sense to realize he was tired. But, they were in the middle of a Hatching, and as he sobered up his nerves returned to him, and he stopped chatting his twin's ears off. The young man grew silent, his eyes sharpening with the first signs of sobriety. He could still be categorized as drunk, and the Hatching to him seemed to be moving too fast. He couldn't quite keep track of what was happening, and a voice rocketing through his head didn't help matters.

You reek.

"Mhhmmm..." Nyvian mumbled, a little slow to the take.

I will get you cleaned up after I am fed. The dragonet seemed to have completely dismissed everyone else on the Hatching Sands - even Ryvian didn't get so much as a glance as Skorzanth's eyes connected to the younger twin's. They flashed rainbow, the colors of Impression, but again Nyvian was... terribly slow to realize what was going on. Can you walk? The bronze didn't even seemed concerned whether Nyvian could or could not - he just wanted to know.

"Of course, Kor." He wasn't going to try and say his dragonet's name right now.

The lengthy pause from the newly hatched Bronze was weighted with disapproval and what was likely begrudging acceptance. Skorzanth, the dragonet supplied helpfully.

"Sure thing, Kor." Nyvian was sure he gave his dragonet a thumbs up.

His dragonet.

It sunk into his mind then that he had just Impressed. Nyvian had stood for plenty of Hatchings before with his brother, and he had slowly grown convinced that he would never have a dragon of his own. But, yet, here one was, a Bronze too! Nyvian glanced over to his brother, offering Ryvian a smile that ended up a little goofy. He wasn't sober enough to realize the look on his brother's face, and not nearly sober enough to come to the realization that while he had Impressed... his twin hadn't.

You can do this. It is just a few steps to the side of the Sands. The bronze dragonet was beginning to believe that Nyvian needed a little encouragement to walk his smelly butt over to the edge of the Hatching Sands. He was terribly hungry, and Nyvian was being both negligent of himself and him. Skorzanth extended his neck to press his head to Nyvian's backside, trying to steady his bonded... but in the end only proved to imbalance him. Nyvian stumbled forward, and tripped forward in an awkward heap onto the sands.

Are you going to get up? The bronze wasn't exactly the picture of a doting dragon...

It took a few minutes, but the pair managed to stumble off to the side of the Hatching Sands, where Skorzanth could finally be fed and Nyvian could make an earnest attempt to not cry as he thought over the fact that he had finally sharding Impressed! Once Skorzanth was settled in, Nyvian looked around for his twin, and was vastly relieved that Ryvian was coming to him rather than the other way around.

"Hey, come meet Kor!"

Skorzanth, the dragonet supplied helpfully.

"Skorzanth." A pause, and then a grin that was reminiscent of childish glee flashed across Nyvian's face. "So, what's your dragon's name?" he asked his twin.

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of Blue Vydoriath

Date of Birth
28.05.712, 33
Lean, fit
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
From booze, disappointment, and dragons running around him, Ryvian wasn’t really feeling up to seeing buckets full of raw meat and the babies eating it. Still, he only grimaced once on the walk over to where his brother was with his dragon. Nyvian’s dragon. That was a comforting and odd thought. It made perfect sense yet still didn’t seem quite right or real.

The smile was still in place, however, as right then he was thrilled for his brother. The mood would swing again later, of that Ryvian was certain, but for the time being, he wanted to bask in his twin’s happiness and share the moment with him. They seemed so natural together that it was hard for even Ryvian to recall a time without the dragon in Nyvian’s life. No, he could easily recall ten minutes before that had seen them both on the Sands watching everyone else Impress while they waited to go back to bed.

“Hi, Skorzanth,” Ryvian’s greeting ended abruptly with that. He didn’t get the chance to say anything else or to test if the dragonet would speak to him as well thanks to Nyvian. That question was so innocently asked and the glee Ryvian could see on his twin’s face was heartbreaking. Nyvian truly didn’t know he hadn’t Impressed and probably didn’t even consider it an option. One had Impressed, so why not the other?

“I didn’t Impress, Ny,” Ryvian said it simply and without hesitation. There wasn’t a need to sugar coat it or draw it out. It was a plain fact of life that he wasn’t good enough again and it wasn’t anything that could be changed and Ryvian was fine accepting it. “He’s beautiful, Ny,” Ryvian flopped down to sit before the dragonet to admire his hide some more when Ryvian frowned and looked over to Nyvian.

“Can I still call you that? What’s your new name?” Nyvian had always been there and had always been ‘Ny’ to him. Yet now it seemed Ryvian was losing the name he liked to use as well as his brother beside him at night. Nyvian would have to move to the Barracks to be closer to the class and Weyrlingmaster now and probably wouldn’t want to move back into their small hut with a large dragon in tow. That was going to be harder to swallow so he stuck with just learning the new name.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara’s viewing of the hatching was split between shoving klah down Jada’s throat, guzzling it herself, and trying to keep the baby from crying too loudly before finally feeding the infant, curled up between Krypth’s legs staring at the dragonets and their new weyrling bondeds enviously. She would be one of them, soon enough – Varlea’s birth had made sure of that – but Indivara was still griped she had not Impressed the moment she turned twelve and set foot upon the Sands. She was far more worthy than any of the Northern scum that had been brought down. Ungrateful bastards.

The rampaging bronze dragon caused Indivara’s face to twist, scarring tugged in odd directions by the twist of muscles as she pressed back against Krypth; she wasn’t afraid of the dragonet coming to get her, but the remembrance of pain when Hoth had turned her face into his own personal scratching post was difficult to set aside. The girl shuddered, shifting again when Varlea to burp her, still staring at the dragonets with wide blue eyes before relaxing as it was brought under control. The fighting of the blue and brown that appeared a short time later received little more than a dismissive glance. Worthless little bastards, fighting for no reason!

The girl scrambled to her feet as the bronze flopped to the ground by Ryvian’s, staring up at the boy. Impression? It had to be! She was going to kill him for Impressing before her! The girl’s expression was twisted somewhere between amusement and fury as she rocked the baby, grinning as the little dragon suddenly exploded into energy and then… went elsewhere. Indivara blinked rapidly in surprise, then stared blankly as another bronze approached the pair – and stayed. That one Impressed. The gold’s voice sounded hollow in Indivara’s head as she stared at the pair, still and silent, before moving swiftly across the sands as the last of the hatchlings collected a human. Protocol be damned! (Do you even know what that word means?)

The girl had almost made it to Ryvian, when he was suddenly skipping off to follow Nyvian, and Indivara growled in the back of her throat, waking Varlea who gave a soft gurgle before starting to whimper. Exasperated, Indivara’s gaze searched the faces of those closest before landing on a familiar face. Striding over to R’nd, who was being dragged across the sands by B’jin, Indivara shoved the child into his startled arms. “Here. Play daddy.” Spinning around again, Indivara jogged away before the child could be shoved back into her arms like a hot potato.

The trip to the twins was accompanied by demands of Krypth, who was only too happy to make demands of a weyrfolk, who was less than pleased at being bossed around by Indivara via proxy. The pot of sobering liquid was shoved into the girl’s hands with a glare and Indivara fluttered her eyelashes sweetly before continuing the trip to the two young men, snatching a cup off another passer-by as she did so. She arrived just in time to hear Nyvian’s rather drunken question, and Indivara flinched visibly as she came to a halt behind Ryvian as he dropped to the ground. She leaned forward slightly, knees against Ryvian’s back as she shoved a cup into Nyvian’s hand.

“Drink! You need whatever brain cells you haven’t drowned to wake up.” Ryvian clearly needed to re-drown his brain cells, but she’d take care of getting him raging drunk once they’d gotten Nyvian sober. The dragonriders could play pass-the-parcel with her baby for the next three hours, or until Par’a or Jada got hold of the child once more (pity the baby born of her and raised by them!)

“Of course you can,” Indivara scoffed, glaring at both – Ryvian for asking such a stupid question, and Nyvian as if he might dispute her – and she slapped Ryvian around the side of the head, using her unusual vantage point of being taller than him while he was sitting at her feet. She’d forgotten about his current hangover, and didn’t hold back on the slap – though to be fair, she probably wouldn’t have held back, anyway. “What did you say his name was?” One hand resting on Ryvian’s shoulder, the other played lightly through his hair.

The girl’s gaze shifted from Nyvian, down to the dragon that had claimed him, the girl’s expression remarkably unreadable for someone that was always transparent – the fact was, Indivara didn’t know how to feel. There was the lingering jealousy and irritation that the boy had Impressed before her, but there was the deeper worry for Ryvian and how he would cope. She hadn’t forgotten how good he’d been to her after the last Hatching, and while she’d never actually come out and say it, she’d be damned if she’d let him wallow in pity by himself.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


67 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Wiping his tears with the back of his meaty hand, M'din hiccuped lightly when J'di summoned him forward. He'd not entirely come to turns with the beautiful fact that Peorray, his new Weyrmate despite the obvious six month ban on their relationship, had Impressed on her nameday, and a gold at that. They were born on the same day!

Tottering across the sands to the silver-haired Weyrlingmaster, M'din felt a resurgence of nostalgia threatening to summon a fresh wave of tears, but quickly recomposed himself at the sight of the greenpair before him. Isscer had Impressed a green! M'din smiled widely, proud of his Crafter friend, and jotted down that his honorific was now S'cer. His notes were sloppy and tear-stained but legible, and he prayed J'di would find them acceptable or at least let him rewrite them when he wasn't an emotional wreck.

Reaching out to his bonded still perched dazedly on a nearby roof, M'din asked, Armath, wasn't this a wonderful Hatching? Look at all the healthy babies! The brown had not torn his eyes from Peorray's timid gold, and absently replied, Yes, beautiful. It was obvious to his rider that he was not referring to the dragonets as a whole, but honed in exclusively on the first to hatch. He reassured his dragon, Don't worry, buddy. We'll see them later. M'din could feel Armath's impatience and nervousness tingling in the back of his mind: yes, he loved golds above all else, especially one wise enough to bond to Peorray, but he was a stuttering fool around them and became exceedingly self-conscious in their presences.

Meanwhile, M'din was concerned that S'cer's green struggled to move, but J'di seemed to think she would recover strength after a meal and some tough love. He offered, "I can carry her if you need help, S'cer." A quartet of Weyrbrats passed him by, thankfully assisting a tiny blonde with injured legs, a victim of the violent bronze, between them. M'din noted painfully that none of his own children had Impressed at this Hatching, including Mariltin, who grew more concerned about his age by the day. M'din sighed, refocusing on the problem at hand.

Scrawling more information on his scroll, he noticed that the second gold had gone to Ameris, a Candidate he didn't know well, and one of the many bronzes had Impressed to one of the twins. He'd have to ask someone later which one it was, as Nyvian and Ryvian were essentially the same person to the simple brownrider, only now one had a dragon and one did not. He happily observed Terken with his new brown bonded, who seemed terribly excitable compared to many of the hatchlings, and wrote in the margins that he needed to track down more honorifics. It seemed the male Candidates had forgotten to inform him and J'di of their new names in all the excitement. M'din couldn't blame them: this double Hatching had been a whirlwind of dragonets and cracked shells, and the sheer number of people on the Sands brought the chaos to a new level.

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of Bronze Skorzanth

Date of Birth
Trim and fit


Written By: Jenn
There was nothing more sobering than realizing you had just asked your twin the most insensitive question possible. The expression on Nyvian's face did a total 180 as Ryvian replied to him, the stupid grin on his face disappearing in favor of a frown. Shit, he was such an idiot sometimes. "I'm sorry." Skorzanth butted his head into Nyvian's shoulder, and before he could wallow in self-pity along with Ryvian, simply from the fact that his twin hadn't Impressed, Indivara arrived. Nyvian wasn't sure he felt all that fantastic in that moment, but he took the cup from the young woman and testily sniffed it. He was too drunk to tell what it was. It was probably water and he thought it smelled like a festering pool of vomit. Ugh.

"Of course you can call me Ny, why would that change?" he was so confused as to why Ryvian would ask such a question. Even Indivara knew that it was a stupid enough question that she had to set the older twin right. His hand fell to Skorzanth's head, slowly petting the newly hatched dragonet while he tried to take a sip out of his cup with his free hand. His coordination wasn't all that great, and Skorzanth warily leaned away from his bonded. The dragonet didn't seem to pay all that much attention to Ryvian, as if a little repulsed by how sad the twin was at not Impressing.

Ryvian needed to get over it and be more determined for the next Hatching! Skorzanth's opinion seemed to align rather nicely with Indivara's, and he tilted his head up to look at the girl with interest. Here was someone with a backbone, even his bonded was being a little sad, and Skorzanth was in no mood to baby him. Nyvian had Impressed to him, there was no reason for the young man to be so pouty.

"I'm think I'll go with N'vian," the twin announced with a shrug of his shoulders. Talking about him and Skorzanth was the best way to keep him from thinking about Ryvian not Impressing and what that actually meant. When he sobered up he'd likely realize that this meant a painful separation from his twin, whom he spent most of his days with. Shells, they even shared the same bed in their small hut, and he'd loathe to have to leave it.

"His name's Kor."



Skorzanth couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for his bonded to clear his head and remember his full name. He was suspicious over the idea that Nyvian may never be able to pronounce his name correctly. Skorzanth, he projected clearly to Indivara and Ryvian, but his name was all they were going to get right now since his Weyrling was clearly a little incapacitated. His voice sounded rather similar to the twins', as if he had modeled his own tone after Nyvian's. Of course, his voice was a little deeper, but at first it could be a little startling to hear a dragonet who's mindvoice was so similar to his bonded.

"Hey, Indi." He was still a little too drunk to say her whole name, despite her preferences. "I got your bronze. He's mine." And he grinned, the biggest grin possible.

PA - First Post!

of Blue Vydoriath

Date of Birth
28.05.712, 33
Lean, fit
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Ryvian felt bad when he saw his brother’s face fall and he wished he hadn’t been so blunt with the truth. He should have let Nyvian enjoy his time as a freshly bonded weyrling a bit longer before pointing out he’d be going through the new facet of life without him. Maybe that was part of why he hadn’t been chosen. There was obviously something wrong with him if he could go through so many Hatchings without success but that little bronze that seemed so excited to see him but ran off to Impress another was the final straw.

Thankfully Indivara appeared to keep his mood from slipping when he was trying so hard to keep smiling and his usual optimism in place for Nyvian. In fact, their friend had even managed to get him to laugh a little at the order to drink coffee and implying Nyvian wasn’t working with a fully operational brain. But Indivara quickly lost any bonus points she had earned with that by slapping Ryvian upside the head, causing him to give a startled yelp and rub at his head with a frown. That hurt! It hurt more so within his head rather than the actual spot that had been slapped thanks to his fun night. Oh, and wasn’t that another little factor to consider; the dragonriders likely wouldn’t want to be near him anymore since he was such a proven failure. Leaving Z’ia’s bed that morning would have been for the last time.

No! That was the wrong way to think. He had to be happy for Nyvian. A smile wouldn’t fool either of the people with him but they’d likely also know not to push the issue right then. So Ryvian continued to look as chipper as a hungover man could as he stared at Skorzanth, taking in the hatchling as if it’d be the only chance he’d ever see the bronze. Mostly, he was eyeing up his new rival for Nyvian’s attention and affection but Ryvian had yet to fully reach that way of thinking and simply studied the dragonet.

Indivara’s touch to his shoulder and playing with his hair was almost unnoticed by the twin when normally he would have been leaning more into the touch and encouraging her to keep going or flirting. Now, however, he was still trying to fully understand what had happened and how to handle it once they parted ways, which would be soon from the way weyrlings were being rounded up around them. “He has a nice voice as well,” Ryvian added a moment after the dragon touched his mind to share his name and nothing more. It was familiar but odd, like everything currently was. Skorzanth reminded him of his own voice but it wasn’t exact and since it wasn’t his own thought, it was just plain weird.

“Ny!” Ryvian couldn’t believe what his brother had just said! Was that drunken stupidity talking or drunkenness making a friendly teasing comment sound a bit meaner than it was supposed to? Maybe the fault was on his end and Ryvian’s mood was hearing everything wrong but whatever the reason, he stared at his brother for saying he had Indivara’s bronze. “I think you need more klah.”

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