World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Stubbornly Collared [Rhaedalyn]


179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Splashes of water adorned Ravana's body as she finished bathing Stubborn, the tiny gold wriggling with delight when the rider went to get the bottle of oil.  She let out a sad creel when she set it aside and pulled out her beltknife instead of instantly oiling her.  She had learned not to fuss by now when Ravana pulled out the tiny belt knife she used to trim the lizard's claws, settling for giving her a haughty baleful stare as Ravana carefully used the knife to shave slivers of claw off each of the firelizard's digits. 

Only when each claw was shortened and dulled a bit, did Ravana reach for the oil again and start massaging it into soft golden hide.  Stubborn chriped happily the entire time, wriggling and fussing until she could lie in the sun to dry.  Her human bustled around the hut, then emerged after a while, her arms full of things.

A whistle brought Stubborn from Her light doze, the gold curious why she was carrying one of her baskets and wanted Her.  She came though, preening when she was rewarded with a treat.  Balancing on Her human's shoulder easily, she chirped in curiousity when they went to the building where cloth was made. 

Hers had been here before with Stubborn, and the gold liked it here.  There was a lot to see and do and people often gave her attention!  She watched Ravana settle and crawled to lay over her neck, resting Her head where Hers could easily pet it.  When a hand lifted to pet, she crooned happily, purring for Her human and feeling the sress that often hung over her human dissipate.  Green Nuisance Sister landed settled outside, and Stubborn felt Her human tense up, crooning to her until she relaxed, even licking her cheek.  Satisfied when Hers was relaxed, she looked around, wondering who she was waiting for.  She recognized the air of anticipation and nervousness that clung to Her human.  Settling to wait with her, Stubborn kept crooning, purring and butting at Ravana's hands for more pettings when she paused.

Green Nuisance = Shanith.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn hummed a tune to herself with Aradissicath rumbling her pleasure over the melody as they wandered over to the Crafting Hall. The day was one given to her to do with as she wanted since the young gold had been bathed and oiled the day before, classes weren’t scheduled that day, and no one had any further lessons designed specifically for them that day. So the decision was easy; she would work on some of her dresses and possibly mend any rips and tears of clothing piled up in the tailoring corner.

The only downside was Aradissicath was too big now to sleep inside and most of the buildings were proving to be just as tight of a fit. No more could the dragonet accompany her into the kitchen to try her hand at baking and sitting beside the table in the Dining Hall now that she took up more space was frowned upon as well. It was interesting to Rhaedalyn, however, to see how people reacted when Aradissicath still squeezed into places or did what she wanted. The disapproving look was still there but comments were held back. No one wanted to be the jerk that told off a young goldrider and her queen. It was fascinating but odd and Rhaedalyn still wasn’t sure how to deal with such reactions. Usually she ended up apologising and Aradissicath quizzed her on why she did that when it wasn’t her fault.

The Crafting Hall was much the same way. Aradissicath could fit through the door and usually find a spot out of the way to curl up and watch everyone work but sometimes her tail or wing knocked something over. Thankfully nothing had yet to break but an ink pot and Rhaedalyn was quick to declare she would clean up that mess. Aradissicath assured Rhaedalyn that today she would stay outside. It was a lovely day and she’d rest within sight of a window so they could keep tabs on each other. Rhaedalyn suspected it was more for the dragon to watch the human but she didn’t mind. It was nice having people and dragons worry over her.

With a kiss given to Aradissicath’s nose, Rhaedalyn skipped inside and the dragon went to lie down in sight of a window as promised. Muffin chose to stay outside as well but he normally did, preferring to chase birds and other flitters in fun games rather than cause trouble indoors. Mostly, anyway. He still had his fun during meals and Rhaedalyn still got her exercise chasing the pesky blue. Whisper and Rumour were circling above the young woman, casually looping low to chitter at her as they played. As always, she was thankful they weren’t as rambunctious as Muffin!

As she made her way to the area set up for tailoring, Rhaedalyn spotted a familiar figure and smiled as her skipping picked up the pace to bring her over to the woman. “Hello, Ravana! Oh, and Stubborn, too! How are you both?” Rhaedalyn slowly reached out so Stubborn could dictate whether or not she wanted to be petted just as Whisper landed on a shoulder, watching the interaction. She wasn’t a jealous gold and certainly not territorial given she had to share with two blues and a much larger gold and Rhaedalyn was thankful for that as well! Still, she always seemed to show up when a new firelizard was around, just to scope out the scene and judge whether it was fine or not.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Stubborn chirped a question to Whisper, and only if permission was granted by the other gold would she offer her head for scritches and pettings.  She did so love attention!  She purred softly, happy, the black marked gold wriggling happily as Ravana blinked down at her. 

Ravana offered a warm smile to Rhaedalyn, though the motion was hesitant.  She would never forget she was a gold rider now.  She spoke softly.  "We are both doing well."  She wasn't sure what to say, never was.  Rhaedalyn was so very very female.  She offered her a tidbit then, opening her mouth when she felt Shanith greet Aradissicath.  Greetings!  You look wonderful today!  How are you doing?  Eyeing her green warily, Ravana sighed and shook her head, for a moment forgetting to be formal with Rhaedalyn.  "I apologize if she offends Aradissicath.  She's very green today.  I was up most of last night reading to Berani and she eavesdropped.  I suspect the story will inspire antics." 

Ravana couldn't sing or play an instrument, but she could tell stories, and could read aloud very well, adding depth and inflections that brought the story alive, to her dragon, Olemuth and Berani at least.  She was unaware that both Jisralna and B'run tended to find things to do nearby while she read to Berani for a reason. 

Ravana looked down and away as Shanith chattered to Aradissicath about the story and how she couldn't wait to hear it end today.  She hoped the gold was in a patient mood today, usually only Olemuth had patience when Shanith was this babblyexcited. 

She asked softly, "How are you doing?"  Relaxing and deciding to socialize a bit, Ravana leaned against a wall, eyes on Rhaedalyn.  She genuinely liked the woman, wanted to be friends, but wasn't sure how to go about it without seeming like one of those trying to ride her coattails.  So she was careful, trying for a middle road between formality and cautious, real warmth. 

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn tilted her head in curiosity as Ravana apologised for Shanith, “why are you sorry? Aradissicath likes meeting new people and we’ve been enjoying our own stories so I think they’re on their way to getting along.” A genuine smile was given to Ravana. Rhaedalyn had no idea how she was currently perceived by the greenrider, which was probably a good thing since it would have made the weyrling frown and fret. “It’s a lovely day today so you shouldn’t have any worries.” Again she smiled and continued giving Stubborn an abundance of attention.

I’m well and thank you for noticing how wonderful I look today, Aradissicath replied with a warm chirp as she walked in a circle three times before sitting down. After a moment’s consideration, she laid down fully, deeming it a worthy location. She wasn’t tuning out the green; far from it! Aradissicath had a fondness for stories and was settling in to make herself comfortable while she listened to the one Shanith seemed so excited over. But you don’t know how it ends? How do you think it should end?

“I’m doing okay,” Rhaedalyn leaned in a bit closer as if preparing to sharing a secret, “it was a little scary at first but we’re doing wonderfully now! I’m not worrying nearly as much as I did the first little while after Impression,” Rhaedalyn confided, suddenly almost bouncing on the spot from her enthusiasm over doing as well as she was. She’d still hardly say she was the best weyrling ever but they got by and that was just as important to the young woman.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Stubborn was by and large a happy gold.  The little gold crooned and nuzzled, purring at the attention.  Ravana felt a smile touch her lips as Stubborn wriggled and chirped, hesitantly leaning on the wall.  She listened alertly, then offered up, "I think even those who think they know all there is to know about dragons are terrified when they first Impress.  I am glad you are doing well!  What have you enjoyed learning the most?  I enjoyed learning to make my leathers the most myself."

Shanith was answering Aradissicath as the riders spoke.  It's part of a set of stories, about a feline!  One of the little ones that chase mice and tunnelsnakes around here, not the big mean ones that try and eat people.  But she's owned by some humans and it's her job to make sure that no tunnelsnakes enter the house.  Only the tunnelsnakes are really, really smart!  So in this story, they found out that the cat is terrified of water... 

Ravana arched an eyebrow as she listened to Shanith a moment, bemused, wondering why on earth her green was retelling the story she had read Berani last night.  Shaking her head, she made a note to leave the books in the series where Rhaedalyn could find them sometime soon.

She leaned forward then, Stubborn having collapsed into a happy firelizard lump under Rhaedalyn's scritches.  "So, and I feel odd about going off gossip for something like this, but I heard you've a talent for making things and want to make things for firelizards?" 

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
“We haven’t started making leathers yet since she’s still growing but it’ll be interesting to work with that material,” Rhaedalyn paused a moment to think about everything she’d learned so far. Preparing the meals hadn’t been all that fun but it wasn’t horrible either, bathing was something she already knew how to do thanks to Niskziath and Xyreith. One thing did stand out a bit though. “I like making her oil. It’s interesting how you can add various fragrances to it and the sense of accomplishment when it works out well.” Her first batch of scented oil had been a flop but the next one had seen an improvement and Rhaedalyn’s confidence in the area began to grow. Her next project would be to make a scent that was perfect for Xyreith as a new gift to soften the bronze up to her.

Rhaedalyn let out a soft giggle as she got a sense of Aradissicath’s rapt attention on the green dragon. The young gold sat with only her tail swishing in contentment as she listened to all the details. All of her questions were held back so Shanith could tell the story properly without interruption though she wanted to ask how they knew the cat was afraid of water and how the tunnelsnakes were so clever. But all that had a chance to be revealed so she waited and nodded each time a tidbit was revealed. Shanith was a wonderful story-teller!

“I think Dissi likes Shanith,” Rhaedalyn shared the little fact as she tried to pull her attention away from the dragon and back to the human before her. That was something she was still working on; learning to keep her mind focused on what she was doing as well as pay some sort of attention to the babbling gold or how to tune her out when necessary. One day it would come easily to her but for now, it required a lot of concentration.

“Oh! Yes, I do!” Rhaedalyn’s attention was fully grabbed once more when the topic of firelizard clothing came up. “I’ve made little scarves and even hats for Muffin before I got the other two. He doesn’t like them too much but Whisper loves her hat since R’nya complimented it once,” again she giggled softly, amused at her gold flitter’s crush on the bronzerider.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Ravana thought a moment.  "It's been so long since I've been a weyrling that I...forget the order things go in."  She blushed, but a look towards Shanith and she wondered quietly if she was to be of the last generation of the female fighters.  So few dragons these days impressed to women except golds...

She tore her mind from that thought.  "I liked that best too.  Shanith likes lilac best in her oil, though I tend to favour a chamomile and lavender blend for her.  It calms her enough that I can actually manage to finish oiling her from time to time."  She spoke musingly, then shook her head.

"I am glad she does.  Shanith seems to like her too."  The green was easy going.  Ravana just hoped that her green didn't manage to corrupt the weyrling or lead her into mischief!  That would be bad on so very many levels.

"I read to my daughter most nights.  The healer said I should talk to her more, but I've never been a big talker and her father speaks even less, so reading to her both helps with that, and in teaching her.  If you like I can lend you the books in the series.  We're four or five in and..."  She decided to be blunt since her green was distracted.  "...Shanith's memory isn't that great for a book I would have read a few months ago." 

The rider changed the subject then, worried about Rhaedalyn's reaction to being offered loan of children's books!  "I thought that was your blue that was wearing a scarf a while ago, but wasn't too sure...He looked good in it."  She smiled though at the little gold's hat, though she did hope Stubborn wasn't wanting to wear one.  "Well I need someone to make a collar for Stubborn here.  I've often made her necklaces and that, and she loves to wear them, but they keep winding up on other firelizards.  I'm thinking something permanent I can hang small charms and beads off of." 

Ravana tugged out a cloth bag, and passed it to Rhaedalyn.  The beads were simply wrought, some round and sparkly or flat, some shaped into simpler shapes to look like dragons and firelizards, canines, felines, fish, shipfish, paw prints, a crescent moon and even a little frog, though that one needed a bit more work.  "She likes these, keeps stealing and hoarding them.  I'm hoping if I give her a way to wear them, my beads will stop disappearing."  Ravana blushed, feeling silly at indulging the tiny gold.

Outside, Shanith continued the story.  See the snakes had watched the feline's human try and bathe her through a window, and when the feline panicked the tunnelsnake told all his friends.  And when word got back to the leader of the tunnelsnakes, they made a plan.  They were going to use the feline's fear of water to get into the house! 

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
“That would be very kind, thank you,” Rhaedalyn smiled at the offer of borrowing the books. It didn’t matter to her that they were meant for children since those were the books that always had the best stories. Everyone lived happily ever after and true love existed. It was a perfect world and Rhaedalyn had always longed for it, even knowing it was supposed to be made up. She had a theory though that everything had to be based on some nugget of truth and it held her spirits high. One day she might find herself swept away by a beautiful and caring man and live a wonderful life. She sighed dreamily by accident before quickly adding a random comment that would hopefully distract Ravana from the sigh, “Aradissicath likes stories in general and I think she’d be okay with anything Shanith ended up making up.”

Rhaedalyn was relieved when Ravana changed the subject to the firelizard clothing and she barely contained bouncing on the balls of her feet as she accepted the bag to peer inside. What would have a firelizard so excited? “Oh, these are pretty!” Rhaedalyn poked around the contents and smiled widely at Ravana, now understanding why Stubborn would want the beads. Even Whisper had perked up as she tried to peek inside the bag. Rhaedalyn tapped her lightly on the nose to discourage her from any ideas of snagging something for herself and then closed the bag. “Thank you for thinking of me for the project! I think I can definitely make something for her and she seems close in size to Whisper so I can use her for measurements if Stubborn doesn’t want to sit still just yet.”

She was so excited to make something for another firelizard! All of her friends lacked in owning the creatures she couldn’t make gifts for them, except for I’shan, but she wasn’t sure his fair would appreciate anything that could hinder their playing. It’s what she suspected was the reason behind Muffin’s apprehension over wearing some of the items. “I can work on it today. I didn’t really have anything that had to be finished immediately.” Rhaedalyn was practically glowing from having a project meant specifically for her and couldn’t wait to tell V’zire and R’nya later on that she had been approached for her skills.

That is very clever! Aradissicath agreed with the tunnelsnakes. It paid to pay attention to their surroundings and they were using a weakness to their advantage. It wasn’t very nice when it was looked at from the feline’s point of view, but she still admired the determination and ingenuity. Rhaedalyn was much like the tunnelsnakes – so far! She didn’t know how they would end up – in that she worked with what she had and did her best to reach her goals.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Ravana dipped her head in a nod, relaxing when Rhaedalyn didn't take offense.  She blinked and looked down.  "Shanith usually pesters poor Olemuth.  He often drapes a wing around her and she'll sit and talk to him for hours."  Ravana didn't mind.  A Shanith that was bothering Olemuth was a Shanith that was going haring off to pull some stunt, and oen taht was sitting still.  The only drawback was that the green was even more high energy when she wasn't holding still these days!

The gold rider was practically bouncing nad Ravana relaxed. She had been worried, but it seemed she'd genuinely made Rhaedalyn happy.  She could relax. 

The words about her rocks made her blush and she spoke without thinking.  "If you find me a pretty rock I can make you something with it."  Shanith lifted her head outside and looked to Aradissicath then into the window.  Did you just? 

Ravana folded her arms and blinked.  She hadn't meant to!  But she had and wasn't going to make a big deal over it now, right?  Right!  And if hse wouldn't Shanith wouldn't.  Except the dragon was already telling the gold, She never offers to make things for people.  Says hse only dabbles and they should ask a crafter.

Ravana could have hit her head ont eh wall but soldiered on ahead.  "I can take your time.  I..."  Stubborn interceded then, coming back from between, and hesitantly offering Whisper something that glittered and sparkled. 

It was a small stone the shimmered even in the dark, part of the batch of a glass crafter's mistake she'd gotten.  That one had been rounded and polished until it rolled around perfectly.  Stubborn had a few like it since she liked to roll the small balls around the hut adn they were jsut big enough Berani couldn't swallow them by accident.  Ravana blinked and watched the golds warily.  Her gold normally cowered before antoher gold, a souvenir from encounters with an irate Lovely shortly after she'd hatched. 

The green rider palmed her neck, debating just running for the hills, then reminded herself firmly that part of having a fire lizard and dragon was dealing with odd behavior.  She spoke softly.  "Yeah, Stubborn should hold still.  She loves attention and even lets me trim her claws."  The little lizard tilted her head and chirped, Ravana reaching up to pet her reassuringly, the gold still waiting for the gift to be accepted.  "I'm lucky she's very well behaved.  And apparently generous."

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
“Really?” Rhaedalyn was a ball of excitement and there didn’t seem to be an end in sight. No one had offered to make her something before! She supposed it could be seen as payment for making the collar for Stubborn, which was how it worked in Katila since they had no need for marks but she hadn’t even thought to charge for anything and Ravana brought it up first. “Only if you have the time, though! You can always tell me you’re busy if I do find a pretty stone.” She actually went hunting from time to time for exactly that. Lately, she had been giving them to R’nya each time he assisted her with something and added them to a clear jar filled with water to keep the stones bright and shiny. It was silly and she knew it but the bronzerider still accepted it and hadn’t mocked her and that was the important part! She’d have to find one for herself now and possibly get it fastened to a leather strap to make a necklace out of. That would be so lovely!

Rhaedalyn has a way of inspiring people and bringing out the good in them. Not saying your rider isn’t good-natured, of course. Aradissicath approved of the greenrider and had from the start. She remembered through Rhaedalyn’s memories how kind the pair had been to offer them a ride to the gathering outside the Weyr and how friendly they had been without angling for anything. It was nice to know that such wonderful people didn’t only exist in Rhaedalyn’s stories!

“I’ll do my best not to keep you wait-” Rhaedalyn had jumped in when it seemed Ravana was nervous about asking her for the collar and fell silent just as quickly as the greenrider when Stubborn appeared again. She smiled when the shy gold seemed to offer something Whisper. Whisper cocked her head to the side, eyeing up her peer and the gift. It was rather shiny and enticing. Too enticing as it turned out as Whisper inched forward and took the stone with a croon. Little paws held it up for all to admire and Whisper chirped her approval when the light hit it just right and it sparkled. Rhaedalyn had no doubt that Whisper would enjoy playing with it later and leave the blues extremely jealous! R’nya would probably also have a visitor later as well since the gift would have to be shown off.

“Thank you, Stubborn. I think Whisper adores her present,” Rhaedalyn giggled and gave her own gold flitter a pat to the head. She didn’t want to startle Stubborn, despite the claim that she loved attention. When they sat down for measurements, she would properly praise the kind girl. “I’ll work as quickly as I can without sacrificing the quality. I’m almost more cautious with their accessories since, well, the items are smaller but if something goes wrong, it might hurt them and I’d feel terrible.” She had been concerned about injuries when the idea for scarves first came to her but with time and a careful eye on Muffin, it turned out well.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
It was amazing how excited Rhaedalyn got and Ravana nearly breathed a sigh of relief as she saw her just about bounce a bit.  She offered a warm,t rue smile, and said, "I'm likely to have the time.  I am working on stuff for wing practices but could always use a distraction."  Ravana's clumsiness was making her feel like she'd a target on her back and nothing she tried was easing the feeling.

Shanith crooned softly.  Ravana's a stick in the mud, but she's wonderful anyways.  I try and get her to socialize more, these days she stays around B'run and her daughter and me mostly.  It is good that your rider is wonderful too.  This place needs people who make others want to be their best selves like yours does!

Stubborn crooned softly as the other gold took the gift, chirping back to her happily and wriggling.  The gold and black fire lizard hummed and chirped happily and dared to nuzzle Rhaedalyn in reply to the thanks, then retreated to Ravana's arm, getting a gentle pet and crooning, then nuzzling for more.  Ravana obliged, shifting to caress the firelizard's snout. 

"It's no problem.  Stubbborn's fairly placid, but she does like to roughhouse with me from time to time."  Ravana's arms were usually covered in fire lizard scratches and nips, though she was working on teaching her not to hurt her when she did, though she could hardly help the claw marks.  "I will keep an eye on her though, I don't want her to get hurt."

Shanith wriggled outside, distracted by the conversation and the shadows, having entirely forgotten she was storytelling to Aradissicath.  It was one of the perils of a story telling green.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn was beside herself with how thrilled she was that someone wanted her to do some tailoring and trusted her enough to work on a firelizard. If she was successful and made something beautiful, durable, and safe for someone else’s flitter, then maybe more people would take notice of her skills and ask for items as well. She kind of liked only allowing a small chosen portion of the population to be special like her own fair but Rhaedalyn was willing to consider strangers’ requests as well.

Once that endeavour took off, maybe she’d be able to work out something that would suit Xyreith perfectly! A muzzle would be fun and symbolic of sorts. Aradissicath supplied helpfully. The great bronze never spoke to anyone but his snorts and gestures were enough to convey what he was thinking and that it implied he would need a muzzle if he spoke aloud. Rhaedalyn had to work hard at not laughing or gawking in shock at the idea.

Aradissicath noticed Shanith’s wandering attention but she didn’t mind. She had enough to go on to form some ideas and start creating her own version of how it ended. It would be fun to retell it to Rhaedalyn later! It was also hard to stay focused herself with how excited her bonded was over having a project to work on. You’ll get more done if you stop gushing and dancing on the spot, dear. Rhaedalyn flushed a little and offered an apology when she realized all the babbling she had done. “I’m sorry. I’m probably keeping you from other tasks of the day. You did say wing practice takes up a lot of time.” Rhaedalyn gently clutched the little pouch to her chest and offered a small smile as she tried to dial back her happiness. “I’ll work on it later today if Stubborn would like to come find me again and help me out.”

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Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Ravana thought to herself that if Rhaedalyn did as good a job as she thought she would, the green rider would talk to those amoung her friends that had fiars of lizards.  B'run would probably think fire lizard clothes was a girl thing, but Jisralna might enjoy having some of her lizards wearing clothing. 

Shanith blinked then asked, sheepishly, Where was I?  I forgot.  The birds and then my bonded's thoughts distracted me.  She would have blushed if a dragon could.  She really should have a better memory than this!

Ravana soothed her then replied to Rhaedalyn.  "I'm off, mroe or less, today.  I'll be around the craft hall though.  I pulled my daughter out of the Creche and need to finalize the trading for the last of the furniture I'm having made for her and set her up with a set of play clothes." 

Ravana smiled crookedly.  "You've probably seen her around, she's fascinated by the golds.  I've had to pull her away from peeking at the eggs on the hatching sands twice already."  She paused then and added, "Stubborn seems to be willing to come over and help.  I can stop by near the end of the day if you like with Berani if it would help?" 

She did actually need to go soon, from what Shanith was hinting at, Berani was beginning to grow bored with being under Jisralna's care.  Ravana was a firm believer that part of encouraging good behavior was anticpating and cutting off bad behavior at the pass.

Hearing her daughter's name, Stubborn took flight and landed neatly on Rhaedalyn's head, sending Whisper an image of Berani trying to paint her in explanation for the presumption.  She didn't want a repeat of that! 

The gold liked the child but in smaller doses than she was currently getting.  "Seems she's staying behind.  Berani tried to paint her green last time they met, and I didn't realize until it was too late to stop it.  Whoever said these guys have short memories has never met one."  In her own Ravana thought to herself that if Rhaedalyn did as good a job as she thought she would, the green rider would talk to those amoung her friends that had fiars of lizards.  B'run would probably think fire lizard clothes was a girl thing, but Jisralna might enjoy having some of her lizards wearing clothing. 

Shanith blinked then asked, sheepishly, Where was I?  I forgot.  The birds and then my bonded's thoughts distracted me.  She would have blushed if a dragon could.  She really should have a better memory than this!

Ravana soothed her then replied to Rhaedalyn.  "I'm off, mroe or less, today.  I'll be around the craft hall though.  I pulled my daughter out of the Creche and need to finalize the trading for the last of the furniture I'm having made for her and set her up with a set of play clothes." 

Ravana smiled crookedly.  "You've probably seen her around, she's fascinated by the golds.  I've had to pull her away from peeking at the eggs on the hatching sands twice already."  She paused then and added, "Stubborn seems to be willing to come over and help.  I can stop by near the end of the day if you like with Berani if it would help?" 

She did actually need to go soon, from what Shanith was hinting at, Berani was beginning to grow bored with being under Jisralna's care.  Ravana was a firm believer that part of encouraging good behavior was anticpating and cutting off bad behavior at the pass.

Hearing her daughter's name, Stubborn took flight and landed neatly on Rhaedalyn's head, sending Whisper an image of Berani trying to paint her in explanation for the presumption.  She didn't want a repeat of that! 

The gold liked the child but in smaller doses than she was currently getting.  "Seems she's staying behind.  Berani tried to paint her green last time they met, and I didn't realize until it was too late to stop it.  Whoever said these guys have short memories has never met one."  In her own defense, it had been B'run watching her that time, but Ravana was still a bit annoyed by it.  She was half positive her firelizard looked a little green here and there.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn tried to bite back the laughter at the explanation for why she suddenly had a firelizard on her head that wasn’t one of her own. Whisper chittered at Stubborn, conveying what seemed like sympathy and understanding. She hadn’t been a victim of being painted yet but it didn’t seem like a pleasant experience! She was more than willing to share her curly haired human for the day to keep a fellow gold safe.

“I’m used to having my trio around me all the time so I won’t mind one more for the day. She’s so well-behaved and such fascinating colouring – her natural colouring that is,” Rhaedalyn finally let a bit of a giggle seep through as she hadn’t meant to tie her compliment in with the fear Stubborn had. She carefully reached a hand up to her so the newly borrowed gold flitter could sniff at it and get a quick scritching from it.

“I would also like to see Berani. We can all sit outside later and she can play with Dissi.” Despite not having her own and having limited contact with them in general, Rhaedalyn adored children; so long as they weren’t crying. She didn’t like the sound of unhappy children and didn’t know what to do with them when they were sent into crying hysterics. Still, it sounded like a lovely plan to have their group all together later on. It also gave her a goal for finishing the project. Stubborn would be so pretty and it’d be a good time to show it off before she likely vanished away from Berani.

Nothing to worry about for now. It sounds like we’ll be together again soon and we can pick a new story. She wasn’t entirely focused on the story now either given how much attention Rhaedalyn was earning from her. We better separate them before they keep talking the day away despite them both saying they have things to tend to.

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Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Stubborn relaxed at the sympathy and understanding.  She liked all firelizards, and it kinda hurt her that other gilds seldom liked her.  The little gold settled on Rhaedalyn's head, looking, for all intents and purposes like a gold crown flecked in black. 

Ravana giggled.  "It was funny when it happened, I'm just lucky all she did was sit and creel in protest until Berani got caught.  She's wonderfully well behaved nad she liked bacon."  Ravana had stuffed her with the stuff that night to reward her for good behavior. 

Stubborn extended her nose and gently licked the hand, chirping and purring gently, the firelizard plainly happy with the attention.  She wriggled and licked then purred away.

Meanwhile Shanith was reaching for Berani and informing her of her mother's whereabouts.  She replied to Ardissicath, Berani's on her way!  Ravana will leave once she gets here because I'll have the tailor doing her clothes call for them both. 

Ravana was saying, "Sounds like a plan.  I can bring some dinner and we can settle in a quiet spot to eat and relax later today if that works?"  Arms wrapped around her legs then and Ravana looked down, blinked, then a warm smile touched her eyes and lips.  She bent down to pick up Berani, hugging the toddler and murmuring, "Hey ther.  This is my friend, Rhaedalyn."  Berani waved, buried her face in her mother's shoulder, and then peeped back out shyly, curious. 

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Having Stubborn curl up on her head was a bit weird until the flitter settled down and she felt more like a hat. It probably made for quite the sight but Rhaedalyn would have to settle for enjoying how she envisioned it to look since she doubted the girl would stay there until a mirror was found. Then again, as cute as it probably was, Rhaedalyn hoped her trio didn’t pick up on the idea or she’d likely have fights breaking out over who got to ride up there. Muffin already sometimes took to landing on her head for a quick rest but if he realized it was perfect for napping on, she was doomed!

“It does and hi!” Rhaedalyn shifted from answering Ravana to greeting the young girl. Berani was so adorable and the shy peeping she did only added to it. Rhaedalyn was instantly smitten with the child and she smiled brightly. The evening seemed so far away all of a sudden. She wanted to get to the part where they had dinner and played. It sounded like it would be wonderful and a fun way to wind down from the demands of the day. Unfortunately as much as she wanted it come right away, it was a good thing it wasn’t there yet. She had to make the collar and there was still the daily check in to do with the Weyrlingmaster to make sure Aradissicath had made it through another day without her silly rider forgetting to do something for her.

“I’ll make sure to be back here later on to meet up. I can’t wait to hear how your day went, Berani.” If there was one other person in the Weyr that had as fanciful a mind as Rhaedalyn, she knew it would be a child. They could tell such wonderful stories and make even the most mundane day sound like it was full of amazing adventures from start to finish. It was so refreshing after hearing so many complaints from adults about their chores and responsibilities. Sometimes, Rhaedalyn wished she were still a young girl but then she compared what she had then and now and realized her life was far more interesting with a dragon at her side and a charming man slowly entering into her life. To her, everyday was still an adventure.

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Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Ravana made a mental note to save the image of Rhadalyn with a firelizard crown wondering if her drawing her with the lizard on her head would make her laugh or make her feel she was being made fun of?

Berani waved, having been taught that much manners by her mother, then hid again.  Ravana absently ran a hand through her soft curls, and murmured, "I look forward to meeting up later."  Shanith had caught something her rider didn't and nudged Aradissicath.

Mine's trying to act like it isn't a big deal, but Berani doesn't talk yet.  It runs in her family to talk late or not be able to talk at all.  She is intelligent and will listen and converse in her own way, but yours should perhaps know not to expect words.

The green came to her feet then, hearing the tailor calling hers.  Ravana offered Rhaedalyn a shrug and darted out the door, Berani in tow, Stubborn keeping her spot on Rhaedalyn's head. 

Her business with the tailor was wrapped up quickly and Ravana used the time she had after to check on the furniture she had ordered for Berani.  It had been a days work to expand her hut enough to give the girl her own space, and Ravana was relieved to find that the furniture would be done soon. 

Later, as she headed to meet Rhaedalyn, she reflected to herself that perhaps Berani would enjoy a small gathering to celebrate her room, a kind of house warming party.  Ravana still planned to move in with B'run full time, eventually but she knew herself well enough to know she needed her own space, and knew Berani did too.  Oh, she thought the girl would enjoy the place she was building for her!

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