World of Pern
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2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

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Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

special Birthday gift [I'shan]


196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin had been working on the belt for a while now. He had extra leather from when he did I'shan the jacket and set it aside for later. He had just enough to make a belt out of and he heard that I'shan birthday was coming up.  He talked it over a bit the Araith about the things that he was thinking as he  measured and made the belt. Luckly he still remembered  the size from back when he measured I'shan for the jacket that he was making.

Seijin was excited. He sent both Lana and Claus ahead with a note for I'shan before heading toward his hut. He waited though for the two to get back he didn't wanna interrupt  if I'shan was busy so he waited  outside till his firelizards brought a note back to him to say that he wasn't busy or to set up a new time that they could meet. 

He let the both go cause Claus had been missing playing with I'shan's little brown and Lana would make sure the note was delivered and wait patiently for a answer.  He shifted the small wrapped package in his hand he hoped the he would like it.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
I'shan was delighted to receive the letter. He'd been looking forward to getting his new belt, and it had come at an opportune time. N'gelt wasn't at home to be jealous and his son was with his mother, so  I'shan was alone and pretty bored when he got the notice. By the time Seijin arrived, I'shan was already waiting at the door.

He flung it open and grinned impishly at the young greenrider. "What's up?" he asked jovially. Squee settled on his shoulder and cheeped a greeting to Seijin's pair, who had always made excellent playmates for him. The brown chittered and took off, but I'shan paid him no mind.

"You got something for me?" he asked with a curious grin, lifting one brow and taking a prowling step closer to the younger man. I'shan always had been the playful sort. He figured he already knew what it was, but he liked entertaining the spirit of an excited child for a moment. It saved him the horrible bore of being grown-up.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Sejin smiled when he saw I'shan in the entrance-way  to his hut. He was both excited and nervous about the gift he was bringing. He noticed the I'shan old belt was getting a bit thread-baring  and though this would make a nice yet practical gift. Something beautiful yet something that he'd be able to use.

He smiles as he heard both Lana and Claus chirp in greeting to Squee before taking off to play. He was awfully glad that they all enjoyed each others company. He knew that lately though Lana had been playing more with the males.

"nothing much is us" seijin replied soflty " Classes are going well " and we haven't lost anyone yet so that's a real good thing. " He grinned "course I did bring you something" he pulled the box from behind his back.  " Happy Birthday I'shan I hope you like it." He smiled brightly at his friend whom he has missed seeing.  He knew the both of them were busy but he just had to take time off to give his friend a gift. 

One that was both beautiful yet useful and could be worn all the time. He was glad he keep the leftover pieces form the jacket. there was just enough materials left to make this lovely belt.  He wiggled nervously  as he waited for I'shan to open the present.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
I'shan resisted the urge to tear into the gift outright. He smiled wide as he unwrapped it, trying to be delicate and show some restraint, but that was easier said than done! He wasn't used to receiving gifts, even on his birthday. Well, since the plague anyhow. His mother has always spoiled him rotten back at home. Sometimes he really missed it. Even years in the damn jungle hadn't quelled his desire to be comforted from time to time; if anything, they'd made it stronger. A gift meant a lot more now than it did back then, even a somewhat selfish person like I'shan could see that.

His eyes widened as he unwrapped the gift to reveal the belt. It matched his jacket so well, and it was so well-made! It was one of the more personalized and thoughtful gifts that the bluerider had received in quite a long time indeed. He could even vaguely remember Seijin mentioning making him such a belt, but I'shan didn't usually expect to actually receive something he'd been promised.

The bluerider grinned and, without warning, threw his arms around the young greenrider. "You're so sweet!"

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Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin watched as I'shan slowly opened the gift.  He was excited to see if  I'shan would like it. He held his breath as the belt came into view and I'shan finally got to see it for the first time.  Suddenly and without any warning he was in the blueriders arms and he smiled and hugged him back quite happily.  " I am so glad that you like it, I'shan. " Seijin couldn't help but steal a soft kiss on I'shan cheek as he was so close and in his arms at least for a short bit. 

" I figured you would like the belt to go with the jacket. I think it make a nice combination.  I even used the same  stitching style in both so that you could tell that it was a matching set. " Seijin pointed along the edge of the belt to show the stitching.  " and  if you would like anything else in this color i keep notes in my journal on  exactly how to get this rich color perfectly the same. " Course he wasn't gonna admit  that he named the color in the journal I'shan's blue perfection.

"So tell me how has you day been so far ."  Seijin asked curious. He wondered if  I'shan had plans for his birthday later on and  whatnot.  He did enjoy hearing I'shan talk "anything exciting planned"

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
"Dude," I'shan said, beaming as he looked at the gift one more time before setting it aside, neatly stored within it's box. Squee bolted over and settled on the table beside it, eager to take a sniff and see what all the fuss was about, but I'shan batted him away. Squee had a tendency to try to take off with things, and that wasn't something the bluerider wanted to put up with right now.

"Plans? Why would I have plans?" he asked. The significance of the date had completely passed him over; I'shan often counted the days until his birthday, but he'd been busy and unsure of himself much that he hadn't paid the normal attention that he would pay to the calendar. Ilveriath quickly noticed, however, and rather than speaking to his bonded, chose to speak to Seijin instead.

It is good of you to remember. I expect only one other has. R'nd always remembered I'shan's birthday and would undoubtedly swing by later, which would thrill the little bluerider for sure...but more surprises were always better. Plus, it was sort of endearing how I'shan stood there, looking with interest at Seijin, waiting to see what exactly he was supposed to have plans for.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Cake cause Seijin made a cakee and I want some please. Araith squealed excitedly.  She had tried a piece of cake and now she just wouldn't leave it alone. She of course sent it to all the ones in the hut. She still had trouble controling herself when she got excited and nothing was more exciting then cake. 

Seijin blushes "  way to ruin a surprise Araith you weren't suppose to tell him yet." He chuckled softly " sorry about that she gets a little excited at times.  I was wondering if you would honor me  and let me  cook you dinner this time for your birthday and yes I made you a cake for dessert.  But I'm sure its not as good as you can make.  " He ran his fingers threw his hair.  He wanted to make I'shan birthday special cause  he did something special for Seijin and therefor he was one of the most special people in Seijin's life.  I'll remember Seijin swore softly to IIveriath.

Though he has meet many interesting riders since then and a few of them he wouldn't mind getting to know a whole lot better. But I'shan still held a important place in his heart. He fluttered nervously his face a bit red still. " Course I wasn't sure if you had any other plans that someone set up earlier cause I wouldn't wanna ruin someone else's plans. "

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
I'shan beamed. Oh, his birthday! How had he missed it? He'd thought of it a couple weeks ago, but time had flown by without him even batting an eyelash. Was it because N'gelt was back in his life? Was it because he no longer marked the days by his wing practices? Had he really been sleeping that much? He let out a playful laugh at the realization, hardly able to believe that the date had slipped past him.

"I have a friend who always comes over on my birthday, but not until the late evening. I have some time before that," he said with a smile. He looked forward to seeing R'nd, who he was certain would remember better than himself. R'nd always remembered! Then, with a sly grin, the bluerider stepped out of the door. "That's in a while, though. Come on in!" Cake?! I'shan tended to agree with Araith on that topic. He had a taste for good food in general, and it had been a while since he'd had any real sweets. Sensing the man's excitement, Squee began to chitter and flutter around.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin retrieved the sack that Araith had draped on her back before heading insiide. As Seijin stepped inside he felt a bit nervous he had not cooked for anyone like this before.  Not someone special like I'shan that was.  He hoped the he enjoyed what he had in mind something quite simple really. He set the cake on the table it was covered up  so that  I'shan could not see it yet. He found some nice rich tasting fruit to go  on top to decorate it.

Seijin smiled at I'shan and  quickly set to work having brought the stuff with him in some leather bags that Araith helped him carry here.  He wiggled his finger at I'shan  "No peeking at the cake yet I'shan you can see it after we eat. "

"Why don't you come and keep me company while I get this ready to be cooked. Tell me about what you been up to since I've last seen you. " Seijin grinned . " I'd love to hear everything. Have you done anything real fun. Cause any mischief. Personally I been to busy with Araith to cause any mischief of my own. "

"I'll Make extra so that you won't have to worry about cooking something for your Mate or  the friend who will be stopping by later. I'm sure I brought enough supplies that there will be extra. " Seijin winked playfully and He scooped up the cut meat and tubers and  put them on to cook adding some herbs and spices he had gathers to give it flavor.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
No peeking at the cake yet


I'shan frowned and snapped his hand back, carefully tucking it behind his back. Him, sneaking peeks at cake? Never. Not in a million turns. He smiled innocently and let out a bright chuckle, throwing all subtlety out the door, for he'd certainly been caught. May as well make a little joke about it, right?

"Okay, okay," he said, putting his hands up harmlessly and stepping away in a gesture of sincerity. "I'll leave it be. Couldn't help myself, you's been a long time since someone has done something like that for me."

Not that he normally needed it. He usually did all his own cooking and treated himself to something extravagant on both his own birthdays and those of his friends, but it was pretty nice to be the one getting the surprise for a change. He obediently followed the young greenrider into the kitchen area, watching as he set to work on the meal.

"That's awful kind of you," I'shan commented, tone softening, once again in emphasis of his seriousness. It was often all play and no work for the bluerider, but he had a serious side as well. It wasn't even that it was a small part of him, it was just well-guarded. That was starting to come more easily these days, with the return of N'gelt and the more frequent visits from  Isharyn...

He smiled. "Well, N'gelt and I are back together," he said lightly. Boy, what a terrible misunderstanding that had been. It was nice to have the brownrider back, but in a way, I'shan felt like their time apart had been good for them. They'd learned from their mistakes, and while on his own,  I'shan had learned a lot about himself. He folded his hands in front of him and leaned against the wall, eyes closing as he mused on the situation. "I said I'd give him another chance. It was a little bit of a mess, I guess...but I think it's worth it. He deserves it."

Then, his smile widened a little. "I've started seeing my son more often, too. I think his mom is glad for the help."

Squee appeared, flickering onto the counter and sniffing idly at the food. His eyes whirled in excitement. I'shan smirked and nodded at him. "Might wanna watch out for that little guy. Er, and how about you, Seijin? How's that cutie green of yours?" There was a rising note of mischief in his voice.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin had to chuckle softly at I'shan's look when he caught him getting ready to peek at the cake.  He smiled brightly. "'Well I did know that by covering it up I was making it very tempting to peek and you wouldn't be you if you didn't try to sneak one. " Seijin replied softly. " Well I'm glad that I managed to surprise you with something you don't normally get surprised with. "

"Oh well I'm glad things are going well with you and N'gelt and that your back together. That is wonderful news. Sometimes things have ways of working themselves out and when they do  its cause you stepped back and  really looked at what you wanted and needed and worked things out. I'm so happy that you were able to make things work out and that your happy most importantly.  "  Seijin said honestly.  " I bet his mom is very greatful for the help. I've working in the creche before and kids seem to be all over the place all the time.  And I know how important time with my father was when i was younger. "

Seijin wiggles a finger at Squee and then tosses him a scrap also giving Lana and Claus some as well.  "Araith is doing well. We are learning much haven't seen you pop into any of the lessons yet though.  " Seijin grins mischievously.  " Course  she says your on her list but not sure yet what she means by that."

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
"His mom is the one who looks after him most of the time," I'shan replied simply. "He lives with her. I used to visit, you 'Mom's cool friend' and all that. Now it's pretty much the same, except I go by more often and sometimes I keep him for the day. I don't have the stamina to watch him all the time like Ce'lie does..."

The thought was near-traumatizing! I'shan loved the kid, but what the hell was he supposed to do if, say, the boy started crying or something? I'shan had no idea whatsoever. He figured it would come with time, especially since he was starting to take care of the boy a bit more these days. And that wasn't mentioning the other one that he knew he had floating around out there...Good thing the mother hated him, he supposed.

When the topic of  Araith came up, I'shan was puzzled until Ilveriath delivered a most amused thought to him. I believe he is implying that he would like us to fly her the blue mused. I'shan could feel the dragon's pleased laughter tingling in the back of his mind. That wasn't an unappealing idea! Ilveriath wasn't overly discriminatory over which greens he chased, it mostly boiled down to which days he wasn't feeling lazy. He found Araith charming, though, so I'shan didn't doubt the wispy blue would at least try.

I'shan just giggled.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin busied himself checking on the food.  He loved to hear I'shan giggle it was comforting in a way and it meant that his friend was having a good time. Cause face facts no one giggled if they weren't having fun.

He wondered what it was like to have a son like I'shan so far he didn't have any children but someday in the future he may but it probably wasn't very likely for him to go out and just have sex with one of the girls right off the bat. He knew that some of the girls he knew from candidate lessons were expecting children. Some he didn't think were going to any time soon  He supposed that was the way of things  they happen even when you don't think they will.

Seijin still was a little shy around the other riders even I'shan sometimes but that was cause he liked and respected him and didn't wanna mess it up.  He listened to Araith softly as she teased him again.

you can talk  you know.  You wanted to tell him about the list, you could of waited and let him be surprised. hush beloved I think we've surprised him enough today. Or I won't let you have any cake. No cake that's cruel I must have cake giveme giveme. Seijin chuckled Araith was already obsessed with the stuff.  B'jin is soo gonna kill him over it. He just knew it.

"Well I think its wonderful that you get along well with your son and can spend time with him.  I bet it gets much easier when they get older and you can do more with them though. Foods almost ready. " Seijin smiled brightly and prays that I'shan will like the meal he prepared.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
That was good. I'shan's stomach was gnawing at him! Seijin had showed up just in time, since I'shan had been contemplating his own dinner. He loved to cook, but lately he'd been feeling a bit unmotivated, so it was just as likely that he'd mount of an head off to the dining hall alone and grabbing something from there. It was mostly that same lack of motivation that had kept him grounded long enough for Seijin to show up and catch him.

"I'm starving," he murmured, reaching out to run his hand down Squee's back as the fire lizard sniffed at the cake. Araith seemed pretty enthusiastic about the cake, so by Faranth, Squee wanted some of that action, too. His nostrils quivered as he butted them up against the cake's covering. I'shan smirked and scooped Squee up into his hands before carrying him away and seating himself at the table. "No!" he scolded, but he was so playful and flippant in his tone that the mild chiding was totally ineffective. Squee chirped and seated himself in front of I'shan, looking up with sparkling eyes as the bluerider poked affectionately at his nose. So cute!

"Smells good," he commented, glancing over towards Seijin.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin smiles " well if your starving then ya might not complain about my bad cooking then. " Seijin teased and flirted quietly. " After all my cooking is not up to par with your own so I'm sure it sadly lacking.  " He dished out a plate for I'shan and served him first and them put some smaller meat pieces aside for the firelizards cause he knew they would also be hungry.  He made sure that all of them would get to eat. 

If you eat fast then we can have cake Araith reminded them all softly. She was more the ready for the sweets and didn't care about them enjoying their dinner any. Seijin had to chuckle softly at her insistence specially since she got excited and sent to them all again. Let him eat beloved. He needs to enjoy his meal first so that he can enjoy the cake that much more.

Seijin set I'shan's plate in front of him so he could start eating and set the plate for the flits to the side and then fixed himself his own plate before sitting down and joining I'shan. " I hope you like it.  Seijin waited holding his breath as he waited for I'shan to take his first bite.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
I'shan watched patiently as Seijin approached and started to dish out the food. The bluerider tried not to look overly-eager, just like he tried not to shovel it all down his throat. It wasn't the same as his own cooking, but he couldn't help but lift a brow at Seijin's little dig at his own skills. "I think someone's fishing for compliments," the bluerider said, pointing his fork at the young man and allowing a semi-devious, not-entirely-serious smirk to cross his face.

"Seriously kid, this is good. Why so hard on yourself?" he inquired as he continued to work his way through the meal. It was nice to have someone else cooking for him, for a change! He batted Squee away as the flitter landed on the table and padded over to investigate. "No! Bad," I'shan scolded, shaking his head. Squee let out a small chirp of protest, but his short memory soon took over and he seemed to forget entirely, fluttering around the room inquisitively and looking for someone to play with.

"I swear, he never gets tired," I'shan commented lazily. "He's a mess." Of course, the little brown would have been more manageable had I'han actually bothered to train him, but that was a topic for another day. "I think I'm going to get one for Isharyn," he remarked. "It's been a while since I got him anything, and I guess I have some missed birthdays to make up for.."

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin blushes softly when I'shan says he fishing for compliments but  his eyes twinkle when I'shan admits that the food was good. "I don't really know. I guess I worried about letting someone down maybe. Something that I have done in the past. Being here is a whole new life. Honestly I don't want to mess it all up by messing something up. " He shrugs softly " Guess I'm just hard on myself cause I'm so full of doubt about my abilities. "

He calls over squee, Claus and Lana  and feeds them bits of meat that he set aside for them to eat now that the food was ready to eat. Lana took her's and ate it daintily and Claus snatched his up. He held the last piece up for Squee not sure how he'd react to the food.

Seijin grinned " Well if you think the food is good just wait till you get to the cake. " He winked playfully and mischievously. Yes cake is good. Araith piped up softly from her spot outside. Oh hush darling. Let everyone eat in peace just cause your not hungry right now don't mean the rest of us are not Seijin teased Araith softly soothing the words he spoke with amusement in his tone.

Seijin smiled " I'm sure  Isharyn will love to have one of his own.  If i was a child that would make up for a lot of missed birthdays. It is after all a very special gift. Course it also comes with great responsibility.  He'll have to keep them feed and cared for.  I find my two very delightful.  Though Lana is more of a homebody and Claus likes to be a bit more energetic.  "

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
"Well, food quality aside," I'shan said, pointing his fork at Seijin and smirking teasingly. "If someone goes through the trouble of making someone a meal and feeding them like this, the person being fed doesn't have much right to complain," he said. People so rarely did these sorts of things for him, how could he complain? The fact that the food was good and refreshingly different from his own work was more than welcome, too. I'shan loved his own cooking, but he was tired of never having anything else.

"Anyhow, you have nothing to stress over. This is good! Who taught you how to cook?" he asked. He'd learned from his mother, but he didn't much feel like talking about it right then. He missed her so much, even to this day. He thought about her every time he started a meal. That always made the birthday meal a little bittersweet, and that was something he didn't have to worry about this year.

Once he was finished, he dropped his fork dramaticallyand pushed his chair back, flashing a bright grin at the young greenrider. "Thank you..." he said, this time a little less enthusiastic but  a little more sincere. Of course, his previous thanks had been sincere, but this one came with a bit more thought as he emerged from the haze of nostalgia he'd been wrapped in for the last few minutes.

"It means a lot."

He rose to his feet and stretched, still only half-grounded in realty. He'd made a big deal about not talking about his mother, but here he was eulogizing her to himself. What a mess I am...

After a second of silence, he beamed again. "So! Cake...?"

Outside, Ilveriath purred softly. He reached out gently to his bonded to find him happier than he expected...a pleasant surprise indeed.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin chuckled softly. "Well my mother did know a few things about cooking and I picked up things here and there from others I've watched and  hung out with while they were cooking. Don't always have to be taught how to do things you can observe and figure things out sometimes on your own.  Granted I'll never do anything to fancy think the cake is about as fancy as it gets. "

Seijin smiled  as he pulled the covering from the cake " Happy birthing day I'shan. I hope you like fruit on your cake. I honestly didn't think it turned out half bad. Course Araith has been dying to score herself a piece it almost didn't make it here.  Yes Seijin was being mean and wouldn't even let me taste test it to make sure it was good enough to server.  Araith pouted softly. beloved, You know that you would of eaten it all and he would not of gotten a piece of his own cake. Seijin scolded Araith softly and teasingly. He wasn't seriously upset with Araith of course he loved here way to much.

Seijin cuts I'shan the first piece and sets one aside for Araith a small one and then cuts a piece of his own. Seijin places the piece in front of I'shan and starts to do the dishes. He wouldn't want to leave a mess behind after giving I'shan a special dinner and dessert for his birthday.  " Eat up and tell me if you like it. " Seijin nibbled his bottom lip.  He had made it special for I'shan but he had never made a cake like this before.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Hmm, the cake even smelled good. I'shan eyed it from a distance as Seijin uncovered it and started to cut it. He noticed there seemed to be an extra piece, but he decided not to ask. If he'd known it actually was for Araith, he would probably have just laughed with endearment, even though he knew damn well that such things weren't good for growing dragons. He remembered quite a few of his classmates getting scoldings during his own weyrlinghood for feeding their dragonets things they weren't supposed to have.

He produced a corny grin as he pulled the plate close and inspected it. He wasn't as much for baking as he was for savory cooking, is even if there was anything wrong with it he didn't have much to offer in the way of technical critique. He just smiled and dove in, perfectly satisfied with the taste, and set about systematically destroying it. He hadn;t had cake since his last birthday, so he certainly wasn't going to waste the opportunity now.

"Thanks, Seijin," he purred, following the young greenrider's path with his eyes as he walked over to start the dishes.

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Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin smiles brightly " Oh I was no trouble  I'shan no trouble at all I was pleased to be able to cook you dinner and make you a cake. " He practically purred.  "I'm also glad that you  are enjoying the cake so much.  " He swiped a piece of the cake and took it out to Araith. " He peeked back in the doorway " would Ilveriath  like a piece as well?" Seijin asked softly. He really wasn't sure if I'shan let him have cake or not cause face it  Seijin might be the only rider that gave in to his dragons sweet tooth.

Though he is sure he gonna regret it greatly later.    " Ummm you won't tell B'jin ya saw me do give her this  will ya. " He seemed a bit nervous about the weryling Master finding out specially since he told him to specifically avoid doing just this thing. Seijin ran his fingers threw his hair.

Course he is sure that I'shan could probably scold him just as effectively as B'jin could if he so chose.  CAKE Ilveriath  we can have cake now,  You want some right.  Seijin can bring it for us. Araith wiggled knowing that Seijin was thinking about bringing her cake he  usually is pretty open with his thoughts.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
"What aren't we telling B'jin?" R'nd asked as he rounded the corner to come up on the front of I'shan's hut. He had missed the conversation except what Seijin had said about B'jin not finding out. That was curious and obviously it had something to do with Araith given his lover was Seijin's Weyrlingmaster. With a grin, R'nd peeked around the weyrling to where he saw Ilveriath and saw the little green near him with a plate before her. B'jin certainly had his hands full with his class! R'nd laughed and shook his head lightly, "yeah, he might not like that too much! Best not tell him." A wink was given to Seijin before inviting himself properly inside his friend's hut.

"Shel!" R'nd called out to his friend in the most scandalized voice he could manage as he caught the aroma of dinner in the air and saw more cake on the table. "You made a birthday dinner and didn’t invite me? Strike me right through the heart with that, you did!" He playfully draped himself onto his friend's shoulders to feign weeping for several seconds and finally gave up the act to rest his chin on the shoulder he had claimed like a firelizard would. "Please lie to me and tell me it wasn't good at least." R'nd loved I'shan's cooking and saw any occasion to manage a bite as a special one though he hated that his friend would cook on his birthday! Not that R'nd could offer much in the way of a dinner though he had managed to bribe kitchen folk before to help his cause.

“Happy birthday, Shel,” R’nd kissed I’shan’s cheek, having given up entirely on his dramatics over the dinner before any rebuttal could be given and went back to his initial reasoning for showing up. “You haven’t forgotten our plans for tonight, right?” A glance was given over to Seijin to acknowledge the weyrling was the reason why I’shan was being questioned. I’shan was going to be questioned further later on about his friendship with the young green though R’nd wasn’t one to talk with his reputation known by everyone within Katila’s boundaries.

ooc: Permission to jump in given by Blue.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
I'shan  followed Seijin with his eyes. "You're actually giving her cake?" he asked. Could dragons have cake? Would it make her sick? Well, it sounded like it wouldn't be the first time, so maybe not? The bluerider had ignored it before, but now he couldn't restrain his curiosity. He hopped to his feet and trotted to the door, where he was surprised to hear a very familiar voice.

"R'nd!" I'shan squeaked, beaming for about three seconds until R'nd made his dramatic accusation. I'shan grasped the bluerider as he draped himself upon him, frowning. "Hey! This was a surprise, you jackass. A surprise. A birthday surprise. Don't you feel bad now, you self-centered ass?!"

It was all in jest, of course. He grinned and put his arms around  R'nd' shoulders, squeezing him and grinning at the kiss. "Of course I haven't forgotten, R'nd," he said, giving the bluerider a playful shove before motioning to the food. "Have some. Seijin here was nice enough to cook for me, so I didn't have to make my own birthday meal this turn," he said, quite pleased. "Hey, Seijin? Have you met R'nd before? He's a really good friend of mine," he said, jerking his thumb at the other bluerider.

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196 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Seijin chuckled “If I don’t I’ll never hear the end of it. “ Seijin replied softly to I’shan.  He jumped and yelped when R’nd walked over and asked about what he was keeping from B’jin. Seijin of course stuttered softly not really sure what to say. “ umm um”  He blushed brightly as the bluerider looked around him and noticed the cake he had given Araith.  Luckily Seijin could relax apparently R’nd agreed with him about not letting B’jin know about this little cake eating expedition.  The smile on his face and the wink relaxed Seijin greatly.

He followed R’nd back inside as he and I’shan greeted one another.  The banter back and forth surprised Seijin. He at first though they were arguing but apparently this was something common that they did when teasing each other or something like that so Seijin just smiled and didn’t say anything till after they got finished. “Yes Sir” He said to R’nd  “ I made some dinner for I’shan birthday and a cake and your more than welcome to help yourself He told me that a friend was coming this evening sometime so I made sure to make extra. “ He smiled brightly.

Seijin smile got even brighter when I’shan asked if he knew R’nd.  “ Yes  I’shan Sir, I’ve seen him mostly during classes when he is helping out my weyrlingmaster.  He tends to be around for a majority of the classes. Thou we tend not to talk a lot during classes so I don’t think we ever really talked about anything before now.

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