World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Firelizard Mayhem [D'hys]


179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Berruth had friends among the wild firelizards and the firelizards of Katila.  He fought T'rel on this at first, on what he was being asked to do, but finally agreed to speak to them when the man wouldn't let it alone.  R'ana could take a prank.  He had told the lizards not to hurt her, just chase her a bit.  It would be just a prank.

T'rel waited to signal them until Berruth was sunning on a hilltop with Shanith, the bronze talking to her excitedly about a patch of flowers he had seen not long ago.  R'ana was in the bathing house.  With luck she would streak naked from the bathing house.  He doubted she would though, knowing the luck the green rider had she would be able to get bathed and dressed before the fair descended on her. 

There was a scream suddenly, and a blur of a woman raced from the bathhouse wearing nothing but a bathrobe.  Satisfied, T'rel noted the scratches on her forearms, and cheeks.  That would teach R'ana to encourage her green to dump nasty things on his head.  Having a bucket of wherry shit dumped on him yesterday in the middle of the gather square...R'ana had to pay.  This was only fair.  He headed for his hut, whistling, and keeping his thoughts well hidden from his bronze.  Berruth wouldn't like that R'ana had gotten hurt.


As she ran, R'ana had no idea what she had done to piss off the firelizards.  At the moment she honestly didn't care.  Top on her list of priorities was escaping the fair.  Shanith, as usual, was no help though at least this time it was because R'ana couldn't wake her green up! 

R'ana stopped focusing on waking Shanith and turned her mind towards finding shelter.  Cover.  She needed to take cover.  Firelizards dove, hissed and chattered at her, and for a moment, R'ana was sure she spotted Z'ia's demented green there.  None of B'run's lizards were there, but she spotted a flash of gold, and a flash of blue she thought she recognized as Rhaedalyn's Muffin. 

She stumbled, tripped, and felt them all descend on her.  Her knee flared in pain and tiny teeth dug into her arm before she shook the lizard off, forced herself to her feet and sprinted for home. 

By now she was panicked enough that she didn't notice she was headed in the opposite direction of her hut, and she was running across open ground and not at all protected from the angry fair.  Another scratch convinced her that she wouldn't make it home and she looked around, forcing herself to think.  There!  A hut!

She locked her gaze on the door and found enough for a last sprint, feeling Shanith finally begin to wake and pepper her mind with confused panic.  She caught a glimpse of bronze hide through dragon eyes, felt the confusion fade to be replaced by betrayal, protective fury and sheer rage.  Shanith roared, snapped at the bronze, and took off as R'ana burst through the door, slammed it shut behind her and leaned on it, panting and shaking like a leaf. 

Shanith?  What the heck?  The hut shook a bit as a dragon landed on the roof and a distinctive roar shattered the air.  Shanith had arrived to drive off the lizards, some of which had popped into the hut then popped out as soon as the dragon had roared.  Shanith took off again, hovered, then landed, crooning in an attempt to coax her rider from hiding.  First to make sure that R'ana was okay, then she'd shred Berruth. 

You should come out.  The lizards are gone. 

"Not going back out there, they'll be back, they'll be back, they want my blood, I did something and I don't know what but they'll be back." 

R'ana.  The hut's not empty.

R'ana whirled then and blinked.  She recognized that man.  A blue rider!  D'hys!  She eyed the door then, trying to decide if she was safer outside than in.  She backed up into the door, cracked it open and heard the chaos going on out there when the lizards spotted the open door.  Maybe she could hide under Shanith? 

A touch to her wonderful, protective green's mind made her instantly certain that hiding under her dragon wouldn't work, Shanith wasn't being careful where she stepped as she used wing swipes and snaps at the air to clear the air around her.  R'ana was still tempted to try it though.  Might be safer out there than in here!

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
As odd as it may have seemed to a large portion of the weyr, D’hys was in his kitchen slicing vegetables for a stew – one of the few meals he excelled at – when the commotion began. He heard a woman shouting outside and didn’t think much of it since that wasn’t too unusual. It could have been a greenflight, it could have been randy riders after a woman, it could have just been a fight; nothing to worry about. It was only when he heard his door open and slam shut that he started to take true notice. The angry dragon on his roof wasn’t helping the situation either. What in Faranth’s name was going on?

His vegetables were forgotten and even the knife was set down on the counter. Whatever it was, D’hys didn’t feel the need to be armed, especially since he was confident in his hand to hand skills should it come to that. Silently stalking into his living room, he saw a panicked woman that seemed vaguely familiar and he took a moment to think upon her name while he studied her features and mannerisms that would have been linked to remembering her name. Ah yes, R’ana. As it came back to him, D’hys still didn’t call out to her as the woman seemed to talk to herself though it was obvious she was bespeaking her dragon that still seemed to be causing chaos outside.

What is happening over there? D’hys smirked at his dragon’s question that was tinted with amusement and a growl of protectiveness. Just a home invasion, which you would know about if you weren’t off playing with Aveleth. D’hys could almost feel the dry stare he was being given by the icy blue from across the weyr as an answer to that. He knew they weren’t playing and it’d be a wonder if Zeianth even got Aveleth to relax as was the plan. Z’ia was apparently occupied with something mundane or someone in bed which was one of the few times the high strung dragon seemed to ease up on the worrying and Zeianth liked to capitalize on that and go sunning with his friend.

It’s nothing to be concerned about, there would be an angry blue there within moments, D’hys knew, once Zeianth figured out what all was going on but for now, there was a greenrider talking about being killed in his hut and she finally seemed to notice where she was as she spun around. D’hys stood there with arms lightly crossed over his chest in a casual stance and kept a smirk in place. R’ana didn’t pose any threat to him and while he didn’t know what had been chasing her, he was confident that wouldn’t be an issue either. Naturally, that meant he would make light of the situation. “I didn’t realize you were that desperate to be with me, R’ana. Is breaking into a man’s hut your usual way of getting his attention?”

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Shanith would have normally laughed at the dragon that found themselves overwhelmed with firelizards.  Her opinion that the beasts were fun little creatures she could simply tell to buzz off if she needed to changed in that moment as she tried her best to swat them from the air, from her body and discourage them from going back after R'ana. 

She was positive they were laughing at her when one perched on her nose, chirped, and crawled forward until it could nibble and lick her headknobs.  It ignored the dragon's frantic attempts to dislodge it, took off and began flying cicles around her head, broadcasting amusement. 

It irked the green into charging forward, forgetting she had tucked her tail under her body to protect it.  She tripped over herself and squealed as she tumbled a bit then lay on her side, wondering what on earth had just happened.  Firelizards descended on her, one of the more daring greens walking around in a circle on her side and curling up under a wing to lick where it would tickle.  Other firelizards pounced and did the same.  Shanith flailed and forgot dignity, squealing for help as she squirmed on the ground, trying to get away from the lizards now. 

R'ana just goggled at D'hys and blinked.  "Huh?  What would I do with your attention?"  It wasn't an eloquent answer by far.  "I'm sorry I...the firelizards...Thought this was an empty hut.  I wouldn't have come in if I had known you were in here.  I'm sorr..." 

She heard her green's squeals then and edged to peek out the window.  "My green just got her ass handed to her.  By fire lizards."  She mused on this, ignoring her dragon's indignation.  "Yup.  I should have stayed home and in bed today.  We are never going to live this down."

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
Ditzy greenriders really were a common thing, weren’t they? D’hys continued to smirk and stare R’ana down as she tried to work out where she was and what he had meant. They’d probably be there all day if they had to wait for her to connect that he was teasing her and warning her about what might happen to lost riders that found their way into his hut and given how her attention wandered so easily, it was a wonder they had managed to speak as much as they had.

Amused and even a little confused at her babbling, D’hys crept up behind R’ana and slipped his arms around her waist, intent on making his point known by a little nibble here and there. “I have a bed we can slip into. I’ll make you forget all about today…” Just as he was about to let hands wander over her body, D’hys’ attention finally focused in on Shanith and the firelizards. He tensed, flirting completely forgotten as he held them both still and stared out the window. “What did you do? That’s nearly half the tamed population out there.” He was not happy, not happy at all. The silly little woman had more or less brought the plague down upon his home! One or two firelizards wouldn’t have been such a big deal – he still hated them but at least he could handle that but this was ridiculous!

I will come and be rid of them for you. D’hys’ glare intensified. Like that idea helped ease his fears one bit! He tried to assert his will over the dragon, out of fear for his safety, but Zeianth proved to be the stronger opponent in the battle thanks to D’hys’ current lack of focus and the blue’s own desire to calm his bonded. “Zeianth comes,” he spoke in low tones that were surprisingly calm as he continued to keep R’ana in his grasp and watch out the window. He was afraid of what would happen yet he also knew he was being foolish. It had been proven by the simple fact all the dragons were still alive months later that the plague wasn’t within the tiny pests but his hatred of the firelizards was too strong to ever change his opinion on them.

Zeianth’s appearance was enough to send several flitters scattering but the roar he let loose a moment later helped clear out nearly all the rest. He wasn’t pleased to see the creatures in his claimed space and while he wasn’t exactly the friendliest of dragons and spoke very little to his kin, Zeianth did have an odd protective streak for the helpless ones. Aveleth was a sweet soul and the only other creature he cared for almost as much as he loved D’hys but Niskziath had opened him to wanting to protect the weak and flighty greens a bit more as well and Shanith definitely qualified for that in the current moment, sprawled and with firelizards attacking. Find your feet, Shanith. Your rider is watching you. Folding his wings back, the icy blue dragon sat and craned his neck around to stare impassively at the humans framed within the window.

D’hys exhaled slowly, having been unaware that he had been holding his breath. Everything was fine, of course it was! His body relaxed and he even released R’ana, backing away a few steps to give her some space once more though a feral grin had appeared in place of his fear. “I do believe you owe me for assisting you by both letting you hide within my home and having Zeianth tend to your little issue out there.” Everything may have been unplanned but D’hys was quick, as always, to spin the situation into his favour and have a greenrider owe him.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana knew that look.  It was the look of someone who thought she was a ditz.  Normally she would have been offended, but she had a feeling it might be better if D'hys thought her an idiot. 

She was trying to figure out the best way to react when he threw her another curveball by creeping up behind her and wrapping arms around her.  It made her instantly aware that the robe was all she wore, and that he probably noticed.  Before she could gather the courage to stomp on his foot and make him let her go, he tensed behind her.

She answered, "I have no clue.  I ran around the lake, made sure Shanith was flying the entire time I ran.  I ate breakfast in the dining hall and I went for a bath.  Next thing I know half the damn firelizards in the weyr have descended on me.  I need to ask Shanith if she stepped on a nest or something but she's not that careless normally, reputation aside..." 

Forgetting she was supposed to be acting the ditz, R'ana hmmed.  "Look at the scars on some of the fair.  Those aren't tame.  If someone treated their lizard like that, it would go wild."  She thought that over, trying to work out what she did, then gave up for now. 

She reached to grip his hand in a surprising gesture.  His tension showed he he was unhappy but most negative emotions would have her bearing D'hys inflicted bruises by now.  It meant she suspected unease and wanted to ease it and make him feel better. 

She winced when he told her his dragon came, felt him keep her in his grasp, and tensed herself as the icy blue landed and roared.  She had the sudden sinking feeling that D'hys would now say she owed him.  It was a typical bluerider tactic and nothing in this weyr was free.  Well at the very least she owed him an apology.  "I am sorry they came here.  I will wash Shanith thoroughly to make sure she doesn't get lizard germs all over your dragon and the others of the weyr."

Shanith pulled herself to her feet and went to nuzzle Zeianth.  She stopped at R'ana's shouted command to freeze and froze.  She brightened upon reassurance that R'ana wasn't mad at her, just didn't want her touching Zeianth until after R'ana had bathed her. 

Though, that did remind her...She turned the blue and bowed a bit to him in gratitude, a trick she had picked up back at Fort.  I thank you for your timely aid, Zeianth.  I don't know if you and yours care, but a bronze friend of mine sent those lizards to chase mine around as a joke.  She nor I did anything to provoke this.  Tell yours to be careful, she was bitten and scratched a bit and from the way she feels, fell a few times in transit.  If she doesn't want me touching you until I'm washed of firelizard germs, the same will probably apply to yours.

R'ana was released and stepped back a few more steps from D'hys, straightening her robe quickly.  At his words, she shook her head and said, "I expected that to take another five minutes.  But you are right, I do owe you, and better to negotiate now than owe you a favour later.  I'm utterly awful in bed..."  She trailed off in thought.  She wasn't sure she was really, just the words prude and frigid had been tossed at her enough times that she didn't want to test it.  She picked up after a moment. 

"My skills are recopying books, drawing, making oil for dragons, cooking, and making assorted herbal concoctions."  Her stone experimenting she left out of it, not trusting those skills enough for her to consider them tradeable.  "I could cook dinner for you and that greenrider you're dating one night, or do a sketch of his dragon for you to give him as a gift.  Or I could copy you out one of the recipe books I have somewhere on my bookshelf?  Or make you a jar of massage oil.  I did that once for someone and he said it was worth the trade of helping me fix my hut after the storms." 

She folded her arms, nervously, hoping he picked one of those.  Her body language was beginning to show how trapped she felt, how uncertain suddenly of her footing here with him.  When he moved, she rocked back a step then froze, unwilling to show him how badly she wanted to just run.  D'hys was mostly an unknown and she hated unknowns!

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
Zeianth was a proud and arrogant dragon but for all of his silence and lack of socializing, he wasn’t completely heartless nor did he expect to bowed before. He stared at Shanith, letting her do her little well-rehearsed routine which he knew was more a show than anything genuine before giving a rumbling grunt that she had been heard. His attention was, as ever, on D’hys. A bronze is to blame. A trick was played, for what purpose, I am unsure. The girl was also cut in the attack so you should keep your distance. Zeianth understood D’hys’ fears and the memories attached to firelizards and respected them since it made him more relaxed. One day the fear of the little creatures that clearly weren’t doing any harm this time around might become annoying and a talk would be had but for now, Zeianth continued to humour him.

D’hys stood a bit straighter as the warning was given to him but he didn’t make a move to jump away from the woman that had not only been chased by the creatures but mauled, likely drawing blood but at least coating her in their dirty saliva. After all, he had a reputation to uphold! Of course most people knew he slept around and enjoyed life to the fullest but they didn’t need to know how cruel and manipulating he could be; at least not until they served their purpose. R’ana was a lowly green and a woman but she could come in useful both in the future and currently by spreading the word of his kindness. “I do fairly well at cooking thanks to my mother and sisters so while appreciated, I’ll pass on that. The massage oil sounds nice though. I could use it should any kinks arrive after a run or to spoil V’zire.” The drawing of Niskziath would be a perfect gift as well but D’hys was reminded that B’jin was handy with paints and it would be a fun way to interact with that greenrider sometime soon.

“If you give the oil a calming scent, I’ll offer you my sink to clean up at and bandages for any scrapes the adventure may have brought about.” D’hys stepped further back and pointed in the direction of the kitchen where dinner was being prepared but some fresh and warm water had recently been removed from the fire.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana looked to his sink and for a moment wished she had her bag.  Shanith caught it and hummed softly, reaching for B'run's lizards.  Brat was willing to help, but it took the entire fair a moment to lift R'ana's messenger bag and place it outside D'hys's door. 

Shanith thanked them with a touch of her nose and croon to each, watching them go back to B'run.  The long little green laid down, eyes on Zeianth.  She finally lifted her head and watched the hut in silence.  The dragon felt bad, she had been sleeping.  If R'ana had been able to wake her up...

She was unaware her musings were being thought loud enough that Zeianth could hear.  My fault.  I was asleep.  Berruth was talking about flowers and I just fell asleep.  If I'd stayed awake, I could have nipped this in the bud and she wouldn't have been hurt.

R'ana spoke.  "I assume you want a more herbal scent than a flowery one?  Maybe Chamomile and Lemonbalm...Thank you.  I feel gross."  She mused over scents quietly until Shanith nudged her. 

R'ana headed for the door, opening it and blinking with surprised pleasure at the sight of her bag.  She tugged it inside, and rifled through it quickly. 

She spoke quietly to D'hys.  "I'll be quick.  I'm really sorry for interrupting your dinner preparations."  She pulled out a tiny folding bucket she kept in her bag in case of any need, and poured some water into it, limping to the side with the filled bowl.  She hadn't wanted to spoil his water, and knew she wouldn't use all of it.  This way was better.

She reached into her bag, pulling out a small fat jar, and opening it.  Redwort first, then water, then, if needed, numbweed.  She added some of the water to the redwort, and began with the scratches on her face, using a soft cloth for it.  As she worked her way down to her neck, she started to feel less like a walking a germ and more like herself. 

She ignored the bite on her shoulder for now, and went to her arms, rolling up the sleeves of the robe and starting to tend those injuries.  Thankfully everything but her knee felt minor.  Had the firelizards been playing and not known they were being too rough? 

Shanith reached for Zeianth.  She's a bite on her shoulder where she can't reach easy.  She might ask yours for help, if I can convince her that D'hys won't care about her stupidity scars.

Inside, R'ana was shifting from ehr left leg to the right.  That leg was the worst, her knee already beginning to swell and the scrape from her stumbles bad enough to make her wince.  R'ana shook as she began to clean it, biting her lip to keep from making any noise.  "Does your offer of a bandage still hold?"

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
You are quite the chatty one… at least to yourself. Most call that insanity. Zeianth hadn’t yet ruled it out himself but he was starting to get the sense that this particular green was much smarter than most likely thought and her ramblings were being projected louder than intended due to the distress of her rider being injured. He knew he wouldn’t sit quietly by if D’hys was attacked or hurt so his comment was more teasing than anything serious, as his sudden reassurance that it wasn’t her fault showed. Flowers are a dreadfully boring topic so I won’t blame you for sleeping. I also suspect this was planned out and even if you were awake, they would have descended. Either way, it was done and there wasn’t a reason to dwell on it.

“An herbal scent will be fine, thank you. I’ll leave the scent up to you to decide on however. That’s one area I don’t know much about,” if there were bottles of each oil to sniff, that would be a different story but D’hys was fine in leaving it all up to R’ana to sort out. He was confident she wouldn’t make some horrible concoction since it wouldn’t serve her any good to do such a thing and risk angering him so there wasn’t a need to worry on his end.

Stepping out of the way, D’hys quietly watched R’ana clean up and wondered why he kept putting up with firelizards as much as he did the entire time. It was likely partially due to Z’ia’s comfort with the creatures and how Plague would never allow him to ban her anyway as the little evil green flitter would pop in constantly without Z’ia to harass him. Zeianth’s own indifference to them eased some of D’hys’ fears as well though he still didn’t fully trust them and what their re-emergence meant. It could all be a ploy and they were still carriers of something that flitter and dragon alike were immune to but it could turn into something worse. D’hys had no idea how that would work but it seemed like a logical fear to him.

“Dinner is only for me. I make enough for several days so you’re not interrupting much. Although, when you interrupt, you do make a show out of it.” It was still a bit surreal how R’ana was suddenly in his hut, firelizards were attacking, and Zeianth was bellowing. That was certainly not something he would have expected that evening or at any time. All bets placed would have been lost, D’hys was sure. Who would even believe such a tale?

Zeianth gave a nod of his head to Shanith as she explained the bite on her rider’s shoulder and nudged D’hys into taking his kindness act a little further and offering assistance. D’hys was, of course, happy keeping the distance now that he knew of her injuries but she was currently coating herself in various creams and her calmness did wonders in keeping the bluerider from panicking as well. If she wasn’t worried over being scratched, then he shouldn’t worry over getting close to such things. He silently disappeared after the question was asked of him and reappeared a moment later with the requested bandages. They were set on the counter near R’ana and he made a show of checking her over, taking stock of the small scratches he had missed before during the commotion.  “Do you need assistance in applying the cream? Purely platonic, of course. I do have V’zire after all. I just don’t want it said that I’m a terrible host and didn’t see you properly cared for.”

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Shanith craned her head to look at Zeianth for a long moment, not sure if she was amused or offended. 

R'ana felt her emotions and closed her eyes, focusing, then sending waves of reassurance and love and the certain knowledge it wasn't Shanith's fault. 

She nodded at D'hys' words but her attention was focused on the dragon, working until she felt Shanith relax and felt her usual cheerful good spirits return. 

The green settled to sit and watch the hut, her thoughts her own for the time being.  Finally she replied to Zeianth, The insanity part is up for debate.  Do let me know what you decide, hmmm?  Thank you for the reassurance though.  She nuzzled him.  I like you.  How come I don't see you around much?  Her eyes were whirling a contented blue, knowing R'ana didn't blame her and knowing that the incident was wrapping up now.

R'ana locked her emotions down, knowing if she let her the fact she was freaked out touch her green, the dragon would react in ways that couldn't be predicted.  R'ana would prefer the amount of crazy incidents in any given day be kept to one.  Well, she would prefer none, but she would take what she could get as far as a sane life went. 

The sound of bandages touching the table drew R'ana from her musings and she looked at D'hys.  It took her a moment to answer and she had to be reminded by her dragon that she couldn't reach the bite herself.  "I hate to say it but I think so.  I can't reach." 

It took her a moment to let the collar of the robe shift until it bared the bite, R'ana making certain to keep her front covered.  She was shaking a tiny bit, she disliked having a man behind her and having to let him touch her,  The scars showed a bit of why, she'd been lashed many times.  She reached up, moved her hair from his way, and spoke quietly.  "It won't be said you're a terrible host.  I did drop by unannounced after all.  And your gorgeous blue was kind enough to rescue my green.  Thank you."  She shifted a bit, trying to hide her sudden worsening nerves from him and more importantly, from Shanith.

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
Most dragons and humans aren’t worth my time so I don’t mingle as much as others seem to think is an appropriate measure of polite society. Zeianth wasn’t the least bit bothered by what people thought about him with how his attitude matched his hide of ice. Most of the time that ended up being a sanity-saver as babblers didn’t stop by and kill his afternoon of silence and relaxation. He measured the green before her, not at all swayed one way or the other by her nuzzling of moments ago or mumbling of earlier. She seemed interesting enough and, even better, seemed to know when not to push him. You may visit me at times if you wish. You already know the way here after all.

D’hys was an excellent actor as was evident in the way most of the weyr believed he was a decent guy but it was taking a lot of determination to keep up the act and seem friendly and kind as he stepped closer to R’ana. It certainly wasn’t the fact that she was a female since D’hys was a lover of both sexes and age was only a number to him as well if he wanted someone in his bed. The simple fact that she had been covered in firelizards was making him uncomfortable and he often had Plague sitting a foot away from him, staring for all she was worth, the filthy little green.

Reaching around R’ana, D’hys dipped his fingers into the cream she had been using and figured another kind gesture was in order to continue showing his good will and that he wasn’t afraid of the beasts. He rubbed both hands together at only the fingers where the cream was, spreading it over his digits in an effort to warm it up a bit as if it was massage oil. It was always more satisfying and relaxing when everything was warm instead of the shock of cool cream or hands over bare skin. The fact that R’ana was baring some skin while in a bathrobe was noticed but not remarked upon. Words were useful but actions could accomplish so much more. If he wanted to seduce her, D’hys was confident in his skills and believed he could have her bent over the counter easily by his touch alone. He refrained from trying that out; for now.

The cream was dabbed over the bite that he was intended to care for but D’hys couldn’t keep curiosity at bay any longer and dipped a little lower to trace one finger along a scar, leaving a trail of the ointment in its wake. No comment was given to accompany his action since R’ana would undoubtedly know what he was doing and why. She could share if she wanted to or not but D’hys would ask around for answers regardless. With the bite and scar tended to, D’hys lifted the edge of the robe to slide it back in place, fulfilling the role of the gentlemanly bluerider.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Thank you for the invitation.  I'll do that.  The green's wings folded and she wriggled a bit, getting antsy.  Seh tried to hide it though, knowing R'ana would be out soon.  Her composure was beginning to wear down and she would want to not lose it in front of D'hys. 

The green worried over that, then let it go.  R'ana's way was not to wail and carry on around others unless she'd shattered utterly or lost her head.  Shanith tried to reassure her that D'hys wouldn't hurt her, wondering why R'ana was terrified of that fact. 

His touch had her jerking lightly then stilling.  Pain flared and died as the cream cleaned the cut and R'ana felt him move to trace what felt like a scar.  She nearly shrugged it off, but then it was common knowledge.  If she told him, he wouldn't ask about the parts that weren't.  "Former wingleader was a jerk.  Thought lashing me would impart grace.  It didn't and he kept trying.  Weyrlingmaster did the same before the plague." 

Shoulders shrugged and R'ana stepped away when she felt her robe placed back.  She met his eyes and added, lightly, "You got lucky though.  The next step was to volunteer you for teaching me.  Doubt it would have worked though.    Then wing practices were cancelled, so it became a moot point."  The worst of her cuts tended, R'ana began wrapping her knee finishing quickly.  "Thank you for tending that bite."

She started packing up quickly, working with a deft touch.  R'ana was done quickly, everything stowed neatly in her bag.  If only she had packed a change of clothes.  She looked up at him and asked, "Would you like that oil delivered here one evening or shall I find you in the dining hall one day?" 

Shanith lifted her head, and shook herself, coming to her feet with an eager motion.  Looks like this is my cue to exit.  I'll come visit!  Now I get to try and see how much water I can get on R'ana!  She liked playing in the water!  R'ana's yelp of the dragon's name from inside the hut did nothing to dull the green's excitement.

Thinking to wrap up with my next post?

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
D’hys had to wonder if R’ana knew she was a walking example as to why women on fighting dragons didn’t work out. If she had been whipped by her Weyrlingmaster and then wingleader, it was a sure sign that rider and dragon weren’t working out too well. He certainly wasn’t going to question the bond since that was one thing that had always been taken seriously by the bluerider but if they had Thread falling on them, perhaps it was to the benefit of everyone if certain pairs stayed grounded to tend to wounds or meals to return to. That said, D’hys didn’t see them getting passed to him as a bad thing. In fact, it was flattering. He was a hard worker and took training seriously, which was how he ended up convincing D’ren he would make an excellent Wingsecond. Naturally everything had to fall apart and his position of power was currently debateable but he would get it back, he was certain of it.

“You’d be surprised at what I can do when we’re alone and given all the time in the world,” a mischievous grin accompanied his words as D’hys stepped back and leaned against the counter. He was purposely laying out his words in a way that sounded like double entendres but he didn’t have a desire to mess with the woman too much that day since he was going for gentleman for the time being. “I’ve been working with V’zire and Niskziath in the down time and they’ve improved a bit so I’m sure I could get something out of you as well.”

As R’ana quickly packed up her own items, D’hys left what he had offered her to clean up with alone for the time being. He’d wait until she left to properly clean or toss away as needed. Instead he watched and then gave a slight shrug at her question. “You can bring it by here when you have it ready. No need to rush with it. Just have Shanith tell Zeianth when you’re coming over so we make sure you’re not interrupting anything that might require the oil.” Again the smirk came out but his hands still stayed to himself and D’hys didn’t invade R’ana’s personal space.

That trend continued as D’hys escorted R’ana to the door, holding it open for her even as he shook his head at her shrieking her dragon’s name. “Good luck staying dry,” he offered as a way of parting thanks to Zeianth explaining what the fuss was all about. He leaned a shoulder against the door frame, arms crossed lightly over his chest as he watched the green pair head off for the play time. He was grateful daily that he bonded to a blue. Zeianth was calm and never did anything worth bellowing over. Waves of affection were given to his blue beast as D’hys shut the door to return to his meal prep that had been so oddly interrupted.

ooc: Sounds good! R'ana can have another post if she wants but I think we're good to call this done.

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