World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Summer 07.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Bright Gift [D'ren]


179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Her world was upside down as she went to see D'ren.  Shanith trotted behind her, crooning worriedly, the green fussing over her rider.  R'ana really hoped that Ronarth could distract her green from her worry for a bit, otherwise R'ana would either break down and cry over all that had happened last night, scaring poor D'ren into next week in the process, or snap at her dragon. 

The dragon was loaded down with packs, R'ana carrying a clay pot filled with hot sands.  The egg inside twitched and wriggled a bit and when she touched it, R'ana could almost feel the firelizard inside stirring a bit.  She reached D'ren's hut and set the pot aside to unload Shanith.

The green wriggled and stretched.  I'll go get Ronarth and D'ren.  Will you be okay out here alone?

I'm fine

Shanith didn't believe her, but did look around then find Ronarth.  She bugled a happy greeting then bespoke him as R'ana began unpacking the bags she had loaded onto the green.  Ronarth!  HI!  My rider has something for you and for D'ren!  Can you guys come out, please?  She pranced and wriggled, temporarily forgetting her worry over her rider in her excitement at being able to help give a gift!

R'ana relaxed as she spread a blanket out on the lawn, and laid out food enough for two.  The greenrider had stuck with bland foods, knowing D'ren couldn't eat anything acidic.  A picnic probably wasn't her smartest idea, especially given the likelyhood that Tsuen might hear about this and get jealous.  But, R'ana had more than she could handle with B'run.  She wasn't putting a move on D'ren and would tell Tsuen that.  But given that she was in hot water, maybe she should drag things to the backyard. 

You're already mostly set up.  Are you okay?  She looked down, finding she was mostly set up.  She gave the usual answer that she was fine and Shanith settled to croon over her a moment before the green spotted Ronarth.  R'ana gave a sigh of relief, and hoped the bronze would keep her green busy!

The last pack was opened and she tugged out a covered container of newly chopped meat, two jars of oil, rags, and a tiny collar.  A smile playing around her lips, she settled with the clay pot by her side and waited for D'ren. 

She needed this, needed to forget for a short bit, and just make someone else smile.  She had been meaning to gift him the egg anyway, that it was finally ready to hatch meant she could do so today.  She just hoped that it would make D'ren happy.  She knew Ronarth wanted a firelizard, and was taking the chance that anything that would cheer up the large bronze would also cheer up the rider.

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
It had been a trying time for D'ren. He'd been released from the infirmary some time ago, but he still had to make regular visits and take large amounts of medication, all of which made getting out in a meaningful way quite difficult. Moreover, the hustle and bustle over the assassination attempt and the insulting presence of S'kef's rule put a bad taste in the gentle bronzerider's mouth. It was all a horrible reminder of his own colossal failure.

There were so many people that he felt like he'd let down. The dragonriders and the poor northerners were still trapped in this jungle hellhole, Tsuen was left without any support, his daughter had spent 6 months alone, Ronarth had been injured and now bore even more scars...the list went on.

D'ren still couldn't name what exactly he'd done wrong or how he would do things different given another chance, but one thing was certain: his time was over. He was feeble himself, and from what he understood he would be for the rest of his life. His his once ferociously strong and magnificent bronze was still recovering from months of emaciation, but even Ronarth's enthusiasm seemed to be suffering from the aftermath of the attack.

Things had been improving, though. A mixture of health concerns, frustration and utter humiliation kept D'ren from showing his face publicly, but he'd received a steady stream of visitors and had finally managed to spend some time with Tsereni. He'd even spent some time with Tsuen, who seemed soothed by his recovery, though he still missed her old sensibilities. But what could anyone expect? He knew first hand the pressure the poor woman faced.

D'ren was sitting in his living chamber doodling when Ronarth bespoke him. The dragon's voice carried the old playful spunk that D'ren so often missed. D'ren! D'ren! Company! It's Shanith! the bronze chirped. Outside, he bellowed a greeting to the green and emerged form his dust wallow, eagerly padding over to wait for her to land.

D'ren smiled. That was a nice surprise! He needed something to break up the day's monotony.  He rose to his feet slowly and hobbled to the door, quickly opening it and sticking his head outside. "Well, hello there. What brings you two all the way out here to see an old man?"

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana had woken up feeling as if the world was a noticeably greyer place, for all that knowing B'run loved her and she cared as much for him was a bright spot.  A smile she hadn't been expecting to be able to produce for awhile yet touched her lips and she rose and came to hug D'ren.

It was an impulsive gesture, and one she broke almost as soon as she'd initiated it with a sheepish smile.  "Sorry about that."  She turned to jab a thumb at the blanket.  "I have something for you, and I knew Ronarth would want to be there for it.  So I grabbed us some lunch and figured a picnic on the front lawn would be a fun change of pace for you." 

She tired to hide her stiff and soreness as she walked to the picnic blanket, staying beside D'ren. 

Meanwhile, Shanith was all kinds of excited, her worry over her rider temporarily forgotten.  She let out a happy bugle and landed, greeting Ronarth with a happy nuzzle and playful nudge. 

Hi Ronarth!  Oh, it's good to see you, you're looking wonderful and it's good to see you and I hope you're a bit hungry becuase R'ana brough meat sticks like I like because they're dipped in something sweet, and she made some for us when I told her you'd like them too and I hope you like them and our surprise for you and D'ren though you told me you wanted one and I made sure R'ana knew when she got the egg and did I mention I'm glad to see you looking good again?... 

Her green babbled on and on to the bronze and R'ana winced a bit as she did, working hard at not thinking about last night.  She didn't want her dragon to mention it, though even Ronarth would see that Shanith was agitated.  Chattering away like this was her usual style but she usually at least allowed someone to get a word in edgewise.  R'ana went to her and hugged her gently, reminding her to let the poor bronze speak.  Shanith crooned, settling down a bit and quieting a moment.  R'ana sent D'ren an apologetic look and offered, "Hasn't been for her morning flight yet.  How are you?"

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
D'ren smiled and stepped outside, taking a moment to enjoy the cool air before moving towards the blanket Ravana had set out for him. It was a nice day. Before he could take more than a moment to enjoy it, however, he found himself clutched in an unexpected embrace. The bronzerider laughed and started to slowly and lightly hug her back, but she'd let go before he had much of a chance. That was probably just as well! How scandalous would it be, to be seen hugging another woman?! The old-fashioned rider blushed lightly at the mere thought, but he didn't scold her. Instead, he let out a chuckle.

"Something for me? You shouldn't have," he said as he moved towards the blanket she'd spread. He sat down slowly, moving carefully thanks to his achy body. "I'm all right," he said, frowning a little bit. He'd heard reports of what happened the night before, but he didn't comment on it. He'd been too ashamed to show his face at the graduation, probably the last clutch his dragon would ever sire, but shards...He wished he'd been there to defend the ones who wound up getting in trouble for doing something that should have been his job.

Ronarth was, mercifully enough, far too stupid to notice Shanith's agitation. As she babbled relentlessly at him, he returned the gesture with honest innocence, talking just as fast and just as loud, filled with a boundless energy that D'ren had missed feeling in him. Meat stick? That sounds good. I haven't had much lately because I don't like leaving D'ren for too long, but sometimes he takes long naps and I go out on my own, but I've only been able to catch wherries really. Surprise?! You have a surprise for us?! I love surprises! D'ren never gets me surprises because...

And so on. D'ren laughed a little, seemingly at random, but largely out of relief. It was nice to feel Ronarth in such high spirits. As always,. the dragon's happiness influenced his own. "Ronarth seems awfully excited about this so-called 'surprise'," he said with a laugh. "I'm surprised he can hold still."

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Making D'ren laugh, twice, was worth the pain and guilt leaving her hut and everyone trying to help had caused R'ana.  She could only stand too many people at once for so long, and while company had kept her from breaking down entirely over the night, it had taken its toll on the petite green rider. 

She spoke lightly.  "Probably not, but I thought it would make you smile and please Ronarth.  I suspect he's only holding still because if he doesn't Shanith might accidentally bounce on him." 

The bronze thus far was holding still, but R'ana suspected it was mostly so he wouldn't get his tail stepped on by Shanith bouncing around him.  The bronze's excitement had touched off her own, and as long as R'ana could pretend her back didn't hurt her green would be her normal bright self. 

R'ana shifted and tugged out the small pot, shyly laying it before D'ren.  "I'll help with the care, make sure you can keep it fed.  Someone gave me an egg and I don't want a firelizard.  They're scary, you know.  But Shanith reminded me once.  Or twice.  A minute..."  A mock glare was given the green who just looked innocent until R'ana laughed a bit, the sound making her start.  Laughter felt wrong, when B'run was laying hurt and...She forced her mind off that train of thought.

She said softly, "Anyways, Shanith tells me Ronarth wants one very very badly."  Brown eyes met D'ren's, showing she needed to give him the gift as much as she thought he might need to get it.  The green rider was silent after, hoping he would accept the lizard. 

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
A fire lizard? D'ren lifted a brow, eyes wandering lazily down to the pot and pondering it's supposed contents. A fire lizard? That was a charming gift, though something that D'ren had been wary of for some time. He knew by now that they posed no true threat, but the stigma remained, and he was a rigid man whose opinions were not easily changed.

Many turns before, however, fate had decided to grace him with a liberating voice that would sometimes insist on being heard. Today was one of those days, and before D'ren could so much as mouth a word of doubt,  Ronarth's frantic mindvoice stopped him cold. He gritted his teeth in alarm as the dragon broke out into gleeful hysterics over the gesture.

A fire lizard?! Oh! D'ren! We have to keep it! Please!? I want to keep it! If you don't want it, can I have it? The dragon's exuberance flooded the aging rider where he sat, filling him with so much unexpected joy that he found himself laughing. It hurt, but it was worth it! How long had it been since he laughed like that? Would he ever be able to laugh like that, were it not for his dear Ronarth? He placed one hand over his churning stomach and leaned onto the dragon's nose as it slid into place beside him, one green eye gazing into Ronarth's excited kaleidoscopes. 

"Very well!" D'ren said, grinning. "Very well,  Ronarth, we can keep it," he promised, leaning his full weight onto the dragon's snout and giving him a firm pat with one hand. The bronzerider had to pause, out of breath and a little nauseous from the laughing fit. "Thank you. I don't know if you relalize how happy you've made him," he said mirthfully, in spite of the discomfort.

Thank you! Thank you! Ronarth purred to them both, tail flipping playfully behind him.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
She saw the doubt on D'ren's face and looked down, afraid she had stepped out of line.  Then Ronarth exploded with joy and Shanith let R'ana feel a spike of delight. 

D'ren's laughter brought a smile to R'ana's face, and when she looked up she could see the bronze's joy and delight.  He was happy.  She felt Shanith lie down beside her and reached to pet heryelping when her green laid as much of her head as would fit in her lap.  R'ana sighed and said, "You've been too big for that for twenty years Shanith." 

The green simply crooned and R'ana reached for the bowl of meat and handed over the pot with egg and sand in it.  Shanith told Ronarth, R'ana is glad to have done this.  She needed this, I think as much as you two did.  So...what are you going to name the lizard?

"It's about ready to hatch, it's why I called you two out.  Thought you would enjoy doing this together."  She shrugged and shook her head at Shanith, then started to pet the snout that rested in her lap.  Shanith finally relaxed fully.  Nothing could possibly be wrong as long as R'ana petted her. 

R'ana forgot and leaned back againt her dragon, hissed in pain and sat up straight, covering her action with a question to D'ren.  "I kinda noticed.  It's great to see Ronarth so excited.  I was so worried when I saw him looking so grey before...and now he's bronze again and more himself!"  R'ana tipped her head and hmmed.  "How is Tsereni?"

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
"How soon is 'soon'?" he asked, arching a curious brow as he looked down at the pot. He felt a stirring of excitement in Ronarth, who gingerly lowered his broad snout to sniff at it. I hope it's very soon the dragon asserted, tail still flickering like an interested feline. D'ren chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment, then gently set one hand on the beast's nose and gave him a gentle push in the opposite direction. "Calm down," he said under his breath. "It's very fragile, you know." And you're very large.

Maybe his tone was a little much. Ronarth wilted just a bit, exhaling in one big, warm puff, before crawling backwards on his belly. I won't break it he muttered. D'ren gave the beast a bit of silent reassurance before turning his attention back to  Ravana.

"I really appreciate it," he said softly, smiling at her before eyeing Ronarth again. "His color has gotten better, hasn't it?" he said, perhaps taking her compliment a little too literally, but in good spirits just the same. "Ronarth will be fine. And Tsereni is well; she's pleased to have me back at home. She may be young, but she's sharp. It didn't matter what anyone told her, she caught on pretty quickly to what was going on..."

Well, not exactly. The little girl had no idea of the depth of the situation, but she had known well and good that something was very wrong with Daddy, and that it wasn't as simple as everyone wanted to make it appear.

With that, the bronzerider crossed his legs and leaned just a little bit closer, curious gaze softening. "And what about you? Are you all right?" He'd seen her wince in what he'd assumed was pain.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
When R'ana looked down at the egg she said, "It's twitchy.  Figure that means soon?  Seems to remember that lizard eggs hold still until they're ready to hatch."  R'ana blinked.  "It's why I came over today instead of waiting a day.  I refuse to impress a fire lizard!"  She shook her head, her eyes showing she was only partially serious.

Shanith shifted to nose Ronarth.  R'ana reached to pet Ronarth, then paused.  She didn't have permission.  She saw the egg give a distinct wriggle and grinned, shifting so Ronarth could see better.  Shanith rumbled over losing her spot, but settled to sit up.  "Much better."  She paused. 

"People forget kids have functioning brains at times.  They're sharp.  My Berani definitely understands more than people give her credit for."  Sadness touched R'ana's gaze for just a moment before she changed the subject. 

"The egg's wriggling harder.  After it hatches?"  Shanith blinked in surprise, and R'ana touched her.  You're not telling him your fine.

He's not stupid enough to believe a lie.

Silence.  Hurt from the green and R'ana turned to touch her dragon.  You're not either.  I just...want to be fine love.  I don't want to be so badly shaken by all this and to see B'run bleeding every damn time I close my eyes.  I tell you because if I say it enough times, I will be fine.  You know you're smart.  You know I know you're smart, love.  Relaxing, the green settled back down with everyone to watch the egg, which rocked with determination now.

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
"Well," D'ren said, considering the news carefully. He dusted the top layer of sand away to reveal the tiny egg, which was indeed rocking gently in it's little depression. "Looks like you're going to be a big brother sooner rather than later, Ronarth." D'ren slowly dug the egg out and placed it gently in his palm, lifting it a few inches closer to his face, but not daring to bring it any higher. He wasn't as afraid of dropping it as he was of Ronarth getting too excited and dropping it for him.

"I suppose it will need a name," he mused. What would be a good name for a fire lizard? He supposed it depended on the color. I hope it's friendly!Ronarth intruded, eyes whirling brightly as he looked down at the egg. D'ren grinned and pushed his nose away again. "It's small...A green or a blue, you imagine?" he asked.

Of course, all of this took place alongside a much more serious topic. D'ren wasn't sure if he believed Ravana's casual implication that she was all right. She'd avoided the question outright, and that bothered him. He'd never known her to be evasive or untruthful. "Are you sure?" he asked, not bothering to specify what exactly he meant. The context should be obvious enough. His brows furrowed in concern as he looked back at her, expression flat and serious. He didn't bother reminding her that she could trust him. She should have already known that.

He gently returned the egg to it's pot and covered it again while he awaited a response.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Ronarth's intrusion drew a smile to R'ana's face and made Shanith croon softly to him, her own forked tail beginning to flick and flicker in a catlike motion.  She was excited!  This was her only chance to see a firelizard hatch!

The green nosed Ronarth gently.  That'd be a good name!  Friendly!  She wriggled a bit until R'ana looked up at her, then settled to croon to everyone happily.  Oh this was so exciting and...exciting!

R'ana spoke quietly.  "A blue or a green.  I think a blue.  It feels like a blue!"  She was excited, but not enough to keep from nudging the bowl of meat closer to D'ren.  She didn't want a firelizard!  Any firelizard. 

I want a lizard too, but R'ana refuses.  She says one me is more than enough for her to handle!

Dren's question had her jerking and nearly upsetting the bowl, but R'ana set it right.  She looked at him for a long long moment.  R'ana didn't trust authority.  Yet D'ren wasn't authority...Anymore.  Except ehr was acting like it.  Except he was her friend and R'ana refused to befriend authority figures.  Except he wasn't the weyrleader anymore, he was just D'ren!  She could trust him, right?  Right?

Shanith leaned down to nuzzle at R'ana and said, You're giving me a headache.  And not all authority figures think the lash is a good thing.

He reinstated the Lash!

Rumor and Par'a have it that it was Tsuen.  The green nudged R'ana, unfortunately on the back.  It resulted in barely stifled yelp from R'ana.  R'ana wiped her eyes and spoke dully.  "I pissed off S'kef.  A fr..."  What was B'run to her?  "B'run called S'kef out on taking away the honorifics of the female riders last night.  I panicked at the thought of him being hurt and standing up to S'kef alone.  Joined him.  S'kef lashed me first...I got lucky, bruises for the most part.  He only broke the skin when the lash fell across my older lash scars.  B'run's back looks's bad." 

R'ana was silent after, fighting tears. Only when she was able to continue without crying, did she continue. "I deserved my lashing but B'run didn't deserve as bad as what he got and...It's my fault.  If I'da kept my head and not joined B'run he might have gotten so much less."

She looked down at the egg and whispered, "I'm sorry, D'ren.  You told me to keep my head down and I didn't."

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Yes! Ronarth said, eyes flashing with pleasure. I like that name! Call it Friendly! he said, nosing D'ren's shoulder with more gentleness than a large creature such as himself should have been able. D'ren was admittedly almost nervous, as Ronarth didn't have the best track record for grace, but in the end he could only grin at the endearing nature of the nudge.

"Let's see it born before we name it," he said, patting the dragon's nose as he looked down to the pot again. The egg was rocking much more now. Shards, maybe it really was going to hatch right here! D'ren wondered if fire lizards took as long to hatch as dragons sometimes did. Was he supposed to help it out of it's shell? Would it like that, or would that only hurt it? He imagined Ronarth would be able to zero in on the little beast's feelings, so if he felt like he was going to hurt it, he could always back off...

His musings were cut short by Rravana's explanation of what had happened. D'ren listened quietly, setting his jaw in discomfort as the narrative continued. "Really?" he asked in a low whisper, his question mostly rhetorical. S'kef was back to his old business, it seemed. The aged bronzerider sighed and looked up at the greenrider, his expression caught between disappointment and sympathy.

"It's all right," he said after a moment's thought. His natural inclination was to scold her for so foolishly raising her voice, but he could tell by her own words that she already knew it. Scolding her now wouldn't do any good, and he was certain that his disapproval was etched on his face.

"R'ana?" he said, reaching out with one hand. He didn't disagree with S'kef's decision to revoke women's honorifics, but he used it now because this was not a matter of politics. He set his hand on her arm and smiled slowly, sadly. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." He hoped next time she would listen, but saying as much was nothing more than petty passive-aggression, and his sympathy and disgust was more powerful than such childish inclinations.

Before anything else could be said, Ronarth warbled in alarm. Look! Look at the egg!

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana itched to sketch it, that little nudge, the hope in Ronarth's every line.  Teh egg rocked with growing determination, and Shanith hummed softly, trying to encourage the little lizard into the world. 

R'ana saw mroe of the disappointment than sympathy, until his hand touched her arm.  She searched his expression and let her gaze lower.  "I got off lightly.  B'run's really hurt.  I don't plan to be stupid and think I can help anytime soon though.  It's done."  She sighed and looked down, then changed the subject.  Seh had never learned what to do with sympathy, in fact the only reason she hadn't cleared out until she healed was because of her family of the heart being so tangled in this.

"Look, it's cracking!"  Shanith shifted a bit to let Ronarth watch, and R'ana scooted the meat bowl closer.  Shanith?  After the egg's hatched, would you mind going and nabbing a herdbeast for Ronarth?  The green let her rider feel that she would do it, and watched the egg.

Striations appeared on top, deepening into cracks, then the egg truly began to hatch, R'ana going quiet to watch, amazed.  She'd never seen a firelizard hatch before, the biggest reason she was here now was because it had seemed like it would be rude to drop the egg on D'ren's lap and leave.  She'd pulled him outside so Ronarth could watch and help. 

Oh!  It's hatching!  It's HATCHING!

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Ronarth's burst of excitement quickly gave D'ren a headache. "Ronarth," he grunted, "You're going to have to control yourself for just a moment..."

His eyes fell back to the egg, which was wiggling quite aggressively now. A series of cracks appeared as the little beast's snout pressed against the inside wall, straining for freedom. D'ren thought he even heard a tiny squeak coming from inside, but between his own half-anxious state and Ronarth's grand excitement, he could have made it up for all he knew.

"Are you supposed to help it?" he asked aloud, though the question was rhetorical. He expected not, nor did he trust himself not to accidentally harm the beast. He had a sliver of Ronarth's clumsiness and awfully thick fingers. He did go ahead and grab the food, though. ''All right little one. You can do it."

The snout emerged, revealing itself to be a healthy, rich shade of green.  D'ren smiled. That was oddly fitting...he'd always been fond of greens, and so was Ronarth. "Looks like you were wrong," he said warmly. "A little green. I think it's very fitting."

He set the food down in front of it as it's head and neck slipped out. The flit's nostrils flared with her first breath and she let out a positively exhausted little sigh. Then, as her eyes opened and flickered with their first light. she caught sight of the food and was overjoyed. Her limbs were still firmly encased in her egg, but she took those first few seconds to rest and to gnaw at her first meal. D'ren could feel her gratitude closing in on him.

Oh! I can feel her! Ronarth said with wonder, eyes whirling in excited blues. D'ren reached down to nudge the food a bit closer before lightly putting his fingers on either side of the shell and squeezing the smallest bit. It split, and the rest of his new friend's form spilled out. She chirped in gratitude and tried to stand, but standing proved to be a bit hard. So instead, she just started to lick his fingers.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Concern flickered through Ravana's eyes and she reached out to touch D'ren's shoulder but didn't follow through.  She knew about excited dragon induced headaches, though Shanith had calmed a bit.  Ravana suspected it was Olemuth's influence, and part of her wished she could bottle the large bronze's calm and sell it! 

Idly, she wondered if maybe offering to let Ronarth join Shanith and Olemuth during their sunning sessions would help, but shelved the idea for later.  She didn't know yet where things stood with anyone really. 

Not for the first time, her mind touched on the idea of building a hut large enough for everyone, a proper one.  Of setting things up so Jisralna wouldn't have to put her baby in the creche should she Impress.  Of bringing Berani home, permanently.  Of being able to offer haven to those she held nearest and dearest. 

The problem was, things were reaching the point where it wouldn't be a hut, but a small hold!  Then again, it wouldn't be a bad idea, it would give those in it some measure of protection from S'kef. 

It was Shanith that pulled her thoughts from pipe dreams to reality.  Not a half bad idea, but now's not the time.  It's hatching!  A green head shifted to watch excitedly.  Friendly's hatching! 

R'ana watched, then grumbled to herself, and reached for her sketchbook and charcoal.  She began to draw quickly, roughing out the shape of the little green while D'ren wasn't paying attention to her, saying, "Guess you're going to cement your reputation of liking greens more firmly.  Why do I think she'll be the best behaved firelizard in the weyr?"  She finished the rough sketch of green still mostly in her egg, Ronarth's head and D'ren's hands just showing, setting the book aside to paint it for D'ren later.

She watched her and said, "She's beautiful, D'ren."  Her voice was soft, almost reverent, amazed by watching the hatching.  It was easy to forget what a miracle any new life was.  Shanith crooned agreement and spoke quietly to Ronarth.  You're going to be a wonderful big brother!  You can teach her all kinds of things!  The green was so happy for her friends and and excited to have watched! 

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
"She is indeed," D'ren said lightly as he helped the little creature wriggle free from the remainder of it's shell. The newly-dubbed 'Friendly' squeaked delicately and unfurled her brand new wings. They flopped uselessly at her side and she looked up questioningly at her new bonded, eyes shining.

"I'm sure she will be. It looks like she's already a proper little lady," he said, cupping the fire lizard gently and lifting her for Ronarth to examine. She was so light in his hands! Ronarth exhaled excitedly and lowered his nose, bumping it gently against the little green's as she craned her neck out towards him. The gentle bronze purred in satisfaction before lightly sniffing her.

Her name fits her. You are a genius Shanith! Ronarth said with approval. Friendly pushed her little forked tongue out and lapped at his nose once, causing the big bronze to shudder. It tickled!

D'ren smirked and pulled her back to his chest. She yawned and balled up against him, and was sleep within moments. "Looks like she's had a big day already..." D'ren said, smiling gently. He was a gentle man and often felt the need to protect those around him, especially the weak..and this tiny, helpless little baby fire lizard embodied beautiful, innocent helplessness. It made him think of his daughter, and he suddenly wished very badly to see her. He silently asked Ronarth to have Jada bring her over in a little while.

"Thank you," he said, looking up to Ravana and allowing a warm smile to cross his face, all of his worry lines fading for just a moment. "This is...just what we needed."

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Shanith crooned softly, happy that the flit was going to be named Friendly.  She preened a bit, showing off for Ronarth then speaking softly.  Only because she seems to be.  It is good to have another new friend.

There was something down right adorable, though R'ana was careful not to think it in front of Ronarth, about the bronze's reactions to the lizard.  Shanith nudged R'ana gently.  Are you sure I can't have one?

"Positive."  Ravana's response was crisp and certain.  Our life is crazy enough right now without adding a flit to the mix.  And it might not be good for the flit.  We've a baby, a bronzerider, Jisralna, me, and seven firelizards under one roof and it's going to stay that way until I storm off in a huff over getting claustrophobic, Jisralna snaps or B'run moves permanently outside.  That was private and she added wryly.  Besides you would only lead the poor thing astray.

Aloud, she spoke to D'ren, noting with sadness how old he looked most of the time compared to when he wasn't worrying.  "I am glad."  She reached out to touch his shoulder.  "Look, she's got such a pretty little bandit's mask...Hope it doesn't mean she'll be a handful."  Her tone was light and teasing, laughter tickling the edges of her voice.

There was an innocence to the three of them that seemed to suit all three, and she found herself wanting to protect it.  She wished she could do a better job of it, then perked.  There was a way to, in a way, if only to try and provide D'ren with as many bright spots as she could.  Maybe make him smile like that more often and show him the lighter side of life.

"It's about a month before I can do it.  It'll take that long for his back to heal, I think, but I'm planning on dragging B'run, Jisralna and our kids to the beach for a day.  You're welcome to come with and bring Tsereni if you like.  The dragons will probably try to drown us, and it'll be chaotic, but you are family, the food will be good and I know a wonderful spot for building sandcastles and stuff."

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
"I'm sure she will be," D'ren said, still lightly cradling the little fire lizard as she started to doze. She was a peaceful little thing so far, but the bronzerider had learned well and good what handfuls babies could be. Tsereni was, Ronarth had been, and he was sure Friendly would be no different. He smiled a little bit, undaunted by the idea, though he was cure his hair would be even grayer soon because of it.

Who knew, though. Maybe she's inject a little life into him, rather than the other way around. Everyone needed a little more life in their life, perhaps D'ren most of all.

He was thinking about it all when Ravana made her unexpected invitation. D'ren's eyes flashed over to her, widening slightly, his surprise written plainly on his face. He was being invited to a social event? How...quaint and unexpected! No one had invited him to anything for the longest time, first because he was Weyrleader and second because he was no fun. D'ren had always found it difficult to loosen up and relax, and apparently that had the effect of bringing people down.

"Oh," he said, staring at her for a few seconds before gradually smiling. "I...I would love that, actually." He sounded like he was surprised at his own response as well as to the invitation itself! He honestly had no idea how to mingle, and while the idea sounded nice and relaxing, it sounded like the sort of thing he would instantly stress himself out over, too.

I want to go! Ronarth burst, eyes flashing blue as he set them on Ravana. He rumbled his approval, bringing a smile to D'ren's face. The very notion made Ronarth so could he say no?

"That's the kindest thing anyone has said to me in quite some time," D'ren said to her. Family, huh? There was something both striking and touching about that, and it brought a warm, relaxed smile to his face. "I would be honored."

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
It was odd how this felt right, giving him the egg and the invitation.  R'ana could relax a bit and felt Shanith croon a bit. 

She let go then.  She wasn't mad as S'kef for lashing her anymore.  She had done what she had to do last night.  He had done the same.  She was furious at what he had done to B'run's back and would have no problem letting him know that, but her own punishment had been just. 

D'ren was showing more life than she'd ever seen from him and that alone was enough to tickle R'ana's funny bone.  She saw his surprise at the invitationa dn blinked, waiting it out.  It was odd, she knew, for a green rider and a woman to be inviting a man and bronzerider anywhere, but R'ana had never been a proper woman. 

It might even work well, she was a quiet natured woman, B'run was even more quiet than her, and Jisralna was never one to deliberately cause trouble.  And it would be good for her to build ties with the riders of Katila.  D'ren would never hurt her. 

Ronarth's words seconding his rider's acceptance caused a smile to touch Ravana's lips.  She even reached out and patted him gently, the barest touch of fingers to bronze hide.  It was Shanith who replied, Then you shall.  Guess this means I call you Brother, yes?

It might even work well, Ravana hoped.  She was a quiet natured woman, B'run was even more quiet than her, and Jisralna was never one to deliberately cause trouble.  Berani was quiet and almsot too well behaved.  If Terken came he wouldn't cause trouble either, and it would be good to spend time with most of those she cared for in one place. 

Ravana brushed fingertips over his shoulder and grinned, ignoring the blush on her cheeks at the nicest thing someone had said to him in a while being from her.  "I am glad.  I find myself looking forward to it.  It should be relaxed, B'run and I aren't very inclined towards loudness, and Berani's the same.  I think you'll like Jisralna and her baby too!"  She leaned back on her elbows, keeping her back from touching the blanket and felt her stomach grumble.  Reminded she was hungry, Ravana reached into the basket and started taking out food and drinks. 

Getting the hint, Shanith pulled away and took off, coming back as Ravana was biting into a meatroll with a herdbest in her claws, dead.  She laid it down and told Ronarth, You should eat too!  I even brought you something to eat!

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