World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [C] 733.06.18 | Solar Flare [Hatching]

of Gold Okalinath

Date of Birth


Written By: ZZZ Archived

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96 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
The call had gone out at six in the morning, human yells punctuated by dragon humming reverberating throughout the Candidate barracks. Isscer had been roused from a dead sleep,  and had barely had the presence of mind to grab the day before's tunic. Luckily he had, although he managed to put it on backwards the first time. Really, he wasn't much good before a first cup of klah, and even if he was used to early hours he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before.

The heat from the Sands didn't aid the waking up process too much; if anything, the heat lulled Isscer into a kind of foggy stupor. On one hand he was worried, eyeing the eggs with a wary eye, but on the other he could barely keep his eyes open. The fickle nature of the eggs served him well, and he was glad to be ushered off the Sands.

It was only after a cup or two of klah, which had been brought to the group by kitchen workers, and a hot bath that reality really began to set in. This was yet another Hatching, and the familiar feeling of dread had begun to settle over Isscer more and more with every hour that passed. He had to wonder if it was like V'zire had said--was there a dragon for him? He didn't want a dragon, Faranath help him, but it wasn't unheard of for a less-than-willing Candidate to Impress. Talian came to mind, but Isscer couldn't even begin to understand how the Healer could deal with that.

Impression was simply not an option, but even Isscer could doubt. From the moment the tiny green burst from her egg, he could feel it. The doubt that despite all of his hoping, a dragonet would have the misfortune of bonding to him gnawed at his self-resolve. Isscer watched her carefully, squaring his shoulders, dread and fear making his stomach churn as he hoped that he would go unnoticed.

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15 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Six in the morning would have been a preposterous time to be woken up for any reason, let alone a Hatching. Unsurprisingly, Mevrit was an early riser anyways. While not quite this early, she was dragged out of bed without relative resistance. Rhaedalyn was already a bouncing ball of excitement, and in comparison Mevrit seemed relatively calm. That wasn't the case. She was just getting her mind focused as she pulled on her shoes and her white Candidates robes. They were allotted some time to get ready, but they needed to be on the Sands now because the dragonets were Hatching now.

Her mind was still whirling by the time the Candidates were herded onto the Hatching Sands. She stood with Rhaedalyn, dark eyes intently watching the eggs tremble and shake, the soft humming of the dragons causing her ears to ring not unpleasantly. Little did she know, she would be given a lot of time to process the fact that the Hatching was today. A single hour drifted by, and then another, and another. The spectators were quickly becoming bored, and Mevrit didn't doubt that a few were dozing off in their seats. The Candidates weren't afforded that luxury. Rather they were made to stand on and around the Sands. Of course, there were plenty of restroom breaks, and the Candidates would have withered away to nothing if they couldn't break away for some food.

So, since they had nothing else to do but wait, Mevrit did her best to socialize with the other Candidates. She was familiar with most of them, but ended up staying near Rhaedalyn throughout most of the day. The other girl was so open and honest that it was charming, where Mevrit could lie through her teeth with a smile (that could be convincing in the right situation, but usually was not). She was hardly kept bored, but the anticipation was rising and rising as the first couple of hours passed by before withering away completely.

She hardly expected the Hatching to happen when the first green broke through her shell. Now everyone was attentive, snapped out of their conversations and last minute(hours) bets. Mevrit's eyes watching the young green with curiosity. The girls were here for the Gold, and that was what Mevrit was focused on. Touching the egg, she felt, had sparked something. The smugness the little Gold had exuded was almost endearing from something so young, so clearly confident of itself. That was the egg she wanted, because if she was going to Impress, that Gold was her best chance.  "Ready?" she asked Rhaedalyn with a smile.

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of Bronze Skorzanth

Date of Birth
Trim and fit


Written By: Jenn
One of the most difficult tasks in the Weyr was not waking up one person, but trying to wake up two who had likely been up into the early hours of the morning. Since there was no one else in their bed or near the vicinity of their bed, there stood the slight possibility that the twins hadn't thrown themselves a small party the night before. However, Nyvian was still slow to get up. He doubted Ryvian fared any better. His mind was still asleep while his body went through the motions of getting appropriately dressed. Shells, he was so tired it was hard to think that he was being woken up for the Hatching. A Hatching. Shells, what number was this one now?

He asked Ryvian - all he got in turn was a push out the front door so they could head over to the Hatching Sands. On his way there he began to more fully awake and become alert. The adrenaline rush lasted about an hour, and when the eggs seemed to halt in the middle of Hatching, Nyvian gave in to the urge to lean on his brother. He dozed off against Ryvian's shoulder for who knows how long, and his brother had little choice in letting his twin take total advantage of him. Ryvian was far more awake than his twin by this point, and Nyvian was roused a little bit later to partake in some gossip... and mostly to shift around to Ryvian could actually get comfortable.

Shame that Ryvian had to be such a sharding movable pillow. As the hours dragged on, Nyvian indulged himself in gossiping with his brother, and the pair proved to be fairly entertaining. There was rarely a dull moment with them, and while Nyvian was still tired, Ryvian dragged him out of his sleepiness enough to take in what was happening. They were at a Hatching! A terribly slow Hatching, mind you, but shardit, this was his chance to Impress and he was spending it napping and -- "You know, Mevrit had twins and I swear her boobs don't look any bigger than they were before she was pregnant." Gossiping.

Oddly, since he had all the time to talk for the past couple of hours, when he got in a downright gossipy mood was when the eggs began to hatch. Now he was awake, and anxiously watching as the first dragonet hatched. A little Green, which he wouldn't be opposed to having. Any dragon would do at this point! Of course, he heard flights could be a royal pain in the ass...

Briefly, he considered the idea of stepping away from Ryvian, so to give the dragonets one less thing to be confused over. Shells, it was a good idea. Standing together in the past clearly hadn't worked, but even now Nyvian couldn't quite pry himself from his twins' side. He had managed it in the Touching, but his rebellious streak had been short lived.

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Apari had actually been awake, if barely, as she was laying with her eyes still closed in her bed nuzzling with her little bronze firelizard.  The warmth of his hide was more or less what was keeping her under her warm blankets, but when the sudden banging on her door and the hum of dragons began so suddenly before sunrise, she nearly jumped out of her skin.  The hatching?  Right now?  A bleary-eyed glance out the window told Apari that it was still before dawn and she took a moment to make sure she was hearing things correctly before she tossed off the blankets and got herself ready as quickly as possible.

Her gnarled fingers were braiding her hair as she hurried in behind Mevrit and Rhaedalyn, careful to keep enough distance to stop before bumping into them should they need to stop suddenly themselves.  Her eyes were everywhere though as she side stepped one rider and jerked away from another with a squeek in her attempts to keep up with the other gold candidates.  Oh why did there have to be so many people at a hatching?! 

It seemed to take forever before she was on the relative safety of the hot sands and for a moment Apari was certain that nothing that came out of the eggs could be nearly so dangerous as the crowd that was quickly growing thicker around the sands as dragons and riders bother flocked around.  Tying off her braid, she tossed it back over her shoulder before standing a bit behind the other woman and watching the eggs with curiosity, especially the little gold one closest to them.  Just as suddenly as it had started, however, it stopped.

And the wait began.  And they waited.  And waited.  And waited…  Then they got to eat and wait some more.  A bath was offered, but she had bathed the night before and besides – bathing would take her through that crowd again.  No she’d be just fine waiting at the edge of the sands some more.  And so she waited.  And waited.

If it were not for the gossip that was taking place around her, Apari might have gone mad during the waiting with so much anticipation that had come that morning, but Apari did enjoy listening to people.  She enjoyed talking too, but had yet to find a conversation that she was comfortable enough jumping into.  After all, when she over heard Nyvian mentioning Mevrit’s boobs…. Well that was certainly the last conversation Apari wanted to try to join.

Thankfully that was when the excitement began again.  Jumping to her feet from one of the chairs that had been offered to the candidates, she quickly followed the gold candidates once more onto the sands to stand with them (or as closely with them as she dared that still kept her a safe distance away from touching them).  When the little green broke from it’s shell, Apari couldn’t help but smile.  The little thing was just gorgeous.  And while Apari’s eyes were certainly untrained in the way dragons were considered ‘well put together’ she certainly thought the little green looked just perfect and she hoped she’d find her rider among the men standing.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay


“Dun wanna…” R’nd grumbled again, aloud, to his annoying dragon that didn’t seem to like letting him sleep. Ever. As if to prove his point that he had no desires to get out of bed at such a crazy hour – he was certain the sun hadn’t even appeared yet! – R’nd shuffled a little closer to the greenrider still asleep and buried his face in the pretty blonde locks. Surely suffocation would give Ayyonth a hint! Naturally, it didn’t. The eggs are stirring. Get up now or Larrikith and I will personally serenade you through the window.

R’nd groaned and puffed out a breath to blow a strand of hair from his face before nibbling on a shoulder he found. “Another Hatching, love,” he mumbled against the warm skin, both exhausted and a bit excited. He truly did love Hatchings and seeing all the dragonets for the first time and the bond created. But why did it have to be so early? R’nd allowed himself a little more nibbling to the stirring B’jin, stole a kiss, and finally flung himself out of bed to find clothing. Given the amount of times they had done the dance to find their own pants, one would have assumed it would be a simple task but still R’nd, in his own bedroom, couldn’t find his clothes on the first attempt.

Finally dressed but with rumpled hair since Ayyonth wouldn’t allow him the time to style it and the humming against the window truly was getting annoying, R’nd set off for the Sands. Why did Krypth have to continue to have such early Hatchings? He was starting to think the gold or even Jada somehow rigged each one to harass the weyr for some reason or another. However it came to be didn’t matter as R’nd parked himself on the sidelines and waited anxiously, as always, to see if Kerrin or one of his other young friends would Impress.

The time slowly ticked by and he swore B’jin leaned heavier against him with each minute until R’nd was certain the greenrider was sleeping while standing. Again. He chuckled as he remembered the last Hatching though the amusement had quickly passed when Talian Impressed soon after that. The only real shock this time around would be Kerrin on bronze and since R’nd was sober and without a flask, he really hoped that didn’t happen!

When the eggs stopped moving, R’nd moved them to a bench and didn’t make a fuss when his lap suddenly became a pillow for his grumpy greenrider. A nap sounded lovely but the bluerider didn’t want to venture too far in case they suddenly shook with action again. As the hours passed, R’nd started to get a slight understanding about a goldrider’s life bound to the Sands even though he could freely leave if he wanted. All he really did in that time, however, was quickly fetch some food and drinks for B’jin and himself and then chat with some of the Candidates while B’jin checked on his weyrling class. All in all, it was a long and tiring day that could have started with more sleep!

You would have been miserable for days if they Hatched at that hour and you stayed in bed. Ayyonth cheerfully pointed out from his shaded area where he was curled up with Larrikith while they waited. R’nd turned in their direction and scowled. Oh shut up. Stupid dragon. The usual insult was said with the usual affection and R’nd smiled as he turned back to look for the water jug he had pilfered.

When the eggs started up again, R’nd was right there, dragging B’jin back to their perfect viewing position. He stood behind his lover with arms wrapped around B’jin’s waist and rested his chin lightly on a shoulder. “A green,” he whispered when the first dragonet broke shell. “A lucky colour in my opinion,” and he kissed B’jin’s cheek before straightening up to watch the Impression.

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71 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
While the sound of the dragon’s humming didn’t wake Bordtai at first, the glass of water one of the larger Weyrbrats dumped on him certainly did the trick.  Jumping out of his wet blankets, he blinked at the larger boys as they dashed out of their shared rooms, white candidate robes spreading out behind them as they went – clearly with no problem leaving the smallest candidate behind with no explanation of what was going on.  Bordtai might not have been able to read or write (talents that still left him grasping at air) he was able to put 2 and 2 together and not equal fish.

The hatching had begun.  Grabbing his robe from the foot of his bed, he was thankful that it had not gotten soaked in the process as well before he dashed out of the room after the longer-legged boys.  He had to stop halfway down the hallway with a groan, however, as he realized he was bare footed and had to sprint back for his boots.  Pulling them on quickly, he raced after everyone else as fast as his short legs could carry him in untied boots, tripping only once along the way.

Upon reaching the sands, he had been shrugging on the white robe right over his wet tunic as he followed the other candidates to a semi-circle around the eggs having finally caught up at the very edge of the sands.  Tying the robe closed, he realized he was half drenched and his hair a complete mess of curls.  He should look better for his first hatching!!!  Wincing, he tried with no success at all to wipe the curls back from his face and finally gave up as he watched the eggs with wide-eyed awe.

The excitement, however, soon lost itself when the eggs stopped moving.  Time seemed to crawl by to the adults – and for little Bordtai it was an eternity before they were even ushered off the sands for food and offers to bath.  Bordtai knew he looked a complete mess, but declined the chance to bath – what terrible luck it would be to be bathing when the eggs began hatching again!  He didn’t take one of the offered chairs, too excited to sit down even if the eggs were taking an eternity to finish what they had begun so early in the morning.

It was when the small boy was nearly bored to tears that the eggs finally began to move again, starting with the hatching of a little green.  Bordtai could barely keep his own excitement in check as he tried his best not to run out onto the sands again, but instead walk out beside the other, larger candidates.  He knew his chances of impressing the very first time he was on the sands was slim.  Even slimmer still considering how young and small he was, but he couldn’t help but look at the green with large hazel eyes just begging her to look his way.

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of Blue Vydoriath

Date of Birth
28.05.712, 33
Lean, fit
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
A Hatching! It didn’t matter to Ryvian that it was the fifth one he was Standing for, the excitement was still there. Of course it was slightly muted now after being rejected by forty-three dragons in four clutches but he still had a chance! That belief was all that kept him going with each clutching, Touching, and Hatching and Ryvian knew his energy and smile kept others in high spirits – his brother included. How could he let the ball drop and frown or drag his feet?

It was a bit hard to smile and bounce around that morning though when the humming started given he had only been asleep for a few hours at most but Ryvian was quick to perk up once the robe was slipped on and shoes laced up. They were going to a Hatching! Nyvian’s lack of enthusiasm was attributed to his lack of sleep but Ryvian still wondered if the rejection was getting to his brother as well. It was hard not to let it bring them down, especially with the mixed reactions of the eggs; most of the ones he had Touched being negative and trying to be rid of him. That had been depressing but the last one before getting caught up in Indivara’s latest drama had renewed some hope.

So bouncing along with Nyvian being dragged behind him happened once again only to be slammed into a wall of boredom and waiting. Ryvian didn’t mind being a pillow for his brother, too much, and wrapped an arm around Nyvian’s waist early on to hold him close and upright. Once it appeared the eggs had no intention of being early risers after all, Ryvian guided them to the side with the other Candidates and took up a spot on the cool floor, parking himself and letting Nyvian rest on him again even though there was a lot of gossip and chatting to do!

Ryvian enjoyed himself for the most part, enjoying the distraction from the very real fact that eggs had been shaking and then stopped which could mean a variety of things but chief among them that something might be wrong with the dragonets. When they got on the topic of boobs, Ryvian laughed and agreed with most opinions and flat out called a fellow Candidate a liar when he said he had been with the busty bluerider that had mothered one of B’jin’s brats. The guy didn’t stand a chance with slutty kitchen worker, let alone that woman!

When a hatchling finally burst free, Ryvian was one of the first ones to bounce back out to the Sands and wait anxiously. Tryst, who had appeared in the down time for attention vanished again when Ryvian shooed him away so as not to discourage a dragonet. He didn’t think a green was suited for him but he wouldn’t complain! He wouldn’t even complain if the little girl went to Nyvian and her sibling next to appear came to him. That would be just as amazing. A quick glance was given to Nyvian and he saw the hope in blue eyes and Ryvian really wanted a dragon to be there for his brother.

Before his attention could safely return to the green and the eggs, Ryvian scanned the surrounding area for Indivara to see where the girl was and what state of mind she was in over this Hatching. Would she be happy if Kerrin, Nyvian, or him Impressed? What if they all did? Ryvian was certain there would be pain and potential death if that happened.

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of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
Rhaedalyn was terrified when the call came for them to get up and dress for the Hatching. She had been through this before, twice in fact, but that didn’t make this any easier. She was afraid of being rejected once again and Katila finding out how useless she was. Sure she could mend clothing and she thought she made pretty dresses and now had a firelizard line going as well, but what if they tossed her out into the wilderness to save food and precious resources? That would be horrible! Surely V’zire and R’nya wouldn’t let that happen and if it did, they would sneak her food and help build a shelter, right?

As she slipped the Candidate robe on, Rhaedalyn knew she was being silly again and made herself stop thinking such things before the fear got out of control. That wouldn’t happen and she still had a chance at Impressing the golden girl. She didn’t think it would go well given her Touching experience and how well Mevrit’s sounded but it wouldn’t do to be so negative before it happened! Besides, Mevrit needed her support as well! Apparently she needed some motivation and energy as well and Rhaedalyn was quick to supply that, chattering happily as she braided her hair.

Her budding excitement quickly turned to confusion when the eggs suddenly stopped shaking and the dragons stopped humming. Everything was okay, right? Assured by some Candidates that either had dragonrider parents or hung out with the older riders that everything was fine, Rhaedalyn followed the crowd off the Sands to wait for when the Hatching truly began. It was easy enough to pass the time, chatting with some Candidates and Kahleena when she came by, giggling at others, and bouncing around R’nya when he came over to check on them and bring some snacks for his golden girls – and three hungry flitters.

It helped having her firelizards as well. Muffin zipped around over the heads of the group quite a bit and when Rhaedalyn lost track of him, she knew the little guy was off visiting Kahleena. That was fine since she was left dealing with Rumour and Whisper bickering over who got to be petted by R’nya while he was visiting with them. They were so embarrassing! “I’m sorry, Ren!” Rhaedalyn sighed, using the nickname that had popped up at some point somewhere for the bronzerider as she captured Rumour. He was beginning to take after Muffin with all of his energy!

When action started up on the Sands again, Rhaedalyn turned to R’nya and was about to ask him to wish her luck but didn’t want to jinx herself nor did she want to take away from Mevrit either. With her mouth hanging open for the few seconds it took to change her mind, Rhaedalyn smiled, let go of Rumour so he could join Whisper once more in keeping R’nya company, and skipped back out to the Sands.

“I think so,” she whispered to Mevrit when asked if she was ready and managed a smile for Kahleena bouncing excitedly off to the side. It didn’t really matter if she was or not. The dragonets were done giving them time to prepare and it was show time. Grabbing Mevrit’s hand in hers, Rhaedalyn gave it a squeeze and watched the little green move around the Sands. The green was adorable but Rhaedalyn believed she wasn’t for her. Someone else would be lucky enough to have the little darling – though that would likely be said for the gold as well. Good luck, Mev, she thought but couldn’t bring herself to say.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B’jin grumbled something sourly under his breath when a draconic mind poked relentlessly against his own, and the greenrider curled into a tighter ball, tugging blankets up around his ear in an attempt to drown the obnoxious bitch out that was babbling cheerfully at him. R’nd’s grumbling response to Ayyonth indicated B’jin wasn’t the only one being attacked and the greenrider sighed dramatically, a sound that changed tone almost immediately as his shoulder became breakfast for his lover. “Mm,” B’jin murmured, shifting when he felt R’nd move and accepting the swift kiss with a sleepy smile.

Being abandoned by his bluerider resulted in a sulky pout, though he made no move to follow the other man. Larrikith breathed heavily on the window that she’d risen to peer through, her voice grating on B’jin’s ears as he flicked his lover a playful look and promptly buried himself under the blankets, curling up determinedly. Hatching be damned! Larrikith grumbled playfully to Ayyonth as R’nd left, determined to get her rider onto the Sands. His continual grumbles of ‘well, have any hatched yet’ were met with slowly more and more puzzled nos, before B’jin finally crawled out of bed, purely out of curiosity. He was starting to believe Larrikith was playing him for a fool, but her confusion was so genuine.

Grumbling and stumbling around, B’jin dug up his own clothing and tottered off to find his lover, honing in on the younger man and snuggling against him shamelessly, completely ignoring the people around them. R’nd’s assumption that the greenrider fell asleep once again was not wrong, the weyrlingmaster’s chin resting on his chest, knees locked (this time) so he didn’t drop to the ground like he had before. A soft hmm was given when R’nd began moving them, B’jin obediently stumbling along before collapsing back on his lover with little grace or interest. B’jin was not a morning person, and it was still far too early for him.

As the day wore on, and nothing happened, B’jin first got grumpier – he’d been quite happy in dream land, thank you very much! – before huffing and slinking off to check on his own class after R’nd was sweet enough to bring him something for breakfast. When all the young dragons were checked up on, and their young riders chatted with in the same basic routine B’jin had put them through every day since their Impression, he returned to R’nd. Shortly thereafter, he was being dragged happily back to the sands, B’jin quipping about finally, even as he leaned back against R’nd’s chest and rested his hands over the top of his lover’s.

“Hmm,” B’jin hummed softly, throwing a coy look at R’nd from under his lashes. Clearly R’nd still wasn’t fully awake, if he thought green was a lucky colour. Ayyonth was undoubtedly the luckiest dragon on Pern with the number of flights he’d scored Larrikith in!

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara had been awake, when the call went for the Candidates to gather. Krypth’s voice barging into her mind without apology and the girl groaned. She was curled up in an out of the way corner of the Bathing houses, a bucket sitting in her lap, face a mess of sweat and tears. She’d been puking for the last couple of hours (though it felt like all night) and while she’d been left with nothing more than acid and the water she was trying to keep down, the agony of constant heaving jerks had resulted in frustrated and pained tears. Indivara had a decent pain tolerance, but she was still just a little girl, and puking for at least an hour, perhaps as many as three, quickly wore her down.

On top of the past several weeks? Indivara was definitely at her limit. She’d figured it out, not long after S’kef had decked her. She was stubborn, and she’d been horrified, but she wasn’t stupid. Despite that, she’d kept it to herself, waving off her inability to eat anything as being sick again, and avidly avoiding Talian and the healer hall, despite her knowledge that he’d be able to help her eat properly again. She’d tried to steal her mother’s dragon, for a few quick trips between, but the creature had told on her and A’din had been quick to tell Indivara straight up – too bad, and if she wanted a dragon, she’d carry the baby to term since that was what was required of her to Stand. With no other dragons available, not without explanations (and Indivara wasn’t willing to actually own up to her… condition… verbally yet;  She was still having issues with the non-verbal acknowledgement.) the girl had become even more sour tempered and emotion than usual. At least she hadn’t cried in front of anyone yet!

Rubbing a hand tenderly over her stomach as she listened to the dragons hum, Indivara was again glad she wore baggy shirts, often those stolen off her friends. As she toppled into the fourth month of her pregnancy, the naturally tiny girl’s figure was beginning to very prominently display the early baby bump. It was uncomfortable, and ugly, and she was terrified of the implications of it and Krypth was hounding away in her ear. Indivara was just pleased the gold had listened to her when she’d begged – demanded! – her not to tell Jada. Or anyone else. She would, herself… eventually. Maybe even before she was waddling, but Indivara had her reservations about that. She was still inclined to go find a wild Wher to feed herself to rather than admit to being… pregnant.

The girl shuddered, and washed her face before making her way to the hatching sands, braiding her hair and brushing down the previous day’s shirt with gentle pats and making sure it really did hide her growing stomach size. It did, but she was insanely paranoid. Slipping onto the sands quietly, Indivara slunk around the outskirts to make her way to Krypth, not so much as glancing at the eggs or the candidates that were shuffling excitedly. Curling up on Krypth’s leg, Indivara turned dull blue eyes on the Sands, a tiny, faint smile being given to the guys when they caught her eye, before the eggs stopped and Indivara promptly fell asleep.

Waking to the smell of food, Indivara had struggled off the sands before the smell overwhelmed her, then wandered back when it had faded, and again fell asleep on Krypth’s leg. Hours passed, and the girl was woken once more by the smell of food. It didn’t quite attack her the same way and she shook her head miserably when Jada tried to get her to eat. Snuggling closer to Krypth, with her arm carefully wrapped around her stomach and her knees pulled up, Indivara dropped off into a shallow sleep, waking easily when Krypth breathed on her neck, before the gold was bellowing about a Hatchling and Indivara slipped off the dragon’s leg in shock, landing on her rump with wide eyes.

A glare was shot at the dragon, the sleepy young woman dragging herself back up onto the dragon’s leg and leaning against her as she watched the green on the sands peer around. “About time,” she sighed, wiping her sandy hands on her pant legs before digging the heel of her palms into her eyes and attempting to wake up. “Your babies are fucking bastards, Krypth.” Indivara grumbled, crossing her arms grumpily and scowling at the candidate group at large.

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


13 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
She would have woken up on her own shortly, but the call caused Farren to roll out of bed in shock. She dressed quickly, muttering to herself and patting her hands down her body to make sure she had everything. It was a silly gesture. What could she possibly be forgetting? She was robed, she didn't need anything else. She brushed her hair and tied it loosely back and ran. She didn't complain once. She stood silently, every inch the Lady she'd been born and raised to be, nevermind that she'd been living in the makeshift weyr for what felt like forever now.

And she waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

These were the slowest eggs ever but if she felt like complaining she kept it to herself, waiting patiently, though her posture became less rigid and she eventually sat and doodled in the sand with her finger. She'd dozed off at one point, but when the cry went up she sat bolt upright, eyes wide and momentarily panicked over just where she was and what was going on. But she scrambled to her feet and looked about rapidly, trying to figure out - OH! Eggs! She gasped as the green cracked free from it's shell and brought a hand to her lips.

They were hatching! She couldn't contain her excitement. Even if she didn't Impress - Oh, she wished she would this time. More than anything. She'd have every baby they wanted her to if she could just be a dragonrider - But even if she didn't, hatchings were still an exciting time!

PA - First Post!

of Gold Okalinath

Date of Birth


Written By: ZZZ Archived
Kahleena didn’t know where to look! She desperately wanted to watch her friend, and she desperately wanted to watch the eggs, but she couldn’t stop yawning! It was so early! Even R’nya’s mild frown wasn’t enough to control the action! Kahleena drew back, hiding slightly as the eggs stopped. Along with many of the others, she took the long period of time that slowly evaporated without action to nip out and clean herself up, get dressed, even brush her hair! Food was eaten, and wandering feet brought her back. The girls original enthusiasm had diminished quite a lot since the original rocking of the eggs, but it didn’t stop her honest delight at what the day promised and she cuddled Muffin happily when the little blue came to her.

Then it was all happening again and Kahleena gave a soft squeak of excitement and anxiety was she waved enthusiastically at the girls making their way back onto the sands. The little green quickly caught her eye, and Kahleena folded her hands together, anxiously bouncing on her toes as she waited for the little one to Impress! It didn’t take long; within moments of breaking shell, the little green was stumbling brazenly across the sands, her nose in the air as she met her partner, the young man welcoming the little one eagerly.

The eggs were all rocking so hard! Kahleena’s hands had risen, her teeth biting into her pointer fingers at the first knuckle as she tried desperately to watch the entire small clutch at once! So many! There were too many! Which to see? Which to watch? A crack shot down the length of the gold egg, and Kahleena groaned under her breath as desperate eyes locked on it. Her heart was pounding and she was pretty sure she was about to faint from the anxiety!

Another egg fell to pieces, a green hatchling toppling out of the shattered remains; creeling unhappily, eyes a hot red of protest. It was hot outside, but the air on her back was cold, and where was her bonded? Her anger turned to joy as a young man rushed forward, assisting with putting her limbs in all the right places and lead the little one that had come from the Brewing Storm egg across the sands to feed, and bathe and then – more sleep!

Being sure to keep everyone’s gaze well and truly locked away from the frantic attempts of the gold egg to Hatch, the Poisoned egg suddenly grew a set of green legs, little feet wobbling while toes wiggled. Kahleena joined many of the watching audience in delighted giggles as the creature fell backwards, rocking on the shell as a muffled and indignant squawk came from within the egg. Kahleena bit down on her fingers as several Candidates looked to one another, apparently trying to decide who would go forth and free the youngster. Finally, a young man stepped forward – she couldn’t place him right away – but when the dragonet was freed she went dashing off to the other side of the group in a flurry of sands to Impress, leaving him sitting in a pile of eggshell.

The gold egg fell still again and Kahleena’s eyes snapped back to it, her breath in the throat. What if it had hatched, while she was giggling over the turtle green?! What if she had missed it and one of her friends had Impressed and she’d missed it?! Heart pounding, Kahleena actually jumped visibly when Okalinath’s soothing voice brushed away her silly ‘what ifs’ with a gentle laugh.

{Whomever wants to be the Hatching assistant to Poisoned – go for it xD}
Post Impressions: Dragon to rider {keyword}
Wall Of Flame - DDGreen01 to DDMale01 {forward}
Brewing Storm - DDGreen02 to DDMale02 {tempermental}
Poisoned - DDGreen03 to DDMale03 {gullible}

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana grumbled as she was woken up by an insistent Shanith.  She dove under the covers and hid from her dragons insistence that she wake, now!  What on earth was it with Krypth's timing?!  She sighed and grabbed a robe, belting it around her and raking a brush through her hair, and grabbing a blanket, a basket of meat rolls, a flask of tea, and lastly, a string of beads. 

Where's Terken?  Shanith left off her joyous croonchirphumming and replied, Camping!  R'ana shook her head.  Get him.  I don't care if you have to swoop and snatch, get him!  Shanith took off to do just that, recruiting another green to grab Kela, and presently sending R'ana an image of the hatching grounds and Terken swearing a blue streak as the green literally restrained him from running off by shoving him to the ground and placing a paw on his chest.

Shaking her head, R'ana headed for the hatching grounds, barefoot and in her robe.  She kerplopped next to Shanith when she arrived, growling at Terken's cussing her now.  "You promised.  You're attending this, even if I have to tie you to something myself."  She scowled at him and added, "Now do I have to tie you down, or are you going to do this with a trace of dignity?" 

She watched Terken consider it and sipped her tea, watching the eggs rock.  R'ana normally would have been more patient with the young man, but this early in the morning the only thing she wanted was more sleep!

By the time the eggs stopped rocking, Terken had decided to behave, though Shanith lay stretched out between him and the nearest exit.  R'ana knew he would have to risk bolting across the grounds themselves, coming dangerously close to eggs in the process.  He wasn't stupid enough to try it.  She hoped. 

As R'ana's head cleared, she looked around for B'run and Olemuth.  Terken tried twice to convince her the eggs would hatch another day, but R'ana ignored them.  If they weren't ready to hatch today, Krypth would have shooed candidates away.  As he got more and more agitated, R'ana was torn between yelling that Krypth should tell her babies to hurry up, swatting him upside the back of the head, and telling him he could just leave. 

When he saw her looking around, he tried to change the subject, recognizing her dwindling patience.  "So...I hear that bronzer and you are sleeping together?"  When she glared at him, he fell silent and decided that for now, the eggs were less scary than a woman woken from a needed sleep, hurting and in general in a bad mood. 

He apologized a moment later, and R'ana sighed then grabbed a stick.  She beckoned Terken over and began drawing, talking to him about proposed additions to her hut, namely a workroom, and perhaps a bedroom for Berani.  He listened to her talk, startled by the way she was talking of enlarging her cooking space if she was going to keep cooking for him and start cooking for B'run as well. 

Terken relaxed at the normal talk, relaxing more as R'ana nudged the conversation to his dogs.  He began to talk about his plans for Kela and her litter, as well as his work in training tunnelsnake hunters, deciding he wasn't offended when R'ana dozed off on him.  Sighing, he just covered her with the blanket, and settled to watch the perfectly still eggs. 

I'm glad you've decided to stay put.

"I promised."

I'll post about the actual hatching when I clear the cobwebs better from my mind, just wanted to get Terken and R'ana to the hatching grounds.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


96 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Isscer remembered his first Hatching as clearly as if it had happened yesterday. He had been rushed through the Candidate Isle process and shoved out onto the sands to Stand for the first Katilan clutch. He'd nearly thrown up the entire time, he was so nervous about all the dragonets and the chance of Impressing, knees shaking with fear.

His knees didn't shake now. He was resigned to the potential of maulings, though his nose had only began to heal enough that it didn't hurt constantly and he didn't really want a starving dragonet to make it worse. There wasn't much he could actually do to prevent an Impression, even if Isscer was determined that thinking non-loving thoughts was enough to keep a dragonet away.

As the first two greens Impressed and moved off the Sands, Isscer heaved a great sigh of relief. With a clutch that was so small, it was a blessing that already two dragonets had impressed; with the amount of Candidates present, there were more than enough for the dragonets to be extra picky and still not pick him! The third green's appearance caused many to laugh, but Isscer was too busy looking around him at the other men. He certainly was not going to be the one to free her: touching the dragonet could very possibly result in Impression!

Thankfully another man went to free her, and Isscer was surprised to see that she left him sitting in the sand in her haste to reach her intended. Of course, Isscer was not one to tempt fate so he didn't feel too bad for not helping the green; there were plenty of Weyrbred Southerners who were gagging to Impress, so he didn't see the need to expend himself at all.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Vydoriath

Date of Birth
28.05.712, 33
Lean, fit
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
What was with all the greens? Ryvian didn’t have anything against them but he was still convinced that wasn’t the colour for him. Likely the entire clutch would be female and he’d be shafted again. His tune changed quickly however when an egg grew green legs and started having trouble getting out. Everyone seemed confused but Ryvian had attended enough Hatchings now to know it was fine to help a dragonet in need and everyone else be damned if they actually did have a problem with it. He sprinted off from Nyvian’s side to the struggling creature’s when it was clear no one else would and quickly set to work assisting the poor dear.

When her head was clear, Ryvian smiled and continued helping anyway she seemed to want it. “Please find Nyvian,” he suddenly whispered when his gaze sought out his brother’s to see his reaction. They both wanted to Impress, what weyrbrat didn’t? Nyvian, however, deserved a dragon more than he did. Ryvian certainly wasn’t a selfless individual as he had his moments where he thought about himself first and foremost but Nyvian was his brother, his twin, and his happiness always seemed just as or even more important than his own. “Please?” Did he sound desperate? Ryvian didn’t care and held his breath when the little female went racing across the Sands…

…and to someone else.

Ryvian’s face fell but it wasn’t because he wasn’t picked which everyone would assume had happened. There were still five more potential dragons to come though! Hope still lived within the older twin as he returned to Nyvian’s side without a word on the incident. He didn’t need to know what had been said as he assisted the green.

PA - 100 PostsPA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


71 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Bordtai had been mesmerized at the sight of the little greens hatching and impressing in such short order.  Everything was so different out in the middle of the sands… So much faster and slower at the same time – it was confusing and yet Bordtai felt he was missing everything all at once.  When the third egg appeared stuck, his heart tore and he wanted to step forward but couldn’t remember if that was allowed or not.  It was with a breath of relief (and some amount of regret) that Bordtai watched as Ryvian moved forward to help the hatchling finish breaking from her egg and impress to another.

Strange, he would have thought that helping the dragon out of their shell would have impressed her, but that clearly wasn’t the case.  Big hazel eyes watched as the three new pairs moved off the sands and to their class’s teacher on the edge.  Of course… should Bordtai not impress the rider would no longer be his teacher and the left over candidates would be handed off to the next rider who chose to teach a class.  Bordtai wasn’t exactly attached to the acting teacher – but that didn’t mean he’d prefer the next one to come either.

Shifting his eyes back to the eggs still on the sands, he shifted his weight back and forth on his feet anxiously.  He wanted the rest to hatch!  Yet at the same time he didn’t want it to happen so fast that he missed anything important either.  What if he did something wrong to make a dragon not want him?  He was the smallest one in the line – would he be easy to overlook?

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
The gold egg was of no interest to Indivara, who was peering grumpily around the sands as the first little green dashed off with all the fucked up dignity greens considered themselves to be in possession of (Krypth’s grumbling agreement amused Indivara. The gold’s hatred of greens was great! Especially when they were her own children!) before another of the brats hatched and ran around brainlessly. Indivara scowled, shifting on Krypth’s leg and leaning forward slightly as she watched another egg grow legs.

“Fuck, Krypth. What the hell is this?” She gestured irritably towards the wriggling legs of the dragonet still stuck in her shell. It looked like people were still debating over who would Imrpess to the stupid creature, no one quite willing to step forward and claim the dubious honour. “Don’t ever fly that brown fuck again. What a useless clutch father.” Then Ryvian was dashing across the sands and Indivara sat up straighter, her scowl more prominent than before as she glared daggers at him. Honestly?! A green?! Was he really so desperate for a dragon he was going to try for a green that couldn’t even hatch from her own fucking egg? Indivara’s nose scrunched up in disgust.

Then she gave a bark of laughter as the creature shot off in the other direction, barrelling up to another young man and Impressing. Indivara choked on her giggling laughter as she watched, both relieved and highly amused by the situation. It wasn’t even that she didn’t want her friend to Impress – he could, just, not before her, and certainly not to some stupid green! The girl shot a ‘what the fuck was that’ look at Ryvian, but she wasn’t sure he saw her before he was trotting back to stand by Nyvian’s side and she rolled her eyes at them. Honestly. A green?!

The sudden shriek from Kahleena had Indivara yelp in surprise before turning a vicious glare onto the woman, but she was completely ignored even as Krypth’s voice washed over her mind and Indivara turned irritated blue eyes on the shell of the gold egg, which had managed to have feet shoved through it, the base crumpling so a golden rump ended up in hot sands. Indivara snorted out a laugh but turned her gaze back to the main clutch as a green used the opportunity to smash her way out of her egg and shake herself, wings extended as she wobbled around for a moment before dashing wildly across the sands like a drunkard, heading straight for Terken.

On the way, the little green went streaking through the little group of young women, crashing one shoulder into the remains of her sister’s gold egg and sending the hatchling sprawling with a squawk. The little green then went careening in the other direction, getting caught up in the legs of one of the women and shrieking unhappily as claws drew blood and wings battered helplessly before she managed to free herself, still beelining for Terken. The sudden rush of activity from where Terken and R’ana were sitting had the little green slide to a sand spraying halt and blinking with huge eyes, terrified. Then she swerved right around Shanith, and practically buried herself in the lap of a young man sitting behind them.

Indivara’s bemused expression shifted when Krypth suddenly bellowed, the little gold Hatchling apparently having chosen her rider to be in all the excitement that had been the young green barrelling all over the place like a drunkard. Indivara snorted as she watched the woman and the baby making machine together before dismissing them entirely. What did she care about another gold? She was far more interested in the  fifth green to crack her shell.

{Mauling is open ended. Gold's Impression process will be revealed by the Impressor :) }

Post Impressions: Dragon to rider {keyword}
Secrets Uncovered - DDGreen04 to DDMale04 {Gossip}
Feline's Feast - Gold Aradissicath to Rhaedalyn

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Aradissicath

Date of Birth
21.05.709 AL, 36
Dirty blonde, curly


Written By: SunsetWay
There was so much going on! A twin was going to help a dragonet and then not Impressing it, eggs were still shaking and cracking, another green was flying around the Sands, and oh goodness! Was that blood? Rhaedalyn was feeling a little faint from that idea and it didn’t help that her gaze kept going to the golden egg that was starting to fall to pieces. The moment was coming; the little precious girl was going to pick her bonded and it wouldn’t matter who it was because Rhaedalyn swore she would be happy for whoever got her just like she was happy for Kahleena – although that took almost a month to reach a full and honest state of happiness for her friend. Were they allowed to sit on the Sands because her knees were about to give out? Oh, that would be too hot though and most uncomfortable! Maybe she could ask someone to bring out a chair, would that be allowed? Maybe that would prove dangerous if a dragonet crashed into it.

Suddenly, none of that mattered, not even who Impressed the wild green as the gold was free and looking around the crowd. She was clearly trying to find the right person and Rhaedalyn was about to push Mevrit out like B’jin had done with Kahleena since her friend had received such a nice response from the egg but she wasn’t given the chance. The little ray of sunshine was on the move and headed in their direction! This was it; Mevrit was going to be a dragonrider! As the dragon approached, everything seemed to slow and each step seemed to take forever to happen. That is, until the little dear tripped over her own feet and went crashing nose first into the ground and even managed to slide a couple of feet in the process.

Rhaedalyn squeaked in surprise as she saw the dragonet tumble and then stared in admiration as she quickly got up, moved with a regal dignity the last few steps, and sat down before her with her sand-covered nose high in the air as she stared up at Rhaedalyn. All she could do was stare at the creature in return until an unfamiliar sensation tingled in the back of her mind before quickly fading into something comforting. “I thought you didn’t want me,” Rhaedalyn thought she spoke aloud but the words were so soft she couldn’t quite decide if she had or not.

Why would you think that? The melodic voice was so soothing and genuinely confused that Rhaedalyn didn’t want to upset the sweet dear with her fears about feeling like she was being hunted by a hungry feline or wherry when she Touched the beautiful egg. “No reason… none at all. Aradissicath,” the name was foreign to her tongue but again, it seemed natural to say. As tears started to streak down her cheeks, Rhaedalyn dropped to her knees, uncaring about the hot sand beneath her as she wrapped her arms around her dragonet’s neck.

Still wrapped up in the hug, Rhaedalyn sniffled and looked around the crowd to find her friends. She smiled when she saw V’zire who looked about ready to cry himself – tears of joy of course! – and then spotted R’nya and Kahleena, one dancing around in excitement and the other looking just as pleased with the outcome. He had to be careful though; if she could see how happy he was through tears, then others with less experience might tell he was emoting! That thought made her giggle as she got to her feet again, gave Mevrit a quick hug though it was hard to say if it was an apology or not, and finally let herself be ushered off to the sidelines to get her darling some food.

That would be lovely, but will you tell me more about this story you created of living in a tree and a man bringing you food as I eat? Again Rhaedalyn giggled though she also blushed that her thoughts were so easily picked through and an embarrassing one was already a topic of discussion. “I suppose I can.”

PA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


63 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
R'ana's irritability aside, this whole hatching thing wasn't half bad.  Well, he could have done without being held to the sands for hours on end, but even Terken admitted that if he left he wouldn't find the courage to come back.  When R'ana fell asleep, he blanketed her then settled to stand guard over her.  Well, more like sit guard, but with Shanith hissing at him every time he shifted like he would move to leave, he wasn't going anywhere. 

At least this way, he could pretend he wasn't being held hostage by his foster mother's dragon.  As she dozed on, he daydreamed, fidgeting at the lack of activity and wishing someone would stop by and talk to him! 

As he began to debate trying to get past Shanith, there was a lot of noise and when he jerked his attention to the hatching grounds, he saw a green dragonet impress!  The gold bellowed and Terken leaned forward, wondering what he was supposed to see here today that would ease his mind about standing.

He heard a yelp as Shanith woke R'ana, and felt her scramble to sit up next to him and watch.  More importantly, he saw his friend Farren stnading for the clutch and hoped that a nice dragon would find her, since she did want one so bad.  He didn't see why, but he did hope she impressed.  When an egg sprouted legs, and had to be helped out of its shell, a grin touched his lips in amusement. 

The gold egg, he had been told it was the one surrounded by women, hatched next, and he almost missed the danger until it was too late.  The green was headed right for him.  He froze, praying she'd change her mind when she changed direction.  There, a group of women!  Pick them!  She didn't though, still beelining straight for him.  Terken scrambled straight back and shoved R'ana into the hatchling's way, hiding behind the nearest large object.  Shanith. 

There was silence then Shanith told him, cooly, She Impressed.  To the ones sitting right behind us.  You can stop cowering now. Terken looked up to meet a pair of brown eyes that were torn between fury, shock and amusement.  "Um...Sorry?" He looked down, instantly ashamed of pitching her in front of the hatchling.  R'ana was visibly counting and Terken wondered if he wouldn't spend the rest of the day hiding after this. 

The prides of wild felines and the wild wher's were scary.  They weren't as scary as an upset woman though!  Maybe if he made a run for it now, things would be okay?  He debated, unaware of Shanith setting up to stop him by wrapping tail around his leg.  Look, the gold hatched!  Ooh!  Rhaedalyn Impressed!  Look R'ana, she's as clumsy as you!  Terken, you're staying for the rest of this, R'ana says.  He saw R'ana visibly put aside yelling at him for later, and settle herself with all the regal dignity of an offended feline.  Nervous about more than eggs impressing to him now, he turned his attention to the sands.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!


92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
B'run loomed near with Olemuth. He was perched on the dragon's back to get a good view, though his height would have readily aided in such a thing. He'd foun R'ana and then Jisralna with his eyes, providing a nod should either look his way. Mostly he sat in silence, remembering his own Impression with Olemuth had tore at a frightened boy's chest and demanded food while knocking him over and sitting on top of him. It had been the happiest day of his life.

And still was.

He ran a hand over the bronze's neck, earning a croon in response. B'run sighed softly and returned his attention to the suddenly alert candidates. The thin woman with long blonde hair - Farren, he thought her name was - Was animated enough to catch his attention. She was watching the entire process as though she weren't entirely involved. She'd moved close to the boy R'ana had brought and offered him a smile. B'run's gaze went back to R'ana and he slid off Olemuth's neck, patting the dragon and moving through the crowd to her side, lightly touching a hand to the small of her back to let her know he was there.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Bronze Torath

Date of Birth
20.03.696, 49
Muscular, Toned
Brown, Shoulder Length


Written By: DeeStar
The thrumming had started a while ago, but N'kal still hadn't dragged him lazy arse off his bed. He could feel Torath's excitement, could hear him humming deep in his chest outside his hut where he was very impatiently waiting for his rider to move. N'kal!!, came a much more excited tone then normal. It made the older rider smirk at his dragons irritation when he refused to do something. Why are you being so stubborn!? Get up!! We are going to miss it!!, Torath practically whined like a hatchling himself and raked his claws lightly against the house, not an idle threat. He would take the roof off to get to his rider if he had to. 'Oh alright alright...I'm coming!', he answered back and he instantly heard the large dragon give a very happy bugal. "Crazy beast..", he mumbled out loud, though he was still smiling. You love me and you know it. 'From first sight.', he answered fondly and moved to get himself properly dressed.

Having finally managed to find a decently new set of clean riding gear, he wasn't about to show up to a hatching looking like some ragged holdless man, he and Torath made their way to the hatching grounds where the entire weyr was, waiting anxiously for the hatching to start. He could feel the excitement and the humming through every fiber of his being, and like with every hatching he ever attended it flooded him with memories of his own unexpected Impression. There was no feeling in the world like it, and no matter how anyone tried, you could not be prepared for it.

Torath had landed a ways away and awkwardly walked the last bit of distance to find a decent spot where he and N'kal could still easily see the candidates. Ohh!!!, Torath said excitedly to him as he let a sharp bugle out. Look N'kal!! There is Bordtai! Do you think he will Impress today? N'kal grinned and patted his neck and looked over at the boy, who looked about as unsure of himself as he probably felt. 'He has a good chance I would say, he's got it in him to be rider I think.', he replied as he watched a few eggs hatch, one with the help of a candidate, sadly the saved hatchling hadn't chosen the one who helped her, but there were still plenty of eggs to go around.

I think he will Impress. Maybe even a bronze!, N'kal chuckled as Torath shifted to sit sideways so that they could both easily see and resumed his deepening humming along with every dragon and firelizard present. 'I Don't see why he shouldn't, a bronze picked this scrawny boy out of the crowd.', N'kal answered, only to receive the excited answer of, Oh the gold hatched!! Oh..she has taken to the young girl with all the hair!, sadly Torath couldn't remember the girls name, and N'kal couldn't either, but he was happy for her just the same. Shards, the only candidates he did know was Bordtai, and that other boy Silute, who he had met briefly a while back. He supposed he was here for them today, otherwise he'd have stayed home and let Torath have the day. He leaned forward a bit to rest against Torath's neck as they both waited for the next set of eggs to hatch. Oh N'kal...the weyr is going to be in an uproar with so many greens hatching. Krypth can't be happy. N'kal snorted softly. 'There are plenty more eggs...hush." He gave Torath's neck a light flick and grinned. Waiting.

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of Bronze Skorzanth

Date of Birth
Trim and fit


Written By: Jenn
A green was having difficulty Hatching - shells if there wasn't a gold egg he'd believe the entire clutch consisted of green dragonets - and Nyvian was surprised to see Ryvian hurrying over to the distressed dragonet. For a moment concern rose within him for his brother's safety. Dragonets were all gangly flailing limbs and accidental harm could easily be done. But, he understood what Ryvian was doing. Someone had to step in to aid the dragonet, and why shouldn't someone put themselves in her way in hopes of Impressing? Clearly that was why Ryvian was doing, trying to convince the dragonet that he could help her and be good for her, and Nyvian hoped it worked. Any dragonet would be lucky to have Ryvian for a rider, and while Nyvian would miss him, this was what they both wanted!

He wouldn't dare hold back his twin, so he stood back, trying not to let the concern show so heavily on his features as Ryvian freed the Green. The dragonet did not even hesitate long enough to get a look at his twin, and instead beelined for another boy. Disappointment and relief swelled through his chest. He had wanted his brother to Impress so badly, but did not want to lose him in the same moment. Ryvian walked back to his side, and he sent his twin a questioning look. Ryvian didn't explain, and so Nyvian wouldn't pry. But, shells, if Ryvian needed to share, he had his twin right next to him to confide in.

Another Green hatched, and she made a ruckus all of her own. The little Green nearly overshadowed the Gold hatching and Impressing. It didn't take long for the pale Gold to find her chosen within the group of girls. Rhaedalyn, of all people, had managed to snag the Gold! There were worse girls out there for the Gold to have picked, so Nyvian was pleased and happy for the young woman. He was remotely surprised, on reflection, that neither he or Ryvian had gotten around to bedding her. There had to be a good reason for that, but he couldn't recall in that moment. Besides, his moment of admiring the Gold had passed. There were still a few eggs left, and enough that maybe he and Ryvian could both Impress!

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64 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Being rudely awoken at six in the morning was quickly becoming common place to the new mother, though it wasn't a screaming infant that woke her this time; at least not at first. It was the collective hum of the Weyr's dragons that startled the woman awake. Before long the bone rattling sound was joined by the wail of a disgruntled two-week old baby girl with a tuft of fiery hair on her head. Rubbing her tired eyes--she would swear she'd only just gotten the baby back to sleep a few moments ago--she rolled out of bed and rummaged around for her candidate's robe. It had been so long since she'd worn it but it was loose enough that it should still fit, despite a few extra pounds she'd put on.

Weaver curled up in the warm indent left by Jisralna's body and Gambi sat at the foot of her bed, staring with trepidation at the flailing creature that made such horrible noises. Silly, much to the woman's surprise often took to guarding little Leralna, especially when she was being fussy. He was there now, perched on edge of the sturdily made cradle of sorts that sat beside her bed. Once she'd slid her feet into her boots, Jisralna she moved to her daughter and scooped up squirming infant, ignoring Silly's hiss. He knew better than to snap at her. It had only taken her a few minutes to get ready but already she could hear the sound of the other candidates scurrying. What's more, there was a gold egg on the sands so naturally she'd be expected to stand...and if she Impressed. Jisralna looked down at her daughters scrunched up face and smoothed the unruly tuft of hair only to have it spring up again.

Would she be able to trade one infant for another? Not likely, but then she doubt she'd be given a choice. However, for the time being she was going to have to hand little Leralna over to the creche for the hatching; the hot sands were no place for a baby, even if she had someone from the crowd hold on to her. Walking swiftly, Silly flying low above her head with Gambi and Weaver riding the currents well above him, she hurried to the creche and reluctantly handed her child over to one of the women, hoping that she'd be back in time for Leralna's next feeding. In her experience Hatchings were unpredictable but generally rather quick once they got going.

Catching up to the other candidates, she wove her way through the throng until she found Aparicus and fell in line beside her, doing her best to stay between the girl and any of the men though the crowd made it nearly impossible. She'd forgotten how uncomfortably hot the sands were and how loud and disorienting a hatching could be and before she knew it, anxiety began to build in her stomach. It didn't help any that in the back of her mind was that niggling worry that she might somehow be chosen by a green and now the added worry that Impression would mean she would have no time left for her daughter. R'ana had managed somehow but she'd have to ask the woman for a few pointers. Having three young firelizards and an infant was hard enough, especially since their feeding schedules rarely seemed to align. She felt that for the past few weeks she was always feeding or cleaning up after something or someone and it was all she could do make sure she still got her chores in and remembered to eat herself.

When the girls were finally arranged around the golden egg like a Lady's skirt, Jisralna took a chance to glance at her fellow candidates. She knew most of them though hadn't interacted with too many of them over the last nine months or so. She smiled to each of them then settled in. It wasn't the gold egg that was stirring, but one of the others. Before long, however the constant thrumming of the dragons humming petered out and left the woman blinking, looking around as nervous chatter filled the void. The eggs had stilled. Still her mind was a churning mess of worries.

Would she really be forced to give up her child if she Impressed? Had she left her bedroom door open when she left? She really had to pee, how long was this going to take? Was Silly terrorizing the creche staff? Where had she put her sun hat? She really needed to catch up on her sewing as she'd not done much of it over the past two weeks or more. For an hour she came up with a million silly things to worry about, her fingers twisting at in the material of the front of her white gown. She almost missed her belly for all the grief and discomfort it had caused her. With a sigh she followed the rest of the candidates off the sands when they were ushered away after an hour of no movement from the clutch.

Finally! She might not have been able to hold it much longer. She murmured something about being right back then wiggled and wormed her way through the restless crowd and found the nearest latrine only to let out a comically mild curse when she was forced to wait for the facility. By the time the person ahead of her left she was fairly dancing. Nature's call answered, she glanced towards the sands then decided that a quick visit to the creche before the hatching started up again, for surely it would. She found her little Lera asleep and Silly sprawled out next to her, gnawing on the head of a rag doll he'd no doubt stolen from some poor child. She let him be, however as it was better than him hissing about like some untrained fiend.

Leralna's mouth moved as she slept, as though nursing and Jissy smiled. Her qualms about being an unwed mother were quickly abating and she was beginning to realize, finally, that life at the weyr was far, far different than at the hold. By no means had she had a sudden change of character and she still harbored some guilt over the whole thing but she was also coming to accept the fact that not being married to Lera's father would never change how she felt about her daughter and should she have another child the chances of her being married to its father were rather slim. Marriage, she was finally beginning to discover, was a concept that didn't hold over well in weyr society. Didn't mean that she was going to run about sleeping with everyone but after almost three turns she was finally starting to adjust internally to life at Katila.

Slipping out of the creche, she made her way to get something to eat, starting slightly when Weaver landed on her shoulder and quickly tucked himself behind her braid. Her meal was quick and she returned to the sands to wait with the others spotting a familiar face in the crowd. She smiled as B'run nodded then quickly picked a few others out of the crowd before settling in next to Aparicus once more and waiting quietly. The chatter of a few dozen people was beginning to wear on her so that by the time the hatching resumed once more she had a full blown head ache and was more than ready for the entire event to be done. Certainly not how she'd imagined her first hatching after having Leralna would go. By now she'd missed at least two of her daughters feedings and was rather anxious to get back to her. She knew that the creche was equipped to handle infants but still she worried; what mother wouldn't?

The Weaver winced and the blue that lay across her neck squeaked when Krypth summoned everyone back to the sands and the humming started again, battering her ears and turning what was a simple headache into a throbbing pain. She hurried with the other girls back onto the sands, eyeing the green that had fairly exploded from her shell as she cast about the sands. But she didn't have long to consider it as all of the eggs began to move. Everything seemed to be happening at once, the green stumbled across the sands towards the boys then a crack shot down the length of the gold egg and Jisralna found herself holding her breath. Her mind went blank; there were a million things to worry about and she couldn't think of a single one.

The sounds of another egg shattering was unable to pull her attention away from the shuddering egg. There was a surge of laughter and giggles but still all Jisralna saw was that crack in the shell of the egg. Later she would laugh about the retold story of the little green who had needed a bit of help, but now all she could do was continue to hold her breath as the egg fell still once more. Taking a moment to breathe before she passed out, Jisralna glanced around only to start when the girls around her stirred. Her head whipped back around to look at the egg and sure enough a pair of golden legs had bashed through the shell, though she didn't have long to consider it as a green came flailing through their little cluster.

Her jaw dropped and she struggled to make her mind work as she watched the green collide with the golden egg and send its contents sprawling. Then, before she knew what hit her, the green had stumbled off in another direction; hers. She tried to get out of the way, really she did, but a disoriented and rather clumsy hatchling was a hard thing to predict and she only ended making things worse as she lurched in the wrong direction. Weaver took to the air and popped between with a squeak.

Limbs tangled and the woman was sent sprawling in the hot sands. No! Oh sweet Faranth no! She couldn't have a Green...she couldn't be a fighter! Though she wasn't yet injured, tears immediately sprung to the woman's eyes as she tried to push herself up. She had to go, had to run! "I don't want to fight! I don't want to fight! don't wa--" Before she could even get her hands beneath her though, the green shrieked and began to flail, a wing smacking into the back of her head and cut off the words she hadn't even realized she was wailing by sending her face first back into the sand.

There was little more for her to do but cover her head with her hands and cling to her rhetoric. She wasn't a fighter, she couldn't possibly Impress a green! The internal rhetoric became shouting once more though when the green finally freed herself after much flailing and the hatchling stumbled over her, the claws on one of her hind legs shredding the material of her gown along her back and cutting into the flesh beneath it. Then she was gone, leaving a shaking, somewhat bloodied Weaver behind her, muttering with her face in the sand. After several seconds, the woman slowly pushed herself up, sand clinging to the tear tracks on her face and her braid pulled out in places. She was a mess, a shaky jittery thankful mess. Her eyes found the green in the arms of a young man not far from B'run and R'ana. The green didn't want her; thank Faranth.

Turning, she looked back towards the cluster of her peers to find Rhaedalyn hugging the little gold and sighed with relief. The Gold had Impressed, the Green had left her unimpressed....why did her back sting? And her legs? Twisting, she winced slightly and pulled at her robe, sighing at the sight of stark red staining the white. The clumsy little green had torn her robe to ribbons and apparently some of her flesh with it. With a rather pathetic whimper she looked around, suddenly paranoid that any of the tears might be showing off bits of her that were best left covered. As far as maulings went, Jisralna was lucky she'd only suffered a few scrapes and gashes and maybe a bit of a sand rash on her chin and cheek.

With the Gold Impressed, Jisralna hurried off the sands and towards the spot where she'd seen R'ana and Shanith. The woman would know what to do. Obviously she'd need to see the Healer but first she needed cover up! Trying to brush the sand from her face, she blushed as she noticed B'run standing behind R'ana then turned her eyes back to the greenrider, tears welling up and threatening to spill over once again. She was standing awkwardly, hands behind her back clutching together material that gaped a bit near her lower back, stained at the tattered edges with fresh blood; blood which she could now feel trickling and tickling down her back and the backs of her legs. She was a front of so many eyes.

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105 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Aparicus had been glad and so very thankful when her understanding friend had walked with her through the crowds to the hatching sands.  It seemed almost like a dream, like some cruel and twisted nightmare when a little green came crashing into the golds egg then right into Jissy.

A gasp had left her mouth and Apari had even shouted for someone to help her friend as the little green struggled to disentangle herself.  There was blood and more than Apari cared for coming from anyone let alone her closest friend.

Wringing her gnarled fingers, the timid woman afraid of human contact was beside herself with worry, dread and the need to help her friend - a need that was left unfulfilled thanks to her deeply embedded fear of human touch.

In the commotion of it all Apari had forgotten the gold until it was too late and had impressed to another candidate, but that seemed so minor compared to her friends mauling.  Once Jissy was on her feet, Apari tried her best to stay composed as she followed the weaver off the sands, but her eyes and wringing hands betrayed her anxiety.

"Oh Jissy!  We need to find you a healer!  Oh where is Talian?  Do you want me to find him?"  She continued to rattle on, though most of it was incoherent worrying as she simply wished for someone to tell her that everything was being handled and that her friend would be okay even though Apari had been unable to help pull her free of the green.

From my phone, please forgive the crappiness.

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392 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
I'shan had grown so used to their dragonets' rude timing that when he first heard the humming, he wasn't sure if he believed it. A hatching, in the middle of the afternoon? He lifted his head from it's current resting place on one of the dining hall tables and pursed his lips, mind reaching out to Ilveriath for a confirmation. He probably didn't need to ask, though. All three of his fire lizards were suitably excited. Squee and Spazz were chittering and trilling more melodically than normal, and Squeak seemed to be in a good enough humor to join in.

You are correct. The clutch is hatching as we speak, my dear Ilveriath purred with warm delight. The gentle blue loved hatchings. They were moments of joy in turns where there was all too little of it. I'shan beamed and hopped up from his seat, bolting for the door without a word, all three fire lizards bolting after him with varying levels of excitement. Ilvaeriath was already waiting outside, thin body rumbling louder than it seemed like it would be able to. He lowered his head, eyes flashing with joy as I'shan threw his arms around his neck. Then, as I'shan scrambled frantically on board, Ilveriath disappeared.

Moments later, I'shan was bustling through the crowd. "EXCUSE ME! Searchrider coming through! Paaardon me!" he said, slipping between bodies and dodging limbs as he went. Squee quickly pounced on his shoulder, hopping and trembling with joy as they neared the edge of the sands. Spazz and Squeak crowded on the other shoulder, but after Spazz'z unrestrained wingbeats hit Squeak in the face one time too many, the less-excitable blue decided to vacate.  He hopped towards the nearest adjacent human, latching onto their shirt sleeve and clinging to the fabric. I'shan was too engrossed to notice, and it seemed the person now babysitting Squeak was as well.

I'shan was enjoying himself thoroughly. The clutch appeared to consist of only greens so far, which was just too funny. A new crop of greenriders was always an excellent thing to look forward to, now wasn't it?! He chuckled and elbowed a nearby greenrider with amusement, making some sort of crass comment that made the greenrider laugh nervously before pulling away. Naw. No fun!

Things changed very quickly when the saw the little gold wriggle from her shell. How pretty she was! His eyes widened with brightness and energy, beyond pleased to see another little queen join their ranks.  How desperatly they needed every one they could get! This would bring the count to four, and some lucky girl-

Wait, what? What had he just seen? I'shan could have sworn that he saw the queenling going to B'jin's little searchgirl, but...she'd stopped?  She was looking not to one of B'jin's girls, but to Rhae? Rhaedalyn? Was it possible?


Perhaps you should congratulate her, my dear. She is as overwhelmed as one would expect at such a moment

I'shan felt his jaw go slack. Then, after several moments of simply staring at the dazzling little beast and her happy new rider, he charged. Both fire lizards were jarred from his shoulders as he took off. I'shan raced out onto the sands like an angry herdbeast with it's horns down, only his determined sprint was prompted by elation, not rage. He had searched a goldrider! A goldrider!

"Rhae!" he squealed, skidding to a stop and slinging his arms around the girl without bothering to ask. "Look at you! Look at you! I told you I told you!" he shouted with joy, heart pounding in his chest. After turns of searching only green and blueriders, of being mocked for his dragon's apparent lack of skill, he finally had a goldrider! Shards, he'd been overly-excited about the pair of browns at the last clutch...this was amazing!

And it couldn't have happened to a nicer girl, at least in his estimation.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana forgot about wanting to kill Terken...partially at least when a touch to the small of her back alerted her to B'run.  She smiled at him, shyly reaching back to take his hand and squeeze it.  Shanith crooned approval when she turned to smile at him, then warned her R'ana?  The one that had the baby and the one you say not to scare comes.  Normally Shanith touched R'ana's memories of names, but didn't take time to today 

R'ana turned to face them and blinked as she met her eyes.  Guessing at the first part of the problem, she shrugged picked up her blanket, gave it a hard shake to remove the sand and wrapped it around the candidate.  "You're covered now."  Her tone was gentle and she tried to reassure her saying, "Aparicus and Shanith are both looking for Talian."

R'ana was barely aware she was in robe and PJ's still, baring part of her legs.  Right now, her concern was on her friend.  R'ana gently hugged Jisralna, trying to reassure her, and saying, "Help's coming.  I'm worried the cuts in your legs will get worse if you walk...I'm hoping that when Shanith or Aparicus finds Talian, he'll come here for a quick look before aptching you up at Healer's Hall."

Shanith found Khaduceth first and bespoke him.  Khaduceth?  We need a healer over here, Jisralna got mauled a bit.  She's still standing but can he please come?  R'ana's afraid to walk her to healer hall, something about cuts in her legs.  Shanith liked Jisralna, worry underlaid her tone and she crooned to her.  Realizing it wouldn't help, she looked to the other woman.  Shanith hesitated then reached forward to gently touch her nose to the woman, pausing just before the point where she would touch her. 

I spoke to Talian's dragon.  He hasn't answered yet, but help should be on the way.  Would you like to stay and help?  Getting worried, R'ana looked to B'run, and calmed a bit.  She knew it was irrational that when he was around things seemed better, but it was there for her. 

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 61
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse

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of Blue Venseth

Date of Birth
05.04.716 AL, 28
Dark Brown


Written By: ThistleProse
Indivara, while disgusted, was highly amused by the number of green dragonets that had flooded the Hatching sands. With the sudden appearance of the last two, the whispers that had been floating around that the entire clutch was made up of girls was proven correct, and Indivara was amused! She was also thankful, in a way, that she’d not put up too much of a fight to stand at the Hatching. What a waste that would have been! So difficult to get onto the sands to start with, to be let down by a flood of green! Not a boy dragon in sight and Indivara turned to give Krypth a dry, flat look. “Pick a better daddy next time, Krypth. He’s pathetic.”

Krypth wasn’t given a chance to reply, as Indivara’s gaze shifted back to the clutch, watching the last two Impress with mild irritation. What a waste of a day! An early start, a shitty round of results and that fucking son of a bitch! Indivara stared blankly for a moment as her brain tried to comprehend the sight it was attempting to process; blue eyes were huge as she stared at Kerrin and the little dragon sitting at his feet, before she threw herself off Krypth and flew across the sands, Blood Sucker squealing in surprise and then following her, while Psh creeled in confusion and winked between to Ryvian, creeling pathetically as she hovered before him.

Indivara was laughing, and crying, and she was happy but she was so angry! The girl threw slim arms around Kerrin’s neck, using them to draw herself up so she could kiss him soundly, then dropped back to the ground. Her expression an amazing mix of outrage and honest delight, the girl froze when Kerrin’s hand faltered slightly at her waist as they slipped down from grabbing her in surprise, two sets of eyes widening before Indivara stepped back, kicking him viciously in the shin and then shoving him as hard as she could in the chest – sending the young man toppling to his arse on the sands in surprise while his dragonet moved around anxiously, dancing from foot to foot – and Indivara fled, not even bothering to scream at him.

She paused at the edge of the sands, before pelting off in the direction of one of her safe havens: the bath houses. She was definitely, definitely about to puke! Blood Sucker zipped along after her, leaving Psh in the care of the twin as the little blue anxiously tried to get his human to calm down. He was confused; the girl was feeling too many things! He didn’t know which ones to respond to!

2023-AugustBluerider - FemaleCandidatePA - 100 PostsPA - 250 Posts!!PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
R’nd tried to keep an eye on everything that was happening but after all of that time waiting around, it seemed to be flying by now! A green was racing around and crashed into the gold which caused a moment of panic as to which dragonet he should follow to Impression but since the gold was, well, gold and fairly important in the larger picture of dragon repopulation, he ended up tracking the pale hide to the group of girls. He held his breath for the short amount of time it took for it to become obvious which girl had made the bond and a large smile broke out. “Rhaedalyn Impressed gold!” He exclaimed, in an excited whisper. He hadn’t been the one to search the chipper young woman but he had played his own part in ensuring Rhaedalyn was able to Stand. It took a moment longer for B’jin’s struggling and exclamations of his own to sink in and still R’nd wondered why the green he had lost track of was so important and causing his lover so much distress.

“Hmm?” R’nd was distracted first by a bouncing I’shan flailing around the Sands which reminded him that his friend was Rhaedalyn’s Searcher but B’jin’s mumbled ‘fuck me’ easily and quickly earned the bluerider’s attention once more. “I will later if the offer still stands,” R’nd kissed the side of B’jin’s neck to punctuate which meaning of the phrase he was going to go with but grey eyes glanced over the Sands to see exactly what it was that B’jin cursing. Was that another green? This was turning into a rather interesting hatching! When one of the last eggs cracked to reveal yet another green dragonet, R’nd was starting to grin. He was amused and a little confused. By the time the last two eggs hatched to show they were also a green, R’nd wondered if this had ever happened before and laughed lightly. “I maintain green is still a lucky colour and I think eight men will agree.”

The last word was barely out of his mouth as the final Impression was made and R’nd was left speechless and gawking. Did he see that right? Did Kerrin finally Impress? B’jin confirmed it with some comment about bronzes that he didn’t fully understand while in his shocked state but the kiss was appreciated and only made his already silly grin larger as he stumbled off to congratulate his friend. A little green! Kerrin was a greenrider. It was weird yet so right. I told you both that none of the hatchlings before were good enough for him. This one will be perfect. Ayyonth’s confidence and the way he sounded like he had Searched Kerrin made R’nd laugh as he ran across the Sands and came to a sliding stop on his knees to throw his arms around Kerrin.

“Took you long enough,” R’nd mumbled into Kerrin’s hair as he held one of his dearest friends close and again laughed when Kerrin gave a reply.

“Jerk. If you make me cry at my Impression…” the light and playful punch to his shoulder had R’nd let go and soon both men were getting to their feet. R’nd’s comment about being introduced to Kerrin’s new lady had amber eyes going wide for a moment before he clued in that Ajaaskath was the female in question and not Indivara with her fly by kiss and run. “Like I want her knowing a playboy with weird taste in older men.”  Even on what was probably the happiest day of his life, Kerrin couldn’t resist teasing R’nd and continued to do so as they escorted his beautiful dragonet off to be fed.

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