World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

A Lazy Afternoon [B'run]


179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Afternoon drew her out of her hut with Shanith's riding straps, her sewing kit and the conditioners R'ana used to keep them soft, supple and clean.  The light today was perfect for an inch by inch inspection of their condition.  She gave them a quick check before and after each ride, and a more thorough inspection every other day. 

An incident shortly after arriving at Katila had shown her that she hadn't been paying close enough attention to the condition of her straps.  She had been lucky another dragon had caught her when the leather had broken...otherwise she would be dead and Shanith with her.  She still couldn't believe she had been so careless with both their lives.  It would never happen again, she would make sure of it. 

She began the checking, working her way through dragon lengths of leather, inch by inch.  AS she worked, the wind touched the chair she sat in, sending it rocking and swaying a bit.  Shanith felt her rider's contentment and settled down, tired from a long flight earlier that afternoon.  The green watched her rider, feeling the woman's enjoyment of the time spent on one of the swinging chairs she had installed on her porch. 

Rana's hands and eyes went over stitching and the leather itself, the busy work enough to keep her occupied, a rare smile touching her lips.  This was her idea of a perfect day, her, her green and a task to keep her hands busy.

I think this takes place about a seven day after Revelations.

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
He'd seen his daughter. He hadn't been so bold as to approach her, but he'd seen her and when her ball had bounced to his feet he'd handed it back with a small smile. She'd giggled at him and toddled off again. He'd stood there for over an hour, scowling at the woman that herded the children of the creche around whenever she eyed him warily.

Eventually he'd wandered off and found himself outside R'ana's hut. He'd lingered, watching her as she relaxed and eventually stepped forward, clearing his throat to make his presence known. He lifted his gaze to meet her's, unflinching and unconcerned as to whether or not she felt intruded upon. It didn't matter. She had to be told one way or another. "Saw 'er," he drawled in his slow and steady manner. "Looks like you." He gave a nod, dropping his gaze and inspecting her straps from a distance. "She's beautiful..."

He moved forward, settling himself on the ground near her pile of straps and, uninvited, picked them up and began moving his hands over the straps, looking over them as he'd looked over his a thousand times before. It was something every rider did, something every rider knew how to do and something every rider could do with hardly dwelling on what he was actually doing.

Though, it wasn't something other riders normally invited themselves over to help with... But it was never said that B'run was good at this social thing.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana heard him and looked up, meeting his gaze directly, and shifting a bit in her seat.  How long had she been watched?

Finally, he spoke, and R'ana took a breath, not sure what to do with that.  Shanith padded over, nudged him gently in greeting then laid back down in the sun. 

R'ana froze, watching the long little green, until she felt her straps move in her hands a bit.  She tipped her head at his going over them and shrugged mentally. 

R'ana hmmed as she looked down and went over the straps again.  Finally she slid her gaze back to him.  She got up then and padded into her hut.  A moment later, she came out with two glasses and a bag. 

She handed a glass to him of sweetened tea and the bag then settled back in her chair.  "For your lizards, the bag is.  Dried meat strips."  She worked fingers over two more feet of leather before she said, "I'm glad you went to see her."

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
B'run gave Shanith a small smile, running his hand over her neck and pausing against her a moment before he continued to steal R'ana's straps from her. It didn't offer the same comfort Olemuth did, of course, but he knew the little green was fond of him and his endlessly calm bronze, a pat or gesture of affection here and there was the least he could do.

Once settled and digging through the pile of leather, he ran his hands over it, hunting for weaknesses that needed repair. He was content to sit in silence and lend a hand, though he knew it bothered most people to sit in quiet for extended periods of time.

He gave a small smile and accepted the bag and tea with thanks. "They'll swarm in shortly, I 'magine..." Right on cue, Lovely, Hush, Ali and Brat popped out of Between and fluttered down to swarm over the man's shoulders. Lovely claimed her customary place while the others settled in his lap, making his attempted helping difficult. He worked around them, however.

He paused and offered them each meat, listening as Hush chattered away as she ate. "Yer goin' t'choke, little girl. Eat now. Talk later." Belatedly, he remembered he was in company and gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry, eh? Ain't too used t'company an' she's a talkative thing. Talkin' back t'her keeps me entertained."

He paused, unsure of how to continue in regards to their child. "A'course I went t'see her. Told you I would. Didn' pester her. She was busy playin'."

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Silence stretched and R'ana let herself relax into it.  She smiled when he did, though her smile was more hesitant.  She grinned as he was swarmed by firelizards and felt a smile touch her lips and eyes when Hush chattered away even as she ate. 

"No need to be sorry.  I like all of them."  the words startled her nad she went quiet, amazed they were true.  Shanith loved fire lizards.  R'ana tended to avoid situations where she might impress one, finding her dragon handful enough. 

Though, if Olemuth calmed her down again like he had once done, R'ana would be eternally grateful.  She shook herself for letting her mind go there and found a patch of leather that needed tending to where her stitches had worked loose.

She let the leather rest on her lap, watching B'run with the firelizards.  She debated asking, and finally put her worry into words, for the first time. 

"Did she say anything?  With words?"  R'ana had never heard her talk, or even attempt to, and it was beginning to scare her.  Berani had nearly died during birth and R'ana worried.  She didn't have words for it and Shanith crooned until she relaxed again, focusing quietly on the leather riding straps.

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
B'run frowned, thinking her question over. Hush chattered away while Brat worked her way onto R'ana's shoulder, burrowing under her hair and watching her fingers as she worked. Hush, finished eating, fluttered over to Shanith, fond of the dragon that was as talkative as she was. Ali and Lovely remained draped across B'run while he dwelled.

"No, now that you mention it, I don' think she did." His gaze moved up to her, concern creasing his brow. Again, he cursed the fact that he hadn't known. Then he would have been there when she was born, he might have known all this before. He might have been able to help R'ana... He could hear the worry in her voice and a hand went to her knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. Words wouldn't be sufficient and he wouldn't have known what to say anyway. So he offered a small bit of touch to convey that he was there if she wanted him to be.

"Maybe she's jes' a quiet kid. You an' I ain't exactly talkative, are we?"

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
She began to sew, nearly jabbing herself when a small green firelizard crawled onto her shoulder, then under her hair.  She paused then reached up to pet her gently.  Shanith crooned at the one who chattered alot, R'ana smiling as the firelizard answered. 

"They are going to sit and talk eachother's ear off, aren't they?"  She spoke with a laugh underlying the words, though it didn't remove the worry from her eyes.  Her hand gripped his after a long moment and she smiled.  "Yeah, seem to remember that it took me ages to learn to talk too and I do damn little of it now!"  She was trying to reassure him and worked her spot of leather.  "Sometimes I wonder if Shanith chews on these when I'm not looking.  Olemuth's leathers must be a pain to maintain, he's so much bigger than Shanith!"

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
And just like that, things were back to normal. Any anger or hate that had been between them for their temporarily disagreement was gone in a flash, with hands grasped, shared smiles and a mutual concern. Of course, 'normal' for them meant Shanith talking Olemuth to death and the pair sitting in companionable silence. And B'run was okay with that. More than okay with that. He enjoyed it.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with bein' quiet." He said firmly, nodding. Between him and Olemuth, the pair were notoriously brooding and quiet, each preferring silence to useless words. They got enough of that from Hush, whom was never quiet. Ever. The little flit was still chattering away at Shanith. And probably would be until they left.

He gave a dry chuckle at her comment about straps and shrugged. "Eh, ain't any big worry. Jes' takes time. Try an' go over 'em 'bout once every couple'a days. Couple hours if nothin's wrong. Bit more if there's a lot'a repairs needed. Usually ain't too bad. Shanith're easy comparitively," A small smile tugged at his lips as he teased her. "Drop in the bucket, if'n you will. Tiny thing like 'er. Maybe she'll liven that bronze beast o' mine up!"

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
She liked B'runs company.  She didn't have tot alk, and he didn't take her beads away when she was nervous enough to use them.  Oddly enough, most times, she wasn't.  She grinned at his words and looked down, then blinked as the tone of the conversation between Shanith and aptly named Hush changed a bit. 

They settled then and R'ana got the sense of the pair being up to something.  Uhoh.  She had a moment to wonder what they were up to when Shanith settled, looking just a little too innocent.  "I'm not sure her livening up Olemuth is a good thing.  Is it just me, or do you think those two are up to something?"  She gestured to the firelizard and dragon, eyes narrowed.

She reached up to keep petting Brat,t hen worked on her spot, strengthening the stitches, and working to search out another weak spot in her leathers.  She shouldn't find many, thus far she had kept Shanith from wearing them into the lake, or the ocean.  IT meant that this pair had lasted a good while.  It relieved R'ana, she hated having to trade for more leather to make a new set!

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Hush was quiet.

That should have been the first indication, but he was distracted. Hush was never quiet. Even sleeping, she was chattering and making little sounds. But right now, she wasn't making any noise and B'run looked up, searching. "Ali, find Hush." Ali chirped and launched herself into the air, heading towards Shanith and Hush.

"Think we should go check on 'em?" Her straps were in good condition and, either way, with the two of them working on them together they wouldn't take long to fix up, thus giving them more freetime than either one would have had on their own. Having willing hands help with the work was always a good thing!

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
A tug of the stitches showed R'ana that her newly sewed area was settled nicely.  She tugged it again, nodded in satisfaction and did a quick check of the last foot.  "I think so.  Shanith is too easily led astray for comfort, and I still haven't made it up to the last person she decided to dump a bucket of lake water on."  Shanith still wouldn't tell her what had pissed her off so, and R'ana knew the green would have forgotten the whole thing by now.

She reached for Shanith who only responded with a sense of glee.  R'ana caught a flash of something and shook her head.  "Know where Olemuth is sunbathing?  I saw a flash of bronze and he is a distinctive shade and build.  And I hope he's the only bronze Shanith would prank."  He dragon took off then, seeing Ali come out of the air, the firelizard called Hush clinging to her head knobs.

R'ana realized she still had his hand then and let go, following her dragon with her eyes, praying it was Olemuth she was getting ready to annoy, and not another bronze. 

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
B'run frowned at their hands as she released his, having not realized on his own that they were still clasped. He followed after her, silently telling Brat to find Olemuth. The green hissed, not wanting to move from her perch on R'ana's shoulders but did obey and launched herself into the air, soaring along in the same direction as they were headed.

He recognized his dragon as soon as he saw him and caught R'ana by the arm, giving her a sly grin and motioning for her to stop. The big bronze was snoozing peacefully, enjoying the sun and the freedom from the usual fair that now accompanied B'run. Brat landed beside him, one paw on his snout. Olemuth blinked his eyes open, peering down at the little flit.

B'run grinned crookedly, eagerly awaiting Shanith's attack and doing his best to keep from alerting Olemuth. It worked and the big bronze gave a startled bugle as Shanith crashed into him. He scrambled to his feet, a growl bubbling in his throat until he realized who attacked him and calmed down with remarkable speed. He crooned happily, folding his wings and settling down, inviting her to join him.

You are going to scare me Between one day.

B'run burst into laughter, pleased with Shanith's mock attack and Olemuth's surprised reaction and quick recovery. He slapped his knee as he doubled over, sending Lovely into the air with an irritated hiss. "Serves him right. Lazy thing." Olemuth certainly wasn't lazy, but he was keen on sunning for extended periods of time and wasn't the most active beast in the weyr.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
There was a hiss, then a firelizard took flight.  She was tugged on a moment later, and stopped, her eyes shining with mischief to match his once she knew it was Olemuth that was about to be pounced. 

Shanith was silent, giving a joyous pounce!  She bugled with the thrill of success and R'ana let go to laugh,leaning on B'run a moment as she let her mirth sound out. 

Shanith settled beside him and snuggled up retorting, You're too big to scare between!  She gave a happy little croon, and R'ana felt her grin turn from mirthfull to warm, the dragon's contentment radiating from her.  She shook her head and padded forward to join them.  She was not usually this lazy but an afternoon spent relaxing and close to her dragon was a delightful idea just now!

Sorry it's short, hands are hurting this week

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Nonsense. I go Between just fine. What is stopping me from being scared Between?

B'run followed suit, whistling for his fair to let them know where he was. They settled down on Shanith and Olemuth, crooning contentedly. B'run settled himself down between Olemuth and Shanith's forelegs, leaning against the bronze. It did seem to be one of those lazy days. And he was okay with that. They didn't get them often and he was more than willing to take advantage of one when it came. Especially when it came with such good company.

"Yer girl always that sneaky? Figger for some'un as eager t'chat as she is she couldn' stay quiet long enough t'sneak up on any'un." A smile teased at his lips as he glanced towards the green that was dwarfed by his bronze. Olemuth rumbled his own amusement, laing his head down and stretching his legs out, one wing draped over Shanith.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Shanith nuzzled the bronze curling up under a wing.  I will try not to scare you again.  I thought you'd see me coming though.  The green relaxed then, still a bit worn out from a long flight that morning. 

R'ana cracked open an eye.  "No.  She says that Hush says Olemuth nearly squished her last night and she didn't see any harm in pouncing on him." 

She wriggled until her green protested.  "Normally she prefers to sit and talk to people but she wanted to make Hush happy."  R'ana smiled at B'run and settled for a bit.  Shanith shot her a mental image of indignation, thinking she was being made fun of, and R'ana stuck her tongue out at the dragon, then added, "How are you doing lately?" 

It was small talk but she wanted to at least show some effort into talking.  It was nice to be outside.  She wouldn't get nightmares if she slept outside, and it was good looking up at the sky.  R'ana stretched a bit, and shifted, her green nudging her in slight irritation.  Settled she drifted a bit until Shanith announced I like the firelizards!  You should impress one! 

"No.  I've my hands full with you." 

Shanith blinked then said, But they're wonderful!

R'ana looked up at her with one eye.  "At leading you astray?"

But Olemuth isn't even mad!  And look we're all snuggling together!  WE need a firelizard! 


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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"Wouldn' doubt Olemuth squishin' Hush. Damn li'l thing is a tough bugger if anythin' was. S'what you get, though, for sleepin' all hidden-like like you do." He gave Hush a scolding look and the little flit chattered back at him, waggling her head. No doubt she had important things to say and she would be heard saying them! "Don' you start that. You were hidin' by his wing joint. I saw you." More chatter, quieter this time. It would seem she agreed.

I am teasing. You do not frighten me so badly. He tapped his nose against Shanith's.

B'run watched as the conversation moved back and forth, though he could only hear half of it. He caught the drift and whistled for Brat. The little green landed on his shoulder and he plucked her up, settling her on R'ana's shoulder. "There. Y'can borrow one o' mine."

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
She snerked as B'run talked, laughing silently.  "Dunno, on one hand she hides, but on the other hand Shanith swears she heard Olemuth making firelizard noises in his sleep the other day.  Don't think it was him, so does she talk in her sleep?"

Shanith tapped her nose to Olemuth's.  Good.  It's cold between.  She yawned a bit and wriggled until she was comfortable on the ground, nosing at his wing then tucking herself under it a bit more. 

R'ana blinked and met firelizard eyes, tipping her head at Brat.  After a moment, she reached in a pocket and offered her a bit of dried redfruit slice from her pouch.  She held still, and when the lizard took the piece Shanith crooned happily.

"Quiet you.  This does not mean we are getting a flit!"  She petted Brat gently though, a crooked smile on her face.  "They are beautiful though."  Shanith waited and nudged her with a mental image of Berani.  R'ana tipped her head in thought, wondering what the green meant then got it.  "A flit is a being, not a toy.  I am sure Berani would love them, but she is not old enough for a pet."  The green pouted and R'ana shook her head.  "Thank you, B'run."  Her words were soft, cautious.

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
B'run burst into laughter as R'ana chided Shanith. The sudden noise - So unlike their bonded's usual behavior - startled his fair and sent them skyward in a chorus of irritated chatter. "Sorry, sorry," he apologized, luring them back down and scratching Hush's eyeridge as she chattered away. "S'good thinkin', either way, eh? I'll 'unt her down an' let 'er play with 'em if nothin' else. They'd love it. 'Specially Brat. Teachin' 'er young 'bout dragons an' fire lizards'd be good fer 'er anyway. She does stand a chance at bein' a rider one day."

Pride was obvious in his voice, though. The idea that a child of his would be a dragonrider was something he was hopeful for. "Shanith, you an' R'ana can borrow one o' my fair any time you want, eh? They'll enjoy the extra attention. Brat's already taken a likin' to you an' Hush adores Shanith." Ali and Lovely were both fairly determined to simply never leave B'run's side.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
A grin flashed through R'ana's eyes, matched by the upward curve of her lips.  She felt Shanith's puzzlement and simply let her dragon feel her love, brown eyes warm as she looked up at her beast.  Shanith blew air over her hair, and R'ana petted her fondly as the fair resettled around B'run. 

His pride in Berani showed and R'ana decided that she was not going to think on why it warmed her so.  Her son's father hadn't wanted anything to do with him, to the where she had named him Ravan.  Her brother had fostered him, but R'ana still worried about him and wished...She forced herself to focus on the here and now.  Berani.

"I think it would be good for her.  She'd surely love it."  R'ana went quiet a moment then said, "I was planning on taking her onto the beach soon...she likes playing in the sand when it's warm, and nearly being drowned by Shanith." 

I only did that once.  R'ana petted her dragon.  Or twice.  Or three times.  Or...

R'ana took a breath, made sure she was certain then spoke.  "I can tell you when and drag you and Olemuth along."

Shanith crooned happily and R'ana felt her lips quirk in a smile, the dragon's happiness reflected in the rider.  R'ana!  I have minions!

Alarmed, R'ana looked up at her dragon.  Olemuth?  Can you warn B'run that Shanith might lead his fair astray?  She's plotting something, I just know it.  Don't care too much, but I do need to make a token attempt at controlling the amount of mayhem she causes.  She doubted the bronze heard her and reached up to touch Shanith's nose. 

"You won't be getting B'run in trouble, love.  The messes you get me in are bad enough without you getting him into messes too."  Shanith just sent her a feeling of innocence.  R'ana was doomed.

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
They will listen to him. The bronze's ever-calm voice touched R'ana's mind and he opened his eyes enough for the riders to see that they swirled blue rapidly. But he relayed the message anyway, as she had asked. He liked Shanith's rider well enough, mostly because Shanith and B'run liked her. That was reason enough for him.

Lovely crooned and touched a paw to B'run's nose until he pulled meat from a pouch and fed her some. That started chaos and the others promptly swarmed down on him. Brat and Ali hissed and argued while Hush chattered away, even with a full mouth. B'run was patient as ever, feeding them all in turn and scolding them when they ate too much. He spoke as he fed them, agreeing with her idea that a trip to the beach would be just fine.

"We'll gladly go along. It'll do us both some good to get out and be social." He patted Olemuth's leg fondly. The dragon was constantly urging him to be more social and get involved and be part of things but he always kept to the back, doing his best to fly under the radar and be forgotten. He didn't want trouble. For R'ana and Berani, though... He'd gladly welcome some trouble.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
The bronze's voice was ever calm and R'ana got why he was so good for Shanith then.  Her dragon added in a soft mindvoice, He likes me for me.  I don't have to be hyperactive or silly or stupid around him unless I want to be.  She snuggled up closer to the bronze crooning and blowing air over the grass to watch it ripple. 

R'ana watched him with the lizards, amazed at his patience as she ran hands over her dragon's hide.  It was soft, not as soft as Larrikith's or some of the other perfectly tended dragon's but still soft enough not to crack.  Shanith refused to hold still for oiling sessions, so oiling her dragon was an all day endeavour.  First tiring her out enough to want to rest, then trying to get her bathed, oiled and dry before she recovered enough to jump around like her usual self.

R'ana nodded at his words and spoke.  "It's a date then."  Her words caught up with her and she squeaked, not having time to retract before Shanith chose that moment to slurp her cheek.  "Shanith!" 

  You had a smudge.  And you don't bring children on a date so he knows it's not.  Stop worrying so much.  She looked at her face and dipped her head to lick again, rumbling her amusement when R'ana scrambled to hide behind B'run.  She wiped her face clean frantically, muttering about demented greens under her breath.

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"Lookin' forward to it." B'run nodded, running his hands over Lovely and letting the gold resume her perch on his shoulder. Ali curled on his lap while Hush, still chattering to herself, perched atop Shanith's head like a hat. Brat hadn't left her post on R'ana's shoulders. When R'ana lurched behind him he stiffened, unused to physical contact with other humans and twisted to peer at her. She shot Shanith a mock glare, winking at the green.

"See what you did? Now she's stuck an' Ah've got this bran' new pillow..." He leaned back, smooshing R'ana gently against Olemuth's chest. He wriggled, emphasizing that he was 'pinning' her though she could have easily shoved him off. "So comfortable! Think Ah'll keep it 'round a bit." his drawl had gotten thicker as amusement and pleasure became obvious on his features. He was, much to his surprise, enjoying this.

They say I am too lazy and you are too active. I do not think humans know what they want in a dragon. You are as active as you wish to be and I am hardly lazy. He snorted his annoyance, adjusting himself to make room for the squabbling riders.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana was scolded by brat as she settled behind B'run, looking up to see her dragon wearing a chattery hat.  Something pretty she could wear.  Her green was never going to leave her alone about the lizards now.  B'run's look to her showed a relaxed green rider who hadn't quiet realized how close she was to him yet. 

Shanith rumbled a laugh and told B'run, If she asks, I planned this out.  She mussed his hair by blowing wind into it and crooned softly, relaxed.  R'ana blinked as she was pinned a moment, wondering why on earth she wasn't running for the hills right now.  The amusement and pleasure he showed probably?  Whatever it was had her lightly wrapping her arms around him and relaxing back into Olemuth. 

She was one to shun physical contact, except just before and just after Flight.  That this didn't scare her had her relaxing and enjoying it with a soft sigh.  "Don't I make a lumpy pillow though?"  She ran fingers idly through his hair, adding teasingly, "Just think.  I can cook too!  Well not alcohol.  That tends to explode.  But anything else I can cook!"  Laughter tickled her chest until she gave into the giggles, seeing Shanith lean up to nuzzle Olemuth. 

You conserve energy.  That's smart, not lazy!  The green snuggled closer to the bronze once he was still again and added in a joke.  People complain about me, but I keep hearing people ask if I'm sick because I'm calmer lately.  I should make some mischief to show I'm still me.  Later though...Sunning is more important right now.

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"Yeh, yer a bit lumpy..." He prodded her in the stomach, gently. "Maybe Ah'll have t'squish ya a bit to make you more comfortable." He squeezed her arms before grabbing her and hauling her up and over his shoulders, settling her in front of him and leaning back against Olemuth. "Yer spoilin' me, y'know. Gettin' me used t'company. An' you can cook! Yeh. I'm comin' t'yer hut. Gettin' tired o' tubers an'... Tubers." The fact the man despised fish probably didn't bode well for him eating healthily.

Let them wonder all they want. Catch them off guard and unprepared. For a quiet thing, he was awfully conniving!

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
She couldn't help the giggles the slid from her, turning into a cry when she was upended.  R'ana blinked at him as she was reseated in front of him.  Why wasn't she screaming?  Or getting away?  Or something?  She finally relaxed and giggled again, deciding to just let herself enjoy the moment.  After would take care of itself and no point in worrying about her past actions when B'run didn't seem to be.

"Spoiling you?  Nah, perish the thought."  She offered a sunny smile and said, "But there are kinda of ways to make tubers.  Tuber salad.  Baked with oil and herbs.  Fried, and dipped in sauce.  Covered in Gravy.  Mashed..."  She let her teasing drop, gripping his hand in hers now and getting serious.  "But I don't cook them all that often.  I prefer different vegetables and fruits."  She went quiet a moment.  "Hope you being spoiled isn't a bad thing."

Shanith nosed at Olemuth and offered, That sounds even more fun.  You been hanging around Larrikith?  I hear she's an excellent plotter, though a bronze as observant as you hardly needs help.  I like your ideas though.  They're wonderful.

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92 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
"Yeh, plen'y a'ways o' makin' things.. None o' which I'm good at. Cookin' ain't where my skills lie." His skills didn't lie particularly anywhere. Once, long ago, he'd been good at mining and physical labor but on Katila he could really only use that when someone needed help building a hut or something along those lines. Otherwise he swapped rides from place to place or offered up sheer physical labor where it was needed to earn favors and trades to get what he needed.

"Bein' spoiled ain't too bad," he admitted with a small smile, shrugging and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Certainly worse folks t'get spoiled by." A wink accompanied that statement and he did his best to look innocent. He wasn't too good at it.

I'm glad. I don't have many of them. B'run and I try to stay out of trouble.

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179 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
R'ana dipped her head in a nod and curled up.  "Let me guess, that's what we wimminfolk are for."  Teasing underlay her voice, though there was a ring of seriousness there too.  She returned the kiss to the cheek, adding in, "Spoiling you menfolk and cooking and cleaning for you."  Her words were light, laced with humor.  R'ana didn't mind cooking and cleaning, though she knew some of the female riders did.  She had never seen the point in getting upset about it though. 

Shanith, meanwhile, itched.  The green held still gamely for awhile and then squirmed slightly, trying to hide from R'ana that she itched.  Itching meant being bathed and holding still.  Then being oiled and holding still.  Then drying and holding still.  Then a repeat of it when she failed to hold still for all of it and R'ana had to start over.  The dragon hated oiling and always kicked a fuss over it.  Finally though she had to give in and wriggle free of Olemuth, stepping away from him.  She was heedless of the fact that it dislodged R'ana slightly, only of the fact her back itched!  She rolled to her backa dn wriggled about on the grass, creeling softly, and then hearing the words she dreaded most. 

"Looks like you need oiling, love." 

Nononononono!  I'm fine!  Perfectly fine!  She spun around quickly, and added, See?  No cracking or peeling or dry spots!  I'm perfectly fine!  After that she hid behind Olemuth.  R'ana looked at her debating whether to chase her dragon down and bathe and oil her right now or wait until tomorrow.  The green caught the sense of her thoughts and shrank further behind Olemuth, preparing to run if R'ana decided to oil her now. 

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