World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Life got a little bit crazy [Vaelya]

of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
Life... Sometimes life threw you curve balls and just before you reached up to catch it the ball switched sides and slammed into your face at lightening fast speed. Life had thrown a curve ball at K'ton and slapped him up side the head for good measure. He, apparently, really was a father and to a teenaged boy at that! One that didn't even look like him but instead looked just like K'ton's father, Tonan. The only thing K'ton seemed to have passed to his son was his brilliant blue eyes. The lad didn't even have the decency to be of a height with K'ton, instead was inches shorter than him - this in fact was true, however the boy was only a couple inches shorter. K'ton still couldn't believe how he'd ever missed finding out about the boy, given the boy looked exactly like his grandfather. It would help if K'ton wasn't so self involved and actually took the time to get to know the people in the weyr. In a random world, K'ton's son may have gone completely unnoticed by his father if K'ton hadn't quite literally knocked him down out side the dining hall.

When K'ton had bent and offered a hand up for the boy, stark blue eyes had met a near replica in the face a younger version of his father's and all movement had ceased. Of course he'd been shell shocked and had stood gaping at the boy until he'd finally sputtered a demand. Who was his mother? Where was he born? What was his name? All normal questions, though they had been clipped and a touch forceful. The boy, Leyton had been birthed by a female greenrider just before the exile. Luck had it that the older infant had survived the flight south and the firehead that took his mother. Once Leyton had realized K'ton was alright with his existence the kid hadn't shut his yap once. By the time he had left Leyton, K'ton had known the kid's entire life story. Not that he minded really. He had been thinking about the various children he may have running around when he'd knock the boy to the ground. A rather serendipitous meeting.

You know if you'd just gone looking like I suggested several times, you could've been in Leyton's life the whole time, the brown said from the shallows where he was currently soaking. K'ton rolled his eyes at the dragon. Ironth had indeed suggested he look for K'ton's lust product but his rider had always declined. If he was honest with himself and Ironth K'ton hadn't really wanted to find them but now with the undeniable glaring him right in the face it was difficult to forget about it. Forgetting about it would be the dumbest thing you could do, K'ton the great brown rumbled at him rider. "Well for sure I know that Ironth! I swear sometimes you think I'm an idiot," K'ton grumbled.

There are occasions, the brown said with such amusement he earned a hot glare from his rider. Mumbling about dirty tricks and nasty browns, K'ton moved into the shallows with the brush he'd already soaped up and laid the flat of the bristles against the side of Ironth. The brown rumbled with pleasure as the combination of sand and the bristles scratched a particularly itchy spot. We are about to have delightful company. Perhaps speaking to her will help ease your mind, Ironth suggested. "Her?" he said, turning quickly and nearly losing his balance.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Vee was humming to herself as she made her way down to the lake. She had been dropped off by a blue rider that had planned to bathe his dragon. He dropped Vee off and flown off a ways, leaving her to walk that bit herself, which she didn't honestly mind. She had packed herself a lunch and was currently reflecting on her morning as she walked, hoping she hadn't forgotten something that would land her in trouble when she did manage to get back to the weyr. She had done her chores, mingled with people in the weyrbowl, visited with Evritt but he had been tired so she had given him over to be put down for a nap. She loved her son but today was warm and she had planned on going for a swim, maybe, she still wasn't sure on that.

She hummed softly to herself as she usually did when lost in thought, which she probably shouldn't do when walking, a lesson she would admit to never learning. A lot of nothing much had gone on in her life, day in, day out, lessons and chores, dragons and eggs. She couldn't help be bored with some of it, dragons and eggs never got boring, but the general day to day grind was more than a little dull on occasion. It didn't help that since she had had Evritt she had calmed down some and didn't tend to create as much fun for herself as she used to. That and the weyrleader wasn't quite so forgiving so she tended not to push her luck too much.

She hit the softer sand near the lake without realizing she had walked that far that quickly and kicked off her small shoes and looked up. She could hear the water gentle lapping at the lake shore and couldn't help but smile as her eyes fell on a certain brown dragon and his rider in the water. At this point she was going to start thinking she was subconsciously stalking the man. Which...considering the view the man offered wasn't such a horrible thought. She however did not want him thinking she was stalking him, she honestly had had no idea he was going to be here. She started to move away from him, shoes in one hand, handle of her carry bag over her shoulder, going further down the shoreline, then thought better of it. At the very least she would say hello to him and Ironth and then be on her way to sunbathe or whatever it was she wasn't sure she was going to do. She was just glad to be away from the weyr and near the water. She could see he was giving Ironth a bath, and dragon baths were very important and she wouldn't want to keep him from that.

On her way back toward the pair she walked in the water, a playful almost childish grin on her face at the feel of cool water against her feet and thighs. She wore simply cotton pants and a pull over light green thin cotton tunic, nothing at all heavy, especially not if she planned on swimming. Which, considering K'ton was here, she would be doing with her clothes on. No sense giving the man false hope, right? As she approached K'ton turned in such a way that she saw his stumble slightly, nearly losing his balance. Instant ammunition to tease him with. Closing the distance she gave him her best playful smile as she stopped before him, adjusted the shoulder bag and held her hands behind her back casually, toying with her shoes as she spoke. "Do I cause such a distraction to you K'ton that you can no longer stand up straight?" She grinned a bit more then looked to Ironth. "Hello Ironth, you are looking quite handsome today! I hope you're well."

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
K'ton had sprayed water in all directions when he'd spun around and sputtered as the water caught him in the face. So much for smooth. Ironth rumbled in amusement, his mental chuckle deep and K'ton glared at the brown as he looked back at their delightful company. Vaelya was indeed delightful. Especially damp from the water and covered in a light cotton outfit. "You're always a distraction, Vaelya my sweet, and you well know it," he said with a lopsided grin. Truth be told there were plenty of times the woman was such a distraction that he couldn't very well stand up straight, but he wasn't going to tell her the that.

You ought to.. You might be surprised, the brown inserted privately to K'ton before turning his whirling blue eye to Vaelya. He liked Vaelya and considered her a welcome addition to their little circle of friends. Much better than some of the women K'ton went galavanting off with, I am well, Vaelya. I hope today finds you well It did also help that Vaelya always paid the big brown a compliment when she saw him. Ironth wasn't much for vanity or ego but he knew he was a handsome brown and liked to hear it whenever possible.

You really should speak to her of Leyton. She has a son. Perhaps she can help you figure out how to be a father, Ironth suggested again. You have noticed Leyton is a man grown and little Evritt is just that? Little? K'ton asked dryly before looking Vaelya up and down. His eyes twinkled as he asked, "Would you like to help wash this great lout? He is kind of big and I could use some help." He hoped she'd accept his request and perhaps he'd get around to talking to her about Leyton, in between the flirtations anyway.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Vee gasp a slight gasp of shock when the water K'ton splashed about caught her unaware. She looked down at herself, her tunic covered in large droplets of water. She didn't care much honestly, but any wetter and she would have a hard time keeping K'ton's attention above her chest line, which was more than difficult enough as it was some days. She gave a small huff, placing her empty hand on her hip, giving him her best annoyed look. "Really K'ton? You're about as graceful as an upside down hatchling, I swear!" And because she really wasn't all that annoyed at him she smiled a bit. His words however brought one of her usual eye rolls, one she seemed to have perfected just for K'ton alone. "There you go again, telling tales. Really Ironth, I don't see how you stand him some days." Her always a distraction indeed.

It wasn't her fault the man was forever trying to laugh, joke, and flirt her into his bed. She laid no claim on any distraction the man caused for himself. She couldn't help the smile however that such words always seemed to bring from her. She didn't understand honestly, she was no more or less attractive than most of the woman at the weyr. She didn't feel she stood out at all. She had brown hair and brown eyes, nothing special there. She was slender and had curves to her, again nothing special. So why then did her ever so charming friend always feel the need to try and make her feel like she was some kind of attractive and special person? She was brought from her wandering thoughts by Ironth's voice, and she was quite proud of herself for not jumping this time.

"Yes, I am quite well Ironth, thank you for asking." Ironth had such a wonderfully different personality from K'ton, not that she minded K'ton's personality at all. He was just so much different that she wondered how they got along sometimes. She hoped she would be lucky enough to have a dragon of her own one day, and maybe then she would have her answer to that question. Faranth help any dragon that chose her, what a mess! She lifted a brow at K'ton when he looked her up and down, which left her feeling a bit awkward, like she should have dressed better. She normally didn't care what she looked like, but whenever those blue eyes scanned her, she felt terribly under dressed...or over dressed, she hadn't really  decided which. Either way it left her with the faintest of color on her cheeks that lasted even after she was asked if she would like to help bathe Ironth.

"Oh sure! I'd be glad too! If it's alright with Ironth that is." She could already tell where this was going to end up, but she had planned on swimming anyway, why not hang out with her friend and his dragon as well. If she was lucky maybe she could push him off into the water before he did the same to her.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
Ironth rumbled his agreement when Vaelya asked if it was alright with him. The way the brown saw it, the more hands the better. She'd be able to get places K'ton couldn't because he was busy with other places. I don't mind at all, he assured her. K'ton chuckled before passing the brush he had been using to Vaelya. Good thing he'd brought more than one. Turning back from retrieving his other brush, he watched Vaelya as she scrubbed at the brown hide of Ironth. She looked good scrubbing down a dragon.

He cleared his throat a bit as he laid the bristles against a lightly whistling Ironth. Even before Ironth could voice his opinion once again, K'ton had decided to talk to Vaelya about his surprise child. "Vaelya," he started, "what would you think if I told you that I found one of my bastards?" He grimaced at the last word. He disliked the term bastard. It implied the person was no good, a shameful thing, and K'ton was definitely not ashamed of the fine boy Leyton had turned into.

Simply short. Sorry love, my brain is fuzzled from lack of sleep!

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Vee grinned broadly, her amusement shining in her dark eyes as she moved to the sand and away from the water to deposit her shoes and bag, not wanting either to get wet, then went back and took the offered scrub brush and moved to Ironth's side. "Well you just tell me where to scrub Ironth." She gave his leg a pat then wet the brush a bit and found herself a spot opposite K'ton and gently started scrubbing Ironth's hide. She loved being near dragons, and having them all around was wonderful, having one that considered her friend enough to bespeak her and invite her to help bathe him was an entirely different level of happiness for the girl.

The water lapping at her legs was cool and felt good on her skin and she had started to softly hum one of the teaching ballads when K'ton spoke up. At his words she gave a little sound of surprise and lost grip on the brush. It plunked into the shallow water and she reached down to snatch it up before it had a chance to fully sink into the water. She blinked and thought to look at him with the surprise she felt, but thought better of it and instead what she did was give a faint nod and said, "Well...", she paused, not really knowing what to say. "I should quit saying 'bastard', and start using the child's name first.", she said gently. She hated the term 'bastard', and though it was widely used it felt like a horrible filthy word. And she was certain no son or daughter of K'ton's would be either. She was a bit annoyed she supposed, that he used the term, why she didn't really know. Slowly she casually moved toward him, as if she did it without realizing it, but of course was perfectly aware, as she was not denying Ironth any attention at all as she moved.

She chanced a look at him, not certain where to go with the conversation. She absently wet the scrub brush again, pushed the hair out of her face with the back of her damp hand, leaving a smear of water along her forehead as she went back to scrubbing. "Tell me about him?", she said after a moment, her tone light and friendly as always, but cautious as well. She had no doubt that K'ton could easily be a wonderful father, or at least a fatherly figure to the child he found, or to any child really. He was a loving person, even if he didn't think so. Her mind wandered to Evritt and she wondered, a bit sadly, but only briefly, who Evritt's father was. He had been gone when she had woke the morning after that flight and none had stepped up to claim him. Not that it mattered, she didn't need anyone to help her with Evritt, they could face the world together if need be. She pushed her thoughts away to better concentrate on K'ton, she was certain he needed a friend or else he wouldn't have bothered to mention the child as he had.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
"I dislike that word," he said, "I never could understand why people use it." It didn't either. He felt much the same as he had a feeling Vaelya did. Like it was a dirty word, like the children who carried the term were meant to be hidden away never to be spoken of. He watched her as she shifted inch by inch towards him and allowed her the feeling of it being sneaky and unnoticed.

"He's not a child," he snorted, "he's a man grown. Seventeen. I have a seventeen turn old son, Vee!" He still couldn't believe it. He'd fully expected a small child, a toddler not the strapping young lad he'd bowled over. He was thankful she was willing to listen. He appreciated that she sounded so sincere about it too.

After he realized who Leyton was and when he was born, he remembered the flight that conceived him like it was yesterday. Leyla's Ministrith flew and rank young Ironth had been strong enough and fast enough to catch her. K'ton had been just as rank as Ironth that day and surprisingly enough had been as virginal as a holder girl on her wedding night. They'd gone their separate ways the next morning and K'ton hadn't seen the woman again. He never knew she'd conceived that night. Never knew he had a son until just a few days ago.

"His name is Leyton," he started as he scrubbed at Ironth's side briskly, "he's seventeen and his been alone for the past ten turns. Did you know he doesn't even look a thing like me? He looks just like my father." It pained him that he was such a self involved wank that he hadn't even realized that Leyton had been here in Katila this whole time and he'd never even known. That the boy's mother had died of firehead when he was seven. He should've looked harder. Don't beat yourself up so much, K'ton. Its done and in the past. Think of the future you'll have now, the brown spoke soothingly to K'ton.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Vee gave him a considering look at his words, and despite herself gave him the warmest of smiles as he admitted he did not like the word. "Agreed.", was all she said, dropping the matter. There was no need to carry on a conversation about something they both felt was wrong. She liked very much that they shared opinions on more than just flirting.

She flinched a bit and blinked at him as he corrected her term with a snort. "Oh...sorry. I guess I didn't expect you to have a son near as old as I am...", she said quietly as she bit her lip and turned her attention back to Ironth's hide. At the tone of his voice however she put aside her slightly slapped feelings and turned her eyes on him again. She looked up at Ironth, wishing to know what he thought on the matter, surely his dragon knew him better than anyone else on Pern. She didn't know what she was supposed to do, or say for that matter. She wanted to go to him and hug him, but men didn't like those sorts of things, not out in the open at any rate. Besides, if he wanted comfort he probably would prefer the company of men with a great deal of wine involved over her, though she could hope she supposed.

When he started speaking again she listened while moving a bit closer under the guise of choosing a new patch of brown hide to scrub. She was almost completely soaked, which didn't bother her much at all, the cool water and the shade being so close to Ironth granted made for a perfect combination. It allowed her to not focus on being hot to try and focus on K'ton. She let him talk, not interrupting him. "Well, a man grown indeed, he's a strong name too.", she said, pausing in her washing of Ironth again to look at K'ton. She held the brush in two hands, then peering around and seeing no one close enough to worry about moved toward him and placed a gentle and reassuring hand on his arm. "If he has been alone so long...does he..well..Is he a good lad?", she managed finally. Her eyes were wide with concern but kind as always. She just didn't know what to say to him, she didn't know at all what he needed from her, so she would simply be there for him to talk to, until she knew more.

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
He winced slightly when she brought up the age similarities between his eldest son and her. He hadn't even made the connection between the two before she had voiced it. "It doesn't matter a fig to me," he told her, trying for stern and doubting it came across as such. It didn't bother him really. He liked Vee, lusted after her and hadn't put a single thought to her age once she'd come of age. He doubted it would change now that he had a son just a few turns younger than her. He had been, after all, just a turn older than Leyton when the lad had been conceived and hadn't even known the boy existed until very recently.

He let her come closer without movement. He was rather enjoying her coy little advances and was loathe to let her catch him watching her come closer. "Mhmm.." he murmured as she declared the lad's name a strong one. He was glad it had something of his own in it, considering. Though he wouldn't have minded naming him after his father. The nostalgia was fleeting as it moved through him. There wasn't much he could do about missing his parents or siblings. Well until they were finally able to go north anyway. It would be one of the first things he did.

He smothered his chuckle under a fake cough as she glanced around furtively before sidling up close to him. His skin hummed as she placed her hand on the bare skin of his arm. She had a way of heating his blood without doing anything. Something as innocent as a touch fired him up. He knew it was no one but Vaelya that could do it to him and frankly he wouldn't change it. His eyes had darkened as he looked down at her but they quickly cleared at her halting question.

Was the boy a good lad? He wasn't quite sure. Leyton hadn't quit talking long enough for K'ton to take account of him and the lad's long windedness had made K'ton's head spin with the rapidness of it. "I.. I would assume he is," he frowned. Leyton had been raised by a foster mother and her family and he could only hazard a guess that she had done right by a motherless boy. "He didn't stop talking long enough for me to ask many questions besides where and who he came from. I would think he is, or I'd have heard about it and him much sooner," he said before frowning again, "How could I be so dense Vee?"

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
She glanced back at him when he answered, brow lifted slightly at his tone but brushed it off the best she could. She didn't know why it bothered her, the age of his child, it was just odd she supposed. He had always known her age, it was no secret, and he had been after her for a great many Turns. He was a man after all, it was what they did, lusted after women, once they were of age to be lusted after. For some reason however it left her feeling like K'ton might change his thoughts about her, regardless of what fig he didn't give. She said none of this however, only nodded her head slightly and said, "Alright.", softly and wet the scrubber again and went back to paying attention to Ironth while still listening to K'ton.

His quiet murmur in response to her complimenting his son's name had her turning to look at him a moment. Brown eyes searched that handsome face for answers to questions she didn't know she had. She offered a faint smile and used her small nails to scratch a few flakes of peeling skin off Ironth's hide. She found herself selfishly wishing for a dragon in the middle of a conversation that was obviously very important to someone who was equally important to her. She frowned at herself as she looked at Ironth's hide, then gave him a pat and turned her attention to his rider. She still held the scrubber in one hand, even as she moved to stand near K'ton, her other hand on his arm, her fingers trailing over his skin ever so lightly. She wished she knew what she could do to ease whatever inner turmoil he held about his newly found son. Most men didn't give one thought to any children they had fathered, Evritt was a prime example. Sure she would like to know who her son's father was, but it didn't matter to her. He was her son, he didn't need to know who's seed he was, he knew he was loved and that mattered most.

She pulled her hand away slowly as she listened to his explain about his son, a smile teasing the corners of her lips as he said how much the boy talked. She nodded a little then at his final question she frowned a little with concern. She shook her head slightly, and watchers be damned, raised her free hand, placing her cool palm against his cheek, dark eyes finding his. "K'ton, you are not dense, not at all. This is not your fault. We live in a weyr, and if the mother did not seek you out...well maybe she had her reasons, but this is not on you. All you can do is be a friend to him, because at this point trying to father him...might backfire.", she said gently, moving her thumb back and forth against his cheek for a moment before realizing it. She tried to give him a small reassuring smile and moved to pull her hand away, lip between her teeth. She felt a bit awkward trying to comfort him, mostly because of how she felt toward him, and the thoughts of how she would prefer comforting it. Ugh!, she fussed at herself and shoved her thoughts away quickly before any of said thoughts were betrayed on her face and waited for him to say something. 

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
It was difficult to hold the pleased sigh in but he somehow managed it as her cool hand cradled his cheek. It took all of his self control and discipline not to jerk her to him and slant his mouth across hers, but somehow he managed it. It was a bit of a shock to the system when she touched him in such an intimate manner. A swat here. A thump there. Those were the touches he'd become accustomed to when dealing with Vaelya. The pleasantly gentle thumb against his face was not. Blue eyes darkened lightly as her own dark ones looked into them. He was nearly undone by the compassion and feeling he saw there until he heard her words that is.

"Shards! I couldn't father a dog if I was given one. I'd much rather be his friend than his father," he exclaimed in answer to her words. Which was true. He had no real parenting skills aside from the ability to keep his dragon happy and well fed, he'd probably kill a plant if he had the thought to grow one. Besides the boy was much to old for a father figure to suddenly appear and the woman who had been his foster mother had done a fine job of raising him.

Ironth rumbled with amusement at the words of his bonded. K'ton would indeed kill a plant should he have one. Not because he was cruel or the like, he simply would forget he had such a thing in his possession and it would wither away to dust. I would hate to think what would've happened to Leyton had you been the one to raise him, Ironth said, The boy would've run wild about the weyr with no one responsible to rein him in. He would've probably ended up just like you. The words were said to include Vaelya and they were thick with amusement.

K'ton thumped the brown on the shoulder at his words, "Oh shut it, Ironth! Thats not funny in the least." Though the thought had possibilities. Another K'ton on the loose? Who wouldn't want that? After all he was handsome, fun and charming. All the things that ladies seem to enjoy so very much. Not the ones you settle with, the brown said dryly. And just who would I settle with, you great brown lump? K'ton shot back silently as he set his brush to the brown's shoulder once more. Vaelya of course. K'ton sputtered as his brush ground to a halt. He would not dignify the words with a response. Mostly because the brown was right but his rider was loath to admit it. Clearing his throat to dispel the thoughts his mind had suddenly taken he asked, "And just how do you suppose I become his friend?"

PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Something snapped within the young woman as she looked up at her friend in a different light. Normally she would have just hit him, or shoved him, which would have ended up with them both being wet, and him groping at her or knocking her breath away with one of his sneaky kisses. Not that she really minded, she only ever protested for show, he had been knocking her for a loop with those kisses for the last couple of Turns. She had never wanted him to know, she hadn't wanted him to win the battle over her body, but every so often she slipped, and let him see how much she cared. This was one of those times, so when he spat out his next words, they stung her heart.

She recoiled from him, face flustered as she stammered a response. "N-no...K'ton..I...I didn't...That wasn't what I...It's not that at all..I wouldn't think that..I...oh.." She sighed and hung her head, frowning a bit at her own stupidity. She hadn't meant her words to sound like he could be a father. He was wonderful with Everitt, not that he had fathered the boy, or even acted like a father to him, but he was patient with him. He at least acted like he cared about him, or maybe it was only her foolishly thinking he did. Most likely he tolerated him to try and win her favor. She didn't want to think that of him though, K'ton was a good man, he just needed to see it in himself like she could, like Ironth obviously did.

With her feelings bruised from his words and her own stupidity she thought to leave. "Maybe...maybe I should go. I'm sorry...", she said quietly, unaware that he and Ironth were having a conversation until Ironth's voice echoed through her mind. Startled as she always was, she lifted her gaze to the great brown that she considered a friend as much as she did K'ton. His amusement at the situation did a world of good to her bruised feelings. If he was making jokes of what she had caused K'ton to say, maybe K'ton wasn't mad at her. She still felt badly, but Ironth had managed to bring a smile to her lips, small though it was. She dropped her gaze to K'ton as he spoke out loud to Ironth. She granted him a small smile that was tinged in the sadness that still tainted her emotions.

She watched for a moment as K'ton went back to scrubbing Ironth's hide. She felt a bit awkward and out of place, but didn't know what to do to fix it, so she turned to leave. As she did so however K'ton spoke again, stopping her in her tracks. Turning back to him she blinked a bit and chewed her lower lip as she thought on how to answer so she wouldn't upset him again. "Talk to him, spend time with him, don't tell him what he can and can't do.", she answered, her tone part statement, part question, as she didn't know if he was looking for a certain answer. She didn't look at him when she answered and instead wrung some water out of her shirt. She didn't want to see the look on his face if he didn't like her answer again, so she did her best to avoid looking at him. 

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