World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

Attention all Dragonriders! [ANNOUNCEMENT]


228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived

D'ren had no idea who Ronarth was calling out to, but undoubtedly it would brighten their day. The news already had Ronarth trembling with delight. It figured, that such an innocent and childlike dragon would be overjoyed by this news. D'ren himself was more focused on the longterm implications and things like 'necessity' and 'logistics', but Ronarth's happiness still managed to put a spring in his step.

The bronzerider stepped into the gather square, his newborn daughter wrapped in his arms. The little gal really knew how to tug on an old man's heartstrings; in the time since she'd arrived, he found it hard to think of anything else. It was hard enough to hand her over to her mother for an afternoon, least of all tend to important Weyrleader duties which suddenly seemed much less important.

They seemed less important, and yet so much more important all at once. 'Implications' rose into the back of D'ren's mind as he looked down at her. He thought about the future, her future, and what this announcement would mean for that future.

There woukld, one day in the not too distant future, be so much riding on dragonwings.

The turnout was good. D'ren stepped onto the makeshift podium he'd had his new Weyrsecond install and looked over the crowd, pleaded to see plenty of familiar faces near the front. D'ren smiled.

"Good afternoon, Katila!" he called out. His voice could still project, but he found it harder than he once had. The turns were wearing on him. He felt old. He looked old. At least he wasn't acting old; or was it that he'd always acted old, and his body had finally caught up.

Um, you can't be old Ronarth reminded him. Because if you were, I would also be old. And old dragons can't do this

With that, Ronarth dropped from his lofty circling vantage point and swooped over the crowd. D'ren jumped, the baby cried, and an awful lot of riders ducked. D'ren glared at Ronarth for a moment, then decided he would pretend it was an intentional ploy to get attention.

That dragon was going to be the death of him.

He spent a moment calming the baby before looking out over the crowd again. "Riders of Katila, I have a very special announcement!" he said, pleased that thw crowd had finally hushed. Ronarth bugled loudly from the sidelines where he'd landed, as if to say 'you're welcome!'.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking about the future," D'ren said, looking fondly at his little girl. "We've been sitting here a long time, my friends. Time has passed, and every day the Red Star comes closer to us. There's a lot that needs to be done, and not a lot of time to do it!"

"There are going to be a lot of changes here in the near future. Time has passed and things have changed. You can all expect a number of announcements in the coming months, but today, there's only one that you need to be concerned with -"

A little teaser never hurt anyone. D'en did have some awfully big changes in store for them, after all. Best to give them time to brace for impact. But today, the order of business was...

"-Fight wings!"

Ronarth crooned like a delighted hatchling. Flying! Flying! Flying in groups!

"Starting in the next few sevendays, new fight wings are going to be assembled and announced. By the middle of summer, practices and periodic games will begin. We've been locked away in the jungle for a long time,'s time we get back to our roots as dragonriders. We have a purpose, and a day will soon come were we much fulfill that purpose!"

"Not only that, but we have a younger generation to guide. The new weyrlings will need someone to learn from, and we will all need as much experience as possible when the time finally comes. Now, I've put a lot of thought into this. I have some of the preliminary formations and rosters planned, but I'll be holding that announcement for a few more days while I perfect it."

"In the meantime, your happiness is important to me. As such, I've arranged for weyrmated pairs to serve in the same wings. That means folks like our lovely B'jin and R'nd or S'kef and J'ver won't have to be separated or rely on anyone else to keep their loved one safe. I'll also be considering transfer requests once the rosters are finalized. I can't guarantee everyone will get the exact wing they want, but I am willing to be flexible."

"Thank you for your time. I hope you all agree with me that it's time to give Katila it's wings back. It's time for us to turn this from a refugee camp into a real weyr."

It was nice to hear a good response from the crowd.

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of Green Larrikith

Date of Birth
23.06.683 AL, 62
Sturdy, softly fit
Blonde, Silver


Written By: ThistleProse
B'jin was squabbling with another greenrider as the group they were a part of made their way into the Gather Square to hear whatever announcement it was that D'ren had in store for them. The green searchrider couldn't even remember what it was that had sparked the conversation, or even why they were still bitching about it - but they were both very determined to prove their point when the others in the group stopped and they stopped, too. Still bickering, though their voices were lowered as more people gathered around them, the pair ignoring them in favour of their developing argument (it should be noted that both were enjoying themselves immensely and it was proven by the wicked grins on both their lips) when D'ren's voice projected out, capturing attention. B'jin threw out a parting comment, watched his argumentative partner open his mouth to reply, only for the other man to gasp and duck.

Startled, B'jin spun around to see what the issue was, the moment Ronarth flew low over his head. Laughing, B'jin raised his hand as if to brush the underside of the great grey beast's stomach, though the distance between hand and dragon was enough that no one need have ducked. Amused attention was turned upon the Weyrleader as his companions stood tall once more, grumbling about bronze dragons and control (for weren't they always being snapped at to control their beasts?!) B'jin ignored them, too amused to bother trying to defend the Weyrleader. Besides, Ronarth had been plenty high enough not to hurt anyone. Bunch of green drama queens.

The tiny baby in D'ren's arms made B'jin turn to mush, and he wriggled anxiously. He did hope the Weyrleader didn't think ill of him for not taking the time to vist yet, but the Searchrider was wary of imposing upon the new parents (and hadn't been confident he'd not blab about his unorthodox excursions) and so he had justified his not visiting any way he could, mostly through an excess of chores and teaching... When Larrikith wasn't interrupting the latter with her damnedable Flight. He received a flow of smug satisfaction at the reminder and rolled his eyes as D'ren continued to speak.

The reactions surrounding B'jin in response to the proclaim of fighting wings was mixed, but the groans of lazy greenriders were mostly drowned out by the enthusiasm of those who enjoyed such things. Larrikith's response was mixed; she would enjoy the opportunity to show off her skills in the air... She did not, however, like the idea of the work that would be required to reach peak condition. B'jin raised a hand to hide his sudden smirk behind. He was quite aware his own fitness was lacking and while he was fitter than most Pernese, on a dragonrider scale he was most certainly not. Despite being aware that D'ren was going to reinstate the Wings, B'jin had made no effort to actually prepare for it, and was suddenly realising that he probably should have.

B'jin listened with half an ear to the next part of D'ren's announcement, mostly spirit lifting babble about being real dragonriders instead of feral firelizards or some hubble-bubble. The Weyrleader was definitely getting better at his public speaking though, B'jin noted absently. A small smile touched his lips at the announcement that Weyrmates would be placed together: always a good call... What!

B'jin's brown eyes shot wide open when his name was spoken alongside R'nd's, and the group of greens around him were suddenly shoving elbows in his ribs or slapping him on the shoulder and dear great Faranth R'nd would kill him! B'jin shrank in on himself and down, trying his hardest to hide within the group surrounding him, eyes somewhat wild with terror. How could D'ren do that to him? Things had been going so nicely, too! B'jin whimpered quietly, the sound lost within the catcalls and cheering the greenriders were laying on thick.

It was when one of them threw an arm around him with a wicked smirk that B'jin eyed him sideways, leaning away cautiously even as he asked what the smirking was all about. The reply he was given wasn't one B'jin was expecting, and his own discomfort was thrown to the wind as eyes lit up, straightening.

"S'kef and J'ver? He said that?" B'jin was clearly questioning, unsure if he was being played with. His companion's smirk just intensified, nodding with a wicked grin as a glance was tossed towards the brownrider in question. B'jin's gaze followed, taking in the man's stance and reaction. Oh yes, D'ren had definitely accused him of Weyrmating with J'ver. A giggle bubbled up, giddy and thrilled by exactly how much S'kef would hate that accusation, the sound exploding into peals of laughter which was joined by his companion, they used each other as a crutch to stay upright, B'jin laughing so much tears toppled down his cheeks in trails, and he gasped and spluttered, trying desperately to draw more breath, to laugh less, and failing miserably.

"Sssskeff," it was a giggle filled stutter of a name, "a-and J'vvvr." The greenrider's name was interrupted by a hiccup.

Sitting on the edge of the square, Larrikith gave a warble of laughter. Oh, the Weyrleader was made of the same shiny wonderful substance as his great bronze beast! What an amazing announcement! Yours. Is. Amazing. She spoke directly to Ronarth, her voice sultry with her utterly thrilled delight in the turn of events. Ohh! More laughter bubbled up from the little green, initiated on her own during B'jin's freak-out, but feeding off him as he laughed at S'kef - she couldn't tell if that was her tummy hurting from laughter, or his.

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of Blue Ayyonth

Date of Birth
09.11.703, 41
Blonde, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
D’ren’s announcements always left everyone with mixed feelings and R’nd suspected now would be no different. There was still some unease in the bluerider’s mind thanks to the lashing decree that had seen B’jin getting brutalized by a sadistic brownrider before the weyr, something R’nd still blamed himself for. He understood the need for the punishment just like he understood the ruling that women needed to have a child before they could Stand. Neither seemed overly fair but they held merits. Given those last two announcements, and the one that N’gelt was now Weyrsecond, R’nd had been trying to figure out what this one could be about. He didn’t get too far in theories thanks to his chore this cycle being in the crèche. R’nd never let his mind wander for too long with so many children surrounding him. They made him nervous but angry guardians did even more so. No need letting a child choke on paint because he wanted to guess what D’ren would say.

When D’ren finally came out, carrying a tiny bundle of baby in his arms, R’nd decided it would be good news. Then again, the girl could be used as a shield to keep anger at bay. There probably wasn’t many who would hurt a child even accidentally and since she was the Weyrleader’s daughter, it was an even riskier move. Still, R’nd stayed in the optimistic route, letting his good mood from talking and laughing with friends standing nearby continue as D’ren called them to order and Ronarth assisted. He laughed at the flyby and then hoped Ayyonth wouldn’t join in. I have more common sense than that. R’nd grinned at his blue’s indignation at the suggestion. Ayyonth was well-behaved when it came to classes and working; it was another matter entirely when they were alone and the dragon felt his rider hadn’t been picked on enough that day.

He almost missed the actual announcement thanks to Ayyonth but tuned back in just time to hear about the reinstating of wings. Cheers and groans came from all sides around him but R’nd was silent for a moment before lending his voice to the cheers, though softly. He was excited to do more things that riders did before the plague. He loved the life they had been forced to adapt to since forming Katila but he knew from his brief time in Benden before going South that they were missing out on a lot of things all the same. He longed to fill his role properly, just like he hoped Ayyonth would test well for Searchriding when D’ren opened the North to them once more. He still didn’t exactly approve of the method of stealing people away but it was needed and R’nd wanted to show he was useful like the older riders. So to start training in wings again? That didn’t sound too bad. It would be more work but R’nd was willing to go with it.

Once more, he almost missed what D’ren continued with, this time thanks to some of the comments being tossed between riders around him. When he heard his name linked to B’jin’s and realised they were being listed under the category of assigned to the same wing because they were weyrmated, R’nd wished he had missed the entire topic. Grey eyes went large at the implication and as they slowly returned to their normal size, noises around him seemed to dull and he swore several people turned to stare at him. It didn’t matter as they were soon forgotten with his mind racing to sort out what he had heard and why D’ren thought it.


Weyrmated to B’jin.


D’ren was clearly mistaken. Sure he spent a lot of time in B’jin’s company and had even won two of the last three flights but that simply meant they were good friends and Ayyonth was lucky to have earned such high favour from Larrikith. That’s all there was. D’ren was likely a romantic at heart and took all of their interactions, especially that day in the Square where B’jin chose a painted bluerider over obeying his Weyrleader, as something more than two friends having fun. Still, R’nd couldn’t complain about having one of his friends in the same wing since his protective nature wouldn’t tolerate having everyone scattered around on him.

R’nd was distantly aware of Ayyonth laughing hysterically in his mind, and no doubt out loud wherever he had ended up sitting to watch. That was more like his dragon. He may behave himself in public but harassing his bonded in private over something that left R’nd shocked and staring at nothing in particular was almost comforting.

Ayyonth couldn’t help it. It was one of the funniest things he had heard in ages. B’jin and R’nd practically acted like they were a couple but they hadn’t realised it yet but to have the Weyrleader notice and announce it to all of Katila? That was priceless and Ayyonth wondered if there was a way he could thank D’ren for that gift. Maybe he would visit with Ronarth later. The big bronze was always fun to spend a little time with and maybe playing distraction to the big guy would be reward enough for the hard-working Weyrleader that was now also a dad.

Larrikith, I think D’ren broke R’nd. He had to share with the feisty green, how could he do anything but? She would take as much amusement in R’nd’s reaction as he would but she would also share his small concern about how his silly rider would react once he came out of his shock. He didn’t think anything major would happen but Ayyonth also suspected R’nd would pull away and hide on B’jin for a day or two while he further worked out how people viewed him now.

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
D’hys almost didn’t show up for the announcement, figuring whatever it would contain would be talked about for the rest of the day, perhaps even the following day. He had risen early to get a good portion of his work for the day done so most of the afternoon would be clear to relax with or without friends. In the end, he figured the announcements never took that long and since it was happening at noon, he could just swing by the Dining Hall for something to eat after. It was a two-for-one sort of deal.

With Ronarth acting more like an excited green and not a stoic bronze, D’hys decided that counted as permission enough to continue with the daring flying he sometimes joined Z’ia in but also that this announcement was going to be something good. Ronarth would be subdued if the news was bad but if he was in good spirits and behaving like a weyrling, D’ren was about to blow their minds with something.

The truth wasn’t nearly as exciting as the hype D’hys had built up in his mind.

Wings were being reinstated? It wasn’t the best news he’d ever heard but it wasn’t the worst either – that honour went to lashings making a comeback. It would be more work during already busy days, which wasn’t exactly horrible either since D’hys did like physical activities and flying would be a good work out for both Zeianth and him. That, actually, was a reason to get excited. They would have more reasons to be up in the air rather than meandering about on the land and D’hys was born for flying thanks to dragonrider parents – and apparently free-falling when Z’ia batted his pretty eyes and convinced him to take a dive.

Like you were just thinking about Ronarth, we have permission to do some stunts now. D’hys chuckled and couldn’t agree more. The wingleaders would have fits over some of their moves and the possible influence over any of the young Katlian-born dragons but it would be entertaining all the same.

Just like the continued announcement of weyrmates being placed together. It made sense and D’ren was known for practicing caution and trying to keep everyone happy so no one should have been surprised over that decree. It was the list of so-called pairings that caused quite a stir throughout the crowd and D’hys was among them, laughing when he heard one name in particular. R’nd was weyrmated and to B’jin no less? The bluerider that was unobtainable yet everyone still wanted had just been publically outed as being glued to the hip of B’jin. Grey eyes scanned the crowd for either man and D’hys barely caught a glimpse of a horrified expression the greenrider wore before doing his best to vanish in his group of friends. That was amusing but not nearly as much as the shock R’nd displayed and the way you could see his mind shutting down against the truth as he tried to form a denial that he felt comfortable with living in.

“Looks like I may have some new games,” D’hys pondered aloud, gaze going back to where B’jin was now being accosted by a friend. It had been a while since he had the weyrmate challenge and he was willing to bet Z’ia would be up for it as well just to add an extra layer of fun. Speaking of Z’ia, D’hys wondered if D’ren would be wise enough to keep them apart or put them together so they wouldn’t waste time distracting the other’s wing.

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of Blue Veeth

Date of Birth
21.08.707, 37
Brown, shaggy


Written By: SunsetWay
Valerian was in his usual state of indifference as he waited for the shindig to start. He was curious about what was to be said thanks to his natural curiosity and need to document what happened around him but he also didn’t want to bother actually attending. At least it cut into some of his daily duties, which could be appreciated. B’jin was right when he said free time and sleep would be a thing of memory for the first little while of being bonded. One day he would be able to rest when he wanted and not worry about missing a class and having the wrath of G’rem on him.

When Ronarth flew over head, Valerian didn’t duck down like most nor did he cheer. It was fascinating to see the big beast fly so low to him but right then it was a reminder that Veeth wasn’t flying yet and when his little blue did learn, they would have even more classes to make sure everything was done properly and neither would suffer any harm. While Valerian was all for the avoidance of pain and injuries, he really didn’t want to go through more lectures.

That was his first thought when D’ren voiced his intent as well. More lessons would be held, likely on a daily basis, about flying as a unit, the best way to avoid Thread, and how to chew firestone. Of course he was thrilled at the idea of being a true draognrider preparing to fight the threat and defend all people of Pern, what little boy didn’t have that fantasy? Still, he would be a student for a while longer and he’d have to continue reminding himself a little longer that his life was forever changed and he had better get used to it entirely. He couldn’t have the dragon without all of the responsibilities as well.

At least D’ren was kind enough to give him something to laugh at. The weyrleader had just named B’jin and his young lover as weyrmated and Valerian found that extremely hilarious and showed it by laughing while looking for his friend. He found B’jin with a horrified look upon his face and trying to disappear. That wasn’t too surprising. The greenrider kept telling him to keep his comments to himself lest they scare R’nd off. The bluerider didn’t do commitment well and would likely run if he heard someone mentioning how cozy the pair had become. It was an understandable fear that B’jin had since he had foolishly hooked up with the restless player of hearts but Valerian wouldn’t have laughed if he thought there was a true reason to worry. R’nd would freak out and panic but the Harper didn’t think the man would be stupid enough to throw away whatever the two did together that made B’jin even happier with larger smiles than usual. Still, he’d keep an eye on B’jin to make sure his friend was doing okay.

Veeth sat off to the side, still a little sad he wasn’t allowed to follow Valerian into most buildings or gatherings now. At least he had good company where he was told to wait! Larrikith and a larger blue named Ayyonth were sitting nearby and Veeth felt grown up and important by keeping their company. He watched them more than he did D’ren and what everyone else was doing – except when Ronarth flew over! That was an amazing trick – trying to learn from the pair in proper ways of behaviour. G’rem would be proud to know he was doing extra credit and would blow Charath away with how poised and mature he was!

It was why the laughter the pair suddenly broke into startled the dragonet so much. He hadn’t been expecting that and while he didn’t overly care what D’ren said since Valerian would fill him in later, he had been listening somewhat all the same. He didn’t think anything funny was said but maybe he missed the joke! Larrikith, what’s making you laugh so much? Are you going to be okay? Veeth started to worry that the pretty green couldn’t breathe but he also wanted to know the joke as well so he could join in!

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of Green Rilaleeyth

Date of Birth
14.07.688, 56
Pale Blue
Dark brown, short


Written By: SunsetWay
J’ver wasn’t as in the know as he used to be or liked to be. Having to attend such a gathering without already knowing what was going to be said was absolutely horrible and only served to make him cranky. Well, crankier, since the last little while had completely soured his mood. From S’kef losing his position as Weyrsecond entirely because of a botched blackmailing, to the punishment received when the brownrider needed to vent his anger, to the healing process, and finally to looking into ways to get his revenge while also finding a way to promote S’kef once more. Needless to say, J’ver wanted to be anywhere but in a crowd.

Still, he couldn’t stay inside all of the time, though he did his best, especially while healing from his injuries. J’ver was extremely vain and he couldn’t bare people seeing him in such a condition, especially since so many enjoyed the pain he was in. They would all regret that one day! First, however, he had to show D’ren how reformed they were while taking down Talian in a swift and effortless move. So there he was, standing off to the side of the crowd with pale blue eyes tracking D’ren as he entered the fray. He had his daughter with him which J’ver chalked up as a nice way to earn the love of a portion of the population. The news was either going to be a cause for celebration or D’ren needed to use as many dirty tactics as he could to get his way.

Turned out it was simply because D’ren was wrapped around the girl’s finger and couldn’t put her down. The news about wings being reinstated wasn’t noteworthy one way or the other. In fact, J’ver smiled, proud, that he had noticed some hints of this announcement coming. His task at firestone mining not too long ago had a large number assigned to it which he had noted as unusual at the time. It made sense now that he knew they would be riding in wings once more. The old bronzerider was good at looking ahead.

Even as he was thinking that rare bit of praise, D’ren continued speaking with J’ver nodding at the wisdom behind the words, until his name was linked with S’kef. That wasn’t good. J’ver scanned the crowd quickly for the brownrider but then decided he didn’t need to see the fury burning in those passionate eyes and turned on his heel. S’kef wouldn’t be pleased with having people think they were a couple despite the odd moments of kindness and comfort behind closed doors. It wouldn’t help his reputation as someone to fear and S’kef would likely blame him, or at least take it out on him, for any looks or laughter he now received. A quick escape was in order and J’ver did his best on doing just that as he did his best to make himself unnoticed and break away from the crowd to where Rilaleeyth waited.

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177 & 3,014 IC

Written By: ZZZ Deceased
Z'ia was having a bitch of a time, the short man weaving his way between the much taller population of the Weyr with a combination of shoves, snarls and elbows into the stomachs of those that just would not move. Occasionally, he would change the tune by stomping on feet, shoving one person into someone else (though he didn't hang around to watch the awkward reactions after the first three) and groping. That usually resulting in people jumping so high he could slip right under them, though occasionally it resulted in results the young dragonrider would have found more interesting if he weren't already occupied with his current quest: Find D'hys.

Where is he, Ave?
The blue dragon's timid voce floated back to him; About two lengths from you, to the left.
Brilliant. The fact that Aveleth meant his length and not that of one of those piss-tiny greens didn't help improve his rider's temperament as he shoved through another gaggle of babbling riders, then stomped on the toes of a weyrbrat that got smart. What was with brats these days? Sweet Faranth! Shoving through another group, Z'ia stood up on tip toes - an action that did remarkably little to assist with his viewing vantage, and then huffed and headed further into the milling confines. It was when Ronarth swooped and everybody (or the vast majority, anyway) ducked that the young man had his best chance, and he quickly spotted the blonde head of his friend over the thongs of ducking people.

You should take a leaf from Ronarth's book, kiddo. Swoop over the throng so I can find Dye. Z'ia was serious, which was probably why Aveleth's response was one of shock and horror. But-! The timid dragon's voice was trembling, and Z'ia sighed through his nose. He didn't need the dragon to articulate that Ronarth was a bronze, and Weyrleader to boot, and if he wanted to drop and swoop over the crowds, well, he could. But Aveleth had no such intention of swooping over the people surrounding his bonded so they could all duck and he could see!
We should have just had you fly over and drop me on the bastard. That was purely for bait, and Z'ia laughed to himself when Aveleth responded with indignation - The trouble that would get them in! - even as D'ren babbled about reinstating the Wing rosters. The young bluerider wasn't listening at all as he teased his dragon and shoved his elbow into multiple kidneys to clear a path.

"Aaannnie," Z'ia purred, finally slipping up beside his friend and quirking an eyebrow questioningly at the other man's curious expression. Green eyes followed his friend's gaze to peer around at a group of rather hysterical looking greenriders. Then back to D'hys in confusion. He had totally missed the entire meeting, and the results while amusing, went over the man's head - like many things in his life.

"What new games?" His intent on that question was predatory, eyes brightening excitedly. Whatever was going on, D'hys would fill him in at some point (or the Weyr gossip would) but right now it appeared there was a new game to play, and as fancy-pants as D'ren was, Z'ia's desire to gamble weighed in higher.

[sup]Ugh. New characters.  >_>[/sup]
Unless stated otherwise, Aveleth never speaks to anyone but Z'ia

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of Blue Zeianth

Date of Birth
29.12.695, 49
Extremely fit
Blonde, shag


Written By: SunsetWay
“I’ll tell ya when you’re bigger, Pip,” D’hys replied without missing a beat and leaned down to rest an arm on Z’ia’s shoulder to punctuate the reason for the affectionate nickname derived from ‘pipsqueak’. He wasn’t surprised to see his friend suddenly appear, too used to that happening by now to do anything more than ignore it or comment on how long it took for Z’ia to show up. He slid his arm from one shoulder to drape across the other, bringing him down to his friend’s height so they could share the view and talk more discreetly. As much fun as it was to add risks to their challenges and games, it wasn’t the same when talking about conquering someone.

“Our dear Weyrleader has just rattled off a list of weyrmates, though most were well known. Some, however, were speculated while others a surprise.” D’hys let that bit of information sink in, knowing Z’ia would pick up on the trail soon enough before continuing, “one such pairing is our dear R’nd and his favourite greenrider, B’jin.” A feral grin appeared as he spoke the names and pointed out each man in turn so Z’ia wouldn’t miss their reactions, though B’jin had moved on from hiding to laughing with his mates.

R’nd was such a goody-two-shoes though he likely thought himself to be living on the edge. He was just as much a love ‘em and leave ‘em bluerider as Z’ia and himself but somehow R’nd had earned a reputation for being a sweetheart and doing it, mostly, in a kind manner. D’hys heard the gossip just like everyone else and the greens and non-riders adored R’nd’s polite ways. It was frustrating since they had a similar look and people expected the same from him but D’hys wasn’t jealous over the attention his so-called clone received since he had no troubles in making friends and collecting lovers. He also didn’t have to live up to anything in anyone’s mind except whatever goal he set himself.

So this current game’s goals were simple; to rile up their blue brother that was falling into the weyrmated trap as well as win the elusive B’jin outside of a flight. R’nd proved it could be done and if the greenrider was able to sway a playboy from his bed-hopping ways, there had to be one amazing reason for it and D’hys was in the mood to finally find out. He was also in the mood to mess with the heads of a lovey-dovey couple. Weyrmates were so much fun to meddle with as they offered an added challenge while trying to get them in bed due to their loyalties but sometimes one could be found that loved the thrill of cheating and running around in secret.

How could anyone not love weyr life?

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259 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
J'ver didn't make it far.

S'kef's hand snapped out, seizing the greenrider's shirt collar. S'kef had been looking for the greenrider since his arrival, but it wasn't until J'ver started his cute little escape attempt that S'kef actually managed to locate him.

"Oh, no," S'kef said irritably, his lip wrinkled in a cruel sneer as he set his eyes on the Weyrleader. "...If I have to sit through this, so do you."

S'kef still respected the Weyrleader. Unfortunately, after turns of service, S'kef also knew the man well enough to know that his chances of redemption weren't good. D'ren never forgave once his trust was betrayed.  Fitting enough, since the old bronzerider was entirely too trusting from the start. S'kef had walked the line for a long time, but now that the line had been crossed, he had no idea how to get back on the other side of it.

Shards, he could hear that vixen B'jin giggling. S'kef ground his teeth and maintained his grip, holding J'ver literally an arm's length away.

"What's so sharding funny, B'jin?" S'kef asked darkly, turning his head just enough to glare a hole into the greenrider's forehead. S'kef kept his enjoyment of other men a close guarded secret. Of course, everyone knew that he and J'ver seemed to be extremely close friends and all, but....

Bah! Shards! Damn it all! S'kef's embarrassment was tangible to all the senses as he stood there rigidly, still clutching his greenrider and glowering at B'jin.

S'kef wasn't even sure why he bothered to keep it a secret anymore. At this point, it was a matter of pride! Sure, it developed from a holdborn fear of homosexuality, but he'd gotten over that long ago. Shards, he preferred men! But for some reason, the notion of anything finding out just drove him crazy.

Tyrrisath sighed. He knew exactly what was going on; if S'kef admitted to liking men, he'd have to admit his feelings for J'ver, now wouldn't he? Humans were so strange, but the brown remained silent on the matter nonetheless. His rider would sort his feelings out...eventually. He usually did.

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228 & 3,342 IC

Written By: ZZZ Archived
Ronarth purred in Larrikith's directions. I know he said fondly. How nice of Larrikith, to pay his rider a compliment! The bronze preened, fanning his large wings out and crooning at the excited crowd.

D'ren seemed pretty happy himself. For once, the announcement seemed to have produced a largely positive reaction. It was good to see his riders proud of being riders, proud of the notion of taking to the skies as Pern's protectors once again. Maybe that's what they needed to start pulling together once again.

The rifts in Katila were dangerous. D'ren knew that better than most, always watching tirelessly as they tugged at the seams. One day, it would tear. Maybe this would help, just a little bit.

Aw, look! B'jin was giggling so happily! He must have been thrilled to hear an acknowledgement of his adorable relationship with R'nd. And look! S'kef was holding J'ver! Albeit very...oddly.

The day seemed successful. D'ren coddled the baby for a moment before calling out once more. "That's all for today. You're dismissed, but if any of you have questions, I'll be here to answer them for the next hour or so." He expected there would be a lot of questions. He stepped away from his podium and leaned backwards, where he knew Ronarth's neck was waiting to watch him. He seated himself, holding the baby and waiting for the inevitable rush of questions.

Ronarth purred and turned his eyes towards the baby. When can I play with her?

One day...patience!

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