World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [P] 735.11.13 | Introductions Due
1:30 PM | Vaeyla, K'ton

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
"I want you to meet someone today, two someones really.", she told Nadioth while she and Digger checked her over for any cracks or peeling skin. She received no true answer, simply the warm feeling of connection between their bond and the sense of curiosity, so she continued with a little smile. "The first is my son, Evritt.", she told her as she oiled under her right wing. To her words Nadioth lifted her head and turned it just enough to set one swirling blue eye on her rider. Your hatchling, yes? Vee couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up from within her at the answer she received. "Yes, my love. That is one way to say it, although he did not technically hatch." Her eyes gleamed with laughter as Nadioth considered her rider another moment then rested her head on the ground again. "He will be very glad to meet you. He loves dragons, he may love you even more than others, because you are mine."

The rush of love that filled her was still so new that she paused and just let it ash over her, a smile on her face. I am sure that I will be happy to meet him. She had seen a few of the small humans running around while she and Vaeyla were passing by. They ran here and there, paying no attention to where they were going, making general pests of themselves. She simply assumed that her rider's offspring would be far better behaved. Is he like the other small ones? Noisy and in the way? Vee has snorted softly and laughed a little. "He is a boy and prone to being full of energy and dirt." Nadioth didn't respond to that, though she was still mildly curious. "You will like him. He's a good little boy." Her heart swelled with love and pride for her boy just as much as for Nadioth, who rumbled softly and moved just enough to bump her rider with her nose just a bit. This meeting would make her rider happy, which made her happy. She would see how much she liked this small person that her rider was so fond of.  

Some time later Vee found herself completely out of breath and throwing her hands up in the air, defeated and falling to the sand with an, "Oof!", as she tried to catch her breath. She had spent the better part of the last hour and change chasing the two of them back and forth along the beach, panicking that Nadioth was hurt, then that Evritt had face planted and eaten dirt, then back to being afraid for Nadioth. At some point after their initial introduction, Nadioth had decided that she had in fact liked her rider's little human and claimed him as her own, like she had claimed Vaeyla, though obviously it wasn't the same. 

Their little game of chase had started when Evritt had first fallen. Both Vee and Nadioth had run to make sure he was alright, though Nadioth had only gone because Vee had. Vee had stood him up and brushed him off and checked him over before letting him run off again. Nadioth, for all her having just been hatched herself, took it upon herself to chase after him with her awkward, lopsides gait, to make sure he didn't fall again, and ended up falling herself. She had cried and moaned until Vee had her in her arms and checking her over while Evritt had hugged her muzzle like he generally did to Ironth, then brushed all the sand off her the best he could, which for some reason impressed and amused Nadioth to no end. Vain creature that she was, she liked the attention the little one gave and so they had started chasing each other up and down the beach, falling down, checking each other over, then off again. Vee had only given up chasing them because Nadioth wasn't truly falling anymore and was no longer hurt, she was "falling" for the amusement and attention of, Evritt, who would run over, "push" her up, which was hilarious because Nadioth was simply standing up slowly as he helped her up, then stood there smug as he brushed her off. She in turn would use her muzzle to push him up, though more often than not he was pushed over and ended up in a fit of giggles. 

She simply shook her head and watched them as closely as a gold watched her eggs on the sands, distracted only when Digger popped out of Between over her head. She had sent her little flit to find K'ton, to invite him and Ironth to join them, to properly and finally meet Nadioth, and her to meet them. It had been a few days and she missed his being around, missed being around him, she just had to remember to block any feelings she had toward him, which wouldn't be easy but she knew she could do it, because she had to. Digger rubbed his head against her cheek and she loved on the bronze firelizard who relayed images of K'ton and Ironth that she took to mean they would join them soon enough. He chirped at her then took flight to go chase after Evritt and Nadioth. "Oh sure, all of you just abandon me, I see how you are..", she said to no one in particular. I will never abandon you., came the instant response to her words. She laughed a bit and smiled, relishing in the love of her dragon as she played with her son and doing her best to ignore Digger, while she waited for K'ton to make his appearance.


PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Brown Ironth

Date of Birth


Written By: Jenn
I don't know why you're so worked up K'ton, the brown told his rider where the man fretted and fussed at him, It's not like you've never met a hatchling before. K'ton rolled his eyes as he adjusted a strap and - he'd admit it - fussed over Ironth. He wanted the brown to look good when the met up with Vaelya and Nadioth. He'd also taken the time to make sure he was well dressed, though his flight needed a good washing but he wanted to make a lasting impression on the little gold. There might come a time when she flew and one never knew who she'd allowed to fly her. Maybe she'd let a smelly old brown fly her. I'm neither smelly or old, K'ton, Ironth huffed. K'ton laughed at the put out tone of the dragon and continued checking to make sure his leathers were in good repair. They needed a good oil but other than that K'ton was confident they were up to snuff. He was still over the moon that Vaelya had impressed gold, not that he had any doubts mind you, but a gold!

If your head got any bigger, you'd never fit in the harness.

K'ton laughed out loud as Serene gave a short croon before a bit of displaced air announced the arrival of Digger. He says that Vaelya and Nadioth are ready for us, the brown told him quietly. Ironth had a small moment of panic before K'ton flooded him with love. The brown was as nervous as his rider and he really didn't understand why. Did he give you the image? K'ton asked and was given assurances that Digger had indeed given him the place whether Vaelya waited. "Right, lets get this show on the road then," he told the brown as he used Ironth's leg as a step into the harness. He didn't really snap himself in, it wasn't far less than a breath away and they were popping out above the beaches of the lake.

Ironth let out a quiet bugle before circling once upon landing, the brown hopping a bit before finding his feet. Land was not his strong suit and he knelt as K'ton jumped from his back. "Vee!" the man called out with a wave of his arm, his excitement at seeing her and meeting the little gold was obvious on his face and his bright blue eyes lit up with it. He stopped himself short of dragging her to him and laying a wet kiss on her mouth, something he'd missed far more than he admitted and settled instead for saying, "Well? Where is the precious bit of dragon skin? Are you going to introduce us or not?"


PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

of Gold Nadioth

Date of Birth
10.06.712, 34
Toned, Slender
Medium brown


Written By: DeeStar
Nadioth and Evritt played and played some more, until Evritt fell down between Nadioth's paws one last time, unable to run anymore. He would sleep well that night, Vee was certain of it. Nadioth was content to lay with him, wings spread slightly as she let the sun warm them. Evritt was sitting with his back against Nadioth's chest with Digger on his lap, who was staring up at Nadioth, who was still doing her best to ignore him. Although she was slightly curious about him, he was mostly annoying as he flapped, chirped, and made a general nuisance of himself anywhere he went. Well...she thought he was a nuisance, but the little human liked him so Nadioth was inclined to not eat him, but she still didn't like him very much.

Nadioth had just ruffled Evritt's hair by breathing in it, which caused an uproar of giggles from the child, when Ironth appeared above them in the air, bugling a greeting before he circled and landed. "Ironth! K'ton!", came the excited call of a suddenly overexcited child. He never seemed to tire of seeing the large brown or his rider, though to be fair, Vee never tired of them either. Evritt jumped up, displacing Digger with an unhappy screech and causing Nadioth to jump up and hop back a step, startled to no end. She wasn't certain if she was more annoyed by the sudden change in the child, or curious as to what was so special about this dragon and his rider. Evritt had jumped up and down in place as he watched Ironth circle and look for a place to land. "Come on Nadioth!", he said cheerfully. "Come see!" He had bounced again then ran off, stopping every few feet to make sure the gold was following him. Which she was, though rather slowly.

By the time K'ton had made it to his mother, Evritt had launched himself at Ironth's waiting muzzle for his usual 'hug'. His reaction and following interaction puzzled the gold, who had stopped near a rather large rock to watch from a distance. She was already not fond of sharing her rider with other people, and this one was likely to be no different.

Vee gave K'ton a cheerful smile as he approached, though her cheeks tinted slightly. She could tell from his appearance he had put some effort into coming to see them, and it warmed her heart. He meant so much to her, to Evritt and she wanted Nadioth to like him, to accept him. Her heart had sped up just a bit upon seeing him, but she had taken a deep breath and made herself calm down. Are you alright?, asked, concerned over the moment. "Of course!" Vee turned to look for Nadioth as she spoke, having expected to be right behind her, only to find her seated a little ways away, quietly observing. She tried to make Nadioth feel her excitement and love for her, but nothing else as she didn't want to scare her. When she felt a rush of returned love and assurances she knew she had succeeded.

She had been about to call to her but K'ton's question caught her off guard and distracted her. "She's just there.", she told him with a smile and a nod in Nadioth's direction. "Patience, Sir.", she said with the slightest bit of her usual sass. Looking back at her dragon with a smile she proceeded to invite her to join them.

"Nadioth, come over here, love. Come meet my...friend." She had paused to stop herself from saying something else, something that Nadioth wouldn't understand. She felt a little like she was betraying K'ton, but she knew he would understand. She did turn and give him an apologetic look though, because it was weird, after all, they had been through, for her to call him just her friend. Do I have to? I am tired. I want a bath and I want to go to sleep., Nadioth fussed out loud, even if it was only halfheartedly. She wanted her rider to be happy, and if meeting this person would make her happy, then, of course, she would do it. She just wasn't sure she wanted to.

She could tell her rider liked this person and Evritt was obviously fond of the person's dragon, which annoyed her because now he wasn't giving her all his attention. Speaking of, the child was bouncing up and down in front of the browns large eye, telling him about Nadioth and how much fun they had had, and that he just had to meet her. He stopped then and put a hand on his hip, like he'd often seen Vee do, pointed a finger at the brown, again like he'd seen his mother do to K'ton or himself often enough, and told him, "But you better be nice to her, 'cause she's special." Then he whispered at the whirling eye, "She's a gold dragon.", he told him in all seriousness as if the brown had no clue how special that made her, and Vee nearly doubled over laughing at the hilarity of her son, scolding Ironth over Nadioth. least the tiny human has some sense., Nadioth commented dryly as she butted her head against the back of Vaeyla's legs, as she tried to curl up behind her rider. Vee snorted softly as she fought to maintain her balance for a moment. "The tiny human has a name you know.", she said as she turned to look down at her. Yes, but I like calling him a tiny human more., Nadioth commented as if it should have been the most normal thing to call the child. Vee just shook her head and grinned. Digger flew over Nadioth, just then, on his way to Vee's shoulder where he landed. Nadioth had reached up and snapped her teeth at him, annoyed he had flown so close, for which she was rewarded with angry chattering from the firelizard. "Alright, enough you two." She plucked an angry firelizard from her shoulder and tucked him under her arm, where he finally hushed, then placed a warm hand of her dragon's head, which then poked out from behind her rider to gaze at the man before them and then at the brown who was still holding Evritt's attention.

"Well then.", she said with a smile at K'ton. "K'ton, this is my Nadioth, Nadioth, this is K'ton and his dragon there is.."
Ironth. I know.", Nadioth interrupted her, slightly annoyed, considering Evritt had probably said the dragon's name about 50 times in the short time he'd been on the ground. Vee smirked at her dragon and let the interruption go. "Mmhmm. They are very good friends of mine and of Evritt's. You'll like them once you get to know them, I promise.", she told her, feeling every ounce of her words with every fiber of her being. Nadioth's tail flicked back and forth a bit as she stared up at K'ton, purple eyes whirling slowly as she considered the man before her again.


PA - 50 Posts!PA - First Post!

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