World of Pern
Latest Updates

2023/08/04 Hello loves! While I haven't been writing, I have been working on updating some issues that have been hanging around on the layout! The Character change box is now at the bottom of the page, beside the up/down arrows! Green and Gold dragon flight dates have been shifted to the bottom of the page, where the (useless!) discord widget was located. Where the dragon flights were in the header, is now replaced by a Monthly Event box! This will be updated at the start of each month, with a fun mini-event you can take part in, if you want to! Thistle!
2023/01/07 Welcome to the New Year! We are now ELEVEN years old! Thank you, all of you, for your love and writing! I am looking forward to spending another year with youall! In addition, a new Default colour scheme is in progress and will hopefully be available soon! All my love! ThistleProse
2022/07/29 Gold Malvayth and Bronze Xyxyth clutch is Hatching! Come and join the shenannigans 743.08.03 | NIGHT STALKERS HATCHING and bring the popcorn!
2022/05/11 Gold Malvayth has Flown, caught by Bronze Xyxyth of A'tay. Their Hatching will be PC, and take place in Telgar in August around the 20-22nd! Update your Candidate Applications and prepare for some fun!
2022/04/21 New default layout! I hope you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, please report them in the discord #bug-squishing channel!
05/JUL It’s Hatching time!! Come take part in the shenanigans here
30/JUN Gold Thallyath of Ista Weyr has laid a clutch! More information here
27/JUN A bluerider, and then a greenrider, are found dead. More information here
25/JUN The Touching is up! Take part here
30/MAY After the Touching, many Candidates found themselves preyed upon in the form of their food. More information here
18/MAY Another goldrider - Ameris of Benden - is attacked. More information here
05/MAY Multiple individuals are attacked whilest out of the Weyr! More information here
04/MAY Take a chance OOC and guess who you think the murderer is! You can win prizes! More information here
03/MAY Goldrider Cazan and her twin brother Cazelarias are attacked. More information here
24/APR Goldrider Ashara of Fort is murdered by two brownriders. More information here
12/APR Searchrider B’jin was attacked at Telgar Weyr, surffering a slash to his throat. While in Benden, bluerider B’dor is found dead in his weyr. More info here
05/APRMore attacks occurred today. More information here
03/APRMultiple individuals found their death this day; more information here and here
28/MAR Tragedy has struck again! Across all the Weyrs, multiple people - primarily dragonriders - have fallen ill after eating muffins. There have been multiple deaths, and others are in criticle condition. More information here
24/MAR Weyrwoman Ameris and her son, Rislan, poisoned! More information here
18/MAR Benden’s Weyrleader M’ris and his children have been poisoned! Resulting in sickness and death. More information here
18/MAROn 18.03.742 Bronzerider A’dris of Vyaniorth was found dead in his personal bathing pool. He appears to have drowned after drinking an excess of alcohol. Afterwards it was realized that Machiya of Gold Cameth from Telgar Weyr had disappeared. Having never arrived at her destination, it is suspected she had an accident between.
11/MAR Gold Racoth of Donmaline went between taking Bronze Beruth of T’rel with her shortly after she had been caught, due to T’rel strangling Donmaline. He did not survive. more info
25/FEB Congratulations and thank-you to Guest for taking on a moderator role! <3
14/FEB Stars Above PC Hatching Link
06/JAN :o new layout is a WiP. Please report bugs in Discord.
01/JAN Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Currently: Spring 04.745 al
Monthly Event
Details: Link

Welcome to the Month of Lovetm! This month's Monthly Event is all about Romance, whether it is asking someone out on a date, or getting sweaty between the sheets! Anything and everything counts, if it even looks sideways like it could be related to Valentine Day -- including lover's spats, or breaking up, Flights Wins (or Flight Losses!). Honestly, this month has a huge opportunity for interpertation, so go wild!

Details: Link

Ahh, the fresh snow, the crisp air, the naked trees... welcome to Winter! Or, just the Colder Months for those in the more Northern Weyrs, while Ista is just... not as hot. But it is time to enjoy the end of the Turn, so folks should get together, spend some time gossiping, and drinking Hot Chocolate (alcohol and marshmallows opional)... does Pern even have marshmallows????? (they do now!)

Details: Link

Feel like bitching? Wanna take part in a brawl? Or bet on someone? Take part in Brawls and Bitching this month! Boo-yeah!

Details: Link

Thistle flunked this month; You can still post until the end of November as a result <3
Experience, tell or hide from a Spooky Story!

Details: Link

The flu is running rampant, colds are clogging noses, and someone might have lost a limb?

Details: Link

Partake this month by going fishing... or anything that occurs while fishing, or dealing with fish!

Latest Posts

[G] [O] 738.10.14 | Indulgence in Relaxation



N/A & IC

Written By:
It was the day off for Oenthi, no duties, no lessons, no rounds, nothing to care about in the world other than what she wanted to do today. Today, she was heading in the direction of the lake. It was one of her favorite places in Fort Weyr area and the best place for her mind to settle. It hadn't been that long since they had transferred from Telgar to Fort. Everyone was so welcoming and kind to them. Perhaps it was because she rode gold? The rank had to be the reason...

They are vying for your attention Oenthi-love. I'm sure its getting near that time to think about a nice long flight!

Hmph, don't you think about rising anytime soon Vera. That is one thing I do not want to deal with right now.

Finally, she reached the water. Relaxation and 'her-time' were awaiting her. She had gotten used to being more social with others around the weyr rather quickly. It was always an easy task for Oenthi to make new acquaintances. Oenthi took off her sandals and walked up to the water's edge. It was mid-Autumn, but the water was already getting colder by the day. Her feet were barely touching the water's edge and she had to force herself to stay there. Brrrr, the uncontrolled sound came from her voice, though it slowly turned into a hum. The peace and quiet around her was welcoming. She sat down on the warming sand and smiled; yes, today was a good day to find some solitude for herself. Verchaylth was always with her, the gold reminded her, and she looked for her pale gold around the ledges. She spotted Vera quickly, noticing she had found an ideal sunbathing spot. Oenthi chuckled, if it wasn't eating then it was sunbathing that the gold loved to become a glutton about.

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya had had a busy day. He’d spent most the night up with a sick Varlea – the child seemed to have inherited her mother’s chronic ability to catch sick – and he’d been exhausted all day. Not that anyone but Rhaedalyn cared about that! Even Xyreith had snorted dismissively when R’nya had voiced his exhaustion in a jaw cracking yawn. R’nya had grumbled to himself, kissed Rhaedalyn lovingly – he was still constantly surprised she was his to kiss as he desired – and had made his way to his office. He was quickly inundated with tasks, and had no time to rest as he rushed around all day like the chicken without its head. He’d skipped lunch, though he felt bad about it. He could almost guarantee that Rhaedalyn had brought it to his office for him, but all he’d had time to do was grab the redfruit off the tray and make his way to the next task.

No rest for the wicked, right?

Xyreith had laughed at that, wondering when it was R’nya had decided he was wicked. The bronzerider had to concede that notion, and dodged down a hall to avoid Jajojin who looked as if he had another mountain of tasks for him. If anyone asks, you don’t know where I am! he’d begged his dragon, sounding so pathetic that Xyreith had actually rumbled out loud, probably startling Rhaedalyn though he didn’t care to notice. I don’t know where you are, Sir he’d chortled, and R’nya at least had the pleasure of amusing his dragon so much. He stayed hidden until he’d finished the fruit, and then it was back into the fray.

By five pm, the exhausted bronzerider was walking up from the stockyards, having met with the herder in charge of their livestock. He was talking to Xyreith as he walked, the bronze having chosen to curl up around his mate instead of flying down to pick up his rider and ferry him to the weyr he shared with Rhaedalyn and the children. It was as he was walking, his attention distracted, that he caught site of Oenthi by the lake. He did a double take, noticing she was alone, and changed the direction of his path.

“Oenthi!” He greeted, taking in the sight of the young goldrider sitting with her feet in the water, and her dragon nowhere to be seen. She could have been under the water, but R’nya doubted it and was confirmed by Xyreith that the girl’s gold was sunbathing on the ledges. “How are you today, my dear?” smiling gently, R’nya came to a stop beside her, and settled himself on the ground, crossing his legs to avoid getting his boots wet. Once he was comfortable, the Weyrleader flashed a tired smile at the girl, though it didn’t last long, and R’nya turned his attention to looking over the lake’s surface, his expression drawn from the day’s work but at peace.

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N/A & IC

Written By:

The calling out of her name distracted her from her thoughts and Oenthi looked over her shoulder to see the Weyrleader approaching. Normally, she'd be more formal and surprised at his sudden visit. The only thing stopping her was R'nya's relaxed demeanor which in turn made her more casual to him. “How are you today, my dear?”  She smiled at the casualness between them and directed the smile at the bronzerider, "I am doing good today, sir. Found some time to just relax so I'm taking advantage of it." Oenthi looked for the Weyrleader's bronze but couldn't spot him out from where she was.

Xyreith is on his ledge, lounging.

Ah so he also decided to escape from everyone for the day. "How about yourself? Surprised you aren't being followed or hassled." She stifled a chuckle, as she still wasn't quite sure if she could poke fun or not. Oenthi rolled up her pant legs before stretching them out into the cool water. Despite its coldness, it was rejuvenating to the goldrider. The water's coolness was definitely not as cold as between, but nothing could compare to that chilly place. "Rhaedalyn doing well, sir?" She asked about the Weyrwoman. Oenthi rarely got chances to interact with the other goldrider for an extended period of time. Both of them were always busy. Then again, the entire weyr seemed liked it was always busy. She glanced up in Verchaylth's direction and watched the gold for a brief moment. At least she wasn't showing any signs of rising. Verchalyth gave her rider the dragon's version of a chuckle and Oenthi glared slightly. The gold was amused by her hesitation on the subject of a mating flight. Oenthi shooed her away from her thoughts and shook her head lightly. She instead decided to watch R'nya's facial expressions instead of focusing on Verchaylth's amusement.

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya tilted his head, and tipped the girl a rakish wink. “I have escaped their claws for the time being,” he said, amused. It had taken most of the day to get both his tasks done, and avoid undue harassment from the folks responsible for giving him more work. It wasn’t their fault, they were, after all, just doing their job. But it made for a long day, and R’nya was looking forward to enjoying some down time, and an early bedtime (hopefully the children would be agreeable and go to sleep right away…) A man can dream!

“She is,” R’nya’s smile was warm and soft at the mention of Rhaedalyn, “She has the girls today; Varlea has a cold.” R’nya and Rhaedalyn’s daughter, Alyren, was a sturdy toddler of three, but her playmate and adopted sister, Varlea – who was a quirky and spunky (almost) five turn old – was prone to getting ill. Between the pair of them, they kept the Weyrleaders on their toes! Not that R’nya would have it any other way, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t hopeful that Rhaedalyn would fall pregnant again. He would love an army of offspring, but two or three more would be perfect!

R’nya’s gaze shifted, following the line of direction he’d seen Oenthi glancing in during their conversation, and sharp eyes picked out the lounging gold. He studied her, though the distance was too great for any real detail to show. He turned his attention back upon Oenthi, the corner of his lips quirking up slightly though the smile didn’t really take shape. “Still no sign of Rising?” Two wasn’t too old, nor too young to rise. It was really only a matter of time; some of the older golds still hadn’t had their maiden flight yet. R’nya just didn’t want to be taken by surprise when the girl did decide to take to the skies. He’d like to bring in some of the bronzeriders from Telgar and Ista to give her more choice. As soon as she started looking proddy, he’d send out word, but until then there was little to do but wait.

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N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi let out a chuckle when he mentioned escaping. He sounded just like her, although she got luckier today than him. She just happened to not be needed for anything. "Well, the water is always a great place to escape to. Its so quiet and peaceful here," she trailed as she watched a small breeze create ripples in the water. She then thought of weyrlings and chuckled again, "At least while there are no young weyrlings using it to bathe." Bathing Verchaylth was always a pain, she's so big that it takes forever to scrub and rinse her off. It'd be so much easier if the gold actually just took a dip in the lake instead of giving her a fight about getting wet.

Watching R'nya's expression change was interesting to see for Oenthi. Back at Telgar, she didn't interact with the Weyrleaders in a casual manner so to be able to do so in Fort was different. She was still wondering how to react and go about the conversation she was having with him right now. Her smile turned down a little when he commented about his younger daughter being sick. "Sick again?" she offhandedly asked, knowing that their youngest was frailer in health than her older sister. It reminded Oenthi of her own family, her father was still alive but her mother had passed away because of the plague. She also had an older half brother and younger sister. After being kidnapped and taken to Katlia, she didn't have time to reflect back on her previous life.

You were not meant to be a farm's worker for the rest of your life

This I know Vera, but I do wonder about my siblings now that things have settled for me...

Her thoughts trailed off and returned to R'nya where she found his gaze studying Verchaylth. Her right eye slightly twitched when he asked about her rising, though she wasn't sure if it was a question or more of a statement. "No, and I am glad for it. I'd like to see us settled in more before she decides to rise," she answered and sighed lightly. Honestly, if anything scared her right now, it was Verchaylth rising to mate. She had yet to experience being in the sheets with someone. "Though with her coloring, it might be challenging to see the differences when she's showing signs." she commented, trying to picture Verchaylth even paler than she is now.

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya smiled indulgently at the mention of the Weyrlings; they were a delight to have around, and with Aradissicath having Flown the month before (won, of course, by Xyreith) R’nya knew they would soon have some youngsters filling the Weyr. If Aradissicath and Xyreith lived up to their previous standards, they would have thirty or forty of the little dragons to keep them occupied. R’nya grimaced to himself; he’d have to make sure the Searchriders brought in enough candidates. With the usual thirty to forty eggs Aradissicath laid, they needed at least sixty Candidates on the Sands – better if they had about eighty. R’nya breathed out heavily through his nose and put the thought aside.

“Yes,” R’nya allowed his mind to turn towards his children. “Gets that from her birth mother, by all accounts. She was a sickly child. But Varlea is strong, and she comes through none the worse for wear most of the time. So long as she doesn’t make her sister, or Rhaedalyn ill in the process.” Or himself, he thought mildly. He’d rather no one got sick, but if anyone had to, he’d prefer it to be himself. Then he could sleep for a full day and possibly catch up on all the sleep he feels like he has been missing. Plus Rhaedalyn would make him soup and her cooking was vastly improving. Sweet woman. He smiled softly to himself.

“Understandable,” R’nya allowed; he’d prefer the girl be comfortable with the Weyr and her place in it before something so exciting as a Flight happen. “You should get to know some of the bronzeriders,” R’nya suggested gently, “it will make the ordeal less frightening if you have a handle on who is likely to chase miss Verchaylth.” It wouldn’t ease all her fears, of course, but it would help and she could request he restrict those that she finds repulsive from giving chase, too. He didn’t come out and say that, but the direct look he gave her spoke as much.

“Proddy dragons tend to present differently,” he said, thinking of his own experiences with proddy gold dragons. “She might get darker, or lighter. She will probably get more emotional and unreasonable or she might get more reasonable.” He shrugged, sure he was not telling the young woman anything the ex-goldrider mentor that was instructing the women, or her Weyrlingmaster, hadn’t told her during her training.

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N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi held back on asking if there was anything she could do for them. She was a trained as a healer on Katlia so treating illness was something she could do, but it was probably out of place to offer any assistance. They were the little one's parents so she was sure they could handle the cold. "She gets her strength from the both of you, I think." She wondered what it was like to have a family like they did. She mused slightly on kids and shook her head, not yet.

Maybe soon then...

Oenthi pushed away the nosy gold again. Her fear of being alone didn't always crop up so it also didn't require Verchaylth to be so nosy in her musings. The goldrider shifted her attention again back to R'nya and thought on his words. "Seems like my time just hasn't allowed me to interact with them on a personal level," she gave him a smile and stretched her arms out, careful not to hit the Weyrleader next to her. "I think the lack of control, from what I've been told, is what scares me the most. I don't want to be so swept up by it all that I loose Verchaylth." She was sure the fear of loosing one's dragon was all to real to every rider on Pern, but it was harder on Oenthi because of that fear of being alone.

She also shrugged when he mentioned how Verchaylth could respond to the mating urges. This she had all heard from her mentor. If she had to guess, Verchaylth would probably get either moody or unreasonable. The dragon had a pretty solid head on her shoulders and was easy going so if there was a shift in her personality, Oenthi assumed it would be the opposite. "I actually didn't think of her rising until just recently when we were sent to here. I wonder if the Weyrwoman was nervous about the first time Aradissicath rose." she casually thought to the Weyrleader. It was nice being this relaxed around one of the Weyr's leaders.

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
“I think everyone is fearful of that, even the riders of male dragons,” It wasn’t easy to let go, and R’nya knew of several men who had feared the melding of minds during dragon lust; the way the rider lost all ability to think for themselves and got wrapped up in their dragon’s need to reproduce – or at least have sex. It was something he found most of them learned to work with, but R’nya also figured it was that much harder for the goldriders. After all, they were responsible for making sure that their dragon didn’t gorge and instead drank only the ichor of the creatures she killed. Blooding.

“Some people take to it naturally, and some people take some getting used to it.” R’nya didn’t allude to which one he was. He did smile though at her musing on Rhaedalyn. “You should ask her about it some time.” He wasn’t quite sure how she’d respond; embarrassed and fidgety or frank and upfront. She was an amazing woman but he still had trouble reading how she would respond to a situation. He was sure she wouldn’t mind easing the fears of another goldrider though, she was too sweet natured to let someone be afraid if she thought she could ease those fears.

R’nya’s expression was gentle. “She won’t Fly until you’re ready for her to, though you might not realise you’re ready, she will not do anything to harm you, and that includes Flying.” The Weyrleader knew of several dragons that were well past the age of maturity, but had failed to take to the skies, both male and female. Dragons were very intelligent creatures, and just like their human counterparts, would never do anything to hurt the other half of their bond. It was something people tended to forget and something non-riders didn’t understand with the full depth available. How could they? After all, they had no idea what it was like to be Bonded.

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of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
Verchaylth is nearby. Erinath informed his rider as they were returning to the Weyr from running an errand in Fort Hold. An'tell considered that. He remembered Verchaylth was one of the young golds, though he couldn't recall meeting her or her rider.

"Is that your way of saying you want to go say hello?"

Maaaaybe... Came the dragon's reply. They're by the lake.

"Oh, I see," An'tell laughed, gently rapping Erinath on his muscled neck. "You want to swim while getting me to socialize."

Those are perfectly reasonable goals, thank you.

An'tell grinned.

"All right, we can go say hi."

Erinath changed their course with a tiny flick of his left wing, and the pair started gliding down towards the lake. Due to Erinath's love of swimming, An'tell had gotten to know the lake rather well. Now that he was looking, he could see the gold Verchaylth basking on one of the large beaches. There were two humans sitting along the shore near her.

"Erinath, can you tell who that is with her?"

The bronze sent his rider an image of Xyreith.

"R'nya? Well, I suppose we can report back to him earlier than expected then."

How dare you think of work when it is time to swim and talk. Erinath teased him. An'tell sighed.

"Just go land, please." The bronze sent a confirmation and began a gliding descent to the occupied beach, bugling in greeting to those on the beach.

PA - First Post!



N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi was comforted by the Weyrleader's words. She knew two turns was the age that golds could start to rise. Some rose earlier and some earlier. R'nya had said it was up to the rider of the gold and if they were ready. "I just might do that sir, seeing as how Verchaylth is of age now," she responded to his advice. Even though she had not impressed here, they still treated her like one of their own. She chuckled as she leaned back, "I came here to relax and here I am, picking your brain for advice on my duties to my dragon. I'm sorry Weyrleader, but thank you for it. It has certainly helped ease some of my worry." It was nice to casually socialize again...

Erinath and his are arriving. The gold gently announced to Oenthi and rumbled in her mind. Verchaylth stretched out her wings and stood up, getting ready to glide down closer to where her rider and the others were. It seemed it was time for her to socialize and get some of the attention.

The goldrider looked around the area and spotted the bronze approaching them from behind, "Looks like another pair would like to relax here with us," Oenthi informed R'nya as the bronze bugled his entrance. Verchaylth bugled back in response, coming to settle near Oenthi but plenty far from the lake. Decided to socialize now that there's a male nearby huh? Oenthi teased her gold and the gold just preened her wings in response. Of course she would want attention as well.

Who doesn't like getting compliments? Besides, I itch so maybe after your socializing you can oil my itchy spots.

There was always a catch with the gold's actions. Oenthi couldn't help but roll her eyes at Verchaylth; the conniving gold she was, always up to mischief.

of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
The bronze pair drifted down to land on the occupied beach, Erinath landing as gracefully as he could manage a wingsbreadth or two from the others.

"Showing off much, hmn?"

There is nothing wrong with looking your best. Erinath said cheerfully, positioning himself to make it easy for An'tell to dismount. Something you need reminding of, rider-mine. Neaten your hair. An'tell quickly reached up to rearrange his wind tousled hair. Not because he cared, of course, but because Erinath would never stop fussing if he didn't. Deeming himself sufficiently together, An'tell slid off of Erinath.

"Good day, Weyrleader, Goldrider." He said, nodding towards R'nya, then Oenthi. "Erinath wanted to go for a swim on our way back from Fort Hold, and couldn't resist visiting with Verchaylth at the same time."

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
I do hope you do not expect me to come down there, Sir? Xyreith grumbled, and R’nya could hear the echo of disgust in his mind voice. The bronze was not big on socialising, and was even less inclined to actually talk to whomever he was around. It had taken quite a while before the bronze would talk properly to Aradissicath, and they’d been mated for turns! R’nya hid a smile behind his hand as he watched the bronze dragon circle lower and join them, as did the gold. Of course not, R’nya soothed, getting a grumpy harrumph in reply, though he could tell Xyreith was mollified.

“It is quite the popular spot this evening,” R’nya murmured, nodding a greeting with the bronzerider that was soon striding towards them. “An’tell,” R’nya greeted, “have a seat, if you wish.” After all, if the Weyrleader was prepared to sit around on the ground with a goldrider, why not be joined by another bronze? R’nya hid another smile behind a careful movement of his hands. It reminded him of the time he’d had his Wing do trust strengthening exercises by playing Wherry-Wherry-Dragon. The good times, R’nya thought to Xyreith, who rumbled in amusement where he was curled up with Aradissicath. Perhaps it isn’t wise to look so eccentric when you run a Weyr though, Sir. R’nya coughed to cover a laugh.

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N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi nodded to An'tell and looked over his bronze. If she remembered correctly, he was bigger than Verchaylth; not that it mattered, but it was obvious when you saw the pair up close. Verchaylth didn't seem to let her smaller size bother her, she could still be as pushy and demanding that a gold could ever be. "Popular for sure," she agreed with the Weyrleader. "Verchaylth doesn't care for the water so its all Erinath's if he would like it," she then said to An'tell.

Greetings Erinath. The gold preened herself more in the presence of a male, flashing her wings for a second before flipping them against her back.

"Seems she has caught the attention of a few bronzes," Oenthi commented and smiled sheepishly. She wondered how other bronzeriders saw her as. Was it just for gaining power? Or were they actually interested in her and not the color dragon she rode? It was always hard to tell the intentions of another person. She did get to interact with others but it was always reassuring that the company was genuine towards her. Verchalyth nudged in her mind that the gold wouldn't let anyone hurt her. Oenthi smiled at that because she knew it was true. The gold was laid back and gentle yet she did have a fiery temper when it came to her rider. The goldrider stretched out her legs and scooted over on the ground, making room for An'tell if he desired to join them.

of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
An'tell took a few minutes to take the riding straps off Erinath, carefully placing them on the beach where they would be safe from the water. He gave Erinath a light whack on the shoulder.

"Go on, you."

Erinath did not need to be told twice. With a quick shake to remove the feeling of riding straps, the bronze galloped into the water. For such a large beast, he made surprisingly small splashes.

"Look at you, being considerate of the lady." An'tell teased. He could feel Erinath sending him the mental equivalent of eye rolling.

Once he was convinced the riding straps were in good order, he headed over to the other riders. He sat down a few feet from them, thanking Oenthi for making space before crossing his legs and sighing. He'd forgotten how tiresome dealing with Holders could be. Glancing at R'nya, An'tell decided to cancel his original plan of giving him the update from Fort Hold. The Weyrleader looked tired, and was clearly taking something of a break. An'tell could respect that, and wouldn't be the one to press work onto him there.

He considered Oenthi for a moment. Like most dragonriders, he knew the names of all the goldriders in his Weyr, even if he hadn't met them personally. Until today, he had not met this one. He remembered her from Katila, but they had not run in the same groups. She had been among those more positively inclined towards the dragonriders, whereas he had spent more time with grumpy crafters who missed their craft halls.  


And greetings to you, lovely Verchaylth. Erinath said to the gold, submerging himself in the lakewater. It had started getting colder as the seasons changed, already much different than the water he'd known as a dragonet in Katila. He worried he wouldn't be able to swim during the winter. He knew water could freeze over, and was worried about the lake doing so and preventing access to it.

How is the weather change treating you? he asked Verchaylth, gliding through what he considered a shallower part of the lake, I must confess, the water here is getting much colder than what I've been used to.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya watched the interactions between him with curiosity and amusement. Oh to be young! That made the bronzerider smile to himself, and he heard Xyreith’s amusement in the back of his mind. He was a long shot from old, but neither was he young any more. Of course, surviving the Plague tended to age one beyond their years, and R’nya often felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, something that had not lessened since he’d been granted the rank of Weyrleader. It wasn’t easy, running a Weyr, but R’nya was finding the experience to be worthwhile and satisfying, even if he didn’t get enough sleep!

“How is the Hold this evening, An’tell?” R’nya asked, shifting his gaze to his fellow bronzerider, and enquiring polite about Fort. It wasn’t a request for a report, but just a turn in the conversation. R’nya himself was due for a visit to all the Holds in his Weyr’s vicinity, but he simply hadn’t had the chance – like so many other things! – though he looked forward to it. He also needed to make the time to visit Quilriana in Telgar Hold; it had been too long since he’d seen his lover, and he knew she’d want news on her son, if he couldn’t take the boy for a visit, too. R’nya was hopeful the child would Impress at Aradissicath’s upcoming clutch, but he also enjoyed the child being dragonless – he presented a good excuse to visit Telgar Hold!

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N/A & IC

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Oenthi could feel herself being studied, not that she mind or anything. It was something she had gotten used to once she impressed to Verchaylth. There were only a small amount of goldriders on Pern and that made them rare. She did remember seeing An'tell around Katlia however, so perhaps he was remembering her from there? Well, either way it didn't matter so much as the bronzerider had finished looking her over. She gave him a smile, his demeanor showed how tired he was. "Long day," she asked him, searching for his name for a brief second before Verchaylth provided it, "An'tell?"

Thanks dear, enjoying yourself?

No, the sun got cooler on my favorite spot so now I have to make due with the warm ground.

The goldrider chuckled and shook her head. Only the weyrledges would ever be good enough for the gold's sunbathing. She decided to listen in between the two bronzeriders. Looks like the Weyrleader would get no rest today. Was she the only lucky one to have almost the whole day off?


The gold then turned her attention to Erianth as she watched him swim in the lake. Water, wet, disgusting. The gold snorted a little at the thought of her hide getting wet. It is warmer than Telgar. The warmth has been nice here. Verchalyth watched as the bronze swam more in the lake and her tail flicked in a nonchalant manner, I prefer to stay dry unless I am due a good scrub down. The heights at Telgar stayed warm about the same amount of time as here. The layout is different however. It wasn't unusual for the gold to be social, but Oenthi could tell that she was enjoying the attention being all on her. Instead of laying fully down, the gold kept her neck elegantly curved in that dragonlike 'S' shape and her chest was puffed out to look bigger. She is certainly an attention loving gold, that's for sure.

of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
An'tell sighed again. "The Hold is fine. It just makes me feel like an apprentice again, running messages. I understand why it's important, of course," he added, wanting to make it clear to R'nya that he wasn't complaining about his task. "But that the Lord Holders always insist on messages being brought to them by bronzes is just..." An'tell shook his head gently, one corner of his mouth turning up in a wry smile. "They just really love being important, don't they? And we put up with it because making them feel important means they're more agreeable. Still, doesn't make dealing with them fun." He turned to Oenthi.

"Have you been to the Hold much, Oenthi?" An'tell asked.


Perhaps it is a bit warmer. Erinath agreed, rearing up to stand on his hind legs and stretch his wings to their full, oversized length, water cascading over them as they left the water. I hatched in Katila, so everything seems colder in comparison, I think. The bronze pulled his wings in with a loud snap before diving under the water.

A fair choice. There are some questionable bodies of water out there. he said, fully submerged (ah, the conveniences of telepathic communication). This lake is nice though. Clean, as lakes go.

Erinath surfaced again, and shook the water off his head, careful to keep it far away from the nearby gold.

Some of the other bronzes think their weyrs here are smaller than at Telgar. I'm not sure I agree with them. Have you noticed anything like that? He asked, turning to look at Verchaylth. She really was very pretty, as well as looking like she could tear someone in half. A good combination, in Erinath's opinion.

PA - First Post!

of Bronze Xyreith

Date of Birth
13.09.697, 46
Fit, athletic


Written By: ThistleProse
R’nya grimaced slightly, but otherwise didn’t show his disgust with the Holderfolk. It wasn’t such a terrible task to have his fellow bronzerider’s running messenger, though he’d tried repeatedly to tell the Holders that the smaller and lither greens were much faster. But no, the Lord Holder wanted bronze. He’d probably have demanded R’nya himself make all the social calls, but the bronzerider had managed to get him to accept bronze. At least they weren’t in wing formation yet, so playing messenger wasn’t keeping wingleaders absent. Wings. He’d have to think about putting some of those together soon. He had far too many lackadaisical dragonriders lazing around.

I should get back to work, he murmured to Xyreith, though he made no immediate move to get to his feet and actually leave. There was always so much to do! Wings to put together (and that would take a lot of work. Who would he promote to Wingleader? Who would toss a shit fit about not being Wingleader? Who was worthy of the task?) Faranth help him, he didn’t even know where to start! He’d never actually had to put wings together. He’d have to talk to Jajojin, and that didn’t really strike him as a fun time. The ex-bronzerider varied in his coherency, which meant R’nya would have to time the meeting carefully. Not a bad day, but it couldn’t be too much of a good day, because it would bring the man down, talking about Wings he wouldn’t be able to take part in. R’nya groaned and rubbed a hand over his face.

“I am afraid I had better get back to work,” he spoke clearly into a lull of conversation, stormy eyes glancing between An’tell and Oenthi. He nodded politely to each, and stood up carefully. “It was lovely to catch up with you, my dear.” He spoke warmly to Oenthi, an almost-smile on the corner of his lips. “You should reach out to Rhaedalyn, I am sure she would be able to quell some of your concerns.” He didn’t delve deeper into that topic, for he was sure she wouldn’t want An’tell knowing about her fears of her dragon taking flight. Some things were personal like that.

“Do not rush to get me your report, An’tell. I have a lot to do and regardless of their opinions, their messages are hardly ever important.” R’nya tipped the bronzerider a wink before nodding to Oenthi again and turning to stride up towards the Weyr. Being Weyrleader came with a lot more weight than R’nya had thought it could!

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N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi considered An'tell's question but before she could answer, R'nya distracted her. He was leaving them to return to his work. It must be hard being the leaders of the Weyr. Truthfully, Oenthi was glad she was one of the younger goldriders in Fort. It meant she was near the bottom of the hierarchy in terms of being the next Weyrwoman. If she could have it her way, R'nya and Rhaedalyn would never need to be replaced. Verchaylth might be unhappy, if she ever developed a desire to be senior gold, with her complacency. "It was a pleasure sir," she responded and then listened to his advice. She was grateful that he didn't divulge too much information with An'tell around. "I definitely will when we both have some free time," she answered to the Weyrleader and then smiled slightly. As he nodded to her, she did the same to reply to his departure and then let out a soft sigh. Everyone was definitely not as lucky as her today.

You did bring your oiling stuff, yes?

Just a small pot of oil, I do hope you're not entirely itchy. Or that means I've been neglecting you.

I only have spots that are itchy.

The goldrider was glad for that. It took a bucket or more of oil to completely tend to Verchaylth's hide. Oenthi stretched her arms and legs out and stood up, "I do not get the chance to travel from the Weyr very often, An'tell." She finally responded to his question about going to the hold. "Something about Verchaylth needing to stay close to the Weyr," she shrugged her shoulders and gave An'tell a chuckle. Who knew when the gold would rise to mate and it could be disastrous if she were close to another Weyr's golds. Oenthi walked to some of her belongings that were located behind them and found the oil pot. She then made her way to her gold and stroked Verchaylth's eyelid in which a low rumble emitted from the gold. Such a weyrling at times, she chuckled. Where do you itch? Verchaylth gave her the spots that itched the most and Oenthi began to tackle the problem areas.

The gold's attention was on the bronze while getting oiled down. We were given one of the smaller weyrs for golds. It was cozy enough for me. Oenthi is tiny as am I. The gold crooned slightly when her rider hit a bothersome spot with the oil. She deliberately decided to ignore the conversation about water. The gold wasn't fond of wet hide nor the cold that came with it so she avoided water as much as she could. The subject was rather boring too because of that disinterest in it to her. So she decided to skip over it.

of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
An'tell dipped his head in acknowledgement of the Weyrleader's words.

"I'm sure something urgent will detain me upon my return, and I will be forced to get the report to you tomorrow instead." He smiled wryly. "The urgent thing may or may not be food and sleep."

It also may be giving me a nice oiling. Erinath added, bespeaking both bronzeriders. That is very urgent.

The bronzerider watched the other man walk away, and when he was out of view turned to consider the goldrider. She had stood up, and answered his question now that she had his attention. He nodded at her response, considering. Were golds not supposed to leave the Weyr as a strict rule, or was it just a recommended practice? Was it because Verchaylth was still young, and they were concerned she might Rise soon? Would she have more freedom to spend time outside of the Weyr once they knew when she might Rise?

"Do you want to visit other places? You weren't weyrbred, is there anywhere you wish to see again?" He asked, as Oenthi started oiling down her dragon. An'tell watched the pair, leaning back on one arm. "I know I was happy to see the Smithcraft hall again." he admitted, hoping to prompt further conversion.

Erinath split his attention between his rider and the gold, carefully following both conversations. Noting how she ignored all talk of swimming, Erinath attempted to continue talking to Verchaylth.

I am glad they gave you a suitable one. I like our new one as well. It has a large platform to launch from, which I like. I found it hard to spread my wings properly to take off in the last one. the bronze said, once again flaring his wings and showing off his wingspan to emphasize his statement. Erinath was a little vain in general, but he believed his wings were his greatest asset and loved to display them whenever possible. He was very proud of having the largest wingspan of any bronze in the Weyr, though some golds, like Aridissicath, were still bigger. Verchaylth was not a bigger gold, however.

ThistleProse  (R'nya doesn't need to respond or anything, just letting you know he got a response)

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N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi gave some thought to his questions about leaving. She only had two siblings left and her father. None of whom she was particularly close to. She paused in her oiling and looked at the bronzerider, shaking her head. "I do like to adventure and see new places, but my home hold and the farmlands I worked on are not places I'd wish to go back to. I don't see any point in looking to the past," she admitted to An'tell and then turned back to oil another itchy spot on Verchaylth. "I am far better off here with Verchaylth than I was before I was searched," she added as she stroked the hide of her gold.

Verchaylth didn't let the showing off of Erinath go unnoticed. She chortled at the bronze and flicked her tail, it would take more than just showing off his size to impress her. You should get yours to request for a larger weyr then, if its too small for you. The gold suggested and shifted her weight as Oenthi made her way down to her hindquarters. So, how long have you been at Fort? Verchaylth inquired to Erinath, curious as to how long they had been at the Weyr compared to Oenthi and herself.

of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
The bronzerider nodded at Oenthi's words.

"That's a sensible way to look at things." He said approvingly, though he knew he himself didn't follow the same ideal. An'tell couldn't forget his past, and would happily visit his family if he didn't know it would tear him apart to have to leave again.

Erinath, sensing his rider's train of thought, swam closer to shore and lay in the shallows, laying his neck on the soft sands of the beach so his head rested next to his rider. His hindquarters and most of his stomach remained in the water. The weyr here is good. he said, crooning as An'tell started scratching his eyeridges. It was the one at Telgar I did not like, though perhaps that was because I had just come from Katila, where we slept outside. The bronze started sweeping his tail back in forth in the water, creating a new tide pattern on the beach, though he made sure it went nowhere near the hydrophobic gold.

We have been here as long as people have been at Fort. Erinath said, forgetting, as dragons were wont to do, that the Weyr had been inhabited before the Plague struck. Before that, Telgar, and before that, I was born in Katila. He angled his head to look at Verchaylth directly. You were born at Telgar, were you not?

[ooc] so much more dragon convo than people convo, whoops [/ooc]

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N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi sighed and looked back at An'tell, "I didn't know my father too well. He was always out on fishing trips. My mother was a gentle soul but the plague got to her. My half-sister and I were moved to a farmland shortly after my mother passed on. Too much death surrounds me to go back to those locations. The only person I was close to was my half-sister and I do not know her whereabouts." It was rare for Oenthi to really open up, but she felt he deserved a better answer than a half-assed one. She avoided his eye line, slightly awkward for her to let her guard completely down. "This is why I am content with where I am. If Verachaylth is lost because of me, I..." and she trailed, remembering her weyrwoman mentor and how she is a shadow of herself.

She shook her head and cleared her throat, "Anyway, I wouldn't mind returning to Telgar to see my old weyrling classmates." Oenthi easily gave An'tell a smile and nodded her head to him. "What about you? Are you content here or do you seek to go beyond these walls?" the goldrider asked to the older bronzerider.

Verchaylth crooned in a soothing manner when Oenthi's emotions suddenly shifted. I am here for you. Nothing can separate us; I'll protect you. The gold was used to comforting her rider. It wasn't that Oenthi was cold towards her family. Nothing was as simple as that with her. Bonds were never truly made with the men in her life. The two bonds she did have were severed now. Verchaylth knew she had sought out Oenthi because they both needed this bond. They needed each other. Verchaylth rumbled, I apologize for my mistake. Well that is good that you are in a comfortable weyr now. The gold was preoccupied with her rider and forgot some details in their conversation.

Telgar was my hatching weyr, yes. I can pull memories of Katlia from Oenthi and some of them were nice. I can tell the Weyr was much warmer than here in the North. Time and memories were a fickle thing to dragons. Verchaylth had to pull from Oenthi's memories a lot. Time was a different feeling. She didn't feel the days pass or the turns pass, just the weather and seasons changing. She had to use Oenthi's memories to remember a length of time. We only recently arrived here to Fort, after I was deemed mature enough for the trip.

of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
An'tell listened to Oenthi's description of her family. He didn't think he could truly relate. His father had been emotionally absent for a time, yes, but only for a few turns. His mother had also passed, but his father had remarried a few turns later, and he got along well with his step mother. He figured his parents were still where he'd left them, but his siblings? An'tell was unsure. It had been seven turns after all.

"As far as I know, I still have family." He offered, wanting to return Oenthi's honesty with some of his own. "My father and his second wife, two brothers, two sisters, and people they may have married, any children they may have had, I may have a daughter myself..." An'tell trailed off. "I would like to see them all, but I would only leave their lives immediately again, and might that not be worse?" He shifted, focusing on giving attention to Erinath. "I have responsibilities to Erinath and the Weyr here, and I cannot truly go back." He paused to take a deep breath. "I have accepted where I am. Though I would like to get my craft mastery at some point."

Erinath hummed in appreciation at the head scratches from his rider, as well as sending waves of happiness over being bonded with him to the man.

I am glad you came, Verchaylth. I hope you and yours are happy here.

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N/A & IC

Written By:
Oenthi listened to the bronzerider as she oiled the last spot on her gold's hide. As she finished up the last spot on Verchaylth's hide that was bothering her, she sighed in relief and the gold crooned in response. Cleaning up her mess, Oenthi then turned to the bronzerider and thought on her response for a brief second, "I think, at least seeing you for just a moment would be enough for them. Knowing how you are and where you are," she started and then looked at the Weyr's walls. "Riding bronze allows you to go anywhere you'd like. Its not so simple as a goldrider. I think if I had the chance to see my sister, I'd take it." she finished and then brought her gaze back to An'tell and gave him a smile.

"We all have duties to our dragons, our weyr, and Pern, but we also have duties to ourselves. If seeing them would make you happy then I think its a duty to yourself to see them," she added and then stroked Verchaylth's eyelid again. Perhaps she should inquire about her sister's whereabouts. She couldn't still be at the farmlands or could she? Oenthi sighed slightly and leaned against Verchaylth's head for support. A breeze knocked the goldrider out of her thoughts and she shivered in response to the cool wind. "Looks like its getting darker and colder. I think we shall retire before it gets too much colder. It was a pleasure meeting you An'tell," Oenthi said and packed up her belongings. She mounted Verchaylth with ease, the gold using her forearm to lift Oenthi high enough to where she could climb up onto her neck.

The gold stood up and stretched out her wings and legs, also not wanting to be caught in the cooling night's weather. As are we. Telgar was getting a bit too cramped for us. I believe we are happy here, and as long as my rider is happy then so am I. The gold rumbled a good bye to Erinath and lifted into the air. Good night Erinath, I'm sure our riders will get to talk again. Feel free to reach out to me if you'd ever like to talk. The gold loved any sort of attention from the males and small talk was a form of that. Verchaylth could be a social butterfly like her rider if she wanted to be. Oenthi and Verchaylth then rose higher up into the sky and circled around their weyr, before landing on Verchaylth's ledge and disappearing.

(Feel free to respond to them. I think this thread is completed.)

of Bronze Erinath

Date of Birth
10.06.705 AL , 40
Dark brown, short


Written By: Zandelion
Oenthi made good sense, An'tell thought. It was no wonder she Impressed a gold. Really, the dragonriders could do with more practical, Craft raised people on golds (though ideally with less kidnapping). Still, despite agreeing with Oenthi's statements, An'tell was undecided about seeing his family. Or at least, all of his family. He'd have to think on it more.

You've done nothing but think on it since we returned North. Erinath told him lazily, rolling a large, faceted eye at his rider.

"And I will think some more." He told his dragon, before waving goodbye to the goldrider.

"The pleasure was mine, Oenthi."

The bronze dragon lifted himself to a sitting position, from which to better send off the gold pair.  Good night, Verchaylth. I plan to take you up on your offer. Erinath said, and seconds later bugled loudly in farewell. I suppose we have no further reason to stay. he said to An'tell, positioning himself so his rider could put the riding straps back on. Within a few minutes, Erinath launched into the air and they too returned to the Weyr.

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