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The Mysterious Note #1 - Printable Version

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The Mysterious Note #1 - Random Event - 01.Oct.12

Placed upon the bulletin board during the rackus of the Rhythm of Life Hatching, a note is written in a fine, scrawling hand that is distinctly male. Upon a closer inspection, the note is found to be a rather crude, sarcastic and insultingly bad attempt at a fanfiction.

Staring bronze Wingleader R'nya and brown wingrider S'kef, the story gives a rather colourful depiction of the wingrider forcing himself upon a rather bland and sarcastic wingleader.

The note remained in place for half an hour from the time of discovery before it is taken down with a quiet dignity by R'nya.

- You may RP your characters responding to the appearance of the note here, if you wish, create a new thread, mention it in passing or you may have them ignore it entirely.
Relevant Threads;
The Bulletin Board
We Have A Fan Club
This awful post contains a very indelicate rape scenario. Like we said, bad fanfiction.

It was a rainy night. Tyrissath, the most boring and serious brown dragon of all time, landed outside R’nya’s hut to allow his equally boring and serious rider to dismount.

S’kef, totally serious in his new leather outfit, knocked on the door like an impatient wherry. “Wingleader!” he called out, eyes burning with obvious anger. After all, S’kef was once the Weyrsecond. What the fuck was he doing taking orders from some even-more-boring bronzerider  who’d never been anyone before?

R’nya answered. His face was completely blank as he let S’kef inside.

“You have something I want,” S’kef said, looking dangerously at R’nya.

“What?” R’nya asked, yawning. He closed the door.

S’kef turned and walked closer. “I used to be the Weyrsecond, you know…” he said. He smiled despite his bitter jealousy.

Outside, Tyrrisath moved his fat ass in front of the door, as brown dragons often do. Motherfuckers are always in someone’s way.

“That was then,” R’nya said, like a douche.

“I know,” S’kef said.  “But that still means you have something I want.”

R’nya raised an eyebrow, like it made him smart or something. “What?” he asked, suspecting this was about a Wingleader job.

S’kef grabbed him by the neck. “Your smug ass, bronzerider!”

He threw R’nya down. Since S’kef was a big guy and had been working out after almost dying, he was pretty strong. He pinned R’nya to the bed and wrestled him out of his clothes, only he didn’t have to try hard since R’nya just kind of laid there. S’kef rolled him over and slapped his ass, trying to get a response. R’nya frowned.

“You don’t slap nearly hard enough. You need to hold your hand like this,” he said, demonstrating. S’kef got angry, but since he knew only anger, it just made him hornier. He pushed R’nya’s cheeks open and fucked him hard.

R’nya didn’t even move. He didn’t make a sound.  He stared across the room, ignoring the fact that he was getting fucked incredibly hard, and shrugged. “Your cock isn’t nearly hard enough. It needs to be at least ¼ harder or I won’t feel anything.”

“How the fuck is your ass so loose?” S’kef demanded, not nearly well-endowed enough to please the bronzerider.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I keep my head up there,” R’nya said, irritated, but it didn’t show. That just made S’kef angrier, so he fucked him harder until he finally came all over the fucking place. R’nya shrugged again.

“Wing practice is tomorrow at noon”

“Go fuck yourself”

Then, S’kef left. R’nya sat up and sighed. “He rapes me, but doesn’t even whip me? He isn’t nearly skilled enough at rape for a man with his level of experience. I am disappointed.”

There was always tomorrow.