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[G] [C] Ceaseless Drums Egg Descriptions - Printable Version

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Ceaseless Drums Egg Descriptions - Record Keeper - 02.Sep.12

Bass Egg
[Image: tumblr_m8k8ueFqYs1rr9dtso6_400.png]

The Bass Egg is clearly the stand out of the clutch. With a tan base it’s marked with a warm medium brown all through the centre. The brown is randomly marbled, almost like a cloud. Both the tip and base of the egg have the same marks but in white.

You are assaulted, immediately and heavily with a sudden onslaught of bellowing rage, sending all but the most hardy of souls toppling away from the egg. After the first two, it is removed from the immediate confines of the group to avoid sprawling candidates landing upon siblings. Those few souls who manage to keep their hands planted firmly upon this stand out egg will feel the emotions swirl and slow, the whirlwind fading away to reveal a very dull spark within, one that seems to poke rapidly at you with a very strong impression of a severe lack of intelligence. Those Candidates will peel away from this egg, with a dumbstruck expression, wondering if the creature within is a firelizard, for surely no dragon so dull witted will ever hatch.

Tumbarumba Egg
[Image: tumblr_m8k8ueFqYs1rr9dtso5_400.png]

The brightest egg of the clutch, it seems to be taking lessons from Blue Pistoth’s hide. Clearest, brightest white, it has lots of very faint yellow speckles all over. There also seems to be very pale blue marks around the edges, though it could just be the shadows.

At first, the Candidate with their hands upon this egg will feel nothing, for it feels ... just like any other egg! There is no presence, no emotion, no feeling just... egg. Most will pull back, bewildered and worried, to find another egg to try their luck upon. Those few who stay and poke at it, mentally or physically, may find themselves the recipient of a sudden spike of emotion - a high pitched squeal, a deep rumble of laughter, the heartbreaking sob of pain. Then the egg goes silent once more, and just listens to the thought of those who come to Touch it.

Cocktail Egg
[Image: tumblr_m8k8ueFqYs1rr9dtso1_400.png]

Alongside the Bongo Egg, the Cocktail egg is the darkest on the sands. In fact, it seems to be trying to camouflage with the sands! Mottled browns and yellows it disappears from your vision if you’re paying too much attention to another egg.

It didn't take long for this egg to be dubbed by those who knew her - the Charath Egg -- much like the green dragon, this egg takes a deep satisfaction in taunting those that Touch it. It seems to know immediately which button to press to get the most remarkable and widespread reaction out of those in Candidacy. No two candidates experience the same feeling from the egg if they take the time to compare, though they almost always respond the same way: tumbling away from the egg with a look of utter shock upon their features. The egg loves being Touched, and undoubtedly loves taunting those that do so.

Talking Egg
[Image: tumblr_m8k8ueFqYs1rr9dtso4_400.png]

This egg is quite pale, but doesn’t hold the brightness the Tumbadora egg has. It almost seems to be like an opal in certain lights, with different pastel colours mottling the shell. There is a wide cream stripe that swirls around the entire egg from tip to base.

Rage, pure and unadulterated, pours off this egg before one manages to so much as place a finger upon it. Many choose to steer away from it, seeking to Touch others that are more inviting and promise not to be torturous. Upon touching this egg, one is inundated with the underlying indication of intelligence, harsh and sharp, with a sly and menacing current of misgiving. This dragon promises to be a handful, and it promises to rule the world with an iron fist.

Bongo Egg
[Image: tumblr_m8k8ueFqYs1rr9dtso2_400.png]

The Bongo Egg is the coolest in hue of the eggs. It almost looks like the water of the rivers near Katila, with pale blue and browns marbling together to create a rippling effect. It’s equally the darkest egg on the sands with the Cocktail Egg, however it is much more noticeable.

Unlike its siblings, this egg is relaxed, quiet and lazily curious as the Candidate places their hands upon it. There is no particular feeling, except a very solid laziness and mellow acceptance. So, you touched it. Now what? This egg seems to simply accept the Touches it receives, neither here nor there as it focuses more on the fairy land it is occupied in, waiting to grow up and be free. Those who move away are placid, relaxed and content. Some show improved self confidence while others wonder what the shards is in that egg?! There is a gentle rhythm to the egg, a quiet pulsing.

Tambourine Egg
[Image: tumblr_m8k8ueFqYs1rr9dtso3_400.png]

The Tambourine egg is quaintly pretty. With several shades of pale yellow and brown on a light grey base, it looks like a young child has gone and placed their fingertips all over the egg. The spots, while faint, aren’t perfect and are smeared and blurry looking.

This egg again is different; while the majority of the clutch express distaste towards the Candidates that lay hands upon them, and the Bongo egg radiates a lazy whatever, this egg responds with pleasure at being paid attention. It fills the Toucher with hope, joy and the promise of a great future. Of fun and laughter and the delights of a good time. There is no semblance of responsibility or respect to this egg. Instead, it's quite clearly all about having fun, and the Candidate's that slip away tend to wind up in trouble for careless actions, smartarsed comments or generally mild misdeeds.