World of Pern
Weyr Hut Information - Printable Version

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Weyr Hut Information - Record Keeper - 26.Jan.12

Below is the base design of the Katilan Huts. Unlike the typical Weyrs, Katila Weyr is not set within a dormant volcano. Instead, it is settled at the base of a mountain, facing away from the Northern portion of Pern.

The huts of Katila Weyr are built almost entirely of wood, which goes against much of the Pernese belief, but the riders who survived  have no time to dig a weyr out of the mountainside, or to dig up rocks with which to build their homes. So they used the forest of trees that originally occupied the area, and converted them into large wood based houses.

Dragon power was used for a lot of the deforestation and building, as well as wood thinning and shaping. Those with learning in the appropriate areas found themselves vastly appreciated and sought after. The building of the huts took a long time, but the basic set up of Katila Weyr was discussed and agreed to by the majority.

A basic hut is set up as follows:

The average size of a single hut is 8 by 8 meters, with a few give or take that are slightly bigger or smaller, depending on the size available in the desired location and the quality of wood available for the building. Additionally, there is a 4 by 8 meter space beside the hut that is allocated to the dragon, in a hollow. Some dragon hollows are simply a depression in the ground; others are a platform built for the dragon to rest upon. This, again, depends on the location and availability.

Located at one corner of the house is a wooden barrel, that catches rain water from a basic gutter system in the raining seasons, and which is filled by the dragon at the river at other times.

Most huts have four rooms; bedroom, lavatory, kitchenette and social space. How big the rooms are, and how they are allocated is up to the individual that owns the hut. With few exempt, the hut can easily house a small family; with the bedroom usually being the largest, most children simply live in a curtained off section.

The Lavatory is not a bathroom prese. It has a chamber pot for toiletry needs, and a small tub may be held in some huts, but not in others. Depending on family needs, and availability of the hot water bathing facilities. Those that live further away are more likely to have a private bath tub than those requiring a short walk.

The Kitchenette is a space of simple needs; a fire place to heat klah, for example, and make small private meals. Most meals are enjoyed in a social gathering in the Dining Hall.

A basic image:
[Image: Basic-Rider-Hut.png]

Further Questions, Comments etc can be posted here

B'jin's hut - B'jin - 31.Jan.12

Perhaps the most defining feature of B'jin's hut - from the out side, is the fact that Larrikith's hallow is a hut all it's own. With walls built up around it, and a wide doorway covered by a thick leather tarp, she is as protected from the elements as she can get at Katila.

B'jin's original hut was destroyed in Tw Summer Storm of YEAR. In assisting with the rebuilding of other huts, b'jin was given time to go over his own plans and make changes he thought would better his living quarters. It was suing that time e opted to fully enclose Larrikith's quarters, as well as adding a massive glass door between their walls, which cost him a fortune in Katilan terms - Work.

B'jin does not often allow others within his home. His exceptions are far and few between. Larrikith respects his privacy for his home the way she does her own, and her flights often take place outside of Katila's boundaries so as to avoid home visits, or B'jin will borrow one of the empty huts on the outskirts.

On the inside, B'jin's hit is set up very similar to any other. His bedroom and social room were made slightly bigger, at the expense of a smaller kitchenette, in order to cater to Tw needs and toys of his young children. There is a large wooden chest in the center of his living area, with a flat top to cater as a table when closes. Inside, is a large array of toys, from both the North and those made in the South by himself or someone he is friends with or traded with.

All the large, main walls not taken up by doorway or window space, is covered with self drawn portraits of the most important people to pass trough B'jin's life. The largest is the image of a beaming blonde woman, with very similar features to B'jin, including his bright brown eyes. To each side of her, is the image of two young, very blonde little girls. One, the apparent eldest, claims large, serious blue eyes. The younger, has the same gleeful expression and her mother - and uncle. The image is encircled by a shadowy image that represents a green dragon. It is signed 'Benjinamor' across the right hand corner.

Another image holds the impression of B'jin's once Weyrmate, Nemall, though it is much smaller than theimage of His sister and her daughters. It is also located low and off to one side, almost out of sight.

More prominent pictures is one of Larrikith, playing with two young children, obviously related to B'jin. A little boy, who promises his dad's structure, though not his brown eyes or blonde hair - his are green and soft brown. The little girl could have been his sister, for she was more the spittin image of the lost dragonroders than even her own children.

An image of bot mothers sat to either side and above the image of Larrikith and the children. Across from them, was an image of a young woman, in her mid twenties, and a young boy. He was a rough mix up of both his parents, and B'jin could easily e seen in his cheek bones and nose.

An image of D'ren held a place of subtle honor on the back of the front door, where a casual visit would not see it. The Weyrleaders image was drawn from the day of the Renewed Hope Hatching, and was filled with quiet pride. Ronarth fille the background with the same hazy indistinct way that M'ram's green did on her image.

There are a scattering of swiftly drawn dragons in flight, some with and most without, colour. They are accompanied by the cheerful, colorful images drawn by toddlers who stole daddy's art box. Each scribble has a place of honor chosen by the child.

B'jin's home is furnished mostly for comfort, and to be child friendly. His room is home to bunks for the children that are often abandoned in favour of his bed. There is almost always an array of toys lying around, or tossed at the table-chest to be put way later. Cups of klah are known to be left sitting around, but never for longer than a night. B'jin takes a lot of pride in his home, even of yhe only people to see it are the mothers of his youngest children, and the children themselves.

*will be edited tomorrow. Written on my iPhone.