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Lighten Up [T'lian] - Printable Version

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Lighten Up [T'lian] - N'vian - 03.May.13

It was a rare sight to see one twin apart from the other, mostly because Nyvian enjoyed his brother's company far more than he enjoyed anyone else's. That did not mean that they shared one mind, and wanted to do everything the other wanted to do. Nyvian was fairly sure that Ryvian was with Indivara, likely trying to secure a future of having her in his bed. If nothing else, his brother was persistent, and he was sure that Indivara would cave to his advances sometime in the future. So, while Ryvian was busy chasing tail, Nyvian had busied himself with doing something far more menial and far less entertaining. He had started out early this morning to go fishing with a small group of men. Some people would find fishing to be fun... Nyvian found it kind of boring.

Fishing was a waiting game, and while he had a fair amount of patience, his company had not been so great as to keep up his spirits, especially when the fishing wasn't all that great to begin with. They had only arrived back just a candlemark ago with their unimpressive catch. Nyvian was convinced that Lace was a far better fisher than the whole lot of them put together, and that was because she managed to snag a tiny fish right out of the water. It was fairly impressive, especially for the dainty green flit. Lace now was asleep in his lap, rather like a canine he had never owned.

Nyvian's bare feet were stretched out in front of him, his pants rolled up to his knees so that his limbs could dry out after wading into water. The weyrbrat was sitting on one of the benches set up across the Weyrbowl, which was a heavily trafficked area. That meant that Nyvian was bound to find someone who was remotely more interesting than a lame fishing trip in the morning. He picked at his nails, cleaning the dirt out from underneath them as he contemplated what to do with his day. It was likely he'd just remain here for a while and snap up any interesting conversation that came his way.

In a while, he'd probably meander off to find his brother and reprimand Ryvian for spending so much time away from him. That, or he'd find someone to make his time away from his twin forgettable. He doubted that D'hys would be up for fooling around, but that was only because the bluerider was surprisingly starry eyed for a very demure greenrider. It didn't make sense, but Nyvian wasn't going to waste his time contemplating that puzzle. There were far more interesting things he could do, after all!

Re: Lighten Up [T'lian] - T'lian - 04.May.13

T'lian emerged from the healing hall as he often did, caught somewhere in between relief and boredom. It was simultaneously excellent and very dull to have no work to do. He'd always tended towards being a workaholic, especially here where he had nothing else to really tend to that wasn't just another kind of work. He wasn't even horribly busy, though! Khaduceth was large enough to take care of himself for the most part, lessons only took up a couple days a week and the required training that went with them wasn't much more of a burden. If anything, the time T'lian spent in the healing hall was a time sink.

As he emerged, pulling his headband now around his neck and crackling his knuckles idly, he wondered if maybe he should be training a little more right now. He wasn't the top of his class, and that was a problem...not so much because he wanted to be the best dragonrider, but because he'd never not been. He'd spent his whole academic career at the front of the pack, and now being behind in something was oddly disappointing. It made him feel a little guilty. He was trying damn hard, but just didn't have the knack for it that some of the others did. He stayed extra hours sometimes, trying to get the hang of it. He took flawless care of Khaduceth and his leathers were perfect, but flying...that was another matter.

He wasn't even catastrophically bad at it. It wasn't even funny. It was just..mediocre.

You are NOT a dragonrider Khaduceth reminded him in good humor. You are a healer who also has a dragon. Your special skills require more of your attention. Khaduceth knew exactly what to say to make the young man smile, even if the implied arrogance also made T'lian blush a bit. The notion that he was too good to be a dragonrider was pretty amusing. Who has time for lessons? I have lives to save.

It's cute how you pander to me he teased. He felt a wall of smugness coming from Khaduceth. Both knew that the dragon's comments were rooted in truth; Khaduceth really did feel that way. T'lian hardly felt special while being overcome by a bout of embarrassment at his own boring deficiencies as a dragonrider, but Khaduceth thought he was special. Khaduceth valued all the things in T'lian that he himself was most proud of, and the dragon had grown fond of expressing it in rather obnoxious ways. As far as Khaduceth was concerned, as long as they were passable as dragonriders and they both tried their best, it was fine. Anyone who jeered was just jealous. Most days, it really drew a smile from the young healer.

I love you

T'lian grinned, his mood suddenly much improved. Khaduceth was right...After three hours of extra flying yesterday and a rather ugly broken-arm-repair today, he needed to maybe relax. On one shoulder, Fellis chirped in agreement. In the crook of the opposite arm, the still-young Tansy agreed. She was a lovely little thing, though T'lian still had no idea who brought her to him. He also loved how her name creeped people out.

What better way to recover from your past? Make fun of it, of course!

"I suppose we'll find somewhere nice for you to play in the grass," he said to her as he walked along. He passed close to Nyvian, and was forced to glance briefly at him. Was that the one he thought it was? No, I think that's the other one he said to himself, recalling his past disagreement with Ryvian.  He didn't really care, though. The other man had clearly been having a rough day, and T'lian didn't care enough about others opinions anymore to let it bother him like it might have when he was younger.

Of course, now he was staring at someone he didn't know. He gave a polite nod for good measure and seated himself in the grass, gently placing Tansy on the ground so she could pounce on bugs.