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[G] [P] 737.06.12 | Standing in the shadows - Printable Version

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737.06.12 | Standing in the shadows - Kahleena - 31.Oct.16

She closed the rather worn cover of her journal and sighed. Kahleena hadn't know why she'd been motivated to read the contents there, some had made her smile but many of the entries reminded her of the painful choices she had been forced to make.

Well, not forced.

Kahleena had simply seen no alternative to the choices which were available at the time for her to pick from I still think we could have seen them. I wouldn't have minded seeing the places you've thought about so often of course Okalinath fully supported the direction of her mind <<You are probably right, but I'm not the girl who was taken...not anymore. I'm sure they moved on now. I couldn't go back and expect anything to be the same - I certainly couldn't be the wife he married>> she replied, keeping her voice as low as possible.

Not that there was always much point when Okalinath was around. A dragon as loud as her gold would always make sure that her presence was felt even when reminded to soften the volume a touch. It was an amusing if at times rather frustrating trait for her to possess. Especially given how unobtrusive Kahleena generally was for the most part <<Are you finished?>> she asked.

Okalinath had needed to feed and while the whole process wasn't something that she'd go out of her way to watch, there was no kind of doubt that she'd come with Okalinath at least when her own duties and responsibilities allowed it.

Which was passingly rare these days.

So, when the chance to steal an hour away from the Weyr and all the responsibilities had appeared Kahleena had leapt at it with as much excitement as she could muster given the weariness that often assailed her due to the frequent poor sleep she managed to get.

You could have napped. I would have kept watch and course Kahleena could trust that would be the case, the sensation of warmth and love wrapped around her rather like the feeling of being held in her mothers arm. There was both a certainty and security to that deep and abiding affection and love <<Oh I know, Okalinath. But I'm not so very tired today>> it was true, keeping secrets or telling a lie would be pointless as her dragon would know immediately.

Kahleena paused to shield her eyes as Okalinath's shadow moved ahead of her I am landing now, although we don't need to rush back... the feeling of something smug about her dragon had Kahleena standing up, her hands putting the journal and remains of the picnic lunch she had brought along into the satchel at her side <<Why? What did you want to do?>> the question asked as the golden bulk of Okalinath settled onto the ground, disturbing only a small amount of pollen and dust from the grass and flowers which covered the place they'd chosen for this interlude.

"hmmm maybe I should think about a diet for you...?" she murmured walking towards Okalinath who immediately swung her head around on her long neck Do not TEASE like that Kahleena, its not funny! I don't need to DIET! "Oh hush, my great golden love. I'm not remotely serious as you well know..." the brief laugh ended but her smile remained on her features as she reached out to stroke along the hide of her beloved gold.

Re: Standing in the shadows [N'vian] - N'vian - 04.Nov.16

Skorzanth had caught Okalinath again. N'vian hadn't really thought the bronze would catch her or try to the first time, but he had and he'd won. Now the big bronze had a set of weyrlings and another batch on the way. It made sense, if he thought about it, Kor was old fashioned and it made sense that the weyrleader's bronze would fly the oldest gold at the weyr. Knowing Skorzanth, the fucker wouldn't look at another the entire time they remained near Okalinath. N'vian didn't know what he thought of that.

Kahleena is nice the bronze offered from where he glided towards the feeding pens. And dull, came the rider's reply. That's really not fair, N'vian. She is not weyrbred like some of the others. She just doesn't understand. Maybe you could be a little more... Diplomatic, the bronze interjected in defense of the woman who rode his gold, Talk to her. She is right in front of you afterall. That made no sense. Right in front of him. Okalinath had a clutch on the sands and N'vian was sure that the gold and her rider were back at the weyr. Where they belonged. If you say so. There was a hint of amusement in the drawl of his bronze's voice that N'vian did not like and his eyes narrowed as he walked along.

As Kor hit a wherry and began to consume his prey, N'vian blocked out the utter satisfaction of the feeding that leaked into his mind. The first couple times he'd connected to Skorzanth as the bronze fed had been... Interesting and N'vian did not like the sensation at all. A large shadow passed over him and the very loud voice of Okalinath slipped into his mind. Son of a bitch. So much for avoiding the pair. He sighed loudly as he walked on, meeting the amused face of Kahleena as she patted her dragon. "Kahleena. Okalinath," he greeted them with a nod of the head, some of the amusement he felt at Okalinath's assertion that she did not need a diet still clear on his lips.

He quirked a brow, "A diet? Who needs a diet?" He knew exactly what at transpired, Okalinath's penchant for loud saving him from not knowing, but he wanted to see what would happen. "Are you enjoying yourselves?" He asked politely, something he had rarely been growing up, but being weyrleader had a necessity of politeness. Some of the holders were stodgy old bastards that demanded manners and polite action. But he was better at it than R'vi, his brother hedonistic for always.


Re: Standing in the shadows [N'vian] - Kahleena - 05.Nov.16

She had the strangest sensation that she'd been set up.

Okalinath did need to eat but the fact that both the bronze who'd caught her and also the Weyrleader -- who she would not think about being naked -- was here certainly rung more of conspiracy than coincidence and it made Kahleena silently wish that she could be angry with her dragon. Although the large gold looked passingly sheepish before Okalinath focused her attention onto the bronze and trumpted a welcome as she shifted to move closer to him.

<<Hussy>> Kahleena muttered in her mind, the touch on her mind via their connection indicating how unconcerned Okalinath was about Kahleena had her opinion about her own behaviour.

Skorzanth! I do not need a diet, do I? her dragon was totally not that self-conscious but it didn't mean she wouldn't happily reach out to speak to her mate and indulge some of her friendly whimsy just the same Doesn't Kahleena look chubbier now... she added, the silent laugher ringing from her mind.

Clearly she was not going to have the option to bolt for freedom if Okalinath was going to pretend that she was more interested in flirting with her mate. Which meant she had to deal with N'vian -- who she would not think about being naked or in bed or a morning afterwards -- Kahleena still resisted thinking about any of those things even if it was silly and prudish and made her seem odd to the Weyrbred. She hadn't been raised that way "No one, ummm...thank you, errr... N'vian and yes, we are I suppose. I-I..." Kahleena gave up on words and instead swallowed carefully.

"We should let umm-errr go...I suppose, yes. Lots to do and all that..." I have no intention of leaving just yet the sound of her dragon disagreeing pinged loudly and in her usual way to all and sundry to hear as well "When Okalinath is ready..." Kahleena looked down and silently wondered if the ground would open up and swallow her down before the blush that was rising rapidly up her next reached her face and became impossible to ignore.