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[G] [P] 735.05.15 | A Sinful Virtue - Printable Version

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735.05.15 | A Sinful Virtue - Rhaedalyn - 17.Sep.14

Rhaedalyn still didn’t want to leave her room more than she absolutely had to but with a dragon becoming more and more sand-bound and cranky as she moved further along in her own pregnancy, she didn’t have much of a choice. It wasn’t fair to leave Aradissicath alone on the Sands, despite the gold’s enjoyment of the peacefulness of finally having it to herself. Then again, with a gold that was being temperamental lounging beside her, Rhaedalyn found people left her alone a lot more than when she tried to hide in her room.


It had been three weeks since Z’ia banished her from his room and it seemed like word had spread of their spat and their potential break-up. Well, that was a bit unfair to say now. They had definitely broken up with no chance of reuniting. She had waited days upon days for that moment when he knocked on her door to apologise and greet the news of her pregnancy with a smile but it never came. Z’ia didn’t really deem to look at her in public either. Rhaedalyn swore she saw a tear once and looked distraught another time but he never let her get close to know for certain. In the end, however, she felt like a villain in one of her stories with the accusing looks some people close to Z’ia would give her.


Even now she couldn’t blame them. She didn’t truly know who the father of her unborn child was. Z’ia’s implications led her to believe it was R’nya’s from the flight and the timeline did match up fairly well but Rhaedalyn still wanted to believe it was Z’ia’s. Or, rather, she had wanted to believe. Now, she wasn’t sure. Maybe R’nya was the better choice. He was wonderful and so polite and a leader! Surely a child of his would be much the same? Her lower lip started to tremble yet again as the confusion over her predicament set in. She hadn’t even mentioned the idea to R’nya yet!


Rhaedalyn gasped as she dropped the skirt she had meant to be hemming and looked up at her dragon that wasn’t looking so well. Yes, well if you had listened the first time I called for you instead of going around in the same boring mental circles that you’re always in lately, you’d know it’s time. Another gasp as the implications of the words made sense and Rhaedalyn nodded.

“Whisper, go tell R’nya the clutching’s begun. He doesn’t need to rush here though. I’m sure he’s busy,” she actually had no idea what the bronzerider was up. She didn’t know if there was a practice that day or if he had paperwork to do or if he had plans with one of the other goldriders or was in the North. She knew he was called away sometimes, likely to keep S’kef updated on the wing but Rhaedalyn knew better than to ask too many questions in affairs that didn’t concern her.

“And you, my love, will do wonderfully. You’ve done this once before so you’re a pro at this egg laying business.” Rhaedalyn cooed encouragements as she got to her feet, brushing sand off as she went. She didn’t know how long they’d be at it this time but Aradissicath deserved her full attention for the event and Rhaedalyn was committing herself to it and nothing else.

Re: A Sinful Virtue [R'nya] - R'nya - 23.Sep.14

R’nya blinked in surprise at the unexpected appearance of Whisper, his eyebrows arching upwards as he took in her delighted chittering, and then her apparent snubbing of his companion. The man sighed softly to himself, wondering how much Rhaedalyn would be informed about from the intelligent little gold creature. He was just glad they were doing nothing untoward when she showed up! An innocent picnic was not overly worth of reporting but, with Whisper, who knew? Sitting up carefully, R’nya curled his legs to cross and held out a treat of meat for the little gold who was clearly displeased at what she found.

“Whisper; to what do I owe this visit?” he asked mildly, glancing fleetingly at Quilriana before turning his full attention upon the little firelizard. She was eyeing the piece of meat but seemed reluctant to actually take it, so R’nya wiggled it a little before moving it slowly towards himself as if he might eat it. A smile won a place on his lips when tiny golden claws stopped his hand and the piece of meat vanished into a dainty little mouth. R’nya waited patiently to be informed what the rush was about as Xyreith stirred under the tree not far away and rolled into a lazy position to watch the goings on with one half lidded eye.

The widening of R’nya’s pale eyes was the only outward indication of his surprise when the little firelizard finally opted to relay her message and scold him before vanishing between. Xyreith was less graceful as he gave a strangled squeal and bound to his feet, trotting over to the two humans with a chitter and his eyes swirling in anxious excitement. R’nya slowly climbed to his feet and extended a hand to help Quilriana to her own. “We must leave you,” while R’nya was reluctant to go, but there was a nervous delight about him that belied his anxiety to be back at the Weyr.

“Aradissicath is clutching and we must attend. I will find you in a few days,” leaning forward, R’nya placed a chaste kiss on Quilriana’s cheek and allowed her to wave him off from cleaning up the little picnic setup in favour of putting riding straps back on Xyreith who was quivering in anticipation. Flashing a small smile, R’nya threw himself atop Xyreith and the pair were quick to gain altitude before vanishing between, perhaps some twenty minutes after Whisper showed up.

Appearing out of between above Katila, Xyreith gave a bellow to the watch dragon before dropping into a spiralling dive, and pulling up just shy of too-close-for-comfort to land gracefully outside the Hatching Sands. A rumbling greeting was given, his head peering around the corner with a chirp of excited greeting to Aradissicath. He blinked at the lack of eggs on the sands, apparently having forgotten that such an event takes time. His actions wrung a short laugh out of R’nya, who patted Xyreith on the nose as he walked over to Rhaedalyn.

A small, warm smile was given to Rhaedalyn as he reached her, his step failing to hide the excited bounce that was much more reminiscent of a typical greenrider. “Hello my dear!” Leaning forward, he gave her a light kiss on the cheek before either of them could avoid it, gaze shifting back to Aradissicath as he wove his fingers together excitedly. “Do you think there will be another gold?” Gaze flashed back to Rhaedalyn, eyes wide with surprise and sudden anticipation. Wouldn’t that be glorious?!

I think B’jin is leaking in there LOL.

Re: A Sinful Virtue [R'nya] - Rhaedalyn - 27.Sep.14

Even with everything else going on, Rhaedalyn still managed a delicate blush and small smile at R’nya’s greeting and enthusiasm. It was nice knowing that he was still there for her when other certain members of the opposite sex were not. It was even more comforting because he had put his own plans for the day on hold to join her on the hot sands when he really didn’t need to. No one else lined up to watch a cranky gold clutch. Most people were just interested in the eggs after the event. How many eggs? Was there a gold? Of course Xyreith and R’nya would be curious if there was; it was a nice status boost, just as the size of the clutch was.

“I’m not sure,” Rhaedalyn finally answered, not at all sure if she’d be happy if there was or wasn’t. In a way, she didn’t mind if there wasn’t a gold. It was one less dragon for Aradissicath to butt heads with and one less female rider to throw herself at her friend when flights were upon them. Not that she had any claim on R’nya! But she hated seeing every single woman bonded to a gold hoping and even telling him that they wanted him to win. She supposed she wasn’t much better but R’nya was a friend and someone she trusted. Who better to have beside her after a flight?

She almost burst into tears again as that thought led to her current state and how very likely it was that R’nya was the one that knocked her up. A little sniffle did escape but given the way the pain Aradissicath was in with every push she gave, it was hard not to feel it coming through their bond. Everyone always talked about the flight lust but not many pointed out that pain was felt rather clearly as well. Not that she wanted to tell R’nya how uncomfortable she currently was since then the bronzerider would try to be nice and help her more than he usually did. Besides, just showing up was nice enough, considering what Whisper had shown her.

The little gold had popped back soon after relaying her message, though Rhaedalyn wasn’t entirely sure what Whisper was trying to tell her in return. All she could gather was R’nya had been eating and seemed rather relaxed with wherever he was. “I’m sorry to have called you away from your plans. You didn’t have to rush over here, Ren,” she smiled weakly with a quick glance his way but turned back to watch Aradissicath. She was doing so well! Her brave trooper.