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[G] [C] 734.09.06 | Melodic Surprise - Printable Version

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734.09.06 | Melodic Surprise - V'ler - 18.Feb.14

V’ler carefully set down his quill to the side of the parchment that was filled with his neat writing. He had taken his time with this one though even his quick scribbling notes were far more legible than nearly anyone that he knew. He especially wished he knew who the Mysterious Writer was so he could first point out the horrible grammar and writing skills the person possessed and then call them out for poor penmanship. A little more effort into such public work wouldn’t go amiss!

As the last line of ink dried, V’ler read over the lyrics once more, though he knew they were perfect. It was a song he had been working on for a while now and this was the final draft that would be given to the only man he knew was capable enough to sing it perfectly. Quill trilled his excitement and bopped his head when V’ler started to hum the melody of the song while he read the lyrics. He fancied himself a decent singer but his voice wasn’t as powerful and didn’t convey as much emotion like B’jin’s did. It was actually rather nice to have such a singer around that he could write for and know the song would be treated with the proper respect and tone in mind.

With the last note lingering in the air, V’ler smiled and nodded. It was perfect and B’jin would think so as well. It didn’t matter that they had had a little falling out months before over R’nd’s lessons and the fact V’ler had been sneaky and got R’nd to read aloud the poem that was clearly about B’jin while the greenrider hid in the kitchen. B’jin was avoided for a small length of time but V’ler knew it would be forgotten soon enough and now with such time having passed, there wouldn’t be anything but delight from the older Harper that loved to preform, especially songs made for him.

Of course that didn’t mean that all of his songs written for B’jin to sing at events would be done in innocence. V’ler still had a few tricks up his sleeve and would slowly sprinkle in fun songs and embarrassing songs for his friend to preform before everyone, especially R’nd. For now, however, the song he carefully rolled and tied a short piece of ribbon around, was done with the intention of proving how wonderful he was so B’jin once more fully fell into his obliviousness and wouldn’t suspect the pranks later on.

Are they both still out Searching? Aradissicath’s clutch was due to hatch in a handful of days and that meant a gathering would happen and spirits would be high and songs would be had. It was the perfect time to debut another song and since B’jin was already the Weyrlingmaster of another clutch, he wouldn’t be too stressed from corralling so many hatchlings for the night. Drinking and singing would be had and V’ler was tempted to even play guitar for debut. Might as well make sure the song was undoubtedly perfect in every way.

They are. You’re safe to deliver the surprise. Veeth was excited and it was clear in his melodic voice. B’jin wouldn’t be expecting it and while he picked out memories of the greenrider not being too pleased over surprises, Veeth was confident this one would bring about smiles.

Vex glanced up from where he laid curled up beside the pot of lavender oil when V’ler approached. He craned his neck for the quick petting he was rewarded with but otherwise went back to sleep. He had no intentions of going on the quick jaunt like Quill did. While one blue firelizard slept, the other made himself at home on V’ler’s left shoulder.

With the pot of oil and parchment in hand, V’ler moved from his tent down to where R’nd’s was. It was hard to keep track of where B’jin was actually staying since he did have a class to keep watch over but everyone knew he always ended up beside R’nd eventually so the bluerider’s tent was the perfect spot to leave the gift.

He peeked inside, and satisfied that not Rell or Shimmer were around, V’ler slipped inside. It wasn’t really necessary, all the sneaking around and being secretive, but he really didn’t want to deal with the whole ordeal of presenting the gift in person. There weren’t all that many options when it came to a place to leave everything but a small table was spotted and would work. The pot was set down in the middle and the rolled parchment placed carefully beside it. The note explaining both gifts was tucked just slightly under the heavy pot to ensure it wouldn’t blow away.

The lid of the pot was removed and V’ler inhaled slowly, enjoying the calming scent. He had never cared one way or the other for lavender before Impressing but Veeth had loved it when Larrikith’s oil had been borrowed early on. It had become the scent of choice and now V’ler found it as appealing as both little dragons did. It was sort of a thank you gift for lending that pot back then but also, as the note said, to help keep Larrikith healthy and happy while out on Search.

Replacing the lid and finding himself with another smile on his lips, V’ler held out his arm for Quill to return to. The firelizard had decided to explore once they got in but thankfully he was well-behaved enough not to make a mess of things or even build a nest out of the bedding.

As he headed back to his tent, V’ler caught sight of Ryvian with Tavynia and smirked. Watching Ryvian and Indivara dance around each other had inspired quite a few ideas. Two songs had been written, though both needed some fine tuning, since Indivara took over his bed and V’ler suspected there were at least two more songs he could get out of them with the way they were continuing.

Hopefully B’jin liked the current song and the idea to become something of a super team when it came to writing and singing since V’ler suspected they could be kept busy for quite some time with some of the pairs roaming around the Weyr.