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[G] [C] 734.09.13 | Impressed - Printable Version

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734.09.13 | Impressed - R'vi - 20.Jan.14

R’vi couldn’t breathe when he saw a dragonet approach Indivara. This had to be it! He couldn’t stand the idea of another one coming up to her and walking off to Impress another; which was what had happened moments ago when he walked away behind the last blue to approach their section of sand. He wasn’t foolish enough to believe a bronze or brown would Impress to a woman and the gold definitely wasn’t meant to be with Indivara either but a green or even a blue could want her and R’vi refused to give up hope on Impressing together. It may not have worked out where he Impressed alongside his twin but with one of his best friends, he still had a chance.

You will be as blue as me soon. R’vi shushed his amused dragon without looking down at him. He couldn’t look away from Indivara and risk missing what might happen.

When the dragonet didn’t leave right away but instead continued to stare at Indivara until they left together, R’vi jumped in excitement and gave a whoop of cheer. She had done it! In fact, not only had she Impressed, but it was to a blue! It had been three turns since that had happened outside of the gold Impressions but that didn’t surprise the twin that was beaming proudly as Indivara spoke with their Weyrlingmaster.

R’vi opened his arms to catch Indivara when she came running towards him, catching her and holding her in a hug. “We did it, Di!” His emotions were all over the map as a laugh escaped after the words tinged with disbelief came out. He had tried for so long, been left behind by friends and his brother as they managed to find their bonded before him, and finally Vydoriath appeared and everything seemed right once again.

Hello! Vydoriath greeted his fellow blue in joy, feeding off of the emotions R’vi was giving off in uncontrolled waves. The meat is good, isn’t it? I keep hoping for more as well. A pointed glance was given to R’vi who looked down at the hungry blues from over Indivara’s shoulder but only smiled in response.

When he saw Vydoriath perk up at something he saw, R’vi glanced over and saw someone with more buckets of meat. He waved the assistant over and managed a peek inside when the buckets were placed down. It didn’t look quite as full as the first had been but that was okay; an overstuffed dragonet didn’t sound like a fun idea. He knew he hated tummy aches and could only imagine what a whiny dragon would be like. Not to mention their bond; R’vi frowned for a moment as he eyed up the dragonet he placed the bucket in front of. “No gorging. I don’t like the hunger pains but I’m not looking forward to you being a pig and eating too much either.” A muffled grunt of compliance came from within the bucket as Vydoriath dove in for another mouthful.

“Di, I…” R’vi had no idea what he wanted to say when he turned back to his friend. It was so unbelievable and his mind was still attempting to process everything. The hardest part to swallow, outside of actually Impressing, was the colour of Vydoriath’s hide. His brother – his younger twin – had bonded to a bronze yet here he was with a blue. He loved Vydoriath with a fierceness that was also surprising but what did it say about him? Everyone was going to talk about it no matter what he thought on the subject and eventually he would have to think on it a bit more but it could wait a little longer.

Returning all of his attention and energy into celebrating the fact that he had finally Impressed, R’vi managed to sneak in a quick kiss on lips when Indivara looked his way again before glancing down at their blues. “I’m afraid I’m about to wake up and this never happened,” he confessed quietly but when he looked back to Indivara, any traces of his fear were lost to the smile he couldn’t keep off his face. “But I’ll enjoy it until I do.”

Re: Impressed [Indivara] - V'ra - 20.Jan.14

Indivara released her hold on Ryvian carefully, putting a little space between them as his attention was called away by his dragon, though her hand remained lightly on his upper arm, her own gaze shifting to look at Venseth as he peered around for more food before digging in happily to the new bucket he was presented with. Indivara nodded slightly at the assistant that had brought it over, before raising her eyebrows slightly at Venseth as he shoved his muzzle in the bucket and began eating happily. “Pig.”

Hatching is hard work, Venseth pointed out reasonably as he peered up at Indivara with one eye over the rim of the bucket. You know this, he added, finding traces of Indivara’s memories of giving birth, and the squalling child afterwards; his comment unintentionally caused the girl to bring them forward and he ‘watched’ them curiously before snorting softly and lowering his muzzle back into the bucket. Indivara gave Venseth a flat look and shook her head. She had been around enough hatchings since Nirinath had started clutching to know baby dragons were starving minions of doom, without having to go through that damned pregnancy.

“Hrm?” Indivara turned her droll look from Venseth to look up at Ryvian with raised eyebrows when he started speaking but fell off. The light kiss startled her, and Indivara’s eyes widened dramatically as her face flushed hotly and she dropped her eyes, looking first at their feet before determinedly turning to look at Venseth as if nothing had happened. The hand on her friend’s arm fell off reluctantly, and Indivara crossed her arms over her chest. It was a defensive stance that made her look grumpy, the actions were entirely done to hide the fact that her hands were shaking and she was trying desperately to hold back the flood of memories that Venseth was definitely not old enough to play party to.

The young blue had forgotten his meal, or what was left of it, as he stared avidly up at Indivara, eyes oddly emotionally-stable in a bland and non-revealing green as he shifted his attention to Ryvian for a moment, then back to Indivara. He blinked, and almost seemed as if he would say something; while neither he nor Indivara were entirely certain on what he would say, the sudden terror that radiated from Indivara shut the dragonet up before anything was brought forth. Venseth would have frowned, had he been able to, and studied Indivara for a moment longer before wisely changing the subject. I have an itch.

Relief etched swiftly over Indivara’s face, before vanishing into an amused grin as she waved down an assistant with some oil and threw a dry cloth at Ryvian, aiming at his face. “If this is a dream,” Indivara’s voice was cheerful as she dunked the cloth and half her arm in the bucket of oil, “then it’s a pretty vivid one! Mine are usually really pathetic.” Well, her dreams were – her nightmares were atrociously vivid! Venseth glanced at her again, but could tell that would be a touchy subject too. He crooned happily, more than a little pleased with the puzzle his lifemate was clearly proving to be, before the sound turned into a sigh of delight as oil was smeared over a drying patch.

Indivara giggled in a particularly girly way, and shook her head. Using her forearm to push a few stray strands of hair off her face, blue eyes sought out Ryvian’s face. “What did he call you?” She nodded towards the dragonet, and arched an eyebrow at her friend. “R’vian?” There was a flurry of half-hidden emotions lingering in the way she said the name; Indivara had not been overly impressed by Skorzanth’s choice of name for his lifemate, but then again, many of the other options would have put N’vian more in league with R’nd… The girl smirked wickedly. “Or perhaps R’an?” She wasn’t sure what would be worse; being called ‘ran’ or being called ‘nan’.

Venseth licked his lips as he finished the last of his meat, nosing around in the bucket for more, just in case it magically refilled, before sighing softly and turning to look over his shoulder at Indivara. Now what? the girl’s mind was all jumbled and Venseth couldn’t make heads or tails of what was flashing through it now!

Re: Impressed [Indivara] - R'vi - 21.Jan.14

The rag to his face was countered with sticking out his tongue as R’vi fiddled with the cloth for a moment. Vydoriath wasn’t complaining about being itchy but it wouldn’t hurt to slather him up with oil right away either. Following Indivara’s lead, R’vi dunked the cloth into the oil and started to apply it to his dragonet’s hide once Vydoriath was done with eating and stood in a way that made the task easier. His mind was still caught up in coming around to believing everything was real and not a vivid dream when the question about honorifics came up. He winced, paused in the applying of the oil, and finally looked over to his friend.

“No,” he stated softly, both relieved and a touch sad that Vydoriath hadn’t chosen the honorific equivalent of N’vian. His entire life had been filled with interchangeable names thanks to the fact that their parents gave them rhyming names. Since most people couldn’t even be bothered to attempt a guess, they had both been called Vian for a vast majority of their lives. He was Nyvian and Nyvian was him. That was how it had always been and R’vi had never expected it to be anything else. In a way, he believed they would Impress the same colour, have the same sort of honorific, and still be called Vian or possibly even Y’ian just to keep it simple for everyone else.

“He said I’m not Ny and called me R’vi.” The cloth was dunked back in the oil and R’vi returned to wiping down his pretty little blue, moving from one leg to the next. It suits him, don’t you agree? R’vi chuckled and nodded although the question was obviously directed at Indivara and her dragon. It was still odd to be given a new name but it had already grown on him and R’vi felt like he wouldn’t mind people calling him by it and continuing to have his own identity that wasn’t just the twin that didn’t Impress.

“This gorgeous guy here is Vydoriath,” he hadn’t meant to overlook introducing his lifemate for so long but there had been celebrating to do, boggling over the fact they had managed to Impress together, and then tending to the little fellows. R’vi tensed for a moment when Vydoriath stretched his nose out to sniff at Indivara and then his blue sibling. What if he didn’t like either of them? R’vi couldn’t imagine what life would be like if that were to happen. He was fine with sneaking around to have fun but hiding something from his dragon or putting Indivara at risk because of their friendship wasn’t something R’vi was up to doing. Thankfully, after the closer inspection, Vydoriath’s eyes were swirling with his happiness and seemed to have given approval of the fellow blue pair and R’vi relaxed again.

Re: Impressed [Indivara] - V'ra - 25.Feb.14

Indivara grinned; she had noted the wistful tone that R’vi spoke the negative in, but the way his little dragon jumped in to shift the mood was charming and Indivara could not help it. Besides, R’vi was certainly a better name than some of the options that had surely been available to the young blue! “Of course you’re not Ny,” Indivara admonished, giving R’vi a dirty look before turning her attention upon his companion. “It does,” she agreed cheerfully, smiling at the dragonet even as Venseth nosed at her hip.

A startled look crossed Indivara’s face as her friend turned his attention on the dragonet and introduced him, blue eyes wide with surprise. Hadn’t they done that? Really? Shaking her head with a snort of amusement, Indivara let her fingers dance lightly over Venseth’s head, and lifted his chin up slightly, laughing at the way his nostrils quivered as he breathed out a soft sigh. “This is Venseth,” Indivara spoke in a soft, tender voice as she let the blue retract his head from her fingers and extend his nose towards Vydoriath with a snuffle, and then a lick to his brother’s cheek. Satisfied, he backed up slightly and sat primly at Indivara’s feet, his rump actually on her left foot.

Indivara wriggled her toes under Venseth, but the youngster ignored her in exchange for zoning out, swaying slightly as he fought off the desire to fall asleep. Indivara was suitably surprised when her knees buckled and she almost fell on top of the blue dragon before eyes widened and she caught herself. She was pretty sure her eyes would pop out if they tried to widen any further! Shaking her head, Indivara combed flyaway strands back from her face and scowled at R’vi, though the expression was born of a desire to not fall into a dragonet induced coma.

“They should really give more warning about how heavily their sleepiness impacts, because I feel like Grith just sat on me.” Blinking and shaking her head again, Indivara drew her foot out from under Venseth, startling the dragonet awake again for a moment, and she stepped closer to R’vi, wrapping her arm around his waist and curling against his side with a yawn. A yawn she knew was not born of her own need to sleep; she had had plenty of sleep very recently! She gave a breathy giggle – the happiness she was sure was all her own – and wriggled her fingers for Venseth.

“C’mon Venseth, you can’t sleep here and I’m certainly not going to. We have rooms in… this direction?” The end of her statement lilted upwards with the airs of a question and she turned frowning eyes in one direction, then up at R’vi with a blink. Her eyes were hazy with dragonet-induced sleepiness, and Indivara pouted as Queenie and Saph both flickered into being above their heads, chittering excitedly and swirling around, both looking unsure as they took turns dipping close to the dragonets, but not so close as to be snapped up as a meal. After a few moments, Queenie alighted delicately on Indivara’s shoulder, her tail coiling around the girl’s neck while she purred against her ear. Saph hesitated, before landing carefully on R’vi’s shoulder and nuzzled his cheek in greeting.

Re: Impressed [Indivara] - R'vi - 26.Feb.14

The laugh R’vi gave at Indivara’s sudden sleepiness was far too much of giggle for his liking but thankfully his friend seemed far too focused on staying awake to tease him over it. He had to agree though; he had been wide awake – though certainly in shock – minutes before but now he felt ready to pass out as soon as his head hit a pillow. His arm slipped around Indivara when she curled against his side and for a moment he allowed his head to drop on hers to rest and take in everything that had happened. They had Impressed, together, to beautiful and healthy blue dragonets. Later, he’d reflect further on that and how Venseth wasn’t a bronze but still Indivara proved a point that she was different from the other girls and never destined for green or gold.

Saph was given a pat to his head when he appeared and took up a spot on his shoulder. It was still weird yet nice to have a firelizard do that. Tryst was missed every day and while once there had been a time he had to get used to having a firelizard attached to him and nuzzling up at night, R’vi found he was still struggling every so often to adjust to the fact that he no longer had the little blue to look after. R’vi had a feeling Saph knew he was lonely sometimes and came to check up on him and it was appreciated. He had to wonder what Vydoriath thought about flitters though and cast a quick glance at the pretty blue currently stretching like a feline. I don’t mind them. They’re playful, full of energy, and make you happy. That was good enough for R’vi.

“C’mon, my sleeping beauty,” R’vi placed a kiss to the top of Indivara’s head as he glanced around for their Weyrlingmaster and his minions to see exactly where they were supposed to go, “let’s find our beds. If we wait any longer, all the good ones will be taken and I plan on being your annoying neighbour, you know.” He grinned playfully before taking Indivara’s hand in his and waving for Vydoriath to follow with the other before leading them all off to what was starting to sound like a glorious and wonderful thing called bed.