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Skipping Eggs? [Solo] - Printable Version

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Skipping Eggs? [Solo] - NoxLPCs - 21.Nov.13

F'vin and Blue Semoth

It was one of the drier days since the rainy season had begun, so F'vin wanted to take this chance to take Semoth out hunting. The Blue didn't really like flying when it rained, but the pair didn't have much of a choice since it had been raining practically non-stop for days.

Why does it have to rain so much? Semoth whined, as F'vin tightened the riding straps around the Blue.

"I know, I know. Rain is much better than the snow we faced at Fort though." F'vin replied, chuckling.

I like the snow though. When do I get to play in the snow again?

F'vin scratched the back of his head. " I'm not sure, Semmy. We don't see snow down here, and they won't let us go back north."

I still don't like the rain...

"Heard ya the first time, buddy." F'vin said drolly. The bluerider grinned and climbed up on his Blue, strapping himself in firmly. "Okay, lets go." He urged Semoth into the sky.

I want fish. the blue piped out suddenly.

"Fish? Eh.. I guess so."


With that, F'vin guided his dragon to the river. Semoth might not be the most agile of Blues, but he was good at hooking his own fish, so F'vin didn't need to worry about him starving. Semoth landed briefly to let F'vin dismount on the shore before diving towards the river, already snapping up a fish and eating it, scales and all.

F'vin rolled his eyes and walked along the shore, his gaze on the ground. He felt like practicing his throwing and so was looking for some good rocks to skip along the water. As he scanned the dirt a little farther away from the water he paused. A small pile of odd looking rocks rested just in the underbrush. The man frowned and knelt down, tilting his head as he peered at them. F'vin reached forward to lay a finger on one of the outer ones, his frown deepening at the texture. His curiousity piqued now, the bluerider carefully picked one up, a suspicion growing in his mind. As he felt the texture of the 'rock' as well as the shaped, that suspicion flowered into truth. Why they weren't rocks at all. It was a clutch of eggs!

His head whipped around suddenly, looking for the mother. As he wasn't being attacked by a Gold, as well as the way the eggs were buried, he assumed this must belong to a silly Green who flew off and left her clutch behind. He chuckled to himself, counting up the eggs. Six of them seemed viable, and not too far from hatching. He knew he wanted at least one for himself, and N'tir had said that he was looking for a Firelizard too. F'vin grinned, planning on what he would do with the others.

He was glad he had brought his wherhide jacket with him, as the fur lining was soft and perfect to hold eggs. He gathered the clutch up quickly and went back to were Semoth was still fishing.

" I found some eggs! Hurry up so we can get these in some warm sand." F'vin called, waving to the blue. Semoth wasn't full, but he was satiated enough that he was willing to leave. Getting back to where he could keep them warm was the first thing he needed. "Oh, and please bespeak whoever, so that this clutch can be reported." F'vin added as an afterthought.

Got it...and done.

F'vin scampered onto the Blue's back, keeping the eggs steady. He gave Semoth the signal to fly, and the pair returned to the Weyr. F'vin's mind was busy as he peeked at theĀ  clutch. They all seemed around the same size, and none of them seemed to gleam at all, but he didn't really expect that Gold firelizard eggs weren't as obvious as the draconic ones, as well as he was almost positive it was a Green clutch. He shrugged,holding on to the bag tightly, eager to show his find to his son.