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[G] [C] 734.07.20 | The Art of Touching [Touching] - Printable Version

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Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - SunsetWay - 25.Nov.13

Tavynia beamed brightly at the egg as she felt herself being praised. As the dragonet overlooked the selfishness portion so did the young lady overlook such judgement upon herself. She was wonderful and knew it, the golden beauty within the egg knew it, and she even had a gorgeous twin enthralled. It was definitely a good day despite the weather! “We’ll have much fun together and I’ll answer all of your questions as well.” Since she had a younger sister, Tavynia was used to always being asked about various things and while it was sometimes annoying, for the most part it made her feel important and even clever.

“I’ll see you soon!” Tavynia smiled and barely kept herself from blowing a kiss in farewell to the egg. That had gone exceptionally well! Considering the last egg had no response for obvious reasons, Tavynia would have been happy with just about anything resonating from the egg but to have the gold dragonet seem to take such an interest in her was breathtaking.

She skipped her way over to the twin that still sat in what was definitely more mud than sand and frowned down at him a moment but then smiled. “Are you done already, Ryvvie?” Of course she was aware of his emotional unbalance since his brother Impressed and how many times he had failed to do so himself but she still thought getting him back to the Sands would brighten his mood and he’d be back to exploring the contents of as many as he could. Men were such hard work sometimes.

Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - R'vi - 25.Nov.13

“Hm?” Ryvian looked up when he heard the nickname and blinked in surprise at Tavynia. He had been lost in thought over the emotions the dragonet had imparted on him and had lost focus of what was happening around him despite trying to keep track of what his classmates were doing. It took another moment but then the words made sense but he still didn’t answer right away. He liked what that egg had made him feel and all he wanted to do was go home and reflect a bit more and maybe brave telling Indivara since she would hound him for information.

That thought made him cringe a bit. She would definitely hound him and she’d also be mad that he only went after one egg, wasting such an opportunity. He really didn’t have a choice in the matter if he wanted to avoid a punch to whatever pre-selected body part Indivara had in mind. “Nope! Still time for another one, I think.” Ryvian grinned and jumped up to his feet. He didn’t bother wiping sand off since he was growing used to being damp or muddy thanks to the crazy time of the season. Besides, he had to focus on another egg to mingle with!

A pale brown egg with what seemed to be freckles all over it was selected as Ryvian meandered through the eggs. It would be easy to simply select one that was close to where he had been sitting but he still wanted to put some effort into it. The last egg had even encouraged him to try another so it would be rude to ruin the gift he had been given by that dragonet by not giving anything the suggestion any thought. A moment’s hesitation gripped Ryvian all the same as his hand hovered near to but not on the shell as old fears surfaced again. He couldn’t keep living in the past and letting such things dictate him forever, however, and Ryvian firmly placed his hand on the warm shell.

Ooc: Truly Madly Deeply egg.

Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - Record Keeper - 28.Nov.13

Silence Is Bliss’s response to (Casa)
Another one? Another one! The little one within the egg quivers slightly as Casa’s hand is placed upon her shell, and her mind reaches back to touch the other girl’s. The child’s youth was noted almost instantly, and curiosity sparked as she brought that to the forefront of Casa’s mind, before delving through the thoughts, memories and images that were linked; men and boys, laughter, tears, joys and fears. All of it was examined by a very serious dragonet, full of bright curiosity.

I’ll Be There’s response to (Trelanvor)
Whoa, whoa, whoa! You- and here- and, really? The shock radiates off the egg the moment Trelanvor’s fingertips touch down on the shell. The fact that the young man was interested in its egg – its egg – was so amazing and wonderful and utterly mind blowing that the dragonet within the shell seemed to be dancing around in jubilation and incapable of focusing long enough to get to know anything at all about the young man – or he about it!

Truly, Madly, Deeply’s response to (Ryvian)
Greetings, fine sir! How does this day treat you? The touch of Ryvian’s hand upon the shell immediately results in response so polite and proper, that one might be inclined to think of individuals such as R’nya as a response. The dragonet is almost uptight in the manner with which it introduces itself before quite calmly poking around in Ryvian’s mind. The fears and the determination were considered thoughtfully, before a solid ‘nod’ of approval was given. Good on you, young man!

Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - Bordtai - 28.Nov.13

Bordtai remained on the sidelines for a while, lost in his own thoughts though they were surprisingly not on previous clutches.  Instead, his eyes were watching another young weyrbrat close to his own age; Casa.  Bordtai still couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about the curious girl that made her so interesting to watch.  Watching was something Bordtai was becoming good at doing.  He could seemingly disappear into the background of classes or chores and often times he was easily forgotten – but that certainly wasn’t something he complained about.

She looked like she wasn’t sure if she was going to be sick or not as she wrapped her arms around her midsection.  Was she going to go up and touch the gold egg or was she going to need to find somewhere to lose her breakfast?  Bordtai felt bad and wondered briefly if there was something that he should be doing to help, but there honestly wasn’t anything that he could do if he wanted to.

At last she started moving forward and that was when Bordtai took a deep breath, seeming to come back to himself as he finally tore his eyes away from the female candidate and looked forward at the eggs he was suppose to be touching himself.  Giving the teacher B’jin a sidelong glance to see if anyone had noticed his own long hesitant distraction, the thirteen turn old moved forward. 

This was probably the first hatching he was more interested in other candidates more than he was in the eggs before him.  He barely considered the eggs, gravitating toward one that seemed almost unhealthily small.  Then again, a few turns ago the same thing could have been said of Bordtai before he’d finally found a growth spurt turns after the other boys had hit their first ones.  Even with the slight growth spurt he was small in frame and thin.

Resting a hand on the little egg, he glanced back at Casa as he momentarily forgot that he was suppose to be getting to know the hatchling inside the shell.

OOC::  Less is More

Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - Casa - 28.Nov.13

Casa shivered at the first touches from the other, her fingers glossing over the shell. As much as she had feared everything about the interaction, this made the bad things seem to go away almost instantly - the nightmares, the fears of the egg, all of it - for a brief moment of time. As the dragonet reached out to touch her mind back, a tentative smile appeared on her face. This wasn't so bad at all! No horrifying visions, no sick emptiness. Instead there was a very real reaction! She reached a little further, waiting to see what would happen.

The experience was very quick. The dragonet seemed to rifle through her mind, examining whatever it could find as curiously as she poked around things herself. At first it made her a little unsure, but she simply waited, letting the little one go through her mind however she wanted. After she was seemingly done poking around, Casa very reluctantly withdrew her hand from the pretty white shell, blinking her eyes and sighing softly. She didn't want it to end. She wanted to let the dragonet poking around again. It was a unique and wonderful feeling.

Stroking Knack's neck softly, she stepped away, allowing another to take her place in the Touching. She stepped off to the side, closing her eyes and reviewing the experience. She had expected it to be much more distant; the personal-ness of the experience had surprised her, having never been a part of the a Touching before. But it was wonderful, and she was no longer near as afraid of the next Hatching, especially the Gold egg. Things might start to look up. Looking around, she caught Bordtai glancing her way; she waved hello and watched him approach an egg of his own, feeling at more peace.

Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - Aparicus - 28.Nov.13

Aparicus remained slightly to the side of the candidate group, closer to the bramble of gold candidates but still not fully part of them.  She needed that space, even now.  She was learning to trust people; so many seemed to have learned through rumors that she didn’t like to be touched and it has only proven to make her more comfortable around them.  There were less accidental bumping every month and it just seemed to be becoming second nature to give the woman a bit of a berth.

Waiting patiently nearby, she smiled at each gold candidate as they touched the egg and came off the sands, more often than not with a look of slight wonder.  How many golden eggs have the older, northern girls touched now?  Apari could figure it out if she took the time to count, but a number wasn’t on the top of her mind. 

There was a brief lull between girls as she watched the young Casa come off the sands.  She had mixed feelings with the girl standing at such a young age.  A dash of pride and encouragement for the girl to follow her dreams, but at the same time a bit of fear for the girls safety.  Aparicus had seen the way some gold riders came out after a flight, carefully hiding bruises and marks.  Especially Krypth’s maiden flight.  She would never wish that on a girl so young.

Ah, it made her wonder if her own blanket of safety that seemed to have settled around her here at the southern weyr would be ripped away should she finally impress a little gold queen.  The thought of being bound to a dragon was exciting and terrifying.  She could honestly say that she’d happily live out the rest of her days should she never impress.  At the same time she couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to fly above the rest of the world under her own power instead of being forced to sit so closely to another person.

Taking her turn, she stepped forward and placed a slender hand full of gnarled fingers upon the little queen’s egg.

ooc ::  Silence is Bliss

Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - R'vi - 29.Nov.13

Ryvian simply stared at the egg as it judged him in such a proper manner. It was rather surreal, especially compared to past Touchings and the excitement that came out of many of the eggs. This one was calm and seemed to approve of who he was and the decisions he was making while battling fears. It was odd but comforting and the little R’nya egg – for that was definitely how the twin viewed the dragonet as well – was as encouraging as the previous one he had Touched. It was nice to know he had some support and even a bit of understanding for what he was going through. No one really seemed to get it; not fully. Two unhatched dragonets, however, pin pointed everything easily and instantly.

“Thanks, good fellow,” Ryvian whispered but he had a smile on his face. He was feeling like himself again after the events, something that was a rare treat in the past several months. He had felt so alone and forgotten but his spirits were lifted and eyes were being opened to how much he had twisted some things while wallowing in his misery. Now he either needed to Impress the best dragon ever or be comfortable with the decision that he didn’t need one. He’d give it a few more tries before the final decision was made.

With the smile growing into a playful grin, Ryvian gave the proper egg a quick bow that R’nya would have frowned at since it was a bit sloppy and turned away. Indivara would have fun hearing about the different experiences and Ryvian would make certain he highlighted this one over the other. The other one was more personal and for him; he’d still share some of it but she didn’t need to know every detail.

He walked back over to Tavynia and took her hand in his simply because he could. Nothing needed over thinking anymore. Ryvian would do what he wanted and at the pace he wanted. Right then, he felt like being nice to the bubbly girl and holding hands and placing a kiss on her cheek for good measure.

Re: The Art of Touching [Touching] - Record Keeper - 01.Dec.13

Less Is More’s response to (Bordtai)
Excuse me? Excuse me! Hello? Yes, you there! Hello, are you paying a lick of attention at all? Why are you gawking at some broad when I – I – am here?!

The indignant outrage of the dragonet pummels into Bordtai’s mind the moment his fingertips touch down upon the eggshell, the youngster within utterly disgusted by the lack of attention it is receiving. How could someone possibly be more interested in some silly human, when it – of unquestionable glory and beauty – was right there?!

Silence Is Bliss’ response to (Aparicus)
Despite all that had placed their hand upon her precious shell, the dragonet within was no less curious about each and every one of them. Her mind was full of questions – and despite receiving answers to some degree or another from each young woman – she was quick to ask them again with each new one. That curuiosity was abounding and no less apparent as the little one poked and prodded around in Aparicus’ thoughts, digging up interesting moment’s in the woman’s memory and waiting for more thoughts to spring forth as a result.

Only when she was fully satisfied, did the dragonet withdraw.

Going to assume no one else has any eggs they want to touch.