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Drinks and discipline [V'riy] - Printable Version

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Drinks and discipline [V'riy] - Jayedi - 24.Aug.13

Pretend J'di said to meet in her hut instead- I'm not sure she has an actual office anywhere.
J'di moved around the social room of her hut, making sure the wine (the poor substitute Katila had to offer, she wasn't wasting any good stuff on a guest) was was open, glasses set up and chairs arranged to a comfortable conversational distance. She'd had to do some rearranging in that regard. Her hut was her own private territory and didn't see many intruders- and there tended to be little conversation involved when she did have company over.

She wondered exactly what tonight's bronzerider had to say, though. A question of weyrbrats and discipline, Caymath had said, which clarified precious little. Most of them needed more discipline than they got and a bronzerider was certainly more than capable of handing it out. Then again, the way they'd wilted in the face of Tsuen and S'kef, such a thing might be beyond one of the useless bitches after all.

It remained to be seen what category Morith's rider fell into.

Re: Drinks and discipline [V'riy] - V'riy - 24.Aug.13

Morith appeared in a patch of evening sky far above J'di's hut and circled the clearing below him. He bugled to Caymath in greeting as he prepared to land as well as to notify other dragons in the area of his presence. Tucking his wings in, he lowed his head and dove, the ground beneath him rushing toward the experienced pair.

The speed at which they descended might have seemed alarming to inexperienced riders in the area due to the bronze's size, but dragon and rider had been practicing such landings for turns and had plenty of experience. Morith left plenty of distance between himself and the ground when he extended his wings again, curving them to slow their progress. He then beat downward with powerful strokes to further reduce their speed and landed neatly in the middle of the clearing.

Morith had barely touched his hind legs to the ground when V'riy slid from his back and landed on the ground next to him with a soft thud. I wait here, he informed his rider as he moved to the front and side of J'di's hut and made himself comfortable there, his head positioned next to a window. The bronze intended to listen to the conversation without V'riy filtering it any of it.

V'riy quickly ran a hand through his hair and brushed off his riding leathers. He had examined his appearance for several long moments in his personal quarters before coming to meet J'di.  He had realized then that he felt a bit nervous at the prospect of meeting with the older bluerider. Though he supposed that his dragon's color would mean that she would treat him with a certain amount of respect, he really wasn't sure at all of how this was going to unfold.

The blonde bronzerider eyed the doorway of J'di's hut with his golden-brown eyes and reminded himself that this was no time to give in to ridiculous nerves. No doubt they were stirred up by memories of his own Weyrlingmaster disciplining him at Benden. V'riy valued J'di's opinion and he would have it. If she were as intelligent as he had given her credit for then he had nothing to fear.

Squaring his shoulders and drawing himself up to his full height, he strode purposefully to the wooden building and rapped on the door.

Re: Drinks and discipline [V'riy] - Jayedi - 30.Aug.13

Caymath rumbled acknowledgement of the bronze, but, drifting toward a nap, did not deign to make a more active reply. He felt safe in that action: this was a social call and Morith did not appear to stand on formality anyway. He sent a quick notice off to his rider as V'riy went to rap on the door, warning J'di out of habit more than true need- a holdover from days when lack of warning about new and potentially threatening events could be deadly.

J'di sent thanks/acknowledgement back to the blue and raised to call "Enter!" a sharp, strong tone. Proper greetings could be conducted once V'riy was inside. She didn't believe in airing business at the door, without good reason.

Re: Drinks and discipline [V'riy] - V'riy - 03.Sep.13

V'riy opened the door after a polite pause and quickly entered J'di's hut, a friendly smile on his face as he gave the bluerider a quick nod. "Weyrlingmaster," he said by way of greeting as he confidently held her gaze, raising his hand in salute. Once J'di acknowledged him, the bronzerider turned slightly to his side and closed the door softly behind him before making his way to the seat directly across from her.

He did not, however, sit down, but stood at attention, waiting for her permission. V'riy was not one to make himself at home in another rider's personal quarters before being specifically invited to do so. More, he felt that with J'di's position as a female bluerider and Weyrlingmaster, it was even more important to show proper respect to the woman and observe all of the necessary formalities.

He would have done so anyway out of habit, but for J'di the movements held a bit more meaning. She would be able to tell by the way he inclined his head just a little lower than was required in deference to her, in the tone of his voice as he addressed her with her formal title, in the way he held her eyes with his own, that he was doing more than just going through the motions. He intention was to make it crystal clear on their first "official" meeting that, though this was technically a social call, he held J'di in high regard despite not knowing her well on a personal level.

Sorry for the delay. I kind of found replying to that post a bit intimidating! haha. J'di is a big deal for me and V'riy :D

Re: Drinks and discipline [V'riy] - Jayedi - 18.Sep.13

"Wingrider."If J'di had possessed a more expressive face, V'riy's behavior would have garnered a raised eyebrow of surprise. Faredin had mentioned the man's voiced admiration of her when she'd queried the boy upon his return, but J'di hadn't put much stock in it. It could have been the behavior of a man who wished to be kind to a young boy about his mother- or of one seeking to butter up someone her wanted something from.

It wasn't often a bronzerider would offer that sort of respect to a woman who rode blue, Weyrlingmaster or not. And the further a rider got from their graduation, the more that impulse seemed to fade as respect transferred to new leaders. As for V'riy, the fact that he was continuing the act to her face boded well- but they'd see.

As much as a part of her was admittedly pleased, V'riy had J'di deep in thought as she acknowledged his courtesies and gestured him to a chair. She offered the wine and then settled back in her own chair to watch the man, sharp eyes alert to parse any bit of information the bronzerider offered in face or movement as they spoke.

"So you had a bit of trouble with the weyrbrats this afternoon, then?" She began the conversation abruptly, knowing full well he had. But conversation through dragons was never entirely reliable and J'di liked to hear details with her own ears. "None with my Faredin, I trust?" Again, Caymath and a deathly-honest Faredin had told her that answer. But if the gambit encouraged the man to elaborate, so much the better.

Re: Drinks and discipline [V'riy] - V'riy - 08.Oct.13

V'riy accepted the wine that J'di offered and took  a seat in the empty chair across from him. He tilted the glass from side to side, a habit of his, and held the glass under his nose, smelling the vintage before taking a sip of it. Of course, he knew it would only be Katilan, but his time at Benden had made a wine-lover of him and old habits die hard.

The bronzerider rolled his neck in a circle and folded his hands in front of him as he met J'di's gaze. "Thank you for the wine, and for seeing me on such short notice," the bronzerider began before answering her question as his fingers traced the edge of the wine glass. "Yes, there was a bit of an incident," he said with a grimace.

"Nothing with your Faredin," the bronzerider confirmed quickly with a smile. The blue rider's son had seemed to be everything that Quenym was not. "I'm sure that you know some, or all of the details, but I'll go over everything with you just in case. One of the Weyrbrats was trying his hand at cooking and didn't appreciate the light joke I made at his expense. There was a woman… I'm not sure  if her presence made him more embarrassed or not. They didn't seem to really know each other... Regardless, after I realized he wasn't up for the joke, I said my goodbye quickly and just exited the area. I'm not really great with kids, except for my own. But.. he did something unexpected."

V'riy, sighing regretfully, shook his head as he raked his fingers roughly through his hair. "I'm still surprised at his overreaction. He threw the bowl of whatever he was making at my back. I was so shocked I just kept walking."

"Honestly, I have to admit that I'm out of the loop when it comes to who does what where the weyrlings are concerned. I've been.. keeping to myself since the change in leadership," V'riy confided. "I've come to you because I don't want to step on any toes.. and I trust your judgement more than any other regarding the young ones.. for reasons of my own that I don't care to go into now. My question to you is, what would be permissible to do for a punishment for the young man, or any young weyrbrat, for that matter, who acts like this? How would you recommend I handle the situation?"