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[G] [C] 734.01.01 | Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Printable Version

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734.01.01 | Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - R'nya - 14.Jul.13

R’nya watched silently as Kahleena reassured Okalinath that three dud eggs were perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of before the gold dragon moved to dump the two remaining eggs between, clearing the Sands of their unbroken shells. Despite that, no one went near the dumped and rotten remains of the one that had been broken. Someone had kicked sand over it to mask the scent, but R’nya could still smell it. It was unfortunate that the shell had been broken, though the contents had revealed that nothing had ever made it into being inside. It was better that way. The bronzerider’s shoulders prickled uncomfortably as he remembered the sickly clutch Cerith had produced during the plague, and the damaged, malformed and unhealthy dragonets it had produced. Far better the eggs be dumped between, and far better the one that was broken produced no foetus.

Now is not the time for such memories, Sir. Xyreith interrupted his train of thoughts, the dragon’s own voice lingering in the realms of regret, though he forcefully banished R’nya’s uncomfortable memories and cleared space in the man’s mind as he directed his rider’s attention towards the two new gold babies. That brought an almost-smile to the bronzerider’s lips and he excused himself politely from Rhaedalyn to walk briskly across the Sands to where the two young women looked more than a little shell shocked by the latest additions to their lives.

“My ladies.” He stopped a polite distance away, and bowed slightly to them, before stepping forward with a gentle hug and a chaste kiss to each girl’s cheek. He was terribly proud of them, and their little ones were such pretty little things! “Would you introduce us?” The bronzerider crossed his ankles, and lowered himself carefully to the ground, sitting before the two young golds and waiting patiently.

Gold One, and Gold Two, Xyreith put in snidely to R’nya, approaching quietly from behind the group and across the sands. He peered back over his shoulder once, to see if Aradissicath or Okalinath and their girls were going to come over as well, before peering at the group before his rider with his usual less than pleasant expression.

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Peorray - 14.Jul.13

Having the first-hatched dragon left Peorray with the advantage of having finished giving Wydrith her first meal by the time that any visitors came calling. She might have missed most of the hatching, too wrapped up in her new dragon to note much of the activity save that there were new people drifting into their vicinity, but they were both recovered enough to start taking notice of little details like just who their new fellow weyrlings were. Ameris had been a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one. At least the other weyrling was low-drama sort of person, if not a particularly well-known one.

She knew she was still beaming as she leaned forward to accept the bronzerider's friendly hug and kiss. It was a pity that M'din hadn't been able to do so, perhaps too busy with his duties as J'di's assistant, but Peorray was just as glad to see R'nya. The steady man was a perfect first meeting for her shy dragon.

The gold had settled between Peorray and the wall beside them, keeping her rider between her and whatever might come calling. The delicate dragon rested with her head on her forelegs, curled up in a pale ball with her wings folded to hide as much of her body as they could cover. Wydrith's wide eyes whirled quickly as she turned her head this way and that to keep track of any motion or sound near her as it entered her awareness, though Peorray's hand on her back kept the minute twitches of shoulder and hindquarter muscles from turning into actual movement.

"R'nya, this is Wydrith. Wydrith, this is R'nya and his Xyreith. They're good friends." Alright, so that was an overstatement in the bronze's case. Peorray had the idea that the dragon wasn't 'good friends' with anyone. But she was starting to understand those times when her mother had tossed in a little white lie to gloss over some unpleasantness for her younger siblings or shield them from something they weren't able to understand yet. Peorray felt confident the bronze would be good enough to a hatchling and the fine distinctions could come later. Not that she was any great shakes at them herself.

Wydrith picked her head up to poke through the gap between Peorray's elbow and side, leaving the woman's arm to slide into a loose loop around her shoulders. H'lo.She greeted softly, emboldened by her rider's approval of the pair. She fretted about what else to do or say, finally lapsing into the safety of silence rather than risk disaster by floundering.

There would be others to meet too, she was aware. Others who held a much higher place in her rider's heart than these two and who Peorray would need her to accept. This was a good place to start, where it wouldn't be as bad if things went wrong.

"They won't." Peorray's firm non-sequitur, directed to Wydrith, might sound odd to their audience, but she'd caught that thought and wasn't willing to let it go on to fester in the gold's mind. They could make of it what they wanted to.

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Ameris - 14.Jul.13

Mizeath was relaxed, wrapped around the legs of her bonded with a full belly as she and Ameris waited. Waited for what, exactly, the young gold was unsure of. The two had watched brothers and sisters hatch and impress. Watched the eggs from the other clutch hatch and impress and through it all their little bond had sparked and brightened and grew. But still they waited. She shifted slightly, her twitching tail seeking other legs to twine about as she watched the man and his dragon approach. She knew from the memories of Ameris that this man was unlike the other. She was curious to meet the other but this one would do for now.

A quiet sigh of relief came from Ameris as R'nya walked towards them. It would be a welcome reprieve from the constant worry that A'mad would come to her first and she dreaded facing him. The presence of R'nya would keep the elder brownrider away. For now at least. She grinned as she accepted the chaste kiss to her cheek and the very brief hug resisting the urge to giggle and jump about. She knew the little dragon of Peorray's was a touch fearful and Ameris was loathed to cause the timid gold to fear her. Not to mention, giggling and jumping about just wasn't something she did often, much less in front of a room full of people.

She glanced down at Mizeath where the gold lay, taking up as much space as she possibly could and a feeling of love and acceptance engulfed her. She waited as Peorray made her introductions and chuckled a bit as R'nya slid gracefully to the floor in front of the two little golds. Ever one to make another at ease. She appreciated his effort though she had no doubt Peorray would appreciate the effort much more.

He is a bronzerider correct? Mizeath asked, curious and very nearly enchanted. From Ameris's memories, Mizeath learned that bronzeriders were often arrogant and generally wouldn't do such a thing as sink to the floor and sit in the dirt. This other, this R'nya was not at all like she would think a bronzerider would act. Ameris giggled behind her hand at the fascination she felt from Mizeath. "R'nya this is Mizeath. Mizeath this is R'nya and Xyreith," she introduced them before answering the question put to her, "And yes, he's a bronzerider."  Why, then, is he on the ground? was her next question. "I suppose he just likes the view from down there," Ameris winked as she turned to Peorray saying, "She's beautiful, Peorray. And such a sweet little thing."

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - R'nya - 15.Jul.13

"Hello, my sweet," R'nya spoke gently to the more timid little gold, a vague twist of his features indicating his pleasure at greeting the little dragonet. She was positively precious, but it was the little Mizeath's comment that caused amused blue eyes to shift from one to the other and he nodded in acknowledgement to her question. "Indeed." He paused thoughtfully, tilting his head just slightly as he considered how to answer the following question. It was very easy though, to be fair. "Friendships are born of respect, my dear. How respectful is it to tower over another?" His question was mostly rhetorical and he expected no answer as he extended a hand lightly, offering pets if she wanted it. He refrained from doing the same for Wydrith for the moment, wishing to use the bolder Mizeath to prove his lack of malicious intent.

"You may ignore Xyreith, lovely girls. He is not a very social creature. Okalinath and Aradissicath are still trying to get him to warm up." Which was putting their antics lightly. Okalinath used the bronze as a plaything like a toddler with a rag doll on s sugar rush, while Aradissicath seemed content to (in Xyreith's words) boss him around like he was a lowly green whore. R'nya had had a lot of fun responding to that particular comment. that I'd be so lucky to be ignored, Xyreith snorted in the back or R'nya's mind even as he lowered his head and tilted it to one side so eh could peer down at Mizeath - who was both closer and less inclined to wink between if he blinked at her wrong. Dont be so mean, Xyreith. The bronze snorted. Mean would be spooking her, he pointed out reasonably before flopping to the sands and giving R'nya a nudge on the back with his nose, causing the man to carefully catch his weight on one hand lest he face plant and eat sand.

ipad post. I think I got all the autos but well see lol.

baby dragons speak "loudly" with unfocused thoughts for the first 3-4 months until they master minds peak with their partner. I can't remember if I added that in the hatching thread so I wanna explain why Ren is replying when Mizeath didn't bespeak him specifically. At any rate, it can prove embarrassing. Or amazing. Depending on the circumstances xD

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Peorray - 17.Jul.13

"Yours is beautiful, too." Peorray was happy to return the compliment to Ameris in kind. "And so curious. It's sweet." Though she'd known that from the egg touching. Wydrith's own response still confused her in light of today's events, but that pleasant curiosity had been the most distinctive thing about the other egg.

She glanced over at R'nya and his bronze, grateful that they were obviously taking such care not to spook Wydrith. The dragon felt much improved from her earlier panic, but the world could be a big, scary place for a just-hatched baby. And meeting strangers could be stressful even to the bold. She looked back at Wydrith as she felt the gold react to R'nya's words- and find them troubling.

But why should he have to 'warm up' if he doesn't want to? Shouldn't they like him as he is? Wydrith asked Peorray, who coughed slightly to hide the beginnings of a laugh. In the space of two questions, she'd felt her dragon's wariness of Xyreith turn to a kind of sharp-edged protectiveness of the bronze. She couldn't deny a surge of pride for the gold and felt Wydrith's grateful pleasure in return.

"They should, yes." She answered carefully, conscious of wanting to impart the right message. "But I guess that they mean well, and are just trying to express that they want him around."

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Ameris - 19.Jul.13

Mizeath started slightly. She hadn't expected that her words would be heard by all within hearing distanced and it was disconcerting for the young gold. She masked her surprise by lifting her delicate muzzle and sniffing at the hand R'nya offered her. Then we shall be friends, yes? she told him, considering his words as she ducked her head below his hand. It would be exceptionally rude to tower over someone as if they were below her and Mizeath was anything but rude.

Mizeath trembled almost imperceptibly when Xyreith came closer and peered at her through one eye. It was but a moment before she ceased her trembling. She would not be afraid! It would be silly and she was not silly. Greetings bronze Xyreith, she said as she leaned just a touch against the legs of her bonded. She took strength from Ameris and her cue. Ameris was not afraid, so she would not be afraid.

Ameris smothered a chuckle at the very put out tone that she heard in the words of Wydrith, "It would appear that you have a champion, Xyreith." She was glad that the timid gold was warming up herself and less inclined to be afraid of the large bronze. Her chuckle turned into a laugh as Xryeith snorted and thumping R'nya with his nose. The relationship between man and dragon was one the fledgling rider envied and she could only hope her and Mizeath would have such a easy and fast bond. We shall, and Ameris smiled as she reached a hand out to scratch the gold beneath her chin. 

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Rhaedalyn - 19.Jul.13

Rhaedalyn had been gushing with Kahleena over all of the beautiful dragonets and helping to reassure Okalinath about the duds so she hadn’t paid too much attention to the new goldriders. She would properly congratulate them later once they had fed the babies and gotten over the shock since she remembered everyone crowding her. Besides, they had R’nya with them and he would keep the crowd under control and convey all the necessary comments needed for the time being, so she hadn’t caught anything being said by humans or dragonets and startled at the harsh tone brushing against her mind.

They are talking about us. Rudely. Inconsiderate little upstarts. Aradissicath was bristling as she eyed the newly hatched golds. She was already certain she wouldn’t like them and decided not to bother with them after she made a point of snubbing them. “Dissi! What has gotten into you?” Rhaedalyn was so embarrassed. She didn’t think her dragon had broadcasted to anyone but her but her comment was still horrible!

They think we’re trying to change our friends and I will not let them think nor believe that.Aradissicath didn’t give Rhaedalyn a chance to argue as she sauntered over to the little group, leaving her rider gawking before apologizing to Kahleena and chasing after her. The gold dragonet sat down closer to Xyreith than the little children to show her personal allegiance and to make it easier to glare at the one that thought they wanted to change the bronze.

Making him warm up to us is not the same as making him change who he is, little baby. He is a grumpy old beast but we like him all the same for it. My sweet rider only wishes to make sure he likes her and isn’t bothering him. You would do best to respect your elders and mind your filthy tongue. Aradissicath spoke to all in the group so even the females now bonded to the upstarts would know the verbal lashing the babies had received and understand any crying that might ensue. As if only remembering what the timid gold’s rider had said, Aradissicath turned her gaze to Ameris. Xyreith is the last dragon in need of a champion; not that he needs one anyway. He is already well respected and loved by those that matter.

Rhaedalyn was beyond mortified and bit her lower lip as she stared at Aradissicath and flicked her gaze around the group. “I’m sorry! She’s usually so sweet. I don’t know why a comment I didn’t even hear upset her so much.” Ameris and Peorray would surely hate her now and R’nya would likely never speak to her again either. In some odd twist of irony, Rhaedalyn figured Xyreith would be the only one to come away from the outburst as her friend. “Your dragons both seem very lovely and I wish you well and good luck in your classes.” She wouldn’t cry. She would not cry! Apologizing was making it easier to stick to that mantra.

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Peorray - 20.Jul.13

Wydrith squawked in alarm at the older gold's glare and verbal reprimand, temporary bravery disappearing as fast as it had come as she tucked herself back down behind Peorray and made her body take up as small a space as possible. She was sorry, so sorry, she projected the feeling briefly but strongly, before taking refuge in Peorray's presence in her mind.

She didn't want anyone angry at her but now Aradissicath was and she was going to eat her for breakfast and she didn't want to be eaten and hated forever. How she could be both at the same time was a mystery, but Wydrith was absolutely certain the the older gold could do it.

Peorray sighed as the older gold snapped and hers cowered and Rhaedalyn babbled a frantic apology. She didn't blame the other woman at all for her dragon's upset and gave a nod of acknowledgement at her well wishes. "Thank you for the compliment and good wishes." She replied politely, before turning to look at Aradissicath.

In the interests of trying to get along, it wasn't as angry as it might have been, but her expression was still not happy as she continued flatly "It was a misunderstanding. Insults are not necessary." She was fine with Aradissicath wanting to set the record straight, but she wasn't going to stand by and let the dragon bully Wydrith when a bit of patience and a gentler explanation would have sufficed.

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - R'nya - 23.Jul.13

R’nya was quietly petting Mizeath, considering how to answer the question Wydrith had presented, when Aradissicath swept in. Xyreith’s quiet alert in the back of the man’s mind was riddled with laughter and, as much as R’nya knew his beast, he knew that such amusement could only mean one type of reaction from the other gold. A cautious sideways look at the older gold revealed he was not wrong, and R’nya turned his attention back to Mizeath with careful dedication.

He could feel her sitting behind him, next to Xyreith, and it made the little hairs along the back of his neck stand up. R’nya wasn’t afraid of dragons, and he certainly wasn’t afraid that she’d hurt him, but an angry dragon was still an angry dragon and Aradissicath was growing quite big! R’nya rolled his shoulders slightly, shrugging away the uncomfortable sensation as Xyreith sat up lazily and watched with very obvious amusement as Aradissicath snarked at the babies. Fantastic. They think I’m old. I am sure I found some grey on your muzzle last bath, Xy, a great big patch of it. Ha ha, Sir. Ha ha.

The bronze dragon turned, rumbling in amusement, to touch his nose to Aradissicath’s shoulder; he didn’t speak to her – he didn’t speak to anyone – but he was not shy about sharing his amusement with all of them, about the whole situation, as he flopped back down again and snorted gently at Mizeath. Think she’s jealous? he teased R’nya, who sent back his own dry retort. Xyreith just rumbled again. This day was so much fun! Turning his head slightly, Xyreith watched Wydrith for a moment, tilting his head to better see her, before nosing past Peorray’s skirts and licking the little gold on the nose. Then he sat back up, looking smugly at Aradissicath to see how she had reacted.

Standing up slowly, R’nya reached out lightly to wrap his arm around Rhaedalyn’s shoulders for a moment, giving her a quick squeeze. “First rule of Weyr life, my dear: ‘the dragon chooses, the rider complies.’” Oh, they would tell every Lord and Lady of every Hold, every Master of every Craft, that the men were the ones in control, and to a degree, they were. However, who had ever had the ability to control their dragon’s thoughts and speech? Or to actively chosen the winner of their flight? Who had ever chosen which dragon would be theirs? R’nya tossed her a light wink; anyone that gave her trouble for something Aradissicath said, obviously either didn’t have a dragon, or was proddy. Probably proddy.

“You cannot always control what your dragon does. Just do your best to clean up the mess.”

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Ameris - 23.Jul.13

Mizeath did nothing but enjoy the scratches and pets R'nya was giving her as the older gold strode towards them with all the arrogance of a bronze. And she would do nothing as the other gold lit into Wydrith like a spoiled child left to their own devices for much to long, for she refused - refused! - to dignify any of Aradissicath's words with a response. However when the older gold attempted to chastise Ameris for nothing more than words said in jest, the little gold inclined her head and for all intents and purposes looked down her long delicate nose - or at least attempted to - at the elder dragon. One would think that a touch of decorum would better suit one such as you, she drawled in her very best lady like voice, plucking the words she needed from the mind of Ameris, My rider has never doubted that Xyreith is well loved and respected and I highly doubt he has need of you to champion him any more than he has need of Wydrith to. There were no real outward signs of the agitation Mizeath felt at that moment, save for the fine tension in her body and the quick whirling of her eyes. Eyes that were slowly touching red.

Ameris's brow rose to new heights and could very nearly give one of R'nya's a run for it's money as Aradissicath began to spew her words. She inclined her head at Rhaedalyn as the woman attempted to apologize for her dragon's outburst, a slightly forced smile on her lips, "It's quite alright, Rhaedalyn. I've much in the way of experience with tantrums." For that's all Ameris thought of the outburst, nothing more than a tantrum thrown by a young dragon who disliked having her position poked. A tantrum that would do her toddler son proud. "Respect is a two way street, Aradissicath" she spoke calmly and smoothly to the gold before turning her back to disentangle the long serpentine tail of Mizeath from around the leg of a table, preparing to leave the small gathering if need be.

Had she been in a better frame of mind the smug little look Xyreith shot at the gold would've brought an easy chuckle to Ameris. She tried to emulate R'nya's unflappable calm but the more she thought of the words she had just heard the more angry she became. They had done nothing to incur the wrath of the elder dragonet and quite frankly the situation had gotten much too out of hand, much too quickly... And how dare she speak to the timid, quiet Wydrith in such a manner! Ameris had been bullied and abused for much too long by someone important to her and she refused to add another to the roster nor would she stand idly by as someone far weaker than herself was bullied. She and Mizeath would champion Wydrith along side Peorray if need be, though she had a feeling that Peorray could do well on her own. She would not see the smaller gold beaten down by a spoiled child, no matter who that child was.

She could feel the small flutter of Mizeath's distress in the back of her mind and Ameris started slightly. She needed to calm herself before something horrible happened. Taking deep breaths Ameris stroked a hand down the tense neck and back of Mizeath, "It's alright, dear heart. It's alright." The words were spoken quietly and low, meant for Mizeath and Mizeath alone. There was an imperceptible release of the dragon's tension and her eyes had begun to bleed back into the curious and calm blues of a content dragon before Ameris turned back to the small group with a strained smile. "R'nya's right, Rhaedalyn. For all the bonds of impression, dragons have their own mind."

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Rhaedalyn - 23.Jul.13

Rhaedalyn wanted to believe all the words insisting it was fine but she wasn’t as stupid as everyone believed her to be. She could tell she was being judged and spoken to nicely so she’d either go away or end the fighting; likely both. Unfortunately neither happened before Aradissicath was eyeing those that thought they were innocent and being judged poorly. You are very cute in your delusions. You started the insults by assuming Rhaedalyn and I were horrible enough to try to change someone to our liking. That is the only reason why I am over here now setting you straight. Again, think before speaking and you may find you have friends instead of enemies.

Aradissicath didn’t give Xyreith the satisfaction of a reaction since she truly wasn’t there to fight or bring up more drama. All she wanted to do was to point out their flawed way of thinking and be done with them all. The fact that they still thought they were perfect annoyed her to no end and she sadly started to count two dragons and two humans before her that she didn’t want to have to deal with again in the future. The bronze pair were as they always were with one being comforting and the other being a smug troublemaker hoping to get a rise out of someone. She couldn’t say she was entirely innocent herself though since the idea to copy Xyreith with a lick to the great bronze’s cheek to show her friendship with Xyreith was great but it would seem too catty and only spark another unnecessary comment from one of those with big mouths. Instead, she simply turned and walked away from the group, moving with deliberate steps she concentrated entirely on. Stumbling in front of such a crowd would simply not do!

Rhaedalyn’s shoulders slumped beneath R’nya’s touch and she nodded again at his words that had been meant to be helpful but she still felt useless with letting Aradissicath do what she wanted. Although, she had to agree with her dragon. Why would someone think she was mean or wanted to change a friend? She didn’t like that no matter what she tried to do for Xyreith didn’t seem to make him like having her around but he hadn’t tried to eat her yet so she was content with their relationship and would never think of changing him.

Maybe Aradissicath was right and they’d do best to stay away from the new goldriders and their dragonets. She hadn’t really spent a lot of time with them before and now she wasn’t sure she wanted to try. If they already thought she was horrible, then they would expect her to ignore them and stick with her little group of friends. It was better that way. “I guess we better get going! You’ll have a lot to learn over the next few hours to make sure your dragonets are happy and healthy and extra distractions aren’t needed. Good day to you all!” Rhaedalyn smiled brightly as she pretended she wasn’t devastated at being hated and judged so harshly before slipping away from R’nya. The bronzerider was given a wave as she skipped her way off the Sands, following along behind her dragon.

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - R'nya - 30.Jul.13

R'nya could handle catty bitch fights. He'd put up with enough of them over the turns that they really didn't register that much any more. There was usually a little bit of clean up to do, some mild scolding, and life would go on. But that was the girls. This was three (four if you included Xyreith's baiting) dragons, and while two were certainly just itty babies, Aradissicath was no small thing and the other two girls would be big before long. Rhaedalyn may have feared the unlikely event of Xyreith eating her, but R'nya was suddenly convinced his life would become very, very short very quickly. Between three fighting golds was no place to be, and the horror of them being proddy around the same time was... Horrifying.

This was not a position he had any desire to be in, but the words being exchanged - by both human and dragon - were not looking promising and R'nya frowned mildly as Rhaedalyn slipped out of his light, one armed hug and skipped away. The bronze rider, far from being a fool, could easily see how upset Rhaedalyn was, though it may not have been obvious to the other girls. Resisting the urge to groan, R'nya rubbed at his temples with one hand, and simply stood silently for several moments. That had not gone well at all, and he had a feeling that the future would be no smoother - while all three of the dragons would undoubtedly forget within a few hours to a few days, R'nya wasn't quite prepared to bet on the girls forgetting. And if they didn't forget, the dragons wouldn't forget.

What a mess. letting his hand fall away, R'nya turned back to the two new weyrlings, examining their faces silently to get a feel for how they felt about the whole ordeal. While his own expression gave no disaproval, there was just as clearly no approval for the events, either. He wasn't going to lay blame at anyone's feet - it was a badly handled misunderstanding, nothing more, nothing less - but he would offer up a warning to thr two girls, one he would repeat later to Rhaedalyn when he found her. "Dragons have short memories. Two to four days at most. While they're unlikely to forget an impression made by another, they won't remember the reason they feel something, unless you feed it to them. Keep that in mind."

He would blame the girls if they fostered enmity between the golds, and the way he spoke quite clearly stated as much, even if he didn't come right out and say it. While R'nya doubted that Aradissicath and the two hatchlings would ever foster a friendship, they would at least tolerate one another's presence if the girls were delicate in their handling if the little meeting. It was the best he could do, and certainly would become something he would be wary of in the future. He'd gotten lucky, with Kahleena and Rhaedalyn already being tight friends before their impression, and he'd gotten lax as a result.

Sweeping into a fluid half bow, R'nya's expression was much more mildly pleasant as he met both girls eyes, his own blue eyes bright and a twitch at the left corner of his lips hinting at a smile. "You have done marvelously, my ladies. I will see you out in a few days, once you have settled into your new routines." Squatting down, he gave Mizeath a soft pet on the nose, and extended his fingers for Wydrith to sniff at before standing once more and striding away, Xyreith hauling himself out of the sand to walk quietly along behind him. He would seek Rhaedalyn out later, after she had cooled down (worked herself up more, you mean.) but for the moment, food sounded spectacular. On that note, Xyreith paused, before taking off when there was enough wing room. Food did sound great!

sorry for the wait!

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Peorray - 30.Jul.13

Peorray stared blankly after the departing gold for a few moments, feeling as though Aradissicath had missed the point a little. Wydrith was a baby and hadn't meant to insult her- the older gold had meant hers. And what were they deluded about? Wydrith had made an innocent assumption, Peorray had been trying to be fair and put a positive spin on a situation she didn't know much about, and Mizeath was quite correct in arguing that more decorum in general probably would've been a good thing.

She called a goodbye to Rhaedalyn as the woman left, feeling awkward. Thankfully, Rhaedalyn hadn't seemed to take things as much to heart as her dragon had. But there wasn't much to say that probably wouldn't leave one or the other of them feeling as though they ought to defend their dragon. But maybe she could give it a while to calm down and go apologize for the misunderstanding. Wydrith had, in her own way, but maybe it was necessary on the human end, too? Regardless, she'd have to make sure Aradissicath wasn't around if she did. She didn't trust that dragon not to twist a good intention.

R'nya's words made her flush uneasily at the implication. She'd never be Aradissicath's greatest friend, but she saw no reason to court an enemy. And Wydrith just wanted to be left alone, as far as she could tell.

Not alone. Came the reply immediately. The gold had remained crouched where she'd retreated, more confused than anything when Xyreith licked her cheek, but uncurled herself enough to sniff at R'nya's fingers when they were offered. But maybe... not with Aradissicath? Wydrith's reply was soft and hesitant, but the feeling was strong enough. She did not trust or want to be around the older gold any more than she absolutely had to.

Though she wouldn't feed the situation any more (one spat was not all that important in the long run), Peorray couldn't argue with the wish for avoidance. Right now, though, R'nya's ending praise reminded her that this was a day for celebration. She'd Weyrmated last night, Impressed this morning, and no petty bickering was enough to compete with the joy of those two events. Seeking out M'din so she could share her excitement was much more important.

Still, before she left she made sure to smile at Ameris and Mizeath. "Mizeath seems like a wise one- and good with words. I wish we had that gift." Peorray wouldn't give up Wydrith for anything, but it was a shame that apparently neither of them were silver-tongued. "Congratulations again, and I hope we haven't ruined your day."

Re: Precious Metals [Ameris & Peorray, Rhaedalyn (?)] - Ameris - 31.Jul.13

Ameris watched quietly as Aradissicath stomped away. Most of the words of the elder gold were unnecessary and quite uncalled for and she still considered it a tantrum and probably always would but she would try to let it go. She watched as Rhaedalyn gave her forced good bye from beneath her lashes, idly stroking Mizeath along her head. She of all people knew the wounded look that slithered behind eyes perched in a rather false happiness. Ameris had seen the same in any reflective surface for much of her life to mistake it for anything else. She had taken great pains to speak words that would not do any harm to the girl, carefully keeping her tone even and calm for she didn't blame Rhaedalyn for Aradissicath's outburst. The dragon had her own mind and blaming her rider for it would be like blaming a leaf for falling from a tree. Pointless.

She listened to R'nya with half an ear as she mulled over how best to handle a situation with Rhaedalyn. A meeting alone would be the best thing she was certain. She highly doubted they could get through a meeting with their golds present without someone crying and she had even marks that it wouldn't be her. And she had no urge to make the younger girl cry so a meeting without the two would need to be arranged.

She smiled and nodded at R'nya's words and Mizeath gave his hand a light lick as the bronzerider took his leave. I can not like her you know. But I will be polite if I must the sunlit gold told her rider. Ameris tore her gaze from the retreating back of the bronzerider and his dragon to look down at Mizeath, "You must." Mizeath snorted as Ameris turned to Peorray to accept her congratulations. "Here's hoping she stays that way anyway," she said in response to the other woman's words, "And of course you haven't ruined my day. Now go! Enjoy your impression celebrations and your new dragon, Peorray. You deserve it as much as any of us."

We will go meet the other now? Mizeath asked quietly as they watched Wydrith and Peorray walk away. She grimaced at Mizeath's question. The other could only be A'mad and she dreaded it. I am very curious about him. He features a lot in your memories. "If we must," Ameris said. We must, her dragon insisted as she collected her sinuous body from the ground and went off, stopping long enough to wait for her dark hair rider to catch up before moving again.

**Ameris and Mizeath... Exit stage left!**