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Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - Printable Version

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Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - Casa - 29.Jun.13

It had started a good day. Casa had been productive, and had even had time to snag a bubbly pie or three. After dinner, she helped clean dishes and prep for meals the next day before heading out to the open spaces of the weyr to wander around. After dinner was one of her favorite times to walk around and enjoy the fresh air when it wasn't raining; the weyr was large enough it was easy to find a quiet space to sit and relax. It was a pleasant evening, and she was looking forward to sit down somewhere and watching the stars.

However, it didn't seem that this was to be the case. Her good day very quickly was flipped on its head when she found one of the older weyrbrats picking on a little girl. Without a second thought, she stomped up to him, demanding he leave her alone. He had sneered at her, suggesting that she make him. Unfortunately for him, he didn't expect her to do just that. Dae snarled another warning at him, eyeing the girl and nodding to her to run. The bigger boy shoved the little one down, and then Casa lost it. She launched herself at him, tackling him to the ground.

After several minutes of wrestling around, she came out on top. The little girl had vanished, taking the opportunity to get away from her tormentors. However, Dae was not so lucky. She had left the boy with a black eye and several scratches down his arms, as well as having gotten in a good kick to his ribs. However, she hadn't gotten away without some punishment of her own - a long gash across her forehead was now bleeding freely,  along with several bruises across her chest. Her back also hurt, and she felt like maybe there were scrapes and cuts along there too. She also found she could barely walk from where her ankle had twisted in the struggle. Shards. She left the older boy in a moaning mess, warning him to leave the little children alone, before she began to limp away, a thunderous expression on her face.

Shortly after, she began to regret the fight, if only for the pain she was in; the weyrfolk would not be pleased she had tangled with someone else, which more than likely meant a punishment down the line, but she didn't care about that. No one had the right to pick on a little kid. No One. After what seemed like a long walk up to the Healing Hall, she limped in and stood awkwardly at the door, the blood on her face starting to drip down onto her tunic and across her cheeks. This caused her to scowl further - now she would have to thoroughly scrub her worn down clothes. And to think, she had just wanted to see the stars...

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - T'lian - 17.Jul.13

I hate to bother you Khaduceth said lazily, But there seems to be an injured youngster looking for help

T'lian frowned and looked up from his papers. He'd spent all morning making rough sketches of leaves; his little plan to return to Healer Hall one day with a complete catalog of southern emedicinal plants had not been forgotten. Not only would it make up for the lost turns, but it also brought him closer to his true goal: finding a cure for B'jin's crippling, heart-rending numbweed allergy! The allergy, of course, was treated as nothing less than a state secret. When asked why he was so interested in mutilating himself through self-experimentation, T'lian merely said it was out of curiosty, but shards! At this point he practically felt like he was saving his father's life!

Dramatic, perhaps, but he would settle for no les!

Now, Khaduceth's tone was enough to draw T'lian's attention for at least a brief time. It was interesting, because while the dragon didn't sound impressed, he'd also bothered to speak. Were the youngster in question truly unharmed, Khad would have utterly ignored their existance. Knowing this all too well, Tal could only assume the child's injuries were somewhere in between 'boring' and 'urgent'; important enough to be worth his time, but nothing to get excited over.

So far., Khaduceth was a pretty good guess on such things. Oh, the brown dragon knew T'lian so well! He rose from his seat and trotted out into the lobby, eyes peeled. Fellis was close at his side, purring as he curled on his shoulder.

Tansy was ahead of the game. Upon Khaduceth's alert, she was off. The gold fire lizard quickly located Casa, and by the time T'lian was out looking for her, Tansy was already scolding her and trying to herd her towards T'lian. He groaned when he rounded the corner to see it.

"Tansy! Bad!" he snapped, holding one arm out and pointing at it irritably. The little queen reluctantly but promptly obeyed, winking between to join him. He sighed, gave her a pat, and looked to Casa.

Faranth, did she lose a fight or something? He frowned with concern. "Come on," he said, ushering her towards the nearest available exam room. "Let's get you fixed up."

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - Casa - 22.Jul.13

She waited in the quiet entrance for a couple of minutes, pain starting to radiate genuinely throughout her. She didn't want to go and make a huge fuss, as she knew there was bound to be words about this when she finally came back to the hall tonight. Especially since she knew she looked worse than the other brat. After a couple deep breaths, she begin to move in further - until the firelizard attacked. She startled, eyes wide, as it chittered angrily at her. She wasn't sure what to do, at a loss for words.

However, after a moment, she was recalled as someone snapped out a name. She blinked, running a hand over her eyes (it was hard to see when you were bleeding in the face), trying to see who it was. Looked like Talian - T'lian, she corrected herself automatically - and he was calling her over. He began to walk towards an exam room, and she went to take a step, cringing. Slower, then.

She took her time limping slowly and carefully after him, eventually easing up onto a table and lying flat. She pressed her lips tightly together, refusing to make a sound when she jostled against the surface and it caused pain to shoot throughout her. She took her tunic off, modesty forgotten here of all places, and slipped it under her head to keep blood from dripping on the exam table.

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - T'lian - 22.Jul.13

"Well now," T'lian said, frowning and closing the door behind him. He paid no attention to the girl's lack of shirt; modesty was all well and good in normal life, but medical situations were something different. He walked over to her and delicatly reached for her cheek as he glanced over the gash on her forehead. "What happened?" he asked, both for his own knowledge and to give her something to talk about. It would be nice to give her some way to distract herself while he worked on patching her up.

Tansy and Fellis watched from nearby, the tiny blue pressing his body into the larger queen. Tansy purred and set to work grooming him, lapping her forked tongue along his neck to soothe him. They watched as T'lian walked across the room to fetch some redwort and numbweed to care for the wounds. "Let's get that cleaned up," he said as he walked back, setting the redwort powder down as he prepared a bowl to water to mix it in. No one quite understood why, but the mixture did wonders for healing wounds and helped fight infection.

"Now, please hold still for me," the healer said in a soft voice. "I need to scrub that wound clean before I can stitch it up for you. I promise you won't feel a thing," he said. He'd be sure to numb her before setting to work on closing the wound, but a little reassurance always helped.

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - Casa - 22.Jul.13

She stared carefully at the healer, slowly relaxing as he went about his healer...stuff. She saw powders and water and numbweed. That wouldn't be half-bad, she imagined...numbweed. When he began to work, she started talking. It was a good distraction, even if she was calm enough to not give him any issues. "I went for a walk after dinner. There was someone picking on one of the littles. I told him to stop...she looked terrified." Her voice got almost angry, but she paused as she saw him begin to prep the needle. Curious, she watched him work, and when he went to sew the stitches, she continued.

"He wouldn't stop, and tried to tell me off. I warned him it wouldn't end well for him if he didn't stop...when he tried to scare me off, I dealt with it." For once, the girl's normally cheerful demeanor seemed flat, empty. She couldn't feel the pain in the cut anymore, but it felt kinda funny to have the tugging feeling that came with stitches. "He managed to hit my head on the ground, which is why there's the cut. And he stomped on my ankle, so I think its twisted or something."

She sat quiet now, waiting for the scolding that was due, especially from a healer. She had known better, sure, but...bullies weren't okay. It was the one thing that caused her temper to spiral. She felt bad since she knew there were other ways to handle it; she'd have to find another way to deal with idiocy in the future. Glancing over herself, she shrugged. "There's a bunch of other scrapes and cuts and bruises too, but those'll heal on their own." Feeling a little dizzy, she blinked and went to lie on her side. "Thank you, T'lian.."

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - T'lian - 24.Jul.13

It looked to T'lian like her opponent had done more than 'manage', but he was used to patients being prideful and self-righteous about their battle scars, especially in situations like this. No one wanted to show up and admit they'd jumped in over their heads, particularly when they felt's they'd done the right thing. Tal personally found it awfully childish and irresponsible that she felt into a fight herself rather than going to find an adult, but she wasn't his daughter, so he kept his mouth shut. He didn't tell people how to live their lives, but he'd seen what could happen in this place. Starting fights without thought? Not the best way to keep from getting seriously hurt, and when it was all said and done, he was relieved that this was all that had happened.

"We'll get them all cleaned up for you. The humidity here can make even small wounds fester, especially if they aren't properly washed," he said simply. "It won't take long and you won't feel a thing, so just hold still a little bit longer and we will be done."

He frowned a little as he continued, his touch gentle and fleeting. "You're quite welcome," he said in reply, a little surprised that she knew his name and a little bit annoyed that she used the cursed contraction instead of his real name, but she didn't know that. Only a few people knew just how deeply he resented it, so he wasn't about to hold it against anyone. He just smiled instead and took a step back, rinsing the redwort solution form his hands before making a move for the numbweed.

"Now then, I'm going to numb you and then stitch up this gash, okay? I need you to hold very still for me," he said gently, eyes locked on the wound as he appraised it. It looked worse than it was, he decided...scalp wounds sure did bleed a lot.

He sighed a bit as he strung his needle. "You know I have to report this, right?" he said with obvious egret. He hated to do something like that, but the weyr had started taking fighting awfully seriously lately. Maybe it was for the best in the overall scheme, but that didn't make individual situations any less shitty. "...And the name of the bully,' he added, hoping that would at least partially make up for it. His tone remained rigid and uncomfortable, but his disdain for the leadership (and the situation) showed plainly enough in his eyes. He would really rather just...let it go.

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - Casa - 24.Jul.13

She looked up regretfully, mistaking his rigidity for disapproval. "I..." Her voice was full of sadness and she blinked meekly. "I just..I won't do it again. There are better options. I need to learn to reign in my temper. I made a bad decision." She didn't know the healer well, but she felt bad that she had interrupted his evening. Foresight - and better control on her temper - would have avoided this. Her thoughts grew a little fuzzier and she relaxed marginally, peeking up at his curiously.

"If you have to report it, you haveta. It was Alendor. He's such an ass." She sighed softly, her voice drifting off gently. "You are such a nice man. I wish people were nice like you."

As he carefully worked on her head, she thought about the Weyr in general. She should have known better. Fighting was something they were cracking down on. She had seen public punishments and knew better. But she couldn't help it. Bullies were the worst! Had could people even stand bullies. It was ridiculous. Still, her temper wasn't helping anyone, except that little girl.

Maybe she could ask someone for help. One of the riders? Did she know anyone who had a temper like hers? There were some riders she didn't know really well...and they tended to be more mean than anything. Maybe B'jin. He was kinda understanding. Or K'ton? Or maybe one of the workers in the kitchens. They all looked after her. Her father wasn't going to be happy about this. She sighed again, snuggling her head further into her tunic as another wave of general pain and dizziness went over her.

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - T'lian - 29.Jul.13

T'lian continued to tend to her wounds, oblivious to her interpretations of his actions and equally blind to her remorse. He was too zeroed in on the seriousness of the matter itself, less of her current wounds but more of what it would mean for her if she continued to act in this way. She was rapidly approaching the age where scraps between her and the boys would be less even. In his own way, he was worried about her.

Of course, he still had every intention of reporting on the incident, at least until he heard the last part. You are such a nice man. He froze for a moment, his back turned to her and his chin angled down. He swallowed hard and stood there for a few moments, frozen in place in the midst of fitful indecision. Tansy let out an inquiring chirp and rose to her hind legs, head tilted to one side. Fellis let out a soft, worried croon of his won. Daddy was acting strangely!

Heh, fuck the leadership and fuck the rules. Tal grinned momentarily, then turned around. "Maybe we can let it go just this once, so long as you promise to never do it again. Fighting won't solve anything, except maybe get you hurt..Just tell someone next time, okay?"

He grinned slowly, then set to work stitching. He worked quickly and smoothly, and in just a few minutes it was all taken care of. "I didn't see a thing," he promised her as he tied it off and clipped the sinew. "Here you go. Let's get some numbweed on it, okay?"

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - Casa - 02.Aug.13

He was good at what he did, she realized very quickly. He was done with the worse of the stitching in a blink of her eye. The other cuts and scrapes would be cleaned next, but those weren't hard to deal with. She had expected stitches to be...worse, for some reason. She was very appreciative of it being over quickly, and when he mentioned numbweed she perked right up. Numbweed would be the best.

As he grabbed the jar, she couldn't help but offer a sheepish grin to the floor. He was going to help her! She would definitely take this as a sign to not do it again. It was so very rare that she was let off the hook. And if he didn't report it, the worst she would get was a thorough tongue lashing from whoever would be down in the kitchens or changing glow baskets. Shards, she could even make it easy enough to avoid the Headwoman for a day or two.

Her ankle would be the hard part to cover up, what with it being twisted. Limping was a pretty big give away. Maybe she could convince people she had tripped and fallen HARD. It was autumn - with the weather being so tempermental it wasn't completely outside the range of realistic. She all but jumped off the table to give him a hug, reigning herself in at the last minute. Not everyone was touchy feely, and she would probably only hurt herself more if she did. However, she made a note to bring the healer a treat down the line as way of a thank you.

Re: Scrappy Solutions [T'lian] - T'lian - 04.Aug.13

T'lian offered her a slow smile. "The rest of it's a simple fix," he said. "I'll give you something for that ankle, and you should probably not walk on it more than you have to for a few days," he said, turning to fetch some medicinal herbs for her sprained ankle.

He turned around to see her moving towards him unexpectedly. His eyes widened, not realizing that she was coming his way to hug him. When she dialed herself back at the last moment, he was left staring at her with uncertainty, frozen in place almost comically, as if not sure what to do. "...Right," he said awkwardly, letting out a mild little laugh before handing her the packet of dried herbs he'd fetched. "Steep this in some hot water tonight and drink it. It'll taste bitter, but if you drink it with food and then sleep it off, your ankle should feel much better tomorrow," he assured her.

Fellis chirped and flapped over to him, settling on one shoulder and giving his cheek a nuzzle. Tansy looked on disapprovingly, turning her attention to Casa instead. The little gold hopped over, fluttering to the exam table and inspecting her with motherly scrutiny, as if trying to decide if the girl was anywhere near fit to go near her sons. T'lian whistled sharply and snapped his fingers, sending the gold fire lizard urgently between. She reappeared on his other shoulder and rested against his neck.

He smiled and gave her a little pat, but his attention didn't drift from his patient for long. "Let's see those cuts," he said. "I can fix you up nice and quickly, then you can get out of here and relax a bit. You do need your rest..If you need a note or something excusing you from classes and whatnot, I can arrange that." Maybe B'jin was rubbing off on him.