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Troublemaker [Ryvian] - Printable Version

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Troublemaker [Ryvian] - Casa - 28.Jun.13

Casa was bored. It was not unusual for a 13 year old girl to be bored; when you spent most of your days working on chores (especially when you were creative and prone to exploration), your brain tended to find a thousand other things to do. Having finished with noon meal clean up, she gave a huge spectrum of excuses, trying to convince someone to let her go so she could slip outside and enjoy the sunshine coming out of the sky. Eventually the woman grew exasperated with her almost-whining, and told her to go away.

It was almost summertime, and Dae was itching to have outdoor adventures - maybe she could even convince someone to arrange a beach trip! That was a long ride by dragon back, she knew, so it wasn't likely. But wouldn't it be fun? She could just imagine splashing around in the waves and looking for spiderclaws. But she knew that wasn't something for today, so she settled for seeing who was around in the Gather Square. Chances were there was someone down there doing something at least vaguely interesting.

She all but bounced her way down there, full of energy. In addition to the feel of spring and almost-summer, there were clutches on the Sands...and the nervous, excited air that came with potential hatchings permeated the entire Weyr. As she prowled into the Gather Square, she noted it wasn't overly busy. Frowning, she stalked about, finally finding someone sitting further back and seemingly soaking up the sun. He looked vaguely familiar...ah, he must be one of the two twins. She had heard rumors that they were troublemakers. She crept closer, a curious smile on her face as she sidled up to him. "Hi there!" She said, eyes bright as she sat down beside him. Maybe she'd make a new friend today.

Re: Troublemaker [Ryvian] - R'vi - 30.Jun.13

It was noon and currently growing too hot to want to do too much besides lie around. Besides, it looked like clouds were rolling in from the west, indicating another storm was on its way so it made sense he should be out enjoying the sunshine while he could. That was Ryvian’s rationale for why he was spending the afternoon sprawled out in the Square catching some rays. He was too lazy to find a sunny and secluded spot along the river, didn’t have a ride to the lake, and wanted to get away from the hut for a bit, especially if it was going to storm later which meant he’d be cooped up inside all evening anyway.

Lazy waves were given to anyone that greeted him on their way by to wherever they felt they had to rush to that day but when a voice he only vaguely placed belonged to someone he probably only ever shared classes or dining space near filtered through, Ryvian slowly slid his arm away from his eyes and popped one blue eye open to steal a glance at the speaker. When he saw a young girl looking back at him, his lips quirked into a smile. “Hey,” he replied before a yawn crept up on him. Lying in the sun was exhausting work!

Sitting up, Ryvian grabbed his balled up t-shirt that had been used as a pillow and tossed it back on. Shirts – or clothing in general on some days – were usually extremely optional but one was put on that morning and the twin thought it best to wear it once more before he accidentally forgot it somewhere thanks to a fun distraction. “How’s it going, Casa?” While he didn’t spend much time with the younger ‘brats anymore, Ryvian still knew most of the older ones by name and sight. It didn’t hurt that he knew her father as well.

Re: Troublemaker [Ryvian] - Casa - 05.Jul.13

He sat up after a moment, throwing on his shirt and offering her a lazy smile. She returned it in kind and sat down. He knew her made her feel bad she couldn't remember which of the two twins this one was. But he was laid back, mellow, and just a little bit mischievous. That didn't even calculate his charm, but she mostly tuned charm out. After all, she was still a ways from finding someone for herself, no matter what the other girls said. She'd settle down with a man and breed when she was sharding ready - and that wouldn't be any time soon.

When he threw his shirt back on, she framed a response. "Not bad...but I'm bored. I figured that...well maybe you would be doing something interesting. You older 'Brats and the candidates always seem to have ideas for good activities." It was true. They always seemed to be having grand adventures, and that was way better poking around the forest or going fishing. Granted, she liked those activities, but she really wanted to see what else there was. And there was no one better suited to ask than the twins.

Re: Troublemaker [Ryvian] - R'vi - 08.Jul.13

Ryvian grinned at her confession, completely understanding that vibe. When he was younger, he found days that simply dragged and couldn’t be filled with anything worth his full attention. In fact, those days still cropped up but he seemed to have more to do now and more willing participants in the crazier stunts. With Casa, however, he was having troubles coming up with something fun for them to do. A lot of free time was killed in ways that weren’t appropriate for a girl of Casa’s age so his usually go-to activities had to be overlooked which left for a stumped twin.

It didn’t help at all that he was in lazy mode with his mind set on lounging in the sun and shade – alternating responsibly between the two of course – all day with little else planned. Still, he thought for a moment about what they could do. Casa had come to him for help with her boredom and he’d feel terrible if he turned her away without a good try at adventures and fun things like what she seemed to be after. “Well, there’s an area of the forest that isn’t too far from the Weyr but isn’t too popular outside of our group that I could show you.” It had a little stretch of the river coming to a dead end and a large enough open area that several could set up blankets for eating or anything else they wanted to do. It was unlikely they’d interrupt anyone at that time of day so Ryvian wasn’t too worried.

The twin jumped to his feet and gave a quick wipe of his hands over his ass to brush away any grass on his pants and grinned at Casa. “Let’s grab something to drink while we explore!” While he would behave in some way, Ryvian planned on grabbing some watered down wine to give the young woman. She was about the age he had started sneaking sips when no one was noticing and while he had no idea if she did that already or not, it was time she had herself a good drink or two to welcome her to the club of adventurous ‘brats.