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A favor? [R'nya] - Printable Version

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A favor? [R'nya] - Ravana - 20.May.13

She quietly settled her tray alongside R'nya's in the dining hall, having been watching and waiting to catch him away from the group of gold candidates.  She was to the bone tired, but it was determination that showed brightest on her features.  Shanith landed neatly on the roof above them, the green worried about her rider.  Ravana wasn't sleeping, and really should have been in bed, but she swore this had been put off long enough.  The two golds rising meant the next clutch would be huge. 

This couldn't wait.  She picked at the meatroll she had grabbed for herself, stopped herself from shredding it.  She was too tired for eating to sound good, and only the fact that B'run and D'ren had both said they'd drag her in to see Talian if she lost much more weight had her looking at the meat roll in the first place and even debating eating it.  She laid down the roll and looked to R'nya who seemed to be taking his time and letting her talk first. 

She leaned forward.  "Got a favor to ask you.  You'll probably do it without being asked but I wanted to make sure."  She took a breath then felt Shanith stir restively.  Reaching for her green, she calmed her.  You're the best dragon for me love.  I'm happy you chose me, regardless of what happened after.

Her breath froze in her chest and she gave up on her meatroll for now, instead reaching for her beads and counting them off in her fingers.  "When I was searched, I was searched for gold.  I stood for gold.  When the gold egg on the sands hatched and the dragonet made a beeline for me, it felt like destiny."  She bit her lip.  "Shanith hatched next, I'm told.  I wouldn't know, I didn't see her until after she'd knocked the gold dragonet away from me.  Next thing I knew, she was bellowing to the whole damn weyr that I was hers."

Ravana took a breath and continued.  She had planned this differently, planned to at least wait for him to acknowledge her, but in for a firelizard, in for a dragon.  She was unaware of Stubborn nosing out from under her braid, the tiny gold chirping as she saw food.  Feeding her bits of the roll was automatic by now as R'ana continued.  "I love Shanith.  But after she chose me, people began saying I was never worthy to even stand for gold.  That I was..."  She blushed a bit.  "...the kind of woman you buy.  Weak willed.  Stupid."  She traced the grain of the table. 

She took a breath.  "If any of your herd of hopefuls impress a chromatic, will you guard them still?  Continue taking care of them?"  She looked to him, brown eyes hopeful. 

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - R'nya - 26.May.13

R’nya looked up mildly, not saying a word as another tray landed on the table by his own. Pale eyes considered the woman for a moment, before dismissing her mildly as the bronzerider ate his own meal, waiting patiently for her to explain her presence. The fidgeting had little visible effect on the man, but then, very little had a visible effect upon him. Another piece of roast wherry made the journey from plate to mouth, and R’nya chewed placidly as Ravana continued to fidget. He watched the piece of meatroll tumble around her plate, swallowing the wherry meat.

An eyebrow arched. If Ravana had been expecting anything different, the bronzerider would have been surprised. The woman seemed to have a decent grasp of his personality and he watched as she started clinging to her beads. It was a wonder she hadn’t worn them all away with how regularly she was seen groping them. Likely, he decided absently as he waited for her to explain whatever it was that was bugging her that apparently he didn’t need to be asked about because he knew what it was, she made new ones regularly. They certainly wouldn’t last the strain of everyday life well, without her abusing them so regularly with anxious fingers. Still, it was better than toe tapping or crying; they had a tendency to be annoying and wet, respectively.

The little story seemed irrelevant, but R’nya kept that to himself, though Xyreith was speaking up a storm of mockery in the back of his mind. There was no need to let the woman know, however, and R’nya had long since perfected the skill of not displaying his thoughts on what it was his dragon was saying. It was quite remarkable how many people simply assumed Xyreith was an irritable creature, not the sarcastic soaked monster he really was; obviously, that was because Xyreith only spoke to R’nya himself, and rarely bothered to bestow his wisdom upon other dragons. They were, naturally, not worth his time. Much like he was insisting the woman beside him was not worth R’nya’s time.

Ah, so that was what she was getting at. R’nya’s expression altered subtly, receding from an eyebrow raised indication to continue, to a vague neutral expression that was most commonly at home on his features. The bronzerider put his fork down, and turned slightly to better face Ravana, folding his hands neatly on the table. For the moment, the bronzerider pointedly ignored the demand she had made about his girls, and instead focused on what she had said moments before. “You Impressed green, than you were not worthy of gold.”

The bronzerider shrugged. He could not begin to picture the woman before him as a goldrider. It was, of course, hard to see any greenrider as anything but a greenrider. Many of them were obnoxious and unruly when they Impressed (selected blueriders were hardly any better, of course) and it often took a handful or more of years to get them to accept their lot in life. R’nya was not a strict colourist, a fact evidenced by his willingness to follow S’kef in the rank he had claimed. At his core, however, each colour did have their assigned functions and they did not always cross hash.

“The dragon is always right.” R’nya studied Ravana’s face for a moment, before moving back to the last question she had asked in reference to his girls. The man paused, considering, before frowning at her seriously. “You were miss-searched, and should not have been on the Sands.” His voice was matter of fact, and while he clearly didn’t blame Ravana, he just as clearly did not think anything of her searchrider. Idiot man should have been searching women to ride gold, not ride his dick, something far too many searchriders invested in securing.

“My girls were not. Their original searchriders sought out future goldriders, and they are screened before every clutch to put forth the most likely to Impress gold. They will not Impress a chromatic.” Dismissing the subject, R’nya picked up his fork once more and sliced off another piece of wherry meat, continuing eating as if he hadn’t been bothered at all, and displaying a remarkable lack of interest in Ravana’s potential to reply.

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - Ravana - 31.May.13

Ravana was difficult to piss off.  Most of the time she was unaware she was supposed to be pissed off and it was Shanith that got offended.  Such was the case now. 

There was silence as Ravana considered R'nya's remarks gravely.  Then there was noise as Shanith landed on the Dining hall roof and hissed.  Shanith?  You're supposed to be snuggling with Olemuth.  I can handle this.  Shanith? 

It was never a good thing when her dragon tuned her out.  Ravana took enough time to consider this, and spoke softly to R'nya.  "I'll be right back."  Frustration at the green underlaid her voice, sharpening into rage as she got a glimpse of exactly what she was saying to Xyreith. 

She strode to the window, laid hand on green hide and shouted through their link not giving a shit about any other dragon hearing her.  Shanith!  Either I'm smart enough to know when I'm being insulted, or you picked the wrong fucking rider.  The dragon left off comparing Xyreith's intelligence unfavorably to a wherry midword and blinked at Ravana.  Sensing that mental words alone wouldn't suffice, Ravana let the rage show in her voice as she spoke aloud to her green.  "I mean it.  You'll apologize to Xyreith.  Right here, right now."  Ravana stared down the green for a long moment. 

She refused and Ravana simply widened her stance and waited.  Shanith finally yielded, creeling then speaking to Xyreith.  You're smarter than a wherry.  Barely.

"Shanith..."  It was snarled softly, and the green gave completely.  You are considerably smarter than a wherry.  I apologize.

"Now you're going to my hut and lie down in your wallow and think about what you just did.  When I get home, we are going to discuss all the ways in which your behavior today was unworthy of you, wherry brained and proved R'nya's words exactly right."  Shanith fought the command in Ravana's words, then sensing that Ravana would not give in this went home, and settled to lie down on the front lawn, a small defiance. 

Ravana counted to ten, then twenty, then fifty.  Only when she was able to keep anger from lashing her words, did she settle down and look at him.  She was at a loss for words for a long moment.

"You know she says you insulted me.  Just curious, did you?"  Her tone was light though she couldn't keep frustration from underlying her words.  "Either way that was uncalled for.  I apologize."  Life would be so much easier if she could gag Shanith. 

Sorry!  Shanith dealt herself in!

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - R'nya - 02.Jun.13

R’nya barely even so much as blinked when Ravana suddenly announced she’d be right back. His own dragon was giving off magnificent airs of amusement as Shanith attacked him verbally, and R’nya opted not to involve himself in any of that. His dragon was quite capable of taking care of himself, and the man wanted to finish his evening meal so he could get back to his own tasks and required responsibilities. He had been requested to attended whatever it was several of the girls had planned for the evening; he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to know what was planned before arriving and so hadn’t opted to ask.

Xyreith, for his part, didn’t immediately respond to Shanith as she fought against the required apology. His pause drew out as he stared at her with slowly swirling eyes, the amusement quite clear in the colours lighting them up, and he made no effort to hide his smug satisfaction at her being scolded by her rider. He watched the green leave, not bothering to call out to her until she was curled up at home. She would not be able to respond suitably from there – and while Xyreith found the idea of a fight both amusing and laughable – he would rather not sully his hide; the girls had only washed him that morning, after all! I didn’t know whers were capable of judging intelligence, he responded, upper lip curling to reveal his teeth as he snorted forcefully at Shanith, one wing flicking dismissively.

When Ravana re-joined him, R’nya continued to eat his meal, ignoring his dragon and the way the woman was biding her time before speaking again. He wasn’t quite sure why she felt the need to speak more, since he was quite sure the topic she had brought up had been covered, but after finishing his last mouthful, R’nya looked up placidly, pushed his plate away, and folded his hands serenely before him upon the table. Then he waited.

An eyebrow arched. “Insult you?” There was a lingering breath of amusement within the tone. “Hardly, though I cannot help how you opt to take the words I give.” If she or her dragon took offence, well, he could not help that. He certainly was not angling to cause them offence. “If she took offence, she likely did so by insulting herself.” A thoughtful pause as R’nya considered his previous words. “The dragonet is never wrong. Search riders are a whole other matter, and are rarely right about female potential to Impress, in my experience. I insinuated that your searchrider was an idiot. Far too many search with the intent of filling their bed, instead of finding someone suitable to bond to a gold dragon.”

Ugh, I hate this tag, sorry ><

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - Ravana - 04.Jun.13

While Ravana knew mountains would move before R'nya truly believed that there was a chance some green would choose one of his girls, she stayed silent on that topic.  The subject had been broached and she suspected that he would watch over his girls even if a green decided that she must have one of them. 

A spike of rage from Shanith caused a wince to cross Ravana's features and she cut the green's angry retort off at the pass.  You provoked him love.  He's a bronze, of course he must have the last word.  She did however let Shanith feel her faith in her intelligence, and felt the green settle a bit.  Well if Xyreith thought she was stupid, then she didn't have to act otherwise around him.  Satisfied by her thought, Shanith settled.

"I'm going to need to keep her away from him for a few days, until she forget's she's plotting revenge.  When she started a fight she knew she'd be pulled off of."  She took a breath.  "I love my green."  It didin't sound like it and Ravana snapped to herself as she shook her head tiredly, the short scolding having taken far far too much out of her.  You need rest.  I promise I'll hold still for my next bath if you come back and rest.  The green was suddenly concerned, forgetting her earlier rage. 

Coming back to R'nya, Ravana turned away from him to cover up a jaw cracking yawn.  Much more rest like this and I'll be sitting on the roof and baying at the moon.  She focused on R'nya.  Can't remember why just now, but that'd be a bad thing.  What was I doing again?

Shanith paused.  Planning to come home and pet me and tell me what a wonderful green I am?


She tracked her thought process and spoke.  "I was going to say something but I forgot what.  Am glad you weren't insulting me.  And don't know why my searchrider would have chosen me for sleeping with.  He was weyrmated to a very nice man and it's not like I'm pretty or anything."  Considering the subject dropped, she added, "That's only the first half of the reason I'm tortur...visiting you today."  She fished in her bag, then and came up with a rock that sparkled and shimmered in even in the dark. 

Carved to look like a sleeping feline, flecks of gold sparkled in it even in the dark.  "A glass crafter made a mistake and produced a few lumps of this stuff a few weeks ago.  I finished shaping this one last night, but my hut's getting kinda full of pretties.  I thought one of your girls would enjoy it."  It had been the secondary reason for her visit, and the more positive one.  Xyreith had seemed to like the oil she had made for him, or at least hadn't looked quite as offended as usual when he had been wearing it.  She laid the sparkly by R'nya's arm and looked down.

Are you coming home then?  To rest? 

No!  Stubborn creeled then, and Ravana looked down at the tiny gold, who had apparently finished her meat roll and was now eyeing R'nya's left overs hopefully.  Gently, Ravana tapped her nose with a finger, and reinforced it with a mental reprimand.  "You eat plenty.  No begging."

The firelizard cheeped then shifted to cling to Ravana's shirt.  Attention was almost as good as food, right?  Shaking her head, Ravana petted her gently.  Stubborn nuzzled like a small cat, presently purring and forgetting about R'nya's plate, calming Ravana's stress and causing her body language to shift from stressed to neutral.

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - R'nya - 10.Jun.13

“Oh?” R’nya was intrigued, both by the way in which the woman cut herself off at her chosen word and rephrased – tortured indeed, how amusing – and then paused to fish around in her bag. He was half expecting more oil for Xyreith, and wondering at the same time what he had done to possibly have the woman believe she out to be paying him back for something. He couldn’t recall doing anything worthy enough of a repayment, regardless of if that repayment were oil or … a rock?

R’nya’s eyebrow arched slightly, but he none the less reached out to pick up the small ornament, elbows resting on the table as he brought it closer to his face, twisting and turning it gently as he examined it. It was, indeed, very pretty and R’nya nodded his head in thanks for the small gift. “Likely,” he added, in answer to the comment about the girls’ likely enjoying it. Gifting it to one of them would not be the hard part; but rather managing to do so without causing a war between them. There were occasionally bickering about favouritism and like as it was, though R’nya went out of his way to spend his time equally with all the girls where he could, and all of them were aware he was available when they needed him (assuming such needs were purely platonic!).

“This is very lovely,” he murmured, leaning back a little and watching the way it caught the light. The choice to turn the sculpture into a feline was an interesting one – R’nya assumed many would have turned a sparkling rock into a gold dragon – and he particularly appreciated the quirk of originality in a creature most people would prefer not to recognise. The felines had attacked so many humans and dragons alike since they had landed in the South, it was understandable, but they were a rather beautiful creature none-the-less.

“Thank you.” He set it back down on the table, still looking at it thoughtfully. He wasn’t sure which of the girls would enjoy it the most, and wasn’t interested in them vying for it just to say they’d been the ones to receive it. He liked to think most of them were above such pettiness, but he was not prepared to tempt them to find out, either. He’d stow it away in his hut – probably in his bedroom, most of them went out of their way to avoid the door, as if something dramatic might happen if they did more than glance at it sideways – and wait for a moment to present itself.

“Do you make things like this often?” He wasn’t quite sure if he would want more of them; it would in some ways detract from the speciality of the one in his hands, but he wasn’t completely opposed to the idea of at least having such an option open, either.

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - Ravana - 16.Jun.13

Ravana knew she was strange.  A bit too nervy and jumpy and her mind seemed to twitch and jump around where most thought in direct, easily followable lines.  R'nya was more linear than most, so she knew putting up with her most always unexpected and intrusive company was something she wanted to make worth his while and his advice had helped her a time or three...and she owed him for keeping her calm(ish) the night she had been lashed.  She believed in paying her debts. 

The thanks was acknowledged with a blush and a glance away before Ravana answered softly.  "When I have the free time.  I think best when my hands are active.  Give them away once in awhile, it's more the making of them that matters to me than the keeping of them.  I don' about it much because I don't want to steal the thunder from the true crafters of the weyr.  I just dabble, and had enough time and practice to get good at one or two things."  She'd given away...she thought ten in the time she had been here.  The rest of her rocks were boxed up or set up for display in her own hut.

Stubborn kept her from realizing how much she'd chattered, the small gold chirping softly and nibbling gently at Ravana's fingers as she was petted.  Ravana gently tugged her fingers free, then petted her again when she stopped nibbling and nipping.  The firelizard's chirp made her shake her head, Stubborn nibbling on her thumb until Ravana felt it and pulled away. 

She was so tired, but R'nya was good company.  Quiet, like B'run, with none of the complications of figuring out how to make him happy or how she could and couldn't touch him or...  You think too much.  It hurts my head when you think this much.

If you're getting a headache, then you could find something to do that keeps you out of my thoughts.  Distracted by her dragon, she yelped as Stubborn chomped a little too hard on the webbing between thumb and pointer finger.  The firelizard yelped too as Ravana's pain was felt by both.  She backed off and Ravana looked down at her fingers, making sure no blood had been drawn.  "That's why you don't bite."  Gently, Stubborn licked the spot and Ravana reached for her roll, blinking as she saw it wasn't where she'd left it.

"Where'd my roll go?" 

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - R'nya - 18.Jun.13

“I believe you fed it to the little one,” R’nya said mildly in reply to Ravana, arching an eyebrow at her. Apparently it hadn’t been enough food for the little firelizard, who seemed quite intent on eating Ravana herself. R’nya looked across the room, and lifted a hand, indicating with two fingers that one of the weyrbrats that had been stuck with kitchen duty should approach. When the boy was at the table, R’nya issued quiet instructions to get a plate of food for the woman, and a glass of mulled wine.

Katilan wine was far from a satisfying drink, but some of the kitchen staff had figured out how to mull it to a degree with the spices and additives so that it was more than a barely drinkable liquid. R’nya did not particularly favour the style, personally, but he figured it might help warm Ravana’s belly, and the depressive quality of the wine would help the poor thing sleep if the bags around her eyes were any indication.

When the boy arrived once more, he put the plate down by Ravana’s elbow and carefully set the mug of warmed wine before her at R’nya’s indication, before scuttling away before he was instructed to do something else. The plate was mostly pieces of fruit, but there was also some bread with meat, and some chunks of cheese off to one side as well. “Feed the firelizard, greenrider, before she eats your fingers.” His tone was more amused than anything else, and R’nya held out a piece of cheese for Stubborn, waiting patiently to see if she’d take it, before turning his gaze once more upon the woman the critter was bonded to.

“What has you so stressed, Ravana?” R’nya watched her face carefully, searching for any answers that might be given away in her expression even before she could voice them – but especially in case she decided to play up the ‘nothing is wrong, sir!’ trail that the girls often tried on him. He was better than that, and R’nya simply raised a single eyebrow at the woman, waiting patiently for an explanation. He was used to hearing the woes of teenage girls who broke a nail lifting a book; the woes of a female greenrider could hardly be worse!

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - Ravana - 30.Jun.13

Ravana nodded and looked down at Stubborn who was nibbling at Ravana's fingertips in her usual playful fashion.  She blinked when R'nya summoned a kitchen brat for more food, nearly arguing that she could get more food forherself when Stubborn took a hard chomp at her thumb again.  She yanked her hand away glaring at the little lizard, and was thus occupied until the food actually arrived.

The firelizard looked at R'nya, the tiny gold giving off the air of working with him to get her mistress fed. Ravana picked up the mulled wine and took a tiny sip, barely enough to wet her lips.  Ravana generally didn't drink, but she was too polite to turn down the drink.  Stubborn inched forward, and took the cheese with a forepaw, sitting down to eat it neatly. 

After, she took a piece of cheese from Ravana's hand in the same fashion.  Satisfied, she curled up to lay down on the table, the tiny gold chirping contentedly.  Ravana had picked up a piece of fruit to nibble on it, then set it down at the question. 

Her first instinct was to deny it.  Tell him nothing was wrong and skedaddle.  Trouble was, Ravana disliked lying to her friends and usually just couldn't do it, no matter how much she might want to.  It would be rude wouldn't it, to tell him to butt out. She nearly did it anyways, opened her mouth to do so. 

The resolve to do so showed on her face so she was surprised to hear her traitor mouth saying, "Nightmares."  She shrugged, trying to downplay her own words since she couldn't take them back.  "Between training and taking care of Stubborn, making sure Terken's ready to stand, settling Berani into my home rather than the creche, keeping Shanith from running too far amuck and feeling my way along with B'run, I've filled my plate over full.  I just need to learn to manage it and realize failure isn't the end of the world and I'll be fine.  Until then I'll deal with the nightmares." 

She wouldn't lie to him, but rather he think it was personal problems rather than know she was having nightmares over wing practice and T'rel's tendancy to enforce discipline with the lash and the fact that once he did lash her, B'run's reaction would blow the roof off the hut she often shared with him.  Liar  Ravana ignored her dragon, ignored the spike of a headache as Shanith reminded her that while Xyreith was an idiot, R'nya wasn't. 

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - R'nya - 10.Jul.13

“Stress less.” R’nya stated bluntly, eyeing Ravana seriously. “If you are struggling, girl, you have friends.” He pushed the plate towards her a little more, ordering without actually issuing an order that she was to eat. She would not do anyone any good if she fell apart at the seams and dropped dead from not eating enough! Something the woman clearly was not taking part in regularly enough to keep a good weight or colour about her. He nudged the plate again, before sitting back slightly.

“Greenrider B’jin is assisting you with Terken, is he not?” Never question R’nya’s ability to know more than he should; while the words certainly had a questioning lilt to them, they were far more of a statement. He knew the greenrider was helping the woman; it was his business to know what was going on in the Weyr. The fact that he did not hold a rank that said as much was irrelevant. It was a matter of self-pride, and a desire to be more than the shadow he appeared as. Besides, he could hardly protect his girls to the best of his ability if he did not pay attention to the rise and falls within the Weyr at large.

“He is also good with children; dump the girl on him for a day and go flying with Shanith. It would do you both good.” They weren’t orders, but they were strong suggestions and the slightly raised eyebrows invited Ravana to argue with him; then he’d make them orders, even if he had to march along behind her to make sure she did them. If she accepted his suggestions, he would just be more subtle about it. “Give Terken the firelizard for a day, too. He will need to know how to look after it, to Impress a dragon, no? No harm there and I know you have her trained.” The odd-looking gold was probably one of the better trained within the Weyr bounds.

“When you get back, send Shanith to have a sleep over with Grith, and spend the night with your mate.” Parella was a particularly talented greenrider; she loud mouthed woman was more than capable of taking care of Grith, and R’nya had no doubts at all that she’d be quite happy to babysit Shanith so Ravana could have a night to herself – or not, if she spent it with B’run! Taking a sip of juice from his glass, R’nya considered Ravana for another moment. “Then, if you are still suffering nightmares, I would like to know what the real issue is.” He arched an eyebrow at her, but didn’t press for more information.

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - Ravana - 17.Jul.13

Told you he wasn't an idiot.  Ravana wished her dragon would just shut up sometimes.  Unfortunately, Shanith had never been one to be quiet. 

Her plate was nudged towards her and Ravana picked up a bit of chese, knowing a command when she saw one, even if R'nya was being R'nya-ish about giving said command.  She put it down after a moment, listening, then when Stubborn nudged at her hand, offered the firelizard the cheese.  The creature hissed at her bonded and gave her a motherish glare. 

Ravana blinked wondering why she was being glared at, then got an image of her eating and blushed.  Oh right.  She nibbled the cube of cheese, then picked up a piece of fruit. 

"He is helping, wonderfully.  I felt so bad about asking him for help but Terken seems to be doing better with him than he was with learning to read from me."  She was proud of his progress, happy to see her fosterling pulling his life together. 

"Stubborn dislikes Terken.  He dropped her once when she was a hatchling and I don't think she's ever forgiven being scooped up and delivered to him by Kela."  Ravana had found the situation amusing after seeing that Stubborn hadn't even a bruise or scratch. "But I can give her to another person for a bit.  She loves attention...Might ask Ronarth to watch over her for a bit.  It'll send him over the moon with joy and Stubborn and Friendly get on very well.  She adores little greens." 

She was reluctant to press on B'jin for babysitting, he was doing so much but he seemed to adore Berani and often took her without being asked.  Maybe, just maybe if she bartered soemthing for his time, he wouldn't mind? 

Shanith interrupted her musings, voice projected to Ravana and Xyreith.  He wants you to fly for pleasure.  Ravana blanched white, set her cup down neatly, sideways.  She spoke softly, before Shanith could hop on the idea.  "A walk would do wonders for my peace of mind...A day out of here..."  She would prefer to keep her fear of flying to herself.  Shanith was no help, though, seizing on the memory that had caused it and offering it to Xyreith. 

In it, Ravana was enjoying a flight with shanith when her straps broke.  She'd fallen an endlessly long distance before she'd been caught by Berruth and rushed to healing hall.  Luckily, her injuries had been relatively minor and most had thought it typical clumsiness.  Since she knew she had checked her straps preflight, she no longer trusted her own ability to find defects in the leather. 

She spoke softly.  "I'll do that.  Take a walk, no Shanith, you can fly.  I'll walk.  Spend the day out of the weyr, and come home and spend the night alone." 

Shanith told her dryly.  B'run would be over the moon if you slept with him.  Or did more than sleep.  You like touching him.  He likes touching you.  What's the hangup?  Ravana strangled on empty air, coughed hard, and spluttered, and looked down.  "Don't ask and if that doesn't work, I will."

Can I hold you to that?  Not helping, Shanith. 

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - R'nya - 09.Aug.13

R'nya said nothing as Ravana seemed to take to considering what he had said, the bronze rider watching the various emotions okay over her face in the process, hiding his very faint amusement behind the lip of his glass as he took a sip of the liquid within. Some of the most interesting thing came of letting someone simply mull over what was said, and R'nya was a great fan of watching, as opposed to leaping in and taking part. The way Ravana skipped from horrified to traumatised was more than worth his silence, and R'nya simply raised an eyebrow when she advised that he not ask.

For his part, Xyreith didn't immediately share the memory that Shanith passed on to him, instead he watched it play out before him without comment - which was often his way, as far as speaking to others was concerned - before mulling over it a moment when it had run its course, leaving the green dragon to withdraw her presence and leave him to his thoughts. The girl and her dragon were, quite clearly, the types that were most frowned upon for riding a dragon. It wasn't the greens fault - they were just faulty at birth - but women were clearly not meant to ride a dragon! The fact that the thought was clearly agreed with by R'nya when he was given the memory for his own assessment didn't help the dragon's opinion in the slightest. Greens - good for nothing but a good fuck.

"Do not stray too far," R'nya warned mildly, eyeing Ravana over the edge of his glass as he twirled it gently between his hands, letting what was left of the liquid sway against the sides. "Felines and whers aren't the best of companions." And if the girl had issues with her riding straps, R'nya was mildly surprised she hadn't been eaten by then years ago. Then again, Shanith could be fairly in your face, and as small as the green was, R'nya had no doubt that she would slaughter anything that tried to screw with her human. She'd already proven so many years ago (apparently) that we would take on a gold and win in order to claim the woman as her own. If she was willing to do that, what else would she be willing to do?

Re: A favor? [R'nya] - Ravana - 15.Aug.13

Ravana gathered her composure, and nibbled, grazing over her plate a bit more.  Had she been aware what memory had been shared with R'nya, the result would have probably been a fainting green rider, so it was just as well that Shanith hadn't told her. 

Ravana smiled at R'nya's words.  "No they don't.  Well the smaller felines do, but the big ones don't.  Too smart by half."  She leaned forward a bit, adding lightly, "But my fosterling is usually good about telling me which areas he's spotted felines in lately.  He's always in the jungles with that canine of his, hunting."  She reached for a bit of cheese as Stubborn did, the gold creeling sadly as Ravana picked it up. 

She offered it to the gold with a bemused look.  "You know, Parella calls you guys flying stomachs."  The gold gave her an innocent look and then crooned with a put upon air.  Ravana shook her head, offering another bit of cheese to the gold, then picking one up for herself.

"All these girls around you, I'm startled noone's attempted to give you an egg of your very own."