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Recovery and Realizations [Open] - Printable Version

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Recovery and Realizations [Open] - B'run - 10.Apr.13

Two days ago, B'run and R'ana had been lashed for standing up to S'kef regarding female riders losing their honorifics. Two days ago R'ana - B'run couldn't think of her as Ravana and refused to even consider it - had fallen asleep in B'run's small hut. Two days ago Jisralna and her baby had joined them, fluttering around like a nervous fire lizard and taking care of them both as best she could. Two days ago, B'run had started chain smoking and he'd been scolded by both women, all seven fire lizards and Berani in the time between then and now.

He wasn't sure how long he could keep this up.

Two women, seven fire lizards, a baby and occasionally toddler all crammed into his tiny hut already had them mentioning that it needed to be made larger and while B'run was greatly enjoying having so many he loved around going from having his own personal quiet space to having everyone in one spot was making him nervous and he'd spent more time outside with Olemuth smoking than inside where Jissy could hover and worry over him.

He'd told her off once already, telling her to focus on her baby and "Damnit, woman, I'm fine! Been lashed b'fore!" But then she'd yelled back and he'd let her, grumbling while she slathered numbweed on his back. He'd repaid her with a chaste kiss to the cheek and gave a chuckle when she blushed. She'd bandaged him anyway and done the same for R'ana.

That felt like days ago when, in reality, it was only the previous day.

Now, B'run sat on the covered porch, watching Olemuth and Shanith curled up together, enjoying the mid-afternoon sun. Leralna was settled on his lap and he was bouncing his knee, keeping her quiet and listening to her contented babbles. He wasn't sure what to make of babies just yet. The only one he knew was his was Berani and he hadn't seen her as a baby, though he was as involved as he could be in her life now. He'd decided he'd like Jisralna's well enough and was fairly certain seeing him with the baby amused R'ana because he kept catching her watching him whenever he held her.

He shifted his weight, thankful that he'd thought to swap out his usual chair for a stool and wanting a smoke. But smoking around the baby only made Jisralna scream at him, which startled the baby, which upset Shanith, which upset R'ana and Olemuth and left him with a headache. So he was resisting, though he knew it was long overdue for his bandages to be changed. R'ana and Jisralna had apparently been appalled at the state of his hut and hand't stopped cleaning all day. Currently they were rearranging things to fit enough beds for everyone. It wasn't an easy task but the women were managing well enough without his assistance. He'd found himself too stiff and his back aching too badly to be of much assistance and when he tried both women had calmly told him to go sit down.

So, here he was. On the porch. With a baby. His fair had arranged themselves on the roof to sun themselves while B'run cried out every time one of the landed on his shoulders or touched his torn back. He was thankful that they didn't try to land on him though he could feel their concern. It was definitely going to be an interesting time while he healed...

Jisralna and Ravana used with their permission and approval.

Re: Recovery and Realizations (Open) - Jisralna - 10.Apr.13

The past two days had been some of the most hectic and yet oddly satisfying days of her life at the weyr. Two days that had followed that horrifying day when Ali had appeared in her little corner of the craft hall and riled her boys with images of blood and a whip and two very familiar and dear faces. For once in her life she'd become assertive and had refused to let anyone try and talk her out of what she wanted. So she'd packed up a few of her belongings--mostly clothing and things for her boys and Leralna--and with only a moment's hesitation, had moved herself in with B'run and R'ana, intent on caring for the both of them after their run-in with S'kef and his whip.

While she'd never exactly been opposed to such forms of punishment, Jissy had been in a pique over the treatment of two of her closest friends at the Weyr and had--on at least on occasion--gone on a rant while neither R'ana or B'run could put a stop to it. She was more that frazzled when she saw the condition of B'run's back, layers of scar tissue freshly laid open. It didn't take long for her to settle into a schedule of sorts for changing bandages and on one occasion B'run, grumpy as ever, had thought to scare her off with a bit of shouting. Now normally that might have sent her scurrying but she was having none of it! She was going to take care of him and R'ana and that was the end of it. Of course the scamp of a man, after she'd tended his back, still had enough strength to drag her in and kiss her on the cheek.

It had been like that for two days, Jissy alternating between exasperated, content and embarrassed depending on what was going on. It didn't help any that the man had taken to smoking almost non-stop which riled the veritable fair of firelizards and made Lera fussy. It hadn't taken long for her to chase the man out of doors when he pulled out something to smoke. It was better that way anyway because with R'ana up and about for some of the day it became quite obvious that there wasn't nearly enough room in the man's hut for three grown adults, an infant, a toddler and seven firelizards.

Today, on the third day of her residency in B'run's hut--and really it felt much longer both in a good way and sometimes not--R'ana had suggested that they perhaps rearrange the furniture. So, insisting that she do all of the moving, Jissy enlisted R'ana to direct her as she pushed, shoved and sometimes pulled things about the hut in order to make more room for the awkward little family unit that had sprung up. Surely anyone who'd been privy to the gossip about B'run's love life would assume that not only had he asked both women to be his weyrmate, but that by some miracle both had agreed without massive lady-fighting.

Short of breath and sweaty, Jisralna stood in the middle of the hut and turned slowly. That would work for now, but really this hut was far too small to suit their needs. Reaching up she rubbed at the back of her neck and then turned to R'ana. "I think we could both use a break. I need to check on B'run anyway. It is time to change bandages." She should check R'ana's as well but she was far more worried about B'run's back; it was very nearly a mass of raw flesh and it made her want to cry, scream and break things every time she looked at it. Of course she did none of those things, but the urge was there.

Moving to the door of the hut, Jisralna hesitated as she watched B'run. He had Leralna in his lap and the fire-haired infant was almost as chatty as Hush. Silly was on the ground in front of him, eyes intent on Lera, the tip of his tail twitching sporadically. It was moments like these that she had to remind herself that B'run was a friend and clearly involved with R'ana...who was also a friend. Clearing her throat, she stepped out onto the porch and held out her hands, wiggling her fingers. "Give her here, Sir. Time to check those bandages."

Re: Recovery and Realizations (Open) - Ravana - 11.Apr.13

It felt like there were people everywhere.  It was enough to set R'ana on edge.  Thus far she'd been able to keep from snapping at anyone, though it had been a close thing.  She needed time alone, she needed to curl up next to someone and cry....she needed to hide.  She needed to make herself seen, let S'kef know he hadn't beaten them.  She needed to heal and the only way she knew how to do that was to slink off somewhere and hide until she felt human again. 

It wasn't an option.  R'ana wouldn't do that to Jisralna.  She wasn't much help but she could keep the kids occupied and she could do small things as needed.  She was feeling like a third wheel but she knew that she was needed here.  She just couldn't figure out why.  B'run had Jisralna, he didn't need the one who had caused all this hanging around and being useless.  It had been those thoughts that had led the rearranging the poor man's hut and cleaning. 

All she wanted to co was curl close to somebody and cry.  She'd prefer B'run but she didn't want to ask more of him when it was her fault he was injured in the first place.  She didn't want to break down on Jisralna either.  She had her hands full with B'run and her baby.  That didn't leave many people.

R'ana was grateful to take a break from the moving when the time came and slipped outside.  She nodded at Jisralna's words and spoke quietly.  "Alright."  She was less verbose than usual, more quiet than anything. 

It was time for her own bandages to be changed but R'ana didn't say anything.  B'run's were more important than her own would ever be.  For one thing, she'd gotten him lashed in the first place, and for another, she was up and walking around, so she was fine.

Liar.  Your back hurts worse than it did yesterday.  And you're not talking and you're always feeling on edge of panic and you've almost cried so many times I can't count them.  R'ana reassured the green, and sighed, standing to go to her.

R'ana slipped out to the porch, looked at B'run with longing in her eyes then padded to where Shanith lay curled with Olemuth.  She curled up against her green and sighed, exhausted.  Shanith shifted from where she had been talking to Olemuth and nuzzled her rider. 

Jisralna looks at him like you do.  R'ana touched her dragons muzzle and nodded tiredly.  She looked up to her.  Looks like I'm sharing B'run.  If she's willing to share him with me, that is.  Shanith tipped her head.  Why would she mind? 

R'ana shrugged and shifted to pet Shanith.  She looked to Jisralna and stood, walking over to her.  "Would you like me to take Leralna while you tend his bandages?" 

If the woman said yes, R'ana would take the baby and sit down on the ground beside B'run's feet, not caring how it looked to those around her.  She leaned her head on his outer thigh, eyes closing as she rocked a bit, rocking the baby quietly.  "Hey little one."  Her words were soft, hesitant.  "How's life treating you today, hmm?"

Shanith reached for Jisralna.  She won't mind sharing him with you, if you share him with her.  The green laid her head back down and sighed, her tail flickering.  She nuzzled Olemuth, licking his head for a few moments.  Olemuth?  They'll get better, right?  R'ana hurts inside and out and she keeps saying B'run's worse than her so he must be feeling worse than he's ever felt in his life.

Re: Recovery and Realizations (Open) - S'jin - 11.Apr.13

S'jin went to check on his friend B'run. He had meet him and taking him how when he was drunk one day and that sure didn't scare S'jin off at all. Lana and  Claus rode on his shoulders and Araith trailed along behind him.She after all wouldn't pass up the chance of meeting new people she was becoming quite a social butterfly and could get pretty talkative at that.

S'jin had been shocked at the new rules the weyrleader had set and that the women  were losing their names. He though it was wrong  but its not something he would of challenged the new weyrleader on.  It wasn't worth the price  but then  B'run stood up and paid he price himself for his words.  He wasn't sure if B'run was brave or just plain nuts at the time but he had to admit to admiring the mans courage and determination and the fact that he didn't back down even when faced with the weryleaders wrath.

When S'jin got closer he was surprised to find that He was outside and that  B'run wasn't alone another rider and jizzy were with him.  He hadn't seen  Jisralna since right before he impressed. He knew about the baby  it was a little hard not to hear about things like that but he hadn't actually ever seen the baby yet. 

He waved shyly as he walked up.  " Hello Jizzy How are you doing?  hello  B'run. " Hello all we came to  see how you are?" Araith said happily.

Re: Recovery and Realizations (Open) - B'run - 11.Apr.13

Wounds heal.

As soon as he'd passed the baby to R'ana, B'run had kissed the top of the greenrider's head and pulled her hair to the side, tucking it over her shoulder so it wouldn't get caught in the mess of bandaging and cleaning wounds. He sighed, bending at the waist and propping his elbows up on his knees, letting Jisralna tend to his wounds though he was complaining about it to Olemuth. The bronze snorted and let out a rare growl, red eyes giving the man a glare.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut it, you." B'run scolded him, though laughter touched his eyes and sound roused his fair, all of whom came swooping off the roof to drape themselves about anything they could, primarily Shanith and Olemuth. He did his best not to flinch as Jisralna pulled bandages away and set to work. It hurt but he wasn't about to let it be known that he was in pain. He was doing everything he could to keep from that being a known fact. Not that the smoking constantly wasn't a clear indication.

B'run is confused, The bronze dragon informed Shanith, green eyes on the sole male of their makeshift household. He feels bad for having feelings for two people. I don't understand why. He snorted and shook his head, sighing and watching the scene quietly once again.

B'run drug a hand over his face "The two o' you feel like the world's starrin' at us?" It was driving him mad. He felt like he was being watched constantly and if that didn't bother him enough, the peopl wandering by the hut and pretending not to glance their way was annoying if anything. Maybe he should send Hush after them, give them a taste of their own medicine.

His grumpy thoughts were interrupted by S'jin and he gave a nod to the man, trying to puzzle out why he looked familiar. Right! Drinking! The greenrider that flirted with him! B'run hardly needed more relationships on his plate, but friendships - especially friendships with men! - Were always welcome. "Evenin' S'jin now, isn't it?" Ha! He remembered! Take that, Drunk B'run!

Re: Recovery and Realizations (Open) - Jisralna - 11.Apr.13

The weaver smiled as R'ana followed her out to the porch and nodded slightly when the woman offered to take Leralna. It really was nice to have another woman around that knew a thing or two about babies rather than having to put the little girl in the creche. Of course that worry was ever present in her mind that come the next hatching she might have no choice in the matter. As R'ana settled down beside B'run with the baby, Jisralna went back inside for the supplies and had gathered the clean bandages and jars of numbweed and water, when Shanith spoke.

Blinking, she found herself confused for several seconds before she realized who belonged to the 'him' and 'she'. Turning, she peered out the door and watched as R'ana played with Leralna and found that she was still a little confused. Of course she would share the man, they were all friends after all. Clearly she had missed the true meaning of the dragons words, perhaps because any tender feelings she felt for the Bronzerider were quickly classified as inappropriate and inconsiderate of R'ana. Venturing back outside, she glanced at Shanith as she nuzzled Olemuth and then set her supplies down on a small table, moving to stand behind B'run and untucking the tail end of the bandage.

She began the tedious and cringe-worthy task of unwinding the bandages, wincing whenever a bit of a scab came off. In the end she left the pile of soiled and stained bandages on the ground, nudging them aside with her slippered foot. B'run's back hardly looked any better and as it usually did, the sight of it made her want to cry, rage and coddle all at once. Instead she bit down on her lower lip and bent to her task, faltering when B'run spoke. Blinking, her brow furrowed and she looked up, expecting someone to be watching. It wasn't that she hadn't noticed the attention that their particular living arrangement had garnered; she just hadn't had the time to actually obssess over it like she normally would have. Of course, Jissy was used to feeling like she was being watched, being slightly paranoid and a bit prudish. Though by comparisson to how she'd been when she'd arrived she was far more liberated that she'd once been. Amazing what birthing a bastard did for a woman.

"Mhm." She made a noncommittal noise and went back to her task only to be interrupted again, though this time by a familiar voice. Her head came up and her eyes fixed on the Weyrling. Seijin! She'd not seen the man since after he'd Impressed Araith; at least not long enough to do more than wave or smile. The young green greeted everyone and Jisralna giggled. Skirting around B'run she hopped down from the porch and stopped in front of the younger man. "Seijin! How have you been? Wait, you know B'run?" She looked back over her shoulder at the bronzerider then seemed to remember that she had a task to complete and grabbed the greenrider by the hand to drag him towards the porch.

"Come and sit, you have to meet R'ana and Leralna." Once the Weyrling had made his way to the porch, Jisralna slipped back behind B'run and carefully poked and prodded at his back, inspecting for any signs of infection. She'd been told that it would be best to let the wounds get a bit of air between bandagings so she took a step back and stared for a long minute, tears welling up before she blinked them away. Her eyes fell on her female friend and the thought occurred to her that it was probably long past time to check the woman's wounds. They'd gotten a bit carried away with the rearranging of B'run's weyr. She stooped down beside the woman, tickling her daughter's cheek with a finger and spoke in a low voice so that Seijin wouldn't overhear. "R'ana, did you want me to check your bandages now?"

Re: Recovery and Realizations (Open) - S'jin - 12.Apr.13

S’jin grinned happily since B’run remembered his name. “That’s right Sir, it is S’jin now. “ He said respectfully.  He smiled brightly at B’run being the ever happy go lucky young man that he was nothing really gets him down. Though he was worried about his B’run cause of what had happened recently but didn’t really want to seem like he was overly concerned about it.

S’jin had to chuckle as jissy started firing away with question. “Araith and I are doing well. Classes have been taking up most of our time but then we’ve still managed to have fun and meet people.  Yes I meet B’run and helped him here one night when he was umm drinking a little bit. “ He nodded softly toward B’run.
He chuckled even more as she grabbed him and pulled him up and introduced him to the  two he didn’t know  R’ana and the baby girl.  “Hello R'ana and hello to you as well little Leralna.  It’s nice to meet you both. “Seijin said without hesitation using the names they both were introduced to him by he thought nothing of it. Even though they had got in trouble over not wanting to accept the weyrleader’s new edict.

It looked like jissy was doing well for herself a new baby and friends to share her life with. Maybe even someday soon she’ll have a dragon of her own to love as well.  He had complete faith in her impressing someday.  He felt Lana shift on his shoulder and try to peek at the baby.  “Easy Lana you can get a chance to peek at her I’m sure you don’t want to get to close and hurt her now. “ He scolded the green flit softly.

  You should of brought cake, Cake make everything better. I know cause it always makes me feel nice inside and warm and fuzzy and happy.  Cake is altogether the most important thing Araith stated softly.  Dearheart we are here to visit not to eat. Thou you might be right I should of brought something with me when I visit. It is too late now to change that I am afraid. He had to laugh and shake his head as he looked at Araith lovingly as she  curled up close by  and waited.

Re: Recovery and Realizations [Open] - Ravana - 13.Apr.13

Reaching up with her free hand, R'ana gripped one of B'run's hands tightly.  She shifted Leralna, cooing to her gently and smiling when the infant babbled to her.  She blushed as hands tucked her hair out of the way and lips touched her head, shifting to lean agaisnt B'run's legs a bit. 

Shanith extended herself a bit to nuzzle at Olemuth's wing, and croon to him.  She told him.  It's a human thing.  R'ana says that you're supposed to love one person at a time, but that what should be and what is are two different things.  You can break yourself trying to make what should be into what is, or you can go with it. 

R'ana was quiet as she fussed over Leralna, having someone to take care of helped a bit.  The baby waved her fists in the air, grabbed a hank of hair and gurgled as she tugged it.  R'ana winced but let her be until she saw a weyrling she barely knew come up.  Protectiveness flared a bit until B'run and Jisralna plainly recognized him.  R'ana settled, though made sure to shield Leralna a moment longer before Shanith's scolding penetrated her mind.

Shanith lifted her head to look at the weyrling and when she spoke, the warmth and welcome in her voice were genuine.  Hi Araith!  I'm Shanith and it's nice to meet you!  She paused.  Ignore mine, she's overprotective of her family at the best of times and S'kef magnified it.  She'll settle momentarily.  Won't you, R'ana?  If you ask her nicely she might even offer you part of a bubbly pie from lunch.  I seem to remember you like small amounts of people food?  The dragon was trying to please, and had no qualms volunteering her rider to play hostess.

R'ana jerked her head in a nod and forced her body to relax.  "Greetings S'jin.  I'ver heard a lot of good things about you from your friend, Silute.  I'm R'a..."  She forced herself to say her name then, the first time giving it to anyone.  "Ravana.  You should call me that. I don't want you ending up hurt like B'run."  Her words were soft and when Jisralna leaned over her she shifted and gently hugged her, making sure not to squish Leralna.  She murmured quietly, "They need to be checked, but no hurry."  She wasn't sure of the idea of her back being seen by S'jin.  She wanted to protect the innocence she saw in him, as long as it could be protected before Katila snuffed it out like a candle in a hurricane. 

Realizing she was holding B'run's hand, she slipped her own hand free and shifted Leralna to a more visible position, offering to pass her to Jisralna so she could show her daughter off.  Whether or not the woman took the baby, R'ana would slip her hand back up to take B'run's hand, offerng what comfort she could.  Frowning, she saw Terken coming up the path.

He stopped when he was close and at the worry in his eyes, R'ana stood and wrapped him up in a hug.  "I'm fine.  B'run got the worst of it.  I'm sorry Shanith kept you and Oahvakeen away."  Terken shrugged and looked at R'ana.  Seeing the look in his blue eyes, R'ana sighed and murmrued, "We'll talk later, you and I.  FOr now you can worry later."  She led him to the porch, and said quietly, "My fosterling Terken." 

Terken gulped and added softly, "I spoke to a weyrling,they'll bring food and lots of it in a quick bit.  Something about you keeping Shanith and lots of lizards from the kitchens?"  R'ana gave an undignified snort. 

"I should remember that...if I ever need anything, all I need to do is threaten them with a return visit."

He nodded, a smile touching his face, then added, "Also, Oahvakeen will be stopping by today.  I told him where to find you, that your name is Ravana and that you're fostering me.  He wanted to know a lot about you."  R'ana blinked and her hand tightened its grip on B'run.  Now that was odd.  Why would Oahvakeen want to know about her?  Shrugging, R'ana relaxed against B'run's legs, careful to keep anything from touching her back which throbbed dully. 

I rambled.  I'm sorry for that.  If someone wants to write food arriving, feel free.

Re: Recovery and Realizations [Open] - Oahvakeen - 15.Apr.13

There's a lot going on in this thread so please let me know if I forgot or messed up something
Isscer had worked on Oahvakeen's motives and now Oahvakeen was considering finding himself a weyrmate to occupy him, provide excuses not to show up for public events, and to "fill holes". R'vana had introduced the theory that dragons couldn't bond with those who didn't have a hole in their heart big enough for a dragon. But, there was no way for a person to know what condition their heart was in or what shaped or sized the potholes were there. But he could actively try to fill it in whatever might exist, blindly. He had begun to wonder, why was not bonding so important to him that he was willing to chase bonds in other areas, like a weyrmate? Other than simply not wanting a reptilian friend, he had forgotten why he was so predjudiced in the first place.

He'd been told by Terken that R'vana had been lashed. They'd set out to find her after the "yay, women are infidels" party, but they hadn't had any luck. Today, he'd wanted to visit her, so he'd formulated an excuse.

He walked up to the hut of B'run, his arms laden with heavy silver colored objects. Each object was round, flat, and had a slight indentation in the middle, and slightly raised edges, as a sort of 'lip'. He'd stacked four of them on the bottom, about a human-foot-length in diameter, and then on top of those, four smaller ones, about a half human-foot-length in diameter. A matching set.

He couldn't help but notice there were already people outside. R'vana,  a man he didn't know, a man he'd seen before, Terken, and a woman he didn't know. Also, a baby. And a gaggle of dragons all lounging about. He made a face at the dragons as if they were molded meat, and then an even more grotesque face at the child, as if it were an undead corpse of moldy rotting meat.

"I uh. is B'run here? These are for him. To fill out the requisition that you ordered. ", but B'run hadn't put in such a requisition.

"Uhhh hi Ravana?"

"Hi Terken?"

"Hello everyone else I don't know?"

"Are you taking care of everyone's babies for them?", he gestured towards the child, his facial expressions under control now.

"Why are they just laying around, are they sick?", he gestured towards the dragons now,

Time for another round of "guess the thing" ? What's Oahvakeen carrying?

Re: Recovery and Realizations [Open] - B'run - 18.Apr.13

B'run didn't even realize he was doing it. But the more people showed up the more he shifted closer to the women. It was a hand tightening slightly on R'ana's shoulder or his body angled towards Jisralna but the man was clearly protective of 'his' women. Though, he relaxed when Oahvakeen's greeting was friendly enough, even if his look towards Olemuth wasn't. B'run bit back a snarl, but did fix the man with a look that made it clear that an insult to his dragon was an insult to him.

"I didn' order anythin'." He frowned, reaching for the pouch of cigars that wasn't there and frowning when he realized he'd left them inside and couldn't smoke anyway because of the baby's closeness. Stupid rules. How had he gotten overruled in his own hut? He likely wouldn't ever understand - Women were involved and they were mysteries. He sifted his gaze from Oahvakeen's face to the package in his arms, brow wrinkling in confusion.

He sat up straighter, head tilted and watching the man that was, until now, unknown to him. Sure, he'd seen him around but he'd seen everyone around at one point or another. That hardly meant anything. Especially to a relative recluse like B'run. Of course, recluses don't get themselves lashed over defending women or find themselves with a hut full of them. So, B'run wasn't making the wisest life choices as of late.

"They're enjoyin' the sun, boy. Dragons do that." He wanted a smoke. He wanted it bad. So many people were setting his nerves on edge. He'd tried asking if he could at least chew on the cigar, but the glare he'd gotten in response from both women had been enough to stifle the argument before it had left his mouth. For all his bad decisions, he was smart enough to not argue with a woman. Wiley things.

"Would ya rather they came t'see you? Olemuth'd be more an' happy t'come over an' get real close." As he spoke Olemuth lifted his head, eyes swirling a slow, steady green. The fair of fire lizards that looked to B'run reacted to the dragon and swooped down off the roof, landing on the ground around their bonded and on his lap. Lovely, the gold, dominated his lap, though Ali was doing her best to balance on his knee, excited to see the strangers.

Re: Recovery and Realizations [Open] - Oahvakeen - 19.Apr.13

Oahvakeen was pretty thick, but the way the man B'run touched R'ana mad Oahvakeen cringe, a mixture of anger and jealousy. Until it dawned on  him that the man was staking his territory. A red blush filled his cheeks, and nothing B'run could saw would make the color go away. Why hadn't R'ana told him? He thought she hated dragon riders, and here was a dragon rider and his dragon.

"Oh, I ah..."

Did he want the dragons to come up and see him? No way!

"I-I-I...", he stammered.

He backed up  a step, nearly tripped, and caught himself, stainless steel plates still balanced in his arms. He leaned forwards now, deposited the stack on the ground, whirled on his feet, and faced the direction opposite B'run's house.

He took a deep breath. He took a step. Another step. And then he ran, as fast as he could, wanting no more than to escape the embarrassment of his shattered little crush.


Re: Recovery and Realizations [Open] - Jisralna - 19.Apr.13

In a matter of minutes, what had been their cramped but secluded little bit of solitude exploded with visitors and a bit flustered, the feeling only slightly mitigated by the one armed hug from R'ana, Jisralna had to scoop up her daughter from the other woman to keep from fidgeting. She might not have noticed the look that the red-headed man had given her daughter, but the ever vigilant Silly did. He unfurled his wings and hissed at the man as he fumbled about awkwardly. Blinking, and thinking that the little brown was simply being difficult--not exactly a surprise--Jisralna shooed the firelizard with a waggle of her foot. "Be nice, Silly. No one is going to hurt Lera."

Silly was not appeased and only seemed more agitated as Jissy took his squishy squealing thing from the safety of the porch and towards S'jin. At the mention of B'run's drinking, she turned her head to give the man in question a look. It was no secret now that she fussed over the man and thought he drank a bit too much. When she held the infant out for her oldest friend at Katila to see and his little green leaned in closer, Silly let out a terrible screech and lauched himself into the air. "Silly! Don't you-"

She didn't get a chance to scold him as the brown dove at poor little Lana, scolding her angrily. That was HIS smelly squish squealing thing! Jisralna's cheeks burned with embarrassment. The blasted brown was more than a handful when he got agitated. Shifting Leralna into one arm, she lunged forward as he dove again and the brown narrowly avoided her flailing hand. "Enough! You get out of here now!"

It was rare that the woman ever rose her voice but when she did, her firelizards generally listened. Silly hissed and blinked between only to reappear above the hut and land on the roof, his eyes swirling red and orange. He would listen to his food giver but if anyone made a move on his smelly squishy squealer...

Lera squirmed and Jissy repositioned her to quiet her fussing. Surprisingly enough she wasn't a particularly fussy baby and only stared up at her mother for a short time as though wonder where the loud voice had come from. "I'm sorry Seijin...oh, should I be calling you S'jin now? I can never keep track of all the new rules." She smiled at Terken, she'd seen the lad lingering around R'ana enough though hadn't actually been introduced to him. The other man, however, she turned her attention to as he finally spoke, smiling as he greeted them all. His comment about the dragons alarmed her though and she quickly cast her gaze towards the bronze and the two greens. She frowned, they didn't look ill. They looked quite healthy in fact.

As B'run spoke, Jissy turned slightly so that she could see everyone and when he offered to have Olemuth come over and...oh! The man with the hair as red as her own must be nervous around dragons! She watched the man intently as he stammered and backed away. It didn't make any sense to be nervous around dragons; they wouldn't hurt anyone. She took a step towards the man to say as much when he stumbled. Blinking she watched as he quickly deposited what looked like strange metal plates on the ground and then turned. Before she could close the gap between them to place a reassuring hand on his arm, he'd taken off, running from the hut.

Jisralna stared after him, confused and slightly concerned for the man. Finally she turned back around looking from one person to the next for some sort of explanation as to why the man would run off as though a pack of hounds were after him? Sighing she moved back towards Seijin and smiled. "Did you want to hold her?"

Re: Recovery and Realizations [Open] - Ravana - 21.Apr.13

R'ana felt a hand on her shoulder tighten and blinked up at B'run, then greeted Oahvakeen, carefully blocking the memory of how they met from Shanith.  She did not need a berserk green.  Shanith caught the tail end of the thought and began trying to work out what the memory was that R'ana was hiding.  Failing, for the moment she nuzzled Olemuth, glaring at Oahvakeen with eyes that were beginning to whirl red.  She had caught enough to know she disliked him! 

She was getting up to greet him with a hug when he dropped the metal things he was carrying and bolted.  Ravana settled back down and looked up at both Jisralna and B'run.  She spoke quietly.  "He's a wonderful man, a bit strange but a good person and kinda sweet...  I'll go return the things, maybe he got mixed up as to who he was delivering to?"  That he had been coming to see her hadn't occurred to R'ana.

She wondered at the look on his face though when he had seen the dragons and child and why he had looked so upset at B'run's hand on her shoulder.  Perhaps he had liked Jisralna?  She was a beautiful woman and soft spoken, and gentle.  R'ana could see why any man would want her.  Sometimes, not often, but sometimes she felt jealous of her friend, wished she was more like her, more like a woman should be.

It was Terken who put things together first, and he stood, gathering the plates.  "I'll do it R'ana."  He headed off, wishing sometimes his foster mother wasn't so dense about people!  He liked Oahvakeen too much to let him head off to be heartbroken alone, and knew R'ana would make things worse because she was oblivious to him having liked her as more than a friend.  He loped off quickly, heading off to find Oahvakeen and return the plates.

Shanith nestled against Olemuth and felt R'ana relax her hold on the memories of how she and Oahvakeen met.  She peeked and there was a sudden surge of protective rage.  The greeen surged to her feet, hissing in rage and R'ana managed to head to her and wrap her arms around the dragon's head.  "Stay here!  The cave in wasn't his fault and you won't go fly over to him and harass him over it!"  The green fought the command, only seeing that R'ana still carried the scars from the cave in and that Oahvakeen had hurt her rider. 

He's why you're claustrophobic and why you have that scar and why you can't go into healing hall and why...  The dragon's rage was too much for her rider and R'ana broke into silent tears.  Shanith stilled then wrapped a wing around her rider,a ttempting to shield her from view.  I'm sorry!  I won't hurt him, I'll be nice, I'm sorry!  R'ana shook her head and clung to Shanith her grip easing slightly as she found herself grappling with her own emotions.

It was about then that a weyrling arrived, dropping off several baskets of food and leaving in a hurry as he was glared at by Shanith for landing to close to her and R'ana who was still weeping against her head.  Trying to take attention off her and hers, Shanith told Araith quietly, I smell bubbly pies!

Re: Recovery and Realizations [Open] - S'jin - 26.Apr.13

Araith of course warmed right up to shanith when she offered her rider as a host to bring bubblie pies.  I love pies and cakes. Do you know that S’jin can bake cake? I should have told him to make one to cheer your rider and B’run up.

“Hello Ravana it’s nice to finally meet you. Always nice to see a fellow green rider. I hope L’te didn’t say anything bad about me then.  “He smiled warmly at Terken “Hello to you as well Terken. “

S’jin did not like how Oahvakeen looked at the dragons his eyes narrowed slightly. Or that he made a comment on them being sick because they were relaxing in the warm sun. As if that was something they shouldn’t be doing. But he offered a polite greeting to the young man as well.  “Hello “he said softly not knowing the man’s name yet.  He did have to chuckle softly when B’run suggested that the dragons come over and meet the man that joined them and then he ran off.  “I guess that was a very firm no I don’t want them to come over. “

S’jin smiled and reached to touch the baby when a blur went by his and went after Lana. The green squawked and hid behind his head. She was upset she only wanted to see the little human.  S’jin reached out and comforted Lana. “It’s ok pretty girl I guess he just didn’t want you to get close, being a bit protective. “  He looked at Jissy “It’s alright, like I told Lana just being protective no harm no foul. No one’s hurt.  “

S’jin peeked up at the firelizard that attacked Lana. “I’m not so sure I should, wouldn’t want to repeat performance. “ He was both nervous cause he never held a child as small at the little girl and the firelizard already to exception to him being too close to the little dear. 

Course then he was bombarded by Araith for bubblie pie as the weyrling from one the classes brought the basket and Araith was informed there were pies in it. S’jin laughed hard and shook his head at her. “Araith found pies she will be talking about nothing else all day unless she gets a piece. “