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[G] [C] 732.12.09 | Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Printable Version

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732.12.09 | Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - B'jin - 21.Dec.12

It was, without question, the second most event which had candidates either excited, or ruffling unhappy feathers. B’jin was a little on both sides of the fence about the whole thing, but in the end, the Hatching was literally days away, and a lot of his candidates were still far too skitterish about the upcoming event. Oh, there were some – such as those who were weyr bred – that were looking forward to it with the self-assured confidence of those positive they were going to Impress. But most of them, notably those that had been stolen, where far less than pleased, and even as B’jin waited for them together on the edge of the Hatching grounds, could see them shifting uncomfortably. It could have been the heat of the sands, but they hadn’t made it onto them yet.

“Alright, guys.” B’jin called their attention, watching with a slight frown as eyes turned to him and firelizards settled. He still didn’t like the little beasts, it was quite probable he never would since he never had, but the advancement of the class as far as taking care of the little creatures had made them well worth the occasional hassle they could cause. Most of them were even coming along decently with their training. Cracked hides were minimal, and happy green eyes were at a maximum. B’jin was pleased, even if he would always remain slightly stiff and standoffish when dealing with them. “You are the first group on the Sands. Jada has allowed your Firelizards to accompany you, so long as you keep them under control.”

A pause as he eyed those with the little beasts meaningfully, before nodding. “You are all adults, so have a little dignity and respect for each other and the eggs. Be gentle, and don’t fight. You are all required to Touch one egg. Those that are so interested can do two, three or all of them. You have however long this will take. Ignore your classmates that are skulking around, and focus on your task.” B’jin had already seen several of the gold candidates join Jada, and those not put in the first group had been hovering around too. They’d get their turn in the following couple of days, but there were too many candidates to shove them all on at once.

“In you go,” B’jin waves his hand, stepping aside and watching them file in. Sighing, the greenrider strode in after them, crossing his arms over his chest and watching mildly. Hopefully some of the eggs would result in interesting effects on the kids. Please? Larrikith laughed.

[+] You can assume all PC's were put into the same group for the Touching, with the class divided into manageable groups of about 10 or so.
[+] Due to a lack of a gold egg, gold candidates are excluded from the class. They are welcome to bug Jada on the outskirts or pout or cheer on the Fighter candidates.
[+] This class is compulsory IN CHARACTER; but no one is forced to RP it. You are encouraged to, though! It's fun!
[+] There are eleven eggs on the Sands. They have not been named, and will be referred to as Egg01 through Egg11. You can Touch one or all of them, but:
[+] Only touch ONE egg per Post. Random Event will post with your character's touching results. You may Touch the same egg someone else did; there should be enough eggs for those who take part to Touch 1-3 each without doubling up, depending on attendance.
[+] Have fun!

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Rhaedalyn - 22.Dec.12

Rhaedalyn was sulking. She couldn’t even pretend to deny she was. There really wasn’t a need to sulk either but there she stood, creeping around walls doing exactly that. She had been denied the chance to Touch the eggs on the Sand with the last clutch as well thanks to D’ren’s decree about fewer women Standing finally going into affect. No one seemed to believe a gold would be hidden within one of the shells either since a brown had sired the Clutch so it hadn’t seemed important to let the girls deemed as prime Candidates for gold to mingle with the egg. The Clutch before that had been more of a free for all and she had been allowed to Touch a few eggs.

What an experience! Rhaedalyn could still recall the smooth and warm surface of the shells and the reactions each one invoked within her. One egg had been rather mean to her and left her visibly shaken and almost afraid to touch any others. In hindsight, Rhaedalyn was willing to bet that was Hoth’s egg. What a foul dragon! She knew it was likely enthusiasm that had him clawing at so many people while trying to find his bonded but every time she saw Indivara, Rhaedalyn had to question that and briefly wondered if the tiny bronze was actually cruel. At least she had managed to force herself to move to another egg instead of across the Sands away from the Clutch and the next egg had been so sweet and kind, promising loyalty and a hint of fun. That had to have been Pistoth but it was hard to know for sure, though that blue was so precious! Rhaedalyn loved when she could watch Pistoth and Veeth interact, especially when they were still hatchlings. Despite how sweet those two always were together, Rhaedalyn still had all of her teeth intact!

Now, however, she was standing on the sidelines for the second Clutch in a row as her classmates were allowed to walk amongst the eggs and possibly make a connection before Hatching. She had been told there wasn’t a gold this time, but the last two did have gold and no one knew until the sweet girls showed themselves. But Rhaedalyn trusted B’jin – even if she hated him for three days for the issue of her virginity – and if he said they knew what to look for now and his gut or whatever said there wasn’t a gold, then she’d believe him. Apparently that didn’t mean it would stop the sulking from being excluded though. Of course she had been invited to stand with Jada but she wasn’t in the mood for socialising or watching how everyone fared.

Really, all she was in the mood for was a quick and quiet cry into her pillow at being useless again since she still hadn’t Impressed which meant she was still only good for keeping around because she could mend clothing. Maybe she could sneak over to V’zire’s hut and sulk there for a bit. Niskziath wasn’t due to fly so her suddenly appearing at his door wouldn’t be too big of an inconvenience. Muffin squeaked then, startling Rhaedalyn out of her self-pitying long enough to remind her she had been hugging the firelizard and must have squeezed him a bit too hard. V’zire had teased her about how it was surprising Muffin still knew how to fly given how often and tightly Rhaedalyn clung to her little blue as if the firelizard was actually a stuffed toy but Muffin definitely knew how to fly given how often he liked to lead her on chases when they were outside.

A light kiss was giving to the top of Muffin’s head as apology since she didn’t want to risk talking and disturb Krypth or disrupt her classmates trying to bond with the dragonets. The flit crooned in return, obviously forgiving her immediately though concern showed in his swirling eyes over the disappointment Rhaedalyn had over not Impressing a dragon. The young tailor quickly caught on to the emotions and sent Muffin images of love and happiness and gave him another kiss. She was so thankful to have him and he most certainly wasn’t going to be replaced should a dragon ever deem her worthy!

Still, it felt like another step into failure as she stared at the third Clutch she knew she wouldn’t Impress in. Suddenly, even the desire to feel the heat from the Sands seeping through her shoes vanished and Rhaedalyn didn’t want to linger and lurk by the wall any longer. She turned on her heels and while a dignified lady would gracefully walk away, she moved right into a jog, knowing she was close to crying and didn’t want any witnesses. She was a failure and unwanted! V’zire wouldn’t truly understand either. He had the chance to Impress to four colours but she had been set aside, viewed as potential for only one. It was flattering but at the same time depressing since according to those in charge not even a green would want her.

With another reassuring croon from Muffin and a sniffle from Rhaedalyn, the normally bouncy and energetic woman moved swiftly through the weyr with V’zire’s hut still her destination after all. She’d be fine again soon but right then she wanted a hug from her friend and possibly a chance to steal his bed and hide under his blankets for a little while.

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - T'lian - 22.Dec.12

At least B'jin was sympathetic. Talian wasn't convinced he could handle any other sort of attitude to this candidacy garbage. He'd had enough of riders acting like it was some kind of honor! He frowned as he lingered near the back, eyes never drifting from B'jin as he spoke. B'jin didn't sound at all thrilled to be here, and that alone was enough to keep Talian calm. B'jin was a good man and understood what it was like to not want any part of this dragonriding business.

Tal and B'jin had been through a lot together. Fellis could sense it was he perched on the young healer's shoulder, rustling nervously in response to Talian's mixed emotions. Talian didn't want to go out there, but B'jin's presence was helping him keep his chin up. The fire lizard crooned softly and combed his snout through the healer's hair. Something important was going on, so Daddy needed to look his best! That would help, right?

Talian swallowed hard and tried to still his heart as B'jin sent them out. The healer was reluctant, but determined not to lose his cool over this. They were just eggs, right? Supposedly touching them led to some pretty interesting experiences, and Talian would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he was curious. How could he not be, after seeing the effect that Fellis had on him? What an amazing little critter, and Talian loved him so much!

But...touching an egg was supposed to make you more likely to Impress, wasn't it? That was the rumor, at least, and that didn't sit well with the young man.

He looked nervously to B'jin as he wandered out onto the sands. Fellis remained quiet and still, head tilting curiously as they approached the eggs. Tal wrinkled his nose at them. He approached the nearest one, intending to get it over with as soon as possible, but Fellis didn't agree. He let out the softest peep and fluttered his wings a time or two, tiny head angled towards another close by egg.

"Okay, okay..." Talian said with a light sigh. He moved over to the egg and stared at it forlornly for a couple moments before lightly placing his fingers on the mottled shell.

Egg 1, cause I'm creative

Re:  Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Random Event - 22.Dec.12

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - S'jin - 22.Dec.12

<spoiler>OOC . try egg number 7 cause that my lucky number *grins* !</spoiler>

Seijin  listen to B'jin before they headed out to the sands. He had Lana perched on his shoulder and left claus waiting in the rafters of his room. Lana was the most behaved and clingy so he would take her with him to see the eggs. Claus was still a bit wild but he listened when he was told to stay back now so Seijin was glad of that.

Seijin followed Talian onto the sands. He knew that the healer didn't really want to be doing this he could tell just by his body language alone.  He watched to see what egg he choose and moved around the eggs to the other side. He had keep his movements soft and light as he had moved carefully around the  eggs.  A silent thanks to the gold for the privilege of being able to come out and touch her eggs. Though he didn't know  if she could hear him over the sounds and movements of the other candidates.

He heard Lana chirp encouragingly as he had picked the egg the drew him to it.  He reached out a hand to lightly brush the surface of the egg.  He was nervous it was sure he been on the sands and left behind before but he wasn't frightened of the eggs.  He was more calm his nervousness was about making a good impression.  He closed his eyes as his fingertips lightly brushed the surface of the egg before laying the rest of his hand down on the surface softly.

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Farlint - 22.Dec.12

He'd missed out on the last Hatching, since he'd decided his leg was still too injured to escape Hoth Junior, and it had been terribly disappointing to see the last Hatching had seemed to go so very well. So he had decided to give it another go- Farlint was going to get on those Sands again! It was all well and good, too, considering there were eleven eggs on the Sands this time. Good show to Krypth and Tyrrisath. The last one had been itty- hopefully because of the youth of the dam. Mother. Shards, he bred Runners, not Dragons- did they have a name for the Clutchmother? Ooo, he liked that one. Clutchmother. Clutch Mother. No, he'd stick with the term he was familiar with- Dam.

Walking onto the Sands again to actually go and touch an egg was an exciting experience for Far. He'd enjoyed analyzing the feel of the little buggers shells last time. He'd gotten one he quite liked (Peostath, that gorgeous little Green girl), and one that had given him a massive headache (Vyaniorth, if he recalled correctly. Wrong Bronze, that, considering it had ended up Hoth giving him an ache later.) It would be very interesting to see what personalities would come from this little batch of dragons. Last time, there had been a surprise Gold. Could there be another buried in this little pile of beasties?

His grin turned cheeky as B'jin lectured them on decorum, pulling his long hair back into one fist at the nape of his neck and securing it with a leather thong. Yes yes, no playing about the eggs. This time, Far was going to ensure he Touched them all before he scooted off the Sands. Hopefully there were no more headaches in this clutch of them.

With a polite little gesture to Krypth as he moved, remembering his manners, he darted off to the eggs as soon as B'jin released them. Touching~ Touching~ And he was able to dart! Oh, he loved having legs that worked, and were getting stronger. Which one would he grab first? Hmm, hmm, hmm.... "You!" he told one of the eggs triumphantly, and slid his calloused hand gently over the shell. Gingerly, possibly, more than gently, treating the shell as though it were the hide of a nervous runner. And then he applied weight to it, pressing his hand against the leathery skin more firmly.

Egg #11, cause I am a rebel.

Re:  Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Random Event - 22.Dec.12

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - V'ra - 22.Dec.12

Indivara would have been quivering with suspenseful anticipation, but that wouldn’t have been all that dignifying, and Indivara preferred to appear dignified if she couldn’t appear vengeful, and since the little buggers hadn’t done anything to piss her off yet, Indivara had decided quite firmly that dignified was the way to be. That didn’t stop the small smirk of victory as she stood with the rest of the first group of candidates, more than thrilled to be in it, and smug beyond belief when she realised Kerrin had been tossed in one of the other groups. Oh, sweet victory!

Perched on her shoulders, her firelizards chittered softly, picking up on her excitement but not quite acting on it. Indivara was an emotional child, and she preferred her firelizards not express her emotions any more than she herself was required to. Spazzed out flitters was not something she found appealing. No, they should be well behaved and ready to strike revenge at any moment someone commented on her short height! Indivara smirked as she entered the Sands, watching the other candidates spread out. It was about time she was on the Sands officially, especially since hanging out with Jada had done very little to win her points officially. It probably didn’t help that Jada didn’t reap much reward out of Krypth’s hide, either.

Bronze all the way, baby! Grinning triumphantly as her lizards looked around excitably – Shit Head staring over at Krypth and chittering cheerfully, but Blood Sucker was watching with interest the lay of the eggs, leaning down Indivara’s chest as he directed her attention toward one egg in particular. The tiny young woman gave him a little pet on the head, and turned her own attention on the egg, stopping just before it and looking down at it thoughtfully. She’d never touched an Egg before, despite Jada encouraging her to the past two clutches ‘no one will know’ – but Indivara knew that wouldn’t have been true; she would have told Kerrin, and D’ren would have found out. That would have gotten Jada into all kinds of trouble, and Indivara didn’t mind causing issues for most people, but not for her friends.

A single hand extended cautiously to touch the egg softly. Blood Sucker crooned curiously as he sniffed the egg by his human’s fingers.

Egg #6!

Re:  Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Random Event - 22.Dec.12

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Jada - 23.Dec.12

Krypth was quite excited about the fact that her clutch was going to have a bunch of grubby little people rubbing their hands all over it. As such, she was holding court over the clutch as closely as she could, staring fixedly at the center point in her little spiral design. Her tail twitched like a feline as her eyes followed one human to another, considering each of them carefully. Jada, look! It's Talian! He came to touch my eggs. Talian! He doesn't even like us. Do you think he will say hello? Do you? Why was Rhaedalyn leaving? How rude! She could at least watch, couldn't she? Oh well! Oh look! Indivara! Hi Indivara! Hi!

"Probably not." The goldrider replied in regards to the question about Talian, patting the young Queen's hide. It was her second clutch, and Krypth was still very young. The exuberance was childlike, the protectiveness incredibly grown up, and her sheer enjoyment as one of the Candidates blinked at her nervously- Don't scare the Northerners, Krypth. She could feel the other goldrider shift next to her, and the bump of gangly wings as the dragon clinging to the other woman's side knocked into Jada's own lower leg and then pulled back to her own bonded, peering at the spiral on the Sands in a way that seemed to mimic her mother.

I would never! How could such crisp clarity still come across as innocence? Krypth reached out her nose, neck stretching out, then she paused, blinking down at the smaller Gold near her. Well... I don't know? Whatever the question had been, the Queen didn't share, but the pensiveness lingered in the corner of her mind, stroking over Jada's.

"It's a little strange seeing it from this angle, isn't it?" Jada asked the other goldrider conversationally, and saw the brief nod. Saw the hand reach down to stroke over the shiny hide, and- well, how was she supposed to resist? Jada reached out her own hand, pressing firmly against Krypth's buttery hide. Such a good girl, Krypth. Through the bond, dragon and rider shared a sensation of pride and joy in the events taking place. Any easier the second time around?

I'm not afraid that the Candidates are going to stick their feet through the babies this time around. If they try, I have plans to find a way to ensure they are locked in a very small room with Indivara and Charath. Well. It was something. Jada glanced around, surreptitiously trying to get a look at any other gold candidates nearby, to gauge how they were feeling about the events. One had made her feelings known, but there were plenty of women in the group.

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - T'lian - 23.Dec.12

"Oh!" Tal snapped, recoiling from both the unexpected warmth and the strangely curious outreach present in the egg. "That's sharding creepy..." he said, bewildered at the odd sentience displayed by what appeared to be nothing more than an egg. It was like looking in a mirror! The impersonal curiosity reminded Talian so very much of himself that he wanted to take off in horror, but his own curiosity demanded that he do the exact opposite. He cursed under his breath and took a shaky step towards the egg, placing his hand against it once more.

He anticipated the heat this time and waited, allowing that curious sensation to mingle with his own. He couldn't understand how such a thing could even be! He was more interested in it than he cared to admit, really. Fellis crooned, as intrigued as his bonded, and started to crawl down Talian's arm to sit on the back of his hand. Tal forbade the creature from touching the eggshell, since he didn't desire to be eaten by Krypth and he still assumed such was a possibility at any time, but he did admire how Fellis observed the egg with such interest. It was cute!

"Well, that was weird.." Talian said, pulling his hand away almost reluctantly after a short while of gently stroking the shell. Was this normal? He looked around to gauge his classmates and was surprised to see so many reactions. He crossed his arms, suddenly less enthusiastic to try it again. Fellis didn't seem to want to leave the current egg, but Talian was quite satisfied. It was intriguing, but he didn't want to tempt fate too much.

"I think I'm done," he announced lightly as he shuffled back across the sands. He looked anxiously to B'jin.

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Jada - 23.Dec.12

A golden head swung back and forth, watching the proceedings with an avid interest. Touching here, touching there, grubby little faces brightening with joy and revulsion as her children reacted to each of them. It was adorable! She was so very pleased! Krypth hummed low in her throat and pulled back up on her haunches, watching contentedly and rocking side to side. Next to her, the little gold drew herself up importantly, peering around inquisitively. That was a good thing too, wasn't it? Wasn't it? Waves of joy poured down the bond as Krypth examined her Sandsy domain.

And then she noticed something that gave her pause. Talian was stepping back? Talian was stepping away! Oh, no! He wasn't done yet! Krypth's long golden body hit the sands, snaking along them in a scramble. Probably not silently, she popped her way up in the general direction of 'behind' the Master Healer, and cried out- talian! Talian, you aren't done yet, are you? Hello little Fellis, aren't you just precious, have you met Klah? Klah, Klah, where are you?

A chirp, and a brown head poked up from where it was buried under one of the eggs.

So Talian, which one are you going to Touch next? I vote this one. Do I get a vote? I think I should. And my vote is quite weighty. Get it? Do you get the joke? Her crisp voice was filled with joviality, partially forced and partially... just Krypth being over-excited. Weighty, because I am so big now. I've grown a lot. Couldn't fit in Healer Hall anymore, if you've noticed. Well, go ahead, Touch it!

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - T'lian - 23.Dec.12

Talian thought he was making a clean escape, but his hopes were shattered when Krypth suddenly wound herself in between Talian and the edge of the sands. The young healer let out a yelp, accented by his fire lizard's frightened scream, and took a jerky step back. "K-krypth!" he gasped, eyes widening at the gold dragon's sudden proximity.

Oh shards she was talking to him. Oh shards! The healer swallowed hard, reaching into his shirt to extract the terrified fire lizard that had burrowed into the safest place he knew. "O-oh...okay..." Talian said, trying to regain his dignity and composure as he regarded the gold. Why was she insisting that he stay? Shards, she was probably still determined to make friends with him. Talian could remember being perfectly ugly to both of them at their last encounter so he couldn't imagine why. He looked to the edge of the sands at Jada, appealing to her with his soft tawny eyes to save him before he was crushed or maimed.

Shards, who was he kidding. He didn't have much of an excuse to be so scared of dragons anymore, so he just let out a resigned sigh. "Fine," he said miserably, inching over to the egg she had so enthusiastically voted for. He bit his lip and then lightly set one hand upon it's shell, bracing himself.

egg 2!

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - S'jin - 23.Dec.12

Seijin jumped as his hand made contact fully with the egg. It shocked him. Well it didn't really hurt but it was a amazing jolt to his system. He felt good better then he had been in the longest time. He was ready to touch more eggs. He was confident suddenly that the one for him was here and that he would find it this time.  He wasn't really positive where his new found determination and confidence came from but he wasn't going to contemplate it to long.
He was ready to act. To find another egg to touch. He knew they could touch more then one egg and  supposedly it gave them a chance to make a bond with the dragon inside before the hatching so that they could pick the right partners.  He gave the egg a soft rub and looked around. He  then moved to the egg  just off to the right of the first one .

He had to weave around the one egg carefully. He noticed that Talian tried to leave and the gold seemed to of stopped him.  She wanted him to  attach to one of her offspring apparently. He wondered why that was. He found the healer quite interesting and was sorry he never got the chance to talk to him during classes.  Though he didn't seem to want to be here but he did know that Talian was stolen as well sometime he believed before him. He wasn't sure where the man stood on hatching's but he didn't seem very comfortable.

/spoiler  egg nine /spoiler

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Jada - 23.Dec.12


His yelp was surprisingly loud, and Krypth's earknobs would have tilted back like an animal's ears if they had been capable. She made a rumbling, unquiet shushing noise in her throat, eyes whirling. Don't cry out so loud! She chided him gently, turning her head to glance at the other people milling about nearby. She started to nose at him, but a tingle in the back of her mind reminded her that she was supposed to know Talian didn't like to be touched by her. She refrained, just in time, instead waiting for him to come to her, or to move away.

Talian's soft, tawny eyes were wide and begging, and Jada felt the sudden urge to be wicked and leave him to his fate. Still, that did rather go against the kind of girl she tried to be, though the wicked little voice in the back of her mind that sounded suspiciously like Indivara... well. really, if Jada were going to be a responsible Rider, she would be over there encouraging Krypth to leave the poor boy alone. Instead, she cast him wide, innocent eyes of her own. Doe eyes versus doe eyes, as it were, though Jada's were marred by a wicked sparkle. And it paid off, because he seemed to sigh and move over to an egg.

Krypth's joy was palpable. Who else needed to touch a new egg? Plenty of love for everyone! Such a crisp voice, almost cold by its very nature, and joyous. Indivara, keep moving! Her head swung towards Seijin, looking at him now. You too! Oh, there he went, touching another. As it should be!

Grubby little hands smearing all over the pretty shells... Ah, it was good for them.

Re:  Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Random Event - 23.Dec.12

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - T'lian - 23.Dec.12

Talian was alarmed by the evil look in Jada's eyes. He frowned at her, more bothered by the gesture than he would have anticipated himself, and reminded himself that is why he didn't associate with her. He knew that kind, concerned facade was just an act! Fellis chirped, utterly confused, as the healer turned away and looked back at the egg he'd been directed to.

How weird. He knew he was supposed to be anticipating some sort of weird psychic dragon emotion, but all he felt was hunger. He found himself thinking of his lunch, how good it was, and whether or not he'd be able to get any more, all while waiting on this damn egg to kick in and do whatever it was it was going t-....ah. I get it. You're hungry he thought. Fellis chittered softly, eyes flushing red in matching hunger. He could have gone to find something, but he couldn't leave Daddy alone when he was so uncomfortable!  That's not what good boys did!

Talian frowned, unimpressed with the egg. His stomach growled loudly. "I like the other one better," he mumbled halfheartedly as he inched away from the egg. He eyed Krypth, still suspecting he was trapped, and reached for the next nearest one. What would this one do?

Egg 5!

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - S'kef - 24.Dec.12

"Kid looks like he's going to piss himself," S'kef mused as he appeared, stepping quietly from the sidelines and smiling as he neared the edge of the sands. It had been a long couple of sevendays, and he'd hardly taken any time to come out and admire the second clutch sired by his strong partner. What a sight it was! It made him feel like a proper Weyrleader. He smiled with disarmingly honest pleasure, nodding a polite greeting to Jada before letting his sharp eyes wander across the sand to Talian. "I kind of hope he does."

He dressed the nasty comment as a joke. He chuckled and smirked, switching his attention briefly to B'jin. The greenrider didn't seem to value his position was Weyrling Master much, which puzzled S'kef. B'jin was a good teacher and seemed so determined to protect the little brats from suffering his own fate, seemed like he would take the appointment as a blessing! But bah, since when did B'jin have any sense?

"How are things here, though? Everything going smoothly?" he asked, raising a brow as he made a more sweeping observation of the class. They seemed more eager than the last batch, at least. Good. S'kef wasn't a sentimental man, but even he felt somewhat warmed when he thought back to his own Impression. Touchings were worthwhile affairs, he figured, having been lucky enough to touch his own egg before Tyrrisath hatched.

Tyrrisath had been the largest egg of a pitifully small clutch, and one of the few to be any color aside from green. S'kef had been drawn to the largest egg out of his natural attraction to power, and while he was surprised when it yielded a brown rather than a bronze, it was hard to argue with results. "Tyrrisath sends his well wishes..."

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - V'ra - 24.Dec.12

Hello Krypth, Indivara’s mind-voice was dry, knowing the dragon usually heard her but also aware that considering the way Krypth was just about mentally bouncing off the walls, that could be quite a debatable fact at that particular point. She’d probably be lucky to hear anyone but Jada until she stopped bouncing around like Talian when he was high that one time. Indivara eyed the young man with amusement sideways, biting her bottom lip to withhold a full-blown smirk while Blood Sucker gave a chirp of amusement, but Shit Head tightened her tail threateningly and gave Indivara a dirty look. The girl ignored her, in favour of paying attention to the egg she had dropped her fingers upon.

Indivara shivered as her immediate response was to stiffen up, a frown furrowing eyebrows and pulling at scar tissue as she stared down at the egg’s shell, pursing her lips. The timid nature of the little one within the egg was less than appealing to the young woman, who was far more attracted to hardy and powerful creatures – ones that were happy to stand up for themselves, with a bite as nasty as their bark. Blood Sucker chirped in her ear, causing her to jump, and her hand snatched away from the egg. “Blah.” She grimaced, shaking her hand and flicked Krypth the bird when the gold told her to move on. “Yeah, yeah,” she grumbled, rolling her eyes and sliding around those people still scattered about the Clutch.

“Which one now, Blood?” Indivara asked mildly, watching someone approach the egg she’d just left. Let them have it; maybe the timid little creature would show a backbone when it met its match. She sure as fuck wasn’t interested in it! Indivara had seen the results a timid dragon could have on a hardy rider, having spent most of her childhood under the feet of the first group of Weyrlings, and seen the relationships they’d built between them. Rocky relationships between dragons made her skin crawl. No wonder so many of them were lost in Weyrlinghood!

“That one?” She asked, as Blood Sucker took off her shoulder and hovered over an egg, chittering to capture her attention before landing lightly on the surface. Indivara snatched him off by the wing joints, scolding him mentally as she tossed him on her shoulder. “A little respect, Blood! Fuck.” Glaring sideways at the firelizard, she snorted and then took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind before she placed both hands firmly but gently onto the egg shell.

Eggie #4

Re:  Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Random Event - 24.Dec.12

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Farlint - 24.Dec.12

Just touching his egg, far could feel his excitement take bloom, heart pounding faster and faster. Yeah! This dragonet got it, understood how exciting this was for Farlint, to be back on the Sands, back with his Runners, back moving about without a cane. Able to run, and jump, and romp... yeah! And there was the Hatching, and a new turn, and lessons, and there was just- so much to be excited for, and happy about! Far, being a naturally happy drunk person, was able to follow along with the little creature's thoughts for some time, able to maintain the list of things that they should be happy about. Grass, trees, fruits, wherries! Happy about... And then it became... too much. Joy turned to the jitters, and Farlint pushed off the egg with a blink, needing to step away.

It was intimate, as he had recalled. He'd been in there, knowing that the creature wanted to share. The creature's joy, matching his own and multiplying it. Not a bad feeling, but it quickly became alarming, that light little connection. What must it be like for a real bond? intimidating thought, giving up that much of himself to anyone. Far swallowed, nose wrinkling in mild dismay. Still, it hadn't been a negative experience. Just daunting.

Stepping to another egg, an eye going to the whirly-eyed Queen who was harassing Candidates into Touching more of her eggs, he pressed his hands to another.


Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - S'jin - 24.Dec.12

Seijin was reluctant to leave the current egg he was touching. I filled him with such excitement and joy. He was enjoying the feeling of the touch of this one. He had to marvel at how each one he had touch so far was so different. But both gave him a much needed boost  one of energy and confidence and the other of pure  raw feelings.

As he reluctantly moved away from the egg he couldn't help but smile his heart feeling light and happy just from touching it. He moved amoung the eggs again noticing the other candidates. He has had very good luck in meeting the little ones that he desided to try just one more time before leaving the sands. He went over to the are where Talian was and reach out to touch one of the eggs in that area.

/spoiler  looks like egg 3 is up now. I that all of them. /spoiler

Re:  Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Random Event - 24.Dec.12

Re: Designs of Life [TOUCHING] - Jazira - 26.Dec.12

[[ooc: sorry its late! Work has been maniac. also trying out number two]]

Jazz wandered around the egg, part in refusal to toucha nd partly to gain a feel of the atomsphere. Pausing by some of the smaller eggs, she gently placed her hand along the shells, wondering why she was doing this.