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All In [Invite] - Printable Version

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All In [Invite] - I'shan - 14.Nov.12

I'shan was pretty proud of himself. For once, his plan was fool-proof!

He'd spent the last hour or so making his little hideaway perfect. He'd selected an unused storage room in the back of the kitchens, which he'd discreetly marked by leaving his bluerider knots hanging on the outside handle. Inside, he pushed a box in front of the door to keep anyone from barging in while he prepared.

The food was technically stolen. Technically! He hadn't asked permission to take it, but he could just so forage a bit and replace it later, right? Right. Besides, no one would miss a few bottles of medium-quality northern wine and some leftovers from dinner. I'shan hadn't had time to  properly prepare the food. He'd only managed to make some nice glazed sweetrolls, and only two sheets of them, at that! If he didn't provide more food, he would be a bad host.

Of course, a good host probably wouldn't hold a game like this anywhere but his own home, but what if N'gelt came home?! N'gelt coming home to a house full of naked men? Yikes...

Squee was on high alert. He was wrapped around the inside door knob, eyes racing with excitement. He could tell something fun was afoot! I'shan was happy, which was always more than enough to make the excitable little brown bright and energetic. Squee practically looked for excuses to dart about! He was so happy and innocent, truly a little miniature Saquith!

I'shan looked over the table and nodded. He'd dragged it in from some other room. It probably wasn't important. There had only been a few boxes and some other odds and ends stacked on top of it, none of which looked like it belonged anywhere in particular. No one would miss it. The dining hall wouldn't miss the chairs, either. They'd come from the Weyrleader's table, and shards, he never used it anyhow!

The cards hadn't been easy to find. I'shan had to cobble it together from two partial decks he'd located. They were in pretty good shape, but some cards had come with a few extra copies. He had only put four of each in it, though! Of that he was sure. All of the extras were sitting on his bedside table at home, including that extra ace!

Ah yes, everything was perfect indeed. I'shan smirked and walked over to the door, where he pushed the crate aside to allow his friends to enter when they arrived. They should be there any minute!

"This is gonna be fun," I'shan said, looking at Squee. The flit cheeped in oblivious agreement and promptly crawled up the man's arm to perch on his shoulder.

Re: All In [Invite] - D'hys - 16.Nov.12

D’hys had to admit, he was kind of looking forward to the game of strip poker that night. It was right up his alley by being relevant to his interests since it combined gambling and nakedness. Of course it’d be much more entertaining if they were betting marks or favours but he’d go for something fun just as quickly. Besides, not only would this be a fun ego-boost when he ended up the most dressed out of the group but the group itself was sure to be interesting.

He had a fun one-nighter with I’shan recently and his fellow bluerider had been fun enough in bed to consider a repeat down the line, especially since there was the danger of N’gelt finding out. D’hys did enjoy messing with happy couples and seeing how long it would take before they were caught. But when they were dressing after their wild encounter, I’shan mentioned the hidden strip poker game he was going to host and wanted D’hys to come. He likely would have gone anyway since it would be interesting but it was also a good way to ensure he stayed in I’shan’s good graces a little longer and earned a few more rides out of the man.

So it was a bluerider wearing only boots, pants, and one shirt that arrived at the appointed location, spying the knots used as a marker after a moment of searching. It was almost adorable how I’shan was going out of his way to hide their game. He didn’t knock, figuring I’shan would panic whether he did or not, but simply let himself in; and immediately froze when the brown firelizard was spotted. Reason told D’hys that enough time had passed from the rediscovery of the pests to now to show they weren’t carrying the plague and about to wipe out the last of the dragons since their first effort didn’t work out as planned. But that didn’t matter. Far too many turns of fear and memories outweighed logic and he couldn’t get over it and accept the creatures as easily as so many others had. He played up a smile for most people that owned one but D’hys had to return to his hut the day the campers returned with eggs and firelizards as his hands trembled from fear.

He had spent a sevenday making sure Zeianth had limited contact with firelizards and even other dragons that may have been near the bastards but soon after that, even his paranoia eased up enough for D’hys to start interacting again. He just wished he’d stop forgetting the little buggers might show up behind any door. “A pleasure seeing you again, I’shan,” D’hys purred in way of greeting with his gaze travelling slowly over the bluerider’s body. It was his go-to cover-up for the shock Squee had given him, blaming his sudden halt on the sight of the man and not the beast.

Shutting the door behind him, D’hys moved in a languid pace towards I’shan and as he passed by the quirky bluerider, he whispered, “I gotta say, I hope you’re horrible at poker. I enjoy seeing you naked.” Refraining from actually touching the man, D’hys selected a chair at the table that allowed him to see the door.

Re: All In [Invite] - R'nd - 21.Nov.12

The night was going to end badly.

Not that ending up naked with a group of other naked men was really a bad thing but R’nd normally wasn’t embarrassed ending up in that state. Tonight was going to be horrible though.

R’nd still wasn’t sure how he got talked into a night of strip poker; oh wait, yes he did. Strip poker sounded like it would be fun and I’shan was so excited over the idea, how could anyone say no? B’jin seemed interested in the idea a bit too much though the bluerider had a feeling that was more for the poker aspect of the evening. Either way, his lover was coming along with him and R’nd, while pleased, was also a bit worried about that. B’jin would tease him endlessly over how much he sucked at card games. He already had Ayyonth snickering at him whenever he made any sort of minor screw up but he knew without a doubt that Ayyonth, Larrikith, and B’jin would join forces to become a trifecta of evil.

Naturally he didn’t mention to B’jin his lack of skills. Maybe he should have and the idea had appealed to R’nd briefly as he considered whether or not the greenrider would teach him. In the end, R’nd decided the shock of his failure would keep comments at a bay, at least from B’jin’s end of the table. Really, though, was it so hard to believe he would suck at a game that relied on keeping a straight face and bluffing about what you had? His eyes gave away so much about him that R’nd could try to imply he had a winning hand only to have a hint of doubt show in his eyes and everyone up their bets.

Yet, R’nd convinced himself it would still be a fun night, and fun was something that had been lacking recently what with gold flights, Larrikith’s flight gone horribly wrong, and the firelizards. Oh, right, Rell. That had been interesting to deal with once B’jin started talking to him again. R’nd did his best to keep the little blue and the greenrider away from each and for the most part it worked but Rell didn’t like to be away from him for too long and always appeared sooner rather than later. For the poker game, R’nd didn’t want the flitter to come but instead he sent him on ahead to go find Squee and hang out with him. If lucky, they would keep each other entertained and the humans could interact in peace.

Rell did exactly that, appearing in the room a few minutes before R’nd, accompanied by B’jin, did. The firelizard chirped excitedly at Squee and the two humans before settling down on an unused chair as if he was claiming it for his spot in the game. He was just saving it for R’nd, though, deciding it was the best seat for the man.

When R’nd arrived, he held the door open for B’jin to enter first and followed in a moment later, smile in place when he saw I’shan. “Hey, Shel! …and D’hys?” Confusion was heard in his voice as much as it was seen in his expression when he saw the smirking bluerider lazing in a chair. That was an odd twist on the night. He hadn’t known I’shan and D’hys were friends but considering the older bluerider’s interest in gambling, he really shouldn’t have been surprised at all.

Spotting Rell, R’nd shooed the flit from the chair and did in fact take it as his own, which left him with one chair between D’hys and him. More would have been preferred since he didn’t trust the man for reasons he couldn’t fully explain. D’hys was hard to read and he seemed evil but so composed and hard to pin most things on that it bothered R’nd. So long as B’jin didn’t take that particular chair, he supposed that small gap would be fine for the night.

Suddenly remembering he had a seat-warmer in the shape of a small blue firelizard that B’jin wouldn’t move aside, R’nd waved at the seat for Rell to take, which he did immediately and waited for his praise. R’nd gave it immediately with a pat to the head and smiled innocently at D’hys who seemed to have straightened up a bit more and looked ready to scoot his chair away.

Re: [+] All In [Invite] - B'jin - 07.Dec.12

B’jin was quietly confident that the night would be amusing, but not overly eventful. He was good at poker, though he hadn’t had a chance to properly play since before the Plague. In any case, he was quite sure that whatever I’shan came up with for bartering he wouldn’t lose too much, or come out of the evening too badly; somehow, he had managed to miss the word ‘strip’ in the context of the game’s intentions.

R’nd was obviously a bad player, the way he kept twitching; it made the corners of B’jin’s lips quirk in a tiny smirk as he tagged along behind the bluerider. The greenrider himself shouldn’t have been overly skilled, but B’jin possessed weird abilities. Playing poker wasn’t lying; it was protecting your interests. It was the same as conveniently turning away attention or questions about bruises or rough weyrmates; B’jin had gotten more than enough practice at both, but the former was particularly useful during his days as a Journeyman. Being capable of playing Poker was practically expected, and it was far too easy to leave a hold with nothing if you didn’t learn fast. B’jin was pleased to say he was a fast learner.

B’jin’s mind was wandering down the various paths his fast learning had made possible when they reached the door to the room I’shan had chosen. B’jin gave R’nd an amused look, brown eyes unintentionally sparkling with the lusty amusement his thoughts had brought up, and stepped into the room. An eyebrow arched in amusement as he noted the Weyrleader’s chairs set around a table, the lingering smile fluttering into life. B’jin was in good spirits!

Right up until he spotted D’hys, and eyes narrowed slightly, suspicious, even as R’nd said hello in a manner that clearly told B’jin he was as surprised to see the other bluerider as B’jin was. The greenrider stepped a little closer to R’nd, not quite into his space, but not quite enough to be visibly hiding behind his lover. He’d had passing conversations with the bluerider, but not enough to feel comfortable nor at ease with the lingering knowledge that he was a lone greenrider in a room with three blueriders.

“Hello, D’hys.” His greeting was stiff, and formal, as B’jin purposefully took the seat next to R’nd, but furthest away from the cocky bluerider. Turning to speak to I’shan, B’jin yelped in surprise to find Z’ia’s grinning face staring at him as the little bluerider leaned against the chair on his other side, green firelizard staring at him suspiciously with one eye. Leaning backwards toward R’nd, B’jin scowled.


Fantastic. Alone in a storage room with four blueriders and a pack of cards.

All In [Invite] - Z'ia - 07.Dec.12

Z’ia didn’t think he’d been meant to hear about the little get together of I’shan’s that was happening in an out of the way room at a most ridiculous hour. But he had, and naturally, there was no way in the name of Faranth (or Aveleth) he was going to miss out on that little extracurricular activity! It was, however, the fact that R’nd, B’jin and (most importantly!) A’liran were all going was the end all for Z’ia. There was no way he was missing out on that particular feast!

Plague, her poison green little face rubbing adoringly against his cheek, crooned her delight as Z’ia bounced through the darkness toward the location in which he knew everyone was gathering. Aveleth had opted to stay at home and sleep (That’s why it gets dark, you know. ) But Plague was far too intrigued by Z’ia’s good mood to be left behind. Something had her human bouncing off the walls, and she wanted in! Her short human’s curly hair bounced around her lithe little body, tail wrapped tightly around Z’ia’s neck like a poisoned necklace.

Z’ia paused as he saw two people enter the room, grinning wickedly as he recognised them as B’jin and R’nd, and he skipped up the hall, slipping in the door before it was closed and watching both men’s reaction to D’hys’ presence. Oh, some people were just way too much fun!  Z’ia grinned impishly at I’shan and held a finger to his lips playfully as B’jin and R’nd seated themselves, eyes laughing as D’hys’ jerked bodily away from the firelizard like the little beasty might eat him. Still grinning mischievously, Z’ia pranced over to where B’jin was seated, and leaned happily against the empty chair beside him.

Plague tilted her head questioningly as Z’ia just stood there, five feet of silence, before B’jin turned around and the firelizard shoved her face toward the man, eyeing him suspiciously as he yelped while the emotions from her human sky-rocketed with amusement. Plague chirped cheerfully and threw herself off Z’ia’s shoulder, winging around the room before landing regally on the table and prancing pointedly toward D’hys. When she reached his portion of the table, she sat down, wrapping her tail neatly around herself and stared at him without blinking.

“Me!” Z’ia chirped in response to B’jin, grinning impishly at the greenrider as he leaned back warily. Laughter was on his lips as Z’ia spun the chair around and plopped himself down on it, leaning dramatically toward B’jin.

“Ready to lose all your clothes, Greenie?” Wicked laughter toppled forth at B’jin’s horrified expression as the greenrider drew back against R’nd.

Re: All In [Invite] - A'liran - 10.Dec.12

The door flew open, sending Squee around the room in a fit of excitement. A'liran stood there, scowling at the words he'd just caught from the other side of the door.

The slender greenrider took a step forward, snapping the door closed behind him. He pointed, brazenly shoving his finger in Z'ia's face. "You keep your fuckin' hands off of him, you two-bit mother-humping wher!" he growled.  A'liran wasn't particularly close to B'jin, but he was a fellow greenrider and a nice guy at that! B'jin hadn't done anything to earn the cruel bluerider's attention, and A'liran wanted to make it abundantly clear that if Z'ia wanted to pick on anyone, he'd better pick on someone who would bite back!

Unsatisfied, A'liran scowled and turned his eyes on I'shan. "You're a snake!" he snapped, pointing at the bluerider as he ducked behind R'nd for protecting. "You didn't tell me Z'ia was going to be here!" A'liran hissed. He ignored I'shan's babbling response and turned towards R'nd and B'jin, giving each of them a pleasant nod. Then, he looked to D'hys.

A'liran was oddly, inexplicably pleased to see that particular bluerider here. He ground his teeth for a moment, tying to decide whether or not to stay. He had no desire to bare himself in front of Z'ia, but well...some of the other company was more pleasant.

Shard it. A'liran couldn't afford to chicken out. Besides, he didn't plan on losing anyhow. He slumped into the nearest open chair and folded his hands in front of him.  "Okay boys. We doing this?"

Re: All In [Invite] - I'shan - 10.Dec.12

I'shan's eyes widened as A'liran entered, and could only gape in shock as the greenrider promptly tore into Z'ia. "Um," I'shan sputtered, cut off when the greenrider turned and directed his tirade at him isstead. I'shan yipped and removed himself from his seat, huddling behind R'nd for a few moments until the greenrider's rage passed.

"Well," I'shan said, wrinkling his nose at A'liran and welcoming Squee back onto his shoulder. he flitter chirped happily and nosed I'shan's cheek. The bluerider couldn't help but smile, in spite of the nasty attitude of his new guest, and cleared his throat. "Let;s get started, shall we?" Best to just ignore Ali. What a meany!

"All right, the rules are the same as normal. Everyone knows the drill by now, I guess?" he asked, passing out the cards before looking down at his own hand.

Shards! That was horrible!

He eyed the cards in the middle. Did he really have nothing? Not even a pair? The bluerider shook his head and looked to Squee, who was eyeing the cards with just as much interest, though Faranth knew what the beast thought it was looking at.

I'shan looked around the table. The others were all examining their own hands, some with much more confidence than others. I'shan had nothing, though, and his sickened expression showed it. Shards, he wasn't even going to be able to play this round!

He groaned and put his cards down face-up. "Fold!" he announced. A'liran smirked; the greenrider's expression betrayed nothing, but he obviously didn't plan on folding this round.  I'shan pouted.

"I suck!" I'shan declared. He took a long drink of wine and reached up to scratch Squee. "Get down, fella!" he cooed, shooing the flitter onto the table before peeling his shirt off. 

A'liran laughed. "Take it off, beautiful blue!" he teased. I'shan rolled his eyes flippantly, obviously not minding, and tossed his shirt away. "You like what you see, Greenie?" he asked as he took another long drink.

Squee settled on the table and sniffed at the cards. Then, after some consideration, be picked the two of spades up in his mouth and hopped into the middle of the table with it, pleased with his new prize.

Anyone who folds has to strip! Don't worry about nitpicky rules and details, just freeform it and have fun

Re: All In [Invite] - R'nd - 11.Dec.12

Why was everyone using him to hide behind? B’jin was understandable when they entered the room and D’hys was seen and it was a natural reaction to startle and seek out comfort when someone was suddenly in your face unexpectedly like Z’ia did to B’jin. But A’liran was one he wasn’t expecting to have hiding behind him while he addressed I’shan since that greenrider normally stood in the line of fire to protect others. And then he suddenly had I’shan taking a turn as well! R’nd was a bit flattered everyone went to him for protection but even he knew he was the most passive in the room. It was because he hit S’kef once, wasn’t it? He was more than willing to stand up for a friend but he really didn’t want to be a champion and fight for everyone either.

Thankfully everyone settled down and R’nd didn’t even try to attempt asking A’liran why he defended B’jin against Z’ia when the bluerider hadn’t done anything wrong or why he seemed to hate Z’ia so much. They flew together often so perhaps there had been a couple of rough flights that A’liran took personally? Z’ia was a friend that R’nd had known before Impressing, having easily taken to the curly haired man that had gone South with a rider like he had. He was a bit abrasive at times but a good guy! Unlike D’hys; that was someone R’nd still didn’t trust but oddly A’liran seemed okay with him as the greenrider took the chair Rell evacuated, leaving A’liran between D’hys and him.

With the game finally starting, R’nd found himself nervous and dreading the first hand. He knew the basics of poker thanks to some quick studying but he wasn’t confident in this endeavour. Staring at the cards dealt to him, R’nd realised he really was going to be in for some trouble. He had a pair! No doubt that wouldn’t get him far and as I’shan folded and stripped, R’nd felt he might as well do the same before he tried to pass off his hand as something amazing. “I fold as well.” He tried not to pout as the cards were laid down. He had layered that night for this very reason and the first of two shirts came off. Was it cheating? R’nd didn’t care; he could easily say he had been cold. Just because he was shameless and didn’t mind showing off his body didn’t mean he liked being cold!

As R’nd hung the shirt on the back of his chair, Rell landed on the table and chided Squee for taking the card. They couldn’t play with it, not now! It would be needed for the game being played. He gave Squee a playful nudge of his nose against the other’s side and chirped before flying up and over to a counter that had the food. He stole a small piece and took off again to place it in an area out of the way before returning to the platter and taking another piece and going back to his little place with the food. Surely Squee would want to eat and rest with him instead!

Re: All In [Invite] - D'hys - 11.Dec.12

D’hys was having a grand time watching the reactions everyone had to each other. He was glad he was the first to arrive and picked the seat he had! The night was off to a great start and it would only continue on its amazing path, of that he had no doubt. When A’liran grabbed one of the vacant chairs – both to either side of him, something D’hys also found amusing – he quietly greeted the greenrider in much the same way he had I’shan, “another player I hope to see naked again soon.”

He was always confident in everything he did but poker was his game and he rarely lost even when he had shit for a hand. He had a face that could lie and make people believe it and had walked away with the pot or fully clothed practically every time. Tonight would be no different and that confidence radiated from his casual posture as he waited for the cards to be dealt. When all five were landed face down before him, he picked up the pile but still didn’t look at them. He looked at the other players first. A’liran was good at steeling his expression, R’nd looked horrified, B’jin seemed as confident and cool as he was, Z’ia looked frustrated, and I’shan was going to fold soon by that look.

A quick glance to his hand showed a decent start and D’hys decided he would stay in. Not that he ever folded though two of his fellow blueriders were quick to show their skills at the game and took off a layer each. “I do believe I’shan and R’nd losing benefits all of us for several reasons.” Both men had nice bodies though D’hys could only claim to have marked one of them. R’nd and him were too similar yet too different in their tastes to properly play together. “Anyone else want to add to the nice view?” He barely noticed R’nd was still wearing a shirt under the one he took off as he eyed the brown firelizard prancing around on the table. Why were the creatures allowed to stay? If they continued to meddle, would he speak up against them? They could be used as a means of cheating after all and it seemed the two owners would be in need of the assistance.

Re: All In [Invite] - B'jin - 12.Dec.12

B’jin’s wide eyed look shifted to take in A’liran as the hot headed greenrider burst into the room and immediately threw himself into the line of fire in order to remove Z’ia’s attention from himself. The greenrider wouldn’t lie; he appreciated the gesture, though his eyes were still wide and worried as the room set up into a wild array of bickering and teasing before everyone settled down for a moment, B’jin trying to keep everyone in sight as they took turns ducking behind R’nd from one another. He didn’t really mind them using his lover for a shield, but he’d prefer they used someone else. R’nd was his shield! He didn’t say anything, however, as he picked up the cards tossed his way and examined them quietly.

“Really?” B’jin asked, arching an eyebrow at R’nd even as he leaned over to look at his lover’s cards before the other man dumped them. The greenrider’s eyebrows arched upward and he shrugged, before looking around the table to see what the others were up to, though his attention was recaptured by R’nd taking one of his shirts off, and B’jin watched with a mild expression before one corner of his lips tilted up in a playful smirk. “Careful, love. They might grow legs.” Eyelashes fluttered innocently, and B’jin leaned over to place a light kiss on R’nd’s cheek, turning back in time to see Z’ia shrug cheerfully and toss his cards on the table.

That left… B’jin’s frowning brown gaze flickered between A’liran and D’hys, before dropping to his own cards. His expression smoothed, and the greenrider leaned back in his seat, angled just slightly to be closer to R’nd than to Z’ia. “I’m good.” Damned if he was taking off any of his clothing, of which B’jin realised with mild internal irritation, he didn’t have nearly enough of on, but he also had no desire to lose more than one or two rounds. Perhaps if he won rounds, he could put on R’nd’s clothing? His lover was currently wearing more than he was, and B’jin gave the bluerider a dry sideways glance. He didn’t know it was strip poker, Larrikith told R’nd, her voice far too amused as her bonded realised exactly how bad it was to be locked in the tiny room with a hoard of blueriders who were going to be taking turns stripping.

B’jin watched the collection of firelizards party on the table with an expression that threatened to develop into a scowl, but was actively going out of his way not to let the little beasts get to him. The greenrider was oblivious to how easily his attention was shifting from one subject matter to the next, his face alive with his various thoughts and emotions, but giving nothing away as to what he had held in his hands.

Re: All In [Invite] - Z'ia - 12.Dec.12

Z’ia turned wide, innocent eyes up at A’liran when the greenrider sprung in, attacking him without any apparent conscious. Z’ia’s hands raised, eyes widening further and staring at A’liran in dismay. “I didn’t do anything!” he objected, blinking and looking confused as his gaze shifted to look at the others with a small pout. He didn’t drag it out, but was quite pleased with the shock R’nd displayed and I’shan’s confusion. Good!

Z’ia picked his cards up cheerfully, tossing aside A’liran’s attack as easily as I’shan then proceeded to peel off his shirt, Z’ia’s lips quirking into a playful smirk at the banter that proceeded to follow the various cases of shirtlessness. A light laugh was given as R’nd removed a shirt, to be left with a shirt, and Z’ia shrugged good naturedly as he threw his own cards down. He wasn’t much of a fan for poker, and his skills at it were mediocre at best. Either way, he didn’t really care what his current hand was made of as he followed suit in stripping.

Unlike the others, however, Z’ia opted to kick both his boots (and socks) across the room and wriggle his toes with a dramatic sigh at the freedom his feet had discovered. Grinning impishly, he stuck his tongue out at D’hys, and waited to see what his fellow bluerider would do with the two greenriders as Plague leaped upon Z’ia’s shoulder, chittering irritably at the blue and brown firelizard as they played on the table; her attitude clearly telling them to get the fuck out of the way. Z’ia smirked deviously.

The only green attitude he’d ever champion was clearly Plague’s.

Re: All In [Invite] - A'liran - 12.Dec.12

A'liran's hand wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either. He kept his expressions under wraps as he examined his hand and the cards available on the table. Those weren't particularly good either, and R'nd and I'shan had already given up.

What else was there?

D'hys was like a fucking rock. No one was getting anything out of him. B'jin seemed thoughtful and controlled. A'liran was willing to bet he was bluffing, though. B'jin was too gentle and modest to want to lose in a game like this, and would probably bluff even when it would be better to fold.

A'liran decided to risk it. "I'll stick," he declared, grinning as he revealed his hand along with the others.

He scowled when he saw D'hys' hand. Fucker!

"Four of a kind my ass," A'liran grunted, tossing his cards at the fire lizards before sliding back in his seat. He didn't want to strip! Okay, maybe a little. He had no qualms about flaunting it for D'hys and most of the others fell firmly into a neutral category, but Z'ia could go blow himself. Unable to deny the rules, however, Ali was forced to relent.

He peeled his shirt off and sighed, then put it aside. "All right, blue. New hand?"

Re: All In [Invite] - I'shan - 12.Dec.12

Squee was surprised when he found that his amazing game wasn't being well received by his siblings. Rell was suggesting another game, and Plague was scolding him! He cheeped in confusion, allowing the card to fall back to the table in the process, and cocked his head at Rell. Food? Food? Well, that was good!

The blue's ploy worked, distracting Squee from his previous endeavor. The brown took wing, darting over to the counter and snapping up a morsel. He cheeped his approval before darting across the room again, skimming low over the table and throwing his little body into Plague. She was being boring and bossy! She needed to lighten u and have some fun! So he pounced on her, chittering excitedly as they toppled down her bonded's back.

I'shan giggled. "Oh, they're so sharding cute!" he squeaked, watching the fire lizards' games with joy. He laughed, then started to collect the cards. Right...he should probably get atound to dealing another hand.

"So, what does D'hys get for winning the first hand?" I'shan laughed as he shuffled the cards. "Maybe a piece of A'liran?" He laughed scandalously, immune to the greenrider's evil gaze. After all, they were in company, and the blues outnumbered the greens! I'shan could say anything he wanted to the grumpy asshole without fear!

"Stop pouting! You should take it as a compliment. I'm calling you a prize!" he said before blowing an exaggerated kiss. I'shan was always much bolder when someone had his back, and teasing A'liran was like poking a chained wher with a stick.

"Shut the fuck up!" A'liran shouted, and then blushed at the inevitable laughter.

I'shan smiled lighthearted. "Shards man, I'm messing with you," he said as he dealt out the new cards. He looked at his new hand and his eyes lit up. Now THIS he could play with! No fold for I'shan this round!

Re: All In [Invite] - B'jin - 13.Dec.12

B’jin frowned irritably at D’hys when his hand was revealed, showing his own with clear irritation and a huff as he decided to follow Z’ia’s lead and kicked his boots off. He was, however, careful to leave his socks on. The blueriders could super-speed strip if they wanted, but he most certainly wasn’t! “Z’ia!” B’jin snapped, leaning away from the bluerider and the assorted firelizards as they tumbled down the tiny man’s back, the greenrider using the opportunity to shuffle his chair a little closer to R’nd. His eyes widened dramatically when he discovered the bluerider had taken a moment and left him to get food and alcohol. Then I’shan started ragging on A’liran.

Brown eyes flickered desperately to R’nd and clearly begged the bluerider not to leave him alone again. He did not want the focus of the other blueriders on him, especially not when they were tossing around ‘compliments’ of using them as a ‘prize’. B’jin was quite happy not being anyone’s prize, please and thank you! He was quite happy in his whatever-it-was with R’nd, and didn’t fancy anyone even looking at him sideways, let alone crowning him as a prize and serving him for dinner! Shuddering at the very idea, and wondering how he’d managed to end up in such a situation, B’jin’s gaze flickered to the firelizards, and then carefully set about keeping all of the blueriders (including R’nd!) in sight at all times.

Pressing unconsciously closer to R’nd, B’jin picked up his cards with wary irritation and frowned down at them. His expression didn’t change as he watched the reactions of the other dragonriders; I’shan was clearly pleased. While Z’ia was smiling cheerfully, B’jin wasn’t prepared to put any bets on what was in his hand; the bluerider’s hand had been better than his last round, but he’d folded in exchange for stripping – bastard could be holding anything! R’nd’s expression gave everything away, and B’jin smiled affectionately as he watched him for a moment, before scowling at D’hys’ expression. The bluerider made his skin crawl with his serious stare and B’jin tore his gaze away to see what A’liran was up to.

He’d have to pay the greenrider back, for so kindly keeping the blood thirsty blueriders’ attention off him; maybe a nice portrait of himself and his dragon, and a bottle of decent wine? B’jin tilted his head at A’liran thoughtfully before blinking and tossing his hand in with the rest of them when the round ended, looking slightly surprised and missing almost everything that was said in the process. Who had even folded?

He's not very good at paying attention, but I figured if I tossed the whole round in his post, it'd be easier to keep it flowing? IDEK. It's late XD

Re: All In [Invite] - R'nd - 14.Dec.12

R’nd laughed at B’jin’s comment about his clothes walking off. That was always a possibility any time they weren’t on his body and B’jin was near. “It’s why they’re safely within view by A’liran,” he countered of a soft teasing whisper, barely refraining from kissing his lover’s nose. He may have been clueless about most things and may have lacked in the shame department, but R’nd wasn’t willing to get too intimate with B’jin with that particular crowd. They’d never hear the end of it and B’jin would flee from the room as fast as if he blinked between! Larrikith’s brush against his mind was something else he had to practice his willpower on and not laugh again. I didn’t think he knew. I didn’t fully believe I’shan myself when he told me. The fact that B’jin had opted to come along said to R’nd that their playful mutual friend hadn’t been serious – or I’shan left that part of the evening out when talking to the modest greenrider.

It was interesting to see how quickly and who folded. R’nd wasn’t a master of the game and he had no idea what the skill levels were for everyone else but he couldn’t say he was too surprised by I’shan’s easy to read face, Z’ia stripping because it was fun, or the way D’hys was unreadable and B’jin didn’t seem to be paying much attention to anything which would help his bluffing. His lover was horrible at lying. It was a cute quality. A’liran, while a greenrider that was vicious but not entirely evil, at least to R’nd, was harder to figure out. He seemed determined which was understandable given the crowd and their reactions to him but he’d have to be watched as well. Not that it mattered in the end when R’nd could barely remember what trumped what. No doubt he’d have the best hand at some point and still fold. Perhaps he should just bluff his way through every hand and possibly get lucky?

As the firelizards started their antics, R’nd was reminded of I’shan’s amazing food set up for them to dig into. He snuck away from the table to grab a plate that he piled enough food upon for two to share and managed to balance two glasses of wine as well to return to the table. He was surprised to find B’jin inching closer to him again and wondered what Z’ia was teasing him about now when he saw the firelizards playing on his fellow bluerider. That would most certainly cause B’jin to inch away! R’nd found how glad he was that Rell was far more subdued. Since he was stuck with a flit, it might as well be one that didn’t cause scenes and was mild mannered enough that B’jin could tolerate him in small doses.

“Shel,” R’nd spoke his friend’s nickname in a tone that was almost a disapproving pout as he placed a gentle hand on A’liran’s knee to calm that fiery temper – something he knew was dangerous and could be seen as a sexual advancement, but he liked to think their history would show the greenrider was safe in his presence. He gave a quick squeeze and removed his hand though the other went to B’jin’s where it stayed until cards were dealt. “Come on… none of the so-called roles in here, okay?” He knew I’shan was joking around but D’hys was likely to take him serious. Both greenriders, that R’nd realised he was sitting between and wondered if he truly was their shield, were likely already uncomfortable with four wild blueriders surrounding them and the stripping would already be enough of a stress on B’jin that he didn’t need to worry about an orgy breaking out on him.

His gaze shot to D’hys and he eyed the older man up for a moment, wondering not for the first time what went on in that calculating mind and why Z’ia found him so interesting and fun to be around. A’liran didn’t seem to mind him so much either given the chair that had been selected and the glances he kept giving D’hys. Whatever floated their boats, he decided and focused on the hand he was dealt. The frown he gave likely could have been used to bluff and make everyone think he had a great hand but they would all know he was lying so R’nd folded and took off his second – and last – shirt to set it with the first.

He grabbed his drink and sat back to watch the remainder of the round. Rell jumped up on his shoulder to observe as well, chirping encouragement at B’jin and then A’liran. A’liran also earned a delicate little sniff as Rell leaned in closer to the new greenrider to see if he was friend or foe.

Re: All In [Invite] - D'hys - 14.Dec.12

“Is that an offer, babe? Maybe after the game I’ll take you to my place for that four of a kind.” D’hys gave A’liran a slow smirk, fully expecting a nice glare in response and possibly a verbal retort as well. He was unfazed by it all and I’shan drew all the intense hatred to himself with his suggestion and scandalous laugh. The man was fun in bed and had some fun ideas but he clearly didn’t always think things through before opening that skilled mouth of his. A’liran’s eloquent response did indeed earn a bit of laughter from D’hys and he gave a soft snort at R’nd defending the virtues of the greenriders. Leave it the perfect knight in shining armour to jump at the chance to remind everyone he was a nice guy.

D’hys, obviously not one to shy away from doing anything in public or getting off via A’liran, actually gave a moment to decide on the best way to add his own two cents to the failed suggestion. Again, the slow smirk slid into place as the answer came to him, “I don’t need to win at cards for that, I’shan. But if A’liran or anyone else wants to congratulate me with a kiss, who am I to say no?” He had fucked three of the five men sitting at the table with him already and knew they would know he’d be down for whatever they gave but R’nd wouldn’t go near that offer and as much fun as it was to think about it happening, B’jin would panic and try to offer something that didn’t involve touching.

That was when his smirk turned into a wicked grin, his gaze cutting to Z’ia briefly before turning his attention to the greenriders and R’nd. “If our sensitive souls over here don’t object, I think the first person to fold or with the worst hand if we all stay in should offer something to the winner to be carried out before the next hand or compiled throughout the night for a larger prize.” Yes, that did seem like a fun idea and D’hys wondered who he’d own by the end of the night.

The new hand dealt to him soon after showed he was certainly on his way to achieving that goal of finding out.

Re: All In [Invite] - Z'ia - 15.Dec.12

Most of the bickering and playful banter was ignored by the tiny bluerider, who found himself suddenly a playground for excitable firelizards; Plague was squawking indignantly at Squee, scolding the brown for disrupting her from her perch as tiny claws sliced into Z’ia’s back and her tail lashed from side to side, before wrapping around his neck. The poisonously coloured little creature then turned around and glared at the blue and brown, bitching viciously at them in her high pitched firelizard voice. Boys!

Z’ia’s attention was captured by I’shan, however, when the other bluerider offered A’liran up as a morsel to D’hys for winning the round. Predatory, wickedly amused eyes locked onto the greenrider and a sugary sweet smile pulled the corners of his lips up. “Sounds charming,” he purred, laughing with the others when A’liran screeched at I’shan, the bluerider highly amused. Poor little green was so oblivious to his own invitations - he was practically begging to be teased and tortured!

Laughing in delighted amusement, Z’ia stuck his tongue out at the R’nd when he championed equal rights, greenriders and world peace. His attention swiftly shifted, green eyes brightened dramatically moments later as D’hys presented his idea for a new addition to the game rules. Z’ia’s entire face contorted into devious delight. “Brilliant!” B’jin looked positively terrified, and Z’ia smirked at the couple; what a perfect opportunity to get one of the untouchables into bed! (Or, at least, some action to go with the half-naked bodies that were being presented. Z’ia grinned winningly, teasing, at R’nd; it was only a matter of time until B’jin was losing his shirt too!)

Picking up his new hand, Z’ia looked at his cards, radiating smug and leaned back in his seat, waiting to see what everyone else would do. His hand was good, and he had every intention of making the most of the round! B’jin’s new hand had him looking almost as green as his dragon. Z’ia smiled sweetly as he leaned toward the greenrider, eyes sparkling maliciously. “Problem, princess?”

B’jin bristled indignantly.

Re: All In [Invite] - A'liran - 25.Dec.12

A'liran pouted as he felt a hand creeping onto his knee. "Dee! Not now!" he snapped under his breath, too late to realize that the hand was creeping in from the wrong direction to belong to that particular bluerider. Suddenly embarrassed, A'liran sat up and cleared his throat. "....R'nd," he corrected, flashing an apologetic and confused look between the two men before looking back at his cards.

Was Faranth herself out to destroy him? Was he doomed to suffer? At this rate, he was going to be bluerider bait within the hour. He cleared his throat and nodded to the others, indicating his desire to stick with his hand. A few moments later and he was thankful for his boldness; D'hys had just made a new proposal, and it didn't bode well at all!

Ali frowned at D'hys. "No fuckin' way, dude. You see the way this creep is lookin' at us?" he said, glaring at Z'ia as the man made yet another uncalled for comment at poor B'jin. Ali wished he was close enough to kick the sick bastard under the table, but alas, he was too far away. He frowned and looked back at his cards, then decided to throw caution to the wind and go for it.

"Full house, dudes..." he said. He was proud of himself until he saw the other hands.

Third?! B'jin and D'hys both beat him?

A'liran grumbled and peeled off his belt, which he tossed aside flippantly. "Fuck my life!"

Re: All In [Invite] - I'shan - 25.Dec.12

I'shan was thrilled and flattered that R'nd was having a go at the food, but he had absolutely no intention of listening to his fellow bluerider's suggestion. "Best idea ever,  D'hys!" I'shan declared, his own enthusiastic voice drowning out A'liran's complaints. I'shan flashed R'nd an impish little smirk of apology, trying to subtly reassure his friend that even with 'enhanced' rewards on the table, things wouldn't be getting out of hand.

Since when did I'shan ever let anything get out of hand?

"Loosen up, you wherry hen!" I'shan said to Ali, watching as the funny greenrider's face wrinkled in anger at the quip. Poking Ali was fun when I'shan had people to back him up! Ali was just so damn upright and needlessly violent! Teehee.

"So what's your idea, D'hys? Got anything special in mind for those special prizes?" I'shan asked as he looked down at his hand. He gasped in an exaggerated manner and revealed a poor hand. "Whoops....a pair of threes. Looks like I'm folding!" Whoopsy!

The bluerider giggled and imitated Ali, stripping off his belt. "....Looks like B'jin won this round," he said, eyeing D'hys with amusement before giving B'jin a thumbs-up. "Better step up your game, D'hys, or you're gonna be owing a greenie."

The glimmer in I'shan's eyes showed that he supported that outcome, because let's face it, that would be pretty damn funny.

"Mkay, next hand..." I'shan said. He swallowed a laugh when Ali immediately swore.

Re: All In [Invite] - D'hys - 30.Dec.12

“Maybe that’s the plan, I’shan,” D’hys was a bit annoyed that he lost but he didn’t show it, keeping his calm mask in place. He was great at poker because he could hide his emotions and reactions almost perfectly and bluffing was as easy as breathing for him. His losing hand was tossed into the centre for the next round to be shuffled and dealt before his one and only shirt was fluidly removed and tossed lightly at B’jin when the greenrider looked up. “A souvenir for the winner. And it’d be fun to see what we’d end up doing together. What fantasies does B’jin have locked away that he wants to share with someone he knows can handle it?” His gaze cut away to R’nd to see eyes narrowing into an adorable little glare. Aw, looked like someone didn’t like having his sexual prowess questioned at the same time his weyrmate was being hit on!

The plan was naturally to win but if he had to lose, he’d make it look intentional. It’d also be fun to see the reactions of both greenriders whether he won or lost. B’jin would likely be mortified over everything but A’liran was the wild card. Would his feisty companion show any jealousy over another greenrider being the new object to play with or would he continue to snarl and snap to put on a show? They’d all have to wait and see.

As they did that waiting, D’hys did give credit to R’nd in one area; the alcohol. He got up and helped himself to a few bites of food before returning to his seat with a drink in hand. “As talented in the kitchen as you are in bed, I’shan. I’d almost say you should have been a greenrider or a woman with those two important skills but I have too much fun with you as a male bluerider.” He grinned at the bluerider in question before casually swiping his gaze over everyone else yet again for reactions. He did like pushing gently at buttons to see where it got him almost as much as he liked playing head games.

When the cards were dealt before him, D’hys grinned but didn’t touch them, “hm how should I play this hand, fellas?” Picking up the cards, he was about to find out.

Re: All In [Invite] - R'nd - 30.Dec.12

Rell squeaked in surprise when A’liran made a sudden movement and batted at the greenrider’s shoulder, offended at being ignored and startled at the same time. He moved to sit on R’nd’s other shoulder but hesitated when he remembered B’jin was on the other side and while they were civil with each other, B’jin didn’t seem to be a huge fan of him. Dejected, Rell gave a nuzzle to R’nd’s cheek and took off instead for the food again, settling in beside a tray that another delicious morsel was stolen from while everyone else played their games.

R’nd was appalled by D’hys’ suggestion and even more so by I’shan and Z’ia supporting it. It was clear the greenriders didn’t want that! Well, B’jin didn’t; R’nd wasn’t sure if A’liran was truly against the idea. He was always a confusing one. Regardless, they had signed up for strip poker, not something that involved sexual favours of any kind. Grey eyes went wide immediately after it clicked together what he had just thought. When had he become so prudish? No, that wasn’t entirely right. He had always been against using someone that didn’t want the attention and while he could be fairly wild and slept with most of the Katilans that were sexually active, R’nd had never been one for multiple partners at once or trading sex for favours. He was still himself – just slightly more protective of friends than usual.

“Seriously, guys? Is this what we’ve resorted to? And here I thought you men were all capable of scoring lovers without schemes and games,” R’nd drawled, tone purposely set to languid to show he wasn’t bristling but picking on them for coming across desperate. Although he had to concede, he was pretty sure D’hys’ entire existence was based on games and schemes so playing poker that night was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

What did rankle his fur, however, was the way D’hys sized B’jin up and aimed his comment at him after his lover won the hand. The icy bastard had better back down before they had to throw down! R’nd really hoped D’hys backed down and eased up on targeting B’jin since it was clear just by looking at them that the older rider would dominate in a fight. Why did he have to keep picking on men that actually knew how to fight and why did he keep thinking violence was going to help him in any way?

Wait, did D’hys just say he had slept with I’shan? When was that? Recently or before N’gelt factored into the picture? Exactly how wild had I’shan gone lately? There were too many questions and R’nd wasn’t sure he wanted any answers since he was a major part of the problem and would probably be the first one N’gelt blamed if he found out about I’shan’s new hobby to pass the lonely hours with. “We could always make a dinner made by I’shan the prize,” R’nd grumbled, far too annoyed about everything right then to be calm or well-spoken. It was probably clear where he stood on the greenrider abuse anyway and he knew D’hys at least had caught the glare sent his way with so much focus being put on B’jin and what they did in bed together. Everything was mind-blowing, thank you very much! They didn’t need dirty tricks to spice anything up.

Grumpy, R’nd grabbed his cards and briefly wondered if I’shan was stacking the deck against him. How did he keep getting such bad hands? Or, at least, hands he couldn’t figure out if they were good or not. This game sucked.

Re: All In [Invite] - B'jin - 29.Jan.13

B’jin’s relief was thick and visible as he relaxed in his seat, smiling suddenly with the elation as his cards proved to be the top of the pile, brown eyes sparkling delightedly. Winning was good. Winning was very, very good! It meant he got to keep his clothing on and that was a very good place for his clothing to be! R’nd stripping, however, was both delightful and distracting, the greenrider’s eyes flickering back to his lover’s bare chest between looking scandalised at the exchanges flying over the table and – unfortunately – not over his head.

They wanted to do what?! B’jin pulled back rapidly as a shirt came flying across the table and hit him in the face, the greenrider not raising his hands fast enough to block it. A disgusted, furious look was given to D’hys, clearly bristling indignantly. “Fuck your souvenirs,” B’jin spat, flicking the shirt dismissively onto the floor and not looking at it as he snatched up the new cards. Despite the dark tone and heavy words, it was quite clear B’jin was miles out of his comfort zone, the greenrider puffing up defensively.

“And fuck your fantasies.” B’jin snarled, throwing a disgusted look at D’hys before tossing his cards on the table irritably. This was not how he had envisioned spending his evening, and B’jin was fairly sure it was not going to get any better. He did not appreciate being made fun of, and he did not like the look crawling over D’hys’ face. The grumpy greenrider didn’t even bother to try and make it look subtle as he moved distinctly closer to R’nd, shifting his seat so his thigh was pressed against his lover’s and hoping the change would help them over look his lack of flicking his socks off, which was the closest they were going to get to clothing removal.


Re: All In [Invite] - Z'ia - 29.Jan.13

Z’ia had clearly developed a case of the giggles. The breathy little sounds were tumbling free of the tiny bluerider at odd intervals, popping up between the various words spoken – or growled – by the various riders in the room. He was doing terribly at the game, but hardly seemed at all put off by it, the young man not really paying all that much attention to it at any rate; it was so much more fun to watch the two greenriders throwing tantrums when his fellow blueriders made snide comments. The way B’jin flared up, however, really knocked Z’ia over and he burst into proper laughter as he picked up his next hand, one arm wrapped lightly around his stomach.

“Y-y-yeah, D-d-dhyss,” Z’ia choked out, gasping suddenly and trying valiantly to capture his breath and regain his voice so as to sound less like his timid dragon and more like himself. Giggles continued to rupture past his steadying breathing, however, and dark green eyes danced with deep humour. “Fuck you.” Z’ia toppled off the edge of sanity once more with that, laughing delightedly while Aveleth stirred slightly on the edge of his mind and Plague gave a squeak of interest, fluttering over to land on Z’ia’s head and peer at him with an upside-down twist of her head. Whatever was so funny!? Z’ia muffled his giggles by biting his hand, while peering happily at his cards.

Waiting until B’jin lead the way, Z’ia watched the others before revealing his own hand. Folding was for pansy holder girls; the tiny bluerider didn’t give two hoots how much clothing he lost at the end of the night, just watching A’liran and B’jin was far more entertainment than he had hoped for. Plague took off from his head, as Z’ia poked his cards toward the pile for reshuffling, and reappeared with the wine glass in hand. It was empty, and Z’ia smiled at her in amusement. “Well, it’s a start.” Taking the glass, Z’ia wandered over to fill it with wine. When he had filled it, he returned leisurely to his seat, side tracking just enough to pass A’liran and leave a mockingly wet kiss on his cheek before bouncing over to his own seat and settling in.

“Next round?!” He beamed cheerfully at the group.

Re: All In [Invite] - A'liran - 30.Jan.13

A'liran sputtered curses for several moments as he looked over his cards. Really? Really? He had literally nothing, and he'd already made such a big show of it that he was pretty sure he couldn't just stick and pretend like it was better than it was. No, surely now they all knew he was screwed, so he may as well just step back and enjoy being viciously screwed. Screw this game, screw these people, screw the cards, screw the damn fire lizards, and screw his life. This was unfun, not clever, not well-thought out, obviously biased, and-

Did Z'ia just kiss him?

Ali's eyes snapped irritably towards the bluerider. "Fuck your mother, you stupid bitch," he growled, looking back at his useless cards and pitching them to the table. "No wonder I don't fucking do this. I forgot why I don't sharding gamble. You all suck!" he grumbled as he peeled his pants off, tossing them side and leaving himself in just his underwear. Great. Amazing.

He sat down again and let his chin rest in his hand as he collected his new cards, quickly issued by one of the Giggling Bluerider Brigade. Seriously? Ali looked at his new hand and scowled. Maybe this was workable? He decided quickly to pitych a similar fit to last time. Maybe the others would get in a nice lull of security and he would actually stand a chance.

Re: All In [Invite] - I'shan - 30.Jan.13

I'shan still refused to see the inherent darkness in their little game, choosing to interpret all the quips and groans and even mildly-veiledthreats as anything but good natured fun. I'shan liked people, and in fact he liked most people. He even liked three of the four other men in this room, in spite of their wildly-varying temperaments and their obvious hangups with one another. Even the last of the four was someone I'shan would have liked to make friends with, but A'liran appeared impenetrable* and was firmly set on that exact thing not happening. I'shan wasn't sure why, but whatever.

For now, the bluerider was having fun, and he didn't see any reason for the others to not have fun. He abandoned his shoes and socks together in light of his previous loss and handed out new cards, chattering cheerfully over the low din of discontent. "Actually, D'hys," he purred, "People were taking bets on my maiden flight before I'd even Impressed. And they thought I wouldn't notice! Everyone at Fort was so convinced I'd make a greenrider, and probably not a quick one at that. Imagine their surprise when I Impressed the first egg of the batch, hmm?" He loved that story. Him, a greenrider?! How adorably silly.

Oh my. It looked like his new hand was only decent. He quickly dropped it on the table, throwing his lot in, but a quick scan revealed that all was not well. It seemed that D'hys had won yet again, the lucky bastard! "Ooh, good job D'hys," he said, cutting his eyes towards B'jin.  I'shan wanted very badly to see the man unclothed, but he realized suddenly that B'jin actually did look really uncomfortable. For a moment, an expression of sympathy crossed I'shan's face.


Re: All In [Invite] - R'nd - 31.Jan.13

This was beyond ridiculous! The game and comments were getting out of control and while R’nd loved a good time and joking around with friends, the poker night had long ago slipped away from that and became a disaster waiting to happen. The worst part of all was his fellow blueriders were all sober and this was apparently their natural state of being. R’nd was a bit disappointed in them though he knew I’shan was always one for a little teasing and a laugh and Z’ia was influenced by D’hys. Even still, he believed both men wouldn’t actually act on anything more serious than comments or the kiss A’liran received.

When B’jin scooted closer, R’nd slid an arm around his waist to add a little extra comfort and even some defence. The greenrider’s discomfort was obvious but even if the chortling fools didn’t catch that, perhaps his protective stance by B’jin would be enough. In fact, maybe they should head out while they could. He could scoop up their clothes and Rell, grab B’jin’s hand and head for home. Oh, and a platter of food would go with them as well though not to prove any point but simply because I’shan was an amazing chef and R’nd loved his cooking.

On second thought, as R’nd watched I’shan shuffle for the next hand, he knew that would only further fuel their harassment and likely make D’hys come up with some fancy new torture. Instead, he went with a united front even if that meant he was slightly abandoning A’liran but he’d still come to the man’s aid if needed. “I’m joining forces with B’jin. Poker’s better with five players anyway.” He actually had no idea if that was true or not but it sounded good!

Re: All In [Invite] - D'hys - 31.Jan.13

D’hys stretched his arms high over his head and settled back in his chair in an exaggerated manner to show off how he relaxed he was in the environment. The greenriders and their champion might be having hissy fits but the real blueriders were having a grand time and the party was just getting good! It didn’t matter to him that he had lost a hand and had a chance of losing another at some point since nudity didn’t bother him and he had already made it clear that even if he lost it would be done on purpose for some new game he was playing. It was all working out rather well – at least for him. Z’ia, he was momentarily worried over when he had his laughing fit but his friend pulled through and even managed to show off his horrible little firelizard’s trick of bring items to him. It was an empty glass but it was still something. Not that D’hys was going to praise the beast that took delight in making him uncomfortable.

He quirked a brow at R’nd’s sudden declaration that he wasn’t playing solo anymore but wanted to partner with B’jin. It sounded like a metaphor for his life over the past turn. It was amusing though that R’nd clearly didn’t want to lose anymore and wanted to defend his precious mate’s modesty and body but he supposed there was some right to fear and get jealous. Three other blueriders were all eyeing B’jin like he was the last flask of ale at a Gather and were circling closer getting ready to pounce and stake claim. Wasn’t love so adorably sweet? He wouldn’t know and didn’t really care to either.

“Let them partner up. R’nd can strip for B’jin every time they lose.” They’d both end up nude soon enough anyway whether they played together or on their own so D’hys didn’t see the issue. It was actually a bit amusing to see them freaking out and growing visibly upset with each hand. What would they do by the end of the night?

Not wanting A’liran to think he had been overlooked by any of them since his last outburst, D’hys picked up his cards and as he looked them over, his free hand wandered to the greenrider’s leg and slowly slid toward his groin. A’liran had already yelled at him not to touch him during the game but D’hys hadn’t actually been the one molesting him at the time so he figured he was due the action he was accused of.

Re: All In [Invite] - B'jin - 06.Feb.13

Z’ia’s laughter was less than reassuring, and B’jin pressed against R’nd as the bluerider looped an arm around his waist, B’jin’s eyes dark with suspicion as he eyed the tiny dragonrider warily. Z’ia had never really done anything to cause B’jin any major discomfort, but the laughter and the words he had chosen to speak made B’jin nervous and he was twitchy as he picked up the pile of cards that had been tossed to him and R’nd.

A frown was thrown at I’shan; B’jin had heard the story of his Impression before, and found the tale both insulting and amusing. The Harper was incredibly touchy about the way people would bet on who would Impress what colour, their reasons why – but most importantly he took a deep offence to those that bet on maiden flights. Who would fly first, who would last the longest before being snatched, which male dragon would do the snatching, whether the greenrider would fight, cry or go along willingly. It rankled his feathers something fierce!

A glance at the cards he held told B’jin he was screwed – and hopefully only in the figurative way, while in present company! – and he leaned shamelessly against R’nd, lifting his gaze to peer around the table without any particular expression. He wasn’t likely to win, but he waited to make sure he wasn’t about to be the first one to dive off the dock either. The greenrider froze, stiffening unhappily at D’hys’ comment about R’nd stripping when B’jin lost a round and the greenrider’s expression darkened unhappily. B’jin had spent a lot of his earlier years playing poker – but removing his clothing had never been a part of the game! It was much easier to keep his face intact when he wasn’t risking losing his clothing with every bad card that was tossed his way!

“Sorry,” B’jin murmured weakly when D’hys’ hand was revealed to be the winner yet again and the greenrider shifted uncomfortably. I want to go home! What are you telling me for? Just leave then. Larrikith’s voice was a combination of confused, irritated and asleep as she startled awake with B’jin’s mental cry. She would have been snippier, but her rider’s emotions were swirling all over the place and the green dragon sat up, concern flickering on the edge of her emotions. I don’t think I can… B’jin picked his cards up, keeping his gaze low as he curled defensively against R’nd once more, eyeing he ones he’d picked up with far too obvious relief. A good hand finally!

Why not? The green dragon’s voice was an impatient demand, eyes swirling sickly shades of distress as she stood up, head turned in the direction of the room the group of men were currently occupying. Are they preventing you? … no… B’jin hesitated, not sure if Larrikith meant literally or figuratively – that was usually mood dependant! Sometimes it mattered to the little green, and sometimes one was as bad as the other. He felt Larrikith pause for a moment, and then the green dragon bespoke R’nd, B’jin shrinking in on himself in embarrassment as she did so. B’jin wants out. Bring him home. Now.

Why did she always have to show she cared about him, in times and ways that were mortifying? Stop being stupid. Mortifying is coming home naked. B'jin flinched visibly, grimacing.

Poor baby's had enough lulz; lookit Larrikith, being all Knight in Shining Armour. haha
Also; I'll post Z'ia after one or two of the other characters take their turn.

Re: All In [Invite] - R'nd - 08.Feb.13

He really didn’t need Larrikith telling him that. R’nd knew B’jin wanted to go home practically since the moment they left the hut together. Finding out the game would involve stripping should have been the selling point for taking the greenrider home again but R’nd was confident in B’jin’s abilities at cards and his own ability at keeping B’jin out of whatever his fellow blueriders had in store. He felt horrible letting it go on as long as it had and to the point that sexual favours were now being tossed down for wagers. It was definitely time to get out especially, R’nd reminded himself with an inner frown, since he wasn’t all that good at playing defence as his abysmal record showed.

Quietly, R’nd turned to B’jin and fingers gently brushed against his lover’s chin to tilt his face towards him. Grey eyes locked with brown as R’nd searched for B’jin’s true feelings on the night. It was extremely obvious he wasn’t happy with stripping but R’nd wanted to know the level of the emotions and what else lurked behind the brave front he had been putting on. Not caring a whit about the present company, a kiss was given to B’jin as an apology. Rell, conflicted between R’nd’s concern over B’jin and the fact that B’jin wasn’t overly fond of him, still crept closer to the greenrider and crooned softly at the man to show his own concern.

I will, but it’s not for you, Larrikith. I’m doing it because B’jin isn’t comfortable and I can’t guarantee his safety anymore. It didn’t matter that most of the men were his friends. I’shan was easily influenced and he seemed to be enjoying D’hys’ company too much which didn’t bode well. Z’ia was D’hys’ lackey and while the shorter bluerider was still a decent human, it was hard to say how he would vote given comments he had made. The only issue would be if they left, A’liran would be on his own and that temper of his would land him in nasty places if he wasn’t careful.

R’nd didn’t look at the hand and wouldn’t have cared how good it was even if he had as he grabbed the cards from B’jin’s hold and placed them face down on the table. “Sorry, guys. We’re done. Unlike you three,” R’nd purposely glanced at the blueriders and left A’liran out of dig he was about to make, “B’jin and I don’t need a card game in order to get any sort of action so this has become redundant but also pretty sad.” He frowned at the men with a slight shake of his head as if mourning the loss of three great blueriders.

R’nd pushed back from the table and began collecting his clothing he had removed during the game and smiled softly at B’jin, encouraging him it was okay to challenge the other men in such a manner by skipping out on their game.

Re: All In [Invite] - I'shan - 10.Feb.13

I'shan was honestly surprised when R'nd spoke out. The spunky bluerider stopped in his tracks, eyes widening almost comically as he watched R'nd speak and then stand, quietly gathering his things and taking B'jin to leave. Had R'nd really said that? Had he really given I'shan that mean, accusing glare? Had he really implied that he was desperate or perverted or...whatever he was implying?!

He frowned a little, feelings fatally wounded, and slipped in his chair. "See you guys later I guess," he mumbled, trying not to sound half as dejected as he was. He felt Ilveriath nudge at him lightly. He is only protecting B'jin he said lightly, but he didn't press the issue.  He knew if he ignored it as much as possible, I'shan would get over it that much more quickly.

I'shan crossed his arms and snorted once B'jin and R'nd were gone. "Look like someone hates fun," he said, the corner of his mouth twitching impatiently. He wasn't sure if he was outrageously offended or perhaps just sad and frustrated, but he was definitely something. "So now what? Do you guys want to keep playing, or just eat the rest of the food and get drunk or something?"

He cut his eyes to A'liran, who was watching them all like he dared them to say anything. He knew being left alone with three horny blueriders was a dangerous position to be in, but he stood his ground.